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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Here, We Are Walking on a Clothesline: Statelessness and Human (In)Security Among Burmese Women Political Exiles Living in Thailand

Hooker, Elizabeth 01 January 2013 (has links)
An estimated twelve million people worldwide are stateless, or living without the legal bond of citizenship or nationality with any state, and consequently face barriers to employment, property ownership, education, health care, customary legal rights, and national and international protection. More than one-quarter of the world's stateless people live in Thailand. This feminist ethnography explores the impact of statelessness on the everyday lives of Burmese women political exiles living in Thailand through the paradigm of human security and its six indicators: food, economic, personal, political, health, and community security. The research reveals that exclusion from national and international legal protections creates pervasive and profound political and personal insecurity due to violence and harassment from state and non-state actors. Strong networks, however, between exiled activists and their organizations provide community security, through which stateless women may access various levels of food, economic, and health security. Using the human security paradigm as a metric, this research identifies acute barriers to Burmese stateless women exiles' experiences and expectations of well-being, therefore illustrating the potential of human security as a measurement by which conflict resolution scholars and practitioners may describe and evaluate their work in the context of positive peace.

Segurança humana e agir comunicativo: pilares para pensar a gestão da formação nas organizações policiais aprendentes

Silva, Pollyanna Pedreira 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2015-05-25T11:17:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1929590 bytes, checksum: ce43a41d3b807daa1fde3a8e958bcad3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-25T11:17:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1929590 bytes, checksum: ce43a41d3b807daa1fde3a8e958bcad3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / In an attempt to control the social issues caused by rising crime, the managers of police organizations demonstrate having a preoccupation with typically repressive actions and with the application of logic of instrumental rationality in police management, which focuses on relentless pursuit by the results and implementation of essentially strategic actions. In this context there is a crisis of the current standards of practice adopted by police, which little or no practical result, and thus the goal to protect citizens is no longer performing, guaranteeing wellness and life protect, being only the achievement of goals and fixed management purposes. Historically police organizations always applied management solutions empirically with a strong tradition bureaucrat, which resulted in practices that tarnish its corporate image. Therefore, it is necessary to get objective standards of performance appropriate to the democratic perspective, demanding police officers able to deal with this social instability and interact appropriately with citizens. Thus, the role of police training is decisive for the cops to obtain an apprenticeship throughout its functional life and they handle with conflicts and social contradictions, stimulating the perception of injustice overcome, in an attempt to reduce or eliminate them, and perception of increasing justice in the life of citizens through police practices best suited to the democratic State of law. This research proposes a new perception of public security and the construction of a theoretical-conceptual corpus to assist management in Civil Police based on the concepts of learning organizations that is supported on pillars of human security and the communicative action, for arise more humanistic perspective and less instrumental for management of police training, so that the new learning to be possible under this new perspective can reflect on more democratic police practices and more effective social achievements. The communicative action enables coordination of action plans of the actors of public safety, sow the principles of rationality in a social dialogue and in organizational decision-making processes, uses a language which is not restricted only to inform, but to create opportunities for people and socially meaningful learning interactions. Human security shows that it is necessary to ensure the full use of substantive freedoms of citizens and to promote a world free of needs and free from fear, besides emphasizing that social development should be shared by the whole society and start within each location that suffers the consequences of criminality. Finally, the problems of public safety are of each of the social actors and it is important that they can be involved in the construction of interactive solutions as subjects capable of speaking and acting to effective social pact for the safety of all. Investing in police training is crucial to the development of police organizations. But this is only the first step to be completed so that, soon after, it's necessary a great cooperative effort of all toward a proper organizational change management. However, it will take longer for police officers and managers to change the police organization than the organization change them through an institutionalized ongoing training process. / Na tentativa de controlar o desacerto social provocado pela criminalidade crescente, os gestores das organizações policiais demonstram ter uma preocupação excessiva com o exercício de uma ação tipicamente repressiva e com a aplicação da lógica da racionalidade instrumental na gestão policial, que privilegia a busca incessante pelos resultados e a aplicação de ações de natureza essencialmente estratégicas. Nesse contexto, há uma crise do atual padrão de atuação policial, com medidas de pouco ou nenhum resultado prático, sendo que o objetivo deixa de ser a realização da proteção dos cidadãos, com a garantia de seu bem estar e de suas vidas, para ser apenas o alcance de metas e fins gerenciais fixados. Historicamente, as organizações policiais sempre aplicaram soluções gerenciais empiricamente encontradas e com uma forte tradição burocrata, que resultaram em práticas que maculam a sua imagem institucional. Por isso, é preciso buscar padrões objetivos de atuação mais adequados à perspectiva democrática, demandando policiais aptos a lidar com essa instabilidade social e a interagirem de modo apropriado com os cidadãos. Assim, o papel da formação policial passa a ser decisivo para que os policiais busquem um aprendizado ao longo de toda a sua vida funcional e saibam lidar com conflitos e contradições sociais, aguçando neles um faro para a percepção de injustiças superáveis, buscando reduzi-las ou eliminá-las, e de percepção de incremento da justiça na vida dos cidadãos, desenvolvendo ações policiais através de práticas mais adequadas ao estado democrático de direito. Neste trabalho, o que se propõe é uma nova percepção da segurança pública e a construção de um corpus teórico-conceitual que auxilie a gestão na Polícia Civil baseada nos conceitos das organizações que aprendem e que esteja sustentada nos pilares da segurança humana e do agir comunicativo, para que, a partir daí, surjam perspectivas mais humanistas e menos instrumentais para a gestão da formação polical, de modo que o novo aprendizado a ser viabilizado sob essa nova ótica possa refletir em práticas policiais mais democráticas e realizações sociais mais efetivas. O agir comunicativo possibilita uma coordenação dos planos de ação dos atores da segurança pública, semeia os princípios de uma racionalidade que, no diálogo social e nos processos de tomada de decisão organizacional, usa uma linguagem que não se restringe somente a informar, mas sim a oportunizar interações entre as pessoas e aprendizagens socialmente significativas. A segurança humana mostra que se faz necessário garantir o uso pleno das liberdades substantivas dos cidadãos e de promover um mundo livre de necessidades e livre do medo, além de ressaltar que o desenvolvimento social deve ser compartilhado por toda a sociedade e começar no seio de cada localidade que sofre com as consequências da criminalidade ali reinante. Enfim, os problemas de segurança pública serão de cada um dos atores sociais na medida em que eles possam e consigam se envolver na construção de soluções interativas, atuando como sujeitos capazes de falar e de agir em prol da efetivação do pacto social pela segurança de todos. Investir na formação policial será fundamental para que ocorra o tão desejado processo de desenvolvimento organizacional das polícias. Mas esta será apenas a primeira etapa a ser cumprida, para que, logo depois, seja necessário um grande esforço de todos os policiais, rumo ao correto gerenciamento da mudança organizacional. Todavia, levará mais tempo para que os policiais e gestores possam mudar a organização policial a qual eles pertencem, do que esta levará para mudá-los mediante contínuos processos formativos institucionalizados.

The multiple faces of insecurity : An analysis of security from the Chocoano women's perspective

Svensson, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores the complexity of the concept “security” in theory and practice. The traditional security concept is replaced by a human-centred security approach in order to analyse women's security,. The stories of Afro-Colombian and indigenous women from the poor and war-torn region Chocó in Colombia demonstrate that the insecurity of the Chocoano women is not only created by the armed conflict in Colombia, but that insecurity fundamentally has its roots in societal structures and systems as well. This thesis argues that the category “woman” is insufficient and that an intersectional approach is the only way to fully understand the Chocoano women’s security and insecurity. In the case of Chocó, the population's ways of relating to the ancestral territories is one example of how ethnicity and culture play a mayor role for their security. The concept human security will be embraced for its recognition of the intimate relation between human rights, development and individual security. Galtung's theory on violence will also be used in order to complete the picture of how the direct and indirect violence that Chocoano women suffer from is reinforced by unequal power relations.   Furthermore, women’s possibilities to act for security, mainly through nongovernmental organizations and the Church, are investigated. The peripheral positions of the Chocoano women in Colombia as well as within their own cultures are found to be barriers to women’s effective participation in security policy. It is also concluded that the relation between security and activism for human rights is rather complex and contradictory in Chocó. Finally, it is argued that there exist several parallel and competing discourses of security. The predominant discourse of security in Colombia ignores many of the dangers that women in Chocó are exposed to. The concept of security must be seriously challenged both in theory and in practice if women’s security is to be guaranteed in Colombia.

Alto El Fuego : a mensuração e a eficácia da segurança humana na construção da paz na Colômbia e no Peru

NOBRE, Fábio Rodrigo Ferreira 04 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Natalia de Souza Gonçalves (natalia.goncalves@ufpe.br) on 2016-10-05T15:07:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) [Versão Final - Digital] NOBRE, Fábio. ALTO EL FUEGO - A MENSURAÇÃO E A EFICÁCIA DA SEGURANÇA HUMANA NA CONSTRUÇÃO DA PAZ NA COLÔMBIA E NO PERU (UFPE - PPGCP).pdf: 2261691 bytes, checksum: 2b0e1ab4881f06c8963be5ff8ba61396 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T15:07:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) [Versão Final - Digital] NOBRE, Fábio. ALTO EL FUEGO - A MENSURAÇÃO E A EFICÁCIA DA SEGURANÇA HUMANA NA CONSTRUÇÃO DA PAZ NA COLÔMBIA E NO PERU (UFPE - PPGCP).pdf: 2261691 bytes, checksum: 2b0e1ab4881f06c8963be5ff8ba61396 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-04 / Capes / Os Estudos de Segurança Internacional, como um dos mais tradicionais campos de estudo das Relações Internacionais, já sofreram, ao longo da história, profundas modificações e adaptações epistemológicas. As ampliações no referencial de segurança e nas possíveis fontes de ameaça fizeram a disciplina se afastar de uma totalidade estatocêntrica e essencialmente positivista. Desse modo, os estudos de Segurança Humana, se estabeleceram como um proeminente subcampo da área, sendo utilizado com mais frequência entre os acadêmicos, pelas organizações internacionais e, em certos momentos, também pelos Estados como o caminho mais adequado da segurança. Entretanto, a tradição metodológica dos Estudos Estratégicos segue a questionar o conceito, por sua suposta mínima operacionalidade e duvidosa possibilidade de mensuração. De tal maneira, buscamos indagar, na proposta pesquisa, o quão superficial é a lógica da Segurança Humana e se ela é, de fato, inaplicável. O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a evolução metodológica do campo de estudo em questão e as potenciais técnicas de mensuração do mesmo. Com o objetivo de apontar uma possível falácia na forma como a Segurança Humana vem sendo encarada, em grande medida, pelo meio científico nos Estudos de Segurança, propomos uma nova forma de mensuração para o conceito. O trabalho está estruturado da seguinte maneira: no primeiro capítulo, contextualizamos a criação do campo da Segurança Humana, numa evolução lógica que a insere nas distinções epistemológicas do campo. As propostas de métodos de mensuração existentes são apresentadas no capítulo seguinte, seguidas por uma análise das variáveis levantadas pela teoria da Segurança Humana, demonstrado quais delas são, de fato, operacionalizáveis e epistemologicamente aceitáveis. O segundo capítulo apresenta, ainda, uma proposta própria para a mensuração de geração de segurança humana, com aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos. Em seguida, nossa proposta é submetida a teste em dois casos de análise comparados, a ver, as reações do Estado peruano aos embates contra o grupo “Sendero Luminoso” nos processos de paz recentes, e a participação dos diversos grupos da Colômbia nos processos de Paz do país. Por fim as conclusões da pesquisa são apresentadas. / The International Security Studies, as one of the most traditional fields of study of International Relations, has suffered, throughout history, profound changes and epistemological adaptations. The widening in the security referent and in the possible threat sources made the discipline move away from a state-centered and essentially positivist totality. Thus, the Human Security studies established themselves as a prominent subfield in the area, being used more frequently among scholars, international organizations and, at times, also by states as the most appropriate way of security. However, the methodological tradition of Strategic Studies keeps questioning the concept for his alleged minimum operability and doubtful measurability. In such a way, we seek to question, in the proposed research, how superficial is the logic of Human Security and if it is, in fact, irrelevant. This study aims to analyze the methodological developments in the field of study in question and the potential techniques for measuring it. In order to point out a possible fallacy in how Human Security has been largely seen, by the scientific community in Security Studies, we propose a new way to measure de concept. The work is structured as follows: in the first chapter, we contextualize the creation of the field of Human Security, a logical evolution that delves it into the epistemological distinctions of the field. Existing proposals for measurement methods are presented in the next chapter, followed by an analysis of the variables raised by the Human Security theory, demonstrating which of them are, in fact, operationalizable and epistemologically acceptable. The second chapter also presents a specific proposal for the measurement of Human Security generation, with quantitative and qualitative aspects. Then our proposal is put to test in two cases of analysis compared: the reactions of the Peruvian state to the “Sendero Luminoso" group in recent peace processes, and the participation of various groups in Colombia in the country’s peace process. Finally, the conclusions of the research are presented.

La sécurité humaine, paradigme de garantie de la paix et de la sécurité internationales / Human security, paradigm for ensuring international peace and security

Bambara, Serge 28 February 2018 (has links)
La sécurité humaine est un concept qui a été formellement dégagé du rapport sur le développement humain du PNUD de 1994. Présentée par ce dernier comme une alternative au développement humain, la sécurité humaine a été institutionnalisée davantage comme une réponse aux préoccupations contemporaines en termes de sécurité globale et de bien être des individus, et comme un levier de garantie de la paix internationale.Dans la dynamique de la sécurité humaine, il sera observé une mutation du système normatif international par le renforcement de la place des droits de l’Homme et du droit international humanitaire dans l’ordre juridique. Aussi, la nécessité de la sécurité humaine va entrainer une nouvelle conception de l’objet de la sécurité collective. À cet effet, les Nations unies joueront un rôle déterminant en ce qu’elles vont développer de nouvelles compétences (en termes de garantie de la paix) et de nouvelles activités relatives à la sécurité humaine. Cet élan, d’une part, dynamisera un grand nombre d’acteurs internationaux qui s’investiront en faveur de la sécurité et de la protection des individus et, d’autre part, suscitera l’établissement de nouveaux mécanismes de paix et de sécurité internationales / Human security is a concept that was officially drawn out in the UNDP’s 1994 report on human development. In this report the concept was introduced as an alternative to human development and then became institutionalised as a response to contemporary preoccupations related to security matters. Human security therefore relates to threats to individuals, which are not only different to those that jeopardise State security but relate to the physical security and well-being of individuals.International peace and security factors were subsequently revised from a conceptual perspective, shifting from a State security-based focus to a focus on the global security of individuals.In the dynamics of human security, the international order’s normative system is shifting, especially owing to the growing importance of human rights and international humanitarian law in the legal order. Similarly, ensuring human security will redefine the objectives and activities of collective security. In this respect, the United Nations plays a crucial role. The Organisation will develop new competences in terms of peacekeeping and will carry out new operations for the benefit of human security. This renewed effort will reinforce many international stakeholders who will develop competences and establish organisations to contribute significantly to the security and protection of individuals and larger to the international peace

Human security implications of human settlement in the context of land reform: a case of Ratombo, 2005-2018

Themeli, Rendani Coyenie 20 September 2019 (has links)
MA (History) / Department of Development Studies / The research investigated the nexus between land reform and human security in Ratombo community. The central argument was that land reform should address human security and development of the community. The security-development nexus was applied to explicate the link between human security and human development. The human security concerns discussed in the research included food security, economic security, individual security, community security, and environmental security. These security matters were discussed within the backdrop of a myriad of challenges facing Ratombo Communal Property Association (CPA) regarding improving production at the farm. The problem under investigation was informed by the failure of the CPA to ensure food security and to create employment for the community members. Within that background, the study sought to explore the feelings of the farm workers, management and members of the CPA. Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis were used to establish the attitudes and feelings of stakeholders on Ratombo CPA’s performance, regarding meeting human security concerns of the community. The outcome of the research was that, as land reforms have dominated the discourse of rural development, there is needed to closely link rural development to human security issues because development and well-being are inseparable to the human security of a community. / NRF

Online Discourses Around Disasters and Migration: Securitized vs Humanizing : A Case Study of Turkey

Mumcular Çöplü, Beyza January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the discourses related to forced migration in the aftermath of disruptive emergencies through a case study of Turkey. 2 devastating earthquakes hit ten provinces on February 6, 2023, with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6, and over 50,000 lives were lost In Turkey. 1.7 million refugees were residing in earthquake-affected provinces. The study aims to contribute to the understanding of meaning construction by host community members around refugees in the context of a disruptive emergency, using the Relational Dialectics Theory (RDT 2.0), theory of securitization, and human security to analyze online narratives of the earthquake and refugees. The study adopts a qualitative approach, with a case study design drawing on the method of contrapuntal analysis. This study's findings contribute to understanding the discursive interplay between Securitized Discourse (SD) and Humanizing Discourse (HD) in the aftermath of disruptive emergencies and shed light on the meaning construction by host community members around refugees. Additionally, this study extends the use of Relational Dialectics Theory (RDT 2.0) and the theory of securitization in the analysis of online narratives of crises. The focus of the study is to investigate the different discourses surrounding refugees after disasters, without intending to provide an analysis of the political actions or a moral assessment of the competing discourses. Limitations of the study include the use of online data and a specific platform within a specific time frame.

Arab/American Relations and Human Security, Post-9/11: A Political Narrative Inquiry

Moats-Gallagher, Charlotte 06 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Women, Peace and Security : A feminist analysis of UNSC resolutions 1820, 1889 and 2467 / Kvinnor, fred och säkerhet : En feministisk analys av FNs säkerhetsråds resolutioner 1820, 1889 och 2467

Hallgren, Tindra January 2022 (has links)
It is recognized that international relations are reinforcing a patriarchal and western status quo. The study examines how the UN resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) have contributed to changing the gendered security discourse. Previous literature argues that the gendered discourse creates dichotomies dividing the genders, creating binary divisions stating women as peace/victims and men as war/agents. The study aims to investigate how the ”WPS” pillars of protection and par- ticipation are formulated in the UN resolutions. Grounded in a feminist theoretical framework con- stituted by prominent perspectives of Radical- and Postcolonial feminism, ideal types are con- structed. The study examines what indicators of radical- and postcolonial feminism are identified in the problem formulation of “WPS” in the strategically selected resolutions 1820, 1889 and 2467, and what in the formulation remains unproblematized. The methodology is based on Bacchi’s “What’s the Problem Represented to be?” (WPR) tool, suited for “postmodern” discourse analysis of policy documents. International relations have become more “reflexive” moving the security dis- course towards “Human security”. Similarly, contemporary feminism has become more intersec- tional when creating the women-subject. The analysis finds Radical feminist indicators, however implicit, throughout the material. Sexual violence is, in correspondence with human security, for- mulated as a structural/political issue. The women-subject is however created homogeneously, an absence of intersectionality is shaping formulations. Postcolonial feminism is merely found in solu- tion formulations of the most recent resolution 2467. The formulations in 2467 changed to include a more intersectional approach and a heterogeneous women-subject. Enabling some contextual fac- tors. Finally, the dominating subject construction identified in all resolutions is characterized as “women need protection”. The construction entails women’s deviance from the male norm. The formulation ultimately indicates that women still are separated from agency.

Human security and development : a case of Diepsloot, extention 12, Johannesburg

Bhomoyi, Ntombikayise Mandisa 12 1900 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate Human Security and Development: A Case of Diepsloot, extension 12 in Johannesburg. There are in total 30 participants who took part in the research, they were all living in this informal settlement. A case study design was used in conjunction with a qualitative research approach. Thirty (30) participants were identified using purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted through an interview guide on their human security and development. The interviews were also recorded. A thematic analysis was used to extract the essence from the data as it emphasises identifying, analysing and interpreting patterns of meaning within qualitative data and presenting the findings according to themes supported by quotes. The research findings demonstrate that the residents of Diepsloot, extension 12, were not provided with human security and opportunities to promote development. The South African government claims to provide service delivery to its citizens in support of the objective of the government’s National Development Plan (NDP) to eradicate poverty by 2030. Yet, the study proved that inhabitants of the Diepsloot settlement were in dire need of support and job opportunities to upgrade their living conditions. The study recommends that: Human security and development should be the government’s priority, focussing on the implementation of development policies, especially in informal settlements / Lesifundvolucwaningo sihlose kuphenya Kuvikeleka Kweluntfu Nentfutfuko: Sehlakalolucwaningo saseDiepsloot Extension 12 eJozi. Linani selilonkhe lalabangenela lolucwaningo bebangu-30; bonkhe bebahlala eDiepsloot Extension 12, lokuyindzawo lehlala bantfu lekangahleleki eJozi. Lesifundvolucwaningo lesehlakalo sisetjentiswe ngekuhlanganisa nendlela yelizingasimo. Kwakhetfwa labatawungenela lolucwaningo labangu-30 ngekusebentisa kukhetsa emasamphula ngenhloso. Kwasetjentiswa inkhombandlela yekwenta i-inthaviyu kute kubanjwe ema-inthaviyu lasakuhleleka nalabo labangenele lolucwaningo. Lama-inthaviyu bekagcile ekuvikelekeni kweluntfu nentfutfuko, futsi arekhodwa. Kwasetjentiswa luhlatiyo ngekwengcikitsi kutfola bunjalo kuleyo datha. Kwakugcilwe ekuboneni, ekuhlatiyeni nasekuhumusheni emaphethini enshokutsi kuleyo datha yelizingasimo, kanye nekwetfula loko lokutfoliwe ngekulandzela tingcikitsi letesekelwa ticashunwa. Lokutfolwe ngulolucwaningo kuveta kutsi bahlali baseDiepsloot Extension 12 bebanganikwa kuvikeleka kweluntfu kanye nematfuba langagcugcutela intfutfuko yabo. Hulumende waseNingizimu Afrika utitjela kutsi yena unika takhamuti tawo tinsita ekwesekeleni inhloso yeLisu lakhe Lavelonkhe Lentfutfuko (i-NDP) kute kucedvwe buphuya nga-2030. Nanome kunjalo, lesifundvolucwaningo siveta kutsi bahlali basendzweni lengakahleli yaseDiepsloot badzinga kakhulu kwesekelwa kanye nematfuba emisebenti kute bente ncono timo tabo tekuphila.Lesifundvolucwaningo sincoma kutsi kuvikeleka kweluntfu kanye nentfutfuko kufanele kutsi kube tintfo hulumende latibeka embili kutsi utawucala ngato atente; kanye nekutsi kugcilwe ekufezekiseni tinchubomgomo tentfutfuko, ikakhulu etindzaweni letihlala bantfu letingakahleleki / Esi sifundo sajolisa ukuphanda Ukhuseleko Nophuhliso Loluntu: Imeko yase D Diepsloot Extension 12 eRhawutini (Human Security and Development: A Case of Diepsloot Extension 12 in Johannesburg). Bangama-30 abantu abathatha inxaxheba kolu phando; bonke abehlala eDiepsloot Extension 12, indawo yokuhlala engekho sesikweni Rhawutini. Kwasetyenziswa uyilo lophando lwesifundo esingumzekelo kunye nendlela yophando ngokuphonononga izimvo (ukuzathuza). Kwachongwa ngononophelo isampulu yabathathi nxaxheba abangama-30. Kwasetyenziswa isikhokelo sodliwano ndlebe ekuqhubeni iindliwano ndlebe ezingaqingqwanga nabathathi nxaxheba. Iindliwano ndlebe zagxininisa kukhuseleko nophuhliso loluntu kwaye zashicilelwa njengengxelo. Kwasetyenziswa uhlalutyo lwemixholo ukuze kuhluzwe ingxam/undoqo womcimbi kwidatha. Kwakugxininiswe ekuchongeni, ekuhlalutyeni nasekutolikeni iipatheni zeentsingiselo kwidatha yozathuzo, nasekunikezeleni okufunyanisiweyo gokwemixholo exhaswa kokucatshuliweyo. Okufunyaniswe kuphando kwadiza ukuba abemi baseDiepsloot extension 12 abanamathuba okhuseleko anokukhuthaza uphuhliso lwabo. URhulumente woMzantsi Afrika uthi unikezela ngeenkonzo zoluntu kubemi bakhe ngeenjongo zokuxhasa iCebo Lophuhliso Likazwelonke (iNational Development Plan - NDP) ukuze uthi ufika owama-2030 kube kupheliswe tu ubuhlwempu. Noxa kunjalo, olu phando lububungqina bokuba abemi baseDiepsloot badinga ngamandla inkxaso namathuba emisebenzi ukuze baphucule iimeko zabo zentlalo. Esi sifundo siphakamisa ukuba ukhuseleko nophuhliso loluntu ibe yimiba esentloko kulungiselelo karhulumente; kwaye kufuneka kugxininiswe ekusetyenzisweni kweenkqubo zophuhliso, ngakumbi kwiindawo zokuhlala ezingekho sesikweni. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development studies)

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