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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nietzsche or Aristotle: The implications for social psychology

Sullivan, Paul W. 07 March 2016 (has links)
Yes / In this article, I argue that there is a divide in social psychology between a mainstream paradigm for investigating the flow of power in a largely competitive social life (such as social cognition, social identity theory, and discourse analysis) and a fringe paradigm for investigating the experience of flourishing in conditions of social learning (such as ‘the community of practice metaphor’, ‘dialogical theory’, ‘phenomenological analysis’). Assumptions of power and flourishing demand different conceptions of the self and the social world (e.g. a strategic subject or motivated tactician in a social group versus a reflective learner/artist in a community of practice). The first goal of this article is to reveal the assumptions that lead to this new classification. The second goal is to draw dotted lines to the blind-spots within these paradigms that each reveals. These blind spots are: 1) internal goods could be useful to consider for the power paradigm and external goods for the flourishing paradigm; 2) communicative rationality is underplayed within the power paradigm; while instrumental rationality is underplayed for the flourishing paradigm; 3) judgements and skill are underplayed in the power paradigm; self-interested motivations are underplayed in the flourishing paradigm.

socio-psychological Dimensions Of Participatory Processes: In The Case Of The Local Government And Ngo Cooperation In Participatory Democracy Project

Kulozu, Neslihan 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The transformation of the planning paradigm from rational comprehensive planning to participatory planning is commonly explained by the shift from instrumental rationality to communicative rationality. Based on communicative rationality, participatory planning approach has its own assumptions. One of the assumptions and pre-conditions of the realization of participatory planning practices is consensus-building. However, because of context-dependency of participatory planning processes, building consensus at the same level within every unique context is not possible. Therefore, comparing the participatory processes in terms of their success, which is commonly evaluated with standard success criteria in the literature, cannot be proper to participatory planning approach. Moreover, for the present study, exploring the factors affecting the participatory processes with a critical approach to increase the realization chance of participatory practices is more important than evaluating their successes. Focusing on the factors, affecting the participatory planning processes at interactional and socio-cultural levels, the thesis study aims to explore the socio-psychological dimensions of participatory processes that hinder and/or enhance them. To do that, the study poses three main research questions: &lsquo / what are the socio-psychological dimensions of the participatory processes of Gazi, Kaymakli, Odunpazari and Seyrek?&rsquo / , &lsquo / how much do socio-psychological dimensions explain the success of participatory processes?&rsquo / and &lsquo / how do socio-psychological dimensions explain contextually different participatory processes?&rsquo / To respond to these questions, the study was designed as case study and intended to pursue exploratory and quasi-experimental research approaches. As a result of the study, the research questions were answered in the case of the &lsquo / Local Government and NGO Cooperation in Participatory Democracy&rsquo / project in the Turkish context.


Melo, Elvis Francis Furquim de 17 November 2009 (has links)
The research consists in a bibliographic approach concerning the exercise of the critical hermeneutic in the theory of communicative action in Jürgen Habermas. The proposal of interpretive analysis can reconstruct the assumptions of pedagogy and the formation in the tradition of the history. The post-metaphysical thinking has the potential for multiple experience of the decentralized reason that rethinks the model of the consciousness. Your emancipatory project considers the critical power of the reason in the perspective of the potential of communicative language. It is in the own language, before being ideology, before exercising the power, before the domination, first of all, it has cognitive and intellectual power. In this linguistic ambient presents as cognitive activity the structural aspect, a speech of free conditions, not against the speech of the other, not to dominate, but to be understood. In this communicative theory, the challenge is to restore the hidden thought to the objectivist sciences, trying to reconnect the dimension of philosophy and education. It is with this expansion of restoration of the expectations of the cultural assumptions, social, human forgotten by the tradition of the history, that open the intention to contribute to the education, enabling a plural language that can attend the needs of the debate in the scope of teacher formation of our time. / A pesquisa consiste numa abordagem bibliográfica que visa ao exercício da hermenêutica crítica na teoria da ação comunicativa em Jürgen Habermas. A proposta de análise interpretativa pode reconstruir os pressupostos acerca da pedagogia e da formação na tradição da história. O pensamento pós-metafísico apresenta a possibilidade de experiência múltipla da razão descentrada que repensa o modelo da consciência. O seu projeto emancipativo considera o poder crítico da razão na perspectiva do potencial da linguagem comunicativa. E a própria linguagem, antes de se tornar ser ideológico, antes de exercer o poder, antes da dominação, antes de tudo, ela tem poder cognitivo e intelectual. Nesse ambiente lingüístico, apresenta como atividade cognitiva o aspecto estrutural, um discurso de condições livres, não contra o discurso do outro, não para dominar, mas para ser entendido. Nessa teoria comunicativa, o desafio é restaurar o pensamento oculto às ciências objetivistas, tentando reaproximar a dimensão da filosofia e da educação. É com essa expectativa de restauração dos pressupostos culturais, sociais e humanos esquecidos pela tradição da história que se abre a intenção de contribuir para a educação, possibilitando uma linguagem plural que possa atender às necessidades do debate no âmbito da formação de professores em nosso tempo.

Valta, moraali ja yhteiskunnallis-historiallinen oppiminen:sivistyshistoriallinen tie kansallissosialistisesta totuuden politiikasta demokratisoiviin uudelleenkoulutusohjelmiin

Anttonen, S. (Saila) 20 January 1999 (has links)
Tiivistelmä Tausta ja tavoitteet: Tarkastelun kohteena on modernisaatio yhteiskunnallis-historiallisena oppimisena. Tavoitteena on osoittaa kriittisen teorian kasvatustieteellinen merkitys yhteiskunnallisena kasvatus- ja sivistysdiskurssina. Teoreettiset lähtökohdat: Filosofista argumentaatiota ja dialektista sivistysteoriaa kehitellään kriittisen teorian käsittein, jotka ovat peräisin Theodor W. Adornon, Max Horkheimerin ja Herbert Marcusen filosofioista. Yhteiskunnallis-historiallisen oppimisen teoria perustuu Jürgen Habermasin, Klaus Ederin ja Axel Honnethin ajatteluun sekä Michel Foucault'n tiedon ja vallan sekä totuuden politiikan käsitteisiin. Vallan ja moraalin dialektiikka toimii sisällöllisenä jännitteenä. Pääongelmat: 1) Millä perusteilla modernisaatio käsitteellistyy yhteiskunnallis-historiallisena oppimisena, demokratisoitumisena ja tasa-arvoistumisena ja mikä on ollut koulutuksen ja kasvatuksen merkitys näissä prosesseissa? 2) Miten yhteiskunnallis-historiallinen oppiminen, demokratisoituminen ja tasa-arvoistuminen ovat toteutuneet kansallissosialistisen totuuden politiikan ja sitä seuranneiden, demokratisoimiseen tähdänneiden uudelleenkoulutusohjelmien valossa? 3) Miten tieteellisen tiedon ja vallan yhdistelmä ovat vaikuttaneet yhteiskunnallis-historialliseen oppimiseen, demokratisoitumiseen ja tasa-arvoistumiseen? Metodologia ja metodit: Tutkimuksessa kehitellään ja sovelletaan dialektista metodologiaa sekä filosofiseen että historialliseen tutkimukseen. Toteutus: Filosofinen osuus toteutettiin kriittisen teorian, habermasilaisen kommunikatiivisen toiminnan teorian ja foucault'laisen valtadiskurssin välisenä argumentaationa. Historiallinen osuus toteutettiin arkistotutkimuksena. Theodor W. Adornon, Max Horkheimerin ja Herbert Marcusen arkistojen materiaali on kulttuurihistoriallisesti merkittävä kansallissosialistisen ajan ja sodan jälkeisen ajan (1930–1960) tutkimuksen kannalta. Tulokset: 1) Modernisaatio käsitteellistyy perustellusti yhteiskunnallis-historiallisena oppimisena ja yhteiskunnallisten patologioiden oppimisena. Modernisaatio ei yksiselitteisesti määrity demokratisoitumisena ja tasa-arvoistumisena. Kasvatus ja koulutus jäsentyvät kriittisessä teoriassa keskeisinä yhteiskunnallisen oppimisen, demokratian ja tasa-arvon edistäjinä. Historiallinen tutkimus todistaa kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen tasa-arvoistavaa vaikutusta vastaan. Uudelleenkasvatuksella ja muodollisilla uudelleenkoulutusohjelmilla oli kuitenkin kiistatta demokratisoivaa vaikutusta. Poliittis-moraaliset oppimisprosessit asetettiin merkittäviksi tavoitteiksi toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä kansainvälisessä koulutuspolitiikassa. Ihmisarvoon vetoava julkipolitiikka ei kuitenkaan onnistunut kitkemään Auschwitziin johtaneiden prosessien patologioita historian syvätasolta. Jälkikonventionaaliset, inhimillisyyteen ja ihmisten väliseen diskurssiin perustuvat moraaliset oppimisprosessit eivät ole toteutuneet, vaikka 1960-luvun sukupolvikonflikti saikin aikaan syvälle käyvän arvomurroksen. Taloudellis-teknologisilla oppimisprosesseilla on edelleen valta-asema. 2) Modernin tieteen itseymmärrys on perustunut välineelliseen ja laskelmoivaan järkiperäisyyteen. Moraaliset kysymykset on laiminlyöty. Tiedon ja vallan yhteenliittymä on kyennyt vain vähän edistämään demokratisoitumista ja tasa-arvoistumista. Kriittiseen intressiin perustuvat diskurssit ovat vaatineet demokratiaa ja emansipatorista kasvatusta. Siirtymä kansallissosialistisesta demokratisoivaan totuuden politiikkaan ei toteutunut tieteellis-diskursiivisen vastarinnan kautta, vaan se toteutui tiedeyhteisölle ulkopuolisen valtarégimen sotilaallisen vaihdoksen kautta. Tämä mahdollisti kriittisen argumentaation ja demokraattisen tiedeinstituution diskursiiviset valtakamppailut. 3) Tutkimuksen perusteella ei voida väittää, että välineellisen järkiperäisyyden suuntaamat oppimisprosessit olisivat korvautuneet kommunikatiivisen järjellisyyden suuntaamilla. Perusteltua on sen sijaan väittää, että kommunikatiivisen järjellisyyden suuntaiset oppimisprosessit asettuivat tavoittelemisenarvoisiksi toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä kansainvälisessä politiikassa, jossa korostettiin kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen merkitystä. Foucault'lainen valtadiskurssi ei kyennyt avaamaan moraalisesti kestäviä toiminnallisia näköaloja toisin kuin habermasilainen diskurssi. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys ja tutkimuksen merkitys: Tutkimustuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää koulutuspoliittisesti demokratia- ja tasa-arvokeskustelun kannalta sekä teoreettis-metodologisesti eurooppalaisen ajattelun tuntemuksen, kasvatustieteellisen teorianmuodostuksen, kasvatuksen historian sekä vertailevan tutkimuksen kannalta.

Strategic Spatial Planning And Its Implementation In Turkey: Sanliurfa Provincial Development Planning Case

Gedikli, Bahar 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at analyzing the strategic spatial planning, which has received widespread acceptance both in developed and developing countries. Turkey is one of the countries that has been trying to adopt this new tendency. Recently, Provincial Development Planning has been introduced into the Turkish planning system as a stratgeic planning attempt. This thesis evaluates the Sanliurfa Provincial Development Planning case with respect to a set of criteria / underlines the role of continent factors (specific actors in the process and their roles) in the satisfaction of these criteria / and highlights the role of place-specific factors (quality of social capital, level of economic development) in the planning process. The strategic planning is not merely concerned with the plannng process / but also with implementation and monitoring stages. Therefore, the thesis stresses that these three integral stages --planning, implementation, monitoring-- should be eqaully considered with agents, roles and resources so that the plans can be implemented.

Audiências públicas no Supremo Tribunal Federal como seara argumentativa: cientificismo, discursividade e democracia na abordagem dos argumentos pelos Ministros

Andrade, Mário Cesar da Silva 29 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-09T12:24:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mariocesardasilvaandrade.pdf: 2182994 bytes, checksum: 8eee2504105bbf9fe0067d971bea768a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-08-09T14:38:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mariocesardasilvaandrade.pdf: 2182994 bytes, checksum: 8eee2504105bbf9fe0067d971bea768a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-08-09T14:38:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mariocesardasilvaandrade.pdf: 2182994 bytes, checksum: 8eee2504105bbf9fe0067d971bea768a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-09T14:38:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mariocesardasilvaandrade.pdf: 2182994 bytes, checksum: 8eee2504105bbf9fe0067d971bea768a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-29 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / No presente trabalho, analisou-se como os argumentos dos participantes nas audiências públicas realizadas pelo STF foram abordados pelos ministros, buscando-se identificar a práxis institucional do Tribunal na aplicação desse instituto jurídico. Em caráter ainda exploratório, a pesquisa indicou que as audiências não promovem efetiva integração da sociedade civil no controle de constitucionalidade exercido pelo STF. Investigou-se a hipótese de que essas audiências não influenciam as decisões do Tribunal, em razão de seu uso apenas para colher informações técnicas e científicas e legitimar democraticamente suas decisões, independentemente do aspecto argumentativo. A pesquisa partiu das teorizações de Jürgen Habermas quanto à superação do paradigma da filosofia da consciência pelo paradigma comunicativo, com a ampliação do conceito de racionalidade para além da instrumental. Metodologicamente, empreendeu-se a análise de conteúdo das manifestações dos expositores nas audiências e dos acórdãos. Das falas dos expositores, foram catalogados e categorizados todos os argumentos levantados a fim de confrontá-los com os votos dos ministros do STF. Após o estudo do regime jurídico sobre o instituto e da análise de todas as audiências públicas que já subsidiaram julgamentos e dos respectivos acórdãos, a pesquisa evidenciou que a atual prática institucional do STF na utilização das audiências tem sido marcada, basicamente, pela ênfase na oitiva de experts, pela ausência e passividade dos ministros, pela omissão aos argumentos dos expositores, pela ausência de diálogo e pela busca formal de legitimação democrática para suas decisões a despeito do desempenho discursivo nas audiências. Concluiu-se que essa práxis não somente tem impedido o pleno alcance das finalidades do instituto, como tem simulado um incremento na legitimação democrática das decisões do Tribunal. Assim, foram propostas alterações positivas para a superação das deficiências da atual práxis do STF na condução das audiências públicas, ressaltando-se que as sugestões serão ineficazes se não houver uma internalização do paradigma comunicativo que se traduza em posturas dialógicas com a sociedade civil. / In the present study, it analyzed how the arguments of the participants in the public hearings by the Brazilian Supreme Court were discussed by ministers, seeking to identify the institutional practice of the Court in the application of this legal institute. In still exploratory stage, research has indicated that audiences do not promote effective integration of civil society in judicial review exercised by the Brazilian Supreme Court. It investigated the hypothesis that these hearings do not influence the decisions of the Court, due to its use only to gather technical and scientific information and democratically legitimate their decisions, regardless of argumentative aspect. The research started the theories of Jürgen Habermas as to overcome the paradigm of the philosophy of consciousness by the communicative paradigm, with the expansion of the concept of rationality beyond the instrumental. Methodologically, it undertook to content analysis of the manifestations of the participants at the hearings and of the judgments. From the speeches of the exhibitors were cataloged and categorized all the arguments raised in order to confront them with the votes of the Brazilian Supreme Court ministers. After the study of the legal system about the institute and analysis of all public hearings already subsidized judgments and their judgments, the research showed that the current institutional practice of the Supreme Court on the use of the audience has been marked primarily by emphasis on hearsay of experts, by the absence of ministers and passivity, by omitting the arguments of the exhibitors, the lack of dialogue and formal search democratic legitimacy for its decisions in spite of the discursive performance in the audience. It was concluded that this practice has not only prevented the full scope of the institute's purposes, as has simulated an increase in democratic legitimacy of the Court's decisions. Thus, positive changes have been proposed to overcome the shortcomings of the current Supreme Court practice in the conduct of public hearings, emphasizing that the suggestions will be ineffective if there is no internalization of the communicative paradigm that translates into dialogical postures with civil society.

Epistemologiese relativisme en opvoedkundige teorievorming

Van Heerden, Elna Louise 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Verkennend-beskrywende, interpretatiewe, meta-teoretiese studie is onderneem om die invloed van epistemologiese relativisme op opvoedkundige teorievorming te ondersoek. Die verwagting bestaan, in 'n tydsgees wat die kompleksiteit van die kenterrein van die Opvoedkunde benadruk, dat die opvoedkundige objektiewe en praktykrigtende kennisuitsprake aangaande die kenterrein van die Opvoedkunde sal maak. Om aan laasgenoemde verwagting te kan voldoen, is dit vir die opvoedkundige nodig om die kenterrein van die Opvoedkunde te betree en interpretatiewe, kontekstueel-funksionele kennisuitsprake te maak. Vanuit 'n tradisionele perspektief op wetenskapsbeoefening en rasionaliteit kan aantygings van epistemologiese relativisme ontstaan teen kennisuitsprake wat die kenterrein interpreteer. Dit is egter moontlik om aantygings van epistemologiese relativisme in opvoedkundige teorievorming te weerle, indien 'n verbrede beskouing van rasionaliteit in die Opvoedkunde gehuldig word. Op grond van die verband wat tussen taal, interpretasie en rasionaliteit bestaan, word meta-norme van rasionaliteit wat met taalgebruik en interpretasie verband hou, ge"identifiseer. Die mensbeskouing van die Eksistensiele Fenomenologie en Habermas se Teorie van Kommunikatiewe Rasionaliteit het dit in gemeen dat dit die moontlikheid erken dat mense deur middel van taalgebruik 'n gemeenskaplike realiteit kan identifiseer wat ook as 'n vertrekpunt in wetenskaplike gesprekvoering kan dien en wat objektiewe kennisuitsprake moontlik maak. Die mens se interpretasie van die werklikheid deur middel van taal is 'n ontiese gegewene, daarom word dit gestel dat die navorser se interpretasie van 'n kenobjek deur middel van taal deur. meta-norme van rasionaliteit onderle word. Met die grondliggende aanname dat daar metanorme van rasionaliteit bestaan wat met taal en interpretasie verband hou, word 'n verbrede begrip van rasionaliteit in die Opvoedkunde, wat interpretatiewe kennisuitsprake van die opvoedkundige akkommodeer, voorgestel. Omdat daar meta-norme van rasionaliteit bestaan wat met taalgebruik en interpretasie verband hou, is dit vir opvoedkundiges moontlik om binne hulle eie paradigmatiese kontekste die kenterrein van die Opvoedkunde funksioneel te interpreteer, sonder om in epistemologiese relativisme te verval. Op grond daarvan dat meta-norme van rasionaliteit bestaan, is dit vir opvoedkundiges moontlik om oor die kenterrein van die Opvoedkunde in gesprek te tree en toenemend objektiewe kennisuitsprake, wat die kontekste van individuele paradigmas oorskry, te maak. / An investigative, descriptive, interpretative, meta-theoretical study was undertaken to determine the influence of epistemological relativism on educational theory formation. It is expected that, at a time when the complex nature of Education is being emphasised, educationists will make objective as well as functional, directive knowledge statements about the education epistemic. To fulfil the latter expectations, it is necessary for educationists to enter into the education epistemic and make interpretative, contextually functional knowledge statements about education. From a traditional perspective on the practice of science and rationality, allegations of epi stemological relativism may arise against statements which interpret the education epistemic. However, it is possible to allay allegations of epistemological relativism in educational theory formation, if a broadened view of rationality is upheld in Education. On the basis of the relation between language, interpretation and rationality, meta-norms of rationality are identified that relate to language usage and interpretation. Existential Phenomenology and Habermas's Theory of Communicative Rationality correlate in their acknowledgement of the possibility that people can, through language usage, identify a common reality which can also seNe as point of departure in scientific discourse, while at the same time facilitating objective knowledge statements. A person's interpretation of reality by means of language is an ontic premise and, therefore, it is stated that the researcher's interpretation of an object of study is based on language through meta-norms of rationality. With the basic assumption that there are meta-norms of rationality which are related to language and interpretation, a broadened understanding of rationality in Education, which accommodates interpretative knowledge statements, is suggested. Because meta-norms of rationality exist which are related to language interpretation, it is possible for educationists to make a functional interpretation, within their own paradigmatic context, of the education epistemic, without lapsing into epistemological relativism. On the basis of the existence of meta-norms of rationality, education discourse becomes possible between educationists, and they can make increasingly objective knowledge statements, which extend beyond the context of individual paradigms. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Performance Management and Rationalityin Public Sector Organisations

Heath, Geoffrey January 2019 (has links)
Abstract and Keywords  The thesis concerns different conceptions of rationality and their implications for organisations, especially in the public sector. The focus is on performance management (as widely defined) within public sector organisations as a subject for exploring these issues. This has long been controversial because seemingly simplistic approaches to performance management persist, despite well recognised shortcomings, such as a tendency to perverse incentives and unintended outcomes.  Therefore, in the kappa, I analyse the notion of instrumental rationality, examine the established critique of instrumental rationality from a ‘political’ perspective and present the dilemma that this creates; i.e. how to improve processes of resource allocation and performance evaluation, while recognising organisational realities such as imbalances in power. The potential of communicative rationality as an alternative conceptualisation of rationality in organisations is then discussed.    The development of public sector management from the fiscal crises of the 1970s is explained, with the rise of the ‘New Public Management’ based on neo-liberal ideas, and the subsequent opposition to it from ‘New Public Governance’ and ‘New Public Services’ paradigms. These potentially give more scope to participative and deliberative processes of generating performance measurement packages and control systems. Moreover, in practice, particularly interesting examples of participatory approaches have been found in developing countries which align with communicative rationality. A critical position is adopted in the thesis, seeking to challenge ‘managerialist’ orthodoxies.  As a theoretical guide to understanding these issues, conceptual frameworks from the management control literature are used. Broadbent and Laughlin’s (2009) conceptual model of performance management systems has been of particular value. They draw on Weber and Habermas to distinguish between instrumental and communicative rationality models and between transactional and relational performance management systems. This enables them to identify two distinct ideal types of ‘rationality clusters’ (instrumental and communicative) to which organisations will incline. They also contend that contingent factors influence where actual organisations are located between these two ideal types.          7  The four papers I have selected for the licentiate from my various publications report on research carried out in three different public sector settings using different methods of investigation. Paper 1 considers the approaches to resource allocation and performance measurement then used by English Health Authorities at the time of writing. In Paper 2 an evaluation carried out at an English police service, utilising cost-consequences analysis, is described and discussed. Papers 3 and 4 concern a performance management regime for the English ambulance service, which became noted for promoting perverse incentives and ‘gaming’, and its subsequent replacement. The first two papers foreground issues of rationality and the last two issues of performance management; but these topics are interrelated and are relevant throughout. It is argued in all the papers that comprehensively ‘rationalistic’ approaches are flawed and that participation, deliberation and dialogue between stakeholders are desirable.

A imaginação reconstrutiva: Paul Ricoeur e Jürgen Habermas; sobre o discurso narrativo na modernidade / The reconstructive imagination: Paul Ricoeur and Jürgen Habermas; on the narrative discourse in modernity

Ernesto Mora Forero 05 September 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa é um estudo comparativo entre a obra de Paul Ricoeur e a de Jürgen Habermas, em sua aproximação geral com as teorias da ação e do discurso, e, em particular, com o lugar e função que o discurso narrativo cumpre nelas. Assim, a investigação toma conceitos e teses fundamentais de dois dos paradigmas centrais que Ricoeur e Habermas elaboraram, a saber, a teoria da narrativa e a teoria da comunicação, para levantar algumas hipóteses sobre o lugar, a função comunicativa e os alcances sociais do discurso narrativo na modernidade. A hipótese central que guia todo o trabalho é a seguinte: existe uma relação constitutiva entre o discurso narrativo e a imaginação social, a qual cumpre um papel fundamental no processo de racionalização comunicativa das sociedades modernas. Esse papel fundamental se encarna em uma competência humana de tipo discursivo e de caráter universal que é capaz de reconstruir imaginativamente o modo como o nosso mundo da vida vai se diferenciando em suas razões, suas esferas simbólicas e nas tentativas bem-sucedidas ou calamitosas com que administra, nas situações de interação, sua própria pluralidade / This research is a comparative study between the work of Paul Ricoeur and that of Jürgen Habermas, in its general approach to the theories of action and discourse, and, in particular, in relation to the place and function that narrative discourse plays in them. In this sense, the research examines several core concepts and theses of two of the central paradigms which Ricoeur and Habermas developed, namely, the theory of narration and the theory of communication, to raise some hypotheses regarding the status and social scope of the narrative discourse in modernity. The main hypotheses guiding the study is as follows: there is a constitutive relation between narrative discourse and social imagination through which narration plays a fundamental role in the communicative rationalization of modern societies. Such fundamental role is embodied in a human competition of a discursive kind and of universal approach which is capable of imaginatively reconstructing the way in which our world of life differentiates itself in its reasons, its symbolic spheres, and the attempts, however successful or calamitous, in which it regulates, in situations of interaction, its own plurality

A imaginação reconstrutiva: Paul Ricoeur e Jürgen Habermas; sobre o discurso narrativo na modernidade / The reconstructive imagination: Paul Ricoeur and Jürgen Habermas; on the narrative discourse in modernity

Forero, Ernesto Mora 05 September 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa é um estudo comparativo entre a obra de Paul Ricoeur e a de Jürgen Habermas, em sua aproximação geral com as teorias da ação e do discurso, e, em particular, com o lugar e função que o discurso narrativo cumpre nelas. Assim, a investigação toma conceitos e teses fundamentais de dois dos paradigmas centrais que Ricoeur e Habermas elaboraram, a saber, a teoria da narrativa e a teoria da comunicação, para levantar algumas hipóteses sobre o lugar, a função comunicativa e os alcances sociais do discurso narrativo na modernidade. A hipótese central que guia todo o trabalho é a seguinte: existe uma relação constitutiva entre o discurso narrativo e a imaginação social, a qual cumpre um papel fundamental no processo de racionalização comunicativa das sociedades modernas. Esse papel fundamental se encarna em uma competência humana de tipo discursivo e de caráter universal que é capaz de reconstruir imaginativamente o modo como o nosso mundo da vida vai se diferenciando em suas razões, suas esferas simbólicas e nas tentativas bem-sucedidas ou calamitosas com que administra, nas situações de interação, sua própria pluralidade / This research is a comparative study between the work of Paul Ricoeur and that of Jürgen Habermas, in its general approach to the theories of action and discourse, and, in particular, in relation to the place and function that narrative discourse plays in them. In this sense, the research examines several core concepts and theses of two of the central paradigms which Ricoeur and Habermas developed, namely, the theory of narration and the theory of communication, to raise some hypotheses regarding the status and social scope of the narrative discourse in modernity. The main hypotheses guiding the study is as follows: there is a constitutive relation between narrative discourse and social imagination through which narration plays a fundamental role in the communicative rationalization of modern societies. Such fundamental role is embodied in a human competition of a discursive kind and of universal approach which is capable of imaginatively reconstructing the way in which our world of life differentiates itself in its reasons, its symbolic spheres, and the attempts, however successful or calamitous, in which it regulates, in situations of interaction, its own plurality

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