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Tecer o barro: uma construção de percursos e conexões da cerâmica em hipermídia / Tecer o Barro: a cronstruccion of views and conections of the ceramic in hypermedia.Maria Betânia Silveira 27 February 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação associa a cerâmica às novas tecnologias do computador objetivando a criação de um CD-ROM híbrido. Trabalho que se realiza na construção de uma grande rede tramada com a poética da terra, dos devaneios da matéria, da massa e do fogo, do laborioso jogo do fazer com as mãos, com a poética do virtual, da extensão do corpo, do caminho labiríntico que se desdobra em muitas possibilidades no instante de um clicar eletrônico. Ao longo do desenvolvimento deste CD-ROM, imagens poéticas estarão entrelaçadas às informações e conhecimento científico sobre o assunto. A partir do conceito de trama é desenvolvida, com registros fotográficos e em vídeos, uma pesquisa pessoal com o material cerâmico em ateliê. Imagens destes trabalhos são utilizadas ao longo da construção do objeto CD-ROM assim como a de outras produções. Neste CD apresentam-se alguns profissionais brasileiros, que utilizam a cerâmica como suporte para sua expressão plástica, seus trabalhos, além de diversas técnicas e processos deste fazer. Todo o conteúdo informativo poderá ser acessado e enriquecido através da interatividade possibilitada pela hipermídia. Trata-se, portanto, de um trabalho que enfoca o individual e o coletivo. Utilizou-se para este desenvolvimento conceitos da área da comunicação e informática, tais como multimídia, hipermídia, hipertexto, interatividade, labirinto e rizoma, entre outros. / This issues associated with ceramic to the new technologies of computer and its goals on the creation of a hybrid CD-ROM. This work takes place in the construction of a great net schemed with the poetic of the earth, of the fantasy of the matter, of the mass and of the fire, the laborious game of doing with hands, with poetic of the virtual, of the extension of the body, of the labyrinth road that is unfolded in a lot of possibility in the moment of electronic clicks. Along the development of this CD-ROM, poetic of images will be interlaced to the information and scientific knowledge on the subject. It starts from the plot concept and it is developed with photographic registration and video, also with a personal research with the ceramic material in atelier. Image of these works have been used along the construction of this CD-ROM, as well as one of another productions. In this CD there are some Brazilians professionals that use the ceramic as support for its plastic expression in their works, besides several techniques and processes of this. The whole informative content can be accessed and enriched, through the integrate possibility for the hypermedia. It is, therefore, a work that focuses the individual and the collectively. It was used for this development several concepts of the area of the communication and computer science as multimedia, hypermedia, hypertext, interactive, labyrinth and rhizome among others.
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Field Dependence-Independence and Computer-based Instruction in GeographyHall, Judith King 04 May 2000 (has links)
Research on the cognitive style field dependence-independence establishes its influence on learning and students' outcomes across academic disciplines and at all levels of schooling. Field dependent learners generally perform less well than field independent individuals in most instructional environments. The consequences of cognitive style differences have not been thoroughly pursued by geography educators, and field dependent learners are generally disadvantaged. Review of literature suggests that field dependent learners may perform well in hypermedia-based environments configured to support their learning needs. This study presented geography students with a computer program that contained jigsaw puzzles made from maps and randomly varied the type of interactivity available to learners when solving the puzzles. Field dependent learners were expected to solve the puzzles more quickly and accurately when they were able to interact with the jigsaw puzzle. The interactive treatments provided by the program did not improve the performance of field dependent individuals as expected. / Ph. D.
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Navigation Tools' Effect on Learners' Achievement and AttitudeFarrell, Inez Hofner 14 April 2000 (has links)
Navigation tools can be used to direct the amount of learner control and interactivity available in a hypermedia hybrid CD-ROM environment. The purpose of this study was to ascertain if varying the amount of learner control and interactivity through the used of navigation tools would influence the achievement and attitude of learners. The design of the study was a quasi-experimental study with random assignment of three ability levels of students to three navigation tool treatment groups. A 3 (navigation tool treatments) by 3 (ability levels) by 2 (achievement and attitude) factorial design was employed to test the hypotheses. A module titled The Poetry Portal was constructed to test 3 navigation tools (linear, menu and search engine) and their effect on achievement and attitude scores. One hundred forty-six eighth grade students were stratified into 3 ability levels (low, middle, high) by Stanford 9 scores. The module content correlated to the English 8 Virginia Standards of Learning. Results of this study based on the data are derived from descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA and a Tukey/Kramer Post Hoc test. The level of significance was set at .05. Results show a significant gain in achievement for high ability level students using the navigation tool search engine. Significant difference in attitude was found for all ability levels using the navigation tool menu. Suggestions for further research in this area are included. / Ph. D.
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Die bevordering van vroegtydige geletterdheid deur middel van multimedia as voorbereiding vir aanvangslees om leesvermoe, -begrip en -vlotheid te versekerMarais, Susanna Gertruida Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to the results of the Annual National Assessment, ANA, the reading skills (reading ability, reading comprehension and fluency in reading) of children in South African schools are not up to standard (Department of Basic Education, 2011:20). Only 28% of Grade 6 learners and 35% of Grade 3 learners achieved the standardized levels for literacy and language in their respective grades. Further research (De Witt, 2009:619) also proved that only 35% of Grade R learners reached the minimum requirements for the development of literacy according to their age (5-6 years).
The focus of this research is the advancement of Emergent Literacy through multimedia as preparation for elementary reading to ensure reading ability, comprehension and fluency. To promote Emergent Literacy the researcher should:
- determine through research at what stage the natural developmental pattern of the learn to read process starts with toddlers
- determine the process to follow for the development of literacy
- determine the necessary skills required for reading fluently and with comprehension up to an age related standard
- develop a multimedia program based on and guided by the process of literacy development
- observe, record and analyze the effect of such a multimedia program for toddlers/learners.
The research approach adopted in this thesis includes a case study with pre-school children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. A learner aged 13, who had not yet achieved the required literacy levels for her age, was also included in the study.
Data collection was done through interviews with and observations of toddlers/learners using a multimedia program that consisted of Foundation Skills for Emergent Literacy and General Reading Standards for Early Literacy. The multimedia program was designed based on an in-depth literature review of existing research. This research was focused on determining at which stage natural literacy development begins and what process should be followed to facilitate such development.
The multimedia program covers the aspects of Phonological Processing, Print Awareness, Oral Language Skills, Emergent Reading, Print Knowledge and Early Word Recognition, Language Development and Listening and Reading Comprehension.
The findings from this research provide evidence that highlights the value of reading, singing and repeating rhymes, songs and stories to children. The different methods of reading to children, the print–reference style to teach letters and sounds as well as inferencing that leads to comprehension, are proven by this research to be very important. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die standaard van leesvaardigheid (leesvermoë, -begrip en –vlotheid) in Suid-Afrikaanse skole is ondergemiddeld volgens die uitslag van die verslag oor die Jaarlikse Nasionale Assessering (in Engels: Annual National Assessment of afgekort ANA), wat aandui dat net 28% van alle Gr. 6-leerders en net 35% van alle Gr. 3-leerders die standaardvlakke vir geletterdheid en taal vir die betrokke grade behaal het (Departement van Basiese Onderwys, 2011:20). Verdere navorsing het egter ook bewys dat slegs 35% van Gr. R-leerders die minimum vereistes van geletterdheidsontwikkeling vir hulle ouderdom (5-6 jaar) bereik. Dit impliseer dat die meerderheid leerders Gr. 1 begin sonder die nodige vooraf vaardighede om te kan leer lees (De Witt, 2009:619).
Die fokus van hierdie studie is om Vroegtydige Geletterdheid te bevorder deur middel van multimedia as voorbereiding vir aanvangslees om leesvermoë, -begrip en -vlotheid te verseker. Om Vroegtydige Geletterdheid te kan bevorder, moet vasgestel word volgens navorsing:
- op watter stadium die natuurlike ontwikkelingspatroon van leer-lees by die kleuter begin
- die proses om te volg vir geletterdheidsontwikkeling
- watter vaardighede aangeleer behoort te word om op standaard, vlot en met begrip te kan lees volgens ouderdom
- om ‘n multimediaprogram volgens die geletterdheidsontwikkelingsproses op te stel
- wat die uitwerking van ’n multimediaprogram op kleuters/leerders is.
In hierdie navorsing word ‘n gevallestudie as die navorsingsstrategie gebruik met kleuters/leerders vanaf 2 jaar tot 5 jaar oud en een 13-jarige leerder wat ingesluit word omdat sy nog nie die ontwikkelingsvlak vir lees volgens haar ouderdom bereik het nie. Die data vir die Grondslagvaardighede vir Vroegtydige Geletterdheid en Algemene Leesstandaarde vir Geletterdheid word ingesamel deur onderhoudvoering en waarneming. ‘n Multimediaprogram is saamgestel na aanleiding van 'n in-diepte literatuuroorsig van bestaande navorsing spesifiek gerig op watter stadium geletterdheidsontwikkeling begin en die bepaling van die proses om te volg vir geletterdheidsontwikkeling.
Deur hierdie multimediaprogram word Fonologiese Prosessering, Skrifbewustheid, Mondelinge Taalvaardighede, Vroegtydige Leesgedrag, Letterkennis en Vroeë Woordherkenning, Taalontwikkeling, Luister- en Leesbegrip bevorder. Die gevolgtrekking van die navorsing dui daarop dat daar baie waarde opgesluit is in die voorlees en herhaling van rympies, liedjies en stories. Die voorleesmetode van stories deur middel van die skrifverwysingsstyl-leesmetode wat verwys na die uitwysing van letters tydens die voorlees van ‘n storie, bevorder die aanleer van letters en klanke. Deur die kleuter of leerder te lei om afleidings te maak, word begrip gevorm.
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Comunica??o gr?fica em interfaces de hiperm?dia de educa??o a dist?ncia via webBurgos, Taciana de Lima 23 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-23 / This study aims to analyze the communication graphics of layouts of hypermedia interfaces
oriented to Distance Education via the Internet. This proposal is justified by widening the
offer of courses that modality and the consequent application of items of hypermedia for
teaching-learning. The method of analysis involved the search nethnographic, addressed to the
cycle student intermediary of the Training Program Continuing Medias in Education, and the
evaluation heuristic of the interfaces of Virtual Learning Environment "E-Proinfo" and of the
modules of the Cycle. This evaluation we observed the implementation of the attributes of
usability and the degree of interactivity of each interface. The results revealed an inefficient
implementation of the attributes of usability, which meant a consequent reduction of the levels
of interactivity. As proposing the present Design Virtual Learning, a model of hypermedia
layout, designed to generate usability for Virtual learning environments and extend the
acquisition of literancy for students and tutors. This proposal design not hypermedia aims the
demarcation of models pre-conceived, but the proposal of layout in which each element of
hypermedia is applied with a view to generate a seaworthiness intuitive, more agile and
efficient, in these ambients / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a comunica??o gr?fica de leiautes de hiperm?dia de
interfaces voltadas ? Educa??o a Dist?ncia via Internet. Tal proposta se justifica pela
amplia??o da oferta de cursos nessa modalidade e da consequente aplica??o de elementos de
hiperm?dia para ensino-aprendizagem. O m?todo de an?lise envolveu a pesquisa netnogr?fica,
dirigida aos cursistas do Ciclo Intermedi?rio do Programa de Forma??o Continuada em
M?dias na Educa??o, e a avalia??o heur?stica das interfaces do Ambiente Virtual de
Aprendizagem E-Proinfo e dos m?dulos desse Ciclo. Nessa avalia??o observamos a
aplica??o dos atributos de usabilidade e o grau de interatividade de cada interface. Os
resultados revelaram uma ineficiente aplica??o dos atributos de usabilidade, o que implicou
uma consequente redu??o dos graus de interatividade. Como proposi??o apresentamos o
Design Virtual de Aprendizagem, um modelo leiaute de hiperm?dia, concebido para gerar
usabilidade para os Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem e ampliar a aquisi??o de letramentos
para cursistas e tutores. Essa proposta de desenho de hiperm?dia n?o objetiva a demarca??o de
modelos pr?-concebidos, mas a proposta de leiaute na qual cada elemento de hiperm?dia ?
aplicado com vista a gerar uma navegabilidade intuitiva, mais ?gil e eficiente, nesses
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Web, který nebyl: Xanadu a alternativní pojetí hypertextu / The Web That Wasn't: Xanadu and alternative approaches to hypertextVlnas, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Project Xanadu is a complex hypertext system, a predecessor of the World Wide Web, which has not been implemented in its full potential. The goal of the thesis is to describe features of Xanadu and to critically evaluate implementation options of these features in the current Web with benefits and limitations of this approach. The thesis introduces a historical context of hypertext systems and analyzes Project Xanadu from two viewpoints: as a set of abstract designs and as a series of software prototypes. The thesis defines main features and goals of Xanadu and recontextualizes them for the current Web using new web standards and technologies. Based on the proposed solutions a new design is conceived which implements features of Xanadu in the context of the Web.
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[pt] A construção de sistemas hipermídia/multimídia requer a
implementação de um elemento responsável por receber a
especificação de um hiperdocumento (sua estrutura, seus
relacionamentos e a descrição da forma de exibição
desejada) e concretizá-la na apresentação propriamente
dita, sendo esse módulo de controle de execução comumente
denominado formatador hipermídia. O objetivo desta tese é
discutir os aspectos referentes ao projeto e
desenvolvimento de formatadores hipermídia, propondo um
modelo de execução de hiperdocumentos e uma estrutura
genérica (framework) capaz de ser reutilizada na
implementação de sistemas hipermídia. Em particular, o
trabalho aborda as questões referentes à adaptação dos
documentos antes e durante as suas apresentações, às
estratégias de antecipação das ações de exibição
(mecanismos de pré-busca), aos mecanismos de integração
os exibidores de mídia e aos mecanismos de integração com
infra-estrutura de exibição (em especial, sistema
operacional e rede). A proposta apresentada segue uma
especificação orientada a objetos, definindo uma
arquitetura para sincronização temporal e espacial na
exibição de hiperdocumentos, que pode ser utilizada
em outros domínios de aplicação que necessitem de
sincronização em tempo real. / [en] The development of hypermedia/multimedia systems requires
the implementation of an element responsible for receiving
the specification of a hyperdocument (structure, relations
and presentation descriptions) and controlling
the presentation. This execution control module is commonly
known as hypermedia formatter. The goal of this thesis is
to discuss the aspects related to the design and
implementation of hypermedia formatters, proposing a
hyperdocument execution model and a framework to be reused
in the implementation of hypermedia systems. In particular,
this work deals with document adaptation issues, both
before document presentation and on-the-fly,
prefetching mechanisms, integration with presentation
tools, and integration with the infrastructure (in special,
operating system and network). The proposal presented
follows an object-oriented specification approach, defining
an architecture for temporal and spatial synchronization in
hyperdocument presentations. The proposal can also be used
in other application domains that need real-time
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An examination of the effectiveness of a digital tool as an intervention measure to improve the reading comprehension skills of high school learnersBrand, Irene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current level of literacy in South Africa is cause for concern. The Annual National Assessment of
Literacy and Numeracy, conducted nationally by the National Department of Education of South
Africa, shows that only 28% of Grade 3 learners and 35% of Grade 6 learners passed these tests in
2011 (Department of Basic Education (a), 2011). According to the policy on progression and
promotion issued by the National Department of Education, learners may only be retained once in a
phase, which means that these learners may lack essential academic literacy skills when they reach
high school.
The main concern addressed in this thesis is whether high school teachers can help improve
academic literacy by using reading comprehension software, like Reading Rocket, as an intervention
tool to help learners who struggle with reading comprehension, and whether Reading Rocket is in
fact an effective program to use for such purposes.
This study was conducted by using data from one school within the Western Cape which has been
using Reading Rocket for the past three years. Use of the program forms part of their timetable, and
Grade 8 and 9 learners spend twice per cycle working with the program. Learners are first tested on
entering Grade 8 and group reports are retrieved from the program each term to monitor their
progress. These reports give a summary of the reading level, the percentage gained in the reading
exercises, reading speed in w.p.m and a spelling score in percentage. This data was used to compile
a summary of the results obtained over six terms Term 1 2010 until Term 3 2011. These results were
compared with quarterly classroom (paper‐based) comprehension and language tests in order to
determine is a correlation between the program data and the paper‐based test data. There is no
control group for this study as all the Grade 8 and 9 learners use the program.
There is no conclusive evidence that the program is an effective intervention tool, but findings show
a positive correlation between program data and paper‐based test data which indicates that the
program may be used as a tool to determine on what grade level learners read.
Given the numerous responsibilities and duties of teachers, it is essential that they are given an
effective measuring tool for literacy and because computer software is essentially objective and
time‐effective in provide results, using computer technology for such purposes may be part of a
solution to improve literacy in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige toestand van geletterdheid in Suid‐Afrika is kommerwekkend. Resultate in 2011 van die
jaarlikse nasionale assesseringstoetse vir geletterdheid en gesyferdheid wat nasionaal deur die
Nasionale Onderwysdepartement gedoen word, wys dat net 28% van Graad 3‐leerders en 35% van
Graad 6‐leerders hierdie toetse slaag (Department of Basic Education (a), 2011). Volgens die beleid
van progressie en promosie van die Nasionale Onderwysdepartement mag leerders net eenkeer in ‚n
schoolfase agtergehou word wat beteken dat bogenoemde leerders dalk nie die geleentheid het om
voldoende te verbeter voordat hulle die hoërskoolfases betree nie.
Die hoofkwessie wat in hierdie tesis aangespreek word is of hoërskoolonderwysers rekenaar
sagteware soos Reading Rocket as ʼn intervensie metode kan gebruik om leerders se akademiese
leesbegrip te verbeter, en of Reading Rocket wel ʼn effektiewe intervensiemiddel is.
ʼn Studie is gedoen deur die data van een skool in die Wes‐Kaap te gebruik wat Reading Rocket al vir
die afgelope drie jaar gebruik. Dit vorm deel van hulle skoolrooster en graad 8 en 9‐leerders
spandeer twee keer per siklus aan die program. Groepverslae wat deur die program opgedateer
word elke kwartaal getrek om progressie te monitor. Die verslae bevat ʼn opsomming van die
leerders se leesvlak, leesbegrip in persentasie, leesspoed in w.p.m en ʼn persentasie vir spelling.
Hierdie data is gebruik om ‘n opsomming saam te stel van die resultate oor ses kwartale (kwartaal 1
2010 tot kwartaal 3 2011). Die programresultate is vergelyk met resultate van klaskamer
(papiergebaseerde) begripstoetse en eksamens wat hulle vir dieselfde kwartale geskryf het. Omdat
al die graad 8 en 9‐leerders aan die program blootgestel word, is daar nie ʼn kontrolegroep vir die
studie nie.
Daar is nie konkrete bewys dat die program ʼn effektiewe intervensiemiddel is nie, maar statistieke
wys wel dat daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen die programdata en die papiergebasseerde data is en
daarom word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die program wel as ʼn instrument kan gebruik word om
die leerders se leesbegrip op enige stadium van die jaar te toets.
Weens vele verantwoordelikhede is dit essensieel dat onderwysers ʼn effektiewe metingsinstrument
vir leesbegrip tot hulle beskikking het. Omdat rekenaarsagteware soos Reading Rocket
tydbesparend en objektief in die voorsiening van resultate is, mag die gebruik van sulke tegnologie
deel van ʼn plan vorm om geletterdheidsvlakke in Suid‐Afrika te verbeter.
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An investigation into the validity of mobile technologies as a support structure for first year students studying German as a foreign language in a South African contextStander, Alison Gretchen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Modern Foreign Languages. Hypermedia for Language Learning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The high penetration rate of mobile devices all over the world, and especially
in South Africa, has significantly increased the relevance of Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL). The objective of this study is to ascertain the
viability of incorporating MALL technology to enhance the language learning
experience of South African university students who are studying a foreign
language. The students enrolled for the beginners’ German course at
Stellenbosch University served as participants in this study, and surveys and
interviews were used to establish their exposure to mobile devices, as well as
their experiences in relation to the incorporation of Short Messages Service
(SMS) into their German course. The results indicate that although the vast
majority of students are mobile device owners, only a few students will
embrace the idea of using these devices to improve their language skills
without any incentive. Without constant motivation and encouragement to use
mobile technologies, and the willingness from everybody involved in both
teaching and learning a foreign language, mobile technology as a support
structure cannot be implemented successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens die hoë indringingsaanslag van mobiele toestelle regoor die wêreld, en
so ook in Suid-Afrika, het die relevansie van Mobiele Ondersteuning vir Taal
Onderrig (MOTO) aansienlik verhoog. Die uitkoms van die studie is om te
bepaal wat die lewensvatbaarheid is, van die inkorporering van MOTO
tegnologie om die taal aanleer ervaring van Suid-Afrikaanse studente wat `n
vreemde taal aanleer te verhoog. Die studente wie geregistreer was vir die
Duits beginners klas by die universiteit van Stellenbosch, het gedien as
deelnemers aan die study. Opnames en onderhoude was gebruik om die
studente se blootstelling ten opsigte van mobiele toestelle vas te stel, so ook
hul ervaring van die inkorporering van kortboodskapdienste (SMSe) in die
Duitse module. Die resultate toon dat alhoewel die meeste studente eienaars
is van een of ander mobiele toestel, dat daar slegs `n paar studente is wat die
konsep van die gebruik van hierdie toerusting vir die verbetering van taal
vermoë, sonder enige insentief, aangryp. Sonder konstante motivering en
aanmoediging om mobiele toestelle te gebruik, en die bereidheid van almal wie
betrokke is in beide die leer en die onderrig van ’n vreemde taal, sal die
implementering van mobiele tegnologie as ’n ondersteuningsmiddel nie
suksesvol geskied nie.
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An evaluation of the feasibility of using Moodle to develop an online learning program for the Grade 12 Literature component of the First Additional Language syllabus in South AfricaVan Rooyen, Marinda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Modern Foreign Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The decline in the Grade 12 pass rate in South Africa has been a cause for widespread concern.
While this decline in is the result of the interplay of many factors, one of them is undoubtedly that
teachers and pupils often find themselves in situations where they do not have access to adequate
resources. This study is a formative evaluation of material that was created with the Moodle
learning management system, in order to provide teachers and learners with resources that can be
made readily available online. These resources are accessible from computers and cellular phones
with internet connectivity. The resources not only provide content, but also learning activities that
can be used either by individual learners, or with a teacher in a classroom environment. In the
absence of a teacher, the activities could also provide meaningful feedback to aid learners in the
learning process. Two courses were created in the Moodle Learning Management System that cover
work prescribed for Grade 12, English First Additional Language for the period 2009 to 2010;
namely the prescribed short stories and the play, Nothing But The Truth by John Kani. A number of
activities are evaluated according to usage and feedback that they provide. The outcome of the
study is that it is possible to provide learners with online learning materials which will enable them
to prepare thoroughly for the final examinations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die daling in die Graad 12 slaagsyfer veroorsaak kommer in baie geledere. Alhoewel hierdie daling
die gevolg kan wees van baie faktore, is een van die redes dat onderwysers en leerlinge hulle
dikwels in 'n situasie bevind waar hulle nie die nodige toegang tot die nodige leermateriaal het nie.
Hierdie studie doen ‘n formatiewe evaluering van die leerprogram wat ontwerp is met behulp van
Moodle, 'n leerbeheerstelsel, om onderwysers en leerders van die nodige leermateriaal te voorsien.
Die leermateriaal is toeganklik vanaf beide ‘n rekenaar en 'n selfoon met internet toegang. Hierdie
leermateriaal verskaf nie net statiese inligting nie, maar bevat leeraktiwiteite wat deur leerders op
hulle eie gebruik kan word, of saam met 'n onderwyser in 'n klaskamer. In die afwesigheid van 'n
onderwyser kan die leermateriaal ook die nodige terugvoering verskaf, sodat dit leerders kan help in
die leerproses. Twee kursusse is ontwerp as deel van 'n Moodle stelsel wat van die voorgeskrewe
werk dek vir Graad 12, Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal vir die tydperk 2009 tot 2010; naamlik die
voorgeskrewe kortverhale en die verhoogstuk, Nothing But The Truth, deur John Kani. 'n Aantal
aktwiteite word evalueer ten opsigte van die gebruik en ook die terugvoering wat dit voorsien. Die
resultate van die studie is dat dit wel moontlik is om voldoende studie materiaal aan Graad 12’s
besikbaar te stel wat hulle kan gebruik om voor te berei vir die eindeksamen.
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