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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bridging the Gap: Why Many High School Writers Are Not Successful In College Composition Classes

Park, Amy Stutzman 01 January 2006 (has links)
It may be useful to identify this so-called gap that seems to plague first-year college writers before attempting to discover why it exists. In order to identify the gap, I want to define these writers who are leaving high school and finding difficulty in college composition classes. Patricia Bizzell defines basic writers as "those who are least well prepared for college" (Bizzell "What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?" 294). I'd like to broaden her definition of basic writers and use the term "inexperienced writers" as the field now defines them. In order to fully understand why most college freshman writers are not successful, I will outline the type of thinking and reasoning that students are expected to display when they get to college, and thus the new world view Bizzell discusses in her article. Since Piaget's theory takes us only through the formal operational stage that he claims children may reach when they are 11 or 12 years old, I had to turn to two studies that detail the thinking strategies of late adolescents and adults. William Perry conducted a study in the 1950's and 1960's on the intellectual and ethical development of college students through a series of interviews with undergraduate men. He outlines three world views, or cognitive and ethical developmental stages through which undergraduates pass during their postsecondary education: Dualism, Relativism, and Commitment in Relativism. Perry's model details how students, as they move through the levels, make sense of the information, opinions, and theories confronting them in a college classroom (Perry 57-134). I use William Perry's concept of cultural exploration as Patricia Bizzell interprets it through her article ["What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?"] to explore the demands of college composition classes. I am using Bizzell's interpretation because she outlines how Perry's model meshes with writing instruction, and writing is the central focus of my thesis. I examine how students are asked to think and relate to their own culture in both two and four-year institutions using Perry's world view stages not so much as a strict guideline, but as a framework for student cognitive development. After determining how the writing curriculum of three different Virginia post-secondary institutions -- Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Richmond, and J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College -- engage with Perry's scheme, I use the model to interpret how two major writing assessments, the Virginia Standard of Learning (SOL) and the SAT essay, coincide with post-secondary philosophy. Finally, I examine how an international curriculum, the International Baccalaureate (IB), corresponds with Perry's scheme and affects writing instruction at the high school level. By analyzing these secondary assessments and curricular program, I move closer to answering why the gap continues to exist.

Softpower und Turbulenzen : das Internet im IB-Diskurs / The role of the internet in international relations theory

Rogg-Pietz, Arne January 2005 (has links)
This article compares two theoretical concepts of international relations: the Soft-Powermodel by Joseph S. Nye and the Turbulence-model by James N. Rosenau. They are both trying to study the impact of the revolution in information- and communication-techniques. Although both concepts are far-reaching in their explanations there are questions in both concepts that remain unanswered. The author tries to cover these gaps by turning to the other model, respectively.

Producción de tableros de fibras sin adición de adhesivos a partir de arundo donax L. Y bagazo de Saccharum officinarum L.

Ramos Romero, Diego 09 November 2012 (has links)
En este trabajo se estudian los parámetros de obtención de tableros sin aporte de adhesivos, a partir de materiales lignocelulósicoscomo son la caña común (Arundodonax L.) y el bagazo de SaccharumofficinarumL. Los tableros propuestos aportan como ventaja el estar libres de emisiones de formaldehído y el no consumir recursos fósiles. Ambas propiedades son importantes en un mercado cada vez más exigente en aspectos medioambientales. En el caso del “ArundodonaxL” se ha partido de cañas silvestres de Tarragona. El bagazo de Saccharumofficinarum utilizado es el subproducto industrial de una destilería de la Isla de la Palma (Canarias). El material crudo ha sido pretratado realizando una “explosión de vapor” en un reactor “batch” a distintas condiciones de severidad. Este material explosionado se ha triturado y prensado en frío de dos formas (en seco y en húmedo). Posteriormente, los tableros prensados en frío y acondicionados a temperatura y HR constantes se han prensado en caliente a diferentes niveles de presión, temperatura y tiempo de prensado. En el proceso de producción a escala de laboratorio de los tableros, se han mejorado algunas de las fases seguidas como el prensado, introduciendo mallas de evacuación de vapor; y se han innovado otros, como la incorporación del prensado en frío y el tratamiento térmico final después de la conformación en caliente. Todo ello para mejorar la homogeneidad y obtener tableros de altas prestaciones mecánicas con estosmateriales. Se ha podido estudiar el efecto de los distintos factores que intervienen en la producción de tableros (Severidad del pretratamiento, temperatura de prensado, presión de prensado y tiempo de prensado), sobre las características físicas y mecánicas de estos tableros(Densidad, MOE, MOR, IB, TS y WA). Con ello se han obtenido las relaciones matemáticas que vinculan a estos factores de producción con las características físicas y mecánicas de los tableros. Puede ser muy importante para la industria el hecho de que los modelos ajustados definidos nos pueden permitir obtener tableros con características prefijadas. También se ha valorado la utilización de material integro explosionado y no lavado y, por tanto, sin ningún lixiviado ni residuo. Los tableros cumplen sobradamente los requerimientos de las norma EN para uso estructural, en todas las características físico-mecánicas estudiadas. Abreviaturas: HR Humedad relativa MOE Módulo de elasticidad en flexión o Módulo de Young MOR Módulo de rotura o Resistencia a la flexión IB Resistencia a la tracción perpendicular a las caras (Internal Bond) TS Hinchamiento WA Absorción de agua / This work studies the parameters for obtaining binderless fiberboards from lignocelullosic materials such as giant reed (Arundodonax L.) and sugar cane bagasse (Saccharumofficinarum L.) The suggested boards havethe advantage of being free from formaldehyde emissions and of not consuming fossil resources. Both properties are important in a market that is increasingly sensitivetowards environmental issues. Wild reeds from Tarragona were used as the base material to make Arundodonax Lfiberboards. The Saccharumoffinarumsugar cane bagasse was anindustrial byproduct obtained from a plantation on the island ofLa Palma in the Canary Islands (DestileríasAldea SL). The raw material was pre-treated by performing a “steam explosion” in a “batch” reactor. The exploded material was ground and cold-pressed in two ways (wet and dry). Subsequently, the cold-pressed boards, which had beenconditioned at a constant temperature and RH, were hot-pressed at different levels of pressure, temperature and press time. Some of the processes for producing boards on a laboratory-scale,such as pressing withsteam evacuation meshes, have been improved. Others processes were specifically developed in the laboratory, including the incorporation of cold-pressing and the final heat treatment after hot-forming. The aim of all this was to achieve high mechanical performance in boards made from these materials. Different factors involved in the production of the boards were studied (severity of pretreatment, pressing temperature, pressing pressure and pressing time) to determine how they affectthe physical and mechanical properties of these boards (density, MOE, MOR, IB, TS and WA). As a result, the mathematical relationships that link these production factors to the physical and mechanical properties of the boards were obtained. It is very significant for the industry that these adjusted models can produce boards with preset characteristics. The use of material that wascompletely exploded and unwashed and, therefore, without residue has also been studied. In terms of all the physical-mechanical characteristics studied,the boards fully comply with the requirements of the EN standards for structural use. Abbreviations RHRelativehumidity MOE Modulus of elasticity MOR Modulus of rupture IB Internal bond TS Thicknessswelling WA Water absorption

LA TRADIZIONE ARABA DEGLI ARGOMENTI DI PROCLO IN FAVORE DELL'ETERNITA' DEL COSMO / The Arabic tradition of the poofs of Proclus on the eternity of the world

MUCCHI, MARTINA 23 March 2015 (has links)
Il presente studio ha a tema la versione araba del testo greco noto tra gli studiosi come De aeternitate mundi, Sull’eternità del cosmo, del filosofo Proclo (410-485 d. C.). Scopo della ricerca è mettere in luce la ricezione dottrinale e linguistica degli argomenti eternalisti procliani in traduzione araba. In arabo ci sono pervenute due traduzioni di parte degli argomenti eternalisti di Proclo, un fatto di grande interesse perché essi andarono ad alimentare, insieme a quelli creazionisti dell’avversario Filopono, uno dei primi dibattiti su cui le opinioni nel panorama intellettuale arabo musulmano si divisero: l’origine del mondo. Un confronto linguistico tra le due versioni del testo procliano mostra in primis che la prima traduzione, anonima, condivide una grammatica dottrinale e linguistica con le traduzioni nate nel cosiddetto “circolo di al-Kindi” (IX secolo), ed è pertanto riconducibile al filosofo arabo, per quanto sostenitore dell’inizio temporale del cosmo. Elementi linguistici e stilistici rendono inoltre ragione dell’«eloquenza», fasāḥa, che rese famoso il presunto traduttore della seconda versione degli argomenti procliani, Ishaq ib Hunayn (m. 911), ma allo stesso tempo mostrano come egli erediti le elaborazioni dottrinali della traduzione anteriore, probabilmente all’origine dell’interesse per gli argomenti procliani e per una loro seconda traduzione in epoca ad essa successiva. / This work focuses on the Arabic translation of the Greek treatise known as De aeternitate mundi, On the eternity of the world, written by the philosopher Proclus in the fifth century a.d. Its purpose is to enlight the doctrinal and linguistic reception of Proclus’ proofs of the eternity of the world in their Arabic translations. First, the interest in the mentioned proofs is due to the fact that they are considered, together with the opponent Giovanni Filopono’s creationist ones, one of the main sources for the initial debate for natural theology and philosophy, where opinions of Muslim divided: the inquiry concerning whether the world is eternal or had a beginning. A linguistic comparison between the two translation shows that the most ancient translation shares a common doctrinal and linguistic grammar with the texts borne in the so called “Circle of al-Kindi”, (IX century). Therefore, it can be linked to the Arabic philosopher, although he was in support of the temporal beginning of the world. In addition to that, it apparently gives reasons for the fasāḥa, “eloquence”, that made famous the presumed translator of the second version of the Arabic proclian proofs: Ishaq ibn Hunayn (m. 911), but at the same time shows that he inherited the doctrinal contents that the first translator developed in his version. It is this doctrinal development that apparently raised the interest for the proclian text and that justifies their second translation.

Sturcuture And Activity Predictions On Mono- And Bi-metallic Catalysts

Erunal, Ebru 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to simulate Pt&ndash / IB (IB=Ag, Au, Cu) and PtPd bimetallic catalysts with Monte Carlo method for 201, 586, 1289, and 2406 atom containing clusters in the temperature range between 298&ndash / 1000K. The simulations were based on a coordination-dependent potential model in which binary interaction parameters were used. The binary interaction parameters were determined from the available thermodynamic data and classical thermodynamics mixing rules. The equilibrium structure of the clusters was dictated as a perfect cubo-octohedral shape. In the first part of this study, Pt&ndash / Ib bimetallics were modelled in order to test the Monte Carlo program against the previously published work. In the second part of the study, the surface composition of PtPd bimetallic catalysts as a function of temperature and cluster size were estimated in order to offer further insight to the catalytic activity for CO oxidation reaction. It was found that at low temperatures Pd segregation took place on the catalyst. The Monte Carlo predictions were in good agreement with the published experimental data on the surface compositions.

Von Quanten und unsterblichen Soldaten Zeit- und Raumaspekte bei Ib Michael /

Sundmacher, Ingo. January 2002 (has links)
Tübingen, Univ., Diplomarb., 2001.

(B)ELF in multicultural student teamwork

Komori-Glatz, Miya 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Many researchers agree that multicultural teams are a "double-edged sword" with the potential for high levels of creativity and production, but also conflict. This paper argues that effective communication is vital for developing "virtuous", rather than vicious, circles and that research into (B)ELF offers an insight into what effective communication in multicultural and multilingual teams can look like. The conceptual frame develops research into ELF and BELF by also drawing on organisational and management research to examine team processes and the role of language within them. The second part of the paper presents illustrative examples from data collected in an ethnographic study from an English-medium marketing master's programme at WU Vienna. The students' teamwork project comprises an international market entry simulation and can be seen as a training ground for managing both business content and team processes. The findings indicate that both the ELF context and the ELF talk furthered the development of rapport, and that the students' "casual talk" supported "their work talk". The paper finishes with a call for more empirical research into language use among recent business graduates and how to prepare students better for a globalised workplace.

Det osynliga svenskämnet på International Baccalaureate-programmet (The International Baccalaureate Programme’s invisible subject of Swedish)

Alkestrand, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa fallstudie undersöker hur svenskämnet på IB-programmet regleras i styrdokumenten, hur styrdokumenten kan omsättas till undervisningspraktik samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar lärare som undervisar i både IB-svenskan och de nationella svenskkurserna Svenska A och Svenska B upplever med IB-svenskan. Fallstudiens metoder är en hermeneutisk styrdokumentsanalys av IB-svenskans styrdokument i relation till kursplanen för Svenska B, en halvstrukturerad observation av en lektion i IB-svenska och halvstrukturerade intervjuer med de två lärare som undervisar i IB-svenska på den undersökta gymnasieskolan. Som analysverktyg nyttjas ramfaktor- samt frirumsmodellen. De slutsatser som kan dras utifrån fallstudien är att de yttre ramarna för IB-svenskan i form av styrdokumenten är snävare än för kursen Svenska B. Kursplanen, betygssystemet, ”Prescribed Book List”, den tillgängliga tiden, elevunderlaget och gruppstorleken utgör alla ramfaktorer som inskränker lärarnas frirum, både det upplevda och reella, i utformningen av och undervisningen i IB-svenska. Detta ser lärarna både fördelar och nackdelar med. De tydligare uppgiftsspecifika betygskriterierna är ett exempel på en fördel med IB:s betygssystem, medan en nackdel med Prescribed Book List är att den gör det svårare att lyfta in dagsaktuell litteratur. Samtidigt uppmärksammar studien att det reella frirummet som ges i Svenska B-kursen inte alltid utnyttjas på grund av ramfaktorn tid. Vida yttre gränser innebär alltså inte per automatik ett stort upplevt frirum för lärarna.

Under Rosen : IB: Nationell säkerhetstjänst, Politisk polis eller Stat i staten?

Hjelm, Markus January 2023 (has links)
Civilian control over military forces is a prerequisite within democracies in the study of civil-military relations. This requirement extends to military intelligence, as they are a part of the military. However, this relationship needs to balance secrecy with transparency concerns, a relationship which can prove difficult. In Sweden during the 1970’s, this discussion came to a fore when the intelligence organisation IB was revealed to the public. This sparked an ongoing debate within the academic community regarding the limits of intelligence organisations authority, their need for secrecy and the government’s ability to control them. This thesis aims to investigate IB and the government’s control over it during 1965-1973, the years it operated as the sole military intelligence organisation in Sweden. With perspectives derived from Peter Gills thoughts on intelligence control and oversight, this thesis examines the mechanism of intelligence control and inquiry that were present in Sweden during the relevant timeframe. The findings are then judged with Gill’s concepts as a framework, in order to evaluate IB´s role as an intelligence organisation within a liberal democracy. These findings will thereafter be compared with the image of IB as presented by leading contemporary politicians and intelligence commanders, in order to give nuance to the findings. The thesis will show, with support of the theory and methodology, that IB can’t be described as a national intelligence agency, but as a political police. Its lack of transparency, secret existence and politicly motivated goals are the main reasons for this result. The absence of key mechanism of control as described by Gill, made it impossible for the organisation to be controlled, with some reservations for the ruling party’s ability to do so. It also contextualises these findings with the presented opinions of the contemporary actors. These results shed new light on intelligence accountability during the cold war in Sweden. It also reaffirms previous findings on IB with the use of new perspectives. The Thesis provides another lens to view Swedish intelligence history through and contributes to that field of history.

Structural features underlying antigen presentation by the non-classical MHC class Ib molecule Qa-1b

AI-Tamimi, Lejla January 2022 (has links)
Blockering av NKG2A receptorn på NK - och CD8+ T celler med en anti-NKG2A antikropp, medför en aktivering av cytolytisk aktivitet, och är en lovande immunkontrollpunkt i immunterapi mot cancer. Nyligen har en TCR-liknande antikropp, EXX1, som binder till liganden för NKG2A receptorn, Qa-1b - en icke-klassisk MHC klass Ib molekyl i möss -studerats i tumör modeller in vitro. Resultat påvisar att den TCR-liknande antikroppen endast binder till Qa-1b om denna presenterar Qdm peptiden på sin yta, som erhålls från ledarsekvensen hos klassika MHC klass Ia H-2D. Detta väcker frågor kring strukturella faktorer som möjliggör antigenpresentation på Qa-1b och de exakta molekylära parametrarna som ger upphov till antikroppens specificitet. Syftet med denna studie var att bestämma och jämföra kristallstrukturerna för Qa-1b med Qdm (AMAPRTLLL) samt peptid 001 (AQAERTPEL). Den tunga peptidkedjan hos Qa-1b och beta-2-mikroglobulin producerades rekombinant i E.coli, återveckades med respektive peptid, renades med kromatografimetoder och slutligen kristalliserades genom ångdiffusionsmetoden med hängande droppar. Värmestabilitet hos MHC/peptid undersöktes med nano differential scanning fluorimetry, där Qa-1b /001 uppvisade bättre stabilitet. Kristaller för Qa-1b /Qdm och Qa-1b /001 kunde erhållas med 8% PEG4000, 10mM NiCl2, 0.1M natriumacetat vid pH 5.7, respektive 10% PEG4000, 10 mM NiCl2 och 0.1 M natriumacetat vid pH 6.0. Strukturen för Qa-1b /001 kunde bestämmas vid 2.43 Å med molekylär ersättning. Med anledning av negativt laddade sidogrupper i peptid 001 som har en ytlig konformation i bindningsfickan, kan avsaknaden av bindning till EXX1 förklaras av en skillnad i elektrostatiska interaktioner mellan Qdm och peptid 001. Ytterligare strukturella karakteriseringar av Qa-1b komplexen med antikroppen är av fortsatt stort intresse. / Blocking of the NKG2A receptor expressed on NK cells and CD8+ T cells with an anti-NKG2A antibody for elicitation of cytolytic activity, is a promising immune checkpoint in cancer immunotherapy. EXX1, a novel TCR-like antibody with specificity for the NKG2A ligand, Qa-1b - a murine non-classical MHC class Ib ortholog of HLA-E - has been assessed in tumor models in vitro. The antibody only engages with Qa-1b when it presents the dominant peptide Qdm, derived from the leader sequence of the classical MHC class Ia H-2D. This raises questions about the structural features of antigen presentation by Qa-1b, and the molecular parameters driving the specificity of the TCR-like antibody. The purpose of this study is to determine and compare the crystal structures of Qa-1b in complex with Qdm (AMAPRTLLL) and peptide 001 (AQAERTPEL). The Qa-1b heavy chain and mouse beta-2 microglobulin were recombinantly expressed in E.coli, refolded in the presence of respective peptide, purified using size exclusion chromatography and crystallized with the hanging drop vapor diffusion method. Thermal stability of the MHC/peptide complexes was assessed with nano differential scanning fluorimetry, implying a higher stability of Qa-1b/001. Crystals of the Qa-1b/Qdm and Qa-1b/001 were obtained with 8% PEG4000, 10 mM NiCl2, 0.1 M sodium acetate at pH 5.7, and 10% PEG4000, 10mM NiCl2 and 0.1 M sodium acetate at pH 6.0, respectively. The structure of Qa-1b/001 was resolved by molecular replacement at 2.43 Å, and the presence of negatively charged side chains that protrude from the binding groove, may imply that differences in electrostatic interactions between Qdm and 001 will determine antibody-binding. Further structural characterizations, of Qa-1b complexes with bound EXX1 are of great interest.

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