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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processos de indeterminação lexical em conversas telefônicas interceptadas / Processes in lexical indeterminacy intercepted telephonic conversations

Juliana Aguiar Muniz 29 April 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é estudar estratégias de indeterminação de sentido em um corpus de conversas telefônicas interceptadas, considerando que a produção de sentido é um processo cognitivo dependente do contexto. Delimitamos a linguística cognitiva como a área na qual essa pesquisa se encontra inserida, para melhor compreender os fundamentos e os pressupostos norteadores da Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (TMCI) e da Teoria da Mesclagem Conceptual (blending), tendo como base, principalmente, os estudos de Lakoff (1987), Fauconnier (1997) e Fauconnier e Turner (2002). No decorrer do trabalho propomo-nos responder às seguintes questões de pesquisa: a) que estratégias de indeterminação de sentido são mais frequentemente usadas nestas conversas? b) que elementos do contexto e do cotexto permitem a delimitação do sentido do item lexical em determinada conversa? c) como funcionam, no corpus, as estratégias de indeterminação de sentido e de que forma elas contribuem para sustentar determinado tipo de relação interpessoal? Para responder a estas questões de pesquisa, das 22 gravações de conversas telefônicas de atores sociais envolvidos com tráfico de armas e drogas, sequestro e extorsão, fornecidas pela Coordenadoria de Segurança e Inteligência do Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro, selecionamos 10 conversas, em função da sua qualidade sonora, para serem transcritas e para proceder à análise qualitativa do uso da polissemia e da vagueza lexical. A partir das discussões teóricas e das análises desenvolvidas, concluímos que a polissemia representa a estratégia de indeterminação de sentido mais frequente no corpus desta pesquisa e que a mesma pode ser entendida como um processo de mesclagem conceptual, que sofre influências sociais e culturais: é a dinamicidade do pensamento e da linguagem que geram a polissemia. Concluímos também que a vagueza lexical é utilizada, no corpus, como um recurso linguístico para referência a assuntos ilícitos. Os itens lexicais analisados instanciam esquemas mentais abstratos que têm seus sentidos realizados a partir de pistas linguísticas e extralinguísticas que apontam para um processo interacional que pode ser entendido como um enquadre de transações comerciais (tráfico de drogas) / The main objective of this research is to study strategies of indeterminacy of meaning in a corpus of intercepted telephone conversations by social actors involved with the trafficking of drugs and weapons, with kidnapping and extortion. We elected Cognitive Linguistics as the area in which this research should be developed, as we understand the process of meaning production as a cognitive process, dependent on the context. Within Cognitive Linguistics, we adopted the principles and assumptions guiding the Theory of Idealized Cognitive Models (TMCI) and Conceptual Blending Theory, based principally on studies by Lakoff (1987), Fauconnier (1997) and Fauconnier and Turner (2002). Throughout the paper our purpose is to answer the following research questions: a) what strategies for the indeterminacy of meaning are most often used in these conversations? b) what elements of context and co-text (the immediate grammatical context ) trigger the instantiation of the meaning of a lexical item in a particular conversation? c) how do the strategies of indetermination of meaning operate , in the corpus, and how do they contribute to the creation of a particular kind of interpersonal relationship? In order to answer these questions, from the 22 recordings provided by the Coordinator of Intelligence and Security of the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro, we selected 10 conversations, on the basis of their sound quality. We further transcribed them and submitted them to qualitative analysis, investigating the use of lexical polysemy and vagueness. From the theoretical discussions and analyzes undertaken, we conclude that polysemy represents the strategy of indeterminacy of meaning that is most often used in the corpus and that it can be understood as a process of conceptual blending, under the influence of social and cultural factors: it is the association between the use of language and the real dynamics of thought and language that generate polysemy. We also conclude that lexical vagueness is used as a language resource to refer to illicit affairs. The lexical items studied instantiate abstract mental schemas whose meanings are triggered by the use of particular linguistic and extralinguistic cues, within the domain, or frame, of a commercial transaction (drug trafficking)

Processos de indeterminação lexical em conversas telefônicas interceptadas / Processes in lexical indeterminacy intercepted telephonic conversations

Juliana Aguiar Muniz 29 April 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é estudar estratégias de indeterminação de sentido em um corpus de conversas telefônicas interceptadas, considerando que a produção de sentido é um processo cognitivo dependente do contexto. Delimitamos a linguística cognitiva como a área na qual essa pesquisa se encontra inserida, para melhor compreender os fundamentos e os pressupostos norteadores da Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (TMCI) e da Teoria da Mesclagem Conceptual (blending), tendo como base, principalmente, os estudos de Lakoff (1987), Fauconnier (1997) e Fauconnier e Turner (2002). No decorrer do trabalho propomo-nos responder às seguintes questões de pesquisa: a) que estratégias de indeterminação de sentido são mais frequentemente usadas nestas conversas? b) que elementos do contexto e do cotexto permitem a delimitação do sentido do item lexical em determinada conversa? c) como funcionam, no corpus, as estratégias de indeterminação de sentido e de que forma elas contribuem para sustentar determinado tipo de relação interpessoal? Para responder a estas questões de pesquisa, das 22 gravações de conversas telefônicas de atores sociais envolvidos com tráfico de armas e drogas, sequestro e extorsão, fornecidas pela Coordenadoria de Segurança e Inteligência do Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro, selecionamos 10 conversas, em função da sua qualidade sonora, para serem transcritas e para proceder à análise qualitativa do uso da polissemia e da vagueza lexical. A partir das discussões teóricas e das análises desenvolvidas, concluímos que a polissemia representa a estratégia de indeterminação de sentido mais frequente no corpus desta pesquisa e que a mesma pode ser entendida como um processo de mesclagem conceptual, que sofre influências sociais e culturais: é a dinamicidade do pensamento e da linguagem que geram a polissemia. Concluímos também que a vagueza lexical é utilizada, no corpus, como um recurso linguístico para referência a assuntos ilícitos. Os itens lexicais analisados instanciam esquemas mentais abstratos que têm seus sentidos realizados a partir de pistas linguísticas e extralinguísticas que apontam para um processo interacional que pode ser entendido como um enquadre de transações comerciais (tráfico de drogas) / The main objective of this research is to study strategies of indeterminacy of meaning in a corpus of intercepted telephone conversations by social actors involved with the trafficking of drugs and weapons, with kidnapping and extortion. We elected Cognitive Linguistics as the area in which this research should be developed, as we understand the process of meaning production as a cognitive process, dependent on the context. Within Cognitive Linguistics, we adopted the principles and assumptions guiding the Theory of Idealized Cognitive Models (TMCI) and Conceptual Blending Theory, based principally on studies by Lakoff (1987), Fauconnier (1997) and Fauconnier and Turner (2002). Throughout the paper our purpose is to answer the following research questions: a) what strategies for the indeterminacy of meaning are most often used in these conversations? b) what elements of context and co-text (the immediate grammatical context ) trigger the instantiation of the meaning of a lexical item in a particular conversation? c) how do the strategies of indetermination of meaning operate , in the corpus, and how do they contribute to the creation of a particular kind of interpersonal relationship? In order to answer these questions, from the 22 recordings provided by the Coordinator of Intelligence and Security of the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro, we selected 10 conversations, on the basis of their sound quality. We further transcribed them and submitted them to qualitative analysis, investigating the use of lexical polysemy and vagueness. From the theoretical discussions and analyzes undertaken, we conclude that polysemy represents the strategy of indeterminacy of meaning that is most often used in the corpus and that it can be understood as a process of conceptual blending, under the influence of social and cultural factors: it is the association between the use of language and the real dynamics of thought and language that generate polysemy. We also conclude that lexical vagueness is used as a language resource to refer to illicit affairs. The lexical items studied instantiate abstract mental schemas whose meanings are triggered by the use of particular linguistic and extralinguistic cues, within the domain, or frame, of a commercial transaction (drug trafficking)

Entre os domÃnios da metÃfora e da metonÃmia: um estudo de processos de recategorizaÃÃo / Between the domains of metaphor and metonymy: a study of processes of recategorization

Silvana Maria Calixto de Lima 03 April 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objeto de estudo desta tese à a recategorizaÃÃo no processo de referenciaÃÃo. A partir das anÃlises propostas, argumentamos por uma noÃÃo mais ampla desse fenÃmeno, que pode, ou nÃo, revelar-se por, e concentrar-se em, expressÃes referenciais, diferentemente do que propÃem ApothÃloz e Reichler-BÃguelin (1995), pioneiros na investigaÃÃo desse tema no Ãmbito da LinguÃstica de Texto, cuja abordagem se restringia Ãs recategorizaÃÃes lexicais, numa perspectiva textual-discursiva. Partindo do pressuposto da natureza cognitivo-referencial da recategorizaÃÃo, postulamos, inicialmente, a necessidade de uma interface entre a LinguÃstica de Texto e a LinguÃstica Cognitiva para levar em conta a complexidade e a dinamicidade desse processo, em termos descritivos e explanatÃrios. Centramo-nos no tratamento de recategorizaÃÃes licenciadas por metÃforas e metonÃmias, levantando duas hipÃteses encadeadas: a primeira a da existÃncia de um tipo de recategorizaÃÃo por interaÃÃo metÃfora-metonÃmia, e a segunda a da abordagem das recategorizaÃÃes licenciadas por metÃforas e metonÃmias na perspectiva de um continuum. Para a construÃÃo da interface postulada, recorremos à Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (LAKOFF, 1987, e colaboradores). O pressuposto bÃsico dessa teoria à o de que o conhecimento se organiza por meio de estruturas denominadas de Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (MCIs), compreendendo-se que a estrutura de categorias e os efeitos prototÃpicos resultam dessa organizaÃÃo. Reunimos a essa fundamentaÃÃo os estudos cognitivos que sugerem o tratamento da metÃfora e da metonÃmia como processos interativos (GOOSSENS, 2003; BARCELONA, 2003), com abertura para a sua concepÃÃo como um continuum (RADDEN, 2003). Sob esses fundamentos, analisamos ocorrÃncias de recategorizaÃÃo instanciadas por metÃforas e metonÃmias num corpus constituÃdo por quatro poemas de autores da literatura brasileira sobre a temÃtica da morte. Os passos metodolÃgicos desta aplicaÃÃo do modelo da Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados seguem parcialmente a proposta de anÃlise desse modelo elaborada e aplicada em Feltes (2007), mas acrescemos ao modelo da autora os MCIs proposicionais do tipo frame, por meio dos quais evocamos a descriÃÃo dos MCIs metafÃricos e metonÃmicos e, consequentemente, dos MCIs de esquemas de imagens. Os resultados da anÃlise apontam para a validaÃÃo das hipÃteses formuladas, possibilitando um redimensionamento da abordagem da recategorizaÃÃo, atà entÃo sà fundamentada pelo aparato teÃrico da LinguÃstica de Texto, de forma que a interface com a LinguÃstica Cognitiva traz contribuiÃÃes significativas para o trato da complexidade desse fenÃmeno linguÃstico, uma vez que possibilita o alcance dos processos cognitivos que lhe subjazem. E à exatamente o entendimento desses processos que amplia o potencial explanatÃrio no redimensionamento da recategorizaÃÃo. / The object of this study is recategorization in the referentiation process. From the proposed analyses, we argue for a broader notion of this phemenon, which may or may not reveal itself in referential expressions and yet be concentrated on these. ApothÃloz and Reichler-BÃguelin (1995), the pioneers in the investigations concentrated on this theme to the extent of Textual Linguistics, whose approach was restricted to lexical recategorizations in a textual-discoursive perspective. On the assumption of cognitive-referential nature of recategorization, we postulate, initially, the need for an interface between the Textual Linguistics and the Cognitive Linguistics to account for the complexity and dynamics of this process, in descriptive and explanatory terms. We focus on recategorizations treatment licensed by metaphors and metonymy, raising two linked hypotheses: the first dealing with the existence of a sort of recategorization through interaction among metonymy-metaphor, and the second addressing the recategorizations licensed by metaphors and metonymy in the context of a continuum. For the construction of the postulated interface, we used the Theory Of Idealized Cognitive Models (Lakoff, 1987, and collaborators). The basic assumption of this theory is that knowledge is organized through structures called Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMs), and that the structure of categories and the effects are prototypical products of that organization. To this fundamentation we associated the cognitive studies that suggest that the treatment of metaphor and metonymy is an interactive processes (GOOSSENS, 2003, BARCELONA, 2003), with opening for the design of these cognitive processes from the perspective of a continuum (RADDEN, 2003). Furthermore, we analyzed occurrences of recategorization instantiated by metaphors and metonymy in a corpus consisting of four poems belonging to four authors from the Brazilian literature on the subject of death. The methodological steps of applying the model of the theory of Idealized Cognitive Models follows partially the proposed analysis model developed and applied in Feltes (2007), but we added to the model of the author the ICMs propositional-type frame, by which we evoked the description of the metaphorical and metonymy ICMs and, consequently, the description of the ICMs image schemes. The results point to the validation of the assumptions made, allowing a redefinition of the recategorization approach, until then only based on the theoretical Textual Linguistics apparatus, so that the interface with the Cognitive Linguistics brings significant contributions to the treatment of this complex linguistic phenomenon, once it allows the scope of the cognitive processes that underlie them. It is exactly the understanding of processes that extends the potential explanatory in the resizing of recategorization.

A conceitualizaÃÃo de educaÃÃo à luz da teoria dos modelos cognitivos idealizados: percorrendo veredas entre mente e linguagem dos alunos da educaÃÃo bÃsica. / Conceptualization of education and theory of idealized cognitive models: walking paths between mind and language of students of basic school.

Dulcilene Rodrigues da Silva Barreto 17 November 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar, por meio dos princÃpios estruturadores dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados(LAKOFF, 1987), os significados sociocognitivamente situados atribuÃdos ao conceito de EDUCAÃÃO por trinta e trÃs alunos concludentes do Ensino MÃdio de uma escola pÃblica em Fortaleza, CearÃ, Brasil,que participaram da pesquisa como voluntÃrios nÃo remunerados. Para se atingir o objetivo proposto, foram analisadas as respostas fornecidas pelos alunos em duas tarefas - um questionÃrio e uma atividade escrita destinadas a obter dados que permitiram explorar a natureza prototÃpica da categoria e suas extensÃes metafÃricas e metonÃmicas. A abordagem metodolÃgica segue os princÃpios propostos pela SemÃntica Cognitiva de Lakoff que postula que os conceitos das pessoas nÃo sÃo arbitrÃrios, mas emergem da natureza de seus corpos em interaÃÃes dinÃmicas com o mundo ecolÃgico e sociocultural.A anÃlise de dados qualitativos apoiou-sena Teoria dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (TMCI), de George Lakoff (1987) e na Teoria da MetÃfora Conceitual (CMT), de Lakoff e Johnson (1980/[2002]). Os textos produzidos pelos participantes tornaram possÃvel a anÃlise os modelos de esquemas de imagem ORIGEM-PERCURSO-META E CONTEINER na estruturaÃÃo do conceito EDUCAÃÃO, os modelos proposicionais frames e scripts que se sobressaÃram para representar o cotidiano escolar e as metÃforas sobre EDUCAÃÃO.Os dados colhidos foram organizados em tabelas e grÃficos de modo a permitir o estabelecimento de comparaÃÃes entre as expressÃes semanticamente afins coletadas nos questionÃrios e a distribuiÃÃo das anÃlises sobre os modelos cognitivos estruturantes. Essa organizaÃÃo tambÃm facilitou as anÃlises de projeÃÃes metafÃricas e seus acarretamentos. As mais relevantes metÃforas foram EDUCAÃÃO Ã BEM ADQUIRIDO, VALIOSO e EDUCAÃÃO Ã VIAGEM.Os resultados obtidos tambÃm permitiram propor uma categoria radial para o conceito de EDUCAÃÃO no modo como ele emerge das crenÃas social e culturalmente consagradas e dos valores compartilhados pelos participantes. / This research aimed to analyze, through the structured principals of Idealized Cognitive Models Theory (LAKOFF, 1987), embodied, socio cognitive situated meanings attributed to the concept of EDUCATION by thirty-three final year high school students of a government school in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, who participated of the research as unpaid volunteers. In order to achieve the mentioned aim, it was analyzed the responses provided by the students in answering two tasks â a questionnaire and a writing task aimed at eliciting data which allowed to explore the category prototypical nature and its metaphoric and metonymic extensions. The methodological approach follows the principals proposed by lakofian Cognitive Semantics which posits that people concepts are not arbitrary but emerge from the nature of their bodies in dynamic interactions with the ecological and social cultural world. The qualitative data analysis was supported by Lakoffâs (1987) Idealized Cognitive Models Theory (ICMT) and Lakoff and Johnsonâs (1980/[2002]) Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). The texts produced by the participants made possible the analysis of the ORIGIN â TRAJECTORY â TARGET and CONTAINER image schemas in the structuring of the EDUCATION concept, the most salient proposition models (frame and scripts) to represent the school routine and the EDUCATION metaphors. The data gathered were organized in table and graphs in order to allow for comparisons between semantically close expressions and the distribution of the analyses about the EDUCATION concept structuring cognitive models. Such organization has also facilitated the metaphoric projections and their entailments. The most relevant metaphors were EDUCATION IS AN ACQUIRED, VALUABLE ASSET and EDUCATION IS A JOURNEY. The results obtained have also allowed to propose a radial category for the concept of EDUCATION as it emerges from embodied social culturally beliefs and values shared by the participants.

Smarter City : A System to Systems

Makhdum, Farah, Mian, Kamran January 2012 (has links)
Developments in the technological fields have opened doors to sustain quality of life for making cities smarter and democratic by allowing citizens to play active roles rather being just passive participants along with their governments. Therefore, in this study we have proposed an idealized interaction system- a process used for organizational development based on Interactive Planning Approach, where citizen and government adopt more effective and efficient ways to coordinate, collaborate and communicate for the development and growth of different systems in the city, which ultimately serves as “system to systems”. By using Delphi methodology- a reaserch approach by Norman Dalkey (1946), we invited 25 people representing a wide variety of interests participated in the series two rounds of surveys to suggest more effective and efficient methods of interaction for the citizens and government. All proposed ways after second round of survey are used to design the Idealized Smarter City model – a model of knowledge-based sustainable development. However, structural and behavioral comparisons suggest the need of further improvement to get the proposed system implemented, in review of rapidly increasing population and resulting deteriorating resource availability to sustain the social and technological needs. / Farah Makhdum +92.321.4702133 Kamran Mian +92.321.3213219

Child as Cure: The Idealized Child in the Works of Frances Hodgson Burnett

Ewing, Rachel Marie 13 June 2022 (has links)
This thesis traces the figure of the idealized child through three of Frances Hodgson Burnett's children's books: Editha's Burglar (1888), Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), and The Secret Garden (1911). In all three books Frances Hodgson Burnett introduces child characters who have a nuanced understanding of the world around them that allows them to cure the brokenness in the adult world. Burnett's use of the child figure and of illness as a representation of flaws in society reflected increased focus on these topics in the nineteenth century; they also rose from her belief in mind cure. This thesis examines the source of the curative power each protagonist wields, the impacts of their cure, and what the need for cure says about the larger society and the characters themselves. It also emphasizes how this cure was shaped by the children's gender and socioeconomic status. I argue that throughout all three works Burnett's protagonists take on traits of the idealized child to restore the world to her view of the natural world order. In doing this, Burnett reaffirms traditional family structure, separate spheres ideology, and class hierarchy. / Master of Arts / This thesis traces the figure of the idealized child through three of Frances Hodgson Burnett's children's books: Editha's Burglar (1888), Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), and The Secret Garden (1911). In all three books Frances Hodgson Burnett introduces child characters who have a nuanced understanding of the world around them that allows them to cure the brokenness in the adult world. Burnett's use of the child figure and of illness as a representation of flaws in society reflected increased focus on these topics in the nineteenth century; they also rose from her belief in mind cure. This thesis examines the source of the curative power each protagonist wields, the impacts of their cure, and what the need for cure says about the larger society and the characters themselves. It also emphasizes how this cure was shaped by the children's gender and socioeconomic status. I argue that throughout all three works Burnett's protagonists take on traits of the idealized child to restore the world to her view of the natural world order. In doing this, Burnett reaffirms traditional family structure, separate spheres ideology, and class hierarchy.

Forcing e regularidade na reta real / Forcing and regularity in the real line

Gaspar, Michel Fernandes 05 March 2018 (has links)
O estudo das propriedades de regularidade na reta real é tão antigo quanto o surgimento da teoria dos conjuntos no final do século XIX. Essas propriedades indicam bom comportamento para subconjuntos da reta real, sendo os exemplos mais proeminentes a propriedade do conjunto perfeito, a Lebesgue mensurabilidade e a Baire mensurabilidade. Neste trabalho outras propriedades de regularidade são exploradas, como a propriedade de Ramsey, a propriedade doughnut, a Marczewski mensurabilidade, a Miller mensurabilidade, a Laver mensurabilidade, dentre outras. A relação que existe entre propriedades de regularidade e forcing é conhecida desde a década de 70 com os trabalhos de Robert Solovay, que, por exemplo, construiu um modelo de teoria dos conjuntos onde todo subconjunto da reta real é Lebesgue mensurável, Baire mensurável e tem a propriedade do conjunto perfeito. Todas essas propriedades de regularidade são capturadas em uma definição geral recorrendo à poderosa técnica do \\textit{forcing idealizado}, introduzida e explorada por Jindrich Zapletal em 2004. O principal estudo sistemático das propriedades de regularidade via forcing idealizado foi feito por Yurii Khomskii em 2012 em sua tese de doutorado. O resultado de Solovay mencionado acima é provado nesse contexto geral de regularidade. Também são exploradas caracterizações para a regularidade dos conjuntos no segundo nível da hierarquia projetiva via forcing sobre L. Para a maioria dos assuntos abordados é dada alguma nota histórica. / The study of the regularity properties in the real line is as old as the beginning of set theory at the end of the 19th century. These properties indicate well behavior for subsets of the real line, being the Lebesgue measurability, Baire measurability and perfect set properties the most prominent examples. In this work other regularity properties are explored, such as the Ramsey property, the doughnut property, the Marczewski measurability, the Miller measurability, the Laver measurability, among others. The relationship between regularity properties and forcing is known since the 70\'s with the work of Robert Solovay, who, for example, constructed a model of set theory in which every subset of the real line is Lebesgue measurable, Baire measurable, and has the perfect set property. All of theses regularity properties are captured by a general definition making use of the powerful technique of \\textit, introduced by Jindrich Zapletal in 2008. The main systematic study of regularity properties via idealized forcing was done by Yurii Khomskii in 2012 in his Ph.D dissertation. The result of Solovay mentioned above is proved in this general framework. Characterization results for regularity properties of the sets in the second level of the projective hierarchy via forcing over L are also explored. Some historical notes are provided for most of the addressed subjects.

The Indonesian Throughflow and its association with the Atlantic Ocean circulation / O Fluxo da Indonésia e sua relação com a circulação no Oceano Atlântico

Santis Junior, Wlademir Jose de 24 August 2017 (has links)
Experiments with a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model using idealized topographies were run to investigate aspects of the role that the lateral ocean constraints play in the climate. The experiments consider an idealized planet covered with a constant deep ocean, where one-grid-wide land barriers were gradually added. The series of experiments allowed the investigation of many aspects of the coupled system equilibrium and variability, ending with an evaluation of the effects of the Indonesian Throughflow. Rather than to investigate the throughflow\'s impacts in modern climate, which has been largely explored in numerical experiments in the past decades, the throughflow is investigated in an alternative climate, argued as a possible scenario during ice-age periods. It was found that the change in the hemispheric water source of the throughflow affects many aspects of its impact as it is known for modern climate. In summary, the throughflow acts within the inter-basin seesaw in the sense to restore the previous phase of the inter-basin seesaw. / Experimentos com um modelo acoplado oceano-continente-atmosfera-gelo marinho e topografias idealizadas foram empregados para investigar os impactos que contornos laterais nos oceanos desempenham no clima. Os experimentos consideram um planeta idealizado, coberto por um oceano de profundidade constante, onde barreiras com um ponto de grade de espessura foram gradualmente adicionadas. Esta série de experimentos permitiram investigar vários aspectos do sistema acoplado em termos de seu equilíbrio e variabilidade, finalizando com a análise dos efeitos devidos ao Fluxo da Indonésia. Ao invés de investigar os impactos que este fluxo tem sobre o clima atual, o que tem sido bastante explorado em experimentos numéricos nas últimas décadas, a investigação é feita num clima alternativo, que configura um possível cenário durante períodos glaciais. Foi encontrado que a mudança na origem das águas que compõem o Fluxo da Indonésia altera em vários aspectos seus impactos como são conhecidos no clima atual. Em suma, o Fluxo da Indonésia atua dentro de um mecanismo de gangorra inter-hemisférica na circulação termoalina no sentido de reestabelecer a fase anterior desse mecanismo tipo gangorra.

The Indonesian Throughflow and its association with the Atlantic Ocean circulation / O Fluxo da Indonésia e sua relação com a circulação no Oceano Atlântico

Wlademir Jose de Santis Junior 24 August 2017 (has links)
Experiments with a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model using idealized topographies were run to investigate aspects of the role that the lateral ocean constraints play in the climate. The experiments consider an idealized planet covered with a constant deep ocean, where one-grid-wide land barriers were gradually added. The series of experiments allowed the investigation of many aspects of the coupled system equilibrium and variability, ending with an evaluation of the effects of the Indonesian Throughflow. Rather than to investigate the throughflow\'s impacts in modern climate, which has been largely explored in numerical experiments in the past decades, the throughflow is investigated in an alternative climate, argued as a possible scenario during ice-age periods. It was found that the change in the hemispheric water source of the throughflow affects many aspects of its impact as it is known for modern climate. In summary, the throughflow acts within the inter-basin seesaw in the sense to restore the previous phase of the inter-basin seesaw. / Experimentos com um modelo acoplado oceano-continente-atmosfera-gelo marinho e topografias idealizadas foram empregados para investigar os impactos que contornos laterais nos oceanos desempenham no clima. Os experimentos consideram um planeta idealizado, coberto por um oceano de profundidade constante, onde barreiras com um ponto de grade de espessura foram gradualmente adicionadas. Esta série de experimentos permitiram investigar vários aspectos do sistema acoplado em termos de seu equilíbrio e variabilidade, finalizando com a análise dos efeitos devidos ao Fluxo da Indonésia. Ao invés de investigar os impactos que este fluxo tem sobre o clima atual, o que tem sido bastante explorado em experimentos numéricos nas últimas décadas, a investigação é feita num clima alternativo, que configura um possível cenário durante períodos glaciais. Foi encontrado que a mudança na origem das águas que compõem o Fluxo da Indonésia altera em vários aspectos seus impactos como são conhecidos no clima atual. Em suma, o Fluxo da Indonésia atua dentro de um mecanismo de gangorra inter-hemisférica na circulação termoalina no sentido de reestabelecer a fase anterior desse mecanismo tipo gangorra.

Putnam's Moral Realism

Persson, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Moral realism is the view that there are such things as moral facts. Moral realists have attempted to combat the skeptical problem of relativism, which is that the truth of an ethical value judgment is often, or always, subjective, that is, relative to the parties it involves. This essay presents, discusses, and criticizes Hilary Putnam’s attempt at maintaining moral realism while at the same time maintaining a degree of epistemological relativism. Putnam’s positive account originates in moral epistemology, at the heart of which lies truth, as idealized rational acceptability or truth under ideal conditions. The bridge between moral epistemology and normative ethics stems from Putnam’s disintegration of facts and values. His theory is finalized in the construction of a normative moral theory, in which the central notion is incessant self-criticism in order to maintain rationality. After presenting Putnam’s core thesis, the criticism raised by Richard Rorty, is deliberated upon. Rorty is critical of Putnam’s attempt at holding on to objectivity, because he does not understand how objective knowledge can be both relative to a conceptual scheme, and at the same time objective. The conclusion is that Putnam is unable to maintain his notion of truth as idealized rational acceptability and is forced into epistemological relativism. Putnam’s normative ethics has characteristics in common with virtue ethics, and is of much interest regardless of whether it can be grounded epistemologically or not.

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