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Association of Dietary Intake With Suicidal Ideation or Suicide Attempts in AdolescentsBryant, Zenobia J 01 January 2018 (has links)
Suicide is among the leading cause of adolescent deaths worldwide and thus a significant public health concern. Risk factors for suicidal behavior include drinking alcohol, smoking, and engaging in risky sexual behaviors. One area of concern is dietary patterns and their association with depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation. Bandura's social cognitive theory emphasizes the assumption that one can perform specific actions to bring about desired outcomes. The primary research questions for this quantitative, retrospective, cross-sectional study concerned whether there is a statistically significant interaction between fruit and vegetable intake and suicidal ideation or suicide attempts. Data from 71,776 adolescents in the Centers for Disease Control's Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance Survey were analyzed using complex samples binominal logistic regression. The dependent variable was suicidal ideation or suicide attempts, and the independent variable was intake of fruits and vegetables. Suicidal ideation was significantly, positively correlated with fruit and vegetable intake. Even after controlling for age, sex, race, and depression, there was a significant, positive correlation with fruit and vegetable intake. Suicide attempt was significantly, positively correlated with fruit and vegetable intake even after controlling for age, sex, race, and depression. Although the results of this study were contrary to previous findings, these results do support the claim that sugary foods and fast foods have a dopaminergic 'reward effect'. The findings may foster positive social change by identifying the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and suicidal ideation or suicide attempts in adolescents.
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Marital Status and Burdensomeness as Risk Factors of Suicide Ideation in Poststroke PatientsAndreou, Froso 01 January 2018 (has links)
Suicide ideation, suicide attempts, and suicide (SISAS) are increased in poststroke patients, yet not everyone who has suffered a stroke is at risk for SISAS. Two risk factors for SISAS, marital status and burdensomeness, may be of particular relevance to poststroke patients. The majority of poststroke patients have a disability that may require help from a family member with basic functions such as dressing and bathing. It was not known if being married decreases risk of SISAS for stoke victims as shown in studies with nonpoststroke subjects or increases risk for SISAS due to its influence on feelings of burdensomeness. Guided by the interpersonal psychological theory of suicidal behavior, the purpose of this study was to examine if marital status moderates the association between burdensomeness (measured by disability level) and suicide ideation. A secondary analysis was performed of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set data, which was collected by the National Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A data sample of 1,596,962 records was obtained. This data sample included 5% of the Home Health Outcome Information and Assessment Set for the year 2008. Of those, 8,6381 (5.4%) individuals had suffered a stroke. The results suggested partial support for the hypotheses presented in this study. However, a significant moderation was found. As burdensomeness increased, suicide ideation increased in patients who were married. High levels of burdensomeness increase suicide risk to those who are married. Identifying a vulnerable population can provide potential positive social change by serving as basis for future research regarding program implementation in reducing suicide rates.
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Adolescent's Perceptions of the Parent's Marital Relationship and the Impact on Their Suicide RiskHeaton Hurt, Savannah 01 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Suicide risk is rapidly increasing in children and adolescents. It is vital that research explores the causes in child and adolescent suicide risk. Research has failed to identify if the marital relationship may be correlated with this increase in suicide ideation in children. This study set out to determine if a child's perception of their parents' marital conflict impacts the child's suicidal risk. Using the Family Foundations of Youth Development project this study analyzed 1,692 parent and child participants to test if the child's perceptions of the marital conflict impacted their suicide risk and if the parent's own report of their relationship instability would impact child suicide risk. Results indicated that the child's perceptions were statistically significant in predicting suicide risk in adolescents. However, the parent's report was not statistically significant. These findings suggest that the child's perceptions of the parent's marital conflict impacts their suicide risk and should be considered when working with suicidal adolescents. Implications for working with suicidal youth is that clinicians focus on working with and treating the whole family system.
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Upplevelser av mötet mellan hälso- och sjukvården vid suicidalt beteende : en litteraturöversikt / Experiences of the encounter with health care due to suicidal behaviour : a literature reviewEbbeskog, Annette, Jovanovic, Silvia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Suicid är ett folkhälsoproblem. Varje år tar mer än 700 000 personer sitt liv i världen. Under 2020 vårdades 6 666 personer i Sverige på sjukhus till följd av ett suicidförsök. Stigmatisering av suicidala personer förekommer både i samhället och inom hälso- och sjukvården. Patienter med suicidalt beteende söker vård inom alla delar av hälso- och sjukvården och vårdpersonal uppger ofta att de har en bristande kunskap om suicidalitet och vad som krävs för ett gott omhändertagande av dessa patienter. Det finns därför ett behov av att sammanställa aktuell forskning för att öka vårdpersonalens kunskap och förståelse för suicidalt beteende och mötet med dessa patienter. Syfte Syftet var att belysa hur patienter med suicidalt beteende upplever mötet med hälso- och sjukvården. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som baserades på 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna inhämtades från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL med hjälp av sökord i olika kombinationer. Artiklarna har genomgått kvalitetsgranskning utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet. Resultatet sammanställdes och analyserades med en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat I sammanställningen av resultatet identifierades fyra huvudkategorier: Upplevelser av värdighet, Upplevelser av engagemang och partnerskap, Upplevelser av stigma samt Upplevelser av en trygg och säker vårdmiljö. Resultatet visade att upplevelsen av trygghet i mötet var den mest centrala aspekten för att forma ett partnerskap och för att uppnå en öppenhet kring det suicidala beteendet. Personcentrerad vård och ett ömsesidigt engagemang framkom vara av betydelse för att upprätthålla värdighet och lindra lidande. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt visade värdefulla möjligheter i ett partnerskap och ömsesidigt engagemang mellan patienter med suicidalt beteende och hälso- och sjukvården. Studien identifierade upplevelsen av trygghet och personcentrerad vård som centrala premisser i mötet för att suicidala patienter ska känna förtroende för vården. Med ökad kunskap och förståelse kan hälso- och sjukvården förbättra omhändertagandet av suicidala patienter och förhindra fler suicid. / Background Suicide is a public health problem. Globally, every year more than 700 000 people commit suicide. In 2020, 6 666 people in Sweden were hospitalized as a result of a suicide attempt. Stigmatization of suicidal patients are prevalent both in society and in healthcare. Patients with suicidal behaviour seek care in all areas of healthcare. Healthcare personnel often state that they have a lack of knowledge about suicidality and what is required for good care of suicidal patients. For that reason, there is a need to compile latest research to increase healthcare personnels’ knowledge and understanding of suicidal behaviour and the encounter with these patients. Aim The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with suicidal behaviour experience the encounter with healthcare. Method Non-systematic literature review based on 15 scientific articles with a qualitative approach. The articles were retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL using keywords in various combinations. The articles have undergone a quality review based on Sophiahemmet University assessment basis for scientific classification and quality. The results were compiled and analyzed with an integrated data analysis. Results In the compilation of the results, four main categories were identified: Experiences of dignity, Experiences of commitment and partnership, Experiences of stigma, and Experiences of a safe and secure care environment. The results showed that the experience of trust in the encounter was the most central aspect in order to form a partnership and for achieving openness about suicidal behaviour. Person-centered care and mutual commitment emerged to be significant for maintaining dignity. Conclusions This literature review showed valuable opportunities in a partnership and mutual commitment between suicidal patients and healthcare. The study identified experiences of trust and person-centered care as central premises in the encounter, for suicidal patients to have confidence about the care. With increased knowledge and understanding, healthcare can improve the care of suicidal patients and prevent more suicide.
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Psychopathy and Suicide: The Mediating Effects of Emotional and Behavioral DysregulationFadoir, Nicholas Alan 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Införa AI i produktutveckling: En studie om små till medelstora företag / Adopting AI in product development: A study on small-to medium sized enterprisesTahiri, Benet, Karem, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities and opportunities of adopting AI in product development within small to medium enterprises. To fulfill the purpose, the first research question was formulated as “What challenges and opportunities do SMEs face in product development and how can AI facilitate these?”, and the second “What factors are significant for adopting AI in PD?” For this study, a combination of case study, literature review, and interviews was utilized to answer the research questions. The case study provided practical insights and empirical data and the literature review formed the foundation for the theoretical framework. Through this methodological approach, the study achieved its research objectives and contributed to a better understanding of the topic. The empirical data of this study shows that there are several challenges in both product development and in the adoption of AI. These challenges include limited resources, organizational barriers, and knowledge gaps. Through the analysis where the empirical data was compared to the theoretical framework, broadening of the results was enabled. This led to the understanding that limited time was related to the number of employees, issues in the information flow within the group management, and that the knowledge gap was the result of the absence of research into AIPD. Furthermore, it was found that significant factors for adopting AI in PD were to have an incentive to innovate and a competitive market situation. The case study is a single-case study which affects the general applicability as a multiple-case study is considered more beneficial because the results are easier to generalize. Additionally, the scope of the study is delimited to the first three stages in product development: ideation, definition, and prototyping, SMEs encounter resource constraints which hinder the adoption of AI in PD, mainly due to limited time, insufficient number of employees, and the absence of dedicated research departments. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of AI streamlining and enhancing ideation and prototyping processes presents significant opportunities for innovation within SME’s. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka möjligheterna och fördelarna med att införa AI i produktutveckling inom små och medelstora företag. För att uppfylla syftet formulerades den första forskningsfrågan som ”Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter står små och medelstora företag inför i produktutveckling och hur kan AI underlätta dessa?” och den andra som ”Vilka faktorer är betydelsefulla för att införa AI i produktutveckling?”. För denna studie användes en kombination av fallstudie, litteraturgenomgång, och intervjuer för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Fallstudien gav praktiska insikter och empiriska data medan litteraturgenomgången utgjorde grunden för det teoretiska ramverket. Genom detta metodologiska angreppssätt uppnådde studien sina forskningsmål och bidrog till en bättre förståelse av ämnet. Studiens empiriska data visar att det finns flera utmaningar både i produktutveckling och vid införandet av AI. Dessa utmaningar inkluderar begränsade resurser, organisatoriska hinder och kunskapsluckor. Genom analysen, där den empiriska datan jämfördes med det teoretiska ramverket, möjliggjordes en breddning av resultatet. Detta ledde till förståelsen att begränsad tid var relaterad till antalet anställda, problem i informationsflödet inom koncernledningen, och att kunskapsluckan var resultatet av avsaknaden av forskning inom AI i produktutveckling. Vidare visade det sig att betydande faktorer för att införa AI i produktutveckling var att ha incitament att innovera och en konkurrensutsatt marknadssituation. Fallstudien är en enskild fallstudie vilket påverkar den generella tillämpligheten då en flerfallstudie anses mer fördelaktig eftersom resultaten är lättare att generalisera. Dessutom är studiens omfattning avgränsad till de tre första stadierna i produktutveckling: idégenerering, definition och prototypframtagning. Små och medelstora företag stöter på resursbegränsningar som hindrar införandet av AI i produktutveckling, främst på grund av begränsad tid, otillräckligt antal anställda och avsaknaden av dedikerade forskningsavdelningar. Trots dessa utmaningar presenterar de potentiella fördelarna med AI, effektivisering och förbättring av idé- och prototypprocesser betydande möjligheter för innovation inom små och medelstora företag.
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Association of real-time assessed mood, affect and suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients with unipolar depressionLucht, Luise, Spangenberg, Lena, Forkmann, Thomas, Hallensleben, Nina, Rath, Dajana, Strauss, Maria, Glaesmer, Heide 14 May 2024 (has links)
Previous research provided preliminary support of a potential reinforcing effect of
suicidal ideation demonstrating reduced negative affect and increased positive affect
after thinking about suicide. The present study therefore sought to investigate the
role of mood and affect as a proximal risk factor of suicidal ideation in a high-risk
sample. Seventy-four psychiatric inpatients (72% female) with unipolar depression
and current and/or lifetime suicidal ideation aged 18 to 85 years (M = 37.6,
SD = 14.3) took part in an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) over 6 days.
Multilevel analyses were calculated. Analyses revealed negative valence of mood and
low positive affect to be predictors of subsequent intensity of suicidal ideation
(active, passive) as well as predictors of change in suicidal ideation (active, passive)
since the last measurement. High negative affect only predicted intensity of passive
suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation (active, passive) was prospectively associated with
subsequent negative valence of mood and lower positive affect as well as with higher
intensity of negative affect. Suicidal ideation (active, passive) also predicted the
change in valence of mood, positive affect and negative affect since the last measurement.
Mood and affect should be taken into account as important proximal risk factors
of active and passive suicidal ideation. The results do not support the idea of a
reinforcing effect of suicidal ideation. In fact, they show a pattern of reduced subsequent
positive affect, negative valence of mood and increased negative affect. Replication
studies with larger samples and longer EMA follow-ups are needed
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Önskan om påskyndad död vid livets slut : litteraturöversikt / Desire for hastened death at the end-of-life : Literature reviewHöglund, Kristina, Malmivaara, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship between Three Religious Coping Styles and Suicidal Ideation and Positive Ideation in Young AdultsSmith, Danielle Ann Elise 01 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 7820500 -
MA research report -
School of Psychology -
Faculty of Humanities / Internationally, suicide is highly prevalent among adolescents and young adults, and South African data suggest that suicide is a serious problem that is increasingly affecting the Black population and young men in particular. This study aimed firstly to investigate the prevalence of suicidal behaviour among young adults, and, in a sample of 85 young people (aged 19-30), one in seven had previously attempted suicide, and almost one in three had recently thought about killing themselves. Sociological research has shown that religion has a predominantly protective effect with regard to suicide, however psychological research, while providing evidence for a similar relationship, has also shown that religious strain may contribute to suicidality. This study sought to establish whether a relationship exists between suicidal ideation (and positive ideation), and various indicators of religiosity. Unexpectedly, given the research trends, suicidal ideation was significantly positively associated with self-reported religious salience (r = .297, p = .006), and with the collaborative/deferring religious coping style (r = .301, p = .005), characterized by higher levels of religiosity. Suicidal ideation was significantly negatively associated with the self-directing style (r = -.331, p = .002), favoured by less religious participants. Positive ideation was unrelated to religious salience, participation, and both religious coping approaches. Various explanations were proposed for these results. Cognition is a central pathway for suicidality, and insecure religious attachment, when triggered by stressors, may set in motion a cognitive process involving negative religious attributions and harmful religious coping strategies – typical symptoms of religious strain which has been associated with suicidal behaviour. Maladaptive religious beliefs and behaviours may also have a negative impact on depression, hopelessness and helplessness, all vulnerability factors for suicidal behaviour in young people. It is also possible that, when faced by life challenges that exceed coping capacity, individuals may be more likely to turn to God, while simultaneously experiencing hopelessness, depression and suicidal ideation. Finally, the gender skew in the sample may have resulted in the high levels of suicidal behaviour and religiosity, and the positive relationship between them. Vulnerability to suicidal behaviour in young adults is a multifaceted problem, and religion, itself a multidimensional concept, is one of many factors that may provide protection against or contribute to suicidal behaviour. In order to understand the complex problem of vulnerability to suicidal behaviour in young adults, there is a need for further multivariate research.
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Análise da gestão de ideias de produtos para apoiar o planejamento da inovação / Analysis of the product idea management to support the front-end of the innovation processCunha, Vitor Pinheiro 23 September 2011 (has links)
Organizações têm de lidar com um ambiente dinâmico em que a inovação é essencial para o sucesso dos negócios. Além disso, a capacidade de inovar em produto de qualquer organização está diretamente relacionada a um fluxo contínuo de novas ideias capazes de atender às oportunidades de novos produtos e tecnologias. Apesar do seu papel importante no início do processo de inovação, ao contrário de tentar gerenciar o surgimento de novas ideias, a abordagem mais comumente preconizada pelas empresas é de incentivar a geração de um grande número de ideias. No entanto, o sucesso do desenvolvimento de novos produtos requer mais do que gerar ideias, outras características do processo devem ser consideradas. Para ajudar na compreensão dessas características, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar como o processo de gestão de ideias de produtos é realizado nas empresas. Para atingir esse objetivo, primeiramente, é proposto um modelo conceitual síntese da gestão de ideias baseado nas características identificadas literatura. Em seguida, para compreender o comportamento dessas características na prática, é realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos em 15 empresas reconhecidas como inovadoras e de diversos setores da indústria. Por fim, baseado nos dados levantados nas empresas, as características do processo de gestão de ideias são analisadas e confrontadas com as informações obtidas na revisão da literatura. A partir do estudo é identificado que a condução do processo de gestão de ideias pode seguir diferentes lógicas conforme as características das empresas. Certos fatores, tais como: definições estratégicas, formas de condução do processo e fatores organizacionais devem ser levados em conta na definição da melhor forma de gerenciar o processo. Considerando, que os estudos identificados na literatura concentram-se em analisar características específicas do processo, tornando difícil obter uma visão completa do processo, esta pesquisa apresenta uma importante contribuição para a teoria acadêmica por meio da análise das principais características que compõem o processo. Este trabalho apresenta ainda uma contribuição para empresas, pois pode ser utilizado como referência de como o processo vem sendo desenvolvido e fornece uma visão prática de como pode ser estruturada a gestão de ideias. / Organizations have to deal with a dynamic environment in which innovation is essential for success of businesses. Additionally, the product innovation capability of any organization is directly related to a continuous flow of ideas capable of raising opportunities for new products and technologies. Despite the primary role of ideas, instead of managing the ideation process, the most common approach is the generation of a large number of ideas. However, launching new products requires more than just generating ideas, many other characteristics of the process need to be addressed. Thus, to explore these characteristics, this research has as main objective analyze how the product ideation process is carried out in companies. To achieve this goal, firstly, is proposed an ideation conceptual model, based on the synthesis of the characteristics identified in literature. Then, to understand the behavior of these characteristics in practice, is conducted a multiple case study in 15 companies recognized as innovative and from different sectors of industry. Finally, based on data collected, the characteristics of the ideation process are analyzed and compared with the information obtained from the literature review. Based on the results of the study is identified that the conduct of the ideation process may follow different logics according to the characteristics of companies. Certain factors, such as: strategies, ways of conducting the process and organizational factors should be taken into account in defining the best way to manage the process. Considering that the studies identified in the literature focus on analyzing specific characteristics of the process, making it difficult to get a complete overview of the process, this research presents an important contribution to academic theory by analyzing the main characteristics that impact the process. This work also presents a contribution to companies, as it can be used as a reference of how the process is being developed and provides a practical overview of how it can be structured.
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