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Avaliação da qualidade de vida em adultos com deformidade dentofacial de Classe III / Quality of life evaluation in adults with Class III dentofacial deformityValladares Neto, José 09 August 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) de adultos com deformidade dentofacial de Classe III e fatores associados. Material e Métodos: estudo caso-controle com 84 adultos-jovens, sendo 42 com deformidade dentofacial de Classe III e 42 com oclusão normal e face harmoniosa, pareados por frequência quanto à idade, sexo, cor da pele, índice de massa corporal e estado civil. A QV foi avaliada pela escala visual analógica (EVA) e pelos questionários SF-36, OHIP-14, PIDAQ e OQLQ. A complexidade da maloclusão foi determinada pelo índice de discrepância (DI) do Board Americano de Ortodontia e ângulo ANB. Resultados: a avaliação da consistência interna dos questionários foi boa / excelente (alfa de Cronbach entre 0,807 e 0,941) e da reprodutibilidade satisfatória [erro sistemático ausente (P = 0,4825, IC 95% = -4,54 a 2,31) e o erro casual, aceitável (Dalberg = 3,309)]. O SF-36 não mostrou diferença estatística entre os grupos (P = 0,2240), enquanto a EVA (P < 0,03), OHIP-14 (P < 0.0001), PIDAC (P < 0.0001) e OQLQ (P < 0.0001) mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante. Os domínios acompanharam a mesma tendência das escalas. A correlação mais forte entre os questionários ocorreu entre os de condição-específica: PIDAQ e OQLQ (P < 0,05, rs = 0,6683). Não houve correlação significativa do SF-36 com o OHIP-14, PIDAQ e OQLQ (P > 0.05), exceto com a EVA (P < 0,05, rs = 0,4677). O DI e o ângulo ANB tiveram correlação significativa e moderada entre si (P < 0,001, rs = -0,4677). A análise de regressão logística simples não mostrou associação entre o impacto da QV e fatores sociodemográficos, índice de massa corporal e a complexidade da maloclusão para o grupo caso. Conclusão: a deformidade dentofacial de Classe III apresentou impacto negativo da QV relacionada à saúde bucal e não foi identificado fator associado. As avaliações psicométrica e morfológica do paciente tendem a ser independentes entre si. / Aim: To assess quality of life (QoL) of adults with Class III dentofacial deformity and associated factors. Material and Methods: A case-control study with 84 young adults, 42 with Class III dentofacial deformity and 42 with normal occlusion and harmonious face matched for age, sex, color of skin, body mass index, and marital status. QoL was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS) and the SF-36, OHIP-14, and PIDAQ OQLQ questionnaires. The complexity of malocclusion was determined by the discrepancy index (DI) of the American Board of Orthodontics and ANB angle. Results: The internal consistency of the questionnaire was good/excellent (Cronbach\'s alpha between 0.807 and 0.941), and satisfactory reproducibility [systematic error absent (P = 0.4825, 95% CI = -4.54 to 2.31) and the acceptable random error (Dalberg = 3.309)]. The SF-36 showed no statistical difference between the groups (P = 0.2240), while the EVA (P < 0,03), OHIP-14 (P < 0.0001), PIDAC (P < 0.0001) and OQLQ (P < 0.0001) showed a statistically significant difference. The domains followed the same trend of the scales. The strongest correlation between the questionnaires occurred between condition-specific: PIDAQ and OQLQ (P < 0.05, rs = 0.6683). There was no significant correlation of the SF-36 with the OHIP-14, PIDAQ and OQLQ (P > 0.05), except with VAS (P < 0,05, rs = 0,4677). The DI and ANB had moderate and significant correlation between them (P < 0.001, rs = -0.4677). The analysis of simple logistic regression found no association between QOL and the impact of age, sex, color of skin, body mass index, marital status and complexity of malocclusion for the case group. Conclusion: Class III dentofacial deformity showed negative impact of oral health-related QoL and associated factor was not identified. The psychometric and morphological evaluation of the patient suggested independence between them.
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Nanofils de semiconducteurs à grande énergie de bande interdite pour des applications optoélectroniques / Wide bandgap semiconductor nanowires for optoelectronic devicesJacopin, Gwenolé 26 September 2012 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, une vaste classe de nanofils de nitrures d’éléments III et de ZnO peut être synthétisée avec un excellent contrôle des propriétés de dopage et de composition. La géométrie spécifique de ces nanofils permet de faire croître des hétérostructures radiales et axiales qui ont des propriétés optiques et de transport très avantageuses par rapport aux couches minces. Ces propriétés en font des candidats prometteurs pour la réalisation d’une nouvelle génération de dispositifs plus efficaces (LEDs, photodétecteurs,…). Pour cela, il est indispensable de comprendre les nouveaux effets induits par la géométrie particulière de ces nanostructures : c’est l’objet de cette thèse. Dans une première partie, je présente une étude des propriétés optiques de nanofils de semiconducteurs à grande énergie de bande interdite. J’analyse d’abord l’effet de la contrainte sur les propriétés d’émission des nanofils cœur-coquille GaN/AlGaN. En particulier, je mets en évidence le croisement des bandes de valence et son influence sur les propriétés optiques des nanofils. Ensuite, je me focalise sur l’effet du confinement quantique et les propriétés de polarisation dans les nanofils hétérostructurés de nitrures d’éléments III. Dans une seconde partie, je m’intéresse à la réalisation et à la caractérisation de dispositifs à base de nanofils de nitrures d’éléments III et de ZnO. J’expose tout d’abord la modélisation et l’étude expérimentale de photodétecteurs à ensemble de nanofils en mettant en avant l’influence des états de surface sur leur réponse. Je m’intéresse ensuite aux propriétés de transport dans des nanofils uniques de nitrures d’éléments III hétérostructurés. Je montre, en particulier, que ces hétérostructures sont le siège d’une résistance différentielle négative. Enfin, je présente la réalisation et la caractérisation de photodétecteurs et de LEDs utilisant des nanofils uniques InGaN/GaN cœur-coquille. Un modèle électrique équivalent permet de rendre compte du comportement observé. / Since the early 2000s, a large class of wide bandgap nanowires can be grown with an excellent control of doping and composition. The specific geometry of the nanowires leads to radial or axial heterostructures with better optical and transport properties compared to thin films. Due to these properties, they are promising candidates for a new generation of more efficient devices (LEDs, photodetectors, etc.). It is essential to understand the new effects induced by the particular geometry of these nanostructures.In the first part, I deal with the optical properties of wide bandgap semiconductor nanowires. First, I analyze the effect of the stress on the emission properties of core-shell GaN/AlGaN nanowires. I highlight the intersection of valence bands and its influence on the optical properties of nanowires. Then, I focus on the effect of quantum confinement and on the polarization properties of III-nitride heterostructured nanowires.In the second part, I describe the fabrication and characterization of III-nitride and ZnO nanowire-based devices. I first model and study photodetectors based on ensemble of nanowires. Then, I focus on the transport properties of single heterostructured nanowires of III-nitride heterostructures. I show in particular that these heterostructures exhibit a negative differential resistance. Finally, I present characterization of photodetectors and LEDs using single core-shell InGaN/GaN nanowires. An equivalent electrical circuit explains the observed behavior
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Avaliação dos efeitos da subfração Acetato de etila III de Vemonia scorpioides em modelo de melanoma murino in vivo e in vitro / Vernonia scorpioides ethyl acetate III subfraction effect evaluation in model of in vivo and in vitro murine melanomaLuise Zozula Blind Carrenho 18 September 2009 (has links)
Vernonia Scorpioides tem sido utilizada popularmente no Brasil para tratar problemas de pele e úlceras crônicas, como as úlceras de perna decorrentes de diabetes. No presente estudo foi investigado o efeito da subfração acetato de etila III obtida do extrato bruto das folhas de Vernonia scorpioides in vitro, onde células de melanoma murino B16F10 foram submetidas à tratamento com várias concentrações no período de 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas, com o propósito de analisar a citotoxicidade da subfração frente às células. Percebemos uma alta citotoxicidade da subfração matando as células nas concentrações acima de 5 μg/ml, as células que receberam o tratamento de 1 g/ml não sofreram morte celular total. A morte celular foi elucidada com laranja de acridina e brometo de etídio. Um estudo mais detalhado das células foi feito com microscopia eletrônica. No estudo in vivo foi investigada a ação da subfração acetato de etila III na concentração de 5mg/Kg em camundongos C57BL6 com o objetivo de verificar a ação da subfração, sete dias de tratamento após dez dias da inoculação, tratamento profilático em dose única no primeiro dia da inoculação e tratamento precoce após 48 horas da inoculação com intervalos de dois dias. Os animais receberam via subcutânea, na região lombar dorsal 1,5 x 105 células de melanoma B16F10. Percebemos que o local em que a subfração acetato de etila III consegue disseminar-se pela massa tumoral ocorre a morte do tumor, extensa área de necrose é observada, quanto mais cedo e precoce o tratamento melhor o comportamento da massa tumoral a subfração acetato de etila III, o único órgão que reage é o baço se apresenta muito reativo proporcionalmente ao tamanho do tumor, os demais órgão não apresentam lesões, a subfração não causou nefrocitotoxicidade e hepatotoxicidade aparente. / Vernonia scorpioides has been tradionally used in Brazil in order to treat skin disorders and chronic wounds, such as leg ulcers in result to diabetes. The present study investigated the ethyl acetate III subfraction effect obtained from fresh leaves of Vernonia scorpioides in vitro, where B16F10 murine melanoma cells were submitted to treatment with several concentrations during 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, to analyze citotoxicity subfraction before the cells. A high citotoxicity level of subfraction could be noticed killing cells above 5 μg/ml concentration, the cells which received 1 g/ml treatment have not suffered total cellular death. This death was elucidated with acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, a deeper study of the cells was performed with electron microscopy, the action of ethyl acetate III subfraction in the 5mg/Kg concentration in C57BL6 mice was investigated in the in vivo study so that it is possible to verify the action of the subfraction seven days of treatment after ten days of inoculation, single dose of prophylactic treatment on the first day of inoculation and precocious treatment after 48 hours of inoculation with 48-hour intervals. The animals received subcutaneously 1,5 x 105 B16F10 murine melanoma cells. Tumor death is noticeable in the area where the ethyl acetate III subfraction could disseminate inside, a comprehensive necrosed area was observed, the sooner and more precocious the treatment the better the tumor will react to the ethyl acetate III subfraction, the only organ that reacts is the spleen which presents itself very reactive to the size of the tumor, the other organs do not display wounds, the subfraction did not cause apparent nefrotoxicity and hepatoxicity.
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Complexos heterolépticos de ouro(III) com potenciais antitumorais e anti-Trypanosoma cruzi / Gold(III) heteroleptic complexes as potencial antitumor and anti- Trypanosoma cruziAmandha Kaiser da Silva 19 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a síntese de complexos de ouro(III) com ligante (dietilaminotiocarbonil)benzimidoíla-morfolinil-tiossemicarbazona e co-ligante L variando entre Cl-, CN-, SCN-, C3H5OS2- e C9H13N. Para a caracterização destes complexos foram envolvidas diversas técnicas, como espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e do UV-Vis, ponto de fusão, condutividade, espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear 1H e 13C, espectrometria de massas ESI(+)-MS e análise elementar (C,H,N). O estudo consiste na avaliação da influência do ligante L frente a atividade antitumoral e anti-Trypanossoma cruzi, assim como na avaliação de sua influência em interações com possíveis alvos biológicos (DNA e albumina). Nos experimentos biológicos foi verificada a potencial atividade antitumoral destes complexos em células HepG2, HeLa, DU-145 e MDA-MB-231, dando destaque aos resultados obtidos para os complexos do tipo [AuCl(dmstc)] (IC50 = 8,05 ?molL-1) e [Au(xant)(dmstc)] (IC50 = 28,5 ?molL-1) frente à célula MDA-MB-231, ao complexo [AuCl(dmstc)] (IC50 = 8,37 ?molL-1) frente à célula DU-145 e ao complexo [AuSCN(dmstc)] o qual apresentou resultados promissores para todas as linhagens celulares tumorais avaliadas. Os ensaios in vitro contra cepas Tulahuen LacZ de Trypanossoma cruzi apresentaram resultados promissores, demonstrando uma elevada atividade contra o parasita e citotoxicidade geral negligenciável frente à células de baço de camundongo Swiss para todos os complexos avaliados, com exceção do complexo [Au(xant)(dmstc)]. Através do estudo de interação destes complexos com DNA-ct e albumina humana (HSA), é possível descartar o DNA como principal alvo biológico responsável pelas atividades observadas e sugerir uma adequada distribuição in vivo por meio da HSA. / This work describes the synthesis of gold(III) complexes with the ligand (diethylaminocarbonyl)benzimidoyl-morpholinyl thiosemicarbazone and the co-ligand L varying between Cl-, CN-, SCN-, C3H5OS2- and C9H13N. The complexes characterization involved various techniques such as melting point, conductivity, infrared, UV-Vis, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies, ESI(+)-MS mass spectrometry and elemental analysis (C, H, N). The study consists on the evaluation of the influence of the ligand L front anti-tumor and anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activities, as well as in assessing their influence on interactions with possible biological targets (DNA and albumin). The biological experiments showed potential antitumor activity for the complexes against HepG2, HeLa, DU-145 and MDA-MB-231 cells, especially the results obtained for the complexes of the type [AuCl(dmstc)] (IC50 = 8,05 ?molL-1) and [Au(xant)(dmstc)] (IC50 = 28,5 ?molL-1) against the MDA-MB-231 cell, the complex [AuCl(dmstc)] (IC50 = 8,37 ?molL-1) against the DU-145 cell, and the complex [AuSCN(dmstc)] which showed promising results for all tumor cells lines evaluated. In vitro assays against LacZ Tulahuen Trypanosoma cruzi presented promising results, showing high activity against the parasite with negligible general cytotoxicity against the Swiss mouse spleen cells in all evaluating complexes, except for complex [Au(xant)(dmstc)]. Through the studies of interaction of the complexes with DNA-ct and human albumin (HSA) can discard the DNA as the primary biological target responsible for the observed activities and suggest a proper distribution in vivo through the HSA.
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Estudo da correlação biomecânica entre desordens oclusais e desvio de coluna no plano sagital / Study of biomechanics correlaction between oclusal disorders and spine deviation in the sagital planeBittar, Ana Elise Lobo 12 November 2007 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou biomecanicamente o efeito da força resultante, em região de coluna cervical, exercida por um aparelho odontológico ortopédico mecânico, instalado em um paciente tipo classe III de Angle, durante o período de 06 meses. Para isso, selecionou-se um paciente de 10 anos e 04 meses de idade, leucoderma, do sexo masculino, para servir de modelo para este estudo. Ao exame intra-oral foram observadas chave de molares em classe III de Angle, mordida cruzada anterior, dentição mista e arcada superior atrésica. Na avaliação radiográfica, juntamente com análises de USP, Mac Namara, Bimler e Petrovic, foram constatadas maloclusão tipo classe III e potencial de crescimento mandibular maior que maxilar. Na análise de modelos, observaram-se, discrepâncias positivas tanto no sentido transversal como ântero-posterior nas duas arcadas. Foram solicitados exames radiográficos panorâmico, tele-radiografia lateral e de coluna torácica para elaboração do diagnóstico e plano de tratamento. Após isso, foi proposta a disjunção da arcada superior através de disjuntor de Mc Namara modificado e tracionamento da maxila com máscara facial de Petit, utilizando para isso, elásticos extra-orais com tração de força média (400gf). Após o uso da máscara por 06 meses, numa média de 14 horas por dia, foram feitas novas radiografias crânio cervicais para a avaliação da nova situação. O que se pode observar, além da correção da mordida cruzada anterior (clinicamente), foi, radiograficamente, a flexão da coluna do paciente com uma extensão compensatória do crânio e encurtamento de alguns músculos extensores da coluna cervical, analisados em seus marcos ósseos de origem e inserção. / This study has evaluated biomechanicaly the effect of the resultant strength at the cervical column developed by an odonthologic orthopedical mechanic appliance installed in a class III of Angle patient during 6 months. The model for this study is a 10 years and 4 months old patient, during six months. The model for this study is a 10 years and 4 months old patient, male and white. By the intra-oral exam it was possible to observe that the patient had molars in class III of Angle, previous crossed bite, mixed teething and the superior arcade is atresical. By the radiographic evaluation with analysis from USP, Mac Namara, Bimler e Petrovic, was detected a malocclusion class III and a potential of bigger mandibular growth then jaw. By the model analysis, a positive differences in the transversal as well as in the antero-posterior region of both arcades. Panoramic radiological exams, lateral and thoracic vertebral column teleradiografic exams were done in order to elaborate a diagnosis and a treatment plan. Afterwards a disjunction from the superior arcade through a modified disjunctor was proposed and a maxilla tracking through a Petit facial mask, with intra oral gummy strings with a medium strength force (400gf). After using this mask for 6 months, about 14 hours a day, other cranial-cervical x rays were done to evaluate the new results. It\'s possible to observe that not only the crossed bite was corrected (clinically) but also the cervical column flexion from the patient with a compensatory cranial extension. A shortening of some extensor muscles of cervical column, analyzed in its osseous marks of origin and insertion, was also observed.
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Investigação das rotas de biotransformação do grupo cromóforo e avaliação toxicológica parcial dos corantes dispersos sudan III e disperso amarelo 9 / Investigation of routes of biotransformation of the chromophore group and preliminary toxicological evaluation of disperse dyes sudan III and disperse yellow 9.Zanoni, Thalita Boldrin 09 April 2010 (has links)
Corantes e pigmentos são utilizados no mundo todo para alterar a percepção visual de diversos bens de consumo. Dentre esses compostos se destacam os corantes que possuem grupamentos azo ou nitro como cromóforo. Muitas dessas substâncias são potencialmente tóxicas, seja na sua forma original seja após a biotransformação, com ênfase aos efeitos mutagênicos e/ou carcinogênicos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as rotas metabólicas e avaliar o perfil toxicológico parcial dos corantes Disperso Amarelo 9 e Sudan III. O Sudan III é um corante azóico e que embora tenha estrutura química muito semelhante ao Sudan I, um carcinógeno humano, existem poucos dados na literatura a respeito de sua toxicidade. Vale ressaltar que o Sudan III é um corante de alimentos banido da maioria dos países, porém tem sido repetidamente detectado em alimentos industrializados como adulterante. Já o corante Disperse Yellow 9 é amplamente utilizado principalmente pelas indústrias têxteis, porém não foram encontrados dados na literatura sobre seu potencial tóxico. Foram realizados estudos espectroeletroquimicos capazes de simular reações de oxidação e redução que ocorrem em organismos vivos, além de sistema exógeno de metabolização (S9). A mutagenicidade dos corantes foi avaliada pelo ensaio de Samonella (utilizando as linhagens TA98, TA1535, TA100 e YG1042, com e sem S9) e por meio da avaliação da capacidade de ligação com o DNA e a guanosina in vitro. Ainda, verificou-se a indução de morte celular em condrócitos bovinos. Nossos resultados mostraram que as condições de oxidação (eletroquímica ou após a reação com S9) e redução foram capazes de modificar o grupamento cromóforo tanto do corante Sudan III quanto do Disperso amarelo 9, e esse efeito é esperado em organismos vivos, podendo formar derivados tóxicos. O corante Sudan III é capaz de se ligar ao DNA de forma estável, mais especificamente com a base nitrogenada guanosina, enquanto o Disperso Amarelo 9 se liga fracamente ao DNA e não com a guanosina. O corante Sudam III exibiu fraca mutagenicidade e apenas com a linhagem TA1535. Por outro lado, Disperso Amarelo 9 foi positivo para as linhagens TA1535 e YG1042, e o efeito foi mais pronunciado após a ativação metabólica. Ambos os corantes induziram à morte dos condrócitos de forma tempo e concentração dependente. Assim, ambos os corantes foram considerados tóxicos, tanto na sua forma original quanto após biotransformação e podem levar a riscos à saúde humana e ao ecossistema quando de sua exposição. / Dyes and pigments are applied worldwide to change the visual perception of many products. Among these compounds, dyes containing azo and nitro bond as chromophore are very important groups. A wide range of these substances are potentially toxic either in its original form or after biotransformation leading to mutagenic / or carcinogenic effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the metabolic pathways involving the chromophore group and also to evaluate the toxicological profile of Disperse Yellow 9 and Sudan III dyes. Sudan III is an azo dye that has a very similar chemical structure to Sudan I a known carcinogen. Despite, there are few data about Sudan III toxicity in the literature. It is important to point out that Sudan III is banned from most worldwide food industry it has been frequently detected as an adulterant in a large amount of processed food. The literature has no information about the toxicity potential of Disperse Yellow although it is widely and mainly used by textile industries. On the present we performed a spectroeletrochemical method capable of simulating bio- reactions able to occur on living organisms such as oxidation and reduction, also exogen metabolization system (S9) were applied. The mutagenicity of the dyes was evaluated by Salmonella assay (using strains TA98, TA1535, TA100 and YG1042, with and without S9). The ability of causing stable bonds to DNA and guanosine were also tested in vitro. Also the capacity of inducing cell death on bovine chondrocytes was investigated. Our results indicated that the oxidation reactions (spectroeletrochemical method or after S9 reaction) and also the reduction reactions were able to modify the chromophore group for the studied dyes Sudan III and Disperse Yellow 9, this effect could be expected in living organisms and may also generate toxic products. Sudan III is capable of binding to DNA and forming stable aducts, specifically to the nitrogenated base guanosine, while Disperse Yellow 9 binds weakly to DNA and does not react with guanosine. Low mutagenicity was observed for strain TA1535 for Sudan III dye. Besides, strains TA1535 and YG1042 gave positive responses for Disperse Yellow, the effect was pronounced after metabolic activation. Death of chondrocytes was observed for both dyes demonstrating time and concentration dependency. Toxicity was observed for both dyes, before and after biotransformation, this effect may lead to risks on human health and also for the environment.
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Caractérisation de la régulation de la transcription par l'ARN polymérase III chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Characterization of RNA polymerase III transcription regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeTavenet, Arounie 10 November 2011 (has links)
L’ARN polymérase III synthétise de nombreux petits ARN non traduits, dont les ARNt et l’ARNr 5S, essentiels à la croissance de toute cellule. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la régulation de la transcription par l’ARN polymérase III chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nous avons détecté Sub1 sur les gènes de classe III in vivo. Nous avons également observé que Sub1 est capable de stimuler la transcription par l’ARN III reconstituée in vitro avec les facteurs TFIIIB et TFIIIC recombinants et avec l’ARN Pol III purifiée. Sub1 stimule deux étapes de la transcription : l’initiation et la réinitiation facilitée. Des expériences supplémentaires nous montrent que la protéine interagit directement avec TFIIIB et TFIIIC. Enfin, nous avons pu constater que la délétion de Sub1 dans la levure conduit à une diminution de la transcription par l’ARN Pol III en phase exponentielle de croissance. Par la suite, nous avons cherché à déterminer quel lien pouvait exister entre l’activateur Sub1 et le répresseur Maf1 de la transcription par l’ARN Pol III. Enfin, nous avons également souhaité identifier d’autres éléments pouvant interagir avec la protéine Sub1 au cours de sa fonction de régulateur. / RNA polymerase III synthetizes many small untranslated RNA, including tRNA and 5S rRNA which are essential to cell growth. In this work, we took an interest in RNA polymerase III transcription regulation in the baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have detected Sub1 on all class III genes in vivo. We also observed that Sub1 is able to stimulate RNA polymerase III transcription which has been reconstituted in vitro with TFIIIB et TFIIIC recombinants factors and purified RNA polymerase III. Sub1 stimulates two steps of RNA polymerase III transcription : initiation and facilitated reinitiation. Supplementary experiments established that Sub1 directly interacts with TFIIIB and TFIIIC transcription factors. Finally, we showed that Sub1 deletion in yeast leads to a decrease in RNA polymerase III transcription during exponential phase. Then, we tried to determine which link could exist between Sub1, the activator, and Maf1, the repressor of RNA polymerase III transcription. Furthermore, we attempted to identify other elements which could interact with Sub1 during transcription regulation.
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Régulation temporelle de l’abscission, la dernière étape de la division cellulaire : rôle des forces exercées au niveau du pont intercellulaire / Temporal regulation of the abscission, the last step of cell division : role of forces exerted on the intercellular bridgeJanvore, Julie 28 September 2012 (has links)
La dernière étape de la cytocinèse, l’abscission, consiste en la coupure du pont intercellulaire reliant les deux cellules filles à la suite de la contraction de l’anneau acto-myosique. Comme toutes les étapes de la division cellulaire, l’abscission doit être régulée dans l’espace et dans le temps afin qu’elle intervienne au bon endroit et au bon moment. Mon travail de doctorat a porté sur l’étude de la régulation dans le temps de l’abscission par l’environnement des cellules filles, en particulier par les forces de traction exercées par les cellules sur le pont intercellulaire. En utilisant une combinaison d’approches permettant de contrôler le confinement spatial 2D des cellules filles, de mesurer les forces exercées par les cellules au cours de la cytocinèse et de micro-manipuler le pont intercellulaire, j’ai montré que, de façon contre-intuitive, une tension exercée au niveau du pont retardait l’abscission et qu’au contraire la relâche de cette tension induisait l’abscission. De plus, la régulation temporelle de l’abscission par les facteurs environnementaux des cellules filles implique les protéines des « Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III » (ESCRT-III), machinerie centrale de l’abscission. Enfin, des expériences préliminaires suggèrent que cette régulation serait importante pour le maintien de l’intégrité tissulaire et la morphogenèse au cours du développement. / The last step of cytokinesis, abscission, consists in the severing of the intercellular bridge connecting the two daughter cells after the contraction of the acto-myosin ring. As any other step of cell division, abscission has to be regulated both in time and space in order to take place at the proper time and proper place. During my PhD, I studied the temporal regulation of the abscission by the cell micro-environment, particularly by the traction forces exerted by the cells on the intercellular bridge. I used a combination of approaches to control the daughter cells 2D spatial confinement, to measure the forces exerted by the cells throughout cytokinesis, and to micro-manipulate the intercellular bridge. Counter-intuitively, a tension exerted on the intercellular bridge delayed abscission while a release of tension in the bridge induced abscission. Moreover, the temporal regulation of abscission by the environment of the daughter cells implies the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III (ESCRT-III), the main abscission machinery. Finally, preliminary experiments suggest that this mechanism could be important for tissue integrity and morphogenesis.
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Design, Growth, and Characterization of III-Sb and III-N Materials for Photovoltaic ApplicationsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) energy has shown tremendous improvements in the past few decades showing great promises for future sustainable energy sources. Among all PV energy sources, III-V-based solar cells have demonstrated the highest efficiencies. This dissertation investigates the two different III-V solar cells with low (III-antimonide) and high (III-nitride) bandgaps.
III-antimonide semiconductors, particularly aluminum (indium) gallium antimonide alloys, with relatively low bandgaps, are promising candidates for the absorption of long wavelength photons and thermophotovoltaic applications. GaSb and its alloys can be grown metamorphically on non-native substrates such as GaAs allowing for the understanding of different multijunction solar cell designs. The work in this dissertation presents the molecular beam epitaxy growth, crystal quality, and device performance of AlxGa1−xSb solar cells grown on GaAs substrates. The motivation is on the optimization of the growth of AlxGa1−xSb on GaAs (001) substrates to decrease the threading dislocation density resulting from the significant lattice mismatch between GaSb and GaAs. GaSb, Al0.15Ga0.85Sb, and Al0.5Ga0.5Sb cells grown on GaAs substrates demonstrate open-circuit voltages of 0.16, 0.17, and 0.35 V, respectively. In addition, a detailed study is presented to demonstrate the temperature dependence of (Al)GaSb PV cells.
III-nitride semiconductors are promising candidates for high-efficiency solar cells due to their inherent properties and pre-existing infrastructures that can be used as a leverage to improve future nitride-based solar cells. However, to unleash the full potential of III-nitride alloys for PV and PV-thermal (PVT) applications, significant progress in growth, design, and device fabrication are required. In this dissertation, first, the performance of
InGaN solar cells designed for high temperature application (such as PVT) are presented showing robust cell performance up to 600 ⁰C with no significant degradation.
In the final section, extremely low-resistance GaN-based tunnel junctions with different structures are demonstrated showing highly efficient tunneling characteristics with negative differential resistance (NDR). To improve the efficiency of optoelectronic devices such as UV emitters the first AlGaN tunnel diode with Zener characteristic is presented. Finally, enabled by GaN tunnel junction, the first tunnel contacted InGaN solar cell with a high VOC value of 2.22 V is demonstrated. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2019
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Reliability and procedural validity of University of Michigan-CIDI DSM-III-R phobic disordersWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zhao, Shanyang, Abelson, Jamie M., Abelson, James L., Kessler, Ronald C. 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We evaluate the long-term test–retest reliability and procedural validity of phobia diagnoses in the UM-CIDI, the version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, used in the US National Co-morbidity Survey (NCS) and a number of other ongoing large-scale epidemiological surveys. Test–retest reliabilities of lifetime diagnoses of simple phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia over a period between 16 and 34 months were K = 0·46, 0·47, and 0·63, respectively. Concordances with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) were K = 0·45, 0·62, and 0·63, respectively. Diagnostic discrepancies with the SCID were due to the UM-CIDI under-diagnosing. Post hoc analysis demonstrated that modification of UM-CIDI coding rules could dramatically improve cross-sectional procedural validity for both simple phobia (K = 0·57) and social phobia (K = 0·95). Based on these results, it seems likely that future modification of CIDI questions and coding rules could lead to substantial improvements in diagnostic validity.
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