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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchung der Erregbarkeit spinaler Motoneurone während Propofolmononarkosen

Müller, Katja 08 February 2006 (has links)
Einleitung: Zur Messung der Narkosetiefe standen bisher vor allem aus dem EEG abgeleitete Parameter im Mittelpunkt der Forschung, die sehr gut geeignet sind, die hypnotische Komponente der Anästhesie abzubilden. Eine Vorhersage auf motorische Reaktionen lassen sie jedoch nicht zu. Eine vorausgehende Studie hat gezeigt, dass unter Sevofluran der spinale H-Reflex mit der chirurgischen Immobilität korreliert. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob motorische Reaktionen während Propofolmononarkosen mittels H-Reflex besser vorausgesagt werden können als mit den EEG-Parametern Bispektraler Index (BIS), spektrale Entropie (SE) und response Entropie (RE). Außerdem wurde der Einfluss von Propofol auf die Erholungskurve des H-Reflexes unter Doppelstimulation untersucht. Methodik: Nach Zustimmung der Ethikkommission und schriftlicher Einwilligung wurden 17 Patienten in die Studie eingeschlossen und ausgewertet. Nach der „up-and-down“-Methode von Dixon wurde die Konzentration von Propofol auf einen Wert eingestellt, bei dem die Hälfte der Patienten auf einen am Unterarm ausgelösten elektrischen Tetanus-Reiz (60 mA) mit einer gezielten motorischen Reaktion reagierten. Nach einer Kontrollmessung wurde die Konzentration von Propofol 15 min konstant gehalten. Danach wurde von einem „steady state“ ausgegangen und der Tetanusreiz wurde ausgelöst. Die Vorhersagefähigkeit der möglichen Narkosetiefe-parameter auf eine Bewegung wurde mit der „Prediction Probability“ (PK-Wert) ermittelt. Im zweiten Teil wurde der H-Reflex anhand der Doppelstimulation mit größer werdenden Interstimulusintervallen (50-8000 ms) untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Wachwerte für die H-Reflexamplitude liegen bei 5,9 (± 3,8 SD) mV. Der von uns berechnete C50-Tetanus-Wert beträgt 4,5 ± 0,45 mg/l. Die PK-Werte 0,47 für den H-Reflex und 0,45 für die Herzfrequenz lassen nur zufällige Aussagen auf motorische Reaktionen zu. Die EEG-Parameter zeigen höhere PK-Werte: BIS (0,74), SE (0,73), RE (0,71). In diesem Bereich liegt auch der PK-Wert der Propofolzielkonzentration (0,76). Der Schmerzreiz beeinflusste weder die H-Reflexamplitude noch die EEG-Parameter. Bei der Doppelstimulation zeigte sich eine verzögerte Erholung des H-Reflexes unter Doppelstimulation, die am stärksten im Bereich der interkurrenten Fazilitation unter den Interstimulusabständen von 150 und 200 ms. Schlussfolgerung: Für die Vorhersage motorischer Reaktionen während Propofolmono-narkosen sind EEG-Parameter wie BIS, SE und RE etwas besser geeignet als der spinale H-Reflex. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu einer Untersuchung mit Sevofluran und wird auf die unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen von volatilen und intravenösen Anästhetika zurückgeführt. Die Unterdrückung der Erholungskurve des H-Reflexes unter Doppelstimula-tion, die vor allem im Bereich der interkurrenten Fazilitation stattfindet, ist möglicherweise durch eine Reduktion supraspinaler exzitatorischer Einflüsse zu erklären. / Introduction: The measurement of „depth of anaesthesia“ is mostly done by parameters of the electroencephalogram (EEG) which can predict hypnosis whereas the prediction of immobility is not possible with those parameters. A previous study has shown that the H-reflex amplitude can be used for monitoring of immobility during sevoflurane anaesthesia. This study examined whether the prediction of movement to painful stimulation is also possible during propofol anaesthesia on the basis of the H-reflex-amplitude compared with the EEG-parameters bispectral index (BIS), spectral entropy (SE) and response entropy (RE). Furthermore the influence of propofol on the H-reflex-recovery under double pulse stimulation was tested. Methods: After approval of the institutional review board and informed consent were obtained, 17 patients were included into this study. Using the “up-and down”-method the concentration of propofol was adjusted to the level where half of the patients do not move to painful stimulation (C50-tetanus-value). Propofol was administered after a baseline measurement. After at least 15 minutes of constant propofol concentration a "steady-state" was assumed and a painful electrical stimulation (tetanic stimulus of 60mA) was applied. To estimate and compare the predictive value of the parameters, prediction probability Pk was calculated. The H-reflex during double pulse stimulation was examined with interstimulus intervals ranging from 50 to 8000 ms. Results: At awake level, H-reflexes had a mean amplitude of 5.9 (+/- 3.8 SD) mV. The calculated C50-tetanus-value was 4.5 (+/- 0.45 SD) mg/l. With Pk-values of 0.47 for the H-reflex amplitude and 0.45 for the heart rate the prediction of movements is just by chance. The Pk-values of the EEG-parameters were higher: BIS (0.74), SE (0.73), RE (0.71). At this level was also the Pk-value of the propofol concentration (0.76). The painful stimulation influenced neither the H-reflex amplitude nor the EEG-parameters. The double pulse stimulation showed a delay in the H-reflex-recovery at interstimulus intervals of 150 and 200 ms. Conclusion: The prediction of movement during propofol anaesthesia is better using the EEG-parameters BIS, SE and RE compared to the H-reflex-amplitude. These results are in contrast to a previous study with sevoflurane which can be explained by the different molecular mechanisms of action of volatile and intravenous anaesthetics. The depression of the recovery-curve of the H-reflex under double pulse stimulation is possibly due to the reduction of supraspinal excitatory influences.

Impact of Indigenous Culture on women leadership in Pakistan : How does indigenous culture of Pakistan restricts career progress and leadership abilities of females of Pakistan

Manzoor, Shafta January 2015 (has links)
“Although the subject of female leadership is very well documented at an international level, Pakistan still lacks enough research in this area. This scarcity of research gives rise to a commonly held belief that gender equality has been achieved in Pakistan which hides the gender stereotypes and discrimination practices still prevailing in the country.” “Digging into the experiences of thirty working women, this study examined the effect indigenous culture of Pakistan has in shaping their life experiences as well as career success. The study followed a qualitative research approach with phenomenological theoretical framework. Fifteen females were interviewed from urban areas and fifteen from rural areas to draw a holistic picture of indigenous culture of Pakistan and its effect on career success of females.” “Female participants of this study were interviewed on skype and the data gathered through these interviews was analysed using grounded theory approach. Interviews were taken in Urdu and transcriptions were prepared in English to conduct analysis for this study. Seven categories were initially developed through open coding, followed by three clusters through axial coding an lastly the study created a theoretical framework through selective coding. Findings of the study indicate that indigenous culture strongly effects the career success of working women in Pakistan. Based on thematic analysis, the study concludes that indigenous culture of Pakistan puts taboos on females in the form of family bevahior, expectations and the structurally enforced inferior status of females which effects their leadership skills negatively and restricts their career growth.” “Indigenous culture of Pakistan creates mobility issues for women which restricts the possibility to join better jobs at other places instead of their home town and it also effects expansion of entrepreneurial ventures by restricting females to their home towns. Apart from social mobility, culture restricts the decision making power of females which effects their self-recognition and vision development and other skills necessary to become a better leader. Females also face difficulty managing work and family life because of the uneven domestic work burden on females and the concept that woman is the caretaker of house no matter how tough her job gets. Single females don’t face the problem of managing house work and family life however they face issues such as social immobility, preference of male colleagues over them because of their perceived short work life, lack of decision making power and lack of self-confidence.” “The participants were of the view that despite of all the challenges brought by culture, they are still struggling for their career and fighting against the taboos put by culture.” “Respondents of this study agreed that their family support is most important factor for them to stand against the cultural taboos and pursue their dreams. Therefore, this study concludes that there is a strong need to change the mind-set prevailing in these societies that female is a creature who has to be agreeable and caretaker of family and who is responsible for saving relationships. Although efforts have been done to give women equal rights in Pakistan, these efforts will become more meaningful if general perception of society about women and their role starts to change which will require awareness programmes and cooperation from academic institutions and policy makers.” Page 4 of 97 Impact of Indigenous culture on Female Leadership in Pakistan “This study recommends a future research on the perception of males about female colleagues working with them in order to examine if males of countries like Pakistan are ready to accept female leaders. As this study was conducted on females only, for future it is recommended to examine the mind set of males of the society to draw a comparison between situation of females and impact of males mind set on this situation.”

Représentations de l'homme immobile : inaction et réclusion dans la littérature occidentale des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles / Representations of the Immobile Man : inaction and Reclusion Throughout the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Western Literature

Chateau, Jérémy 04 July 2016 (has links)
Entre le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècle, la littérature européenne redéfinit fondamentalement son rapport au récit de voyage : les notions d’apprentissage et de formation, telles qu’elles apparaissent au temps des Lumières et du Bildungsroman, s’érodent et laissent peu à peu la place à des variations excentriques ou parodiques. En 1795, le Voyage autour de ma chambre de Xavier de Maistre exalte ainsi les vertus didactiques d’une réclusion contemplative. La mode du récit de voyage voit ainsi lui succéder, d’une part, des excursions sans profit pédagogique, et, d’autre part, des retraites riches en enseignement, malgré l’abolition de toute trajectoire physique. À la suite de Xavier de Maistre, plusieurs dizaines d’imitateurs composent à leur tour un répertoire peu exploré de la littérature française : le voyage de chambre. Après les révolutions qui frappent l’Europe et l’Amérique à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, un nouveau modèle de personnage, l’homme immobile, émerge ainsi dans la littérature. Caractérisé par sa présence problématique dans une société en pleine mutation, il occupe l’espace narratif en spectre, refusant de s’engager dans l’action tandis qu’il explore les nouvelles possibilités de vie dans un espace privé. Des textes essentiels de la littérature du XIXe siècle abordent ainsi, sur un mode euphorique ou dysphorique, ces nouvelles modalités narratives : la fiction américaine de la Nouvelle-Angleterre relate la pénible transition d’un âge spirituel vers un âge politique, caractérisée par un climat léthargique qu’observent avec stupeur, tour à tour, Charles Brockden Brown, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne ou Hermann Melville. Dans les marges de cette littérature inquiète, le mouvement transcendantaliste propose un retour heureux à la solitude. En France, À rebours de Joris-Karl Huysmans, à travers l’opiniâtreté dont témoigne l’auteur dans sa quête éperdue de l’unité, demeure sans doute l’œuvre quintessentielle parmi l’ensemble des récits de réclusion. / Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, European literature fundamentally redefines its relation to travel writing: notions of apprenticeship and formation, as they appear during the age of Enlightenment and the Bildungsroman era, become eroded and are gradually replaced by eccentric or parodist accounts of the travel experience. In 1795, Xavier de Maistre’s Journey Around My Room enhances the educational virtues of a contemplative seclusion. From then, the tradition of travel writing is supplanted by stories of excursions that provide very little educational value, on the one hand; and stories of valuable teachings inherited by captivity, despite a lack of physical mobility, on the other hand. Inspired by Xavier de Maistre’s book, dozens of imitators follow his path throughout the XIXth century and write their own accounts of room travel, a little studied phenomenon in French literature. After the revolutions that hit Europe and America in the late eighteenth century, a new model of character, the immobile man, appears in literature. Characterized by his problematic presence in a fast-changing society, which is undergoing some very profound changes, he occupies the narrative space like a ghost, refusing to engage in social action, as he would much rather investigate the new opportunities of living in his own private space. Essential 19th-century texts—be they euphoric of dysphoric—hint at these new narrative modalities: American fiction from New England, for example, tells the painful transition from a spiritual age to a political age, characterized by a lethargic climate alternately depicted by Charles Brockden Brown, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne or Hermann Melville. On the margins of this troubled literature, the transcendentalist movement advocates a more favorable return to solitude. In France, Joris-Karl Huysmans’s A rebours, through its author’s determination in the search for unity, certainly marks an important milestone among all the narratives of reclusion.

Les exclus de la mobilité : de l'observation à la décision / The mobility excluded : from observation to decision

Dargirolle, Rébecca 18 December 2014 (has links)
Dans les sociétés contemporaines, la mobilité est érigée comme norme sociale nécessaire à l’intégration. A l’inverse, l’immobilité est souvent considérée comme son opposée. De ce fait, elle est associée à un risque important d’exclusion. Une approche en termes d’exclusion implique une orientation plutôt sociologique. Pourtant, ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche géographique. Ainsi, un premier questionnement émerge de ce positionnement disciplinaire : l’immobilité est-elle un objet géographique ? Par ailleurs, il est possible d’envisager la mobilité et l’immobilité comme des pratiques complémentaires et non opposées. Cela implique que leurs répercussions ne sont pas nécessairement inverses. Cette posture engage un deuxième questionnement : la relation établie entre l’immobilité et l’exclusion est-elle légitime ? Pour répondre à ces deux interrogations, un ensemble d’outils standardisés peuvent être mobilisés : les Enquêtes Nationales Transport (ENT), les Enquêtes Ménages Déplacements (EMD), les panels continus ou les enquêtes sur plusieurs semaines. Tous ces dispositifs sont centrés sur la mobilité. L’immobilité est donc appréhendée par défaut. Ils sont cependant incontournables mais méritent d’être complétés. Pour cela, un questionnaire ad-hoc centré sur l’immobilité et les ressources de proximité a été mis en place dans les aires urbaines de Dijon et Besançon. L’exploitation de cet outil permet d’identifier les déterminants socio-spatiaux de l’immobilité. / In contemporary societies, mobility is considered as a social norm necessary for integration. Conversely, immobility is often seen as the opposite. Therefore, it is associated with a significant risk of exclusion. An approach in terms of exclusion involves a sociological orientation. Nevertheless, this thesis follows a geographical approach. Thus, a first question emerges from this disciplinary position: immobility is it a geographical object? Furthermore, it is possible to consider the mobility and immobility as equivalent and not opposed. This means that their impact may not be reversed. This position engages a second question: the relationship between immobility and exclusion is it legitimate? To answer these two questions, a set of standardized tools can be used: the National Transport Surveys (ENT), Household Travel Surveys (EMD), continuous panels or surveys over several weeks. All these devices are focused on mobility. That’s why immobility is apprehended by default. However, they are essentials but should be completed. For this, an ad-hoc questionnaire focusing on immobility and local resources was set up in urban areas of Dijon and Besancon. The data processing of this tool identifies the socio-spatial determinants of immobility.

VFR Leisure Experiences of Italians and Chinese in Sweden  : A New Study Approach to Migrants’ Personal Networks Influence on Place Participation During (im)mobility Times

Licata, Sara Fiorella Viviana January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the Visit Friends and Relatives (VFR) tourism experiences of highly skilled first-generation Italians and Chinese in Sweden. It focuses on personal networks influence on migrant hosts’ interaction and participation in the place and how the Covid-19 global immobility has changed the dynamics and the feelings towards the place. Data are collected through semi-structured interviews with a participative target sociogram as memory recollection and visualization tool. Results showed that VFR is mainly a within network experience and the interaction with the place and the society is marginal and influenced by hosts’ mediation, their local network structure and composition. The VFR aspect of sharing quality time emerges as central element. The local dimension shapes place interaction and participation dynamics: the migrant host personal relation to the local place, their local network structure and composition, and the difference of having a native member in the network are crucial elements.

Avaliação do envolvimento de receptores específicos para o fator liberador de corticotropina CRF1 e CRF2 dos núcleos basolateral e central da amígdala no comportamento de imobilidade tônica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) / Evaluation of the role of specific receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor CRF1 and CRF2 from the basolateral and central nucleus of amygdala in tonic immobility behavior in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).

Spinieli, Richard Leandro 29 April 2014 (has links)
A resposta comportamental de Imobilidade Tônica (IT) ocorre em situações de perigo intenso, e em situações inescapáveis, como por exemplo,o ataque de um predador. Esta resposta caracteriza-se por perda do reflexo de endireitamento e relativa falta de responsividade aos estímulos ambientais. Estudos consistentes tem demonstrado o envolvimento de distintas áreas encefálicas na modulação desta resposta, entre elas a substância cinzenta periaquedutal, o hipotálamo e a amígdala. Considerando a amígdala em particular, estudos mostraram o envolvimento dos receptores para o fator liberador de corticotropina (CRF) dos núcleos basolateral (BLA) e central (CeA) na modulação da resposta de IT em cobaias. De fato, nas últimas décadas, várias evidências sugerem que o CRF está intimamente correlacionado com comportamento emocional associado ao medo e à ansiedade. Embora seja claro o envolvimento de receptores CRF na modulação do medo, e especificamente na modulação da IT em cobaias, ainda não está esclarecido o envolvimento dos diferentes subtipos de receptores para CRF na modulação emocional. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o envolvimento dos receptores específicos para o fator liberador de corticotropina, CRF1 e CRF2 dos núcleos basolateral (BLA) e central da amígdala (CeA) na modulação da resposta de IT em cobaias.Para atingir estes objetivos, grupos independentes de cobaias, com implante de cânulas-guias dirigidas para o BLA ou para o CeA foram avaliadas no teste de imobilidade tônica, antes e depois da administração dos antagonistas específicos para receptores CRF1 (CP-376395) ou para receptores CRF2 (Astressin 2B), ou depois da administração de CRF precedido ou não dos antagonistas CRF1 ou CRF2. Em adição, para avaliar se as drogas utilizadas alteraram a atividade locomotora, foi realizado o teste do campo aberto, por 5 minutos, após a administração dos antagonistas para receptores CRF1 (CP-376395) e CRF2 (Astressin 2B), em doses capazes de alterar a resposta de IT em cobaias, e de CRF precedido por antagonista CRF1 ou CRF2. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que o bloqueio dos receptores CRF1 e CRF2 no BLA e no CeA reduziram a duração da resposta defensiva de imobilidade tônica (IT) em cobaias. Inversamente, a ativação destes receptores no BLA e no CeA aumentou o tempo de IT, demonstrado pela administração de CRF nestas regiões amigdalóides. Ainda, os antagonistas específicos para receptores CRF1 e CRF2 foram capazes de bloquear o aumento da duração da IT induzida pelo CRF administrado no mesmo sítio. Estes resultados sugerem que o efeito promovido pelo CRF no BLA e no CeA ocorre por atuação conjunta em receptores CRF1 e CRF2. Em adição, é importante ressaltar que as drogas, nas doses utilizadas neste estudo, não promoveram alteração da resposta motora, desde que não alteraram a atividade no teste do campo aberto, o que por si só, poderia alterar a resposta de IT. Assim, é possível que sugerir que o bloqueio específico de receptores CRF1 e CRF2 do BLA e do CeA promovem redução do medo e/ou da ansiedade, resultando em redução da resposta de IT em cobaias. / The tonic immobility response (TI ) occurs in inescapable situations of intense danger, such as the predator attack. This response is characterized by loss of righting reflex and the relative lack of responsiveness to environmental stimuli. Consistent studies have demonstrated the involvement of different brain areas to modulate this defensive behavior, including the periaqueductal gray matter, hypothalamus and amygdala. Whereas the amygdala in particular, studies have shown the involvement of receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) of the central (CeA) and basolateral (BLA) nuclei os amygdala in TI modulating in guinea pigs. Indeed, in recent decades, several evidences suggest that CRF is closely correlated with emotional behavior associated with fear and anxiety. While it is clear the involvement of CRF receptors in the modulation of fear, and specifically in the modulation of TI, it is still unclear the involvement of different subtypes of CRF receptors in the emotional modulation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of specific receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor, CRF1 and CRF2of BLA and of CeA in modulating the TI response in guinea pigs. To achieve these objectives, independent groups of guinea pigs were implanted with guide cannulae aimed for BLA or CeA were evaluated in the test of tonic immobility before and after the administration of specific antagonists of CRF1 receptors (CP- 376395) or CRF2 receptors (Astressin 2B), or after the administration of CRF preceded by CRF1or CRF2 antagonists, or CRF per se. In addition, to assess whether the drugs used altered locomotor activity, the open field test, for 5 minutes was performed after administration of antagonists for CRF1 receptors (CP- 376395) and CRF2 (Astressin 2B), at doses that alter the TI response in guinea pigs, and the CRF agonist preceded by CRF1 or CRF2. These results show that blockade of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors in the BLA and CeA reduced the duration of the defensive response of tonic immobility (TI) in guinea pigs. In contrast, activation of these receptors in the BLA and CeA increased the TI duration, demonstrated by administration of CRF in these amygdaloid regions. Also, specific antagonists for CRF1 and CRF2 receptors were able to block the increase in the TI response induced by CRF administered in the same structure. These results suggest that the effect promoted by CRF in the BLA and CeA is by joint performance of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors. Additionally, it is important to note that the drugs, in the doses used in this study, did not promote change in the motor response, since it did not alter the activity in the open field test, which by itself could alter the TI response. Thus, it is possible to suggest that the specific blockade of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors in the BLA and CeA promote reduction of fear and/or anxiety, resulting in reduced TI response in guinea pigs.

Avaliação do envolvimento de receptores específicos para o fator liberador de corticotropina CRF1 e CRF2 dos núcleos basolateral e central da amígdala no comportamento de imobilidade tônica em cobaias (Cavia porcellus) / Evaluation of the role of specific receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor CRF1 and CRF2 from the basolateral and central nucleus of amygdala in tonic immobility behavior in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).

Richard Leandro Spinieli 29 April 2014 (has links)
A resposta comportamental de Imobilidade Tônica (IT) ocorre em situações de perigo intenso, e em situações inescapáveis, como por exemplo,o ataque de um predador. Esta resposta caracteriza-se por perda do reflexo de endireitamento e relativa falta de responsividade aos estímulos ambientais. Estudos consistentes tem demonstrado o envolvimento de distintas áreas encefálicas na modulação desta resposta, entre elas a substância cinzenta periaquedutal, o hipotálamo e a amígdala. Considerando a amígdala em particular, estudos mostraram o envolvimento dos receptores para o fator liberador de corticotropina (CRF) dos núcleos basolateral (BLA) e central (CeA) na modulação da resposta de IT em cobaias. De fato, nas últimas décadas, várias evidências sugerem que o CRF está intimamente correlacionado com comportamento emocional associado ao medo e à ansiedade. Embora seja claro o envolvimento de receptores CRF na modulação do medo, e especificamente na modulação da IT em cobaias, ainda não está esclarecido o envolvimento dos diferentes subtipos de receptores para CRF na modulação emocional. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o envolvimento dos receptores específicos para o fator liberador de corticotropina, CRF1 e CRF2 dos núcleos basolateral (BLA) e central da amígdala (CeA) na modulação da resposta de IT em cobaias.Para atingir estes objetivos, grupos independentes de cobaias, com implante de cânulas-guias dirigidas para o BLA ou para o CeA foram avaliadas no teste de imobilidade tônica, antes e depois da administração dos antagonistas específicos para receptores CRF1 (CP-376395) ou para receptores CRF2 (Astressin 2B), ou depois da administração de CRF precedido ou não dos antagonistas CRF1 ou CRF2. Em adição, para avaliar se as drogas utilizadas alteraram a atividade locomotora, foi realizado o teste do campo aberto, por 5 minutos, após a administração dos antagonistas para receptores CRF1 (CP-376395) e CRF2 (Astressin 2B), em doses capazes de alterar a resposta de IT em cobaias, e de CRF precedido por antagonista CRF1 ou CRF2. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que o bloqueio dos receptores CRF1 e CRF2 no BLA e no CeA reduziram a duração da resposta defensiva de imobilidade tônica (IT) em cobaias. Inversamente, a ativação destes receptores no BLA e no CeA aumentou o tempo de IT, demonstrado pela administração de CRF nestas regiões amigdalóides. Ainda, os antagonistas específicos para receptores CRF1 e CRF2 foram capazes de bloquear o aumento da duração da IT induzida pelo CRF administrado no mesmo sítio. Estes resultados sugerem que o efeito promovido pelo CRF no BLA e no CeA ocorre por atuação conjunta em receptores CRF1 e CRF2. Em adição, é importante ressaltar que as drogas, nas doses utilizadas neste estudo, não promoveram alteração da resposta motora, desde que não alteraram a atividade no teste do campo aberto, o que por si só, poderia alterar a resposta de IT. Assim, é possível que sugerir que o bloqueio específico de receptores CRF1 e CRF2 do BLA e do CeA promovem redução do medo e/ou da ansiedade, resultando em redução da resposta de IT em cobaias. / The tonic immobility response (TI ) occurs in inescapable situations of intense danger, such as the predator attack. This response is characterized by loss of righting reflex and the relative lack of responsiveness to environmental stimuli. Consistent studies have demonstrated the involvement of different brain areas to modulate this defensive behavior, including the periaqueductal gray matter, hypothalamus and amygdala. Whereas the amygdala in particular, studies have shown the involvement of receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) of the central (CeA) and basolateral (BLA) nuclei os amygdala in TI modulating in guinea pigs. Indeed, in recent decades, several evidences suggest that CRF is closely correlated with emotional behavior associated with fear and anxiety. While it is clear the involvement of CRF receptors in the modulation of fear, and specifically in the modulation of TI, it is still unclear the involvement of different subtypes of CRF receptors in the emotional modulation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of specific receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor, CRF1 and CRF2of BLA and of CeA in modulating the TI response in guinea pigs. To achieve these objectives, independent groups of guinea pigs were implanted with guide cannulae aimed for BLA or CeA were evaluated in the test of tonic immobility before and after the administration of specific antagonists of CRF1 receptors (CP- 376395) or CRF2 receptors (Astressin 2B), or after the administration of CRF preceded by CRF1or CRF2 antagonists, or CRF per se. In addition, to assess whether the drugs used altered locomotor activity, the open field test, for 5 minutes was performed after administration of antagonists for CRF1 receptors (CP- 376395) and CRF2 (Astressin 2B), at doses that alter the TI response in guinea pigs, and the CRF agonist preceded by CRF1 or CRF2. These results show that blockade of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors in the BLA and CeA reduced the duration of the defensive response of tonic immobility (TI) in guinea pigs. In contrast, activation of these receptors in the BLA and CeA increased the TI duration, demonstrated by administration of CRF in these amygdaloid regions. Also, specific antagonists for CRF1 and CRF2 receptors were able to block the increase in the TI response induced by CRF administered in the same structure. These results suggest that the effect promoted by CRF in the BLA and CeA is by joint performance of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors. Additionally, it is important to note that the drugs, in the doses used in this study, did not promote change in the motor response, since it did not alter the activity in the open field test, which by itself could alter the TI response. Thus, it is possible to suggest that the specific blockade of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors in the BLA and CeA promote reduction of fear and/or anxiety, resulting in reduced TI response in guinea pigs.

An exploratory study of midlife transition in South Africa : in search of the midlife crisis

Palk, L. C. (Lawrence Carrington) 02 1900 (has links)
Strong opposing views exist with the popularly held notion that a midlife crisis is a normative phenomenon whilst a number of international researchers assert that the evidence shows the opposite to be true. It is nevertheless acknowledged that the psychology of midlife was one of the least researched areas internationally until the 1990s when certain aspects of midlife were investigated in the United States. Findings from these studies did not include the impact of a multiplicity of factors in combination at midlife. A new approach to the study of the life course using a combination model taking account of the influence of societal structures as well as the interplay between parts has been suggested. Such an approach to midlife transition and crisis research is not known to have taken place in South Africa or internationally. A conceptual model of midlife transition and crisis was constructed from known research and relevant literature and tested using a sample of 220 individuals aged between 30 and 65. The validity of the model was established and a methodologically sound measuring instrument was validated as a more accurate measurement of midlife crisis than a self-described experience. Two factors provisionally named stagnation and death and aging anxiety were found to exist. A true midlife crisis was experienced by a minority of individuals (IS percent) but an additional 31 percent had a troublesome but manageable experience. A neurotic disposition. the absence of good parental relationships, and the use of inappropriate coping skills such as wishful thinking were in combination related to high scores on the midlife crisis scales. A qualitative study revealed that over 90 percent of respondents were able to define a midlife crisis accurately although they tended to overstate the occurrence thereof. This replicates the research findings in the United States. Stagnation was experienced more acutely by individuals aged between 40 and 50 years whilst death and aging anxiety was the primary experience for those over 50 years. The validated conceptual model and measuring instruments can be used by therapists and coaches to facilitate the counselling or coaching process with clients experiencing midlife crisis. / Psychology / D. Comm. (Consulting Psychology)

Ségrégation urbaine et mobilité quotidienne : une perspective internationale : études de cas à Niamey, Puebla, Lyon et Montréal / An international perspective on urban segregation and daily mobility : case studies in Niamey, Puebla, Lyon and Montreal

Ravalet, Emmanuel 23 June 2009 (has links)
Les métropoles contemporaines sont marquées par des regroupements et des séparations des citadins, connus sous le terme de ségrégation. Ce phénomène est généralement appréhendé sur la base des localisations résidentielles. L’importance de la mobilité quotidienne dans les reconfigurations spatiales métropolitaines et dans les modes de vie individuels nous incite alors à l’étude et la caractérisation de la relation entretenue par les citadins avec les espaces urbains. Cela permet de passer de la ségrégation résidentielle (immobile) vers la ségrégation dans les espaces de la vie quotidienne (mobile). Parallèlement, c’est l’individu, et non le ménage, qui est au cœur des dynamiques ségrégatives telles que nous les abordons. Quatre métropoles contemporaines ont été analysées avec une visée comparative. Ce choix a imposé la mise au point d’une méthodologie originale, commune aux quatre cas et basée sur des données d’enquêtes-ménages transports. Les résultats obtenus permettent de souligner l’interprétation économique des comportements individuels de proximité (immobilité et vie locale) et des accès aux pôles d’attraction (parmi lesquels le centre). La proximité, avant d’être un objectif des politiques de villes durables, est une réalité pour les populations défavorisées. Ces comportements de replis dépendent plus de caractéristiques individuelles que d’effets liés au quartier de résidence. Ces tendances fortes, communes aux quatre cas, sont complétées par diverses spécificités. Des dynamiques spatiales et sociales différentes se révèlent dans les villes du Nord et du Sud, et les effets des formes urbaines héritées de l’histoire s’affirment (en particulier à Niamey). Notre analyse permet finalement d’enrichir la perspective usuelle de la ségrégation urbaine dans plusieurs contextes urbains contrastés. / Both divisions and concentrations of population characterize contemporary metropolitan areas. Known as segregation processes, these dynamics are usually studied through the analysis of residential locations. Our thesis, however, proposes another lens to uncover urban change. It focuses on daily mobility that shape urban spaces and individual ways of life. This leads us to organize the reflexion from residential segregations to daily urban spaces segregation (from immobile to mobile segregation). Furthermore, we put the individual, and not the household, at the heart of segregative dynamics. Four contemporary metropolitan areas are considered, in a comparative framework. These examples were analyzed through the same specific methodology, based on transport households surveys data. The study highlights the economic understanding of proximity individual behaviors (immobility and local life) and of attraction areas accesses. Proximity, once a measure for sustainable urban policies, indeed becomes a reality for poor citizens. Spatial isolation nowadays relates to individual characteristics rather than residential locations. Some specificities are added further to these strong tendencies. Different social and spatial dynamics clearly appear in Southern and Northern cities and effects of urban forms inherited from History are asserted (especially in Niamey). Our work finally complete the usual perspective of urban segregation in several contrasted urban contexts.

Experiences of Rural Students with Schooling in Community Schools in Egypt

El-Sherif, Lucy 20 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the schooling experiences of eleven graduates from the rural south of Egypt with primary community schools in Assiut. The study used individual interviews and focus groups to examine how community school graduates understood their experiences. The community schools were found to have removed previous obstacles of distance and cost. The quality of education that the students received allowed them to flourish in education rather than falter, and that was largely influenced by the quality of their relationship with their teachers. The students learned academic skills, as well as attitudes and dispositions that serve as cultural capital. They have more opportunities than before, yet also face significant challenges as they transition to the public system. The model of community schooling is also facing significant challenges as differences with the public schooling systems are exerting tension on the community school model to converge.

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