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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neoplasias em aves domésticas e silvestres mantidas em domicílio: avaliação anatomopatológica e imunoistoquímica / Neoplasms in domestic and wild birds kept in captivity: anatomopatologic and immunohistochemistry evaluation

Sinhorini, Juliana Anaya 07 March 2008 (has links)
As neoplasias são doenças comumente vistas em algumas espécies de aves, porém, no Brasil, não existem trabalhos publicados sobre casuística e classificação destes processos nas mesmas. Com o aumento da criação de aves como animais de companhia, torna-se importante o aprimoramento do conhecimento na área. Este estudo, realizado de forma retrospectiva englobando os anos de 2000 a 2004 e prospectiva nos anos de 2005 e 2006 no Ambulatório de Aves do Hospital Veterinário, e no Departamento de Patologia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, teve como objetivos estudar a freqüência e a prevalência com que ocorrem os processos neoplásicos em aves, e realizar avaliação destes através da histopatologia e imunoistoquímica, comparando com os achados de literatura. Os resultados concordaram em parte com os achados em literatura sendo o periquito-australiano a ave com a maior prevalência e o lipoma sendo a neoplasia de maior ocorrência. Indica-se o uso da imunoistoquímica, porém, deve-se aprimorar estudos histopatológicos e investir em diagnóstico para o melhor conhecimento da biologia tumoral, desenvolvendo-se mais pesquisas na área. / Neoplastic diseases are generally seen in some avian species, nevertheless, in Brazil, there are no reports regarding cause and classification of these diseases in birds. As keeping birds as pets is increasing, it is important to upgrade knowledge in this area. This report, made retrospectively in 2000 to 2004 and prospectively in 2005 and 2006 in the Avian Clinic of Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Department of Pathology, School Veterinary Medicine of University of São Paulo, has the objectives of studying the frequency and prevalence of neoplastic diseases in birds, and evaluating them by histopathology and immunohistochemistry, comparing results with literature. The results agree in part with those found in literature, the budgerigar is the most prevalent specie and lipoma as the most common neoplasm. The use of immunohistochemistry is indicated, but more studies regarding histopathology and investment are necessary in diagnosis and research in tumoral biology, developing more researches in this area.

Alguns aspectos da imunopatogenia da uveíte na erliquiose canina de ocorrência natural e experimental: avaliação anatomopatológica e imunoistoquímica / Some of the immunopathogenic aspects of the uveitis in natural and experimental occurrence of canine ehrlichiosis: anatomopathological and immunohistochemical analyses

Silva, Valérie Le Du da 23 June 2006 (has links)
Para elucidar alguns aspectos da imunopatogenia da uveíte na erliquiose canina, avaliaram-se, por meio da análise imunistoquímica, bulbos oculares de cães experimentalmente infectados por Ehrlichia canis (grupo 1- G1), naturalmente infectados por Ehrlichia canis (grupo 2-G2) e na co-infecção natural de E. canis e Babesia sp. (grupo 3). Parâmetros clínicos e hematológicos foram avaliados. Empregaram-se o dot-blot-Elisa e a reação de imunofluorescência indireta para E. canis e Babesia sp. respectivamente. Para a confirmação diagnóstica, utilizou-se a reação de cadeia de polimerase (PCR) para E.canis. A contagem imunofenotípica para os anticorpos CD3, CD4, CD8, Tal1B5 e MAC 387 não demonstrou diferença significativa nas diferentes regiões analisadas do bulbo ocular. Observou-se no G1, G2 e G3, em todas as regiões analisadas diferença significativa da contagem imunofenotípica de células CD8+ em relação às células CD4+. Evidenciou-se diferença significativa entre a contagem percentual de células IgG2+ e CD79?+ na região de corpo ciliar do G3 em relação ao G1. A região da íris do G3, em relação ao G2, demonstrou diferenças significativas para o anticorpo IgG1. Evidenciou-se nos três grupos, a existência de correlação linear entre as células CD3+ e CD8+ e entre as células IgG2+ e CD79?+ em diversas regiões do bulbo ocular. O infiltrado inflamatório mostrou-se mais intenso nas regiões de corpo ciliar e ângulo iridocorneal, moderado em limbo e íris e mínimo em coróide. A avaliação semiquantitativa por score da intensidade do infiltrado inflamatório mostrou-se mais intensa nos animais que apresentavam co-infecção, sugerindo uma resposta imune mais intensa nesses cães. Demonstrou-se que o infiltrado inflamatório era composto, predominantemente, por linfócitos T CD3+ e B CD79+?. A maior porcentagem de células T CD3+ era CD8+, caracterizando, portanto, uma resposta imune do tipo citotóxica. A presença de células B CD79+? fala a favor de produção local de anticorpos. Observaram-se células imunomarcadas por IgG2 e poucas células marcadas por IgG1, sugerindo uma polarização da resposta imune para o padrão Th1, sendo um possível mecanismo imune de lesão na uveíte. Observou-se alta expressão de moléculas de MHC-classe II, sugerindo uma resposta imune intensa nos tecidos oculares, contudo ineficiente devido a deficiência de células CD4+. / The immunopathogenicity of uveitis in the canine ehrlichiosis was studied by conducting anatomy and immunohistochemical analyses in the ocular globes of dogs experimentally (Group 1) and naturally (Group 2) infected with Ehrlichia canis, and naturally coinfected with Ehrlichia canis and Babesia sp. (Group 3). Clinical and hematological parameters were evaluated. Dot-blot Elisa and indirect immunofluorescent test (IFA) were used to analyze E. canis and Babesia sp., respectively. PCR assay confirmed the diagnosis of the disease caused by E. canis. The immunophenotypic analysis with the antibodies CD3, CD4, CD8, Tal1B5 and MAC 387 revealed no significant differences between the various ocular regions analyzed. Significant differences were observed between the immunophenotypic analysis of CD8+ and CD4+cells from all regions analyzed from G1, G2 and G3; between the percentile counts of IgG2+ and CD79?+ in the ciliary body of G3 dogs when compared to G1, and for the IgG1 antibody counts of the iris region from G3 when compared to G2. A linear correlation between CD3+ and CD8+ cells and between IgG2+ and CD79?+ cells from several regions of the ocular globe was found for all three groups. The cellular inflammatory infiltrate observed in the ocular tissue was severe in the regions of the ciliary bodies and iridocorneal angle, moderate in the limbus and iris, and only slightly present in the choroids. A semiquantitative analysis of the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate of the ocular globes was more intense in G3, which suggested a greater response of the immune system in these animals. The inflammatory infiltrate was composed of mainly B CD79+? and T CD3+ lymphocytes, which had CD8+ at a high percentage, thus characterizing this as a cytotoxic immune response. Results indicated that B CD79+? cells favored the production of local antibodies. IgG2 and very few IgG1 immunolabeled cells were found. This result indicated a polarization of the immune response to the Th1 pattern, which could be the mechanism of the lesions in the uveitis. A large number of cells expressing the MHC-class II molecules were observed, suggesting an intense immune response in the ocular tissues, however ineffective due to the CD4+ cell´s deficient.

Pesquisa de Toxoplasma gondii em mamíferos marinhos do Brasil / Pesquisa de Toxoplasma gondii em mamíferos marinhos do Brasil

Silva, Samira Costa da 31 March 2016 (has links)
A toxoplasmose é causada pelo protozoário coccídio Toxoplasma gondii e consiste em um dos processos parasitários mais comuns entre os animais endotérmicos. A presença desse protozoário em cetáceos pode estar associada à exposição dos animais aos oocistos de T. gondii eliminados pelas fezes de felídeos e/ou contato com solo contaminado com o parasita, que tenham comprometido a água do mar a partir de drenagens fluviais e fluentes ou ainda pelo escoamento de água de navios. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a ocorrência de T. gondii em cetáceos encalhados, ou provenientes de captura acidental, ou que vieram a óbito durante o processo de reabilitação ou cativeiro, ao longo da costa brasileira, valendo-se para tanto de avaliações histopatológicas e de técnicas imuno-histoquímicas (IHQ). Os principais órgãos examinados foram fígado, pulmão, linfonodos, baço e cérebro. Esse estudo avaliou tecidos de 186 exemplares de 21 espécies diferentes de cetáceos da costa brasileira entre 1988 e 2014, cujas amostras foram encaminhadas e encontram-se depositadas no Banco de Tecidos de Mamíferos Marinhos, do Laboratório de Patologia Comparada dos Animais Selvagens (LAPCOM) do Departamento de Patologia, FMVZ-USP. Dos mamíferos marinhos analisados, a ocorrência de T. gondii foi confirmada em 1,1% (2/186), justificada pela presença de pelo menos um cisto em pulmão e/ou fígado. Os animais positivos pertenciam a duas espécies diferentes, provenientes do sudeste do Brasil; um golfinho nariz-de-garrafa (Tursiops truncatus) encalhado vivo no Rio de Janeiro - RJ, e uma orca (Orcinus orca) proveniente de cativeiro. As principais observações histopatológicas encontradas foram hepatite necrotizante, broncopneumonia fibrinosa supurativa com presença de cistos compatíveis com T. gondii, pneumonia broncointersticial fibrinosa com carneificação, glomérulonefrite membranosa e linfadenite necrótica. Devido à severidade das lesões suspeita-se que esse protozoário teve um importante papel no encalhe/óbito desses dois indivíduos. Esse estudo acrescentou duas novas espécies de cetáceos àquelas já reportadas como suscetíveis à infecção pelo protozoário, mas nunca antes descritos no Brasil. Os resultados ratificaram a ocorrência da infecção por T. gondii em cetáceos da costa brasileira e a sua importância em mamíferos marinhos em cativeiro e de vida livre / Toxoplasmosis is caused by the coccidian Toxoplasma gondii - phylum Apicomplexa, which is one of the most common parasites affecting endothermic animals. The presence of T. gondii in cetaceans may be associated with feline feces and/or soil contaminated with the parasite, which may reach water bodies through run-off. This study investigated the occurrence of T. gondii in cetaceans along the Brazilian coast. Tissue samples of 186 individuals stranded along the Brazilian coast between 1988 and 2014, belonging to 21 species of cetaceans and currently part of the Marine Mammal Tissue Bank of the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology, Pathology Department, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of São Paulo. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for T. gondii was performed using formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections of liver, lung, lymph nodes, spleen and brain. Infected tissues of a Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) were used as positive controls. A total of 1.1 % (2/186) of the animals evaluated were positive, which was justified by the presence of least one cyst in one of the evaluated organs/tissues. These specimens belong to two different species of cetaceans: Killer whale (Orcinus orca) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), both from southeastern Brazil. One individual stranded alive in Rio de Janeiro (T. truncatus); and one was kept in captivity (O. orca) in São Paulo state. The most noteworthy lesions observed through microscopy included necrotizing hepatitis, fibrinous suppurative bronchopneumonia with cysts compatible with T. gondii, bronchointersticial fibrinous pneumonia, membranous glomerulonephritis and necrotizing lymphadenitis. Due to the severity of lesions protozoan was suspected to have an important role in the stranding/death of the two wild individuals. This study added two new species of cetaceans to those already reported as susceptible to infection by T. gondii, never before described in Brazil. These results confirm the occurrence of T. gondii infection in cetaceans from the Brazilian coast and the importance of this parasite to marine mammals kept in captivity and free ranging dolphins

Identificação dos genes diferencialmente expressos na cirrose secundária à esteatohepatite não alcoólica / Identification of differentially expressed genes in NASH-related cirrhosis

Kubrusly, Marcia Saldanha 16 February 2009 (has links)
A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) compreende um amplo espectro morfológico de doenças com potencial de progressão em pacientes sem história de etilismo. Pode evoluir para esteatohepatite não alcoólica (EHNA), fibrose, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. Com intuito de investigar as diferenças genéticas entre tecido hepático normal e cirrose secundária a EHNA, utilizamos microarranjos de oligonucleotídeos (CodeLink Uniset Human Whole Genome Bioarray System GE Healthcare - Bio-Sciences, Chalfont St. Giles, UK) para caracterizar os perfis de expressão nas duas condições. Analisamos 3 amostras de cirrose secundária a EHNA e 3 amostras de fígado normal provenientes de doadores durante o transplante hepático. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos o programa GenesifterTM analysis (VizX Labs LLC, Seattle, WA, USA; http://www.genesifter.net) para identificar os genes diferencialmente expressos e também as vias biológicas moduladas de acordo com a ontologia gênica. Posteriormente, para avaliarmos a expressão imunohistoquímica utilizamos a técnica de microarranjo tecidual em amostras de fígado normal (n=12), cirrose secundária a EHNA (n=10) e cirroses de outras etiologias (n=37). Identificamos 244 genes significativamente alterados em pelo menos 2 vezes. Destes, 138 genes apresentavam-se com expressão aumentada e 106 genes com expressão diminuída na cirrose secundária a EHNA comparados ao fígado normal. Foram selecionadas 9 vias metabólicas significativamente desreguladas. Dentre estas vias identificadas na cirrose secundária a EHNA, selecionamos a via de sinalização do mTOR e seu efetor 4EBP-1 para a análise da expressão protéica. Houve aumento significativo na expressão de 4EBP-1 no fígado normal comparado às outras cirroses, assim como na cirrose secundária a EHNA versus outras cirroses. Quanto à forma fosforilada houve apenas diferença na expressão entre fígado normal e cirroses de outras etiologias. A expressão de mTOR mostrou aumento significativo entre cirroses de outras etiologias quando comparadas ao fígado normal e cirrose secundária a EHNA. A expressão de mTOR fosforilado foi maior na cirrose secundária a EHNA quando comparada às cirroses de outras etiologias e fígado normal. Estudos recentes têm sugerido o papel do mTOR na DHGNA e o presente estudo corrobora a participação desta via também na cirrose secundária a EHNA. A avaliação imunohistoquímica de 4EBP-1 e mTOR fosforilado pode ser útil clinicamente para o diagnóstico diferencial entre cirrose secundária a EHNA versus cirroses de outras etiologias, quando a etiologia é desconhecida / Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) encompasses the whole spectrum of steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and NASH-related cirrhosis (NASH/Cir). NASH/Cir can progress to hepatocellular carcinoma and reoccur post transplantation. Although molecular advances have been made in this field, the patogenesis of NAFLD is not completely understood. In an effort to investigate genetic differences between normal liver and NASH/Cir, first we used cDNA microarray (CodeLink Uniset Human Whole Genome Bioarray System GE Healthcare - Bio-Sciences, Chalfont St. Giles, UK) in normal liver from donor liver wedge biopsies taken at transplantation (n=3) and confirmed NASH/Cir tissues (n=3) and GenesifterTM analysis (VizX Labs LLC, Seattle, WA, USA; http://www.genesifter.net) to identify differentially expressed genes and biological pathways according to gene ontology (GO). Second, tissue microarray was used to determine immunohistochemical expression in normal liver samples (n=12), NASH/Cir (n=10) and in cirrhosis of other etiologies (n=37). Analysis of microarray data resulted in 244 genes changed in at least 2-fold with statistically significant ratio: 138 and 106 genes were, respectively, up and downregulated in NASH/Cir in comparison to normal liver. GO analysis by GeneSifterTM software identified nine statistically significant pathways containing differentially expressed genes. Among the 9 pathways identified as significantly modulated in NASH/Cir, we selected mTOR pathway and its downstream effector for immunohistochemical analysis. There was a significant increase in the expression of 4EBP-1 in normal liver compared to the other cirrhosis, as well as to NASH/Cir versus other cirrhosis. The phosphorylated 4EBP-1 showed only difference in expression between normal liver and cirrhosis of other etiologies. The expression of mTOR showed a significant increase in other cirrhosis when compared with normal liver and NASH/Cir. The expression of phosphorylated mTOR was higher in NASH/Cir when compared to other cirrhosis and normal liver. Recent findings have suggested a role for the cellular nutrient sensor mTOR in NAFLD and the present study corroborates the participation of this pathway in NASH/Cir. 4EBP-1 and phospho-mTOR evaluation might be of clinical utility as differential diagnostic of NASH/Cir from other cirrhosis, without knowing etiology

Expressão imunohistoquímica do Chk2 e associação com características clínico-patológicas e desfecho em pacientes com câncer de cólon metastático / Immunohistochemistry expression of Chk2 and its relation with clinical-pathological features and patients outcome in metastatic colon cancer

Pansani, Fabianna 30 January 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇAO: O câncer de cólon é a terceira neoplasia mais prevalente no país, com aumento progressivo da incidência associada ao envelhecimento populacional. Os avanços nos tratamentos local e sistêmico do câncer de cólon metastático tem aumentado significativamente o tempo de sobrevida global. Entretanto, ainda não existem biomarcadores consolidados na literatura, capazes de predizer resposta a estes tratamentos ou o prognóstico. No processo da carcinogênese, uma das importantes vias que se encontra alterada é a via de reparo do DNA. A Chk2 é uma proteína quinase com atividade no reparo celular atuando de forma supressora no processo da carcinogênese, sendo que alterações em sua expressão e/ou função têm sido associadas à progressão tumoral em outras neoplasias como no câncer de mama, pulmão, vulva, bexiga, cólon, ovário, osteossarcoma e linfomas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão imunohistoquímica do Chk2 no câncer de cólon metastático e correlacionar sua expressão com características clínico-patológicas e sobrevida. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 58 pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de câncer de cólon metastático, tratados em primeira linha com quimioterapia baseada em fluorouracila e oxaliplatina. O tempo mínimo de seguimento foram de 2 anos pós-diagnóstico. Para análise da expressão do Chk2 foram utilizadas as técnicas de tissue microarray e imunohistoquímica. Estes resultados foram correlacionados com características clínicas, patológicas e de sobrevida. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o programa SPSS17 e o valor de p<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: A expressão de Chk2 foi positiva em 69% dos pacientes. Houve associação entre a expressão de Chk2 e o status linfonodal (p = 0,012) e entre a sobrevivência (p=0,034). A expressão negativa de Chk2 aumentaram as chances de envolvimento linfonodal (OR:10,2, p=0,03). O tempo de sobrevida global de pacientes Chk2 negativo foi maior (72 versus 59 meses, p=0,155), o mesmo foi observado com o tempo sobrevida livre de progressão (19 versus 13 meses, p=0,293). As curvas de sobrevida foram diferentes de acordo com a expressão do Chk2 em pacientes com ou sem envolvimento linfonodal, sendo menor nos pacientes com Chk2 positivo, p=0,028. Houveram mais óbitos em pacientes com Chk2 positivo. Análise multivariada identificou o performance status segundo a escala de ECOG (p=0,001 ); metástase sincrônica (p=0,037); diferenciação das células tumorais (p=0,029) e expressão de Chk2 (p=0,020) como fatores independentes para sobrevida global. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão positiva do Chk2 no adenocarcinoma de cólon metastático foi indicativa de maior agressividade e disseminação tumoral, impactando de forma negativa na sobrevida e desfecho dos pacientes. / INTRODUCTION: The DNA damage checkpoint pathway has been of interest to the field of cancer biology, since checkpoint defects result in the accumulation of altered genetic information, a central feature of carcinogenesis. Little is known about the role of Chk2 in colorectal cancer tumorigenesis. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate Chk2 expression in metastatic colon cancer and correlate this with clinicopathological features and patient survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Tissues were obtained from 58 patients with confirmed metastatic colon cancer diagnosis, treated with capecitabine and oxaliplatin chemotherapy as standard doses. Patients included had, at least, 2 years post diagnosis of clinical following. The tissue microarray immunohistochemistry was the technic to evaluate Chk2 expression. Statistics analysis used SPSS 17. A p-value <0,050 was considered to be statistically significant. Immunohistochemical expression of Chk2 and its relationship with clinical and pathological characteristics and survival data was reported. RESULTS: The expression of Chk2 was positive in 69%. There was association between expression of Chk2 and Iymph node status (p=0.012) and between survival (p=0.034). The negative expression of Chk2 enhanced the chances of linfonodal involvement (OR:10,2, p=0.03). The global survival time of Chk2 negative patients was higher (72 versus 59 months, p= 0.155); the same was observed with progression-free survival time (19 versus 13 months, p=0.293). The survival curves were different according to Chk2 expression in patients with or without Iymph node involvement, being lower in patients with Chk2 positive, p=0.028. There were more deaths in patients with Chk2 positive. Multivariate regression analysis identified performance status ECOG (p=0.001), synchronous metastasis (p=0.037), tumor cell differentiation (p=0.029) and expression of Chk2 (p=0.020) as independent factors to overall survival. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the Chk2 positive expression in colon cancer indicates increased tumor spread and tumoral aggressiveness, impacting negatively on survival and outcome of patients.

Avaliação do fenótipo e da proliferação celular das estruturas ductiformes no processo de envelhecimento de glândulas sublinguais humanas / Evaluation of the phenotype and the proliferation capacity of duct-like structures in the aging process of human sublingual glands

Tolentino, Elen de Souza 21 June 2013 (has links)
São várias as alterações microscópicas decorrentes do processo de envelhecimento das glândulas salivares, dentre elas o aumento no número de estruturas ductiformes. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o fenótipo e o índice de proliferação celular das mesmas. Sessenta glândulas sublinguais de cadáveres humanos foram divididas em dois grupos segundo a aixa etária dos indivíduos (0-30 anos e 61-90 anos). O fenótipo foi estimado pela imunomarcação da citoqueratina 19 (CK 19), da proteína S-100 e pela evidenciação dos polissacarídeos mucina e glicogênio. A avaliação do índice de proliferação de células epiteliais das estruturas ductiformes se deu por meio da imunomarcação do Ki-67. As técnicas histoquímicas consistiram no ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e Azul de Alcian pH 2,5. Em cada campo microscópico capturado foram contadas as estruturas ductiformes para estabelecer o perfil de marcação em percentual. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Pearson (p < 0,05). Comparando os dois grupos, apenas a imunomarcação para CK 19 mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,033), sendo sua expressão mais forte no grupo de idosos. Não houve diferença significante entre os marcadores PAS e Azul de Alcian (p = 0,270). Nos dois grupos a imunomarcação para CK 19 foi mais forte do que para S-100 (p = 0,004; p < 0,001), sendo a correlação entre os dois imunomarcadores ausente (&#x3C1; = -0,163; p = 0,315). Não houve imunomarcação para o Ki-67 em nenhuma estrutura ductiforme. Concluiu-se que as estruturas ductiformes demonstram um perfil fenotípico ductal e não apresentam atividade proliferativa celular. Elas podem representar um processo regressivo com origem nos ácinos ou resultarem de metaplasia. / There are several age-related microscopic changes in the salivary glands, including the increase in the number of duct-like structures. The aim of this study is to evaluate the phenotype and the cell proliferation index of these structures. Sixty sublingual glands obtained from human cadavers were divided into two groups according to the individuals age (0-30 and 61-90 years old). The phenotype was estimated by the immunostaining for cytokeratin 19 (CK 19), S-100 protein and by the disclosure of the polysaccharides mucin and glycogen. The cell proliferation index was determined by Ki-67 immunostaining. The histochemical techniques consisted of periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue pH 2.5. Ineach captured microscopic field, the duct-like structures were counted to establish the staining profile in percentage. Statistical analysis was done by Students t-test, Mann-Whitney test and Pearsons correlation coefficient (p < 0.05). Comparing the two groups, only the immunostaining for CK 19 showed significant statistical difference (p = 0.033), with strongest expression in the elderly group. There was no significant difference between the markers PAS and Alcian Blue (p = 0.270). In both groups the immunostaining for CK 19 was stronger than for S-100 (p = 0.004; p < 0.001), but there was no correlation between the two immunomarkers (&#x3C1; = -0.163; p = 0.315). There was no immunostaining for Ki-67 in any ductlike structure. We concluded that the duct-like structures demonstrate a ductal phenotypic profile and do not present cell proliferation activity. They may represent a regressive process arising from acini or a result of a metaplasia.

Neuronal phenotypes in human hippocampus and neocortex in late-onset Alzheimer's disease: protein expression of novel genes implicated in pathogenesis

Adams, Stephanie Lynn 12 June 2018 (has links)
Genetic factors involved in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), affecting the majority of AD patients, are largely unknown. Genome-wide association studies implicated genes associated with increased risk of AD, including BIN1 (Bridging Integrator 1), and MSRB3 (methionine sulfoxide reductase-B3), also associated with low hippocampal volume. In an effort to find effective therapies, animal studies using intracerebralventricular administration of neurotrophic factor bone morphogenetic protein-9 (BMP9) decreased pathological burden and preserved cholinergic phenotype in AD mouse model hippocampus. To examine the potential role of BIN1, MSRB3, and ALK1, the BMP9 receptor, in human hippocampal AD-associated pathology, we examined their protein expression in postmortem human hippocampi using automated immunohistochemistry, and correlated the data with neuropathological reports and clinical dementia ratings. In elderly control subjects, BIN1 protein was expressed in white matter, glia, and neuropil along axons. CA1 quantitative analysis of BIN1 signal during AD progression revealed expression decreased in neuropil and increased in the cytoplasm of pyramidal neurons. The number of CA1 BIN1-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons correlated with the hippocampal CERAD neuritic plaque score while BIN1 neuropil signal was absent at neuritic plaque sites. MSRB3 was differentially expressed in hippocampal pyramidal layers. Controls exhibited MSRB3 signal as distinct but rare (≤2) puncta in CA1 pyramidal neuron somata. MSRB3 immunoreactivity in CA3 was found in the pyramidal layer neuropil. MSRB3 signal was also observed in rodent hippocampi where ultrastructural and immunohistofluorescent analysis revealed MSRB3 associates with synaptic vesicles (SV) and colocalizes with SV and mossy fiber markers respectively. In AD patients the population of CA1 pyramidal neurons with frequent (≥5), rather than rare, MSRB3-immunoreactive somatic puncta increased in comparison to controls and correlated positively with AD pathological hallmarks. Finally, cholinergic neurons of human and rodent basal forebrain were ALK1-immunoreactive. In healthy CA1, ALK1 was expressed prominently in neuropil and in GABAergic interneurons, while CA2, CA3, and CA4 showed ALK1-immunoreactive neuropil and pyramidal somata. The intensity of ALK1-immunoreactivity in CA3 decreased in moderate and late AD patients compared to non-AD subjects. These data show that neuronal, glial, and hippocampal subfield-specific changes in protein expression of potential AD modulators are associated with AD progression and its diagnostic hallmarks. / 2020-06-12T00:00:00Z

Estudo imunoistoquímico das neoplasias melanocíticas uvais em cães / Immunohistochemical study of the uveal melanocytic neoplasias in dogs

Perlmann, Eduardo 04 March 2015 (has links)
Os melanomas possuem diferentes comportamentos entre as espécies, sendo de grande importância a caracterização do mecanismo molecular que influencia tal diversidade comportamental. Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as características moleculares das neoplasias melanocíticas uveais em cães, a fim de compreender as diferenças entre o melanoma uveal humano e o canino. Foram utilizados 64 olhos de 64 cães com diagnóstico de neoplasia intraocular primária de origem melanocítica. Com base nos critérios histopatológicos estabelecidos foram diagnosticados 37 melanocitomas e 27 melanomas. Não houve predominância sexual e cães sem raça definida, Labrador Retriever e Cocker Spaniel Inglês foram os mais acometidos. Foram analisadas características morfológicas, taxa de mitose, grau de pigmentação, presença de extensão extraocular, localização, infiltrado inflamatório, loop vascular e necrose. Foi realizada análise imunoistoquímica avaliando os marcadores Melan-A, HMB-45, Ki-67 e COX-2. O Melan-A mostrou ser mais sensível, sendo expresso em 53,1% dos casos, enquanto o HMB-45 foi positivo em apenas 31,2% dos casos. O Melan-A e o HMB-45 foram menos frequentes nos melanocitomas comparado com os melanomas. Em 23 casos, nenhum dos dois marcadores reagiu. Os resultados do marcador de proliferação Ki-67 revelaram maior positividade entre os melanomas, com média do índice Ki-67 de 37,8%, enquanto a média dos melanocitomas foi de 15%. Não houve diferença estatística da marcação do Ki-67 com os tipos celulares dentre os melanomas. A COX-2 reagiu positivamente na maioria dos casos e não foi observada diferença estatística entre melanocitomas e melanomas. Dentre os melanomas não houve diferença estatística entre os tipos celulares para a marcação da COX-2. Os achados aqui discutidos revelam interessantes diferenças e similaridades entre as neoplasias melanocíticas uveais no homem e no cão / Melanomas have different behavior between species and is of great importance to characterize the molecular mechanism influencing this behavioral diversity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the molecular characteristics of uveal melanocytic neoplasias in dogs, in order to understand the differences between uveal melanoma in humans and dogs. Sixty-four eyes of 64 dogs diagnosed with primary intraocular neoplasia of melanocytic origin were studied. Based on the established histopathological criteria 37 melanocytomas and 27 melanomas were diagnosed. There was no sexual predominance and mixed breed dogs, Labrador Retriever and English Cocker Spaniel were the most affected. Morphological features, mitotic rate, degree of pigmentation, presence of extraocular extension, location, inflammatory infiltrate, vascular loop and necrosis were analyzed. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to evaluate markers such as Melan-A, HMB-45, Ki-67 and COX-2. The Melan-A was more sensitive and expressed in 53.1% of cases, while the HMB-45 was positive in only 31.2%. The Melan-A, and HMB-45 were less frequent in melanocytomas compared to melanomas. In 23 cases, neither markers reacted. The results of the Ki-67 showed higher positivity among melanomas, mean Ki-67 index of 37.8%, while melanocytomas showed mean of 15%. There was no statistical difference in the Ki-67 labeling among melanoma&#39;s cell types. COX-2 reacted positively in most cases and found no statistically significant difference between melanocytomas and melanomas. Among the melanomas, there was no statistical difference between the cell types for COX-2. The findings discussed here reveal interesting differences and similarities between the uveal melanocytic neoplasms in humans and dogs

O desenvolvimento embrionário da Piapara - Leporinus elongatus (Pisces, Anostomidae) utilizando marcadores ósseos / Embryonic development of piapara - Leporinus elongatus (Pisces, Anostomidae) using bone markers

Sousa, Erika Zolcsak de 21 May 2014 (has links)
O conhecimento dos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento embrionário de peixes é de extrema importância para o estudo de espécies nativas com potencial para a piscicultura, uma vez que permite o estabelecimento de diretrizes para a criação destes animais. Este projeto estudou o desenvolvimento embrionário da piapara (Leporinus elongatus), um peixe de grande importância na pesca esportiva e profissional na bacia dos rios Pardo e Jequitinhonha, visando compreender as fases desse animal em diversos estágios de desenvolvimento, utilizando marcadores ósseos que possibilitaram visualizar o desenvolvimento ósseo da espécie. As Proteínas Ósseas Morfogenéticas (BMP-2 e BMP-4) são consideradas moléculas essenciais reguladoras no desenvolvimento embrionário e na formação óssea, sendo ainda pouco estudadas em peixes; tais proteínas puderam ser observadas apenas no estádio larval até o período juvenil, não sendo evidenciadas nos estágios anteriores. Foram utilizadas também técnicas de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura e histológicas, onde foi possível visualizar as fases principais do desenvolvimento embrionário, entre elas, clivagens, diferenciação do embrião, formação dos órgãos principais, abertura de boca, pigmentação dos olhos, surgimento das nadadeiras e sistema branquial, dados estes que facilitam a compreensão sobre a ontogenia; além de criar dados embriológicos e anatômicos dessa espécie ainda pouco explorada, conhecimentos estes, imprescindíveis à biologia pesqueira e cultivo das mesmas, sendo também um auxiliar a novas pesquisas. / The knowledge of the early stages of embryonic development in fish is of great importance for the study of native species with potential for aquaculture, since it allows the establishment of guidelines for the breeding of these animals. This project studied the embryonic development of piapara (Leporinus elongatus), a fish of great importance in professional and amateur fishing from the basin of the Pardo and Jequitinhonha rivers, aiming to understand the various stages of development, using bone markers that allowed observation of the bone development in this species. The Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMP-2 and BMP-4) are known as key regulatory molecules in embryonic development and bone formation, and information on this subject is scarce in fish. Results shown these proteins could be observed only between the larval to the juvenile stage, not being seen at earlier stages. Scanning electron microscopy and histological techniques, where it was possible to observe the main stages of embryonic development , including , cleavage , embryo differentiation , development of major organs , mouth opening , eye pigmentation , appearance of fins and gills system. This data contributed for the understanding of ontogeny, and provided embryological and anatomical data that may help other studies like reproductive biology of this species that surely will improve reproductive techniques, important goal for raising the piapara.

Immunohistochemical studies of tumour cell proliferation using monoclonal antibody Ki-67.

January 1991 (has links)
Wu-shun, Felix Wong. / Thesis (M.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Includes bibliographies. / Title page --- p.i / Table of contents --- p.ii / Acknowledgements --- p.vi / Abstract --- p.viii / Declaration --- p.xiii / List of abbreviation --- p.xiv / Chapter Chapter one: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Overview --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Aims of the study --- p.5 / Chapter Chapter two: --- Literature review --- p.8 / Chapter 2.1 --- Cell cycle and tumour growth --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Cell cycle --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Tumour growth --- p.14 / Chapter 2.2 --- Kinetic studies --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Radioisotopic studies --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Flow cytometry --- p.28 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Monoclonal antibody --- p.32 / Chapter 2.3 --- Monoclonal antibody Ki-67 --- p.39 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Development of Ki-67 --- p.39 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- The nature of the Ki-67 antigen --- p.42 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Comparison with other kinetic methods --- p.45 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Reported studies --- p.50 / Chapter 2.4 --- immunocytochemical staining --- p.63 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Principle of immunostaining --- p.63 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Fixation and processing methods --- p.69 / Chapter Chapter three: --- Materials and methods --- p.75 / Chapter 3.1 --- Cell culture --- p.76 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Culture medium --- p.76 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Origin and maintenance of cell line --- p.76 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- Coversip monolayer culture --- p.80 / Chapter 3.1.4 --- Multicellular spheroid culture --- p.80 / Chapter 3.1.5 --- Growth curve study --- p.81 / Chapter 3.1.6 --- Cytocentrifuge slide preparation --- p.81 / Chapter 3.2 --- immunoperoxidase staining --- p.83 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Materials of immunoperoxidase staining --- p.83 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Immunoperoxidase staining method --- p.86 / Chapter 3.3 --- Cell counting method --- p.92 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Interactive cell counting system --- p.92 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Cell counting methods --- p.95 / Chapter Chapter four: --- Proliferative activities of tumour cells IN VITRO --- p.104 / Chapter 4.1 --- Identification of cell proliferation of B16 melanoma cellsin VITRO --- p.105 / Chapter 4.1.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.106 / Chapter 4.1.2. --- Results --- p.107 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Discussion --- p.110 / Chapter 4.2 --- Staining patterns of proliferating OCC1 cells in vitro --- p.117 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Materials and methods --- p.117 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Results --- p.118 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Discussion --- p.121 / Chapter 4.3 --- "Comparative in vitro studies of cell proliferation using AgNOR counts, anti-BrdU, AD203 and Ki-67" --- p.130 / Chapter 4.3.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.130 / Chapter 4.3.2. --- Results --- p.131 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Discussion --- p.134 / Chapter 4.4 --- Proliferative activities of tumor cells in vitro --- p.139 / Chapter 4.4.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.140 / Chapter 4.4.2. --- Results --- p.141 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- Discussion --- p.146 / Chapter Chapter five: --- Growth fraction in human genital tissues --- p.156 / Chapter 5.1 --- Cell proliferation in normal and neoplastic cervical tissues --- p.157 / Chapter 5.1.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.158 / Chapter 5.1.2. --- Results --- p.161 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Discussion --- p.154 / Chapter 5.2 --- Tumour growth fraction in cervical carcinoma --- p.172 / Chapter 5.2.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.172 / Chapter 5.2.2. --- Results --- p.173 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Discussion --- p.177 / Chapter 5.3 --- Tumour growth fraction in ovarian carcinoma --- p.185 / Chapter 5.3.1. --- Materials and methods --- p.185 / Chapter 5.3.2. --- Results --- p.186 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Discussion --- p.190 / Chapter Chapter six: --- Conclusion --- p.198 / Chapter 6.1 --- Overview and future work --- p.199 / Chapter 6.2 --- Conclusion --- p.211 / references --- p.213 / Appendix: --- p.246 / Chapter (A) --- Additional Experiments / Chapter Experiment 1 --- Highest selection counting method --- p.246 / Chapter Experiment 2 --- Double staining of B16 melanoma cells --- p.248 / Chapter Experiment 3 --- Trypan blue exclusion test for viability --- p.250 / Chapter (B) --- Selected publications by the author / Chapter Publication 1 --- Characteristics of a cell line established from a Chinese patient with a squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix --- p.252 / Chapter Publication 2 --- Establishment and characterization of a new human cell line derived from ovarian clear cell carcinoma --- p.258 / Chapter Publication 3 --- "Identification of ""non-proliferating"" B16 melanoma cells using monoclonal antibody (AD203) against the Ml subunit of ribonucleotide reductase" --- p.267 / Chapter Publication 4 --- The correlation of agyrophilic nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) count to bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and Ki-67 scores in an ovarian carcinoma cell line --- p.275 / Chapter Publication 5 --- Immunohistochemical determination of tumour growth fraction in human ovarian carcinoma --- p.278 / Chapter Publication 6 --- Tumor growth fraction in cervical carcinoma --- p.283

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