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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krisberedskapsprocessen, samverkan mellan nivåer och utspridd ansvarsfördelning : En deskriptiv fallstudie av krisberedskap på regional och lokal nivå.

Hansson, Mikael, Åberg, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån Sveriges förändrade agenda avseende samhällets beredskap att hantera kriser, studera krisberedskapsprocessen på regional och lokal nivå genom informantintervjuer av nyckelbefattningar inom länsstyrelse och kommun. Uppsatsen svarar genom en deskriptiv fallstudie med kvalitativ metod av länsstyrelser och kommuner på frågeställningarna: Hur genomförs den komplexa krisberedskapsprocessen vid regional och lokal nivå samt vilket behov av stöd kräver krisberedskapsprocessen? I studien sammanställs en empirisk krisberedskapsprocess vilken jämförts med den normativa krisberedskapsprocesen genom att använda Lundqvists (1992) implementeringsteori baserad på Förstå, Kan, Vill. Studiens mest signifikanta resultat är att en väl utvecklad samverkan har identifierats mellan aktörer på regional och lokal nivå. Studien har funnit viss liknelse mellan den empiriska krisberedskapsprocessen och Lundqvists Policyprocessens stadier med förvaltningens huvuduppgifter. Även om informanterna upplever vissa problem inom krisberedskapen, finner vi att aktörerna genom ett stort engagemang anses kunna hantera krisberedskapsprocessen. / The purpose of this essay is to examine the crisis management process in the context of Sweden’s changed agenda in terms of community preparedness to crisis management. The study is conducted through interviews with key positions at county governments and municipalities. Through a descriptive case study using a qualitative method the essay answers the following question: How is the complex crisis management process performed at county and local level and what requirements of support does the crisis management process demand? The results from the interviews were compiled to an empirical crisis management process and with help of Lundqvist´s (1992) implementation theory based on Understand, Can, Will, compared to the normative crisis management process. The most significant conclusion of the essay is a well evolved collaboration has been identified in the relation between actors at regional and local level. The study has found certain parables between the empirical crisis management process and Lundqvist´s Policy process stages with main tasks in administration. Even though the informants experience some problem within the crisis management, we find that the actors due to a great dedication are able to handle the crisis management.

An activity plan for Indian Road Safety

Kumar Mavoori, Arvind January 2005 (has links)
<p>Road safety is a major issue affecting the road sector. Road accidents remain a serious impediment to sustainable human development in many of the developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Road accidents continue to be an important social and economic problem in developing countries like India. Growth in the number of motor vehicles, poor enforcement of traffic safety regulations, poor quality of roads and vehicles, and inadequate public health infrastructures are some of the road safety problems facing in India. </p><p>The object of this Thesis is to present a status report on the nature of the government policy towards the Activity plans implemented till now and which has to be implemented later for the reduction of road fatalities and for the safe roads, and also giving the guidelines for financing of remedial measures, institutional framework, physical characteristics of the road, traffic control and calming measures, road safety education and enforcement issues. </p><p>The aim of the Activity plans is to analyze the present situation of road safety in India and to indicate main problems in individual sector of the Activity implemented by comparing and taking the examples of some of the ASEAN Region who are successed in implementing in the individual sectors. The effect of the programme to real safety situation is estimated, and further plans could be corrected if it is necessary. Implementation of the goals for the coming years to reduce the number of accidents at maximum extent and give people, the safe and the steady flow of traffic in India. The vision of a tremendous change next 5 to 10 years is based on a big potential for improvement and a joint effort of all involved groups on all levels of traffic safety, centrally coordinated by the National Road Safety Authorities. </p><p>The Action Plan is deliberately divided into 14 key Sectors of activity in broadly the same way as the individual country road safety action plans. The sectors involve many different disciplines and a very wide range of multi sector activities but all are based on applying scientific, methodical approaches to the problem. At the end the thesis gives the recommendations and conclusion for the safe Roads in India</p>

An activity plan for Indian Road Safety

Kumar Mavoori, Arvind January 2005 (has links)
Road safety is a major issue affecting the road sector. Road accidents remain a serious impediment to sustainable human development in many of the developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Road accidents continue to be an important social and economic problem in developing countries like India. Growth in the number of motor vehicles, poor enforcement of traffic safety regulations, poor quality of roads and vehicles, and inadequate public health infrastructures are some of the road safety problems facing in India. The object of this Thesis is to present a status report on the nature of the government policy towards the Activity plans implemented till now and which has to be implemented later for the reduction of road fatalities and for the safe roads, and also giving the guidelines for financing of remedial measures, institutional framework, physical characteristics of the road, traffic control and calming measures, road safety education and enforcement issues. The aim of the Activity plans is to analyze the present situation of road safety in India and to indicate main problems in individual sector of the Activity implemented by comparing and taking the examples of some of the ASEAN Region who are successed in implementing in the individual sectors. The effect of the programme to real safety situation is estimated, and further plans could be corrected if it is necessary. Implementation of the goals for the coming years to reduce the number of accidents at maximum extent and give people, the safe and the steady flow of traffic in India. The vision of a tremendous change next 5 to 10 years is based on a big potential for improvement and a joint effort of all involved groups on all levels of traffic safety, centrally coordinated by the National Road Safety Authorities. The Action Plan is deliberately divided into 14 key Sectors of activity in broadly the same way as the individual country road safety action plans. The sectors involve many different disciplines and a very wide range of multi sector activities but all are based on applying scientific, methodical approaches to the problem. At the end the thesis gives the recommendations and conclusion for the safe Roads in India


Romio, Alexsandra Matos 04 July 2012 (has links)
Due to the necessity of knowing the stocks in an increasingly accurate way in order to plan sales and production with the dynamics required by the market, more and more companies have been searching for stock control tools such as computerized systems, aiming at highly accurate and reliable results. The uncertainty about the positive results in this kind of investment, especially for the small metallurgical industries, is an unknown, since the financial and staff resources are sparse. Thus, the present paper aims at analyzing what issues are connected with the failure in the investments in computerized stock control tools, and also which are the most commonly used tools by this type of organization in Brazil. For that, we have researched works on the success analysis in investments and stock control theories, besides analyzing which tools are being adopted. It was also developed a case study in a metallurgical industry within the state of Rio Grande do Sul with the purpose of quantify this type of investment and the reasons why the stocks management involving computerization in small metallurgical industries have no been obtaining positive results. Starting from the negatives, we developed the scope for the accomplishment of a replanning, and subsequently, we made a new analysis of the situation with satisfactory results being already observed, as shown. / Com a necessidade de conhecer os estoques de forma cada vez mais precisa, a fim de planejar as vendas e a produção com o dinamismo que o mercado exige, mais empresas têm buscado ferramentas de controle de estoque, como sistemas informatizados, almejando resultados com alta precisão e confiabilidade. A incerteza de resultados positivos, nesse tipo de investimento, especialmente para metalúrgicas de pequeno porte, é uma incógnita, já que os recursos de pessoal e financeiro são limitados. Dessa forma, esse trabalho visa a analisar quais os problemas vinculados com insucessos nos investimentos em sistemas informatizados de controle de estoque, bem como quais são as ferramentas mais utilizados atualmente, no Brasil, por esse tipo de organização. Para tal, foram pesquisados trabalhos sobre análise de sucesso nos investimentos e teorias de controle de estoque, além de terem sido analisadas quais ferramentas estão sendo adotadas. Também foi feito um estudo de caso em uma metalúrgica no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, com o propósito de quantificar um investimento desse tipo e os motivos pelos quais o gerenciamento de estoques envolvendo informatização, em indústrias metalúrgicas de pequeno porte, não tem obtido resultados positivos. Através dos pontos negativos, desenvolveu-se o escopo para realizar um replanejamento e, posteriormente, analisou-se mais uma vez a situação. Hoje, já são percebidos resultados satisfatórios, conforme será demonstrado.

Implementering av informationssystem i verksamheter : Verksamhetsledningens syn på framgångsfaktorer

Granbo, Jesper, Blomkvist, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The implementation of information systems creates risks foractivities, which means that it is a key element in the survivalof corporations. There are many studies on the very subjectof the implementation of information systems, which dealwith the same concepts such as the top management, visionsand objectives, team, communication, training and changemanagement. However, the problem that arises on thesubject is that a large number of these implementations arestill failing, either because the timetable is not met or becausethe financial expectations are exceeded. There is therefore aneed to examine whether the results of studies and the wayin which activities deal with implementation of informationsystems are consistent. The purpose of the study is thereforeto examine whether there is a convergence of existing studiesand the perspective of top management. The researchquestion is used to answer the purpose: What successfactorsdoes the top management perceive exist for animplementation, and how does it differ from previousresearch?To perform the investigation, six semi-structured interviewshave been conducted with people in the top managementwho are performing implementations in a qualitativecross-sectional study. The persons have been chosen by aselective method and they are working in different placesaround Sweden. All persons have a long experience inimplementation of information systems. 6 categories wereidentified from the theoretical framework of the study, andthey were used to carry out a deductive and inductivethematic analysis of collected data.The study presented a few anomalies that exist when itcomes to the knowledge of the information on the subjectand the previous research that exists on the subject. Thedifferences of previous research and the perception ofinformation related to the field of communication were thefield of communication. The information on means ofcommunication and communication plans is referred to agreat deal in the previous studies, while in the previousstudies it is widely communicated within the project, whereelements such as involvement, resistance and response areaddressed. A new finding was presented, a new underlyingfactor for every factor. In addition to the model a new factorwas added, agile. It showed that working agile wasbenefiting for the corporations. Rest of the factors werevalidated against the previous research and the importanceof having the rest of the factors in the development proved tobe important. / Vid implementering av informationssystem skapas risker förverksamheter, vilket betyder att genomförandet är enavgörande del för verksamhetens överlevnad. Det finnsmånga studier inom just ämnet implementering avinformationssystem, där några framgångsfaktorerförekommer oftare än andra, nämligen: ledning, visioner ochmål, team, kommunikation, utbildning ochförändringsledning. Problemet som dock uppstår inomämnet är att det fortfarande är en stor mängd avimplementeringar som misslyckas, antingen beroende på atttidsplaneringen inte uppfylls eller att budgetplaneröverskrids. Det finns behov av att undersöka om enöverensstämmelse av föregående studier och hurverksamheter behandlar implementeringar avinformationssystem. Syftet med studien handlar om attundersöka om det existerar en överensstämmelse hos debefintliga studierna och verksamhetsledningens perspektiv.För att sedan besvara syftet används forskningsfrågan: Vilkaframgångsfaktorer personer i verksamhetsledande rollerupplever som viktiga för implementationen avinformationssystem i sin verksamhet och vilka skillnadersamt likheter som finns hos tidigare forskning?För att undersöka området så har sex semistruktureradeintervjuer genomförts med personer i ledningen hosverksamheter som bedriver implementeringar avinformationssystem. Detta har sedan presenterats genom enkvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Personerna valdes ut genom enlämplig urvalsmetod och arbetar på olika platser runtom iSverige. Samtliga personer har lång erfarenhet inom ämnetimplementation. Sex kategorier togs fram utifrån studiensteoretiska ramverk, detta användes för att genomföra endeduktiv-induktiv tematisk analys av insamlad data.Studien presenterade ett fåtal avvikelser som existerar närdet kommer till informanternas vetskap kring ämnet och dentidigare forskningen som existerar inom ämnet. De olikhetersom tidigare forskning och informanternas uppfattningrelaterade till var kommunikationsområdet. Där benämnerinformanterna mycket kring kommunikationsmedel samtkommunikationsplaner medan inom tidigare studier går degenom kommunikationen allmänt inom projektet, där delarsom involvering, motstånd och bemötande behandlas. Samtatt ett nytt fynd presenterades, att varenda faktor har enunderliggande faktor. Dessutom så lades en ny faktor till:agilt tillvägagångssätt, då ett agilt tillvägagångssätt har visatsig främja arbetet. Resterande faktorer som presenteradesvaliderades mot den föregående forskningen, där vikten avatt faktorerna är med under en implementation är vital.


Sudhir B. Kylasa (5929916) 09 December 2019 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>First-order methods such as Stochastic Gradient Descent are methods of choice for solving non-convex optimization problems in machine learning. These methods primarily rely on the gradient of the loss function to estimate descent direction. However, they have a number of drawbacks, including converging to saddle points (as opposed to minima), slow convergence, and sensitivity to parameter tuning. In contrast, second order methods that use curvature information in addition to the gradient, have been shown to achieve faster convergence rates, theoretically. When used in the context of machine learning applications, they offer faster (quadratic) convergence, stability to parameter tuning, and robustness to problem conditioning. In spite of these advantages, first order methods are commonly used because of their simplicity of implementation and low per-iteration cost. The need to generate and use curvature information in the form of a dense Hessian matrix makes each iteration of second order methods more expensive. </p><p><br></p> <p>In this work, we address three key problems associated with second order methods – (i) what is the best way to incorporate curvature information into the optimization procedure; (ii) how do we reduce the operation count of each iteration in a second order method, while maintaining its superior convergence property; and (iii) how do we leverage high-performance computing platforms to significant accelerate second order methods. To answer the first question, we propose and validate the use of Fisher information matrices in second order methods to significantly accelerate convergence. The second question is answered through the use of statistical sampling techniques that suitably sample matrices to reduce per-iteration cost without impacting convergence. The third question is addressed through the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) in distributed platforms to deliver state of the art solvers.</p></div></div></div><div><div><div> <p>Through our work, we show that our solvers are capable of significant improvement over state of the art optimization techniques for training machine learning models. We demonstrate improvements in terms of training time (over an order of magnitude in wall-clock time), generalization properties of learned models, and robustness to problem conditioning. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Implementering av informationssystem i verksamheter : Verksamhetsledningens syn på framgångsfaktorer

Granbo, Jesper, Blomkvist, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The implementation of information systems creates risks for activities, which means that it is a key element in the survival of corporations. There are many studies on the very subject of the implementation of information systems, which deal with the same concepts such as the top management, visions and objectives, team, communication, training and change management. However, the problem that arises on the subject is that a large number of these implementations are still failing, either because the timetable is not met or because the financial expectations are exceeded. There is therefore a need to examine whether the results of studies and the way in which activities deal with implementation of information systems are consistent. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine whether there is a convergence of existing studies and the perspective of top management. The research question is used to answer the purpose: What successfactors does the top management perceive exist for an implementation, and how does it differ from previous research? To perform the investigation, six semi-structured interviews have been conducted with people in the top management who are performing implementations in a qualitative cross-sectional study. The persons have been chosen by a selective method and they are working in different places around Sweden. All persons have a long experience in implementation of information systems. 6 categories were identified from the theoretical framework of the study, and they were used to carry out a deductive and inductive thematic analysis of collected data. The study presented a few anomalies that exist when it comes to the knowledge of the information on the subject and the previous research that exists on the subject. The differences of previous research and the perception of information related to the field of communication were the field of communication. The information on means of communication and communication plans is referred to a great deal in the previous studies, while in the previous studies it is widely communicated within the project, where elements such as involvement, resistance and response are addressed. A new finding was presented, a new underlying factor for every factor. In addition to the model a new factor was added, agile. It showed that working agile was benefiting for the corporations. Rest of the factors were validated against the previous research and the importance of having the rest of the factors in the development proved to be important. / Vid implementering av informationssystem skapas risker för verksamheter, vilket betyder att genomförandet är en avgörande del för verksamhetens överlevnad. Det finns många studier inom just ämnet implementering av informationssystem, där några framgångsfaktorer förekommer oftare än andra, nämligen: ledning, visioner och mål, team, kommunikation, utbildning och förändringsledning. Problemet som dock uppstår inom ämnet är att det fortfarande är en stor mängd av implementeringar som misslyckas, antingen beroende på att tidsplaneringen inte uppfylls eller att budgetplaner överskrids. Det finns behov av att undersöka om en överensstämmelse av föregående studier och hur verksamheter behandlar implementeringar av informationssystem. Syftet med studien handlar om att undersöka om det existerar en överensstämmelse hos de befintliga studierna och verksamhetsledningens perspektiv. För att sedan besvara syftet används forskningsfrågan: Vilka framgångsfaktorer personer i verksamhetsledande roller upplever som viktiga för implementationen av informationssystem i sin verksamhet och vilka skillnader samt likheter som finns hos tidigare forskning? För att undersöka området så har sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med personer i ledningen hos verksamheter som bedriver implementeringar av informationssystem. Detta har sedan presenterats genom en kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Personerna valdes ut genom en lämplig urvalsmetod och arbetar på olika platser runtom i Sverige. Samtliga personer har lång erfarenhet inom ämnet implementation. Sex kategorier togs fram utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk, detta användes för att genomföra en deduktiv-induktiv tematisk analys av insamlad data. Studien presenterade ett fåtal avvikelser som existerar när det kommer till informanternas vetskap kring ämnet och den tidigare forskningen som existerar inom ämnet. De olikheter som tidigare forskning och informanternas uppfattning relaterade till var kommunikationsområdet. Där benämner informanterna mycket kring kommunikationsmedel samt kommunikationsplaner medan inom tidigare studier går de genom kommunikationen allmänt inom projektet, där delar som involvering, motstånd och bemötande behandlas. Samt att ett nytt fynd presenterades, att varenda faktor har en underliggande faktor. Dessutom så lades en ny faktor till: agilt tillvägagångssätt, då ett agilt tillvägagångssätt har visat sig främja arbetet. Resterande faktorer som presenterades validerades mot den föregående forskningen, där vikten av att faktorerna är med under en implementation är vital.

Digital transformation in the fashion industry - Understanding collaborative technology adoption / Digital transformation i modeindustrin - Teknikimplementering genom samarbete

Anderhagen Holmes, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Digital transformation is changing the world with new technology being employed and changing how different industries approach their operations. The pressure of transformation is felt by the fashion industry, where the design process is changing through the use of new technology, such as 3D CAD systems for developing garments. However, the transformation of the fashion industry is slow and requires technology adoption. Technology adoption brings with it challenges, such as issues with compatibility between new and old systems along with disturbances to existing work processes. Technology adoption is made even more complex as the design process is often carried out through teams, and adoption of new technology being carried out by teams rather than just by individuals working alone. As the understanding of how teams work together to adopt and implement new technology is limited, it is of interest to study how teams adopt new technology in order to understand how to shape adoption in the future and keep up with the societal changes bringing and brought by digital transformation. This study therefore aims to explore how small design teams within the fashion industry adopt technology into their design process. This is done through a case study featuring a Swedish fashion firm, currently on a digital transformation journey. The study follows design teams in an adoption project working towards implementing a 3D CAD system into their existing design process. Data in this qualitative case study has been collected through the use of semi-structured interviews, observations and the review of internal and external documentation. Collected data has then been coded and compiled into a code structure that visualizes different levels of detail of the findings. This study reveals that small design teams successfully adopt new systems into their work process by setting realistic implementation goals together, collaborating closely within and outside the teams, and learning from each other. Teams utilize a participatory ergonomics approach to set goals and perceive immediate and potential improvements, similar to established models for technology adoption research. Team dynamics facilitate technology adoption among design teams. The introduction of new technology leads to changes in team interactions, fostering a stronger team culture and promoting understanding of how adoption affects different roles' workloads. This understanding prompts team members to reevaluate task transfers, prioritize knowledge sharing, and engage in collaborative problem-solving. Together, these findings lead to the introduction of the concept of collaborative adoption, in order to incorporate the main identified aspects of team adoption into one framework. / Digital transformation förändrar världen med ny teknik som används och förändrar hur olika branscher tar sig an sin verksamhet. Denna förändring upplevs av modeindustrin, där designprocessen förändras genom användning av ny teknik, såsom 3D CAD-system för att utveckla plagg. Men omvandlingen av modebranschen går långsamt och kräver teknikadoption. Teknikadoption för med sig utmaningar, såsom problem med kompatibilitet mellan nya och gamla system samt störningar i befintliga arbetsprocesser. Teknikadoption görs ännu mer komplex eftersom designprocessen ofta utförs avteam, och adoption av ny teknik då görs av team snarare än bara av individer som arbetar ensamma. Eftersom förståelsen för hur team samarbetar med att anta och implementera ny teknik är begränsad, är det av intresse att studera hur team anammar ny teknik för att förstå hur man kan forma adoption i framtiden och hänga med i de samhällsförändringar som digitaliseringen medför och för med sig. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur små designteam inom modeindustrin adopterar teknologi i sin designprocess. Detta kommer att ske genom en fallstudie med en svensk modeorganisation som just nu befinner sig på en digital transformationsresa. Studien följer designteam i ett adoptionsprojekt som arbetar med att implementera ett 3D CAD-system i sin befintliga designprocess. Data i denna kvalitativa fallstudie har samlats in genom användning av semistrukturerade intervjuer, observationer och granskning av intern och extern dokumentation. Insamlad data har sedan kodats och sammanställts till en kodstruktur som visualiserar olika detaljnivåer av fynden. Denna studie visar att små designteam framgångsrikt tar till sig nya system i sin arbetsprocess genom att sätta upp realistiska implementeringsmål tillsammans, samarbeta nära inom och utanför teamen och lära av varandra. Tidiga användare sätter upp mål och visualiserar omedelbara och potentiella förbättringar, liknande etablerade modeller för forskning om teknikadoption. Teamdynamik underlättar teknikadoption bland designteam för tidiga användare. Införandet av ny teknik leder till förändringar i teaminteraktioner, främjar en starkare teamkultur och främjar förståelsen för hur adoption påverkar olika rollers arbetsbelastning. Denna förståelse uppmanar teammedlemmar att omvärdera uppgiftsöverföringar, prioritera kunskapsdelning och engagera sig i samarbetande problemlösning. Tillsammans leder dessa resultat till introduktionen av konceptet för samarbetsadoption, för att införliva de viktigaste identifierade aspekterna av teamadoption i ett ramverk.

Hardware Implementation and Applications of Deep Belief Networks

Imbulgoda Liyangahawatte, Gihan Janith Mendis January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Samverkan för ökad trygghet : Utvärdering av EST- effektiv samordning för trygghet i Västmanlands län / Collaboration for increased societal safety: : An evaluation of the EST-method in the county of Västmanland

Davies, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Inledning: Att känna sig trygg i sin vardag och i sin stad eller bostadsområde är viktigt för de allra flesta. Samtidigt kan ett tryggt och välfungerande samhälle fungera som en motståndskraft mot yttre negativ påverkan. Upplevelsen av otrygghet och risken för att utsättas för brott i samhället har under de senaste decenniet ökat, vilket inte bara kostar samhället enorma kostnader i eftervård utan resulterar även i både fysiska och psykiska följder för de som drabbas. I juli 2023 träder en lag i kraft som lägger ansvaret för brottsförebyggande arbete och samverkan på kommunen tillsammans med polisen. Samtidigt har en ny metod för kunskapsbaserat och systematiskt arbete tagits fram, Effektiv samordning för trygghet – EST. Metoden ska verka som ett stöd för kommuner och polisen att skapa samverkan med relevanta aktörer samt få en bättre lägesbild av läget i kommunen. I Västmanlands län introducerades metoden 2018 och har implementerats i flera kommuner. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur kommun och polis i tre kommuner i Västmanlands län har implementerat EST-metoden, samt vilka barriärer och facilitatorer som påverkar lokal samverkan och samordning inom EST-metoden. Metod: Studien är en processutvärdering med en kvalitativ multipel fallstudiedesign som utgår från en induktiv ansats. Datainsamling sker genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentanalys där innehållet analyseras utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Urval av intervjupersoner och dokumentation har skett genom ett generiskt målstyrt urval med hjälp av inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Teoretiska utgångspunkter för jämförelse mellan teori och empiri har Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research och Cochranes m.fl. (2009) ramverk använts. Resultat: Studiens resultat påvisar att implementeringen av EST-metoden skiljer sig mellan de tre studerade kommunerna. Där den större kommunen implementerat metoden i mindre geografiska områden medan det i de mindre kommunerna genomsyrar allt brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande arbete. Vidare framkommer att faktorer så som extern och internt stöd, nätverkande och utbildning fungerat som facilitatorer för implementeringen av EST-metoden. Fyra framträdande barriärer som framkommit är brist på ekonomi, tid, personal och kunskap. Slutsats: EST-metoden har implementerats på olika sätt i olika kommuner då det inte finns någon ”one size fits all”. En annan slutsats är att metoder som ska implementeras behöver vara flexibla samt att det är viktigt att det finns både kunskap internt och externt vad gäller brottsförebyggande arbete och EST-metoden. Studien påvisar också att det behövs mer studier inom implementeringsforskningen för att få ökad förståelse för barriärer och facilitatorer. / Introduction: Feeling safe in your everyday life and in your city or residential area is important for most of us. At the same time, a safe and well-functioning society can act as a force of resistance against external negative impact. The perception of insecurity and the fear of being exposed to crime in society has increased over the past decade, which not only renders enormous costs for society in aftercare, but also generates both physical and psychological consequences for those affected. A law will be enforced in July 2023 that puts the responsibility of crime prevention and cooperation on the municipality and the police. Since 2016 a new method for knowledge-based and systematic crime prevention, Effektiv Samordning för Trygghet – EST, has been developed. The method is meant to act as a support for municipalities and the police to create cooperation with relevant actors and to get a better picture of the situation in the municipality. In the county of Västmanland, the method was introduced in 2018 and has been implemented in several municipalities. Purpose: The study aims to investigate how three different municipalities and local police in Västmanland County have implemented the EST-method, as well as which barriers and facilitators affect local cooperation and coordination within the EST-method. Method: The study is a process evaluation with a qualitative multiple case study design based on an inductive approach. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews and document analysis and then analysed by qualitative content analysis. Sampling of interviewees and documents was done by generic goal-directed selection using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and Cochrane’s et al. (2009) framework acted as a theoretical starting point for comparison between theory and empirical study. Results: The results of the study show that the implementation of the EST-method differs between the municipalities in question, where the larger municipality has implemented the method in smaller areas, while in the smaller municipalities it permeates all crime prevention and safety promotion interventions. Furthermore, it appears that factors such as external and internal support, networking and education functioned as facilitators, while lack of finances, time, personnel and knowledge is seen as four prominent barriers for a successful implementation. Conclusion: The EST-method has been implemented in different ways in different municipalities as there is no “one size fits all”. Another conclusion is that methods to be implemented need to be flexible and that it is important that there is both internal and external knowledge regarding crime prevention and the EST-method. The study also shows that more studies are needed regarding implementation research in order to gain an increased understanding of barriers and facilitators for implementation of interventions and methods.

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