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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: Spaces to Study, Spaces to Write, Spaces to Be

DeGriselles, Timothy Todd Donald January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Espiritu de subversion : la construccion del discurso de la mujer en la narrativa posmoderna hispanoamericana

Regoczy, Lucia Graciela, n/a January 2007 (has links)
This thesis offers a typology of Postmodern women�s discourse from a sociological perspective. By focusing on the reading of Gioconda Belli�s Sofia de los presagios, Isabel Allende�s Paula, and Anacristina Rossi�s La loca de Gandoca, it examines how each writer achieves, thanks to the process of dialogism and the carnivalesque, a critique of social and aesthetic values, associated with Eurocentric discourse. Thanks to these two processes, the values associated with the marginalized position of women in Latin America, are brought to the surface, offering a better understanding of the relation that exists between women�s literary production and the cultural environment. Chapter one offers an overview of the concepts associated with Posmodernism, and its relevance in the Latin American context. This chapter also outlines the key concepts associated with dialogism and the carnivalesque. Chapter two examines the use of the carnivalesque in two plays by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Los empenos de una casa and Amor es mas laberinto as antecedents of subversive writing in Spanish American women�s writing. It discusses how Sor Juana through appropriation and inversion, transforms her texts into a critique of marginalized social groups. This chapter proposes that Sor Juana sets the model for the subversive nature of Spanish American women�s writing. Chapter three offers a reading of Cristina Peri Rossi�s El libro de mis primos as an example of radical feminist discourse produced in the 60�s, focusing on the use of parody and irony as means of transgressing patriarchal discourse. Chapter four examines Gioconda Belli�s Sofia de los presagios, and the incorporation of ancestral and modern myths, to accentuate women�s marginality and the conflicting and contradictory nature of Nicaraguan society. Chapter five focuses on a reading of Isabel Allende�s Paula in which the techniques of magical realism and the carnivalesque are brought together to criticize social and cultural practices that marginalize women. Chapter six examines Anacristina Rossi�s La loca de Gandoca. It focuses on the way Rossi makes use of popular music, romantic literature, poetry, and bureaucratic discourse, to denounce the exploitation and destruction of Costa Rica�s natural resources through ecotourism.

Espiritu de subversion : la construccion del discurso de la mujer en la narrativa posmoderna hispanoamericana

Regoczy, Lucia Graciela, n/a January 2007 (has links)
This thesis offers a typology of Postmodern women�s discourse from a sociological perspective. By focusing on the reading of Gioconda Belli�s Sofia de los presagios, Isabel Allende�s Paula, and Anacristina Rossi�s La loca de Gandoca, it examines how each writer achieves, thanks to the process of dialogism and the carnivalesque, a critique of social and aesthetic values, associated with Eurocentric discourse. Thanks to these two processes, the values associated with the marginalized position of women in Latin America, are brought to the surface, offering a better understanding of the relation that exists between women�s literary production and the cultural environment. Chapter one offers an overview of the concepts associated with Posmodernism, and its relevance in the Latin American context. This chapter also outlines the key concepts associated with dialogism and the carnivalesque. Chapter two examines the use of the carnivalesque in two plays by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Los empenos de una casa and Amor es mas laberinto as antecedents of subversive writing in Spanish American women�s writing. It discusses how Sor Juana through appropriation and inversion, transforms her texts into a critique of marginalized social groups. This chapter proposes that Sor Juana sets the model for the subversive nature of Spanish American women�s writing. Chapter three offers a reading of Cristina Peri Rossi�s El libro de mis primos as an example of radical feminist discourse produced in the 60�s, focusing on the use of parody and irony as means of transgressing patriarchal discourse. Chapter four examines Gioconda Belli�s Sofia de los presagios, and the incorporation of ancestral and modern myths, to accentuate women�s marginality and the conflicting and contradictory nature of Nicaraguan society. Chapter five focuses on a reading of Isabel Allende�s Paula in which the techniques of magical realism and the carnivalesque are brought together to criticize social and cultural practices that marginalize women. Chapter six examines Anacristina Rossi�s La loca de Gandoca. It focuses on the way Rossi makes use of popular music, romantic literature, poetry, and bureaucratic discourse, to denounce the exploitation and destruction of Costa Rica�s natural resources through ecotourism.

Dinâmica folicular ovariana em ovelhas Santa Inês portadoras do polimorfismo FecGe do gene GDF-9

Passos, Halley Schuch 18 July 2014 (has links)
This study aimed the study of ovarian follicular dynamics in a interovulatory period in nulliparous Santa Ines sheep carrying the polymorphism FecGE. Were used 21 sheep that previously genotyped for FecGE polymorphism by PCR-RFLP. The animals were divided into three groups (n = 7 / group) according to the genotype mutation: WW - non-mutant wild; EW . heterozygote and EE - homozygous. Follicular dynamics were monitored by ultrasound within a period interovulatory. The capture and measurement of the ovaries images were made every 24 hours until detection of estrus, being adjusted to every 12 hours until ovulation. It was found that 15 animals (71.42%) showed the emergence of three waves and six (28.58%) had four follicular waves. Don ft were influence of genotype on the selection, follicles . 2 and . 4 mm, (2,8 } 0,7) and follicular dominance, follicles > 5 mm, (0,9 } 0,1), the interovulatory period (17,5 } 0,2) and the duration of estrus (38,11 } 0,9). The largest number of ovulations was observed in homozygous sheep (2.4 } 0.2) compared to the wild type (1.7 } 0.2), however, heterozygous presenting intermediate value (1.9 } 0.1) but not differ from the others. Despite genetic groups did as not differ to the interval between the onset of estrus and ovulation (25,34 } 1,8), high individual variation was observed among sheep within each genotype. Santa Ines sheep that carriers the polymorphism FecGE express some differences in ovarian follicular dynamics in relation to non-mutants, being represented mainly by the largest number of ovulations in homozygous genetic group. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da dinamica folicular ovariana do periodo interovulatorio em ovelhas nuliparas da raca Santa Ines portadoras do polimorfismo FecGE. Foram utilizadas 21 ovelhas previamente genotipadas para o polimorfismo FecGE por PCR-RFLP. Os animais foram divididos em tres grupos (n=7/grupo) de acordo com o genotipo relacionado a mutacao como segue: WW - selvagem nao mutante; EW - heterozigoto e; EE - homozigoto. A dinamica folicular foi acompanhada por ultrassom dentro de um periodo interovulatorio. A captura e mensuracao das imagens dos ovarios foram feitas a cada 24 horas ate a deteccao do estro, sendo ajustadas para cada 12 horas ate a ovulacao. Foi verificado que 15 animais (71,42%) apresentaram a emergencia de tres ondas e seis (28,58%) apresentaram quatro ondas de crescimento folicular. Nao houve influencia do genotipo sobre o numero de foliculos selecionados, . 2 e . 4 mm, (2,8 } 0,7) e dominantes, >5 mm, (0,9 } 0,1), o periodo interovulatorio (17,5 } 0,2) e, a duracao do estro (38,11 } 0,9). O maior numero de ovulacoes foi observado nas ovelhas homozigotas (2,4 } 0,2) em relacao as do tipo selvagem (1,7 } 0,2) sendo as heterozigotas apresentando valor intermediario (1,9 } 0,1), porem nao diferindo dos demais. Apesar dos grupos geneticos nao diferirem quanto ao intervalo entre o inicio do estro e a ovulacao (25,34 } 1,8 h), foi verificada alta variacao individual entre as ovelhas dentro de cada genotipo. Ovelhas nuliparas Santa Ines portadoras do polimorfismo FecGE expressam diferencas no tempo de sobrevivencia folicular e no diametro do foliculo ovulatorio em relacao as nao mutantes, sendo que o grupo genetico homozigoto apresenta um maior numero de ovulacoes.

Contribution à l'étude de la phosphorylation et de l'internalisation des récepteurs VPAC / Etude de la phosphorylation et de l'internalisation des récepteurs VPAC

Langlet, Christelle 24 June 2005 (has links)
Le VIP (ou vasoactive intestinal peptide) est un neuropeptide actif au niveau du syst¨¨me nerveux central et p¨¦riph¨¦rique (syst¨¨mes cardiovasculaire, respiratoire, tractus gastro-intestinal¡­). Il agit sur ces tissus cibles par interaction avec les r¨¦cepteurs VPAC1 et VPAC2, pour lesquels il poss¨¨de une haute affinit¨¦. Ces r¨¦cepteurs appartiennent ¨¤ la classe II des r¨¦cepteurs ¨¤ 7 h¨¦lices transmembranaires coupl¨¦s aux prot¨¦ines G, distincte de celle des r¨¦cepteurs apparent¨¦s ¨¤ la rhodopsine. En r¨¦ponse au VIP, ils stimulent pr¨¦f¨¦rentiellement l'ad¨¦nylate cyclase. Seul le r¨¦cepteur VPAC1 est capable, lorsqu'il est exprim¨¦ ¨¤ haute concentration, d¡¯augmenter les concentrations de calcium intracellulaire :G*i participe ¨¤ cette interaction. L'exposition des deux r¨¦cepteurs au VIP n'aboutit pas seulement ¨¤ leur activation :elle induit une succession de m¨¦canismes cellulaires intrins¨¨ques responsables d'une diminution de la capacit¨¦ du r¨¦cepteur ¨¤ r¨¦pondre ¨¤ un agoniste :la d¨¦sensibilisation. <p>Diff¨¦rents processus peuvent contribuer ¨¤ la d¨¦sensibilisation d¡¯un r¨¦cepteur :le d¨¦couplage du r¨¦cepteur de la prot¨¦ine G, la s¨¦questration du r¨¦cepteur, ou encore leur "down regulation", r¨¦sultat ¨¤ plus long terme de la perte d'une partie du pool total de r¨¦cepteurs. Les m¨¦canismes impliqu¨¦s d¨¦pendent du r¨¦cepteur consid¨¦r¨¦ et de l'¨¦quipement prot¨¦ique de la cellule. <p>Il a ¨¦t¨¦ r¨¦cemment montr¨¦ que le r¨¦cepteur VPAC1 humain ¨¦tait phosphoryl¨¦ (en position S447) en r¨¦ponse ¨¤ l¡¯agoniste, que la ¦Â-arrestine ¨¦tait transloqu¨¦e ¨¤ la membrane plasmique et que l¡¯internalisation qui s¡¯en suivait induisait un ph¨¦nom¨¨ne dynamine-d¨¦pendant. Aucune information plus pr¨¦cise n¡¯est r¨¦f¨¦r¨¦e dans la litt¨¦rature. <p>Ce travail de th¨¨se a donc consist¨¦ en une ¨¦tude plus approfondie de la phosphorylation, l¡¯internalisation et la r¨¦cup¨¦ration du r¨¦cepteur VPAC1 humain.<p><p>Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes consacr¨¦ ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦laboration d¡¯un anticorps monoclonal sp¨¦cifique anti-r¨¦cepteur afin de visualiser le r¨¦cepteur. Nous avons eu recours ¨¤ l¡¯immunisation g¨¦n¨¦tique qui consiste ¨¤ injecter l¡¯antig¨¨ne sous forme d¡¯ADN. <p>Une majorit¨¦ des souris immunis¨¦es ont produit des anticorps. L¡¯une d¡¯entre-elle a permis de g¨¦n¨¦rer un anticorps monoclonal, lequel a ¨¦t¨¦ compl¨¨tement caract¨¦ris¨¦ :les r¨¦sultats obtenus par FACS montrent qu¡¯il est sp¨¦cifique, s¨¦lectif et que son ¨¦pitope est localis¨¦e au sein de l¡¯extr¨¦mit¨¦ amino-terminale du r¨¦cepteur (figure 1). Il n¡¯interf¨¨rent pas avec la liaison du ligand et ne modifie en rien l¡¯activation du r¨¦cepteur par celui-ci. Cet anticorps monoclonal ne permet pas de d¨¦tecter le r¨¦cepteur par Western Blott, mais est capable de l¡¯immunopr¨¦cipiter. <p><p>Dans un second temps, nous avons abord¨¦ l¡¯¨¦tude de la phosphorylation, de l¡¯internalisation et du trafficking du r¨¦cepteur VPAC1 humain.<p> / Doctorat en sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Jeder schweigt von etwas anderem: deutsche Gewaltimplantate nach 1989 : 19. Februar 2012

Geipel, Ines 24 May 2022 (has links)
Die Romanautorin und Lyrikerin Ines Geipel setzt sich seit Jahren mit den Themen Menschenwürde und Meinungsfreiheit und im vorliegenden Vortrag mit den Themen Extremismus und der Gefährdung der Demokratie auseinander.

A formação de professoras da Escola Normal do Colegio Santa Ines: a educação salesiana no Brasil inserida na pedagogia católica (1927-1937)

Rampi, Dorcelina de Fátima 27 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dorcelina de Fatima Rampi.pdf: 23069997 bytes, checksum: bcf3bb290db88545e0200aa2856ffa02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / In this research, the aim is at the educational performance of Salesian Sisters in Brazil that was developed in the Escola Normal Livre anexa ao Colégio de Santa Inês in order to give teacher formation between the years of 1927 ( when the state government approved the Escola Normal Livre anexa ao Colégio de Santa Inês , under the law number 2.269 in December 31st, 1927) to 1937 ( the beginning of the Estado Novo ). Withim this topic, it is possible to deal with different subjects as teacher formation, teacher training school, catholic education, woman and salesian education, alphabetization and gender relation. In order to show the specific teacher profile that was being formed in this catholic institution, pedagogical proposals, objectives, curriculums, school daily, obtained results, layman and catholic references of education developed in this Institution were analysed. Besides, this research presents the value of bringing elements from the past which can be considered nowadays in the pedagogical proposal of Colégio de Santa Inês and to understand what characterized, in the period mentioned, the pedagogical project used in the Escola Normal Livre anexa ao Colégio de Santa Inês and which were the main principles that guided this project, there is a question that guides the research and it is about what the catholic pedagogy was and in what it differred from the layman pedagogy. It is supposed that, as a catholic institution, the Teacher Training School mentioned above, had recourses to religious teaching that supported it and had also recourses to the methods from oficial layman institutions where the pedagogy of the Escola Nova was developed adjusting itself to the educative pattern of the congregation. To this research, the school chronicles, the historical book from the Teacher Training Course and the School Office documents were used. Most of the information refers to the internal life of the Institution. As a conclusion, with this study, it is possible to say that this school followed seriously its organization and working as it was waited as a normal school and assumed in its pedagogical practice the methods of the catholic pedagogy and elements from the Escola Nova pedagogy / Nesta pesquisa, o enfoque recai sobre a atuação educativa das Irmãs Salesianas no Brasil, desenvolvida na Escola Normal Livre Anexa ao Colégio de Santa Inês para a formação de professoras, entre os anos de 1927 (quando da aprovação, obtida do governo estadual, da escola normal livre anexa ao colégio de Santa Inês nos moldes da Lei 2.269 de 31 de dezembro de 1927) a 1937 (início do Estado Novo). Por essa temática, dialoga com assuntos como formação de professores, escola normal, educação católica, educação feminina, educação salesiana, alfabetização e relação de gênero. Ao se examinarem as propostas pedagógicas, objetivos, currículos, cotidiano escolar, resultados obtidos, referências leigas e católicas de educação desenvolvidos nessa Instituição, pretende-se desvelar o perfil específico de professora que foi sendo formado nessa instituição católica. Além disso, esta pesquisa tem o valor de trazer do passado elementos que podem ser atualmente considerados na proposta pedagógica do Colégio de Santa Inês. Para compreender o que caracterizou, no período em foco, o projeto pedagógico implementado na Escola Normal Livre anexa ao Colégio de Santa Inês, quais eram os princípios fundamentais que o orientava, a pergunta que orienta a pesquisa versa sobre o que era a pedagogia católica e no que ela diferia da pedagogia laica? A hipótese é que, como uma instituição católica, a referida Escola Normal valia-se dos pressupostos religiosos que a sustentava, mas também de métodos de instituições oficiais laicas, nas quais se desenvolvia a pedagogia da Escola Nova, conformando-a ao padrão educativo congregacional. Como principais fontes de pesquisa são utilizadas as crônicas da casa, o livro histórico do Curso Normal e os documentos da Secretaria Escolar. A maioria dos dados refere-se à vida interna da Instituição. Com o estudo, pôde-se concluir que esta escola, não só na sua organização e funcionamento seguiu rigorosamente o que então era esperado de uma escola normal, como sua prática pedagógica assumiu, além dos métodos da pedagogia católica, elementos da pedagogia da Escola Nova

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