Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infantil""
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Role of connexins in infantile hemangiomasBlanke, Katja, Dähnert, Ingo, Salameh, Aida 29 July 2022 (has links)
The circulatory system is one of the first systems that develops during embryogenesis. Angiogenesis describes the formation of blood vessels as a part of the circulatory system and is essential for organ growth in embryogenesis as well as repair in adulthood. A dysregulation of vessel growth contributes to the pathogenesis of many disorders. Thus, an imbalance between pro- and antiangiogenic factors could be observed in infantile hemangioma (IH). IH is the most common benign tumor during infancy, which appears during the first month of life. These vascular tumors are characterized by rapid proliferation and subsequently slower involution. Most IHs regress spontaneously, but in some cases they cause disfigurement and systemic complications, which requires immediate treatment. Recently, a therapeutic effect of propranolol on IH has been demonstrated. Hence, this non-selective β-blocker became the first-line therapy for IH. Over the last years, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of IH has been improved and possible mechanisms of action of propranolol in IH have postulated. Previous studies revealed that gap junction proteins, the connexins (Cx), might also play a role in the pathogenesis of IH. Therefore, affecting gap junctional intercellular communication is suggested as a novel therapeutic target of propranolol in IH. In this review we summarize the current knowledge of the molecular processes, leading to IH and provide new insights of how Cxs might be involved in the development of these vascular tumors
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Disentangling neural heterogeneity in autismBertelsen, Natasha 08 March 2024 (has links)
Two main theories of neural atypicality have been postulated in autism. One theory proposes that autism can be explained as the result of atypical patterns of hypo and hyper functional connectivity (FC) within and between brain areas. A complementary theory suggests that atypical functional communication in autism could result from an altered ratio between excitatory and inhibitory input (E:I imbalance). These theories have been previously explored as they might apply to all individuals with a behavioral diagnosis. However, given the multiscale heterogeneity characterizing autism, different subsets of individuals with autism may display different patterns of functional connectivity atypicalities and E:I imbalance. This thesis sets out to explore how neural atypicalities in connectivity and E:I imbalance might be differentially expressed in subsets of the autistic population.
To this end, two empirical investigations were conducted. First, the connectivity hypothesis was explored by investigating whether behaviorally-defined subtypes were associated with different patterns of FC atypicalities. Behaviorally-defined subtypes were obtained by stratifying autistic individuals based on their relative balance between social communication (SC) and restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) core symptom domains. This approach yielded three behaviorally-based subtypes: SC>RRB, SCRRB displayed hypoconnectivity between somatomotor and perisylvian circuitry, while subtypes SC=RRB showed hypoconnectivity between somatomotor and visual association areas and hyperconnectivity between medial motor and anterior salience networks. Finally, these subtype-specific FC alterations were shown to be enriched for partially distinct genetic mechanisms, some of which related to excitatory-inhibitory neurons and astrocytes.
In a second study, the EI imbalance hypothesis was explored by investigating whether autism subtypes could be identified based on an E:I-sensitive metric computed from electroencephalographic (EEG) data. Specifically, the Hurst exponent (H) – a metric that has been shown to be affected by changes in excitatory input – was computed on EEG time-series data, obtained in two resting state conditions of eyes open and closed. H-based clustering revealed two E:I-based neurosubtypes across conditions with opposing patterns of E:I imbalance compared to neurotypical controls. Autism neurosubtype 1 showed on-average higher H values, while neurosubtype 2 displayed on-average lower H. These opposing E:I balance patterns were present globally across the brain, with the limited exception of an orthogonal larger decrease in H in non-frontal electrodes in neurosubtype 2. Finally, investigation at the behavioral level identified distinct multivariate brain-behavior relationships between age, intelligence, autistic traits and H.
Taken together, these empirical findings demonstrate that the two major theories of neural atypicality in autism – FC alteration and E:I imbalance – do not apply equally to all individuals with a behavioral diagnosis. Rather, different subtypes of autism exist that display contrasting patterns of neural atypicality compared to typically-developing individuals. These contrasting patterns might be driven by differentially altered primary or compensatory E:I mechanisms shaping distinct atypical cortical organizations within the subtypes. Interestingly, the relationship between specific neural atypicalities and variability at the behavioral and genetic level is, however, subtle across the subtypes. This limited multiscale association could suggest that heterogeneity in autism might be due to the presence, within the larger population, of subtype-specific mosaic-like patterns of atypicalities at the behavioral and biological level. Further research is required to thoroughly characterize how these levels map onto one another within the subtypes and determine the pathophysiological mechanisms driving their development.
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Déterminants des naissances avec retard de croissance intra-utérin chez les femmes défavorisées suivies au Dispensaire diététique de MontréalAbdelouahab, Cherif January 1998 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Caractéristiques du rythme veille-sommeil et facteurs contribuant à un sommeil nocturne consolidé chez le nourrisson de 5 moisSimard, Chantal 02 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / Les nouurissons qui présentent des difficultés à consolider leur temps de sommeil la nuit, conservent fréquemment des problèmes de sommeil jusqu'à l'âge scolaire. Or cette problématique constitue le principal motif de consultation des parents auprès des professionnels de la santé. Aussi est-il important de bien comprendre l'organisation normale de ce rythme à un âge où une majorité d'enfants devrait faire leurs nuits. De plus, l'identification de facteurs associés à la consolidation du temps de sommeil la nuit, pourra servir de guide aux parents et aux professionnels de la santé afin de prévenir les troubles de sommeil chez l'enfant.
Cette étude effectuée par enquête, se situe dans le cadre de l'étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec menée par Santé Québec. Elle avait dans un premier temps comme objectifs de documenter la prévalence de " faire ses nuits" à 5 mois, de décrire l'organisation de la veille et du sommeil au cours des 24 heures du nycthémère et d'identifier les habitudes de sommeil des nourrissons. Dans un second temps, cette recherche visait à comparer l'organisation du cycle veille-sommeil des enfants qui ne font pas leurs nuits à celles de ceux qui les font. Finalement, elle avait comme objectif d'identifier les facteurs bio-psychosociaux associés au fait de" faire ou non ses nuits" à 5 mois.
Le premier article de la thèse repose sur des données obtenues chez 565 nourrissons à l'aide d'un questionnaire et d'un agenda de comportement. Il révèle que la majorité des nourrissons de 5 mois présentent un rythme veille-sommeil bien établi, le sommeil étant davantage concentré la nuit et l'éveil le jour. Les résultats suggèrent que la période nocturne s'organise avant la période diurne. Bien que ces nourrissons maintiennent en moyenne 8 heures de sommeil consécutives la nuit, ceux qui dorment moins de 6 heures d' affilé présentent des difficultés de sommeil uniquement pendant la période nocturne alors que l'organisation du rythme veillesommeil diurne est normale.
Le second article porte sur les données, recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, de 2114 sujets représentant l'ensemble des nourrissons de 5 mois de la province de Québec (environ 72, 000 enfants). Les résultats révèlent que 78.6% des nourrissons de 5 mois " font leurs nuits ". La prématurité ne jouerait un rôle sur la consolidation du sommeil nocturne qu'au cours des tous premiers mois. Les enfants qui ne font pas leurs nuits à 5 mois ont un tempérament difficile et font l'objet de pratiques parentales particulières. Par exemple, une grande proportion de ces enfants sont mis au lit déjà endormis, dorment avec leurs parents, sont plus souvent retirés du lit et nourris lors des éveils nocturnes que les enfants qui font leurs nuits. Les facteurs socio-démographiques et les caractéristiques de la mère, considérés dans cette étude, ne sont pas associés au fait de faire ses nuits à 5 mois.
L'ensemble des résultats obtenus confirme que le cycle veille-sommeil est bien établi à 5 mois. Ce rythme biologique s'établirait sous l'influence d'une maturation neurophysiologique, acquise dès les tous premiers mois de vie extrautérine, et de facteurs exogènes particulièrement associés aux pratiques parentales. Les facteurs identifiés dans cette étude n'expliquent pas à eux seuls un sommeil consolidé à 5 mois. D'autres études seront nécessaires afin de préciser la contribution respective des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux et d'identifier les facteurs qui ne joueront un rôle qu'à un âge plus avancé.
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Programme d'éveil énergétique et ses effets sur l'ouverture à l'apprentissage chez des adolescents dépressifs et des adolescents schizophrènesJacques, Maurice 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2015
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Jeux et enjeux de la violence infantile : pour une métapsychologie du geste / "Infantil violence" : plays and issues : for a metapsychology of the gestureDurozard, Claire 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la clinique de l’enfant violent au travers du concept de « violence infantile » qui permet d’en dégager toutes les potentialités et de maintenir un regard créatif sur les « cliniques de l’extrême ». Loin de défendre un point de vue innéiste ou déficitaire, cette thèse envisage le recours à l’acte violent, chez des enfants présentant des troubles de la personnalité « narcissiques-identitaires », comme le témoin des faillites précoces de l’organisation du narcissisme. Au-delà de ses aspects manifestes, la « violence infantile » constitue donc un organisateur central des pathologies narcissiques dont nous retrouvons les traces jusque dans la vie adulte. Son articulation avec le geste explore la manière dont l’enfant a pu trouver à organiser sa vie pulsionnelle au contact de l’objet maternel. En lieu et place du jeu de la destructivité, l’enfant a fait l’expérience d’une destruction. La thèse envisage les destins du geste spontané confronté à un environnement qui ne s’est pas laissé utiliser. La « violence infantile » témoigne d’un jeu de bébé qui aurait dégénéré, elle est envisagée comme une tentative d’exploration de la psyché de l’objet. Cela implique des remaniements du cadre et de la posture du clinicien, qui l’engagent corporellement, condition nécessaire pour qu’une symbolisation des enjeux précoces contenus dans la « violence infantile » puisse avoir lieu. / In this thesis, the violent child’s clinical exploration is questionned using the concept of « infantile violence », which allows us to extract all the potentialities and to maintain a creative view on the extreme situations of subjectivity. In this work, children with serious personality disorder using violent acts are considered as witnesses of early failures of narcissistic organization. « Infantile violence » constitutes a central organizer of the narcissistic pathologies whose traces may be found in the adult state. His articulation with the gesture explores the way by which the child has organized his instinctual life in contact with the maternal object. In state of playing destructivity the child has experimented destruction.This work discusses the destiny of a spontaneous gesture which is confronted by an environment that does not allow for it to be used. « Infantile violence » shows a baby’s play that could have been degenerated, it is seen as an attempt to explore the object’s psyche. These facts involve revisions of setting and clinician’s posture. This leads him to a corporal engagement which is a necessary condition to allow an infantile violence symbolization.
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Etude des Caractéristiques Virologiques, Cliniques et de la Réponse Inflammatoire au Cours de l’Infection de l’Arbre Respiratoire par les Entérovirus Humains / "Study of Virological and Clinical Features and Inflammatory Response during Respiratory Tract Infection by Human Enterovirus"Renois, Fanny 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le genre Entérovirus (EV) (famille des picornaviridae) est composé de petits virus à ARN non enveloppées classés en 12 espèces dont 7 sont pathogènes pour l'homme : 4 espèces (A-D) d'enterovirus humains (HEV) et trois espèces (A-C) de rhinovirus humains (HRV). Dans le genre enterovirus, les HRV et HEV sont reconnus comme des pathogènes respiratoires fréquemment responsables d'infections des voies aériennes supérieures et inférieures chez l'enfant et l'adulte. Entre 2009 et 2012, de nouveaux génotypes d'HEV à tropisme respiratoire (HEV-68, 104, 109, et le CVA-21) ont été décrits dans des cas isolés ou épidémiques démontrant la capacité des espèces A à D à induire des infections respiratoires basses humaines.La première phase de ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectifs de préciser le rôle étiologique des infections à EVs; d'identifier les génotypes potentiellement responsables des pathologies respiratoires pédiatriques nécessitant une hospitalisation, mais aussi d'analyser et de comparer les caractéristiques cliniques et épidémiologiques entre les différents groupes de génotypes identifiés. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur une cohorte de 309 enfants hospitalisés au CHU de Reims entre septembre 2009 et juin 2010 pour une infection respiratoire aiguë non documentée microbiologiquement par la réalisation des tests virologiques et bactériologiques conventionnels. Nos résultats montrent que le génome des EVs (HEV et HRV) est retrouvé dans 60,5% (187/309) des aspirations naso-pharyngées des enfants hospitalisés, distinguant 15 infections à HEV (dont 10 souches HEV-68) et 172 à HRV. Les cas de bronchiolite et d'exacerbation de l'asthme (133/187) positifs pour la détection des souches HEV (12/133) étaient plus âgés (P=0,003) et plus fréquemment associés avec une détresse respiratoire (P=0,01) et un besoin en oxygénothérapie au moment de leur hospitalisation (P=0,01) que les cas infectés par un HRV. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois en France la circulation épidémique de souches d'HEV-68 (10/15 des souches d'HEV détectées) isolées au cours de l'automne 2009 chez des enfants hospitalisés pour une infection respiratoire aiguë. Nos résultats fournissent de nouvelles informations sur ce génotype ré-émergent qui semble présenter un tropisme respiratoire spécifique des voies respiratoires inférieures.La seconde phase de ce travail de thèse s'est intéressée à étudier les mécanismes liés au développent des processus inflammatoires de la muqueuse au cours de l'infection des voies respiratoires basses par HEV. A l'aide d'un modèle in vitro de cellules respiratoires humaines (A549) infectées par HEV-B (CVB5, Mitchell), nous avons observé que l'infection réplicative des HEV dans les cellules A549 induisait une augmentation dose et temps-dépendante des ARNm, et des protéines IL-8, MCP-1 et RANTES.En conclusion, nos résultats obtenus à partir de prélèvements respiratoires dans le cadre de notre étude de cohorte suggèrent que les EVs représentent une cause étiologique fréquente d'infections respiratoires basses chez l'enfant avec une pathogénicité supérieure des HEVs (principalement dans notre étude HEV-68) par rapport aux souches HRVs. De plus, nos résultats obtenus à partir d'expérimentation in vitro démontrent que les HEVs du groupe B sont capables d'induire au cours de l'infection des cellules épithéliales alvéolaires humaines (A459) une sécrétion spécifique d'IL-8, MCP-1 et RANTES. La production de ces chimiokines correspond à une réponse innée de la cellule épithéliale humaine infectée par les HEVs: nous avons montré pour la première fois que ce mécanisme était en partie régulé par l'activation de la voie non canonique de NF-kB via la protéine NIK dans la cellule épithéliale respiratoire humaine. / The Enterovirus (EV) genus (picornaviridae family) consists of small non-enveloped positive RNA viruses classified in 12 species of which 7 are pathogenic for humans: four species (A-D) of human enterovirus (HEV) and three species (A-C) of human rhinovirus (HRV). Among the EV genus, HEV and HRV are recognized as leading causes of acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) in human. Between 2009 and 2012, new HEV respiratory genotypes (e. g. HEV-68, 104, 109, 117 and CVA-21) have been described in isolated cases or outbreaks supporting the ability HEV species A to D to induce lower respiratory tract infections. This supports the hypothesis of an underestimation of the prevalence and etiological role of EVs in pediatric acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) (more specifically bronchitis, bronchiolitis and asthma exacerbation).To assess the etiological role and the clinical characteristics of HRV and HEV infections in pediatric patients hospitalized for ARTIs, we conducted a retrospective study of 309 hospitalized pediatric patients in University Hospital Centre of Reims with microbiologically unexplained ARTIs from September 2009 to June 2010. Among the 309 ARTIs, 15 HEV and 172 HRV strains were identified. Among bronchiolitis and asthma exacerbation cases (n=133), HEV infected cases were older (P=0.003) and were more frequently associated with a respiratory distress (P=0.01) and a need for oxygen therapy at the time of admission (P=0.01) than cases infected by HRV strains. Interestingly, during this retrospective study, we provided evidence that during the fall 2009 in France, HEV-D68 strains were responsible for a low proportion of pediatric cases hospitalized for acute airway diseases including bronchiolitis and asthma exacerbation.To identify the mechanisms that can regulate the development of airway mucosa inflammation during HEV respiratory lower tract infections, we investigated the production of chemokines by HEV infected human alveolar epithelial cells (A549). Using in vitro model A549 cells infected by HEV-B (CVB5, Mitchell), we demonstrated that HEV-B strains isolated from upper respiratory tract of child with bronchiolitis could actively replicate in various human airway epithelial cells, and that this replicative infection induced specific dose and time-dependent increases in mRNA and protein secretion of IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES, but not of all other CC and CXC human chemokines tested. The protein secretion of these chemokines appeared to be significantly increased at 48 and 72 hours post-infection in culture treated by low-doses of IFN-γ in comparison with mock-infected cells (P <0.001), and was correlated to the viral replication activity. In second time, we explore the pathogenic mechanisms that can regulate inflammatory responses to HEV in lower respiratory airways. We show that HEV infection induced a time-dependent increase of NIK protein accumulation that peaks at 16 hours post-infection (H P-I). NIK protein accumulation mediated the processing of p100 in p52, which association with Rel B was evidenced in nuclear compartment between 16 and 48 H P-I.In conclusion, our findings indicate that EVs are a common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients with a potential higher pathogenicity of HEV strains (mainly HEV-68) by comparison to HRV strains. Moreover, our in vitro results demonstrated that HEV are capable to induce the release of specific chemokines (IL -8, MCP-1 and RANTES) by alveolar epithelial cells during a replicative infection. Finally, we demonstrated for the first time that this innate airway epithelial cell response against HEV infection was partly regulated by the activation of the non-canonical NF-kB via NIK protein.
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Minúcias da vida cotidiana no fazer-fazendo da docência na educação infantilMartins Filho, Altino José January 2013 (has links)
Questa tesi consiste nella presentazione dei risultati di un sondaggio condotto in un istituto di prima infanzia si trova in un comune situato nella regione di Florianópolis / SC, nel corso del 2010. Lo studio ha lo scopo di descrivere e analizzare le varie minuzie della vita quotidiana nella professione di insegnante, mettendo in evidenza gli elementi di constituidores fanno fare gli insegnanti. Nel sondaggio cercato legami più stretti tra Pedagogia dell'Infanzia e Sociologia della vita quotidiana, alla ricerca di interfacce interdisciplinari come un modo per comprendere l'insegnamento nel corso della vita di tutti i giorni, e di contribuire alla costruzione di un punto di vista socio-pedagogico dell'infanzia e dell'educazione. I percorsi di indagine, seguendo le ipotesi della ricerca qualitativa mi hanno portato alla realizzazione di un approccio interpretativo, la creazione di un caso di studio. I docenti di questo istituto sono stati i miei interlocutori e mi hanno messo in evidenza, attraverso narrazioni orali, le dinamiche delle diverse routine fare facendo l'insegnamento. Io uso anche racconti scritti da uno degli insegnanti, messa a fuoco della ricerca, e ancora record in campo notebook basato sull'osservazione con la partecipazione al corso di un anno. La scelta di concentrarsi insegnante ha seguito alcuni criteri precedentemente elaborati, il cui requisito fondamentale era che erano un professionista di presentare un "insegnamento di successo". Il contributo principale di questo studio sta nel comprendere che l'azione riflessiva intorno alle varie minuzie della vita quotidiana, soprattutto per quanto riguarda far fare il giorno di insegnamento al giorno, permette di comprendere la complessità della vita vissuta in collettiva istituzione educativa. Hanno mostrato, inoltre, che le minuzie, intesi da alcuni insegnanti come attività didattiche e pedagogiche relative alla cura precoce e educazione - che guidano le dimensioni specifiche di insegnamento nell'educazione della prima infanzia - non sono visti come tali dalla istituzione più professionale. / A presente tese consiste na apresentação dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em uma instituição de educação infantil localizada em um município situado na região da Grande Florianópolis/SC, no decorrer do ano de 2010. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as diferentes minúcias da vida cotidiana no exercício da docência, destacando os elementos constituidores do fazer-fazendo das professoras. Na pesquisa procurei estreitar os elos entre a Pedagogia da Infância e a Sociologia do Cotidiano, buscando interfaces interdisciplinares como forma de compreender a docência no decurso da vida cotidiana, e de contribuir na construção de uma perspectiva sociopedagógica de infância e de educação. Os caminhos investigativos, seguindo pelos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, conduziram-me à realização de uma abordagem interpretativa, configurando-se um estudo de caso. As professoras da referida instituição foram minhas interlocutoras e me permitiram evidenciar, por meio de narrativas orais, a dinâmica das diferentes rotinas no fazer-fazendo da docência. Também utilizei narrativas escritas de uma das professoras, foco da pesquisa, e ainda registros em caderno de campo com base na observação com participação, no percurso de um ano. A escolha da professora foco seguiu alguns critérios previamente elaborados, cujo requisito essencial era o de que se tratasse de uma profissional que apresentasse uma “docência bem sucedida”. A principal contribuição deste estudo situa-se na compreensão de que a ação reflexiva em torno das diferentes minúcias da vida cotidiana, especialmente no que tange ao fazer-fazendo no dia a dia da docência, possibilita entender a complexidade da própria vida vivida no coletivo da instituição educativa. Evidenciou-se também que as minúcias, entendidas por algumas professoras como atividades educacional-pedagógicas relacionadas ao princípio de cuidado e educação - dimensões norteadoras da especificidade da docência na educação infantil -, ainda não são vistas como tal por grande parte das profissionais da instituição. / The present thesis is about the result presentations of a research held in an infantile education institution placed in a municipality in Florianópolis/SC in 2010. The study aims to describe and analyze different details of everyday life concern to teaching, highlighting the constitutor elements of make-making of teachers. In the research was tried to narrow the links between Childhood Pedagogy and Everyday Life Sociology, searching for interdisciplinary interfaces as a way to understand teaching along everyday life and to contribute in the construction of a childhood and education socio-pedagogy perspective. The investigative ways, following by the qualitative research presumptions have led to hold an interpretative approach, configuring a case study. The teachers from that institution were interlocutors and allowed proving, through oral reports, the different routine dynamics of make-making of teaching. It was also used written reports of one of the teachers, focus of the research, and also records in notebook based on observation with participation, along the year. The choice of the focused teacher followed some criteria previously elaborated and the essential requisite was that the professional had a “successful teaching”. The main contribution of this study is placed on the understanding that the reflexive action surrounded by detailed differences of everyday life, specially, concerned to make-making of teaching everyday life, allows understanding the complexity of life lived in the educative institution collectivity. It was evidenced also that the details, understood by some teachers as educational-pedagogical activities related to care and education principle – dimensions that lead to specific teaching in infantile education -, are still not seen as such for most professionals of the institutions.
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Leitura no entrelaçamento de linguagens: literatura infantil, processo educativo e mediaçãoPanozzo, Neiva Senaide Petry January 2007 (has links)
Le présent travail analyse une perspective de lecture dans le processus éducatif à partir d’une approche sémiotique pour des textes constitués de différents langages, ainsi que l’importance de la médiation didactique-pédagogique pour la formation du lecteur. L’hypothèse formulée est que l’apprentissage des processus de lecture de ce type de texte – l’accent étant mis sur la nature syncrétique de ces processus – se produit de manière rudimentaire, spontanée et non systématique, en particulier sur le rôle de l’image présent dans l’univers de la communication verbale écrite. Dès le début de la scolarisation, les élèves entrent en contact avec de nombreux objets culturels et textes présentant ces caractéristiques. Toutefois, il n’existe pas de processus systématique de médiation pour construire une lecture qui articule ces langages. La recherche sur ces entrelacements s’effectue à travers un corpus composé de trois ouvrages brésiliens de littérature infantile: Em boca fechada não entra mosca [En bouche close n’entre mouche] de Fátima Miguez et illustrée par Graça Lima (1999); Indo não sei aonde buscar não sei o quê [Allant je ne sais où chercher je ne sais quoi] écrit et illustré par Angela Lago (2000); Ah, cambaxirra, se eu pudesse...[Ah, petit oiseau, si je pouvais...], écrit par Ana Maria Machado et illustré par Graça Lima (2003). L’étude se base sur des apports théoricométhodologiques d’études sémiotiques, et plus spécifiquement sur celles d’Algirdas Julien Greimas et de Jean-Marie Floch. L’analyse qualitative des textes fait le relevé des stratégies et des interfaces entre plans d’expression et de contenu des langages présents. L’imbrication de systèmes s’opère dans la relation sémantique intra- et intertextuelle dans des récurrences et oppositions. L’articulation est identifiée dans l’homologation de contenus manifestes entre la visualité et les éléments linguistiques, tels que les répétitions, les alternances, les contrastes d’éléments eidétiques, chromatiques et topologiques (lignes, formes, couleurs, espaces, composition), les répétitions (phoniques, lexicales et syntaxiques) et les jeux de mots. Le travail en conclut que: les processus de syncrétisation produisent des effets de sens qui doivent être appréhendés dans la situation de lecture. La contribution de cette recherche au champ de connaissance éducationnel repose sur le fait qu’elle prend en compte la lecture du livre infantile dans l’interrelation entre le mot et l’image, dans les différentes dimensions qui constituent le livre dans son ensemble. D’autre part, elle montre que la rencontre entre les univers de l’art et de la littérature favorise la formation du lecteur, la modalisation de la pensée ajoutée aux processus d’humanisation de connaître et se connaître, dans un caractère émancipateur d’un sujet compétent. L’action médiatrice des enseignants est légitimée lorsqu’elle est marquée par l’expansion du concept de lecture, par la connaissance de la nature des différents langages constituant le texte – en particulier verbaux et visuels – et par la pratique de stratégies qualifiées de dialogue, qui provoquent des attitudes responsives des élèves. Dans cette perspective, la formation première des enseignants et de l’école peuvent investir dans un plus grand développement des lecteurs et, en conséquence, de la société, en reliant aux processus éducatifs l’approfondissement de l’univers de langages et une expérience englobante de la diversité de textes contemporains en tant qu’objets de lecture. / Este trabalho discute uma perspectiva de leitura no processo educativo, a partir de uma abordagem semiótica para textos constituídos por diferentes linguagens e a importância da mediação didático-pedagógica para a formação do leitor. A pressuposição trabalhada na tese é a de que a aprendizagem dos processos de leitura desse tipo de texto ocorre de forma rudimentar e espontânea, sem se efetivar de modo sistemático, quando se focaliza a natureza sincrética dos mesmos, principalmente sobre o papel da imagem que se faz presente no universo da comunicação verbal escrita. Desde o início da escolarização os estudantes entram em contato com muitos objetos culturais e textos com essas características. Porém, não há um processo sistemático de mediação para a construção de uma leitura que articule essas linguagens. O recorte para investigar a ocorrência desses entrelaçamentos, neste trabalho, focaliza três obras nacionais de literatura infantil “Em boca fechada não entra mosca”, de autoria de Fátima Miguez e ilustrada por Graça Lima (1999), “Indo não sei aonde buscar não sei o quê”, escrita e ilustrada por Angela Lago (2000) e “Ah, cambaxirra, se eu pudesse...”, escrita por Ana Maria Machado e ilustrada por Graça Lima (2003), e utiliza contribuições teóricometodológicas de estudos semióticos, principalmente as de Algirdas Julien Greimas e Jean-Marie Floch. A análise qualitativa dos textos faz o levantamento de estratégias e de interfaces entre planos de expressão e de conteúdo das linguagens ali presentes. O enlace de sistemas ocorre na relação semântica intra e extratextual em recorrências e oposições. A articulação é identificada na homologação de conteúdos manifestos entre a visualidade e os elementos lingüísticos, tais como repetições, alternâncias, contrastes de elementos eidéticos, cromáticos e topológicos (linhas, formas, cores, espaços, composição), reiterações (fônicas, lexicais e sintáticas) e jogos de palavras. Conclui-se que os processos de sincretização produzem efeitos de sentido a serem apreendidos na situação de leitura; que este estudo contribui para a pesquisa educacional ao contemplar a leitura de livros infantis como uma interrelação entre palavras e imagens sob vários aspectos que subjazem ao texto como um todo. Além disso, mostra também que a interface entre o mundo da arte e da literatura permite desenvolver a competência do leitor, bem como de seus pensamentos, além de humanizar o conhecimento e autoconhecimento de um sujeito proficiente de maneira emancipadora. A atuação mediadora dos docentes se legitima, quando marcada pela expansão do conceito de leitura, pelo conhecimento da natureza das diferentes linguagens que constituem o texto, principalmente as verbais e visuais e pela prática de estratégias qualificadas de diálogo, as quais são provocadoras de atitudes responsivas dos alunos. Nessa perspectiva, os cursos de formação inicial de docentes e a escola podem investir em um maior desenvolvimento dos leitores e, conseqüentemente, da sociedade, vinculando aos processos educativos o aprofundamento do universo de linguagens e uma experiência abrangente com a diversidade de textos contemporâneos, como objetos de leitura. / The present study assesses a reading perspective in the educational process through a semiotic approach to texts involving different types of language, and also analyzes the important role of academic and pedagogical mediation in the development of the reader. The assumption is that learning of processes for the reading of these types of texts, with focus on a syncretic nature, is rudimentary and spontaneous, rather than systematic, especially with regard to the role of image found within the universe of written verbal communication. From the very first days of school, learners come in contact with several cultural objects and texts with such characteristics. However, there is no systematic mediation process that allows for a reading strategy which addresses these types of language. The occurrence of this intertexture is investigated through the analysis of three Brazilian children’s literature books: Em boca fechada não entra mosca [A closed mouth catches no flies] written by Fátima Miguez and illustrated by Graça Lima (1999); Indo não sei aonde buscar não sei o quê [Going I don’t know where to get I don’t know what], written and illustrated by Angela Lago (2000) and Ah, cambaxirra, se eu pudesse...[Oh dear wren, if I could only...] written by Ana Maria Machado and illustrated by Graça Lima (2003). The theoretical and methodological background for this investigation is provided by semiotic studies, mainly those by Algirdas Julien Greimas and by Jean- Marie Floch. The qualitative analysis of the texts seeks to determine the strategies and interfaces between the expression and content of the languages used in these texts. The interweaving of systems occurs at the level of intratextual and extratextual semantic relations through recurrences and oppositions. This relationship is observed in the ratification of contents contemplated between visuality and linguistic elements, such as repetitions, alternations, contrasts of eidetic, chromatic, and topological elements (lines, forms, colors, spaces, composition), phonic, lexical, and syntactic recurrences and play on words (puns). In conclusion, the syncretization processes produce effects of meaning that need to be learned through reading. This study contributes towards educational research by contemplating the reading of children’s books as an interplay between words and images under the various aspects that underlie the text as a whole. Moreover, it also shows that the interface between the world of art and of literature allows developing the reader’s competence as well as his/her thoughts, in addition to humanizing the knowledge and self-knowledge of a proficient subject in an emancipatory manner. The mediating role of teachers is acknowledged, when it is marked by expansion of the concept of reading, by the knowledge of the nature of the different languages built into the text, especially verbal and visual ones, and by the practice of appropriate dialog strategies, which encourage students’ responsiveness. From this perspective, qualified teachers and school can further the development of readers and, consequently, of society as well, by incorporating an in-depth understanding of the universe of languages and comprehensive experience regarding the wide variety of contemporaneous texts as objects of reading into educational processes.
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Minúcias da vida cotidiana no fazer-fazendo da docência na educação infantilMartins Filho, Altino José January 2013 (has links)
Questa tesi consiste nella presentazione dei risultati di un sondaggio condotto in un istituto di prima infanzia si trova in un comune situato nella regione di Florianópolis / SC, nel corso del 2010. Lo studio ha lo scopo di descrivere e analizzare le varie minuzie della vita quotidiana nella professione di insegnante, mettendo in evidenza gli elementi di constituidores fanno fare gli insegnanti. Nel sondaggio cercato legami più stretti tra Pedagogia dell'Infanzia e Sociologia della vita quotidiana, alla ricerca di interfacce interdisciplinari come un modo per comprendere l'insegnamento nel corso della vita di tutti i giorni, e di contribuire alla costruzione di un punto di vista socio-pedagogico dell'infanzia e dell'educazione. I percorsi di indagine, seguendo le ipotesi della ricerca qualitativa mi hanno portato alla realizzazione di un approccio interpretativo, la creazione di un caso di studio. I docenti di questo istituto sono stati i miei interlocutori e mi hanno messo in evidenza, attraverso narrazioni orali, le dinamiche delle diverse routine fare facendo l'insegnamento. Io uso anche racconti scritti da uno degli insegnanti, messa a fuoco della ricerca, e ancora record in campo notebook basato sull'osservazione con la partecipazione al corso di un anno. La scelta di concentrarsi insegnante ha seguito alcuni criteri precedentemente elaborati, il cui requisito fondamentale era che erano un professionista di presentare un "insegnamento di successo". Il contributo principale di questo studio sta nel comprendere che l'azione riflessiva intorno alle varie minuzie della vita quotidiana, soprattutto per quanto riguarda far fare il giorno di insegnamento al giorno, permette di comprendere la complessità della vita vissuta in collettiva istituzione educativa. Hanno mostrato, inoltre, che le minuzie, intesi da alcuni insegnanti come attività didattiche e pedagogiche relative alla cura precoce e educazione - che guidano le dimensioni specifiche di insegnamento nell'educazione della prima infanzia - non sono visti come tali dalla istituzione più professionale. / A presente tese consiste na apresentação dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em uma instituição de educação infantil localizada em um município situado na região da Grande Florianópolis/SC, no decorrer do ano de 2010. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as diferentes minúcias da vida cotidiana no exercício da docência, destacando os elementos constituidores do fazer-fazendo das professoras. Na pesquisa procurei estreitar os elos entre a Pedagogia da Infância e a Sociologia do Cotidiano, buscando interfaces interdisciplinares como forma de compreender a docência no decurso da vida cotidiana, e de contribuir na construção de uma perspectiva sociopedagógica de infância e de educação. Os caminhos investigativos, seguindo pelos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, conduziram-me à realização de uma abordagem interpretativa, configurando-se um estudo de caso. As professoras da referida instituição foram minhas interlocutoras e me permitiram evidenciar, por meio de narrativas orais, a dinâmica das diferentes rotinas no fazer-fazendo da docência. Também utilizei narrativas escritas de uma das professoras, foco da pesquisa, e ainda registros em caderno de campo com base na observação com participação, no percurso de um ano. A escolha da professora foco seguiu alguns critérios previamente elaborados, cujo requisito essencial era o de que se tratasse de uma profissional que apresentasse uma “docência bem sucedida”. A principal contribuição deste estudo situa-se na compreensão de que a ação reflexiva em torno das diferentes minúcias da vida cotidiana, especialmente no que tange ao fazer-fazendo no dia a dia da docência, possibilita entender a complexidade da própria vida vivida no coletivo da instituição educativa. Evidenciou-se também que as minúcias, entendidas por algumas professoras como atividades educacional-pedagógicas relacionadas ao princípio de cuidado e educação - dimensões norteadoras da especificidade da docência na educação infantil -, ainda não são vistas como tal por grande parte das profissionais da instituição. / The present thesis is about the result presentations of a research held in an infantile education institution placed in a municipality in Florianópolis/SC in 2010. The study aims to describe and analyze different details of everyday life concern to teaching, highlighting the constitutor elements of make-making of teachers. In the research was tried to narrow the links between Childhood Pedagogy and Everyday Life Sociology, searching for interdisciplinary interfaces as a way to understand teaching along everyday life and to contribute in the construction of a childhood and education socio-pedagogy perspective. The investigative ways, following by the qualitative research presumptions have led to hold an interpretative approach, configuring a case study. The teachers from that institution were interlocutors and allowed proving, through oral reports, the different routine dynamics of make-making of teaching. It was also used written reports of one of the teachers, focus of the research, and also records in notebook based on observation with participation, along the year. The choice of the focused teacher followed some criteria previously elaborated and the essential requisite was that the professional had a “successful teaching”. The main contribution of this study is placed on the understanding that the reflexive action surrounded by detailed differences of everyday life, specially, concerned to make-making of teaching everyday life, allows understanding the complexity of life lived in the educative institution collectivity. It was evidenced also that the details, understood by some teachers as educational-pedagogical activities related to care and education principle – dimensions that lead to specific teaching in infantile education -, are still not seen as such for most professionals of the institutions.
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