Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infantil""
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Les partenaires d'interactions de Cirhin, la protéine portant la mutation responsable de la Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (NAIC)Ruest, Marie-Ève 03 1900 (has links)
La Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (CAI, NAIC) est une forme de cholestase non-syndromique héréditaire à transmission autosomique récessive, décrite uniquement chez les enfants autochtones du Nord-Ouest québécois et issue d’un effet fondateur. La maladie se présente d’abord sous la forme d’une jaunisse néonatale chez un enfant autrement en bonne santé, qui progresse en cirrhose de type biliaire dans l’enfance et dans l’adolescence. Le taux de survie à l’âge adulte est inférieur à 50% et la seule thérapie efficace à ce jour pour les patients avancés dans la maladie demeure la transplantation hépatique.
Les recherches antérieures menées par le groupe ont permis d’identifier le locus ainsi que le gène responsable de NAIC, qui encode la protéine nucléolaire Cirhin. Cirhin est exprimée uniquement dans le foie et tous les patients sont homozygotes pour la mutation R565W. La fonction de Cirhin est inconnue, mais les motifs WD40 retrouvés dans sa séquence indiquent qu’elle participerait à des interactions protéine-protéine et serait impliquée dans un mécanisme moléculaire de base. Cirhin interagit avec la protéine nucléaire Cirip, qui a un effet positif important sur la transcription de l’élément activateur HIV-1 LTR et qui a un rôle dans la prolifération cellulaire. L’interaction de Cirhin et Cirip est affectée par la mutation R565W.
À l’aide de la technique du double hybride chez la levure, la protéine nucléolaire Nol11 a été identifiée comme étant un partenaire d’interaction de Cirhin. Par son interaction avec MARK3 et c-Myc, Nol11 serait impliquée dans des processus cellulaires tels que le contrôle du cycle cellulaire, la polarité, la croissance cellulaire et possiblement la biogenèse des ribosomes. La portion C-terminale de Nol11 interagirait avec Cirhin, et la mutation R565W abolit cette interaction. Le résidu R565 serait donc important pour la fonctionnalité de Cirhin. / North American Indian childhood cirrhosis (NAIC) is a nonsyndromic form of hereditary autosomal recessive cholestasis, described only in children of Algonquin origin from the Abitibi region of north-western Québec and issued from a founder effect. NAIC typically presents with transient neonatal jaundice in a child who is otherwise healthy, but progresses to biliary fibrosis in childhood or young adulthood. The survival rate at adulthood is lower than 50% and liver transplantation is currently the only effective therapy for patients with advanced disease.
Previous research by the group allowed the identification of the locus and the gene responsible for NAIC, which encodes the nucleolar protein Cirhin. Cirhin is expressed only in the liver and all patients are homozygous for the R565W mutation. Cirhin’s function is unknown, but it is a WD40-repeat containing protein, which indicates that it would participate in protein-protein interactions and would be involved in a basic molecular mechanism. Cirhin interacts with the nuclear protein Cirip, which has a significant positive effect on the transcription of the HIV-1 LTR enhancer element and has a role in cellular proliferation. The interaction between Cirhin and Cirip is affected by the R565W mutation.
Using the yeast two-hybrid technique, the nucleolar protein Nol11 was identified as an interacting partner of Cirhin. By its interaction with MARK3 and c-Myc, Nol11 may be involved in cellular processes such as cell cycle control, polarity, cell growth and possibly ribosome biogenesis. The C-terminal portion of Nol11 interacts with Cirhin and the R565W mutation abolishes the interaction. The residue R565 may thus be important for Cirhin’s functionality.
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The effects of health aid on health outcomes : public versus private channelsAfridi, Muhammad Asim 10 April 2013 (has links)
La réduction de la mortalité maternelle et infantile est universellement acceptée comme un objectif du millénaire pour le développement. L'aide étrangère est un des moyens utilisés pour l'atteindre. Cependant, malgré les succès, à l'échelle microéconomique, de certains programmes de santé financés par les aides étrangères, l'efficacité globale de ces aides demeure inconnue. Plusieurs travaux ont traité de l'efficacité de l'aides sur la croissance économique, mais peu d'entre eux concernent le secteur de la santé. Le but de cette thèse, est précisément d'évaluer l'efficacité des aides étrangères sur des indicateurs de santé à l'échelle macroéconomique. On va essayer d'explorer l'impact des aides étrangères octroyées par des bailleurs privés et publics sur l'état de santé telle que la mortalité infantile, maternelle et des adultes dans les pays en développement. La thèse examine l'affectation des aides étrangères au secteur de la santé, à travers trois documents de travail à soumettre à publication. / The reduction of child and maternal mortality is universally accepted as a millennium development goal (MDG). Foreign aid for health is one of the means implemented to reach it. However, even if many successes of health aid activities have been underlined at the microeconomic level, the effectiveness of health aid in general remains unknown. In spite of many macroeconomic works on aid effectiveness on economic growth, only little deals with its effectiveness in health. The purpose of this thesis is precisely to assess the effectiveness of foreign aid in improving health measurements, at the macroeconomic level. I tried to explore the impact of health aid disbursed by the donors through the government and private sector on health outcomes like child, maternal and adult mortality rates in developing economies. The thesis examines the issue of foreign aid earmarked for health sector using a three-paper format. The three chapters of this thesis can be read independently.
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Development of environmental health strategies for prevention of childhood diarrhoea in Sebeta town, EthiopiaMohammed, Abdulwahid Idris 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess and explore the household environmental health factors associated with the occurrence of diarrhoea in under five children in Sebeta town of Ethiopia, in order to develop environmental health strategies for prevention of childhood diarrhoea. A descriptive, quantitative, contextual and cross-sectional study, using stratified random sampling method, was used to conduct the research. The data collection was carried out from November 6 to 28, 2013 using structured interview schedules and a total of 477 households’ mothers/caregivers with under five children had participated in the study. In analyzing data, both bivariate and multivariate analyses were employed using SPSS software. The finding of the study shows that the prevalence of childhood diarrhoea was 9.9%. A number of risk factors including socio-demographic variables, water and hygienic practices, and knowledge risk factors showed significant association with childhood diarrhoea on bivariate analysis using chi-squared and Fischer's exact tests. Multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression was conducted to examine the significance of identified risk factors in bivariate analysis. The results of multivariate regression analysis shows that four variables were associated with risk of childhood diarrhoea; including type of toilet facility (AOR: 0.37; 95% CI 0.16 – 0.87; p=0.023), availability of specific place for handwashing (AOR: 0.40; 95% CI 0.18 – 0.90; p=0.026), availability of handwashing facility (AOR: 0.20; 95% CI 0.06 – 0.70; p=0.012) and mothers’ knowledge on diarrhoea causation (AOR: 3.09; 95% CI 1.24 – 7.68; p=0.015).
Although childhood diarrhoea was found to be less prevalent as compared to national and regional prevalence rates, diarrhoea remains one of the causes of morbidity in children of the studied households. The findings of the study concludes that childhood diarrhoea has a number of environmental determinants, notably due to environmental health risk factors associated with lack of improved sanitation and hand-washing facilities and poor knowledge on diarrhoea causation. The study thus recommends that effective measures to curtail prevalence of diarrhoea in urban contexts should be substantially increased by enhancing urban sanitation promotion programmes with emphasis on accelerating universal access to improved sanitation and handwashing facilities, together with efforts in promoting proper hygiene behaviours. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Étiopathogénie des nystagmus verticaux du nourrisson / Pathophysiology of vertical nystagmus in infancyRobert, Matthieu 17 March 2016 (has links)
L’étude des nystagmus du nourrisson est difficile pour des raisons méthodologiques. La plupart des études sont donc réalisées chez des adultes et a posteriori. Ces études chez l’adulte ont permis la révision des classifications des nystagmus infantiles, avec la consolidation des concepts de syndrome du nystagmus précoce et de nystagmus de type latent. La séméiologie et l’étiopathogénie des nystagmus du nourrisson – notamment des formes comportant un élément vertical et des formes transitoires – reste donc à étudier. Dans ce but : 1. Nous avons développé de nouvelles techniques d’enregistrement des mouvements oculaires chez les nourrissons, utilisables dans le cadre d’une consultation. Elles incluent de nouveaux stimuli, un appareil d’enregistrement des mouvements oculaires spécialement conçu pour le nourrisson et de nouvelles méthodes d’analyse statistique du signal. Nous avons vérifié la faisabilité de ces enregistrements chez 28 nourrissons atteints de nystagmus. 2. Nous avons étudié systématiquement 32 cas de nystagmus de type spasmus nutans, classiquement considéré comme une entité bénigne idiopathique, avec un examen clinique complet, une imagerie cérébrale, une électrophysiologie visuelle et des enregistrements oculo-moteurs. Dans 53,1% des cas, le spasmus nutans était le symptôme d’une autre maladie : neurologique (34,3%), notamment des gliomes du chiasma (21,9%), ou rétinienne (12,5%). Une atteinte des voies visuelles antérieures est probablement en cause dans la physiopathologie des spasmus nutans. 3. Huit cas de nystagmus ayant conduit au diagnostic de gliome des voies optiques (GVO) ont été également enregistrés et étudiés. L’âge d’apparition du nystagmus allait de 2,5 à 10 mois. Le GVO était toujours chiasmatique et constituait une sous-population spécifique. Le nystagmus était toujours de type spasmus nutans. Les enregistrements oculo-moteurs montraient : une fréquence entre 2,7 et 5 Hz, une morphologie sinusoïdale du nystagmus, une dissociation et une dysconjugaison particulière, avec une opposition de phase (180°) entre les oscillations des deux yeux dans le plan horizontal mais une correspondance de phase dans le plan vertical, à l’origine d’un mouvement semblable à un mouvement de convection. Rarement et brièvement, le rapport de phase changeait. Ces caractéristiques orientent vers des oscillations dans le système des vergences, possiblement la conséquence d’une atteinte des afférences sensorielles des centres du contrôle vergentiel dans le tronc cérébral, secondaire au GVO et survenant pendant la période sensible du développement visuel. 4. Cinq cas de nystagmus upbeat chez des nourrissons avec des rétines et une imagerie cérébrale normale ont été étudiés. Le nystagmus était observé en décubitus et électivement déclenché par des rotations de la tête en position allongée. Dans tous les cas, une résolution spontanée était observée après quelques mois d’évolution. Les caractéristiques de ce type de nystagmus suggèrent une participation du système otolithique, suivie d’une recalibration secondaire des circuits vestibulo-oculaires. En conclusion, le développement de techniques d’enregistrement des mouvements oculaires adaptées aux nourrissons aide à la compréhension de l’étiopathogénie de variétés mal décrites de nystagmus, notamment dans les cas comportant un élément vertical et dans les cas transitoires. Les processus de maturation des voies visuelles antérieures et des centres de contrôle de l’oculomotricité semblent jouer un rôle central dans les mécanismes de ces nystagmus. / Studying infantile nystagmus during infancy is difficult for methodological reasons. Most such studies have been performed in adults and a posteriori. These studies in adults allowed for an improvement in the existing classifications, with now robust knowledge about the two most frequent varieties of infantile nystagmus: infantile nystagmus syndrome and fusion maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome. The characteristics and pathophysiology of nystagmus in infants–notably varieties of nystagmus with a vertical component and transitory nystagmus– need further study. For this reason: 1. We developed new techniques for the recording of eye movements in infants in the setting of a clinic. They include new stimuli, the use of specially-designed infrared photo-oculography eyetrackers and new statistical analysis paradigms. We assessed these techniques in a population of 28 infants with a nystagmus. 2. We systematically studied 32 cases of spasmus nutans, classically considered an idiopathic entity, with comprehensive clinical examination, brain imaging, electrophysiology, nystagmus recording. In 53.1% of cases, it led to the diagnosis of another condition: a neurological disease (34.3%), including cases of chiasmal gliomas (21.9%), or a retinal dysfunction (12.5%). Anterior visual pathway dysfunction is likely involved in the pathophysiology of spasmus nutans. 3. Eight cases of nystagmus having led to a diagnosis of optic pathway glioma (OPG) were also recorded and studied. Age at nystagmus onset was 2.5-10 months. The associated OPG always involved the chiasm, and represent a specific subpopulation of OPG. Clinically, the nystagmus was always classified as spasmus nutans type. Oculographic recordings showed frequencies of 2.7-5 Hz, sinusoidal waveforms, dissociation and a special type of disconjugacy, with a 180° horizontal phase shift and no vertical phase shift, exhibiting a “convection-like” movement pattern. Rarely and for short periods of time, the phase shift could change. These characteristics point towards oscillations in the vergence system, which could possibly result from the specific disruption of the vergence centres afferences in the brainstem, induced by the OPG during the sensitive period of visual development. 4. Five cases of upbeat nystagmus in infants with normal retinas and normal brain imaging were studied. The nystagmus mostly occurred in supine position and could be triggered by head rotations in the supine position. All resolved spontaneously. The characteristics of this nystagmus suggest an involvement of the otolithic system, with a secondary recalibration of the vestibulo-ocular pathways. In conclusion, the development of infant-friendly devices for eye-movements recording helps providing new insights on the pathophysiology of poorly described varieties of nystagmus, including nystagmus with a vertical component and transitory nystagmus. The maturation process of both the anterior visual pathways and the oculomotor pathways appears to be central in the mechanisms of these nystagmus.
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Educação infantil e teatro: um estudo sobre as linguagens cênicas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP / Child education and theater: a study on the scenic languages in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SPSouza, Cibele Witcel de 12 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar as relações entre Educação Infantil e Teatro a partir das Linguagens Cênicas que vêm sendo concebidas e construídas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP. Partindo da análise do Curso Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, junto ao Programa de Formação Continuada da Educação Infantil promovido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), denominado A Rede em rede: formação continuada na Educação Infantil, e de alguns de seus desdobramentos, como o Caderno Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, foi possível se aproximar de propostas educativas de professoras envolvidas e de propostas infantis de meninas e meninos pequenos. Para tal, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa de campo em um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da cidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa; oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com professoras, coordenadora e supervisora da SME/SP, e com formadoras do referido Curso; além da coleta e análise de documentos e de outros materiais produzidos. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas de forma articulada, à luz da produção recente tanto brasileira quanto estrangeira no campo das pesquisas em Educação Infantil, na interface com as Ciências Sociais e com as Artes na primeira infância, e com a produção teórica sobre o Teatro propriamente dito especialmente da Performance e do Teatro pós-dramático , concebendo as crianças como plenas, inteiras, completas e as Linguagens Cênicas como formas delas conhecerem, criarem, inventarem, sentirem, viverem e compartilharem conhecimentos, saberes e culturas, assim como, também das profissionais da Educação Infantil. O Curso investigado e seus desdobramentos, apesar de não romperem com propostas formativas que ainda desconsideram o protagonismo e as criações de crianças, professoras, gestoras e formadoras, trouxeram alguns avanços e contribuições que se revelaram emergentes para a construção de uma Pedagogia da Educação Infantil fundamentada nas Artes, mas que só poderá ser construída quando forem consideradas as propostas educativas e infantis que estão sendo inventadas pelas professoras e, especialmente, pelas meninas e meninos pequenos, a partir das Linguagens Cênicas. / This research sought to investigate the relationship between Child Education and Theater in the perspective of the Scenic Languages that have been conceived and constructed in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP. Starting with the analysis of the Course on Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, by Continued Training Program on Child Education conducted by the Education Department of the City of São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), called The networking in education system: continued training on Child Education, and some of its outcomes, as the Booklet Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, it was possible to take a close look at educative proposals of female teachers involved and at infantile proposals for young girls and boys. For such, the following procedures were carried out: field research in a Child Education Center (CEI) in the city of São Paulo, with observation of the educative working hours; eight semi-structures interviews of female teachers, educational coordinator and the supervisor from SME/SP, and with lecturers in the training course mentioned above; in addition to the collection and analysis of documents and other materials produced. The analysis of the data collected was conducted in an articulated fashion, in the light of the recent literature both in Brazil and abroad in the field of studies on Child Education, in interface with Social Science and Art in early childhood, and with theoretical production about Theater specially Performance and post-dramatic Theater , conceiving children as full, integral, complete subjects and the Scenic Languages as ways of knowing, creating, inventing, feeling, living and sharing different types of knowledge and cultures, as well as the professionals working in Child Education. The Training Course being investigated and its deployments, although they do not break away with the formative proposals that still disregard the prominence and the creativity of children, teachers, managers and trainers, brought forth some improvements and contributions that turned out to be emergent in the construction of a Pedagogy for Child Education based on Art, but it will only be able to be devised when and educative and infantile proposals are taken into consideration as they have been invented by teachers and, especially, by the young girls and boys, aided by the Scenic Languages.
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?Minhas crian?as na escola?: sobre mulheres, m?es, trabalhadoras da zona rural de Feira de Santana e o tema da Educa??o InfantilFelix, Nayara da Silva Borges 07 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-09-14T22:33:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-06-07 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / The purpose of this study was to study the living conditions of rural women in the municipality of Feira de Santana (BA), mothers of children in the Ipua?u / Jo?o Durval Carneiro district. Based on the relationship of rural women and their family, life and work conditions, with the routine of their children in school institutions in the stage of Early Childhood Education, the research sought the interface between themes such as Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education and Education in an attempt to understand how such educational policies can affect family everyday life. In view of the scenario of Law 12.796 / 13, which determines the compulsory enrollment of children (4-5 years) in Early Childhood Education, as a result of struggles of the social collectives and achievement mainly for the working class that requires the guarantee of vacancies for the study aimed to analyze the meaning of the school for mothers of children's education in light of the obligation of law 12 796/13, in the rural area of Feira de Santana. In order to give concrete substance to the objectives of this study, the methodology followed a critical and qualitative social perspective, within the dialectical logic, as instruments of data collection, the application of questionnaires and interviews with rural mothers who have their children enrolled in an institution of Early Childhood Education, in the district of Ipu??? / Jo?o Duval Carneiro. The study revealed that the obligation established by Law 12,796 / 13, was not relevant for the life of the women surveyed. For them, the school is a possibility of social change, so they put in the education of their children an opportunity for social advancement, which they had no chance of achieving. Thus, these women perceive school as a necessary institution in the life of their children, and regardless of the issue of compulsion and age, the school institution from the infantile education, is fundamental to help in facing the difficulties experienced in the scenario of inequality in which they are. Early childhood education is one of the stages in which this schooling takes place, and there is no educational specificity to be discussed in the mothers' understanding. The study also shows that such social inequality, permeated throughout the research scenario, is strongly aggravated by factors such as class, gender, race, territory and lack of schooling, and the school institution is seen as an important strategy for the construction of a another kind of future life, for your children, a life different from yours. / O presente trabalho teve como objeto de estudo as condi??es de vida de mulheres da zona rural do munic?pio de Feira de Santana (BA), m?es de crian?as da educa??o infantil do Distrito de Ipua?u/Jo?o Durval Carneiro. A partir da rela??o das mulheres do campo e suas condi??es familiares, de vida e trabalho, com a rotina de suas crian?as nas institui??es escolares na etapa da Educa??o Infantil, a pesquisa buscou a interface entre temas como Educa??o Infantil, Educa??o Infantil do Campo e Educa??o do Campo na tentativa de compreender como tais pol?ticas educacionais podem afetar os cotidianos familiares. Diante do cen?rio da vig?ncia da lei 12.796/13, que determina a obrigatoriedade de matr?cula para as crian?as (4-5 anos) na Educa??o Infantil, fruto de lutas dos coletivos sociais e conquista principalmente para a classe trabalhadora que necessita da garantia de vagas para seus filhos/as, a pesquisa trouxe como objetivo geral, analisar o significado da escola para as m?es da Educa??o Infantil ? luz da obrigatoriedade da lei 12. 796/13, na zona rural de Feira de Santana. Para dar concretude aos objetivos desse estudo, a metodologia seguiu uma perspectiva social cr?tica, qualitativa, dentro da l?gica dial?tica, tento como instrumentos de coleta de dados, a aplica??o de question?rios e entrevistas com m?es da zona rural, que tem seus filhos/as matriculados em institui??o de Educa??o Infantil, no distrito de Ipua??/ Jo?o Duval Carneiro. O estudo revelou que a obrigatoriedade prevista pela lei 12.796/13, n?o se mostrou pertinente para a vida das mulheres pesquisadas. Para elas, a escola ? uma possibilidade de mudan?a social, por isso depositam na educa??o de seus filhos/as uma oportunidade de ascens?o social, que n?o tiveram chances de alcan?ar. Assim, tais mulheres percebem a escola como uma institui??o necess?ria na vida de seus filhos/as, e independente da quest?o da obrigatoriedade e da idade, a institui??o escola desde a educa??o infantil, ? fundamental para ajudar no enfrentamento das dificuldades vivenciadas no cen?rio de desigualdade social em que se encontram. A educa??o infantil ? uma das etapas em que esta escolariza??o acontece, n?o havendo na compreens?o das m?es uma especificidade educacional a ser discutida. O estudo ainda evidencia, que tal desigualdade social, permeada em todo o cen?rio da pesquisa, ? fortemente agravada por fatores como classe, g?nero, ra?a, territ?rio e falta de escolaridade, sendo a institui??o escola, vista como uma importante estrat?gia para constru??o de um outro tipo de vida futura, para seus filhos/as, uma vida diferente das suas.
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Artes na educação infantil: um estudo das práticas pedagógicas do professor de escola públicaCarvalho, Maria Thereza Ferreira de 10 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aim is to discuss the implications of teacher s formation in its practical classroom
teaching considering the perspective of Critical Theory. Specifically this study identifies the
elements of stimulation offered by the teacher choice associated with their formation. The
research was focused on two public elementary schools, having the focus point as three
teachers of those schools. It used the methodological principles of observation in the
classroom as a procedure to identify and analyze the information collected. First of all, the
study characterizes the aims of the teachers to attend the official requirements differing
from classroom practice. Afterwards, compare the information collected evaluating the
possible contributions in the process of learning and practicing arts. Based on the data
analyzed it was found that the relation between the use of arts (visual, musical and body
arts) and types of activities developed in classroom, identifies models and methods planned
and the stimulation in its use in concrete learning situations. The alterations in educational
politics face the work done in public infantile education. It leads to a reflection about the
teacher formation and their needs to follow the official requirements that come from
curricular changes made on this level of education. The adequacy of the teacher faces his
or her conditions of working on many elements of difficulty, for example, their formation.
The importance of art as an asset or in the contents of school curriculums it s confirmed by
research and praised by the Brazilian legislative system through National Curriculum
Parameters. Although, it s known that there is another possibility beyond what is proposed
by laws meaning fruition of art as culture. For the enlightenment about the teachers
practices, this work focus on the insertion of art and its necessary relation with other fields
of study, starting with the perception of the own teachers about esthetical dimension.
Putting it this way, the teachers formation and action their on the ambience and proposal of
arts in classroom are discussed manly starting with the notion of experience, mass culture,
pseudo formation theory and pseudo culture as concepts that reacts with the critical of
Frankfurt theorists about late capitalism and its effects in education and the esthetic on
contemporaneous society / O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as implicações da formação docente e sua prática em
sala de aula, dentro da perspectiva da teoria crítica. Especificamente, examinaram-se os
elementos oferecidos a partir das escolhas dos professores, buscando associar tais
preferências à sua formação inicial e continuada. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas escolas
públicas de educação infantil, na cidade de Campos do Jordão, tendo como sujeitos focais
três professoras. Utilizaram-se os princípios metodológicos da observação em sala de aula
como procedimentos de identificação e análise de dados. Primeiramente, caracterizaramse
os objetivos dos professores para atender às exigências oficiais em contraponto com a
prática em sala de aula. Em seguida, cruzaram-se os dados referidos aos usos das
informações e avaliando-se as possíveis contribuições na aprendizagem e prática em
artes. Com base nos dados analisados, verificaram-se as relações entre usos das artes
(visuais, música e artes do corpo) e os tipos de atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula,
além do registro de procedimentos e atividades planejadas, e estímulos em situações
concretas de aprendizagem. As alterações nas políticas educacionais frente ao trabalho
realizado na educação infantil pública conduzem a uma reflexão sobre a formação do
professor e sua necessidade de atender às exigências oficiais decorrentes das mudanças
curriculares promovidas nesse nível de ensino. A adequação do professor, em face de
suas condições de trabalho, enfrenta inúmeros elementos dificultadores, entre eles a sua
formação. A importância da área de artes como recurso e conteúdo nos currículos
escolares é confirmada pelas pesquisas e preconizada pela legislação brasileira, por meio
dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs). No entanto, reafirma-se que existem
outras possibilidades além do que é proposto por lei quanto à fruição da arte como cultura.
Para o esclarecimento sobre as práticas de tais professores, busca-se aqui focalizar a
inserção da arte, e sua necessária relação com os demais campos do conhecimento, a
partir da percepção dos próprios professores sobre a dimensão estética. Sendo assim, a
formação do professor, sua atuação sobre o ambiente e as propostas para as artes em
sala de aula pretendem ser discutidas nesse projeto. E para tanto, partiu-se das noções de
experiência, cultura de massa, teoria da pseudoformação e da pseudocultura como
conceitos que regem a crítica dos teóricos frankfurtiamos sobre o capitalismo tardio, como
também seus efeitos sobre a educação e sobre a estética na sociedade contemporânea
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Os três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade de Sigmund Freud e a psicologia da criança no final do século XIXAlmeida, Alexandra Nakano de 11 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In this research, we try to understand the infantile concept for
Sigmund Freud, at the end of the XIXth century and beginning of the XXth,
by studying Three essays on the theory of sexuality (1905) in which the
author presents his theory of the infantile sexuality. For this reason, we have
investigated Freud s background and course, as well as the creation of
psychoanalysis, in order to identify the author s conjectures to elaborate this
theory, formalized in 1905. The theory of infantile sexuality, by Sigmund
Freud took shape, starting mainly from problems and hypotheses occurred
during his clinical activities, or otherwise, beginning from his attempts to
elucidate and treat the hysteria phenomenon. Thus, the freudian idea of
infantile was conceived by observing the adult and not the child.
At the end of the XIXth century and beginning of the XXth, period
during which Sigmund Freud developed the theory of infantile sexuality we
may see that there is an increasing valorization of children and childhood as
subject for psychological studies. Thus, in this research, we generally look
forward to define the main concerns of these children s psychological studies,
in order to contextualize the freudian theory formulation and check the
possible relationship, between the emergency of this knowledge, which
considers the child as an investigation object, and the freudian theory on
infantile sexuality / Nesta pesquisa, estudamos a concepção de infantil para Sigmund
Freud no final do século XIX e início do século XX através do exame da obra
Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade (1905) em que o autor apresenta
uma teoria sobre a sexualidade infantil. Para isto, investigamos alguns
aspectos da formação e do percurso de Freud, bem como da criação da
Psicanálise a fim de identificar os pressupostos do autor para a elaboração
desta teoria que se formaliza em 1905. A teoria da sexualidade infantil foi
elaborada por Sigmund Freud principalmente a partir de problemas e
hipóteses advindos de sua atividade clínica, ou seja, a partir da tentativa de
elucidação e tratamento do fenômeno da histeria. Deste modo, a idéia de
infantil freudiana foi concebida através da observação do adulto e não da
No final do século XIX e nos primeiros anos do século XX, período
em que Sigmund Freud elabora a teoria da sexualidade infantil, verifica-se
que há uma valorização crescente da criança e da infância como objeto de
estudo da Psicologia. Assim, de uma forma geral, também nesta pesquisa
procuramos examinar e caracterizar as principais preocupações destes
estudos psicológicos da criança, a fim de contextualizar a formulação da
teoria freudiana e verificar as possíveis relações existentes entre a
emergência destes saberes que têm a criança como objeto de investigação
e a teoria freudiana sobre a sexualidade infantil
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Trabalho, política de inserção e representações sociais : um olhar sobre o Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho InfantilHofstätter, Leila Suzana January 2005 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é apreender as representações sociais que os beneficiários do PETI têm do trabalho e das políticas de inserção social. A hipótese básica sustenta que as representações sobre trabalho e programa de inserção social são distintas. A política de inserção é representada enquanto “ajuda” do Estado por uma situação “transitória” à falta de trabalho e não como um “direito” de cidadania. Por outro lado, o trabalho é representado como um direito. Considerar essas representações sociais, tanto se for analisada sob a perspectiva de avaliação da eficácia e eficiência do programa PETI, que pressupõe mudanças de atitude em relação ao trabalho infantil, ou como subsídio à proposição de alternativas capazes de fazerem frente às experiências de trabalho dos adolescentes e serem “atrativas” aos mesmos, é fundamental num programa que visa “erradicar o trabalho infantil”. Conclui-se que as mudanças em curso na sociedade salarial - de aumento das taxas de desemprego, de precarização dos contratos e a constituição de um contingente de trabalhadores aptos ao trabalho, mas que não encontram lugar no mercado de trabalho - produzem novas demandas e novos demandantes às políticas sociais, principalmente àquelas que se caracterizam na perspectiva da inserção social. Essas mudanças demarcam uma ruptura na tradição histórica da Assistência Social, cujo objetivo era atender somente os pobres, no caso, aqueles inaptos ao trabalho e trazem ao cenário os cidadãos aptos ao trabalho, mas sem trabalho, ou seja, novos demandantes, que cumprem a função de tensionar o debate em torno do trabalho e inseri-lo para dentro dos marcos da Assistência Social. / The objective of this dissertation is to comprehend the social representations that the beneficiaries of the PETI have of the work and the politics of social insertion. The basic hypothesis supports that the representations on work and program of social insertion are distinct. The insertion politics is represented as an “aid” of the State for "a transitory" situation to the lack of work and not as a "right" of citizenship. On the other hand, the work is represented as a right. To consider these social representations, if analyzed under the perspective of analise of effectiveness and efficiency of the program, that estimates changes of attitude in relation to the infantile work, as well as a subsidy to the proposal of alternatives capable to be attractive to the adolescents, given to its experience and socialization for the work, is basic in a program that aims "to eradicate the infantile work". It concludes that the changes in course in the wage society - of increase of the taxes of unemployment, precarization of employment contracts and the constitution of a contingent of workers apt to the work, but that they do not find place in the work market - produce new demands and new plaintiffs to the social politics, mainly to that if they characterize in the perspective of the social insertion. These changes demarcate a rupture in the historical tradition of the Social Assistance as only “take care” of the poor - in the case, those ones inapt to the work - and to bring to the scene the citizens apt to the work, but without work, i.e as the plaintiffs, who fulfill the function to pressure the debate around the work, for inside of landmarks Social Assistance.
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Community remoteness and birth outcomes among First Nations in QuebecWassimi, Spogmai 08 1900 (has links)
OBJECTIF: Chez les Autochtones, la relation entre le degré d'éloignement et les issues de naissance est inconnue. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer cet impact parmi les Premières Nations du Québec. MÉTHODE : Nous avons utilisé les données vitales de Statistique Canada pour la province du Québec pour la période 1991-2000. L’ensemble des naissances géocodées parmi les communautés des Premières Nations groupées en quatre zones en se basant sur le degré d'éloignement a été analysé. Nous avons utilisé la régression logistique multi-niveaux pour obtenir des rapports de cotes ajustés pour les caractéristiques maternelles. RESULTATS : Le taux de naissances prématurées varie en fonction de l’éloignement de la zone d’habitation (8,2% dans la zone la moins éloignée et 5,2% dans la Zone la plus éloignée, P<0,01). En revanche, plus la zone est éloignée, plus le taux de mortalité infantile est élevé (6,9 pour 1000 pour la Zone 1 et 16,8 pour 1000 pour la Zone 4, P<0,01). Le taux élevé de mortalité infantile dans la zone la plus éloignée pourrait être partiellement expliqué par le fort taux de mortalité post-natale. Le taux de mort subite du nourrisson est 3 fois plus élevé dans la zone 4 par rapport à la zone 1. Cependant la mortalité prénatale ne présente pas de différences significatives en fonction de la zone malgré une fréquence élevée dans la zone 4. La morbidité périnatale était semblable en fonction de la zone après avoir ajusté pour l’âge, l’éducation, la parité et le statut civil. CONCLUSIONS : Malgré de plus faibles taux d’enfants à haut risque (accouchements prématurés), les Premières Nations vivant dans les communautés les plus éloignées ont un risque plus élevé de mortalité infantile et plus spécialement de mortalité post-néonatale par rapport aux Premières Nations vivant dans des communautés moins éloignées. Il y existe un grand besoin d’investissement en services de santé et en promotion de la santé dans les communautés les plus éloignées afin de réduire le taux de mortalité infantile et surtout post-néonatale. / OBJECTIVE: It is unknown whether Aboriginal birth outcomes may be affected by the degree of community remoteness. We assessed community remoteness and birth outcomes among Quebec First Nations. METHODS: We used Statistics Canada's vital data for the province of Quebec, 1991-2000. Postcode geo-coding linkage was used to identify all births in First Nations communities (reserves). Communities were grouped into four zones based on the degree of remoteness. Multilevel logistic regression was used to obtain the ORs adjusting for maternal characteristics. RESULTS: Preterm birth rates rose progressively from the most remote (5.2%) to the least remote (8.2%) zone (P<0.001). In contrast, infant mortality rose progressively from the least remote (6.9/1000) to the most remote (16.8/1000) zone (P<0.01). The excess infant mortality in the more remote zones could be largely explained by the high postneonatal mortality. Postnatal SIDS was 3 times higher in the most remote compared to the least remote zone. Perinatal mortality was highest in the most remote zone but the differences were not significant across the four zones. Similar patterns were observed after adjusting for maternal age, education, parity and marital status. CONCLUSIONS: Despite lower rates of preterm deliveries, First Nations living in more remote communities suffered a substantially higher risk of infant death, especially postneonatal death, compared to First Nations living in less remote communities. There is a greater need for improving maternal and infant health in more remote Aboriginal communities.
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