Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informationand communication technology"" "subject:"information.and communication technology""
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A Theoretical Model for Telemedicine : Social and Value Outcomes in Sub-Saharan AfricaKifle Gelan, Mengistu January 2006 (has links)
The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region is faced with limited medical personnel and healthcare services to address the many healthcare problems of the region. Poor health indicators reflect the overall decline in socio-economic development. Shortages of access to health services in the region is further complicated by the concentration of health services in urban areas, the region’s multiple medical problems (over 70% of HIV/AIDS cases in the world); and the brain drain phenomenon – it is estimated one-third of African physicians emigrate to North America and Europe. The result is that the SSA region is left with about 10 physicians, and 20 beds, per 100,000 patients. Telemedicine has been found to offer socio-economic benefits, reduce costs, and improve access to healthcare service providers by patients, but previous attempts to move various information technologies from developers in the industrial world to the developing world have failed because of a clear neglect of infrastructural and cultural factors that influence such transfers. The objective of this study is to address key factors that challenge the introduction of telemedicine technology into the health sector in SSA in particular, and by extension, other developing countries with similar socio-economic structures. This research offers a distinctive perspective, focusing on visually-based clinical applications in the SSA region, and considerable attention to the national infrastructure and cultural impact of telemedicine transfer (social and value) outcomes. Two research models and its associated hypotheses are proposed and empirically tested using quantitative data collected from SSA physicians and other health professionals. The study also contributes to the ongoing debate on the potential of telemedicine in improving access and reducing costs. This research can help to understand the socio-economic impact of telemedicine outcomes in a comprehensive way. The finding from the survey shows the rapid advances in telemedicine technology specifically, visual clinical applications may become an essential healthcare tool in the near future within SSA countries.
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Digital literacy: ICT integration in Grade 10 English first additional language teachingShandu, Nonhlanhla January 2011 (has links)
<p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family:" / Times New Roman" / ," / serif" / ">The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) both in the General Education and Training (GET) and Further Education and Training (FET) bands is viewed as an innovative tool in enhancing a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning.  / As a result, a number of schools in rural and urban environments in South Africa have been provided with computers and other digital resources to facilitate teaching and learning. This study investigated the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of English First Additional Language (FAL) at Grade 10 level. It set out to discover digital resources and literacies to which teachers and learners were exposed in the English (FAL) classroom, and how these resources were used to enhance learners&rsquo / reading and writing skills. Following a qualitative research design, this study made use of classroom observations and interviews to collect data from teachers and Grade 10 learners. The collected evidence was from a single school which uses Khanya Project ICT materials.  / The school is located in one of the disadvantaged black townships in Cape Town. The study made use of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and the constructivist theoretical framework to make sense of classroom interaction and the extent to which ICT and other teaching strategies were used to facilitate acquisition of English language skills, particularly reading and writing. The findings of the study show that there are a number of factors influencing ICT integration in Grade 10 English (FAL).  / These factors include teachers&rsquo / and learners&rsquo / limited access to ICT and digital literacy.  / Other factors relate to pedagogy and support in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.  / All the identified factors indicate that there are a number of barriers to ICT integration in English teaching and learning.  / The study concludes that ICT use has great potential in providing creativity and innovativeness to facilitate language teaching and learning. Given the lack of adequate ICT resources and under-utilization of ICT resources in disadvantaged schools, there is a need to improve teacher and learner access to ICT, especially in disadvantaged schools.  / This could be done through monitored support and adequate teacher training and active involvement of higher education institutions through teacher training programmes which should prioritize ICT integration in their curricula.  / <br type="_moz" />
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Information and communication technologies in conference interpretingBerber-Irabien, Diana 10 May 2010 (has links)
New technologies, more specifically, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), are today indispensable in all professions. It is undeniable, however, that some professions have been affected to a greater extent than others. This study describes ICTs used in conference interpreting, in both professional and educational settings. It also records the interpreters' and interpreter trainers' perceptions of ICTs, especially in terms of improving the quality of their performance and their professionalism. The data has been collected through two global surveys, both conducted mainly through questionnaires and personal interviews, and triangulated with in situ observations. As to the results of the research, it was found that variation in use was not always due to generational or regional differences as had been expected. Conference interpreter trainers, on their part, are identifying different ways to overcome budgetary restrictions to allow students to learn about ICTs in order to better prepare them for the labor market. / Las nuevas tecnologías, especialmente las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs), son actualmente un componente indispensable de todas las profesiones. Sin embargo, es innegable que hay profesiones que han resultado más beneficiadas por las TICs que otras. La presente investigación describe las TICs utilizadas en la interpretación de conferencias, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el formativo. Registra asimismo la percepción y actitud de los intérpretes y de los formadores de intérpretes de conferencia hacia las TICs, en cuanto a mejorar la calidad de su desempeño y su profesionalismo. Para recoger la información, se llevaron a cabo dos encuestas a nivel global por medio de cuestionarios, complementadas con una serie de entrevistas y observaciones.En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación, se encontró que la variación en el uso no era siempre resultado de diferencias generacionales o regionales. Los formadores de intérpretes de conferencia, por su parte, están encontrando nuevas formas de superar las restricciones presupuestales para que sus estudiantes aprendan sobre el uso de las TICs, con el objeto de prepararlos mejor para su inserción en el mercado laboral.
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The Current Status Of Information And Communication Technologies Integration Into Schools Of Teacher Education And K-12 In TurkeyGoktas, Yuksel 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of schools of teacher education (STE) in Turkey in terms of how they prepare future teachers to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in their professions, and the current situation of K-12 schools in terms of how teachers employ ICT in their professions. The primary focus was to develop a deeper understanding of ICT perceptions, competencies, classroom use, related courses effectiveness, main barriers, and possible enablers to integrating ICT.
This study may contribute to the existing literature by revealing and establishing baseline data on the current status of ICT integration into schools of teacher education and K-12 in Turkey. The results of this study can be used by policy makers, Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Council, universities, and K-12 schools to reexamine the current status of ICT and revise related policies, strategies, and courses. A mixed method approach was used by utilizing questionnaires from 51 deans, 111 faculty members, 1330 prospective teachers, and 1429 K-12 teachers / and interviews with 6 faculty members, 6 prospective teachers, and 6 K-12 teachers.
It could be interpreted from the results that most of the participants expressed positive perceptions about the integration of ICT into teacher education and K-12 schools. Generally, faculty members perceived themselves as competent overall, while prospective and K-12 teachers did not. Faculty members and prospective teachers perceived ICT related courses beneficial and effective in ICT integration into education. On the other hand, K-12 teachers showed a degree of overall unsure (neutral) perception towards their ICT related courses and considered themselves well prepared for professional life. There were strong agreements between the participants as to the main barriers and possible enablers.
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Electronic Voting; A Possible Solution for Sub-Saharan Africa? : <em>A focus on the Ghanaian Electoral System</em>Gyimah, Nana Afua Boamah, Tita, Bertrand Asongwe January 2010 (has links)
<p>One of the major reasons for political instability in Sub-Saharan Africa originates from the way elections are conducted. Most African countries have quite a handful of electoral malpractices which lead to political instability, civil wars and low economic growth. Electronic voting might be a solution to the election problems and thus bring in a stable political atmosphere which attracts investors.</p><p>This thesis looks at the prospects and challenges of implementing e-voting in Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa as a solution to the current manual paper-based system and proposes a framework and requirements which can be used as guidelines for its adoption and implementation.</p><p>The thesis has been conducted by studying literature on electronic voting and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Furthermore, a case study has been conducted on the Ghanaian electoral process, by conducting interviews with the Danquah Institute of Ghana and through questionnaires to some Ghanaian citizens in both the rural and urban areas of Ghana.</p><p>The main results from the thesis show that the adoption and subsequent implementation of e-voting in SSA countries, can only be possible if the governments show strong committment and support by securing funds through donor organizations, and providing the necessary IT infrastructure and other resources needed to support the project. Voter education too is an absolute necessity. The adoption of e-voting is mainly based on how the innovation will be diffused and the perceived benefits that will be derived from the investment. Hence, particular attention should be paid to the various communication channels, especially the media, through which messages are passed across to the citizens.</p>
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The effectiveness of MRP II to integrate enterprise systems : Effektiviteten av MRP II för att integrera företagssystemMeza De los Cobos., Benjamin, Ortigoza Monroy., Ricardo January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Small and Medium-size Enterprises are the key bone of the economy of many nations. The usual definition of SME’s, make up 99.8% of the approximately 19 million enterprises of the European Union (ISO, 2002) and Sweden is not an exception. That is why SME’s faces the strategic challenge of achieving sustained profitable growth. To meet this challenge, SME’s must develop capabilities to integrate their systems. Since ICT gives so many advantages to support the Supply Chain, and MRPII software’s have become a very popular tool in the last thirty years; Our purpose is to answer the following research question:</p><p>How can MRP II-type computer systems be used effectively to support the manufacturing and organizational integration?</p><p>The research started with on-site observations and interviews but the development of a model and a survey was needed. After, we linked the research with an already accepted model. The results show how important the human aspect and the accuracy are in the effective usage of an MRP II. It also demonstrates that the MRP II philosophy must be accepted to use the MRP II software profitably. Nevertheless, we modeled the vicious cycle that our case company might deal with, tried to find the root cause and give recommendations to break it.</p> / <p>Små och Mellan- stora företag är många nationers byggstenar. Den vanligaste definitionen av SME´s utgör 99,8% av de uppskattningsvis 19 miljoner företag inom Europeiska Unionen (ISO, 2002) och Sverige är inget undantag. Det är anledningen till att SME´s möter den strategiska utmaningen att uppnå ihållande och vinstgivande tillväxt. För att ta sig an denna utmaningen måste SME´s utveckla förmågor att integrera sina system. Eftersom ICT ger så många fördelar att stödja utbudskedjan, och eftersom MRP II mjukvaror har kommit att bli ett populärt verktyg de senaste trettio åren, kommer vårt syfte bli att svara på följande fråga:</p><p>Hur kan datasystem av typen MRP II användas för att på ett effektivt sätt underlätta integrering av tillverkning och organisation?</p><p>Undersökningen startade med observationer samt intervjuer på plats, men utförandet av en statistisk undersökning och en modell var nödvändig efter det att vi redan hade kopplat ihop arbetet med en redan accepterad modell. Reasultaten visar hur viktig den mänskliga faktorn samt exaktheten är i användandet av en MRP II. Den visar också att MRP II filosofin måste vara accepterad innan man kan använda MRP II mjukvaran på ett fördelaktigt sätt. Likväl har vi illustrerat den onda cirkeln som vårt företag måste försöka ta sig ur, försökt hitta den underliggande orsaken och slutligen att ge rekommendationer för att bryta den.</p>
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The effectiveness of MRP II to integrate enterprise systems : Effektiviteten av MRP II för att integrera företagssystemMeza De los Cobos., Benjamín, Ortigoza Monroy., Ricardo January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Small and Medium-size Enterprises are the key bone of the economy of many nations. The usual definition of SME’s, make up 99.8% of the approximately 19 million enterprises of the European Union (ISO, 2002) and Sweden is not an exception. That is why SME’s faces the strategic challenge of achieving sustained profitable growth. To meet this challenge, SME’s must develop capabilities to integrate their systems. Since ICT gives so many advantages to support the Supply Chain, and MRPII software’s have become a very popular tool in the last thirty years; Our purpose is to answer the following research question:</p><p>How can MRP II-type computer systems be used effectively to support the manufacturing and organizational integration?</p><p>The research started with on-site observations and interviews but the development of a model and a survey was needed. After, we linked the research with an already accepted model. The results show how important the human aspect and the accuracy are in the effective usage of an MRP II. It also demonstrates that the MRP II philosophy must be accepted to use the MRP II software profitably. Nevertheless, we modeled the vicious cycle that our case company might deal with, tried to find the root cause and give recommendations to break it.</p> / <p>Små och Mellan- stora företag är många nationers byggstenar. Den vanligaste definitionen av SME´s utgör 99,8% av de uppskattningsvis 19 miljoner företag inom Europeiska Unionen (ISO, 2002) och Sverige är inget undantag. Det är anledningen till att SME´s möter den strategiska utmaningen att uppnå ihållande och vinstgivande tillväxt. För att ta sig an denna utmaningen måste SME´s utveckla förmågor att integrera sina system. Eftersom ICT ger så många fördelar att stödja utbudskedjan, och eftersom MRP II mjukvaror har kommit att bli ett populärt verktyg de senaste trettio åren, kommer vårt syfte bli att svara på följande fråga:</p><p>Hur kan datasystem av typen MRP II användas för att på ett effektivt sätt underlätta integrering av tillverkning och organisation?</p><p>Undersökningen startade med observationer samt intervjuer på plats, men utförandet av en statistisk undersökning och en modell var nödvändig efter det att vi redan hade kopplat ihop arbetet med en redan accepterad modell. Reasultaten visar hur viktig den mänskliga faktorn samt exaktheten är i användandet av en MRP II. Den visar också att MRP II filosofin måste vara accepterad innan man kan använda MRP II mjukvaran på ett fördelaktigt sätt. Likväl har vi illustrerat den onda cirkeln som vårt företag måste försöka ta sig ur, försökt hitta den underliggande orsaken och slutligen att ge rekommendationer för att bryta den.</p>
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A Critical Exploration of Contingent Workers' Training and Access to Information and Communication TechnologyRawlings, Gertrude 31 August 2011 (has links)
In the late 1990s, many Western governments introduced policy programs to make information and communication technology (ICT) accessible to all. More than a decade later, however, such universal access is far from a reality. Between 2002 and 2005, in response to a request from a group of contingent workers who felt excluded from effective access to ICT training, a university research group on contingency conducted an applied research project in the form of a series of basic ICT courses. This qualitative dissertation both critically examines the training process and treats it as a case study for exploring broader issues of exclusion and resistance in the context of
access to ICT. Specifically, it explores: (1) the symptoms of exclusion as they relate to ICT, social capital, and the community; (2) possibilities for resistance that can alleviate the conditions of exclusion; (3) the assumptions, theories, knowledge construction, policy methods, and processes that underlie the symptoms of exclusion; and (4) alternative assumptions, strategies,
and activities that offer possibilities for resistive action. The case study provided an environment in which exclusionary and resistive experiences with access to ICT and training were examined from the perspective of excluded contingent workers, as supported by a university research group. A key finding is that generational behaviour in the domestic sphere erects barriers that
contribute to the silencing and exclusion of immigrant contingent women; these barriers then reinforce similar patterns of exclusion in institutionalized ICT training. Another major finding is the need for alleviating the barrier that limited English skills create for ICT learning; addressing this issue must be part of any recommendations for curricular change. Guided throughout by a
critical approach that focuses on the concept of ruling relations, this dissertation marshals critical knowledge gained from below in support of change by policymakers, educators, and community
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Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų kompetencijos ugdymas rengiant matematikos mokytojus / Education of information and communication technology competence preparing mathematics teachersLipeikienė, Joana 29 January 2010 (has links)
Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) įtakota ugdymo technologijų raida pakeitė visų sričių, tarp jų ir matematikos ugdymo turinį. Konstruktyvistinę mokymosi paradigmą, pagrindinius šiuolaikinius didaktinius matematikos mokymo principus – suprantamumą, sąmoningą ir aktyvų žinių perėmimą, vaizdumą, mokymo diferencijavimą, individualizavimą ir kt. – gali įgyvendinti tik atitinkamos kompetencijos matematikos mokytojai. Šalies pedagogų kompiuterinio raštingumo standarto, numatančio mokytojų gebėjimus naudoti IKT ugdymo procese, vienas iš reikalavimų yra „Žinoti pagrindinių ugdymui naudojamų kompiuterinių programų tipus, gebėti analizuoti jų privalumus ir trūkumus. Mokėti pritaikyti svarbiausias bendrosios paskirties ir mokomąsias kompiuterines programas ugdymo procese“. Šio bendro reikalavimo taikymas matematikos mokymui – tai ne tik sudėtingų matematikai taikytinų technologijų žinojimo ir įvaldymo, bet ir gebėjimų tinkamai taikyti jas matematikos mokyme reikalavimas.
Informacinių technologijų (IT) ištakos yra pirmosiose skaičiavimo mašinose, kurios buvo kurtos spręsti taikomuosius matematikos uždavinius. Ir asmeninių kompiuterių (AK) pirmoji paskirtis buvo matematinių uždavinių sprendimas. Todėl matematikai skirtų šiuolaikinių technologijų yra žymiai daugiau, negu taikytinų kituose moksluose. Dar daugiau, yra programų sistemų, kuriose, atrodo, realizuota visa matematika: jos ne tik skaičiuoja, pertvarko, prastina, vaizduoja, bet ir sprendžia specifinius bene visų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The survey summarizes investigations of the author on the technological tools and their educational features applicable to mathematics. The purpose of the investigations is enhancement of the technological and educational competence of mathematics teachers. The main problems of the investigation are: characterization of the main technological tools applicable in mathematics at the university level, description which abilities, knowledge, and skills of application in teaching comprise the technological and educational ICT competence of a contemporary mathematician.
Development of educational technologies, influenced by information and communication technologies (ICT), has changed the content of all spheres of education, and the content of mathematical education among them. A constructivist paradigm of learning, the main didactic principles of mathematics teaching: understanding, conscious and active acquiring of knowledge, visualization, differentiation and individualization of learning, etc., can realize only mathematics teachers of the adequate competence. The Standard of Computer Literacy of educators in Lithuania provides abilities of teachers to apply ICT in educational process. One of the requirements is “To know the main types of computer programmes useful for education, to have the ability to analyze their merits and demerits, to apply them in the educational process”. The application of the general requirement in teaching mathematics means not only the knowledge and... [to full text]
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The information and communication technology infrastuctures in public schools in the Western Cape : a case studyLyndwill Clarke. January 2010 (has links)
<p>This mini-thesis attempts to explain the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure in public schools in the Western Cape. The mini-thesis uses the case study as research design to explore aspects such as the motivation for using ICT, funding models, infrastructure models, ICT curriculum integration and teacher development. In order to gather data on the above, interviews and observations are used as research tools. The study begins with the exploration of the history of ICT infrastructure in South African schools and subsequently an international perspective is added through the literature review. Officials and teachers of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) were interviewed to obtain their perspectives and a school was visited to observe procured ICT infrastructure. The results revealed that the WCED is using the Khanya project to deliver an ICT infrastructure to schools and to provide facilitation in the integration of ICT into the curriculum. It further showed that due to the rapid change in technology, Khanya had to adapt the hardware configuration on a regular basis and that this put considerable strain on and already small budget for ICT. The challenge that emerged is the lack of adequate ICT training for teachers. This could potentially hamper the integration of ICT and if not addressed, could serious hamper the WCED in its quest to deliver a technology based curriculum. The study concludes with conclusions drawn for the data as well as recommendations for effective ICT integration.</p>
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