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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DAWES, MARK EDWARD 17 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Looking beyond the adoption decision in innovation research: investigating innovation implementation

Vaidyanathan, Vandana, T January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

The factors that may influence a faculty members' decision to adopt electronic technologies in instruction

Medun, Beverly Dawn 03 October 2001 (has links)
The adoption and diffusion of electronic technologies into the higher education are complex processes. This study was formulated to see which factors might influence faculty members' motivation and inclination to adopt new electronic technologies in their delivery of instruction. The following research questions were addressed in this study: a) What social variables are involved in the decision to adopt electronic technologies used in the delivery of instruction? b) What organizational variables are involved in the decision to adopt electronic technologies used in the delivery of instruction? c) What personal motivational variables are involved in the decision to adopt electronic technologies used in the delivery of instruction? d) What is the relationship between the social factor with size of the university, size of the department, rank, tenure status, level of experience, and adopter behavior categories? e) What is the relationship between the organizational factor by size of the university, size of the department, rank, tenure status, level of experience, and adopter behavior categories? f) What is the relationship between the personal motivational factor by size of the university, size of the department, rank, tenure status, level of experience, and adopter behavior categories? g) What is the relationship between the social factor and the types and frequency of technology used? h) What is the relationship between the organizational factor and the types and frequency of technology used? i) What is the relationship between the personal motivational factor and the types and frequency of technology used? j) What is the relationship between self-selected adopter categories and the types and frequency of technology used? k) What comparison can be made between a priori adopter categories and self-selected adopter categories? The sample consisted of accounting faculty who taught an introductory accounting class at 12 of the 16 public 4-year institutions of higher education that are in North Carolina, who have accredited Schools or Colleges of Business. The results of this study reinforce the need for administrators and faculty to be made aware of the many social, organizational, and personal motivational factors that can assist and affect a faculty member's decision to use and adopt electronic technologies. Social variables that include friends, mentors, peer support, and students were found to significant in their influence related to a faculty members' decision to adopt electronic technologies in the classroom. Organizational variables of physical resource support and mandate from the university were reported by faculty to also be statistically significant in their influence. All three personal motivational variables emerged as important in the decision to adopt instructional technologies. With the recognition of these social, organizational, and personal motivational factors environments could be developed that enhance and establish the appropriate settings and goals for incorporating instructional technologies into higher educational settings. / Ed. D.

Commercialization for Innovative Products in the Residential Construction Industry

McCoy, Andrew P. 09 September 2008 (has links)
This work presents the development of a new framework for the commercialization of innovative products in the residential construction industry. It is the aim of this work to identify commercialization decisions, actions, risks, barriers and accelerators specific to the residential construction industry market that will increase the acceptance of product innovations for those developing them. Commercialization is broadly defined as the process of developing a business enterprise from an idea, through feasibility and implementation, to its acceptance into a market (USDOE 1999, Goldsmith 2003). Commercialization frameworks describe the concurrent decisions and actions along the innovation development process, optimizing all of the technical and business decisions required for a successful introduction to the marketplace. Successful commercialization frameworks serve as a form of development plan, promoting solutions to questions and problems that arise along the development path. This research derives such a framework for the commercialization of innovative products and makes it specific to residential construction through the following tasks: 1. Understanding standard terminology: defining innovation and commercialization as they relate to this work. 2. Creating a lens for the unique nature of commercialization in this industry: deriving a commercialization framework (matrix) from the research literature in business, construction, and concurrent engineering, capable of accepting later alterations. 3. Understanding the manufacturer's role and risks: conducting case study interviews for fifteen innovative residential construction products that specify important tasks, risks and benefits for commercialization. 4. Understanding the role, risks and benefits of builders, as users of innovation: comparing case studies and workshop surveys of many residential construction industry players that focus on the builder to establish parameters for the innovation commercialization matrix. 5. Linking both manufacturer and builder: comparing manufacturer commercialization best-practices with builder adoption patterns for innovative products over time. / Ph. D.

The Effects of Coopetition and Coopetition Capability on Firm Innovation Performance

Park, Byung-Jin Robert 22 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is motivated by two research questions: 1) to what extent does coopetition impact firm innovation performance? and 2) to what extent does a firm's coopetition capability influence the relationship between coopetition and firm innovation performance? Despite the popularity of coopetition in both the academic and business arenas, empirical studies on the effects of coopetition on firm innovation performance are rare. With the dynamic and paradoxical nature of coopetition, the role of a firm's specific capability to manage coopetition (i.e., coopetition capability) is an important issue that has remained under-researched in the literature. In an endeavor to contribute to the coopetition literature in the context of technological innovation, both theoretical and methodological improvements were pursued for this dissertation. From a theoretical perspective, I conceptualize coopetition as composed of three components: 1) competition between partners, 2) cooperation between partners, and 3) the interplay between competition and cooperation. It is argued that the balance between competition and cooperation is essential to generate greater innovation performance in the paradoxical relationship. Further, I newly conceptualize coopetition-based innovation that is composed of three components: 1) joint innovation, 2) innovation through knowledge application, and 3) innovation in the partner's domains. Methodologically, I measure coopetition as a continuous variable. Using both a longitudinal research design in the semiconductor industry and an exemplar case study of coopetition, I examine the effects of coopetition and coopetition capability on coopetition-based innovation. To represent coopetition, I employed four combinations with two types of competition (technology competition and market competition) and two types of cooperation (type strength of a focal alliance and tie strength between partners). The empirical evidence indicates that the balance between competition and cooperation at both the dyadic and portfolio levels increases the potential of firms to generate greater innovation performance from coopetition. This study demonstrates that firms with coopetition capabilities can manage coopetition and create greater common value with a partner and appropriate more value from the dynamic and paradoxical relationship. The research findings also have important managerial implications. / Ph. D.

Towards Defining Categories of Innovativeness for the Construction Industry

Gore, Justin 02 June 2010 (has links)
Innovation is a necessary part of construction business operations as a means to remain competitive in a dynamic environment, and yet, as a whole the construction industry continues to be labeled as laggard. Innovation and the processes surrounding innovation involve layers of complexity and are therefore often misunderstood. In order for industry stakeholders to better derive benefits from the innovation process, they must first understand the drivers of innovation within their own organizations, including relationships to other organizations and actions of contributing individuals. Utilizing a flexible design methodology of literature review, a modified Delphi technique and a survey instrument, this work aims to develop and present an initial validation of a framework of individual and organizational change by which such characteristics of innovativeness can be categorized. As a basis of this work, categories of innovativeness are those defined by Rogers (2003), and then expanded by parameters of innovativeness extracted from scholarly literature. The overarching goal of this research endeavor is to better understand the behavior of individual and organizational change through specific categories of innovativeness that can be used to build a tangible set of tools for use in the construction industry. However, ultimate validation and translation will be the effort of future work. In gaining innovativeness knowledge, industry stakeholders will understand their own strengths and weaknesses, better arming them with the tools to initiate and succeed at organizational change. / Master of Science

Innovationsstyrning i förändring och utveckling : En studie om styrning av innovationsprocesser i ett innovationsekosystem

Stadig, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Utifrån en föränderlig omvärld har allt fler organisationer insett att de inte kan agera oberoende av omgivningen. Förändringarna beskrivs ofta i termer av mer intensiv konkurrensen, kortare livscykler för produkter och tjänster samt ständig teknikutveckling. Internet och den digitala transformationen har dessutom skapat en övergång till den digitala ekonomin vilket omvandlat grundläggande antaganden för flertalet affärsmodeller. Den intensifierade konkurrensen, teknologiska utvecklingen och ökade rörligheten av kunskap har resulterat i att allt fler organisationer måste analysera sitt sätt att organisera och styra innovationsarbetet för att öka innovationsförmågan. Mot bakgrund av de förändrade spelreglerna bör det ifrågasättas om interna innovationsprocesser är den mest framgångsrika strategin för att generera förutsättningar för en ökad innovationsförmåga. I linje med detta visar en tydlig trend under de senare åren att allt fler organisationer utforskar och efterfrågar kunskap från ett omfångsrikare spektrum av källor än tidigare. Detta åskådliggörs genom hur allt fler organisationer utnyttjar kunskapsflöden från nätverk utanför den egna organisationens gränser. Innovationsprocesser som fångar kunskapsflöden utifrån ett nätverkssynsätt ger upphov till nya potentiella fördelar för innovationsförmågan. En av de möjliga fördelarna beskrivs som kombinationen av interna och externa kunskaper. Förskjutningen från interna till mer öppna innovationsprocesser, innebär dock att innovationsstyrningen måste förändras. Med öppna innovationsprocesser har det uppdagats nya utmaningar, något som till stor del grundas i den bärande idén om involvering av flertalet individer. En central utmaning handlar om att styra öppna innovationsprocesser utan formell auktoritet över samtliga individer. Syftet med denna studie har därmed varit att identifiera och analysera vad som kännetecknar öppna innovationsprocesser och styrningsaspekterna för att öka innovationsförmågan. Utifrån en litteraturstudie upprättades ett styrningskoncept för att analysera, förklara och utveckla begrepp inom öppna innovationsprocesser. Styrningskonceptet kan beskrivas som ett paraply under vilket författaren samlar praktiska aspekter som kan utnyttjas på olika sätt för att styra en öppen innovationsprocess med målsättningen att öka innovationsförmågan. Den empiriska delen omfattar en fallstudie innehållande nio stycken intervjuer av innovationsstyrningen inom Lindholmen Science Park. Det är en internationell samverkansmiljö för forskning och innovation. Resultatet påvisar vikten av en flexibel styrning där fokus riktas mot ständig följsamhet gentemot den externa kontexten. Dessutom poängteras ledningen av till synes oförenliga paradoxer, där vikten av att vara ”både och” för att hantera olika motsatsförhållanden konstateras som viktigt. Dessutom fastslås betydelsen av ledare som frigör den inneboende innovationskraften genom nyfikenheten att lära och ett varaktigt fokus på att etablera relationer för att bygga tillit. / Based on a changing environment, more organizations have realized that they cant act independently of the environment. The changes are often described in terms of more intense competition, shorter life cycles for products and services and constant technology development. Internet and digital transformation has also created a transition to the digital economy which transforms assumptions for most business models. Intensified competition, technological development and increased mobility of knowledge, has resulted in that more organizations need to analyze the way they organize and manage innovation efforts to increase the capacity for innovation. In view of the changing rules of the game, it should be questioned whether internal innovation processes are the most successful strategy to generate conditions for increased innovation capabilities. In line with this, a clear trend in recent years points out that more organizations explore and demand knowledge from a wider range of sources than before. This is illustrated by how more organizations utilize knowledge flows from networks beyond the boundaries of their own organization. Innovation processes that capture knowledge flows based on a networking perspective gives new potential benefits for the innovation capabilities. One of the possible benefits is described as the combination of internal and external knowledge. However, the shift from internal to more open innovation processes, means that the innovation management must change. With open innovation processes, new challenges has been discovered, largely based on the supportive idea of involving more individuals. A central challenge is to control open innovation processes without formal authority over all individuals. Thus, the purpose of this study has been to identify and analyze what characterizes open innovation processes and governance aspects in order to increase the innovation capabilities. Based on a literature study, a management concept was established to analyze, explain and develop concepts in open innovation processes. The management concept can be described as an umbrella under which the author brings together practical aspects that can be utilized in different ways to manage an open innovation process with the aim of increasing innovation capabilities. The empirical part comprises a case study containing nine interviews of the innovation management within Lindholmen Science Park. It is an international environment for research and innovation. The result demonstrates the importance of flexible governance, focusing on constant compliance with the external context. In addition, the management of seemingly incompatible paradoxes is poached, where the importance of dealing with different opposites is found important. In addition, the result underline the importance of leaders who releases the inherent power of innovation by curiosity for learning and a sustained focus on establishing relationships to build trust.

Innovation Management Systemicity : How Systemic Dimensions of Innovation Management Influence Innovation Capabilities / Systemiskhet i innovationsledning : Hur systemiska dimensioner av innovationsledning påverkar innovationsförmåga

Lundbäck, Linnéa, Sundin, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
The field of innovation management has gained extensive knowledge; however, there has been a tendency to study its various aspects in isolation rather than with a systems perspective, resulting in a potential oversight of interconnections between important aspects. While systems perspectives have been employed in organization and management research for over half a century, systems perspectives have more recently gained relevance in innovation management research. A sign of the growing relevance is the creation of an international guidance standard for innovation management systems, ISO 56002, published in 2019. Research indicates that implementing innovation management systems, with or without using a standard, has facilitated the transition from ad hoc practices to more integrated ones. Thus, it is interesting to investigate how systems approaches influence innovation capabilities. Furthermore, managing radical and incremental innovation may require different approaches, which presents challenges, particularly for large companies that prioritize projects typically involving incremental innovation. Consequently, studying how incremental and radical innovation are influenced when managing both types within the same system becomes relevant. In this study, the concept of systemicity was used to describe how systemic a system is through three system dimensions comprehensiveness, coherence and correspondence, which overlap with those commonly used in literature to describe and define a system. The purpose of the study was to gain a better understanding of innovation management from a systems perspective by investigating how different systemic dimensions influence and relate to innovation capabilities, analysing these capabilities from a systems perspective, exploring hindrances and opportunities with a systems approach, and investigating the relationship between these systemic dimensions and incremental and radical innovation capabilities respectively. The study was part of a research project with the overarching aim to investigate important future development trends and evaluate the innovation capabilities of the Swedish metallic materials industryto use as a basis to develop strategies for how the industry can support the transition towards sustainability. A multiple-case study of two companies within the metallic materials industry was conducted using an abductive approach, including a literature study, data collection, coding, and analysis. Semi-structured interviews were employed, where interview questions were based on the ISO 56002 standard and its seven system elements. The analysis involved within-case and cross-case analysis. The findings from the study imply that having capabilities related to all seven system elements seem to be important for an organization's overall innovation capability, highlighting the significance of comprehensiveness. The interconnections between elements highlight the significance of coherence, and establishing correspondence between capabilities and goals enhances innovation capability. While exhibiting comprehensiveness, coherence, and correspondence is beneficial, the suitable level of systemicity remains uncertain. Further research is needed to determine the balance between systemicity and flexibility for effective support of innovation capabilities. Furthermore, in relation to managing incremental and radical innovation together, the study indicates the importance of considering systemicity to identify opportunities and hindrances when managing both types in the same system. The analysis of comprehensiveness highlights the need for distinct management approaches and capabilities for each innovation type. The analysis of coherence emphasizes the importance of considering interdependencies between system elements to avoid obstacles resulting from interdependencies being overlooked. The analysis of correspondence suggests separate goal setting for incremental and radical innovation due to their distinct objectives and outcomes. Based on the method and findings, a tentative framework was developed for analysis and evaluation of innovation management systemicity. / Trots att det finns mycket kunskap om innovationsledning har det funnits en tendens att studera olika aspekter inom området separat snarare än med ett systemperspektiv, vilket har resulterat i att viktiga samband mellan olika aspekter potentiellt har förbisetts. Systemperspektiv har använts i över 50 år inom organisationsforskning men har på senare år fått ökad relevans inom forskningen om innovationsledning. Ett tecken på denna ökande relevans är skapandet av en internationell vägledande standard för innovationsledningssystem, ISO 56002, som publicerades 2019. Forskning har visat att implementering av innovationsledningssystem genom att använda en standard eller inte, har underlättat för organisationer att övergå från ad hoc till mer integrerade innovationsledningsmetoder. Därför är det intressant att studera hur innovationsförmåga påverkas av att ta en systemansats till innovationsledning. Vidare kan hantering av radikal och inkrementell innovation kräva olika tillvägagångssätt, vilket skapar utmaningar, särskilt för stora företag eftersom de prioriterar projekt som oftast inkluderar inkrementell innovation. Därför är det relevant att studera hur inkrementell respektive radikal innovation påverkas av att hanteras inom samma system. I denna studie används begreppet systemiskhet (eng: systemicity) för att beskriva hur systemiskt ett system är genom tre systemdimensioner: omfattning (eng: comprehensiveness), sammankoppling (eng: coherence) och överrensstämmelse (eng: correspondence), vilka överlappar med dimensioner som vanligtvis används i litteraturen för att beskriva och definiera ett system. Syftet med studien var att få en bättre förståelse för innovationsledning ur ett systemperspektiv genom att undersöka hur olika systemdimensioner påverkar och relaterar till innovationsförmåga, analysera dessa förmågor ur ett systemperspektiv, utforska hinder och möjligheter med en systemansats, samt undersöka förhållandet mellan dessa systemdimensioner och inkrementell respektive radikal innovationsförmåga. Studien ingick i ett forskningsprojekt med det övergripande syftet att undersöka viktiga framtida utvecklingstrender och utvärdera den svenska metallindustrins innovationsförmåga för att använda som grund för att ta fram strategier för hur industrin kan stödja omställningen mot hållbarhet. En flerfallsstudie av två företag inom metallindustrin genomfördes med en abduktiv metod, inklusive en litteraturstudie, datainsamling, kodning och analys. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes, där intervjufrågorna baserades på ISO 56002 och dess sju systemelement. Analysen gjordes i två steg genom att först analysera varje företag för sig och sedan jämföra de två fallen med varandra. Resultaten visar på vikten av att ha förmågor relaterade till alla sju systemelementen för en organisations övergripande innovationsförmåga, vilket lyfter fram betydelsen av dimensionen omfattning. Sammankopplingarna mellan element framhäver betydelsen av systemdimensionen sammankoppling, och att etablera överensstämmelse mellan förmågor och mål förbättrar innovationsförmågan. Även om studien pekar på att det är fördelaktigt för en organisation att uppvisa omfattning, sammankoppling och överrensstämmelse i sitt arbete med innovationsledning, kan resultaten inte användas för att dra slutsatser om vilken nivå av systemiskhet som är lämplig. Därför behövs ytterligare forskning för att fastställa balansen mellan systemiskhet och flexibilitet för att effektivt stödja innovationsförmåga. I relation till att hantera inkrementell och radikal innovation tillsammans, visar studien på vikten av att ta systemiskhet i beaktning för att identifiera möjligheter och hinder vid hantering av båda typerna av innovation i samma system. Analysen av omfattning belyser behovet av olika hantering och olika innovationsförmågor i relation till varje innovationstyp. Analysen av sammankoppling betonar vikten av att studera beroenden mellan systemelement för att undvika att hinder som uppstår av kopplingarna blir förbisedda. Analysen av överrensstämmelse föreslår separata målsättningar för inkrementell och radikal innovation på grund av deras distinkta mål och resultat. Baserat på metoden och resultaten har ett tentativt ramverk tagits fram i syfte att användas för analys och utvärdering av systemiskhet i innovationsledning.

Innovation från flera perspektiv – Att säkerställa framtida utveckling i en snabbföränderlig värld / Innovation from a multiperspective – To ensure a sustainable development in a rapidly changing world

GRÜNBERGER, REBECCA, HOLM, LINA January 2018 (has links)
Försäkringsmarknaden står inför förändringar, där digitalisering, kundbehov och konkurrenssituation är exempel på dessa förändringar. Dessa förändringar upplevs till viss del redan nu, men de spås påverka marknaden i stor utsträckning inom den närmsta tiden. Innovation blir ett verktyg för organisationer att använda sig av för att möta dessa förändringar. Forskning från 1900-talets början har definierat innovationsteorier som i stor utsträckning baserats på tillverkande industrier, där forskning gällande innovation inom tjänstesektorn är begränsad. Forskare brottas med begreppet innovation, där senare forskning visar på att innovationsarbete skiljer sig mellan organisationer, där organisationens unika karaktärsdrag påverkar förutsättningarna för innovationsarbete. Syftet med denna studie är att studera innovationsarbete i tjänsteföretag genom att undersöka medarbetares föreställningar om innovation samt synen på förutsättningarna för innovation i ett försäkringsbolag. Syftet är vidare att utifrån tidigare forskning diskutera hur bolaget kan organisera kring innovation. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och har tillämpat en tolkande ansats. Fallstudien som utförts baseras på den studerade organisationen och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom 28 intervjuer med anställda utspridda över flera enheter och avdelningar i organisationen. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en empiristyrd tematisk analysmetod, där resultatet visar på att innovation är ett multi-dimensionellt begrepp som måste utvärderas utifrån organisationens egna förutsättningar för att kunna användas som verktyg att möta framtida förändringar. Föreställningar och förutsättningar för innovation i en organisation påverkar innovationsarbete både positivt och negativt, där slutsatsen dras att innovationsarbete i den studerade organisationen bland annat skulle gynnas av en uttalad strategi, en målsättning, ett syfte, anpassade processer, tillägnade resurser och kompetensutveckling. Det skulle öka möjligheterna för framgångsrikt innovationsarbete i den studerade organisationen. / The insurance industry undergoes a transformation, where digitalization, customer behavior and competition are examples of changes happening on the market. These changes are to some extent already happening, however they are expected to affect the market to a larger extent in the nearest future. Innovation becomes a tool for organizations to use in order to meet these changes. Previous research from the 20:th century has defined innovation theories mainly based on the manufacturing industry, where research regarding the service industry is limited. Researchers are struggling with the innovation concept, where later research indicate that innovation efforts differ among organizations where the unique characteristics of the organization studied affects the conditions for innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate innovation efforts in service organizations by examining employee perceptions of innovation and further the conditions for innovation in an insurance company. The purpose is furthermore to discuss how the company can organize for innovation with regards to previous research. The thesis is performed as a qualitative study and has applied an interpretative approach. The case study that was performed is based on the studied organization and the empirical material has been collected through 28 interviews with employees scattered among the organization. The empirical material has been analyzed through a thematic analysis, where the results show that innovation is a multi-dimensional concept which has to be evaluated from the studied organizations point of view in order for innovation to work as a tool to meet future challenges. Perceptions of and conditions for innovation in an organization affects innovation both positively and negatively, where the conclusion is drawn that innovation efforts in the studied organization are favored by a pronounced strategy, an objective, a purpose, suitable processes, dedicated resources and competence development. This would increase the possibilities for successful innovation efforts in the studied organization.

Neu für wen?

Roth, Steffen 11 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Innovation assoziieren wir mit Technologie und Wirtschaft. Begriffliche Alternativen wie die „nicht-technologischen“ oder „sozialen Innovationen“ verweisen in der Regel auf eine Residualkategorie nicht-ökonomischer Randbedingungen des wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs von Innovationen, oder werden so allgemein verwandt, dass sie als unterdefinierte Container-Begriffe zu kaum mehr als zum Transport unterschiedlichster ökonomisierungsskeptischer Ressentiments taugen. Insgesamt ist schliesslich immer wieder unklar, ob der Begriff auf neue Objekte oder den Prozess der Neuerung angewandt werden soll, oder er erst dann Sinn macht, wenn das Neue weite Teile der Gesellschaft und hier vorzugsweise eben wieder den ökonomischen Markt erreicht hat. Entsprechend spricht man mitunter von der Innovation als Paradoxon (John 2005). Vor diesem Hintergrund verfolgt die vorliegende Arbeit zwei Anliegen: Zum wird in Anwendung der Theo-rie sozialer Systeme (Luhmann 1987, 1997) ein dreidimensionales Modell entwickelt das den Umgang mit dem paradoxen Phänomen erheblich erleichtert: wie alles das Sinn macht hat Innovation demnach eine Sach-, eine Zeit- und eine Sozialdimension, und erscheint entsprechend sowohl als sachliche Neuheit, als zeitlicher Wandel und als sozialer Vorteil. Zum anderen wird die Sozialdimension der Innovation als For-schungslücke vorgestellt, die auch von Innovationssoziologen bislang nicht systematisch bearbeitet wird. Im Sinne erster Aufnahmen aus der bislang unterbelichteten Sozialdimension werden Grundtypen sozialer Beziehungen entwickelt und der Unterschied aufgezeigt, den die Innovation als Vorteil im jeweiligen Fall macht. Hochauflösendere Bilder scheitern dabei allerdings am Fehlen einer spezifischen Soziologie des Vorteils. Immerhin aber gelingt noch ein überraschender Schnappschuss: Da es neben ökonomischen noch eine ganze Reihe weiterer Vorteile gibt, können wir die wirtschaftliche Innovation als Sonderfall der Innovation präsentieren. Entsprechend lassen sich nun auch robuste Innovationen vorstellen, die in mehr als einer Wettbewerbssphäre der Gesellschaft Vorteile bringen und die uns als besonders nachhaltige und profit-able Form von Innovation gelten können.

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