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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn som bevittnat våld inom hemmet En kvalitativ studie om hur det går att förstå vart barn som bevittnat våld inom hemmet lägger skulden för våldet

Blomberg, Julia, Pettersson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur vi kan förstå barnets subjektiva perspektiv när det kommer till var barnet förlägger skulden för det våld inom hemmet som barnet har bevittnat mellan sina föräldrar. Studien baseras på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med barn i åldrarna 9-13 år som har bevittnat våld inom hemmet mellan sina föräldrar. En tematiska analys har använts i denna studie som analysmetod. De teorier som har använts för att analysera studiens resultat är anknytningsteori, mentaliseringsteori och attributionsteori. Den största slutsatsen av denna studie är att mer än hälften av barnen lade skulden på våldsförövaren. Inget av barnen lade skulden för våldet på dem själva eller enbart på modern. Denna studie kan användas för att öka förståelsen för hur barn i åldrarna 9 till 13 år förlägger skuld när det handlar om våld inom hemmet. Vidare kan studien användas för att förstå hur relationen mellan barn och förälder påverkar var barn som bevittnat våld inom hemmet förlägger skulden för våldet.

Visualizing a better city : – How the city portrays a technological marvel as means to enter the future

Ankarbåge, Jan Fritz-Patrik January 2018 (has links)
This study explores how the center ’Visualisering C’ in Norrköping municipality ties into an actor-network that includes Linköping University, Norrköping municipality and Region Östergötland. The purpose was to discern how the master signifier was ‘development’ was constructed and connected within the discursive field with differencing actors with the Visualisering C as a focal point for the actors. The method I used was discourse theory that explores the discursive field with the help of discursive concepts such as nodal point, master signifiers, floating signifiers among others. The study used public documents found on websites and archives. The results showed that the Visualisering C acted as pre-packaged solution for the issues that the other actors were faced with. Meanwhile, it came to be through the joining of discursive focuses of the individual actors.

Somatiska embryogenes-plantors överlevnad och höjdtillväxt vid fyra ljusförhållanden / Survival and height growth of somatic embryogenesis-seedlings in four different light conditions

Wetterskog, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Somatiska embryogenes är en mikroförökningsmetod som med hjälp av tillväxtreglerande medel får en växtdel att bilda skott och rötter i ett speciellt odlingssubstrat sterila förhållanden. Kunskapen vad gäller förutsättningar för groning och plantetablering efter detta laboratoriestudium är dock begränsad. I denna studie undersökte hur två kloner av SE-groddar av gran etablerade sig i olika ljusförhållanden avseende våglängd och intensitet i fyra växtmiljöer. Etableringen bedömdes utifrån plantornas överlevnad och höjdtillväxt. Vid sista inventeringstillfället var 62 SE-plantor vid liv och 18 plantor var döda. Ingen signifikant skillnad kunde påvisas i överlevnad mellan de olika växtmiljöerna, inte heller mellan klonerna i respektive miljö eller oberoende av miljö. Signifikant skillnad i höjdtillväxten mellan klonerna kunde påvisas inom alla växtmiljöer, men inte mellan växtmiljöerna oberoende av klon. Det fanns en tendens att ljusförhållanden med en ljusintensitet på 100 μmol och rött ljus inom våglängderna 610-760 nm gav bäst etablering för SE-groddarna. Studien visade också att det var skillnad i etablering mellan de två kloner som användes.

Polariseringens geografi : Regionala effekter av finanskrisen 2008

Bergman, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This paper documents macro-economic change in Swedish regional labor markets during the last great recession (2008). This is made by using Swedish macro-data and analyzing employment flows over the period 2003-2013. The findings point to the fact that there is great disparity in the geography both when it comes to how the regions resist crises and recoup in the aftermath (Resilience) and how the crisis effect the labor market and its momentum in the recovery phase (polarization). The findings indicate that the 2008 financial crisis affected the Swedish regional labor market in a polarized development. Regions that showed patterns of this behavior before the recession managed to go through the crisis and recoup well, whereas the regions that didn’t show a polarized pattern before 2008 had a much harder time recuperating after the crises. With these findings we can generate a more sophisticated knowledge how regional economies can resist and recoup after financial recessions and use this to reduce the impact of future recessions.

Löntagarfonderna : En fråga om ekonomisk demokrati?

Cuibe, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines the final debate of wage-earner funds in Sweden when the issue was discussed in the parliament during the voting in 21-22 December 1983. Through a discourse analysis, discourses and different ideological views in the debate are being questioned based on economic and political aspects when it comes to democracy in working life, which use to be known as economic democracy. It was a historical long parliamentary debate with 88 different speakers and 125 speeches that lasted for two days when the issue of the wage-earner funds was voted through by the Social Democratic Party. The thesis highlights various ideological statements that constitute the struggle in the debate and deepened with theories of democracy and economic democracy.

Information Practices of the Refugees and Communication Strategies in the Integration System: The Case of Afghans in Kronoberg County, Sweden

Melnyk, Alona January 2017 (has links)
After Sweden, among other European countries, received a record number of asylum seekers in 2015 and 2016, the public discussion on integration of newcomers to the Swedish society intensified. One of the important means of such integration, as well as one of the fundamental human rights, is access to relevant information – knowledge refugees need to settle at a new place. This study looks into the information practices of one of the largest group of newcomers to Europe – the Afghans – based on the case of Kronoberg County in the Southern Sweden.   Grounded on Reijo Savolainen’s (2008) theory of everyday information practices, this study applies the combination of McKenzie’s (2003), Mwarigha’s (2002), and Berlo’s (1960) analytical models to explore the informational behavior of asylum seekers and check if it is accommodated in the communication strategies of different agencies involved in the integration process. To reach these objectives, a set of interviews was conducted with both Afghan newcomers and representatives of different governmental and non-governmental organizations.   The results of the conducted research and analysis may be summed up to one major topic. While Swedish reception and integration system is effective in reaching out to the newcomers and providing them with task-related information, the structure of the system impedes the provision of general orienting information and guidance, which is in great demand among the asylum seekers. Therefore, development of a parallel system of information can be noticed, with personal relations and authority of the local opinion leaders in the core of it. It is concluded that such division should not be seen as a threat to the integration of newcomers, rather as a supportive mechanism on its intermediate stage. Still, it is important to promote policies that foster active personal contacts between Swedes and newcomers – for example, mentorship programmes.

“…It’s not only about giving children a voice”- social workers accounts of child participation in social investigations

Mönefors Berntell, Agneta January 2016 (has links)
There is a consensus in Sweden that children are right-bearers and shall participate in matters that affect them among legislators, the government’s instructions by Barns Behov I Centrum (BBIC) (Child’s needs in focus) and among social workers. Despite this, previous research shows that children’s participation in social investigations is limited. The aim of this study is to analyse and interpret how social worker’s describe and understand children’s participation in their daily work at a social welfare unit. It is their perception of child participation that is studied. The data consists of interviews with nine social workers investigating children of 0-12 years of age at three social welfare units in municipalities’ in the outskirts of Stockholm. The theoretical perspective of this study is childhood sociology. The social workers in this study regard children as competent enough to receive information as well as capable contributors to the investigations. Participation was viewed as a cornerstone in their work with children. Children were described as capable of communicating information and their perspective on their situation through speech, behaviour or play indicating that all children can contribute despite age. But oral communication dominates and has a higher value, showing that age and maturity has an impact on children’s participation. Restrictions by guardians, time-restraint and heavy workloads also limited children’s participation during the investigation.

Somos Todas Verônica : How travestis are being represented in the online journal Jornal O Globo

Nilsson Krantz, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to uncover how travestis are being represented in one of Brazil’s biggest online journals; Jornal O Globo. O Globo’s words reach millions everyday and are therefore a major discursive stakeholder. I have used Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Queer theory to expose the main existing discourses in Jornal O Globo that relates to travestis. The study revealed how O Globo uses an active/passive discourse that limits the performativity of travestis; one expression of this discourse was the modification of the Portuguese language according to other rules than those of grammar. The performativity of travestis that linguisticly requests the usage of female pronouns was to a greater extent respected by journalists when the travesti acted passive/feminine as in becoming victim of unprovoked violence, told a story of financial or artisitic success, or if LGBT activists participated in the news coverage. In summary the active/passive discourse epitomizes a conventional Brazilian gender binarism that consists of two genders that is man and non-man. From a queer theoretical perspective I argue that O Globo’s representations of travestis continuously hinder the performativity of these individuals through their linguistic and discursive practice, which contributes to societal ostracism toward travestis.

Children's voice and participation in social welfare investigations

Mönefors Berntell, Agneta January 2015 (has links)
There is a principal consent both in the convention on the rights of the child, the Swedish social service act and in “Barns behov i centrum” (BBiC, similar to the British “Looking after children”, LAC) that children should participate and have an impact on matters that affect them in relation to their age and maturity. This thesis focus on how children’s voices are recorded in social welfare files and how their participation in the investigation is constructed. I have read the interviews and the social reports of ten children, conducted by social workers in a municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. The children’s voices in the files are a secondary voice, they are the social worker’s interpretation of the interviews with the children. I have used thematic analysis in order to answer my research questions. The result shows that all children had been able to talk to the social worker and nearly all of them were informed about why there was an investigation. The children’s stories were valued as true by the social workers and they were referred as information givers. Most of them were only interviewed orally, without support from child adaptive methods. They had very limited impact on how the investigation were conducted, how their information would be used and on the choice of intervention.

Forma komprimerat trä : Maskinell bearbetning av fria former

Conradsson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
Rapporten handlar om komprimerat trä. Det är en teknik där materialet trycks ihop och fibrerna ”krossas”, vilket gör att man kan böja det i kallt tillstånd, en längre period efter komprimeringen. Materialet används inte i så stor omfattning idag. Dels finns det andra tekniker för att tillverka komplicerade former i trä, men också för att komprimerat trä är kostsamt. Det finns även olika tillverknings- och tillämpningsproblem vid användandet av materialet. Syftet med arbetet är att ge en inblick i vad komprimerat trä är och metodens olika för- och nackdelar. Förhoppningen är att arbetet kan leda till att komprimerat trä används mer eller till ytterligare forskning inom ämnet. Rapporten fungerar som en plattform för fortsatta arbeten inom ämnet. Rapporten innehåller en kort sammanfattning om vad komprimerat trä är, olika verktyg och maskiner, samt idéer till hur de kan användas för bearbetning av komprimerat trä. Olika illustrationer av möbler som visar möjligheterna och begränsningarna med att tillverka möbler av komprimerat trä. Arbetet resulterade i en djupare diskussion och idébank för främjandet och utvecklingen av komprimerat trä. Två förslag till skaftfräsar togs fram för att optimera bearbetningen av komprimerat trä.

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