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Medeltid i samtid : Salvestaden en rekonstruktion i mellanlandet / The Middle Ages in contemporary time : Salve City; a reconstruction in the Between LandHaugaard, Anne January 2004 (has links)
The Middle Ages in contemporary time – Salve City; a reconstruction in the Between Land is an essay dealing with the reconstruction of medieval Kalmar. The Salve City is a melting pot of such diverse fields as archaeology, pedagogies, reconstruction, historical tourism, regional development policy et cetera. Together, these parts form a space for research and mediation, business and pleasure, a place where commercialism and historical tourism can function alongside with history enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. Both pros and cons of the use of a reconstructed part of medieval Kalmar are debated. / Medeltid i samtid – Salvestaden en rekonstruktion i mellanlandet, är en uppsats om återskapandet av det medeltida Kalmar. Salvestaden är en smältdegel av vitt skilda områden så som arkeologi, pedagogik, rekonstruktion, historieturism, regional utvecklingspolitik med mera. Alla dessa delar bildar tillsammans en plats för forskning och förmedling, nytta och nöje, en plats där kommersialism och historieturism samsas med eldsjälar och entreprenörer. Nyttan med en återuppbyggd del av det medeltida Kalmar är omdiskuterad på både gott och ont.
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Förorenad mark Förekomst och spridning av koppar och zink i Gräsdalenanläggningens närområde, Gusum, Östergötland. / Polluted soil Occurence and spread of copper and zinc in the surroundings of the Gräsdalen establishment, Gusum, ÖstergötlandAhl, Helga, Nilsson, Leif January 2004 (has links)
Förorenade områden kan utgöra en stor risk för den omgivande miljön. Föroreningar som tungmetaller kan påverka det mikrobiologiska livet samt genom urlakning föras ut i grundvatten och vidare förorena omgivande miljö och dricksvatten. Tungmetaller tas även upp i organismer och sprids vidare i näringskedjor och kan också nå människan genom föda som växer eller odlas på förorenad mark. Föroreningar i mark härstammar oftast från gammal industriell produktion, så även i och omkring samhället Gusum i Östergötland. Här har verksamhet med smältverk bedrivits sedan 60-talet och ända fram till början av 80-talet var rökgaserna från verket orenade från metaller och har kraftigt förorenat och skadat närområdet kring bruket. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur allvarligt förorenat området kring bruket är av metallerna koppar och zink, samt om metallerna riskerar att spridas ned i markprofilen och om denna risk förefaller öka ju högre halter marken har utsatts för. Information om området har samlats in och provtagningar i marken har genomförts på två olika avstånd från bruket. Provtagningarna omfattade totalt 8 st provgropar, 4 st på vardera provtagningsplats. Proverna har tagits från 4 olika djup i varje enskild grop. Resultaten av studien visar att tillståndet i marken är allvarligt till mycket allvarligt enligt Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för förorenad mark. Vidare visar mätningarna att det mesta av metallföroreningarna är bundet i markens organiska lager. Metallkoncentrationen i markens övre skikt verkar ha liten betydelse i detta fall för spridningen nedåt i markprofilen och spridningen sker mycket långsamt.
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Science and Policy in the International Framing och the Climate Change Issue / Vetenskap och politik i den internationella inramningen av klimatförändringarnaLarsson, Emma January 2004 (has links)
The IPCCand the FCCC are both central institutions in the international handling of the climate change issue. How these institutions frame and define the climate change issue is decisive for the action taken in response. The aim of this thesis was to analyze and describe how the climate change problem is framed and defined within the FCCC and the IPCC. Furthermore, the aim was also to examine if there are any differences between the IPCC’s and the FCCC’s framings and definitions of the climate change problem, and if so, what those differences consist of. The analysis was based on a line of documents from the IPCC and the FCCC, which were analyzed through a qualitative textual analysis. The results of the analysis indicate that there are both similarities and dissimilarities between the institutions. The definitions of the term climate change differ in the sense that the FCCC only regards human-induced changes in climate, as climate change. The IPCC, on the other hand, includes both natural variability and human-induced changes in its definition of climate change. In the practical usage the definitions are similar, and the results indicate that the IPCC in practice has adopted the FCCC’s definition and only focuses on anthropogenic climate change. The climate change issue is by both of the institutions perceived as a greenhouse gas question, and the consequences are described as very extensive and serious. The FCCC gives advantages to mitigative responses in relation to adaptive, and also the IPCC describes mitigative responses as advantageous. Finally, the study indicates that there is a linking between the scientific and political spheres, which is extended by the fact that the FCCC’s definition of climate change creates a demand for scientific input in the decision-making process. The science and policy relationship builds upon mutual expectations of what the respective spheres can contribute with in terms of useful knowledge and policy-relevant questions.
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Den svenska invandraren: En studie om utlandssvenskar och återvändare / The Swedish immigrantLindgren, Susanne January 2004 (has links)
Should I/we move abroad or not? This is a question that surely many of today’s expatriate Swedes asked themselves and was probably largely debated by most. How does is feel to move back to Sweden? I have chosen to contact a number of expatriate Swedes and some that have returned, in order to receive answers to these questions. The aim with this thesis is to study the experiences and thoughts of people living in a different country as to were they were born and also those of people returning to Sweden. I have used a hermeneutic analytical method alongside a socio-psychological identity perspective when I studied the replies of my 69 respondents. The replies I have received are in a narrating format and I have treated them as qualitative information and not performed any statistical analysis. I have found, among other things that most of them move abroad because they seek for adventure. When they have arrived and settled in their new country, many seek contact with other expatriate Swedes. They nurture the Swedish traditions and the Swedish language, and it is especially important if they have children. That one becomes “extra Swedish” abroad is confirmed by most and many compare “the new ways” with “the old ways” in Sweden. To find new friends can be very difficult in the beginning and many miss a close friend that they had in Sweden before moving. The majority move back to Sweden due to homesickness or a working contract expires. The option of many is that it feels good to come back home and that things return to normal as they were before leaving Sweden. Others might have certain problems with everyday things that have changed or been implemented while they were abroad.
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Metanemissioner från ett vattendrag : en studie gjord i Storån, Söderköpings kommun / Methanemissions from a stream : a study in Storån, SöderköpingKarlsson, Eva January 2004 (has links)
Metan är en viktig växthusgas vars halt ökar i atmosfären. Dess naturliga källor är dåligt undersökta och det är av stort nationellt och internationellt intresse att kartlägga dessa. Vattendrag är oftast övermättade med avseende på metangas och fungerar då som en källa för metanflöden från vattendraget till atmosfären. I denna undersökning har ett vattendrag, Storån i Söderköpings kommun, undersökts vid sammanlagt 22 tillfällen under perioden mars - april 2004. Metanet samlades in i flytkammare som var utplacerade mitt i ån under olika långa provtagningsperioder. Det gjordes både dygnsmätningar och veckomätningar, dessutom mättes metanflödet vid olika tillfällen under dygnet. Det kunde konstateras att Storån var övermättad på metan och att det fanns metanflöden till atmosfären under alla provtagningarna. Vattendrag kan alltså vara en potentiell källa till atmosfäriskt metan. Under den tid studien pågick kunde inte någon variation i metanflöden över tid fastläggas.
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Metanemissioner till atmosfären : En studie över metanflöde från vattendraget Stångån, Linköping Mars-April år 2004 / Methane emissions to the atmosphere : A study over the methane flow from the river Stånång, Linköping Mars - April year 2004Westerberg, Anette January 2004 (has links)
Sötvatten är en naturlig källa för atmosfärisk metangas. Gasen som bland annat bildasi sjöar och vattendrags sediment stiger upp genom vattenfasen via bubblor och diffusion och når därigenom atmosfären. Metangasen fungerar i atmosfären som en växthusgas då den inverkar på vårt klimat och är den gas som näst efter koldioxid bidragit mest till de sentida förändringara av den naturliga växthuseffekten. Förändringarna orsakas av att de klimatpåverkande gaserna ökar i atmosfären och som följd bidrar till en så kallad förstärkt växhuseffekt med globala temperaturökningar som följd. I denna studie har metanemissioner till atmosfären undersökts från vattendrag, nämligen Stångån, som rinner genom Östergötland och mynnar ut i sjön Roxen. Anledning till att ett vattendrag valdes beror på att de är relativt outforskade när det gäller metanförekomst. Fem provplatser valdes ut på en sträcka av ca 15 km och undersökningen utfördes genom att tre flytkammare förankrades på vattenytan vid varje provplats. Den generella principen innebär att flytkamrarna fångar upp den transporterande gasen från vattenfasen och som sedan tas upp ur flytkammaren med hjälp av en spruta. Den uppsamlade gasen analyserades sedan genom gaskromatografi där metoden syftar till att separera komponenter för kvantifiering. Övriga ekologiska faktorer som undersöktes var mängd organiskt material i sedimenten, absorbans och ytvattenhastighet. Temperatur, pH och lufttryck kontrollerades kontinuerligt under provtagningarna. Resultatet påvisade att metanemissioner förekom längs hela provsträckan både genom diffusion och via bubblor. Vattendraget var också övermättat med metan i jämförelse med atmosfären. Stora lokala variationer kunde konstateras samt att en av provplatserna skiljde sig markant från de övriga både när det gällde metanflöde och övriga ekologiska faktorer. Den statistiska analysen visade att absorbans och ytflödeshastighet var de enda ekologiska faktorer som hade ett samband med metanflödet. Jag anser mot bakgrund av teori och redovisade resulat i denna studie att det kan vara värdefullt med utökade mätningar av metanemissioner i vattendrag. Studien har påvisat att naturlig metanproduktion och flöde förekommer i hela den undersökta sträckan i Stångån och kan därför vara en källa till den idag förhöjda metanhalten i atmosfären. Ett varmare klimat kan i sin tur leda till en acceleration av metanproduktion och som följd ytterligare emissioner till atmosfären som kan leda till ännu större klimatförändringar. På så sätt kan denna undersökning bidra med kunskap om ett komplxt problem som kan öka lokalt, regionalt och globalt.
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Framtida turisttrender och landsbygdsturism : en omvärldsanalys av Frölunda-Aspvik Säteris företagsidéEkerholm, Therese January 2007 (has links)
Frölunda-Aspvik Säteri, a company just outside Stockholm within the agriculture and forestry sector, has developed a business idea around countryside tourism as a complement to their existing business. The idea is to offer a high quality and functional way of living in small cottages surrounded by beautiful nature and landscape of cultural importance. There will also be a range of additional activities available such as hunting, canoeing, cycling etc. The project should be done with minimum impact on the surrounding environment and the importance of the ecological system should be at the forefront of all business decisions. At present the company wants to have a better understanding of what the future trends are within tourism, how its business idea fits in with future trends within tourism and how to stay competitive. The purpose of this research paper is to identify the social driving forces that have an impact on people’s lifestyle and choice of holiday destination in the future, and present how these factors affect the travel industry. The result will then be used to evaluate the feasibility of Frölunda-Aspvik´s business idea around tourism. A literature study has been carried out and the result of that has then been used to evaluate the company´s business idea. The main future trends are that tourists will have higher expectations, be more quality conscious and expect greater diversification regarding how they spend their holiday. This leads to travellers becoming more sophisticated. The reason can be explained by a higher disposable income and levels of education, better health, increased experience of travel and that people’s needs and expectations become more heterogeneous and individual. Many prefer several but shorter vacations spread out over the year. Time efficiency will also be crucial where demand for a combination of holiday, relaxation and various types of activities will increase. The health aspect will become more important where spa- and health destinations will be favoured. Outdoor activities and nature experiences will increase in popularity but also tourist products that are more intellectual and creative. More people expect peace and quiet where the primary purpose of the holiday is to escape from everyday life. Concern for the environment will be more significant as will the search for a deeper meaning beyond material possessions where also authenticity emerges as a selection criterion regarding tourist products and destinations. The conclusion of the study is to further develop Frölunda-Aspvik Säteri’s intentions to benefit from future tourism by extending its activities to include holiday facilities to compliment its existing business. From the study, it is clear that the company will be able to fulfil some of the needs of what future tourists value most. However, the company should also take into consideration other external factors that have not been included in this report which are stemming from ecological, economical, political and technical origin. In some cases, particularly in a longer perspective, the impact of threats such as climate changes, increasing oil prices and downturn in the economy could imply more threats to company. These should be looked at in more detail if they decide to realise its business plan within tourism.
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En kvalitetsanalys av EU:s direktiv om förnybar energiHesselgren, Anna January 2008 (has links)
There's no doubt today that mankind has contributed to the changing climate by her use of fossil fuels. This must change in the nearby future. The European leaders are expressing concern that renewable energy sources are not being used to their full potential. The 2001/77/EC Directive on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources was accepted in 2001 to encourage the development of energy production from renewable sources, which is considered a step towards the fulfillment of the goal of the Union, that 12% of the gross energy consumption should come from renewable energy sources by the year 2010. The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the common legislation of the EU regarding renewable energy with regard to goal fulfillment, judicial quality, conflicts with other goals of the EU and other faults. The objective is reached by a hermeneutic study in which interpretation of written text is the main method. To analyze whether the EU stimulates the usage of renewable energy within the union I have applied a method used in audits. I have analyzed an empirical material and drawn conclusions using an inductive method. It is difficult to make specific demands on the legislation of member states because the circumstances vary heavily depending on external factors and other laws. The laws of the European Union must conform to a large number of criteria to be considered rational and legitimate. They must be in line with the basic goals of the union, serve the purpose of the legislator, not violate any human rights and be coherent with other legislation. Directive 2001/77/EC complies with the fundamental goals of the union. It also complies fully with basic human rights, particularly the right to a good environment, which is included in the third generation human rights. The directive does not however meet all the political rationalities because it does not serve all intended political purposes. The directive was accepted as an important step for the union to reach the goals of the Kyoto protocol. It is, however, clear that the goals for the year 2010, as presented in the directive and the Kyoto protocol, will not be reached unless the use of renewable energy sources sees a drastic increase.
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En tänkbar väg mot mer relevanta prisundersökningar av dagligvaror : Alternativa prisundersökningar där målgruppens köpvanor, budget och kvalitetspreferenser är kändaNellström, Erik January 2008 (has links)
More relevant price comparisons between groceries are possible. This study points out one possible path through an example. The purpose of this approach is to develop a model in a realistic context. The main assumption behind the proposed model is that price always has to be compared to quality. The model (algorithm) starts with a basket with the cheapest goods. The next step is to substitute goods with more priceworthy alternatives. Priceworthy are defined as quality points divided by the cost of substitution. The quality aspects that are considered should be both imortant and hard to estimate for the target group of the price comparison. Some quality aspects are generally not payed as much attention to as they could. Three examples are taste, content and company sustainablity rating. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how to achieve higher consumer relevance when designing price comparisons of groceries. What are the important factors? The study deals with the concepts of perceived quality and relevance in this particular case. Methods have included studies of literature and previous price comparisons, followed by interviews with qualified people within the grocery branch.
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Strömmar av vatten och politik - en studie om policyprocesser och anpassning.Åkesdotter, Marie January 2008 (has links)
One of the distinguishing features of successful societies is the ability to adapt to change, both social but also natural changes like climate change. Climate change is a complex, dynamic, non-linear process with a great deal of uncertainty concerning the time perspective, risks and consequences. A combination of factors like climate change, geographical vulnerability, a densely populated and highly built up coast line along with factors like deficient handling of surface runoff and a large usage of ground water leads to an increasingly vulnerable society. It also puts a greater pressure on the society to have preventive measures in place. The number of actors working with preparing society to the expected impacts of climate change and variability is increasing. However more than half of Sweden’s municipalities do not consider changing climatic conditions when planning, and many times even allow the construction of new living areas in known climatically vulnerable areas. Certain geographical areas in Sweden are characterized by environmental problems which enhance the predicted effects of climate change. The coast of Scania (Skåne) is one such area, where people for a long time have had to adjust to conditions like coastal erosion, recurring high tides, low lying areas and sinking land. The following study elaborates the politics of adaptive capacity. It is based on a comparative case study of two different policy processes regarding adjustments to climatic conditions in the coastal municipalities of Vellinge and Lomma in south-western Scania. In other words, this study explores the underlying factors that can explain what drives anticipatory measures to strengthen the ability and possibility to handle effects related to climate change. The theoretical framework consists of theories regarding policy changes in social ecological systems, and adaptation to climate. Structural actor based perspective, as well as system oriented and process oriented have been applied. The results are based on 14 interviews with key politicians, officials and stakeholders from non-governmental organizations. The study is also based on reports, a citizen’s survey from Statistics Sweden (SCB), newspaper articles, municipal documents, web sites and literature. The results show that the municipality of Vellinge implemented adaptation strategies years before Lomma municipality. Policy change was triggered by observed vulnerabilities in ecological systems which affected the social systems. It resulted in an intense debate (a window of opportunity), which in turn opened a policy window. The driving forces in policy process are central actors and shadow networks with access to knowledge. The results show that knowledge and understanding of ecological systems is essential for policy changes in climate adaptations. Research is needed, but research by itself will not be sufficient, research and knowledge must be transferred to decision-makers. Knowledge transferring is even important for officials and public. That means that an understanding of ecological systems is necessary for forming attitudes and for planning a society with the ability to meet climate change and the insecurities which are connected with it.
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