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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dreamscape : a human inquiry into the land of dreaming

Mangiorou, Lamprini January 2014 (has links)
Until recently, research into dreaming followed the reductionist paradigm within a Freudian framework. This line of enquiry has failed to date to provide a meaningful relationship between neuropsychology and dreaming. As a result, theory development has halted, original therapeutic approaches outside the analytic tradition are scarce, and practitioners are disempowered when confronted with dream material. However, in recent years the concept of consciousness is back on the scientific agenda and the study of the subjective experience of dreaming is once again possible. Eight coinquirers employed Heron’s (1996) co-operative inquiry. We collaboratively explored our experience of dreaming holding seven meetings over six months. Paradoxically, we found that our experiences and understandings were similar and conflicting, mirroring the current debates in dream research. Our findings indicate strong links with waking consciousness, and that dreams are a source of entertainment, insight, problem solving and angst. Our study also highlighted that directing our awareness altered the nature of our dreams and our perceptions. Implications for Counselling Psychology theory, practice and research are discussed. It is argued that intentionality is a key concept and should be incorporated in Counselling Psychology research, theory and practice.

The social reality of initiatives which pursue insight from data

Douglas, Martin January 2016 (has links)
While (big) data promises immense opportunity, initiatives focused on using data to pursue insight have mixed outcomes. The Management Support Systems (MSS) model summarises what we currently understand within Information Systems (IS) about the implementation and use of systems to improve organisations’ use of data. Adopting an ethnographic approach to observe how practitioners in two contrasting organisations actually generate insight from data, this research challenges the implicit information processing and implementation logics of the MMS model. The pragmatic messiness of pursuing insight is described in two monographs, which reveal the socially constructed nature of data in relation to phenomena, and the importance of data engagement to produce insight. Given that this PhD study also seeks to generate insight from data, it is compared and contrasted reflexively to the two cases observed. While the inquiry logic pursued in this study was made explicit, and was regularly reviewed and challenged, the two cases left this largely implicit. The use of tools is shown to facilitate and constrain inquiry, with related data acting as boundary objects between the different practitioner groups involved. An explanatory framework is presented and used to suggest various enhancements to the MSS model. First, the Problem Space is reframed to reflect the distinct, though interdependent logics involved in inquiry versus realising envisaged benefits from insights. Second, the MSS artefact itself is contextualised and Data Engagement rather than MSS or Tool Use is positioned as central. Third, Data are disentangled from the wider MSS artefact, as a critical, distinct construct. Fourth, an Alignment construct is introduced to address the boundary spanning nature of data initiatives. The thesis also highlights the value of using Wenger’s (1998) Communities of Practice (CoP) situated learning framework to study data initiatives, and the related value of mapping groups as a technique for further development. Some questions are provided for practitioners to gain a better understanding of data initiatives. Wider implications are also noted for the socio-material theorising of Data, and distinguishing between Data, Information and Knowledge concepts within the IS discipline.

Consumer insight : a research of sportswear shopping

LEIDERMARK, SOFIA, MARECEK, MIA January 2010 (has links)
The report is an attempt to incorporate consumer insight in the female sportswear segment to figureout how it can be used in the clothing industry. The consumer insight methods are performed on anexperimental basis to get a perception of how it can be done and figure out how it differs fromtraditional market research. The research aims to clarify the important parameters on which buyingdecisions are made. The parameters will be based on price, function, fit, brand, design etc. Thereport is made in cooperation with the company Röhnisch sportswear.The consumer insight concept is a part of a consumer driven or consumer oriented businessapproach. The concept strives to find unconscious needs, the driving forces behind them and furtherput them in a context to solve a problem for the consumer. The aim is to satisfy consumers and atthe same time develop a competitive and successful business model. While traditional marketingresearch usually describe what is, a consumer insight approach aim to understand why.The methods used in this research are participative observations, in-depth interviews, gymobservations and market survey. The qualitative and quantitative methods have been compared anddiscussed. The relevance and the importance of the methods used are highlighted and prioritizinglists are estimated. The result shows a wide variety of shopping behaviours. Varied shoppingbehaviour can be seen depending on products. Essential parameters for an exercising garment are fitand design. The importance of other parameters is also discussed in the report. On one hand aselective, focused and deterministic approach is seen and on the other hand a more passive andopen attitude is observed. Feeling comfortable in terms of aesthetical aspects is essential to motivatethe exercising activity. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Applied Textile Management

Komunikační strategie produktu Frisco / Communication strategy of the product Frisco

Kubovčíková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with communication strategy of the product Frisco. It evaluates the strategy and proposes a new concept of communications. Evaluations data has been provided by Atmosphere and MML TGI companies for the period of 2010 and partially 2011, further use of the data is not allowed without the approval of the providers. Following software has been used for the analyses and for the creation of the new concept of communication: Yetti, Data Analyzer, Mamut, Golem, Medplan and custom internal tools made by media agency Carat Czech Republic, s.r.o.

Musikaliska aktiviteter och hjärnaktivitet : En självstudie om hur musik påverkar hjärnvågor / Musical activities and brain activity : A self-study on the effect of musical activities on brainwaves

Erlanson, Ernst January 2019 (has links)
Tack vare framsteg inom portabel elektroencefalografiteknologi (PEEGT) har det blivit lättare och billigare att studera hjärnans aktivitet i form av hjärnvågor. Syftet med det här arbetet var att studera skillnaden i hjärnaktivitet mellan musikaliska aktiviteter, genom att använda sig av PEEGT. Verktyget som användes till ändamålet är utvecklat av företaget EMOTIV och heter ”Insight”. Att använda sig av PEEGT för att uppskatta känslor och sinnestillstånd är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde med en lovande framtid. Det här arbetet motiveras av möjligheten att använda sig av sådan hjärnforskning för att leta efter svar på frågor kring undervisning och musicerande. Till studien valdes de två musikaliska aktiviteterna improvisation och avistaläsning. EMOTIVs Insight användes sedan till att samla data vid 10 olika tillfällen, som därefter analyserades med ett Wilcoxon signed rank test. Den kvantitativa datan triangulerades med anteckningar från en loggbok om subjektiva upplevelser vid de 10 mättillfällena. Resultatet visade ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan de musikaliska aktiviteterna. Som varandes ett självexperiment visade det sig ändå vara lärorikt för forskningssubjektet, framförallt vad gäller insikter om förhållandet mellan anteckningarna i loggboken och datan från EEG:en. Förhoppningsvis kan arbetet tjäna som inspiration till att göra liknande arbeten i framtiden. / Thanks to recent advances in the development of portable electroencephalografy technology (PEEGT), doing research on brain activity has become both cheaper and more convenient to do. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of the brain activity between musical activities, using the commercially available PEEGT “Insight”, developed by the tech company EMOTIV. The use of these PEEGT to estimate states of mind and emotions is a relatively new area of research, with a promising future. The study is motivated by the possibility to use research like this to address questions about education and musicmaking. Two musical activities were chosen for the study, improvisation and sight-reading. EMOTIVs Insight was used to collect data on 10 separate occasions, which later was analyzed with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The quantitative data was triangulated with notes from a logbook about the subjective experiences during the 10 occasions. No statistically significant difference was found between the activities. On the other hand, the study proved useful for the subject. Especially regarding insights on the relationship between the notes in the logbook, and the reported data from the EEG. Hopefully the work can also serve as an inspiration for future studies.

Säkras offentlighetsprincip och insyn vid privatisering av vård- och omsorgsenheter? : -en jämförande utvärdering av en kommuns respektive ett landstings upphandlingar.

Björkskog, Christofer January 2009 (has links)
<p>I den allmänna debatten kan vi återkommande läsa och ta del av medborgares tyckanden och tänkanden kring stundande eller redan genomförda privatiseringar inom den allmänna vård och omsorgen. Utifrån den allmänna diskursen och den tidigare forskningen kring fenomenet privatisering inom det offentliga Sverige har frågor väckts om hur man inför dessa nya driftsformer säkerställer folkliga värdegrunder som offentlighetsprincip och insyn. Redan i de inledande delarna av upphandlingsdokumenten som de båda huvudmännen, Sala Kommun och Västmanlands läns landsting, upprättat framgår en intressant olikhet i fråga om begreppsinnebörd och tolkning. Allmänt förhåller sig båda fallens avtalsregleringar mycket detaljerade och utförliga. Sammanfattningsvis har denna studie visat att såväl offentlighetsprincip som insyn säkras under upphandling.</p>

Insight clínico y metacognitivo en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico

Sintes Estévez, Anna 11 July 2011 (has links)
El insight, o conciencia de enfermedad, en los trastornos psicóticos ha despertado recientemente un gran interés en la Psiquiatría y la Psicología Clínica debido a la relación que ha mostrado tener con numerosas variables relevantes, tanto desde el punto de vista científico, como social, e incluso legal. El estudio del déficit en insight en las psicosis, se remonta al siglo XVII, aunque el estudio científico se inicia en el siglo XX, e implica un cambio en la conceptualización del mismo. De modelos categoriales y unitarios, se ha evolucionado a modelos dimensionales y multifacéticos, siendo el modelo de Amador y David uno de los más aceptados en la actualidad. Desde este modelo, se entiende por Insight la conciencia de sufrir una enfermedad, la capacidad para entender las experiencias psicóticas como anormales, los procesos atribucionales o explicaciones del paciente sobre la causa última de estos signos o síntomas, la adherencia al tratamiento y la conciencia sobre las consecuencias sociales de la enfermedad. Por otra parte, se han considerado en los últimos años diversos tipos de insight, además del clínico (conciencia de enfermedad). Así, se considera también el insight cognitivo o metacognitivo, que hace referencia a la conciencia de los pacientes sobre su propio déficit o deterioro cognitivo. En cuanto a la etiología del déficit en insight en la esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psicóticos, se han postulado diversas hipótesis, como son la psicológica, la clínica (o psicopatológica) y la neurocognitiva. Desde la primera se postula que el déficit en insight se relacionaría con un mecanismo de defensa o estilo de afrontamiento frente a los efectos depresógenos del hecho de padecer una enfermedad de este tipo. Desde la segunda, la explicación clínica, se concibe el déficit en insight como un síntoma más del trastorno psicótico, en la línea de las tesis clásicas que lo consideraban en la génesis y desarrollo de la enfermedad. Por último, desde las teorías neurocognitivas, se relaciona el déficit en insight como una consecuencia del déficit cognitivo y/o las alteraciones neuropsicológicas presentes en este tipo de trastornos, que a su vez se relacionan con alteraciones en el neurodesarrollo. El objetivo del presente estudio es aportar información relevante para la validación de las últimas hipótesis etiológicas mencionadas, de modo que se obtengan datos que permitan valorar la relación existente entre el nivel de insight y la sintomatología (positiva, negativa, general y depresiva), así como al relación entre el nivel de insight y el rendimiento en las distintas funciones cognitivas. Para ello se estudiaron un grupo de 70 pacientes ingresados con un primer episodio psicótico. Se realizó una evaluación clínica mediante la administración de la entrevista clínica estructurada para los trastornos del DSM (SCID-I) y el ajuste premórbido mediante la escala de Ajuste premórbido (PAS). Además, se evaluó el funcionamiento cognitivo de los sujetos mediante una batería de instrumentos neuropsicológicos estandarizados, el tipo y gravedad de la sintomatología mediante la administración de la Escala para el síndrome positivo y negativo de la esquizofrenia (PANSS) y se evaluó la sintomatología depresiva mediante la administración de la escala Calgary de depresión en la esquizofrenia. Por otra parte, la evaluación del Insight clínico se llevó a cabo mediante la administración de la escala SUMD de Amador y el Insight metacognitivo se valoró mediante la GEOPTE (escala para la percepción subjetiva del déficit cognitivo, que engloba tanto la percepción subjetiva del déficit en cognición básica como en cognición social). Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto al ausencia de relaciones significativas entre el insight y al sintomatología psicótica y la presencia de algunas asociaciones significativas entre los dos tipos de insight estudiados y algunas variables neurocognitivas. / Insight, or awareness of illness, in psychotic disorders has recently aroused a great interest in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology because its relationship with numerous relevant variables, both scientifically, socially, and even legal. The study of deficits in insight in psychosis dates from the seventeenth century, but scientific study began in the twentieth century, and involves a change in the conceptualization the concept. Categorical and unitary models, the study has evolved to multifaceted and dimensional models, and Amador & David model’s is one of the most widely accepted today. From the point of view of this model, Insight is conceptualized as the disease awareness, the ability to understand psychotic experiences as abnormal, the attributional processes and patient explanations of the ultimate causes of these signs or symptoms, the treatment adherence and the awareness about social consequences of the disease. On the other hand, have been considered in recent years various types of insight, as well as clinical (awareness of illness). Thus, it is also considered cognitive or metacognitive insight, which refers to the awareness of patients about their own cognitive impairment. As for the etiology of insight deficits in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, various hypotheses have been postulated, such as psychological, clinical (or psychopathology) and neurocognitive. Since the first one postulates that the insight deficit would be related to a defense mechanism or coping style against the depressogenic effects of the awareness of illness. The second hypotheses, the clinical explanation, is conceived as a symptom of psychotic disorder, in line with the classical thesis that considered this phenomena in the genesis and development of the disease. Finally, from neurocognitive theories is related insight deficits as a consequence of cognitive deficits and/or neuropsychological abnormalities present in these disorders, which in turn is associated with impaired neurodevelopment. The aim of this study is to provide relevant information for the validation of the last mentioned etiological hypotheses, so as to obtain data to assess the relationship between the level of insight and symptomatology (positive, negative, general and depressive) and the relationship between the level of insight and performance in several cognitive functions. To do this we studied a group of 70 patients admitted with a first psychotic episode. Clinical evaluation was performed by administering the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID-I) and premorbid adjustment by the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS). In addition, we evaluated the subject’s cognitive functioning with a battery of standardized neuropsychological instruments, the type and severity of symptoms by the administration of the Scale for Positive and Negative Syndrome of Schizophrenia (PANSS) and depressive symptoms was assessed by the administration of the Calgary Depression Scale in Schizophrenia. Moreover, clinical Insight assessment was conducted by administering the Amador’s SUMD Scale and metacognitive Insight was assessed with the GEOPTE (the Scale for the subjective perception of cognitive deficit), which includes both the subjective perception of the deficit in the basic cognitive functioning and in the subjective perception of deficit in the social cognition. Results showed the absence of significant relationships between insight and psychotic symptoms and the presence of some significant associations between the two types of insight (clinical and metacognitive) with some of the neurocognitive variables.

Photography's creative influence on Lewis Carroll's Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking glass and what Alice found there

Mahoney, Bridget 01 June 2009 (has links)
Lewis Carroll's novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There share many characteristics with the author's photographs. Both Carroll's portraits and literature utilize dreamlike imagery to move beyond the present time and space into a dream world. The similar imagery demonstrates an important creative link between Carroll's novels and photographs. The creation of Carroll's masterpiece, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, creatively depended on the photographic images Carroll produced. Utilizing the four step process of creativity generally accepted by psychologists, Carroll's photographs are examined alongside his texts. In doing so, modern readers of Carroll's novels can glimpse the creative process that produced Wonderland. To argue the creative relationship between Carroll's photography and literature, R. Keith Sawyer's 2006 text, Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation is employed. Sawyer describes creativity as a four step process: preparation, incubation, insight, and verification. Using these fours steps as reference points, passages from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There are examined alongside Carroll's photographs in order to demonstrate the creative importance of photography to the creation of the Alice novels.

Understanding insight development in early psychosis : a narrative approach

Macnaughton, Eric 11 1900 (has links)
Intervening early in the course of psychotic illness (e.g. schizophrenia) may significantly improve prospects for the recovery, both in medical and psychosocial terms, of the individuals who experience these conditions. Engaging such individuals in care, however, remains a challenge. One barrier to engagement is lack of insight, or the low illness awareness that is considered to be a typical characteristic of people who experience psychotic illnesses, particularly in their early phases. The dominant view of this phenomenon is that it is primarily related to the illness itself and thus is biologically based. There is reason to believe, however, that understanding the psychosis experience is also an interpretive process, and that the meaning of this experience for the individual arises out of dialogue between the person, mental health professionals and significant others. There is also reason to believe that the relationship between insight and recovery may not be as straightforward as presumed. While the dominant view sees insight as a crucial condition for recovery, emerging evidence suggests that insight once gained may lead to depression and demoralization. Insight thus may be understood as an interpretive, dialogical process that is fundamentally narrative in nature, the consequences of which may be divergent. Using qualitative methods (constructivist grounded theory complemented by narrative analysis), the present study sought to understand the process by which insight developed in early psychosis, and sought to explore the relationship between insight and the early stages of illness management and recovery, as reflected by the written and oral accounts of twelve individuals who were within the first three years of illness. Overall, the results suggest that insight development in early psychosis can be conceptualized as the process of coming to an acceptable, adaptive explanation. More specifically, the results first of all suggest that insight development involves finding or negotiating an account of illness that fits or can be accommodated with the individual’s own story of the psychosis experience. The process also involves finding an account of illness and its treatment that can be envisioned as a helpful rather than disruptive aspect of the individual’s future biography.

El papel de la inteligencia y de la metacognición en la resolución de problemas

Domenech Auqué, Montserrat 16 April 2004 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar: a) el papel de la inteligencia en la resolución de problemas, b) la relación entre la inteligencia y la metacognición y c) el papel de la metacognición en la resolución de problemas. La muestra ha estado formada por n=140 alumnos de Secundaria entre 16 y 18 años, a los que se les administraron pruebas formales (Test de Aptitudes Diferenciales y Test de Torrance de Pensamiento Creativo) e informales (las Escalas de Renzulli (SRBCSS) y una Autobiografía) para identificar a alumnos con alta capacidad intelectual (talento simple, talento doble, talento triple, talento cuádruple y superdotación) y alumnos con capacidad intelectual media. Los procesos de resolución de problemas se estudiaron mediante la administración escrita de nueve problemas lógicos y de insight (recogidos de la literatura, como el problema de la Torre de Hanoi, los Nueve Puntos o La Vela, entre otros), con tiempo limitado, y donde se solicitaba al resolutor que escribiera todos los pasos llevados a cabo para resolverlos. Dos de estos problemas eran abiertos, es decir, podían ser aceptadas como correctas diversas respuestas) mientras que el resto eran cerrados y, por lo tanto, sólo una respuesta era considerada como válida. Para conocer los aspectos metacognitivos de la muestra se administró un test de conocimiento metacognitivo, el Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, traducido del inglés al español y adaptado a la muestra de estudio, así como dos cuestiones sobre la experiencia metacognitiva, acerca de la dificultad y ejecución de cada uno de los problemas.La corrección de los problemas se ha llevado a cabo mediante un sistema de corrección creado a propósito para este trabajo, el cual he permitido apresar aspectos del estado inicial del problema (comprensión y experiencia), del proceso (intentos, evolución de los intentos, uso de las claves, estrategias, errores, interferencias, motivación) y del estado final (solución). Este sistema ha permitido cuantificar los datos cualitativos de la resolución de los problemas.Los análisis estadísticos han revelado que la inteligencia tiene un papel relevante en la resolución de problemas. Así, el grupo identificado con alta capacidad intelectual resuelve mejor los problemas ya que: tiene mayor comprensión, evalúa los distintos intentos llevados a cabo, halla las pistas más importantes para poder resolver el problema y las aplica, comete menos errores y alcanza la solución exitosa significativamente más a menudo que el grupo identificado con capacidad intelectual media. No se han hallado diferencias dentro del grupo con alta capacidad intelectual, hallando una resolución similar entre los distintos tipos de talento. El segundo grupo de resultados hallados sugiere una relación leve o nula entre la inteligencia y la metacognición, ya que, por un lado, se observa el mismo nivel de experiencia metacognitiva, conocimiento metacognitivo y eficacia metacognitiva entre los participantes con alta y media capacidad intelectual. Además, las tablas de contingencia revelan que los participantes con alta capacidad intelectual no corresponden con los participantes con mayor (o menor) capacidad metacognitiva. La misma ausencia de diferencias se halla entre los distintos perfiles intelectuales con alta capacidad intelectual.Finalmente, se ha constatado que una elevada eficacia metacognitiva (índice obtenido de la relación entre la experiencia metacognitiva y la solución real del problema) favorece la comisión de menos errores y de menos interferencias. Así pues, la metacognición ayuda a una exitosa resolución del problema.Todos estos resultados refuerzan la importancia de incluir aspectos de desarrollo de la inteligencia y de la metacognición en el currículo escolar. / The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to study: a) role of intelligence in problem solving, b) relationship between intelligence and metacognition, and c) role of metacognition in problem solving.N=140 students of Secondary School between 16 and 18 years old have participated, to whom formal (Differential Aptitude Test and Torrance Test of Creativity Thinking) and informal tests (Scales for Rating the Behavioural Characteristics of Superior Students and an Autobiography) were administered in order to identify high ability students (simple talent, double talent, triple talent, quadruple talent, and giftedness) and average ability students.Problem solving processes were studied with nine logical and insight problems (extracted from literature), as the Tower of Hanoi problem, Nine Dots problem or the Candle problem, among others. These problems had a limited time and solvers were asked to write all the steps carried out to solve them. Two of these problems were opened problems, that is, with different possible correct answers, and the rest of the problems were closed problems, so, with only one answer as the correct solution.In order to know the metacognitive aspects, the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (a metacognitive knowledge test) was administered. Moreover, two items about metacognitive experience of difficulty and execution was administered at the end of each problem resolution. The problems' correction was carried out with a correction system made out for this study, which allowed to catch some aspects of the initial state (comprehension, experience), the process (attempts, attempts evolution, use of the keys, strategies, errors, interferences and motivation) and the final state of the problem (solution). This system allowed us to quantify the qualitative data of problem solving.Statistic analyses revealed that intelligence has a relevant role in problem solving. Thus, the high ability group solved problems better, showing a greater comprehension, evaluating more often the different attempts carried out, founding the most important clues to solve the problems and applied them, making fewer errors and reaching the correct solution significantly more often than the average ability group. There was not found differences into the high ability group, finding a similar resolution among different talented profiles.The second group of results suggested a low or none relationship between intelligence and metacognition. In one hand, the same level of metacognitive experience, metacognitive knowledge, and metacognitive efficacy was observed between participants with high and average intelligence. Moreover, contingency tables revealed that high ability participants do not correspond with those with greater (or lower) metacognitive ability. The same absence of differences was found between different intellectual profiles into the high ability group.Finally, it was found that a high metacognitive efficacy (a score obtained relating the metacognitive experience and the real solution of the problem) helped the commission of fewer errors and fewer interferences. So, metacognition helps to reach a successful resolution.All these results point out the importance of include both aspects of development of intelligence and metacognition in the educative curriculum.

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