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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Word by word, phrase by phrase, sentence by sentence : A corpus-based study of the N<sub>1 </sub>by N<sub>1</sub> construction

Boberg, Per January 2009 (has links)
<p>The present paper examines the N<sub>1</sub> by N<sub>1</sub> construction using corpus linguistic methodology.The distribution of types of the construction that occur more than once either unhyphenated or hyphenated in any subcorpus of the British National Corpus accessed through the BrighamYoung University interface is examined. Written and spoken language as well as variousgenres are compared. Hyphenation is also investigated. A collocation analysis of some typesof the construction is further carried out and it is concluded that the N<sub>1</sub> by N<sub>1</sub> construction canbe part of the on a N<sub>1</sub> by N<sub>1</sub> basis construction. Results from the quantitative analysis as wellas the qualitative discussion suggest that the N P N construction may be undergoinglexicalisation starting as an adverbial and moving to functioning as a premodifier. Thissuggestion is indicated through complementary diachronic searches in the Oxford EnglishDictionary. It is also indicated that the construction may follow a development pattern similarto that of N<sub>1 </sub>to N<sub>1</sub>. The notion of construction is discussed in relation to the N<sub>1</sub> by N<sub>1</sub> construction, and a hierarchical view of constructions is proposed as a solution to some of theproblems with the term.</p>

L'hébergement de la personne âgée dépendante – Modélisation prospective : exemple de la région Poitou-Charentes. / Housing for dependent older people - a prospective modeling : an example of Poitou-Charentes

Guennery, Sophie 16 December 2014 (has links)
Face au vieillissement démographique, l’adéquation de l’offre et de la demande de la prise en charge de la dépendance est au cœur des politiques de santé publique. L’objectif de ce travail est d’estimer la consommation d’hébergement des personnes âgées dépendantes pour un horizon de 5 à 10 ans en intégrant l’origine géographique des résidents. En effet, ces derniers ne cherchent pas nécessairement une réponse d’hébergement à proximité de leur lieu de résidence. On peut ainsi bâtir un « scénario moyen » pour mesurer la consommation d’hébergement actuelle, construire des bassins gérontologiques et envisager des projections d’hébergement les plus précises possibles, selon le postulat « toute chose égale par ailleurs ». Cette recherche menée en Poitou-Charentes en 2010 permet une analyse prospective qui annonce un déficit du nombre de places d’hébergement dès 2017 et qui devrait s’amplifier au cours des années suivantes. Ces résultats trouvent toute leur légitimité pour aider la planification gérontologique et adapter l’offre à la demande à différentes échelles. De plus, ils rendent possible l’appréhension du volume d’emplois non « délocalisables ». / In view of demographic ageing, the adequacy between supply and demand of older population needs is placed in the heart of the public health policy. The aim of this work is to estimate the housing consumption of dependent older people for the time horizon from 5 to 10 years by integrating the geographical origins of residents. In fact, these latter don't necessarily look for an accommodation close to their place of residence. Thus a 'medium scenario' can be proposed to measure the current consumption,build gerontological basins and plan the most accurate possible senior housing projections according to 'all else being equal' principle. This research conducted in Poitou-Charentes in 2010 allows to do a prospective analysis which reveals a deficit in the number of rousing places from 2017 and this deficit is expected to increase over the following years. These results have all legitimacy to help gerontological planning and adapt supply to demand at different scales. Moreover, they make possible the estimation of the volume of 'non relocatable' jobs.

L'hébergement de la personne âgée dépendante – Modélisation prospective : exemple de la région Poitou-Charentes. / Housing for dependent older people - a prospective modeling : an example of Poitou-Charentes

Guennery, Sophie 16 December 2014 (has links)
Face au vieillissement démographique, l’adéquation de l’offre et de la demande de la prise en charge de la dépendance est au cœur des politiques de santé publique. L’objectif de ce travail est d’estimer la consommation d’hébergement des personnes âgées dépendantes pour un horizon de 5 à 10 ans en intégrant l’origine géographique des résidents. En effet, ces derniers ne cherchent pas nécessairement une réponse d’hébergement à proximité de leur lieu de résidence. On peut ainsi bâtir un « scénario moyen » pour mesurer la consommation d’hébergement actuelle, construire des bassins gérontologiques et envisager des projections d’hébergement les plus précises possibles, selon le postulat « toute chose égale par ailleurs ». Cette recherche menée en Poitou-Charentes en 2010 permet une analyse prospective qui annonce un déficit du nombre de places d’hébergement dès 2017 et qui devrait s’amplifier au cours des années suivantes. Ces résultats trouvent toute leur légitimité pour aider la planification gérontologique et adapter l’offre à la demande à différentes échelles. De plus, ils rendent possible l’appréhension du volume d’emplois non « délocalisables ». / In view of demographic ageing, the adequacy between supply and demand of older population needs is placed in the heart of the public health policy. The aim of this work is to estimate the housing consumption of dependent older people for the time horizon from 5 to 10 years by integrating the geographical origins of residents. In fact, these latter don't necessarily look for an accommodation close to their place of residence. Thus a 'medium scenario' can be proposed to measure the current consumption,build gerontological basins and plan the most accurate possible senior housing projections according to 'all else being equal' principle. This research conducted in Poitou-Charentes in 2010 allows to do a prospective analysis which reveals a deficit in the number of rousing places from 2017 and this deficit is expected to increase over the following years. These results have all legitimacy to help gerontological planning and adapt supply to demand at different scales. Moreover, they make possible the estimation of the volume of 'non relocatable' jobs.

Kaunokirjallisuus suomalaiselle yleiselle kirjastolle haasteena, rasitteena ja mahdollisuutena:historiallis-argumentatiivinen tarkastelu suomalaisen yleisen kirjastolaitoksen suhteesta kaunokirjallisuuteen ja kirjalliseen järjestelmään

Tuomi, P. (Pirjo) 25 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study is to indicate the role of fiction in the institutionalisation and subsequent developments of the Finnish public library in view of the traditions of literary sociology and organisation studies. To indicate and open this connection, the study depicts the relationship of professional librarianship in the public library to the literary system, and scrutinises the options this cultural and historical connection could provide to both the public library and other agents of the literary system today and in the future. The public library acquires, stores, intermediates, and advances fiction, using methods developed as a kind of innovation, and spread from one country to another as a result of the institutional isomorphic change. The public library emerged in the 19th century to fulfil informational-educational aims, but it developed quickly into the library or the readers. In view of this study, the questions of book selection of fiction in particular became a challenge for the public libraries that had to make compromises demanded by their environments. Later, in the 1960s, the challenges related to fiction in public libraries became more typically social. The library’s functions and tasks started to widen, and fiction became only one type of material among others—though still one favoured by the users of the library. Within the public library too, as well as within the literary field, one still discussed the criteria of fiction selection in the 1980s. The role of the public library as a cultural agency further weakened in the 1990s, when new tasks based on the objectives of the information society were posed to the library. In light of this and in view of the modern hybrid library, fiction and all printed material started to seem old-fashioned. In the 2000s, one indeed started to build the public library as a modern service agency where the significance of the space was emphasised at the expense of the collection. The study indicates that by emphasising the particular role of the public library as an agent of the literary system, one perhaps could enrich the whole literary system and its concept as well as affect the legitimacy and sufficiency of the resources of small libraries especially. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on osoittaa kirjallisuussosiologisen ja organisaatiotutkimuksen tutkimusperinteitä hyödyntäen, minkälainen rooli kaunokirjallisuudella on erityisesti suomalaisen yleisen kirjaston institutionalisoitumisessa sekä myöhemmässä kehityksessä. Yhteyden osoittamiseksi ja avaamiseksi kuvaillaan yleisen kirjaston ja kirjastoammatillisuuden suhdetta kaunokirjalliseen järjestelmään, sekä tarkastellaan mahdollisuuksia, joita tämä kulttuurinen ja historiallinen sidos voi tarjota tänä päivänä ja tulevaisuudessa sekä yleiselle kirjastolle että kirjallisen järjestelmän muille toimijoille. Yleinen kirjasto hankkii, säilyttää, välittää ja edistää kaunokirjallisuutta käyttäen eräänlaisina innovaatioina kehittyneitä erityisiä menetelmiä, jotka ovat levinneet maasta toiseen yleisen kirjaston ja kirjastoammatillisuuden institutionaalisen samankaltaistumisen seurauksena. Yleinen kirjasto syntyi 1800-luvulla toteuttamaan tiedollis-sivistyksellisiä päämääriä, mutta nopeasti siitä kehittyi lukijoiden kirjasto. Tämän tutkimuksen näkökulmasta erityisesti kertomakirjallisuuden kirjavalinnan kysymyksistä tulikin yleiselle kirjastolle haaste, jossa jouduttiin tekemään toimintaympäristöstä johtuvia kompromisseja. Myöhemmin 1960-luvulla yleisen kirjaston kaunokirjallisuuteen liittyvät haasteet muuttuivat enemmän yhteiskunnallisiksi. Sen toimintoja ja tehtäväkenttää alettiin laajentaa, ja kaunokirjallisuudesta tuli kirjastossa vain yksi – tosin kirjastonkäyttäjien edelleen suosima – aineisto. Tosin sekä yleisen kirjaston sisällä että kirjallisella kentällä keskusteltiin vielä 1980-luvullakin kaunokirjallisen kokoelman valintakriteereistä. Yleisen kirjaston asema kulttuurilaitoksena heikkeni edelleen, kun 1990-luvulla kirjastolle asetettiin tietoyhteiskunnan tavoitteiden mukaisia uusia tehtäviä. Kaunokirjallisuus ja koko painettu kirjallisuus aineistona alkoivat tässä valossa ja modernin hybridikirjaston näkökulmasta näyttäytyä vanhanaikaisina. Yleisestä kirjastosta alettiinkin 2000-luvulla rakentaa modernia palvelulaitosta, jossa tilan merkitys korostui kokoelman kustannuksella. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että korostamalla yleisen kirjaston erityislaatuista roolia kirjallisen järjestelmän toimijana voitaisiin rikastuttaa koko kirjallista järjestelmää ja sen käsitettä sekä mahdollisesti lisätä erityisesti pienten kirjastojen legitimiteettiä ja resurssien riittävyyttä.

Praktiese ekklesiologie en bedieningspraktyk met verwysing na die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (Afrikaans)

Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim) 07 October 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie proefskrif is ‘n Praktiese Ekklesiologie ontwikkel op grond van vier perspektiewe: <ul><li> ‘n Historiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Histories-vergelykende Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Empiriese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Prakties-teologiese Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Hermeneutiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Eksegetiessistematiese Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Strategiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Missionale Ekklesiologie. </li> </ul> In die proefskrif toon die promovendus aan dat die kerk ‘n ernstige krisis beleef. Die krisis is grootliks te wyte aan ‘n proses van institusionalisering wat deur eeue heen plaasgevind het. Empiriese navorsing het aangetoon dat institusionalisering destruktiewe gevolge vir die kerk inhou. Die proefskrif toon verder aan dat ‘n radikale en omvattende transformasie van die kerk van uiterste belang is. Transformasie impliseer ‘n proses waarin die sisteemverhaal van die kerk verander, van ‘n institusionele benadering tot kerkwees tot ‘n meer organiese verstaan van kerkwees, gebou op Bybelse metafore. ‘n Organiese kerkbegrip en Missionale Ekklesiologie dien as basis vir die transformasie van die gemeentelike bedieningspraktyk, van ‘n pastorale bedieningspraktyk na ‘n missionale bedieningspraktyk. ENGLISH: In this dissertation a Practical Ecclesiology is developed based on four perspectives: <ul> <li> The historical perspective is reflected in an Historical-comparative Ecclesiology. </li><li> The empirical perspective is reflected in a Practical-theological Ecclesiology. </li><li> The hermeneutical perspective is reflected in an Exegetical-systematic Ecclesiology. </li><li> The strategic perspective is reflected in a Missional Ecclesiology. </li> </ul> The promovendus argues that the church is experiencing a severe crisis. This crisis is mainly due to a process of institutionalisation which had taken place over centuries. Empirical research had shown the destructive effects this process had on the church. The dissertation indicates that a radical and global transformation of the church is essential. Transformation implies a process in which the system story of the church need to change. This transformation could be regarded as a change from an institutional to a more organic functioning of the church, based on Biblical metaphors relating to the church. An organic understanding of the church will lead to a transformation of the congregational ministry, from a pastoral ministry to a missional ministry. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Sustainability meta labelling : prospects and potential challenges for institutionalisation

Dendler, Leonie January 2013 (has links)
Product labelling schemes have become one of the most prominently used instruments to facilitate more Sustainable Consumption and Production. But with a plethora of labelling schemes having been implemented, many now accuse them of being confusing rather than facilitating. As a result, governments in France, UK and Germany, as well as businesses, such as Walmart, and non-governmental organisations, like WWF, have begun to consider seriously the implementation of some form of ‘Sustainability Meta Label’ that condenses existing product-labels and other communication measures into a more coherent overarching scheme. Yet so far, in depth studies on the potential institutionalisation of a Sustainability Meta Labelling Scheme are missing.Based on case study research of four existing product labelling schemes (EU eco, EU energy, Fairtrade and MSC label), this study addresses this gap by developing a novel theoretical framework to study the causalities behind product labelling institutionalisation processes. Combining theoretical arguments of constructivist institutionalism and institutional entrepreneurship with concepts of legitimacy from the governance and organisational studies literature, this framework establishes the institutionalisation of product labelling schemes as contingent on an interactive legitimacy construction between actors involved in the initiation and organisational structures of a labelling scheme and other actors within the production and consumption system. This construction tends to cluster around aspects of tradition, regulation, charisma, knowledge, consequences, and procedures.By concretizing this framework in the context of the studied cases, it is shown how legitimacy constructions are highly complex and how in particular procedural and consequential legitimacy can give rise to fundamental conflicts. The potentially large scope, focus and area of application of a Sustainability Meta Label with the need to find agreements in regard to the very contested notion of Sustainable Development, seems to make the task of managing such conflicts even more difficult. While the mobilisation of knowledge, traditional, regulatory and charismatic logics can circumvent some of these conflicts, they have also demonstrated to be anything but a silver bullet. In a sense, this study shows that the very issue that is claimed to drive the establishment of a Sustainability Meta Labelling Scheme-the different interpretations of the Sustainable Development concept through different product labels-might in fact pose one of the main challenges for its institutionalisation and effectiveness in facilitating more Sustainable Consumption and Production.With these findings this study makes important contributions not only to an increasingly prominent policy making discussion but also to the wider product labelling and new institutional literature. After further empirical testing, the developed theoretical framework could guide future research into the institutionalisation of product labelling schemes and potentially also other ordering mechanisms. While the focus of this study is on commonalities across product labelling schemes such further research could especially expand on how micro, meso, and macro level factors can shape institutionalisation processes in diverse ways.

Organisational transparency in South African banking : an institutional field discourse analysis

Oksiutycz, Anna 01 March 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Southern Sotho / This thesis examines organisational transparency in South African banking after the financial crisis of 2007-2009. The crisis upset the global economy and resulted in general mistrust in banks and the global financial system. In addition to poor governance standards, inadequate transparency was identified as a key issue to be addressed in order to prevent future crises. The nature and consequences of banking transparency became a matter of worldwide debate. While the extant literature focuses mainly on banking transparency in the context of accounting, this study uses a communication perspective, examining transparency as a dynamic social and organisational phenomenon that is constituted through and reflected in organisational discourse, with both symbolic and practical implications. The primary objective of this study was to establish how the discourse in the institutional field of banking in South Africa after the Financial Crisis shaped the construction of the meaning of transparency in banking, and consequently how organisational field level discourse contributed to the institutionalisation of transparency practices in South African banking. The study adapted several conceptual frameworks previously used in discourse studies in order to analyse a banking field discourse at meso-level. From the data analysis perspective, the qualitative content analysis was performed with the aid of ATLAS.ti 8 software. The sample for the study comprises 76 purposively selected documents produced by the actors within the institution field of banking from the onset of the Financial Crisis until 2018. This study underlines the importance of the discourse within the institutional field of banking in South Africa and the construction of what is normal, acceptable and expected in terms of banking transparency, and its institutionalisation, thus highlighting the historical and social embeddedness of banking transparency. The data analysis identifies the main discursive strands within the banking discourse: one that is focused on market conduct transparency and the other, which addresses the importance of banks’ transparency in maintaining stability in the financial system. The results also reveal multiple meanings of transparency in South African banking and draw attention to the historical and discursive events that trigger change in institutional fields. / Le thesisi iphenya ukusebenza shashalazi kwenhlangano eNingizimu Afrika ngemuva kwenhlekelele yezimali ukusukela ngo 2007 ukufika ngo 2009. Le nhlekelele yaguqula isimo somhlaba kwezomnotho yaze yadala izinga lokungasathembeki kwamabhangi nohlelo lwezimali emhlabeni wonke. Ukwengeza phezu kwamazinga angagculisi okuphathwa kwamabhizinisi, ukungasebenzi shashalazi ngokwanele kuye kwabonwa njengodaba oluyinkinga okufanele luxazululwe ukugwema izinkinga esikhathini esizayo. Ubunjalo besimo kanye nemiphumela yohlelo olushashalazi lwemboni yezamabhangi kugcine sekuba wudaba oluxoxwa umhlaba wonke. Njengoba umbhalo wobuciko okhona ugxile kakhulu phezu kohlelo olushashalazi lwamabhangi kweze-accounting, lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa umqondo wezokuxhumana, luhlola uhlelo olushashalazi njengohlelo lwenhlangano yomphakathi oluguqukayo futhi olwakhekayo, kanti lolu hlelo lubonakala njengodaba lwenhlangano, ngendlela yophawu nangendlela ephathekayo. Inhloso yokuqala yalolu cwaningo kwabe kukuthola indlela lesi sifundo emkhakheni weziko lezamabhangi eNingizimu Afrika ngemuva kokuthi iziNhlekelele zeZimali zishintshe isakhiwo sencazelo yegama lokusebenza shashalazi kwezamabhangi, bese ekugcineni ingabe udaba lwezinga lomkhakha wenhlangano lube negalelo elinjani ekwakhiweni kwezingqubo zohlelo olushashalazi embonini yezamabhangi eNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo luguqule izakhiwo zegama ezimbalwa ebezisetshenziswa esikhathini esedlule ezifundweni zocwaningo ukuhlaziya udaba lomkhakha wezamabhangi ezingeni lomhlaba. Ngokomqondo wokuhlaziywa kwedatha, ukuhlaziywa ngendlela egxile kwingxoxo yolwazi olumumethwe kwenziwa ngosizo lwe-ATLAS.ti 8 software. Isampula yocwaningo iqukethe imibhalo engama-76 ekhethwe ngenhloso ekhiqizwe ngabadlali abangaphakathi komkhakha weziko lezamabhangi ngesikhathi sokuqala kweNhlekelele yeZezimali ukufika ngonyaka ka 2018. Ucwaningo lugcizelela ukubaluleka kwesifundo esingaphakathi komkhakha weziko lezamabhangi kanye nokwakhiwa kwalokho okuthathwa ukuthi kujwayelekile, kuyamukeleka futhi kulindelwe mayelana nohlelo lokusebenza shashalazi kwamabhangi, kanye nokkwakhiwa kwalolu hlelo, ngakho-ke lokhu kuveza umlando kanye kanye nabantu ohlelweni lokusebenza shashalazi kwezamabhangi. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenze ukuthi kuphawuleke izimpawu ezibalulekile ezidukisayo ngaphakathi kohlelo lwezamabhangi; olunye lugxile phezu kohlelo olushashalazi mayelana nokuziphatha kwamabhangi, kanti olunye lubhekene nokubaluleka kohlelo olushashalazi kwezamabhangi ngenhloso yokugcina ingqubo ezinzile ohlelweni lwezezimali. Imiphumela nayo iveza izincazelo eziningi zohlelo lokusebenza shashalazi kwamabhangi eNingizimu Afrika kanye nokuxwayisa ngomlando nangezehlakalo ezidukisayo eziphembelela ukuthi kube nezinguquko emikhakheni yamaziko. / Phuputso ena e hlahloba ponaletso ya mokgatlo lekaleng la dibanka tsa Afrika Borwa kamora koduwa ya ditjhelete ya ho tloha 2007 ho isa ho 2009. Koduwa ena e ile ya ferekanya moruo wa lefatshe mme ya fella ka ho se tsheptjwe ha dibanka le tsamaiso ya ditjhelete ya lefatshe. Ntle le maemo a mabe a puso, ponaletso e sa lekanang e ile ya hlwauwa e le taba ya mantlha e lokelang ho rarollwa ho thibela mathata a kamoso. Sebopeho le ditlamorao tsa ponaletso ya dibanka ebile taba ya puisano ya lefatshe ka bophara. Leha dingodilweng tse fumanehang hona jwale di shebile ponaletso ya dibanka haholo-holo maemong a ho boloka dibuka, phuputso ena e sebedisa pono ya puisano, e lekolang ponaletso e le taba e matla ya phedisano le mokgatlo e hlophisitsweng ka, mme e bontshitswe puong ya mokgatlo, ka diphello tsa matshwao le tse sebetsang ka bobedi. Morero wa mantlha wa phuputso ena e ne e le ho tiisa hore na puo lefapheng la dibanka Afrika Borwa kamora Koduwa ya Ditjhelete e thehile kaho ya moelelo wa ponaletso dibankeng jwang, le hore na puo ya boemo ba mokgatlo e kentse letsoho jwang ho hlophiseng mekgwa ya ponaletso dibankeng tsa Afrika Borwa. Phuputso e ile ya hlophisa meralo e mmalwa e neng e sebedisitswe diphuputsong tse fetileng tsa dipuo e le ho manolla puo ya lekala la dibanka maemong a bohareng. Ho latela pono ya manollo ya lesedi, manollo ya boleng ba dikateng e entswe ka thuso ya software ya ATLAS.ti 8. Sampole ya phuputso e na le ditokomane tse kgethilweng ka boomo tse 76 tse hlahisitsweng ke ba amehang lefapheng la dibanka ho tloha qalong ya Koduwa ya Ditjhelete ho fihlela 2018. Phuputso ena e totobatsa bohlokwa ba puo kahare ho lefapha la dibanka Afrika Borwa le kaho ya se tlwaelehileng, se amohelehang le se lebelletsweng mabapi le ponaletso ya dibanka, le tlhophiso ya yona ka hona ho totobatsa ho kenella ha nalane le phedisano ho ponaletso ya dibanka. Manollo ya lesedi e hlwaya dikarolwana tse ka sehloohong tse ka hare ho puo ya banka: e nngwe e shebane le ponaletso ya boitshwaro ba mmaraka, ha e nngwe e bua ka bohlokwa ba ponaletso ya dibanka ho boloka botsitso tsamaisong ya ditjhelete. Diphetho di boetse di senola ditlhaloso tse ngata tsa ponaletso dibankeng tsa Afrika Borwa le ho lebisa tlhokomelo diketsahalong tsa nalane le tse amanang le puo tse bakang phetoho makaleng a ditsi. / Communication Science / D. Phil. (Communication)

Nachhaltige Verstetigung von Lehr-Lern-Konzepten: Wie Lehrveranstaltungen von ihren Entwickler_innen losgelöst werden können

Schellhammer, Sebastian, Kainer, Florian 19 February 2019 (has links)
Im Kontext eines weitestgehend befristet angestellten akademischen Mittelbaus und einer temporären Förderung von Lehr-Lern-Konzepten aus Drittmitteln benötigen Hochschulen Strategien zur Institutionalisierung von Lehrinnovationen. In unserem Beitrag stellen wir dar, was eine nachhaltige Verstetigung bedeutet, welche Verstetigungsszenarien eintreten können und wie unterschiedliche Akteur_innen zu einem Gelingen beitragen können. Unter Berücksichtigung der Beschreibungen von Hochschulen als „loosely coupled systems“ (Weick 1976; Orton & Weick 1990) kommt der Hochschuldidaktik dabei die Rolle der professionellen Vermittlerin zu, um über Dialogprozesse Übergaben zu fördern und perspektivisch eine Übergabekultur herzustellen.

De l'hospitalisation à l'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée dans le grand vieillissement : étude clinique, psychopathologique et projective du « travail de dépendance » / From hospitalisation to long-term care institutionalisation in the elderly : clinical, psychopathological and projective study of "dependency work"

Racin, Céline 30 November 2017 (has links)
À partir d'une étude longitudinale menée auprès de 25 personnes hospitalisées en service gériatrique de soins de suite et de réadaptation, et revus quatre mois après leur sortie à leur domicile habituel ou en Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes, cette thèse se propose d'explorer l'expérience sensible et singulière des hommes et des femmes qui rencontrent, sur le chemin du vieillissement et de la vieillesse, la nécessité de soins de longue durée, qui inscrit la perspective d'un devenir placé sous le signe de la dépendance. La signification subjective spécifique que revêt la dépendance pour les individus concernés est examinée à l'aune des travaux en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie orientés par les études psychanalytiques sur le vieillissement et sur le handicap. La thèse étudie leur valeur heuristique, en articulation avec les éthiques du care, pour dégager les fondements métapsychologiques de la problématique de dépendance et ses enjeux en termes de dispositifs thérapeutiques. La thèse revient notamment sur les ambiguïtés relatives à la notion d' « institutionnalisation » et propose une problématisation conceptuelle du travail psychique en situation de dépendance, appelé « travail de dépendance », à partir de laquelle est analysé le matériel clinique recueilli pendant le processus de recherche, sur la base d'entretiens cliniques, d'épreuves projectives (Rorschach et Thematic Apperception Test), d'une évaluation de la dépression et d'une évaluation des ressources cognitives. Il apparaît que le caractère de « crise » inhérent à ce moment de passage questionne les modalités de préparation à la sortie de l'hôpital, et notamment la fonction psychique assurée par le projet d'institutionnalisation. L'analyse des résultats montre combien l'investissement des objets du care relève chaque fois d'une véritable création personnelle, à laquelle le type d'organisation psychopathologique, l'intensité des problématiques de perte et de passivité, ainsi que le poids des opérations défensives mobilisées pour y faire face, confèrent une coloration singulière. De manière notable, le traitement de ces problématiques reste saisi dans une intrication des registres psychosexuel et anaclitique, qui dément l'idée selon laquelle l'acuité de la question narcissique abolirait sensiblement la conflictualité liée à la sexualité infantile. Se saisissant du contraste repéré entre la souffrance psychique amplement constatée chez les personnes rencontrées et l'absence, par ailleurs, de décompensation dépressive ou psychiatrique manifeste, la thèse questionne les ressorts subjectifs du consentement au projet d'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée, et les écueils d'une mobilisation défensive, à visée anti-dépressive, susceptible de s'abîmer dans l'adaptation conformiste ou la (pseudo)normalité discrète. Il en ressort qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la façon dont le processus de l'annonce du projet d'institutionnalisation est susceptible d'opérer sur la temporalisation nécessaire à l'appropriation subjective de l'expérience. / This thesis analyses the singular experience of elderly men and women who face up to dependency and needs for long- term care supports or services. This analysis is based on a longitudinal study conducted with 25 men and women, hospitalised in geriatric units, and met again four months after the end of their hospitalisation, at home or in nursing home. The specific subjective meaning of dependency for the concerned subjects is examined from clinical psychology and psychopathology works, especially from psychoanalysis contributions on ageing and disability, related with ethics of care. This thesis draws out the meta-psychologic basis of the dependency issue and its stakes in terms of therapeutic settings. In particular, it comes back on the notion of "institutionalisation" and its ambiguities. It also proposes a conceptual problematisation of the psychic work mobilised in the dependency process, called "dependency work". This specific problematisation constitutes the analysis framework of the clinical data we collected for this thesis, on the basis of interviews, projective methods (Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test), depression scale and cognitive assessment. It appears that the "crisis", that transition from hospital to long-term care may cause for elderly subjects, questions the way hospital discharge is prepared and particularly the psychic function performed by the institutionalisation project. The analysis of our results highlights how important is the involvement of a genuine singular process of creation in the adjustment of long-term care supports in the ageing; this process of creation depends on personality organisation, on the strength of loss and passivity issues, and on the quality of defence mechanisms. It is worth noting that the psychic reorganisations at work in these issues are based on the intertwining of psycho-sexual and anaclitic levels. Therefore, narcissistic crisis does not erase infantile sexuality conflicts in ageing. Besides, we clearly identify a contrast between the psychic suffering largely observed in our subjects and the absence of depressive or psychiatric decompensation. This contrast leads us to study the subjective motivations of elderly subjects to consent to long-term care institutionalisation, and the pitfalls of defensive mechanisms, mobilised against depression, which may trigger conformist adaptive or pseudo-normal responses. Consequently, an outcome of this thesis is that we have to pay special attention to the implications of the announcement process of long-term care project on the necessary temporalisation for elderly subject who experiments this situation to subjectively appropriate it.

What happens next? : A study of the action and inaction resulting from active gender equality work in an organisation in a male dominated industry / Vad händer sedan? : En studie om handling och passivitet som resultat av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch

Boström, Beatrice, Lundberg, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
It is recognised that gender equality and diversity are essential for building successful organisations. To tackle the global challenges characterised by economies today, one must ensure equal opportunities for all, both men and women. Organisations have acknowledged the benefits of a more gender equal workforce and are starting to take action. But what are the results of such actions? We have found that a lot of research is focused on the sources of gender inequality in organisations but little on the efficacy of different actions to counter those inequalities. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how active gender equality work can impact an organisation. A case study of an organisation in the IT consultancy industry in Sweden is carried out where active gender equality work has been initiated through the internal project “the Gender Equality Project”. Empirical data gathered from interviews with employees from all levels of the organisation has been the main source of data collection and has worked as a base for the analysis and discussion. The research question that have guided our work is: How can active gender equality work impact the structure and culture within an organisation in a male-dominated industry? This thesis is based on a subjective approach, assuming that reality can be seen as a social construction and that humans create their own reality. This implies that the social world is viewed as a process which is created and recreated everyday through the usage of language, routines and actions. Further, this thesis argues that organisations should be seen as gendered and that assumptions about gender underlie the construction of organisations, resulting in a marginalisation of women which contributes to the maintenance of gender segregation in organisations. The findings show that active work with gender equality has resulted in structural and cultural impacts in several areas, such as more gender aware recruitment processes and external communication strategies as well as a culture which encourages employees to call out biases and defend gender equality initiatives. The findings also reveal an organisational structure which partly counteract the effects of gender equality work and a deficient communication of the purpose of the project which, currently, prevents it from becoming institutionalised. Much emphasis is put on the many middle managers in the organisation to bring the project forward and continue working with it, without clear expectations and guidance from the top management which has resulted in a halt and an inaction from the middle managers. / Jämställdhet och mångfald anses som essentiellt för att bygga framgångsrika organisationer. För att kunna tackla de globala utmaningarna som världen står inför, måste lika möjligheter för både kvinnor och män kunna säkerställas. Fler och fler organisationer bekräftar fördelarna med en mer jämställd arbetskraft och börjar arbeta mot förändring. Men vad är resultatet av sådant arbete? Vi har funnit att tidigare forskning tenderar att fokusera på orsakerna till ojämställdhet i organisationer, istället för den verkan olika initiativ och arbete för att främja jämställdhet har. Uppsatsens syfte är att utvärdera hur aktivt jämställdhetsarbete kan påverka en organisation. En fallstudie har genomförts på en svensk organisation verksam inom IT-konsultbranschen, där aktivt jämställdhetsarbete har initierats genom ett internt projekt kallat “Jämställdhetsprojektet”. Den främsta källan till empirisk data härrör från intervjuer med anställda på alla nivåer i organisationen och denna data har lagt grunden för analys och diskussion. Den forskningsfråga som guidat oss i vårt arbete är följande: Hur kan aktivt jämställdhetsarbete påverka strukturen och kulturen i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch? Uppsatsen tar en subjektiv ansats, och utgår från att verkligheten ses som en social konstruktion och att människor skapar sin egen verklighet. Detta medför att den sociala världen ses som en process som skapas och återskapas varje dag genom språkbruk, rutiner och handlingar. Vidare argumenteras det för att organisationer ska ses som könade och att antaganden om kön ligger till grund för konstruktionen av organisationer. Detta medför en marginalisering av kvinnor vilket bidrar till ett upprätthållande av könssegregeringen i organisationer. Resultaten visar att aktivt jämställdhetsarbete resulterar i strukturella och kulturella effekter. Effekterna kan ses genom en mer genusmedveten rekryteringsprocess och strategier för extern kommunikation men även en kultur där anställda uppmuntras till att uppmärksamma och motarbeta fördomar och försvara initiativ för jämställdhet. Resultaten belyser även en organisationsstruktur som till viss del motverkar effekterna av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete och en bristande kommunikation av projektets syfte, vilket i dagsläget hindrar en institutionalisering. Stor vikt läggs på organisationens mellanchefer att driva projektet framåt och fortsätta dess arbete. Det saknas dock klara förväntningar och vägledning från koncernledningen, vilket har resulterat i en stagnering och passivitet från organisationens mellanchefer.

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