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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingsstörning och föräldraskap : -socialsekreterares bedömning av stödbehov för föräldrar med en utvecklingsstörning eller en svagbegåvning, samt svårigheterna kring dessa bedömningar

Sjögren, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare i några kommuner bedömer behovet av stöd för föräldrar med en lindrig utvecklingsstörning eller svagbegåvning. Vidare är syftet att undersöka vad socialsekreterarna upplever vara problematiskt vid dessa bedömningar, samt att inventera vad tidigare forskning säger på området. Forskningsöversikten kommer i uppsatsen att användas som analysverktyg. Som metod använder jag mig av en kvalitativ ansats i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att alla de tre intervjuade socialsekreterarna gör en vanlig utredning. Utöver det anlitar socialsekreteraren i den andra kommunen ett utredningshem, där familjen bor under en längre tid och där särskilda bedömningsinstrument används. I den tredje kommunen gör socialsekreteraren en utredning i en utredningslägenhet, där familjen vistas dagtid under en längre tid, men utan särskilda bedömningsinstrument. Svårigheter som upplevdes var bland annat beroende av själva utvecklingsstörningen eller svagbegåvningen i sig, att föräldrarna kan ha svårt att se sitt eget behov av stöd. Bemötandet och risken att föräldern ska känna sig kränkt och om föräldern ska räcka över tid var också svårigheter som togs upp. Överlag upplevdes detta vara ett svårt område med svåra bedömningar. Slutsatsen är bland annat att, antagligen, på grund av det relativt lilla antalet föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning och svagbegåvning så har inte alla kommuner utarbetat särskilda bedömningsmetoder just för den här gruppen. Men detta skulle behövas eftersom forskning visat att rätt bedömning är viktigt för att kunna utforma adekvat stöd. Nyckelord: utvecklingsstörning, svagbegåvning, föräldraskap, bedömning, socialsekreterare. / Intellectual disability and parenthood -social welfare secretaries assessment of the need of support for parents with an intellectual disability, and the difficulties around these assessments The main purpose of this study is to examine how social welfare secretaries do their assessments of the need of support for parents with an intellectual disability, and what their experiences is about difficulties doing these assessments. The purpose is also to examine what earlier research says in the area. The research summary will be used for the analysis of the empirical data. The method used is a qualitative approach with semi structured interviews in three municipalities (A, B, C). The result shows that in all three examined municipalities (A, B, C) they do an ordinary investigation. In municipality B social welfare secretaries also use a special institutional flat where the family lives for a longer period of time and where special methods of assessment are used. In municipality C social welfare secretaries also use a special flat for purpose of investigation where the family stays day time for a longer period of time, but without using special methods of assessment. The result also shows that difficulties in doing these assessments depend for example on the intellectual disability in itself: parents not being able to understand their own need of support. It also shows difficulties in addressing the parents, without making them feel insulted. Generally the experiences of the interviewed social welfare secretaries is that it is a complicated area with complicated assessments. An important conclusion of this study is that, probably because of the relatively small numbers of parents with an intellectual disability, not all municipalities have developed special methods for this special group of people. But this will be needed, because as the research summary shows, a correct assessment by the social welfare secretary is necessary in order to be able to give adequate support. Key words: intellectual disability, parenthood, assessment, social welfare secretary

Inkludering på vitryska : Fältstudier i Vitryssland gällande inkludering av

Abrahamsson, Julia January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and examine the characteristics of inclusion of children with disabilities in the kinder garden and primary school in Belarus. The data in this study were collected through interviews with special teachers and staff at the Developing and Rehabilitation center. The interviews were supported by child-observations and a literature study. Staying in boarding schools prevents handicap students from integrating with the society as well as getting social experience. Integrated education demands the combination of two regularities: education of children with normal development and special education of children with psycho-physiological problems. Many research works consider the interconnection between socio-cultural development of the society and the values in upbringing which are prioritized in the society. Socialisation is possible when the child is involved in the processes of the daily life as well as interacting with adults and friends. It is easier for a child to adapt to a social behaviour when he realises what happens around him, understanding the subjective processes which happen inside other people and when the child can use his knowledge and experience on practice. Therefore, socialization is both a process and a result of realisation and active implementation of a social experience by a child. Integration is a systematic stage in the development of special education caused by change in the attitude of the society and state towards individuals with disabilities, admitting their rights for the equal opportunities in different spheres of life including education. Successful implementation of integrative education depends a lot on the level of material, organisational, educational as well as methodological in educational institutions. Moreover, this process depends on socio-psychological factors and moral atmosphere in the society. Practical solution of the problems in integration attracts not only teaching staff in specific institutions, children with different development and their parents but also children and their parents, teachers in normal secondary schools.

Food Related Activities and Food Intake in Everyday Life among People with Intellectual Disabilities

Adolfsson, Päivi January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study food, eating and meals in the everyday life of 32 women and men with intellectual disabilities (IDs) who require varying levels of supervision. They lived in supported living (rather independently) or group homes in community-based home-like settings. Observations during 3 days, assisted food records and anthropometric measurements were used to collect data. Dietary intake on the group level showed a varied diet and sufficient intake of all micronutrients, but a low dietary fibre intake. On the individual level, inadequate intake of micronutrients was observed, with many participants being obese, overweight or underweight. Everyday support with food, eating and meals was seen in four praxis: foodwork by oneself for oneself, foodwork in co-operation, foodwork disciplined by staff and foodwork by staff. These four practices resulted in large variations in dietary intake. The first praxis entailed more convenience food and less vitamins, the second and third, more fresh ingredients and high energy intake, and the fourth, low energy intake but rather high intake of vitamins. Sharing of meals was least common in supported living and more common in group homes and daily activity centres. The participants’ social eating spheres consisted mostly of other people with ID and staff members, and seldom other people. Whereas some preferred solitary eating, many participants considered eating together as important, but required staff support in establishing commensality. However, disturbing behaviour, as determined by the staff, could result in solitary eating. In conclusion, supporting the group rather than the individual sometimes created less favourable dietary, eating and meal outcomes. This problem needs to be addressed in order to establish food security at the individual level. In addition, actions should be taken to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities receive sufficient support to meet their individual needs and aspirations.

”Det är ju en naturlig del” : De anställdas känslor inför och arbete med uttryck för onani på gruppboenden för personer med utvecklingsstörning

Hiding, Sandra, Larsson, Felicia January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the emotions among the staff at the group housings when they observe the caretakers expressions of masturbation and how the staff handles these expressions in their daily and long-term work. The theoretical concepts that were used in this study are group housing as a public and private arena, occupational role, relation, humanistic effort, pedagogical effort, empowerment, care ethic and emotions. The concepts are related to each other and constitutes the foundation for the analysis of the empirical data used in this study. A qualitative study was carried out, in forms of half structured interviews with six informants, of which the majority was women. It came to light that the interviewees only had positive feelings for the caretaker’s expressions of masturbation. The interviewees had different procedures in their daily work, while there were more similarities in how the staff worked in a long-term perspective with the caretaker’s expressions of masturbation.

The Right or Responsibility of Inspection: Social Work, Photography, and People with Intellectual Disabilities

Fudge Schormans, Beverley Ann 30 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The act of knowing is a critical determinant of what is known, yet there are limits and potential violence inherent in all ways of knowing. Social workers have an ethical responsibility to understand our means of knowing and our knowledge claims – both shape the work we do. Conspicuously under-represented as creators of/commentators on how they are represented, people with intellectual disabilities have had little/no control over what or how they are known. These ethical and epistemological concerns were the focus of this arts-informed qualitative study. The purpose was an interrogative encounter with one way of knowing – how public photographic imagery of people with intellectual disabilities influences knowledge about them. It was concerned, however, to come to this knowledge through an inquiry into how labelled people would, themselves, interpret and respond to these representations, and how they might use photography to trouble disabling images and non-disabled (social work) knowing. Theoretically framed by a critical disability lens, the work was influenced, too, by Derrida’s essay on photography, “The Right of Inspection”. The other regarding aspect of the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, his concern with our ethical responsibility to the alterity of the Other, most powerfully informs the work. Four adults with intellectual disabilities accepted the invitation to participate in this project. First, they critically engaged with a selection of public photographic images. In a unique methodological turn, they then transformed the images to reflect their critique. Interpretive analysis of the critiques and transformations identified four thematic ideas. Participants’ critiques were insightful and profound; transformations provocative and disruptive. Challenging dominant assumptions – and demanding non-disabled others re-think intellectual disability and people so labeled – the critiques and transformations also respond to the social/political/ideological/psychological ramifications of photographic imagery on the lived experience of intellectual disability. Through the work, participants confront non-disabled responses to public photographs and to labeled people, challenging non-disabled others to question their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. The work also raises questions about research and people with intellectual disabilities: the possibilities for voice and empowerment through inclusive research strategies and visual methodologies, and the transformative potential of dialogic encounters between people with and without intellectual disabilities.

Extracurricular Activities And The Development Of Social Skills In Children With Intellectual And Learning Disabilities

Brooks, Bianca A 11 July 2013 (has links)
Numerous skill deficits interfere with the social functioning of children with intellectual (ID) and learning disabilities (LD). Due to the limited effectiveness of social skill interventions for this population, it is necessary to explore additional opportunities for social skill acquisition. Research suggests that extracurricular activity participation positively influences adolescent development; however, little is known about the benefits of activity participation for children with ID and LD. This study investigated the impact of frequency and type of extracurricular activity on the social competence of 7-12 year old children with ID (n=42) and LD (n=53), in comparison to their typically developing peers (TD; n=24). More time involved in unstructured activities was related to higher ratings of social competence. Greater participation in unstructured extracurricular activities was particularly beneficial for children with ID. Future research on the quality of involvement is necessary to further understand what specific aspects of activities facilitate social development.

Modeling Phonological Processing for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: The Relationship between Underlying Phonological Abilities and Associated Language Variables

Barker, Robert Michael 12 December 2010 (has links)
The structure of phonological processing for typically developing children has been debated over the past two decades. Recent research has indicated that phonological processing is best explained by a single underlying phonological ability (e.g., Anthony and Lonigan, 2004). The current study had two goals. The first goal was to determine the structure of phonological processing for school-age children with mild intellectual disabilities (MID). The second goal was to determine the relationship between the components of phonological processing and expressive and receptive language ability. The participants were 222 school-age children identified by their schools as having MID. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to determine the structure of phonological processing. The results indicated that a model with one phonological awareness factor and one naming speed factor explained the data better than competing models with a single latent factor or more than two latent factors. There was a negative significant relationship between phonological processing and naming speed. There were positive bivariate relationships between phonological processing and expressive and receptive language. There were negative bivariate relationships between naming speed and expressive and receptive language. These results are consistent with other research findings with typically developing children, indicating a similarity in the relationships between phonological process and language for children with MID. Theoretical and instructional implications are discussed.

Language Profile and Performances on Math Assessments for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities

Rhodes, Katherine T. 02 May 2012 (has links)
It has been assumed that mathematics testing indicates the development of mathematics concepts, but the linguistic demands of assessment have not been evaluated, especially for children with mild intellectual disabilities. 244 children (grades 2 – 5) were recruited from a larger reading intervention study. Using a multilevel longitudinal SEM model, baseline and post-intervention time points were examined for the contribution of item linguistic complexity, child language skills, and their potential interaction in predicting item level mathematics assessment performance. Item linguistic complexity was an important, stable, and negative predictor of mathematics achievement with children’s language skills significantly and positively predicting mathematics achievement. The interaction between item linguistic complexity and language skills was significant though not stable across time. Following intervention, children with higher language skills performed better on linguistically complex mathematics items. Mathematics achievement may be related to an interaction between children’s language skills and the linguistic demands of the tests themselves.

Pica among Persons with Intellectual Disability: Prevalence, Correlates, and Interventions

Ashworth, Melody January 2006 (has links)
<b>Background:</b> Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) have a higher prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders and challenging behaviours compared to the general population. Though less common, one area of concern among those with ID is pica (the ingestion of inedible substances). To date, there is little knowledge of pica, particularly with respect to its risk factors and social consequences. The closure of Ontario's three remaining facilities by 2009 underscores the importance of having knowledge of complex behaviours such as pica for improving supports and services in the community for these individuals. The aim of this study is to better understand the characteristics and support needs of adults with ID and pica. This study is comprised of a quantitative and qualitative component. <b>QUANTITATIVE STUDY</b> <b>Objectives:</b> To investigate the prevalence, risk factors, social and medical characteristics of pica. To determine how pica is managed in terms of hours of supervision, receipt of interventions, and psychotropic medication. <b>Methods:</b> Secondary data analysis was performed on two samples as part of cross-sectional study: 1008 persons with ID from Ontario's facilities and 420 community-dwelling adults with ID from southwestern Ontario. All persons had been assessed using the interRAI Intellectual Disability (interRAI ID)?a comprehensive and standardized instrument that measures a variety of domains for support planning. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were restricted to the facility sample due to the small size of persons with pica in the community. <b>Results:</b>The overall prevalence of pica was 22. 0% and 3. 3% in the facilities and the community, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that being male, cognitive functioning, autism, and being non-verbal were associated with a higher odds of having pica, whereas activities of daily living (ADL) was a protective factor. A quadratic relationship was observed between cognitive function and pica: the risk of pica increased with severity of cognitive impairment up to moderate to severe levels of impairment and then diminished among those with very severe cognitive impairment. Behaviour management, self-care skills, and 8 hours or more of one-to-one supervision were more likely to be provided to persons with pica. Compared to persons without pica, persons with pica had higher rates of being prescribed antipsychotic medication. Surprisingly, pica was not associated with higher rates of gastrointestinal health problems, with the exception of acid reflux. The negative social outcomes of pica, however, were many: pica was associated with higher odds of not having a strong and supportive relationship with family, lack of contact with family or other close relations, and absence of participation in social and recreational activities. <b>QUALITATIVE STUDY</b> <b>Objective:</b> To determine the support needs of adults with ID and pica from the perspective of direct-care staff of facility and community settings. <b>Methods</b>: Through two focus groups, the perspectives of four staff from Huronia Regional Centre (HRC), and six staff from community agencies from southwestern Ontario were examined. Transcripts were analyzed thematically for factors that facilitated or hindered the management of pica. <b>Results:</b> Qualitative data revealed three categories that underpinned reduction in pica: preventative measures (environmental controls, close supervision, and the provision of alternative activities), formal supports, and familiarity with the individual. On the other hand, inadequate staff support, lower functioning level of the individual, and lack of knowledge acted as barriers to managing and reducing pica. These barriers were associated with persons participating in fewer recreational activities and community outings, and in some cases the use of mechanical restraints. Barriers specific to each setting in the management of pica were also illuminated. Staff in both settings tended to be self-sufficient and isolated in managing this complex behaviour. <b>Conclusions:</b> Results suggest that attention should be equally paid to the potential social consequences of pica rather than solely to its health risks. Higher staff to client ratios, and training and education for staff to provide more active support to promote individuals' engagement in recreational activity and community integration is needed. Key recommendations also focus on educating and training staff on the risk factors and appropriate management of pica. Improving the collaboration and knowledge exchange among developmental service agencies is also recommended to enhance the management of pica among caregivers. Lastly, the community at large needs education on pica to foster more inclusive community living for those with ID.

Föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning -En kunskapsöversikt

Aprili, Jenny, Lindström, Linnéa January 2010 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur valda delar av forskningslitteraturen beskriver och diskuterar kring föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning. Vi fokuserade på den valda forskningslitteraturen utifrån tre teman: Föräldraförmågan hos utvecklingsstörda föräldrar, riskfaktorer för barn som växer upp med utvecklingsstörda föräldrar och stödet från samhället till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning. Den metod som användes var en kunskapsöversikt som delvis tolkades hermeneutiskt. Resultatet av studien visar att de flesta föräldrarna var villiga att ta emot stöd av antingen professionella, anhöriga eller både och för att klara av sitt föräldraskap. Barn till utvecklingsstörda föräldrar kan vara en riskgrupp men behöver inte vara det. Resultatet som handlar om stödet från samhället visar att det är viktigt att föräldrarna erbjuds rätt stöd och att de blir bemötta på ett sådant sätt att de accepterar den hjälp som erbjuds.  Studiens resultat analyserades med hjälp av socialkonstruktionism och utvecklingsekologisk teori. Resultatet ligger i linje med tidigare forskning. / The aim of this study was to investigate how selected parts of the research literature describe and discuss issues concerning parents with intellectual disability. We focused on the selected research literature based on three themes: Parental ability of parents with intellectual disability, risk factors for children growing up with parents with intellectual disability and support from the community of parents with intellectual disability. The method used was a literature overview which was interpreted hermeneutically. The results of this study show that most parents were willing to receive the support of either professional, family, or both, to cope with their parenting. Children of parents with intellectual disability can be a risk group but need not be. The result, concerning the support from the community, shows that it is important that parents are offered the right support and that they are treated in such a way that they accept the help offered. Study results were analyzed with the help of social constructionism and the development of ecological theory. This outcome is consistent with previous research.

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