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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Life story work : a new approach to the person centred supporting of older adults with an intellectual disability in Norway : a qualitative study of the impact of life story work on storytellers and their interlocutors

Westergård, Britt-Evy January 2016 (has links)
Older Norwegian adults with an intellectual disability are today more integrated into society than earlier generations. Some represent the last of the generation that experienced and can talk about childhoods in central institutions and about living under the World War II Nazi regime. The closure of Norwegian institutions, which took place in the1990s, was based on social valuation theories. The post-closure situation for people with intellectual disabilities, their staff and local authorities was very different form what they had experienced previously, local authorities being responsible for providing person-centred services. This thesis examines whether life story work represents an effective approach to the person-centred support of older adults with an intellectual disability, through examining the impact of this work on services users (‘storytellers’) and their life story work supporters (‘interlocutors’). ‘The life story model of identity’ developed primarily by the American psychologist and professor Dan P. McAdams, is a major contribution to the thinking of this study. The model emphasises the importance of service providers’ understanding and knowledge of their service users’ life stories. A combination of critical realism and interpretative phenomenology analysis is advanced as a suitable joint philosophical framework for investigating the impact life story work has on both storytellers with intellectual disabilities (aged 45+) and on the interlocutors they personally chose from their staff group. The Delphi technique was used in a preparatory phase of interviews of six experienced life story workers from three different countries. A Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach was used to prepare the intervention, to develop the LSW programme and for pre- and post-interviews. 38 participants from day centres and residential settings in Norway took part in the study. The results indicate that even staff who had known storytellers for a long time learned new and valuable information. They came into possession of a better understanding of the service users’ behaviour and the interlocutors’ attitudes to service users were changed by the experience of carry out life story work with them. The interlocutors stated that they considered life story work to be ‘important’ in today’s services. The storytellers experienced increased feelings of safety and greater awareness of their abilities, life span (roots) and of themselves as a person (identity and personal development). They expressed pride in their life story work and appreciated the time they had spent talking and working alone with their interlocutors. Storytellers and interlocutors both said that life story work had brought them closer together and the love and appreciation they had for each other was a clear result of the time they had spent together. The eight week programme was, however, also challenging for the interlocutors who had problems finding the opportunity to conduct two hours work a week without interruption from other contextual influences.

“Essas pessoas que envelhecem...” : saberes de adultos com deficiencia intelectual

Linn, Luiziane Brusa da Costa January 2012 (has links)
Compreendendo a velhice como categoria socialmente construída através dos processos de socialização estabelecidos pelo indivíduo ao longo do curso de sua vida e que vão lhe permitir construir sua identidade, considera-se o envelhecimento como um processo individual, entendido e vivenciado por cada um desde o lugar e o papel que a sociedade lhe destina. Partindo dessas concepções, pensar num grupo que tem sua realidade pautada pela exclusão social (do mundo das relações, da escola, do trabalho, etc) implica buscar conhecer como essas pessoas estão percebendo e vivenciando o processo de envelhecimento. Nesta pesquisa, um grupo de adultos com deficiência intelectual nos fala de suas experiências com o processo de envelhecimento e suas imagens da velhice. Por meio da Observação Participante e da técnica do Grupo Focal adaptada às particularidades do grupo, se buscou conhecer os seus saberes e representações da velhice e do processo de envelhecimento. Este estudo pôde se aproximar da construção do conhecimento desse grupo sobre a velhice e o processo de envelhecimento, passando pelas particularidades que marcam o curso de vida dos integrantes do grupo e as construções de si mesmos enquanto sujeitos sociais. Pois é a partir do lugar e papel atribuídos aos sujeitos com deficiência intelectual em nossa sociedade que eles constroem as suas experiências de envelhecimento e é a partir desse lugar que enxergam e nos falam sobre a velhice. É necessário salientar que embora se aborde uma discussão sobre o processo de envelhecimento no contexto da deficiência intelectual, a pesquisa trata de discutir essa questão em um grupo específico de indivíduos, não cabendo generalizações, visto que tanto as maneiras de envelhecer quanto as experiências com a deficiência intelectual são bastante distintas e diversas, e envolvem os mais diversos determinantes. / Understanding old age as a category socially constructed through socialization processes which is established by the individuals throughout their course of life and that will allow them to build their identity, aging is considered as an individual process, understood and experienced for everyone by the place and the role that society had intended to. Based on these concepts, think about one group that has its reality guided by social exclusion (the world of relationships, school, work, etc.) implies seek to know how these people are perceiving and experiencing the aging process. In this research, a group of adults with intellectual disabilities tells of his experiences with the aging process and their images of old age. Through Participant Observation and Focal Group technique adapted to the particularities of the group, the aim is to know his knowledge and representations of old age and the aging process. This study approached the knowledge construction in this group about old age and aging process, passing through the peculiarities that marks the course of their lifes and the construction of themselves as social subjects. Because is from the place and role assigned to individuals with intellectual disabilities in our society that they constructs their experiences of aging, and is from this place that they tell us about old age. It is should also be noted that although it addresses a discussion about the aging process in the context of intellectual disability, this research reports this issue in a specific group of individuals, not fitting generalizations, because, as much the ways of aging as the experiences with intellectual disabilities are very diverse and distinct, involving many different factors.

Sexuality Workplace Issues Among Direct Service Personnel Working With Populations Who Are Intellectually Disabled In Community Integrated Living Arrangements: A Case Study

Sego, Anita 01 August 2015 (has links)
TITLE: SEXUALITY WORKPLACE ISSUES AMONG DIRECT SERVICE PERSONNEL WORKING WITH POPULATIONS WHO ARE INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED IN COMMUNITY INTEGRATED LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: A CASE STUDY MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Roberta Ogletree Background: The purpose of this study was to explore DSP workplace experiences, preparation, employee training, emotions, and perceptions in regards to types of sexual and affectionate behaviors exhibited by intellectually disabled adults in their care in the CILA setting. The study focused on analyzing these topics in relation to sexuality/affectionate behaviors experienced in the CILA workplace using a qualitative case study method. This analysis provided an understanding of what ideas and values DSPs brought to their roles of guiding the sexuality/affectionate behaviors of residents in their care and identified additional training needs from the DSP perspective to help them better do their jobs. Methods: Principles found in qualitative evaluation research were used to examine the influence of sexuality and affectionate behaviors and training within its naturally occurring world. The case was comprised of DSPs from the selected organization, located in a rural college town of approximately 25,000 people. Nine DSPs from five different CILA homes participated in the study. Data were generated using semi-structured interviews, observation of behaviors on interview video tapes, observation of emotional verbal cues on interview audio tapes, document analysis, and field notes. Results: Major themes were identified from data and organized around the research questions. Common categories under affectionate behaviors were dating, flirting, friendship/socialization, holding hands/hugging, media/technology, and problematic behaviors. Common categories under sexuality behaviors were groping, masturbation/females, masturbation/males, and problematic behaviors. Less common categories were affectionate behaviors-attention seeking/ego, sexuality behaviors – sexual intercourse, and sexuality behaviors – dating and marriage. Once data were categorized, each category’s responses were sorted to identify overarching theme areas for recommendations. The themes were Employee Training and Development, Socialization Needs (Affectionate Behaviors, Sexuality, and Relationships), and Language Issues (Positive, Negative, and First Person). Primary strengths identified included thinking of residents as family, the feeling of strong management support, and lack of significant conflict within the CILA homes. Elements that detracted from the DSP experience included low rate of hourly pay, employee turnover among DSP supervisors, lack of specific sexuality education for both staff and residents, limited retention of mandatory training topics, and lack of communication of sexuality policies and procedures. Conclusions were a need for additional training for DSPs and staff on the topics of human sexuality and affectionate behaviors in CILA homes; examining DSP training to increase knowledge retention in the staff; better communication of policies, procedures, and protocols regarding sexuality and affectionate behaviors that pertain to how situations are handled in CILA homes; and ensuring all training materials use first person language.

Delaktighet och inflytande- Vad kan det vara för några elever på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program?

Werner, Maria January 2018 (has links)
To gain knowledge about how students in upper secondary school`s national program describe participation and influence as well as how they describe how they can impact on those important things is a very important knowledge. This study has a student perspective where six students were interviewed each. In addition, observations of pupils scholl days were conducted, where the students were observed together in different classroom settings in different classes. Even so, when moving between breaks and lessons. The purpose of the study is to explore students participation an influence in upper secondary special schools national program. In the study, qualitative interviewing methods have been used with semistructured questions. The result of the study shows several important factors that are important for pupils particiaption, influence anad the ability to influence their schooling. The importance of the group appears to be imprtyant for the participation. Having friends in class, someone to join group work when different school tasks are to be done, and having friends to hang out with breaks. Another result is that you have the ability to self-determination and influence by influencing teaching, the content of the teaching and the different ways. The results of the study also show that students are involved in democaratic processes, and excercise self-determination and influence both for themselves and other students through classcouncils and schoolcouncils. Together theese results form an important part of how the school can meet students with intellectual impairment.

Assistidos e tutelados : o benefício de prestação continuada e a produção de sujeitos in/capacitados

Ferraz, Marco Aurélio Freire January 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem como temática principal a implicação das políticas compensatórias para Pessoas com Deficiência, entre as quais o Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC). Se, após avaliação social e perícia médica, essas pessoas forem avaliadas como incapacitadas para vida autônoma e para o trabalho, passam a receber do Governo Federal um benefício no valor de um salário mínimo. O problema de pesquisa que subsidia meus questionamentos foi assim definido: quais os efeitos da política de Benefício de Prestação Continuada e seus desdobramentos, como BPC escola e BPC trabalho, nos processos de escolarização, trabalho e produção de autonomia de jovens com deficiência intelectual na contemporaneidade? Para aprofundar as respostas ao problema da pesquisa, levantei as seguintes questões: como as estratégias biopolíticas de governamento da população com deficiência intelectual operam nas políticas compensatórias? Como os programas sociais para pessoas com deficiência, BPC, BPC escola e BPC trabalho, colocam em funcionamento tecnologias de in/exclusão? Como as maquinarias político-assistenciais e compensatórias estão produzindo sujeitos assistidos, mas tutelados? A partir disso, três eixos foram priorizados: família, autonomia e trabalho. No tema em questão, são visibilizadas situações em que um programa social instituído para incluir vem produzindo exclusão. Para enfrentar esse processo, são apresentadas algumas alternativas governamentais. Na linha teórica dos Estudos Culturais, de caráter qualitativo, é utilizado, como uma das ferramentas de investigação, o Grupo de Diálogo com jovens com Deficiência Intelectual que participam de um Programa de Trabalho Educativo (PTE) da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre. Esse Programa tem conseguido subjetivar alguns desses jovens através do trabalho, tornando-os mais autônomos e produtivos. Essa situação passa a contradizer os principais critérios para concessão do BPC. / At present thesis has main theme to implication compensatory policies for people with deficiency between them or installment Continued Benefit (BPC). People those that after evaluation social e evaluation medical expertise is as incapable for independent living and to work receive from the federal government a benefit the value of the minimum wage. Or that subsidizes research problem was so my questions defined: what effects installment Continued Benefit and its Continuing developments as BPC School, BPC work, in schooling processes and producing young autonomy of intellectual impairment in contemporary times ? To assist in the conduct of answers to that problem I used the following research questions problem referred to or of research: such as bio-political strategies of government gives population com intellectual impairment operate at the compensatory policies? As social programs for people with disabilities - BPC, BPC and BPC school work - put into operation in / exclusion technology? And again: How the machineries assistance and compensatory policies are producing subjects watched, but protected? Thus three areas have been prioritized in the conduct of research: family, autonomy and work. The survey makes visible situations where a social program set to include have produced exclusion and on the other hand has some alternative government built to face this process. Research in theoretical line of Cultural Studies, qualitative, used as one of the research tools Dialogue Group with young people with intellectual disabilities who participate in an educational work program – PTE the Municipal Network of Porto Alegre Education. Research shows that they have been subjectified the work, making them more autonomous and productive, contradicting the main criteria for granting of this benefit - BPC.

Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem para letramento de alunos com deficiência intelectual / Virtual learning environment for students with intellectual disabilitys literacy

Mara Lúcia Reis Monteiro da Cruz 06 August 2013 (has links)
Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a interação de alunos com deficiência intelectual com a linguagem escrita num ambiente virtual de aprendizagem desenvolvido com a finalidade de implementar atividades de letramento. Baseando-se nos fundamentos da teoria sócio-histórica sobre cultura, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, o presente estudo almeja trazer contribuições para os estudos sobre alfabetização e letramento de pessoas com deficiência intelectual, com a utilização de instrumentos culturais de aprendizagem da cibercultura. Foram seguidos os princípios da abordagem qualitativa, tendo em vista a necessidade de observar e reconhecer os sujeitos em sua individualidade, considerando-os em seu meio sócio-cultural. O referencial metodológico utilizado é a pesquisa-ação crítico-colaborativa. Os resultados do estudo foram organizados em quatro categorias: histórico escolar relatos de sobrevivência; a proteção das famílias; os professores e a construção de uma prática; o uso da tecnologia possibilidades de resgate cultural. As duas primeiras buscam analisar fatores relacionados ao histórico escolar e familiar, que forneçam indícios para a compreensão da constituição dos sujeitos (alunos) como adolescentes ou jovens que não sabem ler e as duas últimas discutem a construção das práticas de letramento, no que diz respeito ao envolvimento dos professores e às possibilidades de aproximação dos alunos com deficiência intelectual à cultura, proporcionadas pelo uso do computador. O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem possibilitou o desenvolvimento de uma prática pedagógica voltada para atender às necessidades educacionais especiais destes alunos e compreender as características de seu processo de internalização da escrita, a partir da mediação do instrumento cultural de aprendizagem e da ação do professor. / This research aims to analyze the interaction of students with intellectual disability with written language in a virtual learning environment developed for the purpose of implementing literacy activities. Based on the fundamentals of socio-historical theory about culture, learning and development, the present study aims to bring contributions to the study of literacy of people with intellectual disabilities, with the use of cultural learning instruments of cyberculture. We followed the principles of qualitative research, in view of the need to observe and recognize the subjects in their individuality, considering them in their socio-cultural environment. The methodological framework used is critical and collaborative action research. The results of the study were organized into four categories: school history - stories of survival; protection families, teachers and the construction of a practice, the use of technology - possibilities for cultural rescue. The first two seek to analyze factors related to family and school records that provide clues to understanding the constitution of the subjects (students) as youth who "can not read" and the last two discuss the construction of literacy practices, concerning the involvement of teachers and the possibilities of approaching students with intellectual disabilities to culture, provided by the use of the computer. The virtual learning environment enabled the development of a pedagogical practice to meet the special educational needs of these students and understand the characteristics of their writing internalization process, from the mediation of cultural learning instrument and teacher's action.

Aplicação e análise de um programa customizado para a inclusão de jovens com deficiência intelectual em atividades laborais. / Application and analysis of a customized program for the inclusion of young people with intellectual disabilities in laboral activities

Annie Gomes Redig 20 October 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo implementar e avaliar um programa de inserção de jovens com deficiência intelectual em atividades laborais na Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.Para tal, foi utilizado o conceito de emprego customizado, que baseia-se na criação e/ou adaptação de postos de trabalho em empresas e outras instituições, se adequando a demanda do empregadorcom as habilidades do sujeito com deficiência, de forma a criar uma função que atenda às necessidades de ambas as partes. Um dos procedimentos da customização do trabalho é o Perfil Pessoal Positivo PPP, uma estratégia para traçar as habilidades e dificuldades dos jovens e adultos com deficiência, de forma a facilitar sua inserção no mercado de trabalho e outros espaços sociais. Participaram da pesquisa quatro jovens com deficiência intelectual, denominados treinandos indicados pelos professores de uma escola especial da rede pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, oriundos decursos de formação inicial e continuada em auxiliar de serviços gerais e auxiliar de contínuo-reprografia. Utilizou-se a metodologia de pesquisa-ação, com dados colhidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e os funcionários da Faculdade de Educação, assim como observação de seu desempenho. Como dados complementares, também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as mães dos jovens e os funcionários da Faculdade de Educação que aturaram diretamente com os treinandos. As entrevistas iniciais com os treinandos serviram como base para traçar seu o PPP, e determinar que atividades seriam mais adequadas para eles. Já as realizadas com os gestores da Faculdade, visaram compreender a dinâmica de funcionamento e as necessidades de trabalho da instituição.A elaboração do PPPpermitiu romperas barreiras impostas pelas exigências do mercado de trabalho, como escolarização mínima, capacitação, entre outras, pois, compreendendo as características do sujeito, é possível encontrar funções laborais que se adequem às suas singularidades e, ao mesmo tempo, atendam às necessidades do empregador. Concluímos, com base nos dados colhidos, que analisar o ambiente de trabalho com o objetivo de oferecer mão deobra adequada para a demanda é pré-requisito para a contratação e inclusão laboral de pessoas com deficiência. A customização do emprego contribui para a eliminação das barreiras atitudinais e preconceitos, aumentando as probabilidades de um desempenho e produção laboral satisfatória, beneficiando, tanto a instituição quanto o funcionário. / The present research has the objective of implement and evaluate a program that inserts young people with intellectual disabilities in work activities at the School of Education College of the Rio de Janeiro State University. For that, the concept of customized job was used, which is based on the creation/adaptation of work posts in companies and other institutions, meeting the demands of the employer with the skills of the handicap person, the forma that benefits both parties. One of the procedures of work customization is the Positive Personal Profile PPP, a strategy to trace the skills and difficulties people with disability have, in a way to facilitate their inclusion in the work market and other social spaces. Four youth with intellectual disability took part on the research, they were called trainees and were indicated by the teachers of a special school of the public network of Rio de Janeiro; they were graduates formation courses in general services (cleaning) and administrative helpers. The methodology used was the action research, with data collected from semi-structured interviews with the subjects and employees of the School of Education, as well as from the observation of their performance. Semi-structured interviews with the mothers of the subjects and with the employees of the Education College that had direct contact with the trainees, provided complementary data. The initial interviews with the trainees served as a foundation to trace their PPP, and determine the activities that would be more adequate for them. The interview with the supervisors from the College had the objective of understanding the functioning dynamic and the institutions work needs. The elaboration of the PPP allowed the break of some barriers of the work market, like minimal school graduation, capacitation, among others, because when you understand the characteristics of the subject you can find work functions that adapt to his uniqueness and at the same time fulfill the employers needs. We conclude, based on the data collected, that analyzing the work environment with the objective of offering proper workforce is prerequisite for laboral inclusion of deficient people. Job customization contributes for eliminating the barriers of attitude and prejudice, enhancing the probabilities of a satisfactory production and performance meeting both the institution and the employees needs.

Isabel na escola: desafios e perspectivas para a inclusão de uma criança com síndrome de down numa classe comum / Isabel at school: challenges and perspectives for the inclusion of a child with down syndrome in a regular class

Kátia Patrício Benevides Campos 28 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a concepção de uma professora sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem de uma criança com Síndrome de Down incluída em uma classe comum de Educação Infantil. Também foi objeto de estudo a busca, junto à referida professora, de procedimentos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento social, afetivo e cognitivo da aluna. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, combinando um estudo de caso de cunho etnográfico com uma pesquisa-ação. Como procedimentos de coletas de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, observação participante e a autoscopia. A análise dos dados foi feita com base na análise de conteúdo, conforme proposta por Bardin (1977). Os dados obtidos, que vêm ao encontro com outros estudos, mostraram as dificuldades de implementação das políticas públicas de inclusão no âmbito do sistema educacional, em geral, e especificamente no caso da escola foco. O processo de inclusão torna-se complexo em virtude de variáveis como: despreparo dos professores em lidar com alunos com deficiência, ausência de conhecimento por parte de professores sobre flexibilização de estratégias de ensino aprendizagem e de organização escolar que não levam em conta a diversidade do alunado. Vimos que a presença da aluna na classe não garantia sua participação nas atividades e que seu processo de escolarização era dificultado pela falta de conhecimentos da professora sobre o desenvolvimento de sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e práticas pedagógicas alternativas. A partir da pesquisa-ação, constatamos mudanças positivas por parte da menina com relação ao desenvolvimento social e afetivo e que a professora, mesmo diante de limitações pedagógicas, contribuiu para esses avanços. Os dados revelaram que os conhecimentos pedagógicos que a professora demonstrava ter, com base nas atividades propostas para os alunos, estavam baseados no ensino tradicional, com uma concepção de educação infantil voltada para a prontidão para a alfabetização, evidenciando uma dificuldade em desenvolver o trabalho pedagógico numa perspectiva sócio-histórica. / This thesis analyses a teachers view about the teaching-learning process of a child withDown Syndrome Child included in a regular class of Early Education. It was also object of investigation the search, with the referred teacher, of procedures favorable to the social, affective and cognitive development of the student. It was a qualitative research, combining an ethnographic type case study with action-research. As data collection procedures were utilized open and semi-structured interviews, participant observation and autoscopy. The data analysis was undertaken based on the content analysis method, as proposed by Bardin (1977).The data obtained, that meet results of other studies, showed the difficulties in implementation of public policies of inclusion in the context of the educational system in general, and specifically in the case of the school that was the focus of this research. The inclusion process becomes complex due to variable such as: lack of preparation of the teachers to deal with students with disabilities, lack of knowledge on the part of the teachers about flexibilization of strategies for the teaching learning process, school organization that does not take into account the diversity of the students. We saw that the presence of the student in the class did not guaranteed her participation in the activities and that her process of education was damaged due to the lack of knowledge of the teacher about development of subjects with intellectual disability and alternative pedagogical practices.With the action-research, we noticed positive changes in the girls social and affective development and that the teacher, even faced with her pedagogical limitations, contributed to these advances. The data revealed that the pedagogical knowledge the teacher demonstrated to have, from the activities proposed for the students, was focused on traditional study methods, with a view of Early Education turned to alphabetization readiness, showing an difficulty to develop the pedagogical work within a social-historical perspective.

História de Vida de alunos com deficiência intelectual: percurso escolar e a constituição do sujeito / Life history of students with intellectual disability: educational background and subject constituition

Katiuscia Cristina Vargas Antunes 05 July 2012 (has links)
Esta tese procura compreender o processo de inclusão escolar dos alunos com deficiência intelectual a partir das suas histórias de vida e da percepção que eles têm da escola, considerando a relação entre deficiência, escola e construção do conhecimento. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola do campo, pertencente à rede pública estadual do município de Teresópolis no Rio de Janeiro. Objetivo principal foi compreender o processo de inclusão das pessoas com deficiência intelectual na escola regular a partir das histórias de cinco jovens inseridos na rede regular de ensino. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa norteada pelo método da história de vida, segundo os pressupostos de Glat (2009), Augras (2009), Ferrarotti (1993) e outros. O referencial teórico adotado no estudo pautou-se na abordagem psicossocial da deficiência, ressaltando a relação que a pessoa com deficiência estabelece com o meio social e cultural do qual faz parte. A partir das histórias de vida dos sujeitos foi possível compreender como os jovens narram sua trajetória escolar, com destaque para as seguintes categorias: 1) trajetória escolar, 2) o papel da escola; 3) relação com os professores e as disciplinas; 4) relação com os colegas dentro e fora da escola; 5) perspectivas de futuro e transição para a vida adulta. O estudo revelou as contradições e a complexidade do processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência intelectual em escolas comuns, particularmente quando se trata da inserção de jovens no segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio. Percebemos que mesmo após anos de discussões e pesquisas sobre a inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência intelectual suas trajetórias ainda são marcadas pela cultura da incapacidade e do descrédito em relação ao que esses alunos podem fazer. As políticas de inclusão, embora bastante avançadas do ponto de vista de suas concepções teóricas, na prática não se traduzem na superação de práticas homogeneizadoras de ensino e organização do espaço escolar. Esperamos que esta pesquisa contribua significativamente para o contexto da educação brasileira, seja no âmbito da escola comum ou da Educação Especial, de maneira que as falas que aqui foram apresentadas ecoem e signifiquem um ponto de reflexão sobre como os sistemas educacionais e nós mesmos estamos compreendendo o processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência e outras necessidades especiais na escola e na sociedade. / This thesis seeks to understand the process of inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities from the point of view of their life histories and the perception they have of the school, considering the relationship between disability, education and knowledge building. The research was conducted in a agricultural public school in Teresópolis, State of Rio de Janeiro. The main objective was to understand the process of inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in regular schools from the life histories of five students people placed in regular education of middle and high school. We conducted a qualitative research based on the Life History method, according to the assumptions Glat (2009), Augras (2009), Ferrarotti (1993) and others. The theoretical framework adopted in the study was based on psychosocial approach of disability, emphasizing the relationship that the disabled person has with the social and cultural environment to which he belongs. From the life histories of the subjects it was possible to understand how young people talk about their school, with emphasis on the following categories: 1) school trajectory, 2) the role of school, 3) relationship with teachers and disciplines, 4) relationships with colleagues inside and outside of school, 5) future prospects and transition to adulthood. The study revealed the contradictions and complexity of the process of inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in regular schools, particularly when it comes to the inclusion of young people in the middle and high school levels of Education. We realized that even after years of discussion and research on school inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities their trajectories are still marked by the culture of disability and disbelief about what these students can do. Inclusion policies, though well advanced in terms of their theoretical concepts, in practice do not result in overcoming the homogenizing practices of teaching and organization of the school. We hope this research will contribute significantly to the context of Brazilian education, either within the regular school or special education, so that the lines that have been submitted and mean echo a point of reflection on how the educational system and we ourselves are comprising the process of inclusion of students with disabilities and other special needs in school and society.

Uma intervenção colaborativa sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência intelectual / A collaborative intervention on the processes of teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities

Patricia Braun 23 November 2012 (has links)
As práticas pedagógicas e processo de ensino e aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência intelectual no ensino comum são o objeto de estudo desta tese. Esta teve por finalidade analisar as estratégias pedagógicas e os suportes educacionais oferecidos para alunos com deficiência intelectual, refletir e elaborar, de forma colaborativa com a equipe pedagógica, ações educativas para a organização do processo de ensino e aprendizagem desse aluno. Para responder à questão inicial do estudo, participamos sistematicamente como pesquisadora do cotidiano escolar do aluno em sala de aula e em outros contextos da rotina das professoras, como reuniões de planejamento, estudos de caso e conselhos de classe. As interfaces metodológicas qualitativas adotadas foram o estudo de caso etnográfico para a 1 etapa e a pesquisa-ação colaborativa para a 2 etapa. Na 1 etapa, fomos a campo para conhecer os processos estabelecidos para a escolarização de três alunos com deficiência intelectual, em anos de escolaridade diferentes, e envolveu 15 profissionais do 1 segmento do ensino fundamental. A partir da análise de conteúdo dos registros do diário de campo, da observação participante, das entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagens em sala de aula, organizamos as reflexões e análises sobre como é compreendida a deficiência intelectual, as relações que se estabelecem com a aprendizagem e as práticas pedagógicas que envolveram os três alunos. Na segunda etapa, fomos a campo para colaborar com seus atores a partir da proposta do ensino colaborativo, respaldadas pelo referencial histórico-cultural. As ações colaborativas junto às professoras de sala de aula e da sala de recursos multifuncionais (SRM) foram desenvolvidas tendo o aluno Ian como sujeito das reflexões e análises sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Como resultados do estudo observamos que a presença do aluno com deficiência intelectual na escola comum ainda é motivo de estranhamento. O formato da estrutura curricular indica o quanto é difícil garantir processos de ensino e aprendizagem para o aluno com deficiência intelectual. Apesar do perfil diferenciado na formação das professoras, dúvidas sobre como organizar o ensino para esse aluno eram comuns em seus relatos. A partir da colaboração estabelecida, na 2 etapa do estudo, entre as professoras especialistas (da SRM e pesquisadora) e as professoras de sala de aula, observamos essas ampliarem a iniciativa na organização/adequação de atividades, em suas áreas de conhecimento específicas, considerando a participação e forma pela qual o aluno poderia adquirir o conhecimento trabalhado. Nesse contexto, percebemos a relevância da complementaridade entre estratégias pedagógicas para garantir o ensino, a participação e a aprendizagem do aluno, tanto em sala de aula quanto na SRM. As práticas favoreceram o aluno na medida em que as condições de ensino, para sua aprendizagem, passaram a ser conhecidas e consideradas. A mediação planejada, intencional e desafiadora, em todos os ambientes da escola, foi fundamental para que compreendêssemos como organizar o ensino para a aprendizagem de Ian. Sob essas condições observamos Ian demonstrar sua capacidade para elaborar conceitos cotidianos e complexos, em diferentes áreas do currículo escolar. / This doctoral dissertation aims at examining the pedagogical strategies and educational support offered to students with intellectual disabilities. It also reflects and elaborates, collaboratively with the teaching staff, proper educational activities for the organization of the teaching and learning process of these types of students. To answer the first question we systematically participated as researcher in the students daily school routine in the classroom as well as in the teachers routines such as planning meetings, case studies and class councils. Methodology involved the ethnographic case study for Stage 1 and collaborative action research for the 2nd stage. In the first stage we went to the field to understand the types of processes used for schooling the three students with intellectual disabilities in different school years. This involved 15 professionals from the 1st segment of elementary school. From the content analysis of the records in the field journal, and the participants observation, in semi-structured interviews as well as classroom videotaping we were able to organize thoughts and analysis on intellectual disability and how it is understood. We also took a look at the relationships established with learning and the pedagogical practices involving the three students. In the second stage, we went to the field to collaborate with the participants starting with the education collaborative proposal, which is backed through historical and cultural references. The collaborative actions that the teachers have in the classroom as well as in the multifunctional resource room (SRM) were developed with a student named Ian who was the subject of reflections and insights on the process of teaching and learning. From the results of the study we observed that the presence of students with intellectual disabilities in regular schools is still a cause for estrangement. The format of the curriculum indicates how difficult it is to ensure teaching and learning processes for students with intellectual disabilities. Despite the differential profile in teacher training, questions about how to organize the teaching of that student were common in their accounts. With the collaboration established in the 2nd stage of the study, between the teachers in the classroom and specialists (the SRM and researcher) we observed that this expanded the initiative in the organization and activities in their specific areas of knowledge, considering participation and how the student could acquire this knowledge which was worked on. In this context, we realize the importance of complementarily teaching strategies to ensure teaching, participation, and student learning both in the classroom and in the SRM. These practices favor the student as teaching conditions for his learning came to be known and considered. The mediation which was planned purposefully and challenging for all of the school environments was a keystone for us to understand how to organize teaching for Ians learning. Under these conditions we observed Ian demonstrating his ability to produce complex and everyday concepts in different areas of the school curriculum.

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