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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harnessing A Shared Value Between Generational Workers: The Optimum Leave Policy for Generational Workers in the Behavioral Healthcare Industry

Jones , James W January 2023 (has links)
How policies offering flexible or unlimited PTO shape employees of different generations’ intentions to stay in behavioral health is not well understood. Using Caplow et al.’s 5Ps theory as a framework, 20 participants of various generations in the workforce were interviewed to explore the perceptions of flexible or unlimited PTO policies among behavioral healthcare workers as they related to perceptions of satisfaction, productivity, and intent to leave. Eight themes emerged from thematic analysis. The themes (a) different generational groups have different PTO preferences, (b) PTO policies required responsibility and accountability of workers, (c) PTO policies are not reasons to leave the behavioral healthcare industry, and (d) PTO policies created feelings of being valued and respected among generational workers (e) generational workers feel satisfied with the autonomy they enjoy with PTO policies, (f) generational workers feel satisfied with the amount of time they spend with people as a result of PTO policies, (g) generational workers can focus on working when they feel rested and healthy, and (h) generational workers feel accomplished and in control of their work. Key findings from this study indicated that effectively implementing these policies could improve employee retention and engagement, reduce employee burnout and turnover, and increase employee work-life balance, which is expected not only to improve employee recruitment and retention, but result in better patient care. / Business Administration/Strategic Management

The Effect Of Job Strain In The Hospital Environment: Applying Orem's Theory Of Self Care

Andrews, Diane 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the causal relationships between job strain, the practice environment and the use of coping skills in order to assist in the prediction of nurses who are at risk for voluntary turnover. It was conducted at the level of the individual nurse employee in order to better understand the health consequences associated with job strain, the factors in the professional practice environment which may contribute to the propensity to leave and the influence of coping behaviors in response to workplace stressors. It was undertaken with the intention of identifying intervention strategies which will promote a healthy workforce and the retention of nurses in the workplace. An exploratory cross-sectional survey of 1235 staff nurses employed on the intensive, progressive and general medical-surgical nursing units of seven hospitals associated with a major Central Florida healthcare network tested a client-centered model in an effort to identify nurses vulnerable to the health consequences of job strain using structural equation modeling. Human subject protection was assured. An 82 item questionnaire was used to collect demographic data and measure responses to items associated with the constructs of health status, autonomy, collaboration, decentralization, coping, satisfaction, absenteeism and intent to leave. A variety instruments that were previously demonstrated as valid and reliable were used in the construction of the instrument. Subjects were also given the option of including additional written comments. A total of 325 surveys were returned, of which 308 met inclusion criteria, for a response rate of 25%. Data analysis determined that the measurement of job strain as a function of self-assessed generic health status was predictive of propensity to leave (ã = -.21). The experience of job strain shared a strong association with indicators of mental health status. Job strain was significantly influenced by coping behavior (ã = .56) which targeted activities associated with sustaining and balancing. Anecdotal remarks suggested that the need for balance influenced perceptions regarding stressors in the workplace. The professional practice environment was associated negatively with the propensity to leave (ã = -.58). Those staff nurses who experienced higher levels of autonomy expressed a greater degree of satisfaction and lower intent to leave. The variables of collaboration and decentralization contributed minimally to the construct of professional practice. Anecdotal remarks suggested that the low contribution of collaboration and decentralization contributed to a sense of powerlessness and frustration with work related circumstances. The influence of job strain, coping and the professional practice environment upon staff nurses suggests that health promotion strategies, efforts to enhance coping behavior and promotion of a professional practice environment will increase employee satisfaction and reduce intent to leave. Adoption of policies and procedures which support the health and well-being of individual staff members will benefit employees, strengthen the organizations in which they practice and promote the overall retention of nurses in the face of looming nurse shortages.

An Examination of Online Volunteers' Organizational and Work-Group Identification and Intent to Leave: A Case Study of OCEF

Huang, Wei 01 August 2013 (has links)
This study examined the relationships among organizational identification,work-group identification and intent to leave of online volunteers in a nonprofit organization—OCEF. A total of 245 participants completed the online questionnaire. Consonant with previous research findings, organizational identification and work-group identification has positive relationships; however, the hypothesis that both organizational identification and work-group identification negatively predict intent to leave of online volunteers was not supported in the present study. Furthermore, the level of organizational identification and work-group identification of online volunteers were high, but did not have difference in this study.

L'influence des trois formes de tensions de rôle sur l'absentéisme et l'intention de départ du personnel infirmier / The influence of the three forms of role stressors on absenteeism and intent to leave of nursing staff

Randon, Sophie 25 September 2015 (has links)
De plus en plus de contraintes pèsent sur les organisations avec de plus en plus de règles et de procédures à respecter. Ces contraintes ont une répercussion sur les salariés et se traduisent notamment par un surcroît de pression et de stress. Le secteur de la santé n’est pas épargné par ce phénomène de société avec des défis majeurs à relever : contenir l’augmentation des dépenses de santé, faire face aux progrès de la médecine et de la technologie, faire face également à la pression du public pour l’amélioration de la qualité et de la sécurité des soins, et répondre à une demande accrue due au vieillissement de la population. Ces défis peuvent générer chez le personnel soignant de l’absentéisme et du turnover. L’absentéisme et le turnover du personnel infirmier représentent un problème de santé publique coûteux et désorganisant. Les travaux réalisés sur l’absentéisme et l’intention de départ montrent qu’il s’agit de concepts à la mécanique complexe. Une lecture de ces comportements à travers les concepts d’implication organisationnelle, de satisfaction au travail et de tensions de rôle permet d’appréhender la complexité de ces phénomènes. Les précédents travaux sur les tensions de rôle n’ont jusqu’à présent jamais mesuré conjointement les trois formes de tensions de rôle. En effet, ils ont en majorité porté sur le conflit de rôle au détriment des deux autres formes de tensions de rôle (ambiguïté de rôle et surcharge de rôle). Une analyse simultanée des trois formes de tensions de rôle représenterait pourtant un intérêt managérial important puisqu’elle permettrait d’orienter préférentiellement les actions managériales sur la ou les formes de tensions de rôle qui sont véritablement des facteurs explicatifs des variables dépendantes. Cela conduirait à une meilleure adaptation des pratiques de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, et à terme favoriserait leur efficacité. Telle est l'ambition de notre travail de thèse. Une première étude qualitative exploratoire, adossée à une revue rigoureuse de la littérature, nous a permis de construire des modèles de recherche que nous avons ensuite confrontés à l'épreuve des faits dans une étude quantitative mobilisant plus de 300 personnels infirmiers et une trentaine de cadres de santé. Notre travail contribue à éclairer le déterminisme des tensions de rôle dans le phénomène de turn-over, ou plus précisément dans les intentions de départ des personnels, ainsi que dans la satisfaction au travail, et l'implication organisationnelle. Nos résultats sont plus décevants s'agissant de l'absentéisme, ce qui souligne la difficulté de son étude et tend à confirmer la complexité de ce phénomène. / There are more and more constraints weighing on organizations, with more and more rules and procedures to respect. These constraints have a repercussion on employees, in particular through increased pressure and stress. The health sector has not been spared by this societal phenomenon and must face major challenges that lie ahead: contain increased health care costs, face technological and medical advances, deal with public pressure to improve the quality and security of health care and respond to a rising demand due to the ageing population.These challenges may give rise to absenteeism and turnover among caregivers. Absenteeism and turnover among nursing staff constitutes a major public health problem that is both costly and disrupting. Work carried out on absenteeism and departure intentions shows that complicated, intricate concepts are involved. Interpreting these behaviours through the concepts of organisational commitment, job satisfaction and role stressors allows one to grasp the complexity of these phenomena. Previous work done so far on role tensions has never jointly measured the three different forms of role tensions. In fact, the majority have concentrated on role conflict, to the detriment to the two other forms (role ambiguity and role overload). A simultaneous analysis of the three forms of role tensions, however, would be of great managerial interest as it would preferentially orientate management action on the form or forms of role tension which are the true explanatory factors in dependent variables. This would lead to better adaptation of the Human Resources Management practices and, in the end, boost their efficiency. This is the aim of our research. An exploratory qualitative study, supported by rigorous review of the literature, allowed us to construct research models that were tested in a quantitative study involving 300 nurses and around 30 health professionals. Our work contributes to shedding light on the determination of role tensions in the turnover phenomenon, or more precisely on the intent to leave of personnel, as well as job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Our findings are more disappointing in regard to absenteeism, which highlights the difficulty of its study and tends to confirm the complexity of this phenomenon.

Se mig så stannar jag kvar : Hur delaktighet i beslutsprocesser och arbetsnöjdhet påverkar medarbetares intention att stanna inom ett företag / Notice me and I will stay : How participation in the decision-making process and job satisfaction affects the intention to stay within a company

Leszczynska, Barbara, Mekonem, Ruth January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Då globalisering och teknikutveckling kan medföra utmaningar,  bör organisationer dra nytta av medarbetarnas kompetenser i största möjliga mån. Det har skett ett skifte där byråkratiska organisationer i allt större utsträckning ersätts av mer kunskapsintensiva organisationer (Kärreman m.fl. 2002). Dessa kunskapsföretag kännetecknas av komplex problemlösning (ne.se) och framträdande i företagen är att kunskap utgör det främsta konkurrensmedlet (Forslund, 2013). Det har därför blivit viktigare att rekrytera rätt men också behålla relevant kompetens inom företaget. Det är tidigare känt att en medarbetares avgång innebär ökade kostnader i form av både rekrytering och upplärning (Fisher och Gitelson 1983; Grey et al 2000).  För att mäta hur stor del av kompetensen som försvinner ur organisationen används nyckeltalet personalomsättning. Nyckeltalet avslöjar dock inte varför medarbetarna slutar sin anställning och frågor många ledare inom organisationer ställer sig blir hur de kan behålla personalen, få dem att känna sig delaktiga,  trivas på arbetsplatsen och hjälpa dem att utvecklas (Bass 2006). När det gäller avsikten att stanna inom företaget har flera studier fokuserat på arbetsnöjdhet (Ravari A, Bazargan-Hejazi, Ebadi, et al. i Yarbrough & Pam et al; Ladd och Marshall 2004). Cho et al. (2009) drar slutsatsen att ett engagemang i organisationen minskar medarbetarnas avsikt att lämna organisationen (Cho et al. 2009). En metod för att ta till vara på befintlig kunskap i organisationen är att göra medarbetarna delaktiga i beslutsfattandet (Connel 1998). Ledare inom organisationer bör därför beakta vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att påverka medarbetarna att uppfatta sitt värde samt att ledningen bryr sig om de anställda (Cho et al. 2009). Likaså menar Allen et al. (2003) att organisationer, som genom formella rutiner, uppmuntrar delaktighet i beslutsprocessen även måste följa upp medarbetarnas förslag som en bekräftelse på att deras kunskap är av betydelse. Cho et al. (2009) har studerat avsikten att både stanna och lämna organisationen utifrån tre faktorer, dessa är upplevt stöd från organisationen, upplevt stöd från chefen samt upplevt engagemang i organisationen. Vår ambition med denna studie var att komplettera deras synsätt med att studera om dels deltagande i beslutsprocessen men även arbetsnöjdheten är faktorer som påverkar att medarbetarna stannar inom ett kunskapsföretag. Vi vill även studera hur bristen av delaktighet i beslutsfattandet kan påverka att medarbetare avslutar sin anställning. Syfte: Från ett medarbetarperspektiv ämnar denna studie att analysera och undersöka hur medarbetarnas upplevda delaktighet i beslutsprocesser samt arbetsnöjdhet påverkar viljan att stanna inom ett företag. Metod: Eftersom uppsatsen syftar till att analysera människors uppfattningar om ett fenomen har studien en fenomenografisk metodansats. För att inrymma respondenternas olika synvinklar genomfördes intervjuer, baserade på halvstrukturerade, tematiska intervjufrågor. Vår teoretiska referensram syftar ge en överblick över området medarbetares avsikt att stanna samt lämna företaget. Efter vår granskning av vetenskapliga publikationer och artiklar, ger avsnittet även en omfattande insikt i de teoretiska begreppen delaktighet i beslutsprocessen och arbetsnöjdhet. Vi har sedan arbetat deduktivt och teorierna ligger vidare till grund för uppsatsens analysmodell som ska beprövas. Studien har dessutom analyserat och uppmärksammat likheter samt skillnader mellan våra studieobjekt och har därigenom fått en komparativ karaktär. Slutsatser: Sammantaget lyfter medarbetarna upp att delaktighet är viktigt, i synnerhet möjlighet att påverka och att vara en del av företaget Förhållandet mellan deltagande i beslutsfattande och arbetsnöjdhet ser respondenterna som något positivt och viktigt Otydlighet och brist på struktur har förekommit på företagen som våra respondenter hade lämnat Otydlig rollfördelning såsom rollkonflikt, rollöverbelastning och rolltvetydighet är faktorer som i sin tur påverkat både arbetsnöjdhet men också i förlängningen avsikten att lämna företaget Fenomenet arbetsnöjdhet är ganska brett och vi har kommit fram till att vår teoretiska modell inte varit komplett. Vi anser att det behövs en bredare teori och begreppsapparat / Background: Increasingly, traditional bureaucratic, and hierarchical organizations, are being replaced by a new type of company, called knowledge companies. These companies are more characterized by complex problem solving (Kärreman; ne.se) and for what is prominent as the main competitive subject are no longer machines, real estate or money, it is the knowledge among employees (Forslund, 2013). In order to meet the challenges of globalization and new technologies, modern organizations should maximize the use of the knowledge within the often-well-educated workforce. It is therefore even more important, not only to recruit, but also to maintain the right competence within the company. A method to incorporate existing knowledge in the organization is by incorporating the employees into the decision-making process inthe company (Connel 1998). If an employee leaves the organization, it will lead to increased costs in the terms of both recruitment and training (Fisher and Gitelson 1983; Grey et al 2000). There are different ratios to calculate that, for example, the measure of employee turnover. Since employee turnover does not explain the reasons of why employees leave their jobs, the measurement cannot be viewed as complete. An important question, many leaders in the organizations are asking, is how to retain their employees, make them thrive, and help them develop (Bass 2006). In the terms of employees’ intention to stay within company, several past studies have focused on job satisfaction (Ravari et al. in Yarbrough & Pam et al; Ladd and Marshall 2004). Cho et al. (2009) on the other hand, concludes that it is the commitment of the organization that reduces the employee's intention to leave the organization (Cho et al. 2009). Leaders within the organizations, should therefore aim to influence employees to develop a mindset in which the employee understands their value within the organization, and sees, that the management cares about theirworkers. Similarly, Allen et al. (2003) argues that if the organization encourage participation in decision-making processes, they also need to acknowledge the employees'. Cho et al. (2009) has studied the intention to both stay, and to leave the organization, based on three factors: perceived organizational support, perceived support from the management, and perceived involvement in the organization. Our ambition with this study, is to supplement their approach, and study whether participation in the decision-making process, and job satisfaction are factors, that influences the employees to stay within a knowledge-based company. We also want to study, how the lack of participation in decision-making and job satisfaction may affect the employee’s intent to resign. Purpose of the study: This study intends to analyze and examine how employees ' perceived participation, in decision-making processes, and job satisfaction affect the willingness to stay within an organization. Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, we have used a qualitative method of research. The essay aims to analyze people's perceptions of a phenomenon; therefore, this study will have a phenomenological approach. The theories and previous research presented, aims to give an overview of employees' intention to stay or leave the company, and a more comprehensive understanding of the theoretical concepts, of participation in decision-making, and job satisfaction, based on the examination of scientific publications, and articles. From these theories, we have both developed a frame of reference and a theoretical model. This has helped us to comprehend how, and what to target, in the collection of data for the study. The study compares the intent to stay from three perspectives, and our respondents for the interviews, consisted of employees who still work within an organization, employees who have departed with the organization, and the HR point of view of the organization. Since we have three perspectives, the phenomenologicaldata analysis will be combined with a comparative analyze. Conclusions: Overall, employees underline the importance of participation, in particular the possibility of influencing and being a part of the company. Our respondents perceived the relationship between participation in decision-making, and job satisfaction as positive and important Many of our respondents who had left their employment, distinguished between the notion of ambiguity, and lack of structure of their past organizations Skill significance burst in contrast to what the respondents needed Unclear roles such as role conflict, role overload and role ambiguity, are factors that in turn affect both job satisfaction, but also the intent to leave the company. The phenomenon of job satisfaction is quite comprehensive, which conclude that our theoretical model is not complete. We believe, that a broader theoretical aspect and conceptual apparatus, is needed to understand the concept of intent to stay within an organization.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Motivators Predicting Likelihood of Employee Intent to Leave

Jefferson, Rachara 01 January 2018 (has links)
An employee's intent to leave an organization is the most common predictor of employee turnover. Employee turnover can cost an organization 150% to 250% of a worker's annual compensation to replace and train an employee. Understanding employee intent to leave is vital for federal agency leaders to help reduce turnover. Grounded in Herzberg's 2-factor model, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the likelihood of employee perceptions regarding work experience, leadership practices, and supervisor relationships with employees predicting employee intent to leave. Archival data were analyzed for 297 employees who completed the 2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. The results of the binary logistic regression analysis indicated the full model, containing the 3 predictor variables (employee perceptions regarding work experience, leadership practices, and supervisor relationships with employees), was useful in distinguishing between respondents who reported and did not report they intended to take another job outside the federal government within the next year, with X2 (3, N = 297) = 111.27 and p < .001. Two of the predictor variables--employee perceptions of work experience and leadership practices--made a statistically significant contribution to the model. Employee perceptions of supervisor relationships with employees were not significant. The implications of this study for positive social change include the opportunity for human resources professionals and organizational leaders to gain an understanding of employee intent to leave, its impact on the workplace, and the potential to contribute to higher employment levels.

Student worker satisfaction and retention in campus recreation

Grimes, Michael G 06 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the job constructs influencing campus recreation undergraduate student workers’ satisfaction and retention and how their job satisfaction relates to job retention. The job constructs measured against job satisfaction and retention were job embeddedness, perceived organizational support, perceived organizational prestige, and organizational commitment. An online survey was sent out for 14, four-year, public universities in two southeastern states. A total of 108 undergraduate student employees responded to the survey. Descriptive statistics and a correlation matrix were performed in order to analyze the data and the relationship between the variables. Three regressions were used to measure the significance of the variables relationship. This study’s results suggest that those students who are more committed to the organization are more likely to be satisfied with their job. Additionally, those students who are more embedded in their job are more likely to return to their job.

Culture du bloc opératoire, rétention infirmière et intention de quitter : une ethnographie focalisée

Laflamme, Karine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A Recipe for Success: An Explanatory Mixed Methods Study of Factors Impacting the Retention of Midlevel Student Affairs Professionals

Walterbusch, Tracey Lynn 10 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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