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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demokratiteoretisk analys av läromedel i Samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie om det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY-2011 / Democratic theory analysis of educational materials in Civic Education : A qualitative study of theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education 1a1 and 1b during GY-2011

Ahlström, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative study is done with the purpose of creating understanding for the theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education courses 1a1 and 1b during GY-11, so teachers create an intentional approach when using educational materials in their democratic education. This was motivated as important considering the reduction in obligatory Civic Education for the vocational programs. The study was conducted using a hermeneutic qualitative reading method where the educational materials, more specifically two series with one book for each course, was read with purpose of creating understanding for the democratic content according to ideal democratic models: deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy. A text voice analysis was also conducted using Bakhtins theory of dialogic and monologue text that contributed to the general result concerning the democratic content. The results show that the electoral democracy ideal is dominant in all educational materials, there is hence no striking difference between the democratic content in 1a1 and 1b educational materials. Though the study shows intention in the 1a1 educational materials towards a more participatory democracy ideal, the electoral ideal are still clearly dominant. / Denna kvalitativa studie är genomförd med syftet att skapa förståelse för det demokratiteoretiska innehåll som finns i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY11, så att lärare kan skapa ett medvetet förhållningsätt till läromedel i deras demokratiundervisning. Detta upplevdes som väldigt aktuellt med tanke på nedskärningen av den obligatoriska Samhällskunskapen på yrkesförberedande program. I studien användes kvalitativ hermeneutisk läs metod där läromedlen, närmare bestämt två serier av böcker med en bok för respektive kurs, lästes med syftet att skapa förståelse för det demokratiska innehållet enligt de demokratiteoretiska ideal modellerna: deliberativ demokrati, deltagardemokrati och valdemokrati. En text röst analys genomfördes också där Bakthins teori om dialogiska och monologiska texter användes och detta bidrog till det generella resultatet rörande demokratiteoretiskt innehåll. Resultatet visar att det valdemokratiska idealet är dominerande i samtliga läromedel, det finns alltså ingen slående skillnad mellan det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för 1a1 och 1b. Dock visar studien intentioner i läromedlen för 1a1 om en ansats mot mer deltagardemokratiska ideal, trots detta är det valdemokratiska idealet klart dominant också där.

Maternal sensitive responsiveness, characteristics and relations to child early communicative and linguistic development

Paavola, L. (Leila) 03 October 2006 (has links)
Abstract The present longitudinal follow-up study had two main goals. Firstly, this study aimed to describe aspects of maternal interactive/communicative behaviour that could be considered constitutive in sensitive responsiveness. Secondly and most importantly, it aimed to find predictive relations between characteristics of mother-infant interaction around the onset of infant intentional communication and subsequent child communicative and linguistic development. The participants were 27 Finnish-speaking mothers and their healthy first-born infants. Analyses of the amount and types of maternal and infant communicative acts as well as maternal responses to infant signals were carried out from videotaped free-play samples at the infants' age of 10 months. In addition, the CARE-Index was used to rate maternal sensitivity and infant co-operativity. At 12 months, children's communicative and linguistic skills were assessed by using the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories and the Communication and Symbolic Behaviour Scales. At 30 months, the Reynell Developmental Language Scales III was used to assess comprehensive and expressive language. The results suggest that maternal activity in eliciting interaction and conversational interchanges is characteristic of sensitive responsiveness around the onset of infant intentionality. However, very distinctive aspects of verbal behaviour that might be constitutive in sensitive responsiveness were not found — probably as a result of considerable individual variation in all aspects of maternal as well as infant interactive/communicative behaviour that were analysed. As predictors of communicative and linguistic skills at 12 months, both maternal and infant characteristics made a significant contribution. In general, the predictive relations found were quite specific. In turn, except for the predictive validity of maternal sensitivity for comprehensive language at 30 months, later language outcomes were predicted only by children's communicative and linguistic skills at 12 months, suggesting that over time, language development becomes increasingly child-driven. Individual differences in early communicative capacities may also to some extent mask the language-facilitating effects of parenting. On the other hand, some potentially facilitating effects of parental behaviour may be elicited by the infant's well-advanced communicative skills. The importance to acknowledge transactional processes in parent-child interaction is highlighted — both in future research and clinical applications.

Acting and understanding

Blomberg Stathopoulos, Alexander C. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concerns the question of what it is for a subject to act. It answers this question in three steps. The first step is taken by arguing that any satisfactory answer must build on the idea that an action is something predicable of the acting subject. The second step is taken by arguing in support of an answer which does build on this idea, and does so by introducing the idea that acting is doing something which is an exercise of a particular kind of disposition on the part of the acting subject. The third step is taken by arguing that the disposition in question must be of a kind which is exercised in conditions in which the acting subject thinks they are acting. From this vantage point the thesis develops many further commitments: That action is constitutively subject to a mode of explanation that mentions the kind of disposition just mentioned; that any case of acting requires a veridical representation of a means by which the action is performed; and that a problem about the underspecified nature of desire ascriptions can be solved by appeal to the conceptual materials made available by these investigations. The thesis finally develops several objections to the account it gives, both substantive and methodological, and explains why these objections ought to be rejected.

Méthodes statistiques pour le calcul d’interférences électromagnétiques extrêmes au sein de systèmes complexes / Statistical methods for the computation of extreme electromagnetic interferences within complex systems

Larbi, Mourad 11 February 2016 (has links)
La prolifération des électroniques et des émetteurs radiofréquences rend de plus en plus compliqué le processus de conception des systèmes sur le plan CEM. Ce processus doit aboutir à limiter le risque d’interférences ou de défauts au niveau le plus faible notamment dans le contexte des interférences électromagnétiques intentionnelles (IEMI). Ces défauts CEM doivent alors être anticipés lors de la phase de conception. Cependant, du fait de la dispersion des valeurs prises par certains paramètres du système, la modélisation déterministe éprouve quelques difficultés à identifier le risque encouru. La mauvaise connaissance de l’effet des incertitudes associées au système, aboutit alors à prendre des marges de conception considérables conduisant à des surcoûts de fabrication. Pour cette raison, il est devenu important de prendre en compte l’impact des incertitudes des différents paramètres constitutifs d’un système (en phase de conception). Ces paramètres sont essentiellement géométriques (e.g. position de câblages) ou électromagnétiques (e.g. caractéristiques intrinsèques de matériaux). Ils influent par nature sur les performances CEM de ce système. Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l’analyse de la propagation des incertitudes relatives à ces paramètres sur des sorties de modèles de CEM. Le but visé, consiste à quantifier sous une forme probabiliste, le risque de défaut d’un système contenant de nombreux paramètres incertains. Ce type d’étude statistique devrait également permettre, via des analyses de sensibilité, des stratégies de conception de systèmes « fiables » ou à moindres coûts. Dans le contexte des applications visées, les approches dites « fiabilistes » et la méthode dite de « stratification contrôlée », ont été identifiées comme intéressantes, du point de vue de l’analyse d’événements extrêmes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes consacrés à la transposition des méthodes fiabilistes dans un contexte CEM. Ces techniques permettent de quantifier la probabilité de défaillance d’un système, définie comme le dépassement d’un seuil de risque, et renseignent, via une analyse de sensibilité locale, sur les paramètres clés à ajuster. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la méthode de stratification contrôlée, non appliquée à ce jour à notre connaissance en CEM. L’objectif de cette approche consiste à estimer un quantile extrême de la réponse d’intérêt d’un modèle rigoureux, via l’utilisation d’un modèle simple beaucoup moins coûteux en termes de temps de calcul. Ce processus permet d’accélérer l’obtention d’observations extrêmes, nécessaires à l’estimation du quantile recherché. Les deux techniques ont été mises en oeuvre sur un problème complexe dans un contexte IEMI, pour estimer la probabilité d’occurrence d’événements d’interférences extrêmes. Elles ont permis de dégager des tendances similaires, quant à l’importance de certains paramètres d’entrée incertains sur les événements rares. Les deux méthodes, bien appliquées, pourraient constituer un apport considérable en matière de conception CEM. / The proliferation of electronic and radio frequency transmitters makes more complicated the system design process on the EMC point of view. This process should lead to limit the risk of interferences or defects to lowest level particularly in the context of intentional electromagnetic interferences (IEMI). Therefore, these EMC defects have to be anticipated during the design stage. However, due to the dispersion of the values taken by some parameters of the system, the deterministic modeling presents some difficulties to identify the involved risk. The poor knowledge of the uncertainties effect associated with the system, leads then to take important design margins at the price of additional costs of manufacturing. For this reason, it has become important to take into account the impact of uncertainties of the various constituent parameters of a system (at the design stage). These parameters are essentially geometric (e.g. position of wirings) or electromagnetic (e.g. intrinsic characteristics of materials) ones. They influence by nature the EMC performance of this system. This thesis work deals with the analysis of the propagation of uncertainties of these parameters on EMC model outputs. It aims at quantifying in a probabilistic form, the default risk of a system containing numerous uncertain parameters. This type of statistical analysis should also allow through sensitivity analyses, design strategies of “reliable” systems or at lower cost. In the context of targeted applications, the so-called “reliability approaches” and the “controlled stratification” method have been identified as interesting from the point of view of the analysis of extreme events. Firstly, we are dedicated to the transposition of reliability methods in an EMC context. These techniques are used to quantify the probability of failure of a system, defined as the probability of exceeding a threshold of risk. They inform through a local sensitivity analysis, on the key parameters to adjust. Secondly, we have focused our work on the controlled stratification method, not yet applied in EMC as far as we know. The objective of this approach is to estimate an extreme quantile of the interest response of a rigorous model, using of a much cheaper simple model in terms of computation time. This process allows to speed up the identification of extreme observations required for the estimation of the researched quantile. Both techniques have been applied on a complex problem in an IEMI context, to estimate the probability of occurrence of extreme interference events. They have revealed similar trends as regards to the importance of some uncertain input parameters on rare events. Both methods, properly applied, could provide a significant contribution in terms of EMC design strategy.

Being and time, §15 : around-for references and the content of mundane concern

Kelly, Howard Damian January 2014 (has links)
This thesis articulates a novel interpretation of Heidegger’s explication of the being (Seins) of gear (Zeugs) in §15 of his masterwork Being and Time (1927/2006) and develops and applies the position attributed to Heidegger to explain three phenomena of unreflective action discussed in recent literature and articulate a partial Heideggerian ecological metaphysics. Since §15 of BT explicates the being of gear, Part 1 expounds Heidegger’s concept of the ‘being’ (Seins) of beings (Seienden) and two issues raised in the ‘preliminary methodological remark’ in §15 of BT regarding explicating being. §1.1 interprets the being (Sein) or synonymously constitution of being (Seinsverfassung) of a being (Seienden) as a regional essence: a property unifying a region (Region), district (Bezirk), or subject-area (Sachgebiet) – a highly general (‘regional’) class of entities. Although Heidegger posits two components of the being of a being, viz. material-content (Sachhaltigkeit, Sachgehalt) and mode-of-being (Seinsart) or way-of-being (Seinsweise, Weise des Seins, Weise zu sein) (1927/1975, 321), the unclarity of this distinction means that it does not figure prominently herein. §1.2 addresses Heidegger’s distinction between ontological and ontic investigations and his notion of ‘modes of access’ (Zugangsarten, Zugangsweisen). Part 2 expounds §15 of BT’s explication of the being of gear. §2.1 analyses Heidegger’s two necessary and sufficient conditions for being gear and three core basic concepts (Grundbegriffe) enabling comprehension of these conditions and therewith a foundational comprehension of gear. Heidegger explicates the being of gear through content of unreflectively purposeful, non-intersubjective intentional states. I term such states ‘mundane concern’, which is almost synonymous with Hubert Dreyfus’s term ‘absorbed coping’ (1991, 69). Heidegger’s explication highlights around-for references (Um-zu-Verweisungen) as the peculiar species of property figuring in mundanely concernful intentional content. §2.2 clarifies Heidegger’s position on the relationship between to-hand-ness (Zuhandenheit) and extantness (Vorhandenheit) in the narrow sense: two of Heidegger’s most widely discussed concepts. I reject Kris McDaniel’s recent reading of Heidegger as affirming that nothing could be both to-hand and extant simultaneously (McDaniel 2012). Part 3 develops and applies Heidegger’s phenomenology of mundane concern. §3.1 explains the phenomena of situational holism, situated normativity, and mundanely concernful prospective control. §3.2 undertakes the metaphysical accommodation of around-for references, which §3.1 posited as featuring prominently within mundanely concernful intentional content. This thesis thus contributes not only to Heidegger scholarship, but also to contemporary debates within the philosophy of action and cognitive science.

A Comparison of Morris' News from Nowhere and Life in the Twin Oaks Community

Garner, Royce Clifton 12 1900 (has links)
It is the purpose of this paper to explore how Morris' novel relates to life in Twin Oaks, primarily as depicted in two books: Living the Dream (1983) by Ingrid Komar, a long-term visitor to the commune and Kinkade's Is It Utopia Yet? (1996). This comparison will demonstrate that the experiences of contemporary intentional communities such as Twin Oaks provide a meaningful context for reading News from Nowhere because of the similarities in goals and philosophy. It will further demonstrate that though Twin Oaks was originally inspired by a utopian novel much more in the tradition of Bellamy's work than Morris', the community's subsequent evolution has brought it much closer in philosophy to News from Nowhere than Looking Backward.

Intentionalitet i kollektiva beteenden hos en artificiell svärm / Intentionality in collective behaviors of an artificial swarm

Stenfelt, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Målet med den här datorbaserade filosofiska utredningen inom kognitionsvetenskap är att utforska intentionalitet i kollektiva beteenden hos artificiella svärmar. Två definitioner av intentionalitet utforskades; som representationer hos agenter och som observerbara attribut hos agenter, även kallat intentional stance. För den representativa definitionen användes en modell av kollektiv intentionalitet som integrerar två olika ståndpunkter, singularståndpunkten och pluralståndpunkten av kollektiv intentionalitet. Modellen har fem villkor för intentionalitet enligt SharedPlans. Genom att använda Belief-Desire-Intention-modellen för intelligenta agenter operationaliserades villkoren till möjliga representationer. En implementation av en målinriktad artificiell svärm i NetLogo analyserades genom att studera hur väl den uppfyllde de operationaliserade villkoren. Fyra av fem villkor var uppfyllda. Flera simuleringar med olika hastighet genomfördes även under observation. Dessa visade att processen kunde delas upp i tre faser med olika egenskaper. Den utforskande fasen hade gemensam intentionalitet centrerad till ett fåtal aktiva individer. Beslutsfasen hade individuella intentioner som kunde stå i konflikt med varandra medan gemensamma intentioner strävade mot samma mål. I flyttfasen var de individuella intentionerna att förhålla sig till varandra, vilket fick gruppen att upplevas som en enhet med intentionen att flytta gruppen. Resultaten visade att intentionalitet kan observeras och analyseras hos den här artificiella svärmen. Däremot har svärmen inte kollektiv intentionalitet utifrån båda ståndpunkterna.

Health data sharing and privacy among older people using smartwatches

Apelthun, Henrietta January 2022 (has links)
Smartwatches can collect health data, location data and other sensitive information about users, and privacy concerns arise. This thesis aimed to investigate how older people (50-80 years old) in Sweden behave when it comes to privacy and health data. The data were analyzed according to the privacy paradox, which describes the discrepancy between how people behave and how they intend to behave in relation to risk and trust. The research approach was qualitative, and twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were coded and thematized following the chosen theory. Among the twelve participants in the study, a majority did not see, understand, or behave consciously towards the risks of sharing health data. Instead, trust was related to both the disclosure behavior and the intentional behavior among several of the participants in this study. This study indicates that for some of the participants, there are also other factors that determine their behavior, and the privacy paradox alone is not complete. Four of the findings when it comes to participants' behavior towards their health data and privacy were: trust-based decisions, lack of knowledge, low value of personal data, and value benefits more than privacy. Among several of the participants in this study, when trust towards an actor increase, the participant’s risk awareness decreases. It can be discussed whether the participants in the study value the opportunities more than the risks, and this impacts their behavior. Most of the participants think that sharing location data infringes more on their privacy than sharing health data, and self-education might be a reason the behavior and the level of privacy differ among the participants.

The Effects of Digital Tools on EFL/ESL Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition/Learning

Fröjd, Emelie, Ström, Julia January 2021 (has links)
As a result of the increase of digitalisation in today’s society, the Swedish school system requires a certain degree of digital competence amongst teachers, affecting the foundation of how their teaching practice is structured. Therefore, this study aims to investigate to what extent Swedish EFL/ESL teachers in the primary years incorporate digital tools in their teaching practice, and more specifically how – and why – they are used to facilitate learners’ vocabulary acquisition/learning. In this qualitative study, five Swedish EFL/ESL teachers in the primary years participated. The five participants work at five different schools, in three different municipalities. The empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The results of these indicate that vocabulary drills, generally given as homework, are the primary method of teaching English vocabulary to the EFL/ESL learners, requiring them to learn consciously and intentionally. Moreover, the results imply that a variation of tasks and teaching tools, as well as a frequency in exposure of content, is necessary for beneficial vocabulary acquisition/learning. Further, it is evident that digital tools have a profitable effect on learners’ motivation and consequently their learning. Finally, it is clear that what matters when incorporating digital tools is how they are used, rather than that they are used.

Vnímání předmětu, či vidění věci? / Perception of the Object or Seeing the Thing?

Vávrová, Věra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis follows the development of the As-Structure as it is presented in Heidegger's Logic (GA 21) and shows that this abstract structure has been developed based on Brentano's Psychology 1 and Husserl's Logical Investigations. I describe how the As-Structure develops from the Brentano's distinction of physical and mental phenomena. The mental phenomena represent the basic sphere of our recognition, and the knowledge of the object as it is immanent to them. The object represents a stable counterpart to the course of experience (Objekt - Erlebnis relation). Therefore, only in the mental phenomena the object is being experienced just as it appears. This is the standpoint of Brentano, and it is adopted by Husserl who explicitly divides the structure of an intentional act into its constituents; the meant and the given. The object is accomplished when it is carried out by the intentional act. When the relation between the meant and the given is fully congruent, the given is given just as it is meant. Heidegger elaborates on this given as meant structure by transferring it outside the sphere of consciousness. He claims that the As-structure is the abstract constitutive element of the relation between the human (Dasein) and the thing; what is being encountered in the world is always given as something...

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