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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design systems for accessibility : Creating a sustainable methodology for workplaces within web development

Berglund, Ingrid January 2023 (has links)
Although accessibility benefits all users of the web, irrespective of their abilities and disabilities, many web applications fail to fulfill basic accessibility requirements. Designers and developers need to improve their work with accessibility in order for digital inclusion to be possible. This thesis investigated how a design system can support them in producing accessible applications. It used a design approach to formulate an accessibility methodology for creating and maintaining a design system. Interviews and ideation workshops were held to understand the problem and generate solutions. A methodology was put together and evaluated through expert reviews, focus grouping, and user testing. The thesis resulted in 10 guidelines for how to promote accessibility through a design system. Central to the guidelines was that companies adapt the work with accessibility to their specific situation, by setting their own goals and creating tools for the different stages of the employees' work processes. The thesis concluded a design system can help designers and developers not feel overwhelmed by accessibility requirements, and focus on what is relevant to the task they are currently performing. A design system that is merely a storage for components can only assist designers and developers with a fraction of the accessibility requirements. Greater potential is held by a design system that is made into a platform for accessibility, by providing guidance on how to use components and being referenced in testing procedures. / Trots att tillgänglighet gynnar alla användare, oavsett förmåga eller funktionsnedsättning, uppfyller många webbapplikationer inte grundläggande tillgänglighetskrav. För att digital inkludering ska vara möjlig, behöver designers och utvecklare förbättra sitt arbete med tillgänglighet. Detta examensarbete undersökte hur ett designsystem kan stötta dem med att producera tillgängliga applikationer. Med ett angreppssätt vanligt för design, tog det fram en tillgänglighetsmetodik för att skapa och underhålla designsystem. Intervjuer och idéworkshops hölls för att förstå problemet och generera lösningar. En metodik sammanställdes och utvärderades genom expertutvärderingar, fokusgrupp och användartester. Examensarbetet resulterade i 10 riktlinjer kring att främja tillgänglighet genom ett designsystem. Centralt för riktlinjerna var att företag ska anpassa tillgängligh-etsarbetet till deras specifika situation, genom att sätta egna mål och skapa verktyg för de olika stadierna av medarbetarnas arbetsprocess. Examensarbetet kom till slutsatsen att ett designsystem kan hjälpa designers och utvecklare undvika att överväldigas av tillgänglighetskrav, och fokusera på vad som är relevant för den aktuella uppgiften de utför. Ett designsystem som enbart är ett förvar för komponenter kan bara stötta designers och utvecklare med en bråkdel av tillgänglighetskraven. Ett designsystem som blir en plattform för tillgänglighet, genom att ge handledning för hur komponenter ska användas och genom att refereras till i testrutiner, har högre potential.

Touch gestures in a medical imaging IT system : A study exploring how to support the design process with tools to achieve a consistency in the use of touch gestures between products

Lindholm, Hanna, Pote, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
The lack of existing guides or recommendations to design for touch is the cause of an opportunity to create a more efficient process for people designing a touch-based system. Today the process is highly time consuming and leads to inconsistency between products which impacts the user experience in a negative way. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to create tools to help UX-designers or developers in the process of constructing touch-based systems with consistency in between platforms. However, challenges arise in consideration of the degree of structure the guide should give to achieve a general yet user friendly experience, specifically in terms of the medical imaging field. To fulfill the aim, the approach of Research through Design is applied throughout the process, with a focus on user testing with the users in healthcare to validate the pairing of touch gestures in a medical imaging system. The conclusion of this thesis includes how to generally use touch gestures in different fields and the process of deciding which functions to assign a gesture to. The knowledge is applied in the result of the thesis work, which is the guidelines and the information cards, that concludes how to support UX-designers and developers in their work with touch gestures.

Streamline searches in a database / Effektivisera sökningar in en databas

Ellerblad Valtonen, David, Franzén, André January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to explore technologies and solutions and see if it is possible to make a logistical flow more efficient. The logistical flow consists of a database containing materiel for purchase or reparation. As of now, searches may either result in too many results, of which several are irrelevant, or no results at all. The search needs to be very specific to retrieve the exact item, which requires extensive knowledge about the database and its contents. Areas that will be explored include Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques. To solve this, a literature study will be conducted to gain insights into existing work and possible solutions. Exploratory Data Analysis will be used to understand the patterns and limitations of the data.

Backup opening of automatic doors in autonomous vehicles : A usability study

Edberg, Hanna, Schulz, Madelene January 2023 (has links)
Shared autonomous vehicles provide a solution for the future of sustainable and accessible transportation in urban areas, both in terms of social and environmental sustainability. However, these types of vehicles face different challenges in comparison to privately owned ones. For example, it is of greater importance that a shared autonomous vehicle can cater to a large number of users with different prerequisites such as age, limited movement and strength, or visual impairment.  In this project, methods, and interactions for creating a human-centered design solution for backup door opening of automatic doors in the shared autonomous vehicle CM1e have been investigated. The aim of the project is to support the development of safer autonomous vehicles by implementing a solution that is user-friendly and inclusive for a large number of users having different prerequisites. The project has been conducted in Gothenburg at the company China Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT). At the end of the project, it is expected to deliver a viable mapping of use cases where the user needs to use a backup door opening solution or has to exit in a non-optimal way, pain points of the current solution for the mapped-out use cases, a well-informed and holistic approach to decide which use cases are most relevant to solve considering different criteria, and finally a feasible solution at a conceptual level, solving the most urgent use cases and pain points. This project has had a holistic approach and has focused on both the context and scenarios of usage and how this impacts the users and usability. The investigated area is rather complex having many functions and several mediums. This has also contributed to the project to consider delivering a solution that caters to a task (in this case, exiting a vehicle) rather than one individual interaction. To achieve this use cases have been generated along with user journeys with personas having different prerequisites. This to achieve an objective description of the current functions as well as a subjective description of its limitations depending on the prerequisites of the users. To generate a large number of ideas and select the most relevant ideas, the ideation phase has focused on co-creation with relevant stakeholders and also the enrichment of ideas. By using two different user tests, the proposed solution has been validated in order to create a valuable and credible result. The delivered result offers a solution for use cases where the user/rider needs to exit the vehicle, but the preconditions do not allow the user to do so e.g., to ensure the functionality of the doors. This was uncovered to sometimes keep the user in the vehicle during undesirable situations where the user wishes to exit. The proposed solution utilizes the function of a dead man switch to override the set preconditions and provide the user with control over the door opening process, enabling possible exit without the doors having to open a 100%. Included in the solution is also communication using interfaces and activation of the dead man switch functionality to create a user-centered, accessible, and safe backup door opening solution. The proposed solution is presented using CAD models and renderings in the shape of storyboards. / Delade autonoma fordon erbjuder en framtida lösning för hållbara och tillgängliga transportsystem i urbana miljöer, med avseende på både social- och ekologisk hållbarhet. Dessa fordon möter dock andra typer av utmaningar än privat ägda fordon, exempelvis behöver de tillgodose behoven hos ett större antal användare med olika förutsättningar så som ålder, begränsad rörlighet och styrka samt begränsad synförmåga.   I detta projekt har metoder och interaktioner för att skapa användarvänliga lösningar för reservöppning av automatiska bildörrar i det delade autonoma fordonet CM1e undersökts. Syftet med projektet är att stödja utvecklingen av säkra autonoma fordon genom att implementera användarvänliga och inkluderande lösningar för ett stort antal användare med olika förutsättningar. Projektet har bedrivits i Göteborg hos företaget China Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT). I slutet av projektet är det förväntat att leverera en kartläggning av situationer när en reservöppning av dörrar kan vara relevant, vilka begräsningar som finns i nuvarande lösningar samt ett förslag på en lösning för reservöppning av dörrar. De levererade lösningsförslaget ska tillgodose de kartlagda situationerna där en reservöppning av dörrar behövs som inte täcks av de nuvarande lösningarna.   Tillvägagångsättet av projektet har lagt tyngd på att ha ett helikopterperspektiv med fokus på både situation och kontext samt hur detta påverkar användaren och användbarheten. Det undersökta området är komplext och har många funktioner samt olika medium, vilket också har bidragit till att projektet har förväntats att leverera en lösning som tillgodoser en handling (i detta fall att ta sig ut ur ett fordon) snarare än en enskild interaktion. För att uppnå detta har användningsfall genererats samt kompletterande användarresor med användare med olika förutsättningar. Detta för att uppnå både en objektiv beskrivning av nuvarande funktioner och en subjektiv beskrivning av dess begräsningar beroende på användarnas förutsättningar. För att generera idéer till en framtida idé har ett stort fokus lagts på samskapande med intressenter och berikning av idéer. För att sedan validera den förslagna lösningen har två olika användartest utförts.   Det levererade resultatet erbjuder en lösning på användningsfall där de automatiska bildörrarna har förmågan att öppnas men ej tillåter användaren att göra det på grund av olika skäl, exempelvis att bevara funktionaliteten i dörrarna. Detta kan leda till att användaren kan bli instängd i bilen under situationer när hen önskar ta sig ut. Den förslagna lösningen utnyttjar funktionen av dödmansbrytare för att överskrida de satta förutsättningarna (preconditions) för att tillåta öppning och ge användaren kontroll över öppningsprocessen av bildörren, samt erbjuda en möjlighet att ta sig ut ur fordonet utan att dörrarna behövs öppnas 100%. I lösningen inkluderas även kommunikation via skärmar (visuellt och audiellt) och aktivering av dödmansbrytar-funktionaliteten för att skapa en användarvänlig, tillgänglig och säker reservöppning. Detta presenteras genom CAD-modeller och renderingar i form av storyboards.

What do ADHDers Need? : Working Towards Establishing Guidelines and More Ethical Methods for Designing for and with the Neurodivergent

Turner, James January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, I begin the first steps towards developing more ethical methods for designing for users with ADHD by investigating what needs stakeholders have when interacting with technology. Current interaction design projects concerned with ADHD are largely focused on children—ignoring adults with ADHD. Their aims and methods are problematic, potentially harmful, and erase experiences of those with ADHD by excluding them from the design process. These projects treat the ADHD community as a list of symptoms to be fixed by training behaviors—a practice that has been demonstrated to cause harm. Influenced by the Crip Technoscience, Neurodiversity, and Self-Advocacy movements and utilizing participatory/co-design methods I investigate the needs of users with ADHD by engaging with them throughout the process, ultimately leading to the development of preliminary guidelines for designing for ADHD accessibility which are presented in this paper alongside design examples and discussion of possible future work.

Upskilling of Digital Skills During Digital Transformation : A Qualitative Study about Mindset & Challenges of Middle-aged group Employees in Supply and Finance Units.

Haj Osman, Dima, Singh, Yogesh January 2022 (has links)
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Finance Technology are influencing firms to adopt the DigitalTransformation strategy to achieve their long terms goals and remain competitive. Thistransformation is driving an evolution in the way of working in Supply and Finance units andcreating an emerging demand to implicate digital skills and consider them as core competenciesneeded for the workforces in those units. Management takes a vital role in supporting theemployees to upgrade their digital skills and providing them with a culture that facilitates theirefforts throughout this shifting journey. Middle-aged groups of the workforce make a majorcontribution to the labour market, and they are likely to have a higher digital skills gap thanyounger groups. This requires firms to put more focus on upskilling and enhancing the digitalskills of this group to enable successful adoption of the increased interaction with technology.During the upskilling of digital skills processes, the experience of the workforce may includechallenges. It is important for the leaders and human resources to understand the mindsets ofthose employees and their challenges to consider when revising the digital skills learninginitiatives. Thus, this master thesis examines the mindset and challenges of supply and finance employeesfrom the middle-age group of the workforce during digital skills upskilling programs driven byDT. Additionally, based on the finding to develop a framework that can help firms wheninitiating digital skills upskilling programs. For this, an interpretive qualitative study wasconducted. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and Lichtman 3 Csthematic analysis was used and generated five concepts. Those concepts represent the findingsof the master’s thesis research and are interpreted and discussed with the help of the theoreticalframework of the double-loop learning method of Organizational learning Theory for Argyrisand Schön (1997). The research findings show the scoped group embraces digital transformation and has anopen mindset to change and the ability to contribute, but they also face challenges that are:Incentive and Recognition, Organizational Communication, Working and Learning inparallel, Customized learning programs. Based on the identified challenges, a framework wasdeveloped to support human resources and supply and finance leaders to consider duringupskilling of digital skills programs, to provide a better experience for the digital onboardingof the workforces during DT. This study contributes to the existing knowledge of theinformatics research field. The practical contribution is to help organizations, and humanresources, in improving the digital skills upskilling programs and frameworks, additionally toorganizational learning.

Exploring Road Traffic Interactions Between Highly Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users

Fabricius, Victor January 2023 (has links)
Understandings of road traffic interactions are largely based on human-human interactions. However, the development of vehicles controlled by highly auto- mated driving systems (ADS) would introduce a radically novel type of road user. This compilation thesis explores encounters between these “autonomous vehicles” (AVs) and human vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists. The included publications are connected to three research questions. First, empirical studies are reviewed to highlight existing interactive be- haviors and communication cues. This is followed by a methodological question of how to investigate AV-VRU interactions. Finally, VRUs’ experiences from initial experiments on AV crossing encounters are presented. While road user trajectories and kinematic behaviors are viewed as primary mechanisms to facilitate traffic interactions, they might also be influenced by cues such as appearances, gestures, eye-gaze, and external human-machine interfaces (eHMI). Using the Wizard-of-Oz approach, we are able to explore VRU encounters with a seemingly highly automated vehicle. Compared to meeting an attentive driver, AV encounters resulted in a reported lower willingness to cross, lower perceived safety, and less calm emotional state, indicating that the absence of driver-centric cues could lead to interaction issues and impede acceptance of AVs. To further explore this, we included light-based eHMI to signal the driving mode and intent of the vehicle (e.g., intent to yield). Future research should continue to investigate how AVs may co-exist with human road users focusing on aspects such as behavioral adaptations, research methodologies, and the role of various eHMI.

Utmaningar och möjligheter med en användarcentrerad utveckling av e-tjänster hos en myndighet

Rytiniemi, Agnes, Tervonen, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Denna fallstudie hade som syfte att undersöka utvecklingen av e-tjänster i en myndighet, med fokus på hur de kan anta ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt. Data har samlats in från myndighetsanställda som är involverade i utvecklingen av e-tjänster, genom en förstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data har sedan analyserats genom tematisk analys. Studien avslöjade att myndigheten står inför flera utmaningar när det gäller att implementera ett användarcentrerad praxis, på grund av begränsad kunskap om varför ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt är viktigt, varierande förutsättningar för att involvera interna och externa användare samt ett inåtvänt myndighetsperspektiv. Resultaten lyfter fram behovet av ett bättre stöd till de anställda inom myndigheten och fler utbildningar i tjänstedesign och användarcentrerad utveckling samt metoder för användarinvolvering. Genom att förbättra den interna kapaciteten och främja en användarcentrerad kultur kan myndigheten bättre anpassa sin e-tjänsteutveckling till användarnas behov och förväntningar.

Designing Migraine Applications : A Qualitative Interview Study on Migraine Patients' Motivation of using Mhealth Applications / Mobila migränapplikationer : en kvalitativ intervjustudie på migränpatienters motivation att använda mobila hälsoapplikationer

Brzeskot Ganning, Eliasz January 2023 (has links)
Migraine is ranked as the third most widespread disease in the world by Global burden of Disease and study 2010. To reduce pressure on health care and also help patientsunderstand their condition, mobile health applications have become increasingly popularand accessible. These applications help by providing disease information, to documentsymptoms and analyze attack patterns. However, there is both a lack of patient centeredperspective and scientific based knowledge behind the design of these applications. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore what might affect the patients’ motivationto use a mobile application to explore their condition. This by looking into how these applications can be designed so that patients’ find them helpful and easy to use. This wasdone by doing a qualitative interview study with ten patients with severe migraine andanalyzing the transcribed data through a reflexive thematic analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in three overarching themes personal motivations of exploring migraine, healthcare related motivations of exploring migraine, and technical support for motivation of exploringmigraine. Each overarching theme contained themes and sub-themes that are backed up byquotes in the data from the interviews. Also a proposal on how to visualize the threeoverarching themes in relation to each other is presented.In conclusion, designing applications that help with acceptance of condition, adaptivecontent and functionality, and deciding on a specific target patient group, are central findings of this study. Directives from health care was found to be the largest motivationaldrive in this study and could further be explored to work better with migraine applications.

Rereuse : Cirkulärt återlämningssystem för flergångsmuggar

Stadelmann, André, Skastierna, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
Rereuse is a circular lending system for reusable mugs that aims to replace disposable cups incafés and kiosks that sell beverage mugs. Studies from the Swedish Environmental Institute estimate that 500 to 1000 million disposable cups are used annually and that not even 1 percent of these mugs are recycled. Replacing these mugs with multiple options requires more resources, but the resources can be saved in as little as a month if used efficiently. At present, the project team considers that the flexibility and effort are too great for consumers. Therefore, the Rereuse system was developed. The system consists of three parts: smart mugs, Rereuse stations, and underlying systems that connect the mug, user, and station. The cafés register users and mugs when buying coffee. The customer takes the mug with them and then returns the mug to a return station or affiliated café. The system uses RFID to quickly scan both mugs and users, making it easy for both customers and café. The project has developed both a business plan and a prototype through a parallel process between agile project development and Stanford Design Thinking. The prototype was tested atCity Hall in Halmstad to collect data and evaluate the simplicity of the station and then complete and iterate both the business model and the station. The system has proven to be appreciated, and participating test subjects have stated that the system can have a future in society. This is because the station makes it easy for the consumer to avoid waste, littering, and unnecessary environmental impact. / Rereuse är ett cirkulärt utlåningssystem av flergångsmuggar som syftar att ersätta engångsmuggar på caféer och kiosker som säljer drycker i mugg. Undersökningar från Svenskamiljöinstitutet estimeras att 500 till 1000 miljoner engångsmuggar används årligen och att väldigtliten del av dessa muggar återvinns. Att ersätta dessa muggar med flergångsalternativ krävermer resurser men används dessa effektivt kan resurserna sparas in på så lite som en månad. I dagsläget anser projektgruppen att flexibiliteten och ansträngningen är för stor för konsumenterna. Därför utvecklades Rereuse-systemet. Systemet består av tre delar: smarta-muggar, Rereuse-stationer och bakomliggande system som kopplar ihop mugg, användare och station. Caféerna registrerar användare och mugg vid köp av kaffe, kunden tar med sig muggen och lämnar sedan tillbaka muggen i en återlämningssation eller anslutet café. Systemet använder sig av RFID för att enkelt scanna både mugg och användare och gör det därför smidigt för både kund och café. Projektet har utvecklat både affärsplan och prototyp genom en parallell process mellan agil projektutveckling och Stanford Design Thinking. Prototypen testades på Rådhuset i Halmstad för att samla data och utvärdera simpliciteten av stationen för att sedan färdigställa och iterera både affärsmodellen och stationen. Systemet har visat sig uppskattat och deltagande testpersoner har uppgett att systemet kan ha en framtid i samhället. Detta då stationen gör det enkel för konsumenten att undvika slöseri, nedskräpning och onödig miljöpåverkan.

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