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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma irmandade em redefinição: impasses da organização do assentamento da Comunidade Cafuza (SC) em torno da proposta de trabalho coletivo. / A brotherhood in redefinition: conflict between peasant way of living and colective organization of work. A case study of the Cafuzos of José Boiteux city, State of Santa Catarina.

Alessandra Schmitt 26 January 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a Comunidade Cafuza, cujo objetivo é compreender a organização do grupo em torno de um projeto de produção coletiva de erva-mate, elaborado pelos Cafuzos em conjunto com várias pessoas que lhes prestam assessoria.Os Cafuzos estão assentados há seis anos no município de José Boiteux, em Santa Catarina. Totalizam 180 pessoas e constituem um grupo familiar extenso cuja origem é o casamento de um negro e uma índia no final do século passado. Viveram e sobreviveram à Guerra do Contestado, no início deste século, após a qual migraram do Planalto Catarinense para o Vale do Itajaí, onde, mais uma vez, foram expulsos da terra. Para compreender os impasses que surgiram na condução do projeto coletivo se busca a história do segmento populacional do qual este grupo faz parte, o campesinato aqui denominado brasileiro, e suas relações com outros segmentos e classes sociais. Também se considerou a relação interétnica conflitiva que têm com os colonos da região e a forma como se constrói a identidade étnica do grupo. Todo este conjunto é, então, confrontado com as diretrizes do projeto coletivo e consegue perceber-se como os Cafuzos as reinterpretaram adaptando-as aos valores e às contradições que elaboraram ao longo de sua história. / This study about the Cafuzo Community aims a comprehension of the project of organization of the group to produce collectively "erva-mate" (Ilex paraguaiensis). The Cafuzo Community, settled by the government in the years of 1992 on a land in the city of José Boiteux, state of Santa Catarina. They are na extense family group originated with the union of na african-descendant man and an indigenous woman at the end of the 1800’s. They lived and survived to the War of Contestado, migrating, thereafter, to the Highlands of Santa Catarina. To comprehend the conflicts and tensions aroused by the collectivization of the work, we considered the cultural characteristics of the wider segment they take part called brazilian peasantry in the south region of Brazil. I show the tension between the Cafuzo tradition, which is peasant, and the new organizational guidelines, as well as the tension between this group and the involving society. The theory used for interpretation was the one about the tension between two ideal society types: communitary and societary.

Socioeconomic Status and Physical Attractiveness in Partner Selection 32 Years Later: An Empirical Replication and Extension of Townsend and Levy (1990)

Henderson, Elena Kelsey 24 August 2022 (has links)
Partnership is a universal part of human existence. Human partner selection has been long studied within evolutionary and sociocultural frameworks. One study by Townsend and Levy (1990) found that physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status influence male and female partner selection in distinct ways. The present study replicated and extended the work of Townsend and Levy, investigating how physical attractiveness, socioeconomic status, and race and ethnicity influence relationship willingness at various levels of involvement. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted, and planned post hoc pairwise comparisons and parameter estimates were analyzed. We analyzed responses from 503 single American adults of four racial/ethnic groups under 16 test conditions. We found no significant difference in relationship willingness between male and female participants, so the findings of Townsend and Levy were not replicated. Further, there was no significant difference in relationship willingness for one's own racial or ethnic group versus another racial or ethnic group. Implications for research and human partner selection are discussed.

Prendre place dans la ville : immigré-e-s nord-africain-e-s dans les marchés périphériques de Nice / Taking place in the city : migrants from North Africa in marketplaces of the suburbs of Nice

Dahhan, Ryzlène 10 March 2017 (has links)
A la croisée de la sociologie des relations interethniques et des minorités et de la sociologie urbaine, cette thèse étudie dans leurs dimensions sociales et spatiales les recompositions, expansions et contractions des frontières entre groupes placés en situation minoritaire. Elle s’appuie sur les résultats d’une enquête qualitative, ethnographique et comparative menée au sein de trois marchés de la périphérie de Nice où se concentrent des individus minorisés et marginalisés. D’une part, elle analyse les rapports sociaux qui se jouent dans le fonctionnement et l’appropriation de ces espaces urbains marchands par des acteurs en situation minoritaire. Elle montre quels sont les effets concrets de telles appropriations sur le partage de l’espace, leurs relations, mais aussi les liens entre eux et leur environnement. D’autre part, elle décrit les formes d’expression publique des identités telles qu’elles se donnent à voir dans les interactions marchandes et non marchandes en cherchant à comprendre comment ces espaces de commerce orientent la façon dont les relations interethniques s’organisent dans la coprésence. En mettant en évidence l’intersection des différentes formes de domination en actes au sein de ces espaces, la thèse montre ainsi les variations de l’expérience minoritaire. / Combining the sociological study of interethnic relations and minorities and urban sociology, this thesis focuses on the reconfigurations, expansions and contractions of the boundaries between groups placed in a minority situation. This thesis draws on the results of qualitative, ethnographic and comparative investigation carried out in three marketplaces located on the outskirts of Nice where these minority groups and marginalized people are concentrated. First, this thesis studies the social relations at stakes in the functioning and appropriation of these marketplaces by minority groups. It allows to understand how this appropriation appears in the sharing of space, their relation and the links between them and their environment. Secondly, the thesis describes the various forms identities are expressed during market and non-market interactions, trying to understand how these commercial spaces orientate the way interethnic relations are organized in co-presence. By highlighting the intersection of the different forms of domination in action within these spaces, the thesis thus explores the multiplicity of minority experience.

Logiques, formes et enjeux de l'ethnicisation des compétences professionnelles. Les cas comparés des éducateurs dans le travail social et des agents de sécurité privée : les cas comparés des éducateurs dans le travail social et des agents de sécurité privée

Scheepers, Julien 18 January 2013 (has links)
Le point de départ de cette recherche est la montée en puissance d'une lisibilité ethnique (notamment via le culturalisme) de la déviance déclinée en figures de la délinquance et de la vulnérabilité. Dans ce cadre, les éducateurs et les agents de sécurité issus des populations minoritaires apparaissent comme plus à même d'intervenir sur des populations considérées comme à "leur image". J’interroge dans ce travail ce lien supposé entre ethnicité,compétences professionnelles et public cible de l'action.Il s’agit d’une enquête par entretiens auprès d'éducateurs et d'agents de sécurité issus de minorités ethnicisées, auxquelles s'ajoutent des observations prolongées sur certains terrains d’enquête. Dans une visée comparative et à partir des parcours biographiques et des relations professionnelles, je mets en évidence les normes de référence qui sont au coeur de la construction identitaire et de la culture professionnelle de chaque groupe et leur influence sur différents processus ou phénomènes comme : le mode de dénomination du public cible, la naturalisation des compétences, la mobilisation de l'ethnicité dans les interactions ou encore les éventuelles manifestations de résistances à des assignations à des rôles spécifiques. Le groupe professionnel comme monde institutionnel et interactionnel modèle ces processus. Au delà des distinctions, il apparaît que dans les deux cas l'enjeu de l’ethnicité se situe sur le terrain de la légitimité et de l'autorité concurrençant ainsi une légitimité de statut professionnel. / Not communicated


OLIVIA NOGUEIRA HIRSCH 02 June 2008 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa busca compreender os processos de (re)construção identitária vividos por um grupo de estudantes cabo-verdianos no Rio de Janeiro. Identificados majoritariamente como negros e mulatos pelos brasileiros, esses estudantes vêm de uma sociedade que atribui à mestiçagem a especificidade da identidade nacional. Esse discurso, construído por uma elite que muito se apropriou das idéias de Gilberto Freyre, buscava diferenciar os cabo-verdianos das populações das demais colônias portuguesas na África, garantindo ao ilhéu o posto de segundo colonizador. No Rio de Janeiro, porém, foi possível constatar que a maioria desses jovens construiu um olhar mais crítico em relação à mestiçagem. Esse processo foi acompanhado de uma valorização de uma identidade afro-referenciada, possivelmente por influência do intenso debate sobre a implementação de políticas de identidade no Brasil. Mas as transformações vividas pelos estudantes cabo-verdianos não se limitam à identidade étnica. Provenientes de um país onde há mais habitantes fora do que dentro de seus limites geográficos, estudar no exterior significa para esses jovens não apenas estar em vias de conformar a futura elite intelectual do arquipélago, mas também construir-se como cabo-verdiano, na medida em que a adaptação a outras culturas é percebida como uma especialidade nacional. / [en] The research focuses on the identities (re)construction processes experienced by a group of Cape Verdean students in Rio de Janeiro. Mainly identified by Brazilians as blacks and mulattoes, those students come from a society where miscegenation is seen as a national identity specificity. This speech, constructed by an elite that eagerly adopted Gilberto Freyre`s ideas, intended to differentiate the Cape Verdeans from the populations of the other Portuguese colonies in Africa granting the islanders a second colonizer status. In Rio de Janeiro, however, it was possible to verify that the majority of those youngsters had developed a more critical view regarding the idea of miscegenation. This process occurred simultaneously to the valorization of an afro identity, possibly influenced by the intense debate regarding the implementation of identities politics in Brazil. Nevertheless, the transformations experimented by the Cape Verdean students can not be reduced to the ones regarding the ethnic identity. Coming from a country where there are more inhabitants outside than inside their geographical borders, to study abroad means for those youngsters not only to be in the path to become part of the archipelago`s future intellectual elite, but also to construct themselves as Cape Verdeans, since adaptation to other cultures is perceived as a national specialty.

Mulher Karajá: desvendando tradições e tecendo inovações - diálogo sobre as demandas de gênero

Torres, Maristela Sousa 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Sousa Torres.pdf: 7407909 bytes, checksum: 476ffc568f4ba33711f0f00d25944b77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Among the Karajá Indians, traditionally, women assume an important position in the social life despite the interdictions to which they are subjected in daily life, such as: not being allowed to enter the Aruanãs house, a place totally reserved for the men; not being allowed to walk along paths and spaces restricted to the male rituals and linked to the spirits, among others. With all these interdictions it seems that the women have a secondary role. However, when the socio-cultural dynamics of this people is understood, it is noticed that the women have a very comfortable life and gain social prestige as they get older, and this fact is directly associated with the context of the uxorilocal household. However, this social position of the Karajá woman, as well as her own life, is increasingly threatened due to the contact with the national society. This study is an attempt to identify the changes that are occurring, as well as to delineate a more comprehensive analysis of the factors that contribute to such changes, that guide the gender relations and that are directly associated to the threat of these women s lives, due to the context of the interethnic relationships / Entre os Karajá, tradicionalmente, as mulheres assumem uma posição de destaque na vida social apesar das interdições às quais estão submetidas no cotidiano, tais como: não poderem entrar na casa dos Aruanãs, local reservado exclusivamente aos homens; estarem impedidas de circular por caminhos e espaços restritos aos rituais masculinos e ligados aos espíritos, dentre outros. Com todas essas interdições poderia parecer que as mulheres recebem um papel secundário. Entretanto, ao compreender a dinâmica sociocultural desse povo, percebe-se que as mulheres desfrutam de uma vida confortável e ganham prestígio social à medida que vão envelhecendo, e este fato está diretamente associado ao contexto de residência uxorilocal. Entretanto, esse lugar social da mulher Karajá, assim como sua própria vida, encontra-se cada vez mais ameaçado em decorrência do contato com a sociedade nacional. O presente estudo é uma tentativa de identificar quais são as mudanças que estão ocorrendo, bem como esboçar uma análise mais compreensiva dos fatores que corroboram para tais mudanças, que norteiam as relações de gênero e que estão diretamente associados à ameaça da vida dessas mulheres, em decorrência do contexto das relações interétnicas

Mulher Karajá: desvendando tradições e tecendo inovações - diálogo sobre as demandas de gênero

Torres, Maristela Sousa 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:53:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Sousa Torres.pdf: 7407909 bytes, checksum: 476ffc568f4ba33711f0f00d25944b77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Among the Karajá Indians, traditionally, women assume an important position in the social life despite the interdictions to which they are subjected in daily life, such as: not being allowed to enter the Aruanãs house, a place totally reserved for the men; not being allowed to walk along paths and spaces restricted to the male rituals and linked to the spirits, among others. With all these interdictions it seems that the women have a secondary role. However, when the socio-cultural dynamics of this people is understood, it is noticed that the women have a very comfortable life and gain social prestige as they get older, and this fact is directly associated with the context of the uxorilocal household. However, this social position of the Karajá woman, as well as her own life, is increasingly threatened due to the contact with the national society. This study is an attempt to identify the changes that are occurring, as well as to delineate a more comprehensive analysis of the factors that contribute to such changes, that guide the gender relations and that are directly associated to the threat of these women s lives, due to the context of the interethnic relationships / Entre os Karajá, tradicionalmente, as mulheres assumem uma posição de destaque na vida social apesar das interdições às quais estão submetidas no cotidiano, tais como: não poderem entrar na casa dos Aruanãs, local reservado exclusivamente aos homens; estarem impedidas de circular por caminhos e espaços restritos aos rituais masculinos e ligados aos espíritos, dentre outros. Com todas essas interdições poderia parecer que as mulheres recebem um papel secundário. Entretanto, ao compreender a dinâmica sociocultural desse povo, percebe-se que as mulheres desfrutam de uma vida confortável e ganham prestígio social à medida que vão envelhecendo, e este fato está diretamente associado ao contexto de residência uxorilocal. Entretanto, esse lugar social da mulher Karajá, assim como sua própria vida, encontra-se cada vez mais ameaçado em decorrência do contato com a sociedade nacional. O presente estudo é uma tentativa de identificar quais são as mudanças que estão ocorrendo, bem como esboçar uma análise mais compreensiva dos fatores que corroboram para tais mudanças, que norteiam as relações de gênero e que estão diretamente associados à ameaça da vida dessas mulheres, em decorrência do contexto das relações interétnicas

A Narrative Inquiry into the Lived Experiences of Chinese-White Heterosexual Couples within a Canadian Context

Wu, Rong-Hsuan 01 September 2014 (has links)
This study explores the lived experiences of six Canadian Chinese-White heterosexual couples throughout their relationship lifespans. Interethnic coupling of this ethnic/racial configuration is on a steady rise, and mental health professionals can expect to find themselves working with this population in increasing numbers. In light of Canada’s unique history, ethnic distribution, and official policy of multiculturalism, it adds a much needed perspective to the vast majority of studies that focus on Black-White couples in an American context. Grounded in a constructivist-interpretive paradigm, this study uses narrative inquiry to arrive at six distinctive narratives, each with their central themes and a relationship life map to situate lived experiences in time, place, and forms of interaction. An across-narratives analysis was subsequently performed to identify overarching themes and subthemes across the six narratives. The findings suggest that couples shared similar experiences around their families; feelings of compatibility; and cultural differences around religion, food, and language. Further, they shared their insights on relationship maintenance processes with respect to the maintenance of family cohesion and management of differences. Overall findings in this study were consolidated to generate a co-constructive, contextualized, and strength-based model to understanding the lived experiences of Canadian Chinese-White heterosexual couples. This conceptual model is a response to the traditionally problem-focused literature on interethnic couple relationships, situates lived experiences in the multilayered contexts in which they are embedded, and highlights couples’ innate abilities to co-construct a relational narrative that embodies their shared realities and insights and sense of “we-ness.” Clinical applications of the conceptual model are discussed, along with limitations associated with this study and recommendations for future research.

The experiences of being trans-racially adopted: the voice of the adoptee

Bowen, Carrie January 2017 (has links)
rans-racial adoption was first legalised in South Africa in 1991, and remains a contentious issue within a society in which the ramifications of apartheid are still felt. The study was borne of recognition of the need for clear understanding of the phenomenon of trans-racial adoption in the unique South African context, from the perspective of the adoptees themselves. The phenomenological approach was employed in this qualitative study, in order to gain an understanding of the meaning and sense that trans-racial adoptees ascribe to their lived experiences. The population for the study was trans-racially adopted individuals within South Africa, aged 18 years or older, who have been legally adopted during infancy or early childhood, after 1991. Snowball sampling was determined to be the most appropriate sampling method for the study. Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted with six trans-racial adoptees. These interviews were led by the question "Tell me the story of your experience of growing up as a trans-racially adopted child, and the meaning that this has for you?" The data collected through the interview process was analysed using thematic data analysis. The trustworthiness of the research process and findings was achieved through employing theoretically prescribed data verification strategies. The rich accounts offered by the participants provided insight into their experiences. The most significant study findings revealed that the participants experienced emotional security within their adoptive families, but encountered racism and discrimination within society. The findings further indicated that ambivalence developed during the process of identity formation. In making sense of their experiences, the participants reflected on their uniqueness and individuality, and highlighted gains related to their upbringing. It was evident that quality parental care and the participants’ own resilience contributed to their success in navigating these challenges. Based on the research findings, the study concluded with recommendations for enhancing outcomes in trans-racial adoption.

Politiky budování národa a internetnické vztahy v post-sovětském Kazachstanu / Nation-building policies and interethnic relations in post-Soviet Kazakhstan.

Ushakova, Anastassiya Vladimirovna January 2017 (has links)
Inner-state conflicts arising from cultural, ethnic, linguistic and other differences started appearing after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Kazakhstan, being one of the main recipients of the Slavic diaspora in Soviet times encountered the problems of interethnic distrust and alienation after 1991. Despite the fact the Kazakhstani government had announced as its main priority the construction of a civic nation and of the feeling of belonging to one state, it strongly supported Kazakh self-consciousness, which led to several consequences, one of which was intensive emigration of the Slavic population. It has resulted in demographic, socio- economic and interethnic tensions. Despite the fact these were studied to some extent, no comprehensive approach has been taken to analyze these issues. Therefore, this research paper aims to answer the question of how the Kazakhstani nation- building policy influenced the relations between Kazakhs and Russians. Given that the instilling of the national idea can be achieved through many institutions this research focuses on the historical narratives in school and university textbooks; administrative regulations and legislative systems, and their implications for each ethnic group; plus their implementation in the symbolic realm of the cities, which...

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