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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bengtsson, Anton, Mireé, Ahmed January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges that exist within thematerial handling process, to and from a department for service and maintenance at a hospital, and how the challenges can be managed to achieve a more efficient material handling process. In order to fulfill the purpose the following two questions where formulated: 1. What challenges exist within the material handling process, to and from adepartment for service and maintenance at a hospital? 2. How can the challenges be managed to achieve a more efficient materialhandling process? Method – To achieve the purpose of the study, a case study was conducted at Ryhov Hospital in Jönköping. The case study was conducted through interviews, observations and document studies. The collected data has been interpreted and analyzed against a theoretical framework and thus generated the study’s results. Findings – The challenges identified in the study have been divided into five different categories: lack of process efficiency, lack of information exchange, lack ofcollaboration, variations and individually dependent deficiencies. Tools to deal with the challenges include developing a more holistic view and developing a higher degree of standardization and routinisation. Additionally, the introduction of a coordinating transport organization is introduced, thus creating the conditions to simplify and streamline the material handling process, streamline information exchange, develop cooperation and make it easier to handle variations and individually dependent deficiencies. Implications – During the study the challenges for the material handling process in ahealth care context were divided into five different categories. The methods and tools used to manage the challenges have different traits and characteristics. While trying to make the material handling process more efficient it is important for each organization to take into account the challenges that are the most critical to improve their specific situation. Limitations – The aim of this study was to create a deeper understanding for the problem area by studying a case. A single case study, however, is an unsecure foundation for creating generalizable results. It had been desirable to make further case studies in other hospitals. The focus has also been on the material handling process to and from the service organization, and it could have been interesting to broaden the perspective to get more insights. Keywords – Material handling process, Healthcare, Logistics, Internal logistics / Sammanfattning Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka utmaningar som finns inom materialhanteringsprocessen, till och från en avdelning för service och underhåll vid ett sjukhus, och hur utmaningarna kan hanteras för att uppnå en effektivare materialhanteringsprocess. För att uppfylla syftet har följande två frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilka utmaningar finns inom materialhanteringsprocessen, till och från enavdelning för service och underhåll vid ett sjukhus? 2. Hur kan utmaningarna hanteras för att uppnå en effektivare materialhanteringsprocess? Metod – För att uppnå studiens syfte genomfördes en fallstudie på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping. Fallstudien har med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier genererat empirisk data. Insamlad data har tolkats och analyserats gentemot ett teoretiskt ramverk och därmed genererat studiens resultat. Resultat – Utmaningarna som identifierats i studien har delats in i fem olika kategorier: bristande processeffektivitet, bristande informationsutbyte, bristande samverkan, variationer och individberoende problem. De verktyg och metoder som beskrivits för att hantera utmaningarna bygger på att utveckla en bättre helhetssyn och högre grad av rutinisering och standardisering. Genom att införa en samordnande transportorganisation skapas förutsättningar för att förenkla och rationaliseraprocessen, effektivisera informationsutbytet, utveckla samverkan och enklare kunnahantera variationer och individberoende problem. Implikationer – Under studien har utmaningar för materialhanteringsprocessen i en sjukvårdskontext delats in i fem kategorier. De metoder och verktyg som använts föratt hantera utmaningarna har olika drag och kännetecken. Vid effektivisering av materialhanteringsprocesser är det viktigt för varje specifik verksamhet att ta hänsyntill vilka utmaningar de möter och som är mest kritiska att hantera för att förbättraderas situation. Begränsningar – Målet med studien har varit att skapa djupare förståelse för problemområdet genom att studera ett fall. En enskild fallstudie med en analysenhetär dock en osäker grund för att skapa generaliserbara resultat. Önskvärt hade varit att göra ytterligare fallstudier på andra sjukhus. Fokus har dessutom legat på materialhanteringsprocessen till och från serviceorganisationen, genom att bredda perspektivet kring materialhanteringsprocessen på sjukhus kunde fler infallsvinklar erhållits. Nyckelord – Materialhantering, Materialhanteringsprocess, Sjukvård, Logistik,Internlogistik

Automatiserad materialhantering : En explorativ studie om automation som medel för effektiviserad internlogistik

Funck, Andreas, Henningsson, Jens January 2018 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå, utfört på uppdrag av Meritor HVS AB i Lindesberg. Arbetet genomfördes under våren 2018 som ett examinationsmoment på högskoleingenjörsprogrammet inom innovativ produktion/logistik vid Mälardalens Högskolas akademi för innovation, design och teknik. Studiens syfte presenteras som ”Att generera konceptidéer för automatiserad materialhantering som bidrar till ökad konkurrenskraft”. För att skapa underlag till utveckling av konceptidéer genomfördes en studie med frågeställningarna; <ul type="disc">Vilka faktorer behöver förbättras i det nuvarande systemet för materialhantering? Vilken/Vilka funktioner beror de identifierade faktorerna av? Hur kan de identifierade funktionerna utvecklas genom automation för att förbättra och effektivisera materialhanteringssystemet?   En fallstudie konstruerades och avgränsades till materialflödet av gallerstaplar inom uppdragsgivarens fabrik. Relevant data har inhämtats genom observationer av hanteringsprocesser samt studerandet av marknaden för applicerbar teknologi. Data har analyserats, med stöd från bland annat aktuell forskning vid Mälardalens Högskola samt andra tryckta och elektroniska källor rörande logistik och materialhantering. Resultat är ett koncept som visualiserats med hjälp av CAD-modellering. Studien stödjer konceptet som ett alternativ för att skapa en säkrare arbetsmiljö för operatörerna på berörda avdelningar samt reducera ergonomisk överbelastning. Ytterligare visar studien att förbrukningen av fysiskt utrymme i fabriken och operatörers arbetstid kan reduceras, samt att tillgängligheten i bearbetningsceller kan förbättras. Avslutningsvis diskuteras och kritiseras studiens omfattning. Rapporten bör inte ses som ett underlag för beslutsfattande utan snarare en utgångspunkt för vidareutveckling. Med stöd från relevant teori, föreslås att leverantörer av teknologi involveras i detaljutvecklingsprocessen samt att frågor rörande arbetsrutiner och användargränssnitt behandlas i vidare efterforskningar.

Effektiviserad materialhantering genom förbättrat flöde.

Hodzic, Senad, Nilsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This examination paper is the final part of the three years long engineering education in industrial engineering and management, with focus on logistics and leadership, at the school of engineering in Jönköping.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the material flow method that is used at the time on an anonymous company and to study which opportunities and problems the company has while trying to become more efficient in its internal material flow process from the storage to the production area.</p><p>The current material flow system that the company uses from the storage to the production area is usable and the production is working with this system. The company sees potential in developing and becoming more efficient in the time used for material handling.  The tied up capital in the storages and the use of the floor area that is used, do also have potential in becoming more efficient according to the company.</p><p>The current material flow system from the storage to the production area was studied and mapped. Even the flow within the chosen production cell was studied. After these studies three possible vision opportunities were developed. The three vision opportunities were all focused on using batches in the production that were formed into the exact quantities needed to produce an order. How this kitting should be done was the difference between the vision opportunities.     </p><p>A simulation of the production with material kitted into the exact quantities required in the production cell where made, to see what possible gains and which losses that could occur with this new way of material handling. The results from this simulation and the knowledge that was given were among others the identification of a bottleneck in the production and diverse problems that could complicate a kitting of material. Further positive and negative effects of kitting are also reflected over in the report.</p><p>The simulation contributed, as said earlier, to the identification of a bottleneck in the production, but also to the discovery of how the order-batches from the customers have to be synchronized with the purchase-batches and the production-batches at the company. These results in relation to the theory part about kitting have lead forward to our suggestions of change and possible further work for the company and are seen under the final discussion part. These suggestions treat co-operation with suppliers’ synchronization of different batches and possible layout changes.</p>

Modell för dimensionering av AGV-system inom tung industri

Wallstedt, Carl, Norrbelius, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Interest in the implementation of AGV-systems (Automated Guided Vehicle) has in recent decades increased. The reason is that it allows companies to perform reliably and secure internal transport while reducing the need of personnel. It is one of todays most advanced and complex material handling system that can independently make their own decisions regarding flow paths and traffic control. An AGV-system consists of transport units carrying cargo from point A to point B, and communicates using a computer. The purpose of this study is to develop a model on how to proceed in order to design an AGV system in heavy industry. The model is tested by a case study of a company in the metal industry to determine if the model works and gives the correct result. Relevant literature has been collected through scientific articles, books. In order to find relevant information, a flow mapping on Billet preparation of Sandvik AB was performed. The information was summarized in a situation analysis. In order to design the AGV system, we found that analytical approach and simulation was according to the literature's most successful approaches. By using these methods in the theoretical model and adjust their performance against one another the results from the model should be a sufficiently accurate reflection of the design needed to serve the Billet preparation.

Effektiviserad materialhantering genom förbättrat flöde.

Hodzic, Senad, Nilsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
This examination paper is the final part of the three years long engineering education in industrial engineering and management, with focus on logistics and leadership, at the school of engineering in Jönköping. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the material flow method that is used at the time on an anonymous company and to study which opportunities and problems the company has while trying to become more efficient in its internal material flow process from the storage to the production area. The current material flow system that the company uses from the storage to the production area is usable and the production is working with this system. The company sees potential in developing and becoming more efficient in the time used for material handling.  The tied up capital in the storages and the use of the floor area that is used, do also have potential in becoming more efficient according to the company. The current material flow system from the storage to the production area was studied and mapped. Even the flow within the chosen production cell was studied. After these studies three possible vision opportunities were developed. The three vision opportunities were all focused on using batches in the production that were formed into the exact quantities needed to produce an order. How this kitting should be done was the difference between the vision opportunities.      A simulation of the production with material kitted into the exact quantities required in the production cell where made, to see what possible gains and which losses that could occur with this new way of material handling. The results from this simulation and the knowledge that was given were among others the identification of a bottleneck in the production and diverse problems that could complicate a kitting of material. Further positive and negative effects of kitting are also reflected over in the report. The simulation contributed, as said earlier, to the identification of a bottleneck in the production, but also to the discovery of how the order-batches from the customers have to be synchronized with the purchase-batches and the production-batches at the company. These results in relation to the theory part about kitting have lead forward to our suggestions of change and possible further work for the company and are seen under the final discussion part. These suggestions treat co-operation with suppliers’ synchronization of different batches and possible layout changes.

Studie av internt materialflöde vid Volvo Pentas fabrik i Vara

Berthou, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Within today’s organizations there is continual development work to increase efficiency and the power to compete at the market. Production development with focus on continual improvements constitutes an important part of the daily work within a lot of organizations today.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to contribute to a part of the development process that Volvo Penta factory in Vara has in mind. A description of the current situation was compiled by mapping the internal runnings and material flow throughout the factory. A new suggestion for a layout and a comparison with the current situation will assist with creating a factual basis for the development of a new goods reception.</p><p>A study was made where the volumes and the quantity of the daily arrival goods were settled. Another study mapped the fork lift - and the moped traffic of the factory. The quantity and the volume of the material that was transported were also settled. The layout that was proposed was used during the comparison.</p><p>The compilation of the description of the current situation showed that the fork lift truck constitute 40 % of the total number of runnings. Empty box running and empty running constitute 15 % and 45% of the transportations respectively. The material-, empty box- and empty runnings of the moped are divided 40 %, 19 % and 41 %.</p><p>The result of the comparison of the existing with the planned goods reception showed that the new solution would decrease the use of fork lift truck transportations by as much as 16 %. The equivalent rate for the moped runnings would be 3 %.</p><p>The conclusion of the studies is that a new goods reception, placed close to the start point of the process, would make a contribution to a streamlining of the internal runnings in the factory. It was also established, by the layout flowchart, that the material- and the process flow would be more efficient.</p><p>The aim of the project was achieved through the extensive studies that were made. All of the transport stretches can now be studied in depth according to which factors are seen to be most important. The study contains separate information from each driver. A closer review by each driver is therefore suggested during the continued work. The development of new transport stretches where coordinated runnings may decrease and empty runnings may decrease is possible in order to reach even greater efficiency.</p>

Studie av internt materialflöde vid Volvo Pentas fabrik i Vara

Berthou, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Within today’s organizations there is continual development work to increase efficiency and the power to compete at the market. Production development with focus on continual improvements constitutes an important part of the daily work within a lot of organizations today. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a part of the development process that Volvo Penta factory in Vara has in mind. A description of the current situation was compiled by mapping the internal runnings and material flow throughout the factory. A new suggestion for a layout and a comparison with the current situation will assist with creating a factual basis for the development of a new goods reception. A study was made where the volumes and the quantity of the daily arrival goods were settled. Another study mapped the fork lift - and the moped traffic of the factory. The quantity and the volume of the material that was transported were also settled. The layout that was proposed was used during the comparison. The compilation of the description of the current situation showed that the fork lift truck constitute 40 % of the total number of runnings. Empty box running and empty running constitute 15 % and 45% of the transportations respectively. The material-, empty box- and empty runnings of the moped are divided 40 %, 19 % and 41 %. The result of the comparison of the existing with the planned goods reception showed that the new solution would decrease the use of fork lift truck transportations by as much as 16 %. The equivalent rate for the moped runnings would be 3 %. The conclusion of the studies is that a new goods reception, placed close to the start point of the process, would make a contribution to a streamlining of the internal runnings in the factory. It was also established, by the layout flowchart, that the material- and the process flow would be more efficient. The aim of the project was achieved through the extensive studies that were made. All of the transport stretches can now be studied in depth according to which factors are seen to be most important. The study contains separate information from each driver. A closer review by each driver is therefore suggested during the continued work. The development of new transport stretches where coordinated runnings may decrease and empty runnings may decrease is possible in order to reach even greater efficiency.

Utvecklandet av en standard för effektiv internlogistik : En fallstudie utförd på Inwido Production AB

Utbult, Richard, Karlsson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Dagens kunder kräver kvalitet, hög leveranssäkerhet och flexibilitet till ett så lågt pris som möjligt. Ska företaget behålla sin plats på marknaden krävs det att alla processer inom verksamheten ständigt utvecklas. Ur logistiksynpunkt är målet alltid att skapa värde för kunden genom att erbjuda god leveransservice, men med bibehållet låga logistikkostnader. Målet med denna fallstudie är att presentera ett alternativ för hur detta kan upp-nås i form av en standard. Standarden ska innehålla rutiner för en effektiv in-ternförsörjning av en komponentfamilj med stor variation i behov där produktionen är kundorderstyrd. I fallstudien valdes kata som arbetssätt med fokus på att förstå nuläget för att sedan arbeta mot ett måltillstånd. Detta ledde till en standard med resultatet: - Eliminerat icke-värdeskapande arbete motsvarande 30 min/vecka - Minskad tid det tar att leta efter artiklar i lagret med 58 % - Ordning och reda vid lager- och förbrukningspunkt - Korrekt lagersaldo

Studie av materialhantering på Proton Finishing i Forsheda / A study in material handling processes on Proton Finishing in Forsheda

Lilliebladh, David, Svensson, Per January 2006 (has links)
The aim with this report was to exam and surveys the internal logistics of Proton Finishing’s production. The basic data should give the company suggestions of more efficient and improved internal logistics. We will also give from our perspective suggestions of improvement, which the company will be able to evaluate. To evaluate these problems we used different kinds of methods. A frequency study was made on the internal forklift. For that we used a predefined sheet where we once a minute registered what it were doing. With a stopwatch we registered how long time the operators spend in the storage. We also did interviews with the personnel to get their opinion on these matters. The study was conducted during a four day period, where these methods were used to study the work in the factory. The result that emerged are divided after which line/function the personnel worked on. The stopwatch survey showed that the personnel on hang 1 line spend time in the storage which they don’t suppose to do, according to their work assignment. The frequency study showed that the internal forklift spend one and a half hour a day to look after material. The study also showed that only 45 per cent of its work was useful work. Our conclusions after this report are that a storage software with all it’s components should be used. We have also given suggestion of more efficient material handling around the three lines in the A-sector.

Studie av materialhantering på Proton Finishing i Forsheda / A study in material handling processes on Proton Finishing in Forsheda

Lilliebladh, David, Svensson, Per January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim with this report was to exam and surveys the internal logistics of Proton Finishing’s production. The basic data should give the company suggestions of more efficient and improved internal logistics. We will also give from our perspective suggestions of improvement, which the company will be able to evaluate.</p><p>To evaluate these problems we used different kinds of methods. A frequency study was made on the internal forklift. For that we used a predefined sheet where we once a minute registered what it were doing. With a stopwatch we registered how long time the operators spend in the storage. We also did interviews with the personnel to get their opinion on these matters. The study was conducted during a four day period, where these methods were used to study the work in the factory.</p><p>The result that emerged are divided after which line/function the personnel worked on. The stopwatch survey showed that the personnel on hang 1 line spend time in the storage which they don’t suppose to do, according to their work assignment. The frequency study showed that the internal forklift spend one and a half hour a day to look after material. The study also showed that only 45 per cent of its work was useful work.</p><p>Our conclusions after this report are that a storage software with all it’s components should be used. We have also given suggestion of more efficient material handling around the three lines in the A-sector.</p>

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