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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da câmara escura ao brilho do foco : visibilidades possíveis dos trabalhadores de centro cirúrgico

Réus, Lucia Helena January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo analisa a articulação dos jogos de saber e poder, bem como os efeitos de verdade no trabalho, sustentados pelo olhar de trabalhadores do centro cirúrgico e presentes na produção de éticas nos modos de trabalhar. A análise do estudo toma como eixo principal o trabalho dos profissionais que atuam no centro cirúrgico do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, um hospital-escola, instituição pública e universitária, integrante da Rede de Hospitais Universitários do Ministério da Educação e vinculada academicamente à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Com este eixo principal, tomo o pensamento de Michel Foucault como norteador de um recorte teórico sobre a condição deste sujeito trabalhador permeado pelas relações de saberpoder e jogos de verdade, traçando um diálogo no que se refere às questões do olhar e buscando outros suportes que contemplem uma trajetória particular para essas questões além do campo foucaultiano. A proposta metodológica utilizada nesta pesquisa contemplou as ferramentas da pesquisa intervenção e a estratégia da intervenção fotográfica. Os participantes foram convidados por cartazes e e-mails para a produção de fotografias e realização de encontros para oficinas de fotografias e produção de narrativas fotográficas. Essas narrativas foram construídas coletivamente e possibilitaram refletir sobre os jogos de verdade, indicando visibilidades e invisibilidades nos processos saber-poder presentes neste trabalho. Com imagens escolhidas pelos participantes do grupo, foi realizada uma exposição fotográfica no corredor central do bloco cirúrgico com espaços para a livre manifestação dos trabalhadores. O Centro Cirúrgico foi retratado como um espaço do olhar, da vigilância e do controle. O saber é determinado a partir da visibilidade dos corpos, sejam de pacientes ou de trabalhadores e este saber é legitimado quando emana do brilho do foco cirúrgico. Os recortes produzidos por este estudo e visibilizados pelas imagens apontaram para os elementos que gravitam ao redor, que estão na obscuridade e fora do foco iluminado. As fotos possibilitaram um olhar que se sobressai à cegueira do trabalho cotidiano e lança luz à penumbra do trabalho “secundário”. Tanto esta “cegueira” como o “brilho” são instâncias que fazem parte de um jogo de forças, são estratégias dos jogos de verdade. A visibilidade desses jogos adquire novas possibilidades através do olhar fotográfico, com suas táticas de congelamento no tempo, possibilidades de olhares diversos e de criação de um espaço de discussão. / This study analyses how the games of knowledge and power are played and the effects of truth at work, uphold by the surgical center’s workers’ point of view and present in the ethic production on the ways of working, The main objective of the work is the professionals’ job who work in the surgical center of the Hospital de Clínicas from Porto Alegre, a teaching hospital, university and public institution, part of the University hospitals’ network of the Education Minestry and connected academically with the Universidade Federal do Rio grande do Sul(UFRGS). Having it as the main objective, I follow Michel Foucault thoughts as a theoretical framework guider on this worker’s job conditions permeated by power and knowledge relations and the games of the truth, establishing a dialogue related to the point of view issues and searching other supports that can sustain the private route for the issues beyond Foulcault’s field. The methodological proposal used in this research observed the tool of the Intervention Research and the photographic intervention strategy. The candidates were invited by posters and e-mails for the photographic production and for the meetings for pictures workshops and photographic narrative’s production. These narratives were made out collectively and allow reflecting on the truth games indicating the visibility and the invisibility in the knowledge and power process existing in this work. It was done a photographic exhibit with the images chosen by the participants in the main aisle of the surgical area with places so that workers could openly show their thoughts .The surgical center was portrayed as a space of the look, vigilance and power. The knowledge is determined from the bodies’ visibility be it from patients or from workers and this knowledge is legitimized when it comes from the surgery focus’s brightness. The frameworks produced by this study and enabled by these images spotted the elements around it, that are hidden and out of the bright focus. The pictures displays what is beyond the everyday job’s blindness and shows the “secondary” job. As much this blindness as the brightness they are pieces that are part of a strength game, they are strategies of the truth game. The visibility of these games gains new prospects through the photographic view, with its tactics of freezing in the time, several possibilities of look and the creation of a space for debates.

A gente se vê por aqui? : percepções de espectadores infantis sobre crianças na televisão / Do we see ourselves here?: children spectators's perceptions about children in television

Renata Lucia Baptista Flores 11 August 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve por objetivo conhecer as perspectivas infantis sobre as crianças que atuam na televisão brasileira. O estudo parte do entendimento de que na contemporaneidade o contato de crianças com diferentes mídias é intenso e que isto, aliado a outras experiências, proporciona a estruturação de modos de ser e estar no mundo. Interessada em aproximar-se desses modos de ser e estar, a pesquisa organizou-se no sentido de travar um contato direto com as crianças espectadoras através da dinâmica dos Grupos de Discussão, numa abordagem de Pesquisa-Intervenção. Além de traçar uma abordagem histórica da televisão no Brasil e da relação desta mídia com as crianças neste país, o trabalho aponta possibilidades de reflexão sobre processos de subjetivação e significação do mundo por parte dos meninos e meninas interlocutores da pesquisa. Noções de recepção, de fama e beleza, de trabalho etc. são discutidas com e a partir do que as crianças formulam e enunciam. Os principais autores que fundamentaram a pesquisa são Mikhail Bakhtin, Lucia Rabello de Castro e Solange Jobim e Souza. / The main goal of this work is to propose an approach and knowledge on childhoods perceptions about childrens performance on television programs. Understanding that to be in the world nowadays it means an inevitable and intense contact with media vehicles, this paper also intends to promote reflections about one of them: the television. In this way, and believing that children are active human beings and that each individual can make his/her own history, this work opts for the Intervention-Research as the methodological way. During the research, children were heard, in Groups of Discussion, and many dialogues were built. Notions about TV reception, fame and beauty, work etc. are discussed from and with the pronunciations of the children which opens a view of the contemporary childhood.

Narrativas da escuta : imagens de uma estética do sensível para a cuidado em saúde

Porciuncula, Lizia Pacheco January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo compreende uma pesquisa-intervenção realizada junto com trabalhadores de uma equipe de estratégia de saúde da família, no âmbito da atenção básica, na região sul de Porto Alegre/RS. O campo de pesquisa se inscreve no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), circunscrito pelas relações entre os setores público e privado. Iniciamos o campo de pesquisa com a pergunta sobre como a escuta poderia se colocar como uma experiência ético-estética e finalizamos experienciando junto com os trabalhadores as narrativas possíveis de uma escuta, que se dá no plano do coletivo e do comum. De objeto a escuta se fez método. São importantes operadores conceituais deste estudo: a ética do cuidado de si, narrativas da escuta e a estética do sensível. A ética do cuidado de si é problematizada na perspectiva ético-estética foucaultiana. O termo “narrativas da escuta” foi cunhado como efeito da própria experiência da pesquisa e serve para dar a ver a transformação do problema de pesquisa ao longo do processo. Da mesma forma, a estética do sensível se oferece como um desenho conceitual, ainda em construção, proveniente da experiência da pesquisa com imagens, na perspectiva da intervenção fotográfica. Esta é uma pesquisa de visibilidades, pois o escutar tem a ver com o enunciar. Parece que o perguntar foi a condição de possibilidade para um exercício ético num campo de escolhas possíveis sobre os modos de trabalhar e de se relacionar com o outro. O lugar da pergunta pode ser deslocado e recolocado como potência na medida em que acessa ao outro, mas também a si próprio, enquanto objeto de si e de transformação. A potência da escuta diz da relação com o outro e consigo mesmo que fomenta muito mais a produção de si pela alteridade, sendo que o exercício de estranhamento se faz necessário ao cuidado em saúde. Consideramos que o tornar público diz da capacidade do compartilhamento da experiência, da garantia da heterogeneidade e da possibilidade de diferir. / This study is an intervention research conducted with employees of a team of family health strategy within primary care, in the southern region of Porto Alegre/RS. The research field falls within the Unified Health System (SUS), circumscribed by the relationships between the public and private sectors. We began the research field with the question of how listening could stand as an ethical-aesthetic experience and finished experiencing with the workers the possible narratives of listening, which occurs at the level of the collective and common. From object, the listening became method. Are important conceptual operators of this study: the ethics of self-care, narratives of the listening and aesthetics of the sensitive. The ethics of self-care is problematized in ethical-aesthetic Foucault perspective. The term "narratives of listening" was coined as an effect of the research experience itself and serves to show the processing of the search problem throughout the process. Likewise, the aesthetics of the sensitive offers itself as a conceptual design, still under construction, from the research experience with images, from the perspective of photographic intervention. This is a research of visibilities because the hearing has to do with the spelling. It seems that the questioning was the condition of possibility for an ethical exercise in a field of possible choices about the ways of working and relating with others. The questioning can be moved and relocated as a power as long as accesses another, but also to himself, as an object of itself and of transformation. The power of listening tells of relationship with others and with himself that encourages much more the production of himself by otherness, where the exercise of strangeness is necessary to health care. We consider that the becoming public is about the ability of sharing the experience, ensuring the heterogeneity and the possibility of deferring.

Da câmara escura ao brilho do foco : visibilidades possíveis dos trabalhadores de centro cirúrgico

Réus, Lucia Helena January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo analisa a articulação dos jogos de saber e poder, bem como os efeitos de verdade no trabalho, sustentados pelo olhar de trabalhadores do centro cirúrgico e presentes na produção de éticas nos modos de trabalhar. A análise do estudo toma como eixo principal o trabalho dos profissionais que atuam no centro cirúrgico do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, um hospital-escola, instituição pública e universitária, integrante da Rede de Hospitais Universitários do Ministério da Educação e vinculada academicamente à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Com este eixo principal, tomo o pensamento de Michel Foucault como norteador de um recorte teórico sobre a condição deste sujeito trabalhador permeado pelas relações de saberpoder e jogos de verdade, traçando um diálogo no que se refere às questões do olhar e buscando outros suportes que contemplem uma trajetória particular para essas questões além do campo foucaultiano. A proposta metodológica utilizada nesta pesquisa contemplou as ferramentas da pesquisa intervenção e a estratégia da intervenção fotográfica. Os participantes foram convidados por cartazes e e-mails para a produção de fotografias e realização de encontros para oficinas de fotografias e produção de narrativas fotográficas. Essas narrativas foram construídas coletivamente e possibilitaram refletir sobre os jogos de verdade, indicando visibilidades e invisibilidades nos processos saber-poder presentes neste trabalho. Com imagens escolhidas pelos participantes do grupo, foi realizada uma exposição fotográfica no corredor central do bloco cirúrgico com espaços para a livre manifestação dos trabalhadores. O Centro Cirúrgico foi retratado como um espaço do olhar, da vigilância e do controle. O saber é determinado a partir da visibilidade dos corpos, sejam de pacientes ou de trabalhadores e este saber é legitimado quando emana do brilho do foco cirúrgico. Os recortes produzidos por este estudo e visibilizados pelas imagens apontaram para os elementos que gravitam ao redor, que estão na obscuridade e fora do foco iluminado. As fotos possibilitaram um olhar que se sobressai à cegueira do trabalho cotidiano e lança luz à penumbra do trabalho “secundário”. Tanto esta “cegueira” como o “brilho” são instâncias que fazem parte de um jogo de forças, são estratégias dos jogos de verdade. A visibilidade desses jogos adquire novas possibilidades através do olhar fotográfico, com suas táticas de congelamento no tempo, possibilidades de olhares diversos e de criação de um espaço de discussão. / This study analyses how the games of knowledge and power are played and the effects of truth at work, uphold by the surgical center’s workers’ point of view and present in the ethic production on the ways of working, The main objective of the work is the professionals’ job who work in the surgical center of the Hospital de Clínicas from Porto Alegre, a teaching hospital, university and public institution, part of the University hospitals’ network of the Education Minestry and connected academically with the Universidade Federal do Rio grande do Sul(UFRGS). Having it as the main objective, I follow Michel Foucault thoughts as a theoretical framework guider on this worker’s job conditions permeated by power and knowledge relations and the games of the truth, establishing a dialogue related to the point of view issues and searching other supports that can sustain the private route for the issues beyond Foulcault’s field. The methodological proposal used in this research observed the tool of the Intervention Research and the photographic intervention strategy. The candidates were invited by posters and e-mails for the photographic production and for the meetings for pictures workshops and photographic narrative’s production. These narratives were made out collectively and allow reflecting on the truth games indicating the visibility and the invisibility in the knowledge and power process existing in this work. It was done a photographic exhibit with the images chosen by the participants in the main aisle of the surgical area with places so that workers could openly show their thoughts .The surgical center was portrayed as a space of the look, vigilance and power. The knowledge is determined from the bodies’ visibility be it from patients or from workers and this knowledge is legitimized when it comes from the surgery focus’s brightness. The frameworks produced by this study and enabled by these images spotted the elements around it, that are hidden and out of the bright focus. The pictures displays what is beyond the everyday job’s blindness and shows the “secondary” job. As much this blindness as the brightness they are pieces that are part of a strength game, they are strategies of the truth game. The visibility of these games gains new prospects through the photographic view, with its tactics of freezing in the time, several possibilities of look and the creation of a space for debates.

Narrativas da escuta : imagens de uma estética do sensível para a cuidado em saúde

Porciuncula, Lizia Pacheco January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo compreende uma pesquisa-intervenção realizada junto com trabalhadores de uma equipe de estratégia de saúde da família, no âmbito da atenção básica, na região sul de Porto Alegre/RS. O campo de pesquisa se inscreve no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), circunscrito pelas relações entre os setores público e privado. Iniciamos o campo de pesquisa com a pergunta sobre como a escuta poderia se colocar como uma experiência ético-estética e finalizamos experienciando junto com os trabalhadores as narrativas possíveis de uma escuta, que se dá no plano do coletivo e do comum. De objeto a escuta se fez método. São importantes operadores conceituais deste estudo: a ética do cuidado de si, narrativas da escuta e a estética do sensível. A ética do cuidado de si é problematizada na perspectiva ético-estética foucaultiana. O termo “narrativas da escuta” foi cunhado como efeito da própria experiência da pesquisa e serve para dar a ver a transformação do problema de pesquisa ao longo do processo. Da mesma forma, a estética do sensível se oferece como um desenho conceitual, ainda em construção, proveniente da experiência da pesquisa com imagens, na perspectiva da intervenção fotográfica. Esta é uma pesquisa de visibilidades, pois o escutar tem a ver com o enunciar. Parece que o perguntar foi a condição de possibilidade para um exercício ético num campo de escolhas possíveis sobre os modos de trabalhar e de se relacionar com o outro. O lugar da pergunta pode ser deslocado e recolocado como potência na medida em que acessa ao outro, mas também a si próprio, enquanto objeto de si e de transformação. A potência da escuta diz da relação com o outro e consigo mesmo que fomenta muito mais a produção de si pela alteridade, sendo que o exercício de estranhamento se faz necessário ao cuidado em saúde. Consideramos que o tornar público diz da capacidade do compartilhamento da experiência, da garantia da heterogeneidade e da possibilidade de diferir. / This study is an intervention research conducted with employees of a team of family health strategy within primary care, in the southern region of Porto Alegre/RS. The research field falls within the Unified Health System (SUS), circumscribed by the relationships between the public and private sectors. We began the research field with the question of how listening could stand as an ethical-aesthetic experience and finished experiencing with the workers the possible narratives of listening, which occurs at the level of the collective and common. From object, the listening became method. Are important conceptual operators of this study: the ethics of self-care, narratives of the listening and aesthetics of the sensitive. The ethics of self-care is problematized in ethical-aesthetic Foucault perspective. The term "narratives of listening" was coined as an effect of the research experience itself and serves to show the processing of the search problem throughout the process. Likewise, the aesthetics of the sensitive offers itself as a conceptual design, still under construction, from the research experience with images, from the perspective of photographic intervention. This is a research of visibilities because the hearing has to do with the spelling. It seems that the questioning was the condition of possibility for an ethical exercise in a field of possible choices about the ways of working and relating with others. The questioning can be moved and relocated as a power as long as accesses another, but also to himself, as an object of itself and of transformation. The power of listening tells of relationship with others and with himself that encourages much more the production of himself by otherness, where the exercise of strangeness is necessary to health care. We consider that the becoming public is about the ability of sharing the experience, ensuring the heterogeneity and the possibility of deferring.

Os jovens e os sentidos do trabalho: pesquisa - intervenção em comunicação na rede pública de ensino. / -

Alexandre Akio Casoto Suenaga 30 September 2016 (has links)
A seguinte pesquisa pretende estudar as relações de comunicação dos jovens estudantes de escola pública sobre o trabalho: como a atribuição de sentido a esta atividade que atravessa, não apenas a esfera profissional, mas toda a vida humana, afeta suas maneiras de existir e de se relacionar. Para tanto, busca-se uma ampliação conceitual a partir da articulação teórico-metodológica do Binômio Comunicação e Trabalho, baseada principalmente no materialismo histórico dialético. A investigação dispõe de uma etapa empírica, realizada em uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo com jovens do terceiro ano do ensino médio, a partir das pistas metodológicas da Pesquisa-intervenção e dos Estudos de Recepção Latino-americanos. De maneira geral, notamos o quanto a discussão sobre o trabalho é escassa no espaço escolar, embora ela seja vital para que os jovens de camada popular possam repensar suas trajetórias de vida de maneira crítica, à luz de um contexto social mais amplo. / The following research aims to study the young public school students\' communication relations with labor: how the creation of meaning for this activity, that is related not only to the professional scope, but also to all human existence, affects their ways of existing and their relationships. In order to do so, we seek a conceptual broadening starting from the theoretical-methodological articulation of the Communication and Labor Binomial, based mainly on the historical-dialectical-materialism. The research has an empirical phase, developed from the methodological tracks of the Intervention-research and the Latin-American Reception Studies, in a public school in São Paulo city with young high school students. Overall, we could observe how the labor discussion is scarce in public schools, even though it is vital for the students of popular layers to have the possibility of thinking over their life trajectories in a critical way, in light of a wider social context

Améliorer la qualité des pratiques cliniques en milieu hospitalier : méthodologie de l'évaluation des interventions complexes / Improve the quality of clinical practice in hospitals : methodology of evaluation of complex interventions

Touzet, Sandrine 14 December 2015 (has links)
Améliorer la qualité des soins à l'hôpital reste un enjeu. Mettre en place des interventions efficaces pour changer les pratiques cliniques et les évaluer avec une méthodologie adaptée est crucial. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une démarche d'évaluation des interventions complexes. Dans une première partie, nous présentons et discutons quatre études conduites en milieu hospitalier. Celles-ci ont permis de dégager les spécificités méthodologiques des évaluations des interventions complexes que nous développons dans une seconde partie. De ce travail, nous retenons les éléments suivants : la conception d'interventions efficaces repose sur la connaissance des freins au changement de pratique et des facteurs favorisants ; l'évaluation de l'impact dispose de différentes alternatives méthodologiques ; les approches sont pragmatiques, intégrées au contexte local. En contrepartie, la validité interne de l'étude est souvent affectée par l'absence de comparabilité initiale des groupes et l'absence d'insu des professionnels. Le processus d'implémentation et les facteurs contextuels doivent être compris pour interpréter les résultats des études et pour pouvoir transposer l'intervention. Nous proposons une démarche en 5 étapes pour l'élaboration et l'évaluation des interventions complexes : I. Conception de l'intervention, II. Déploiement, III. Evaluation de l'impact, IV. Transférabilité et V. Pérennité. Une grille est proposée pour guider la réalisation de chacune de ces étapes. Les perspectives de recherche sont de prendre en compte la préférence des professionnels dans les essais d'intervention, d'intégrer les connaissances en sciences humaines sur les changements de comportement pour concevoir les interventions et en comprendre les effets, et de développer des approches mixtes combinant des résultats qualitatifs et quantitatifs pour conclure sur l'impact des interventions / Improving the quality of hospital care remains a challenge. Setting up effective interventions to change clinical practices and evaluating them with an appropriate methodology is crucial. The objective of this work is to propose a process to evaluate complex interventions. In a first part, we discuss four studies conducted in hospitals. They allowed us to identify the methodological specificities of the evaluations of complex interventions that we develop in a second part. From this work, we take away the following items. Effective interventions are based on the knowledge of barriers and facilitators to change clinical practices. Various methodological approaches exist to evaluate the impact of complex interventions. These approaches are pragmatic, integrated into the local context. On the flip side, the internal validity of the study is often impacted by the lack of comparability of the original groups and the lack of blinding of the professionals; the implementation process and contextual factors need to be understood to interpret the results and to be able to transfer the intervention. We propose a 5-step approach for the development and the evaluation of complex interventions: I. Design II. Implementation, III. Impact assessment, IV. Transferability and V. Sustainability. A grid is provided in order to guide the completion of each of these steps. The research perspectives are: take into account the preference of professionals in intervention trials, integrate knowledge about behavior change to design interventions and understand the effects, and develop joint approaches combining qualitative and quantitative results to conclude on the impact of interventions

Child Centered Play Therapy with Children Exhibiting Aggressive Behaviors

Wilson, Brittany 05 1900 (has links)
Aggressive behaviors in childhood currently serve as the leading cause of counselor referrals within the United States. Children exhibiting maladaptive aggressive symptomology are at an increased risk for highly externalized and problematic behaviors across the lifespan. Emotional self-regulation and empathy are two constructs currently believed to be closely related to aggression, but a lack of research exploring these variables currently exists in the counseling literature. In this study I examined the effect of child-centered play therapy (CCPT), is a manualized, developmentally responsive, and nondirective intervention, on these variables. Participants were 71 students from four Title 1 elementary schools in the southwest U.S. referred by teachers for aggressive behavior (12 females, 59 males; age range 5-10 years with mean age 6.28. The sample consisted of 52.1% (n = 37) children identified as African American, 21.1% (n = 15) as Latina/Latino, 19.7% (n = 14) as Caucasian, and 7% as multiracial (n = 5). Participants were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of a twice-weekly CCPT experimental group (n = 36) or a waitlist control group (n = 35). Results of descriptive discriminant analyses (DDA) of the Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale and the Children’s Aggression Scale scores revealed that parents perceived children’s group membership in CCPT as significant and reasonably predictive of improvement in children’s aggression, self-regulation, and empathy. However, teachers did not perceive a statistically significant difference between the two groups with respect to these variables. These results suggest the relevancy of CCPT for parents in providing children with a developmentally responsive intervention to reduce aggressive behaviors and support their healthy development.

Regaining homeostasis : a Gestalt therapeutic process model for teachers suffering from career related stress

Horn, Annamarie 03 1900 (has links)
D.Diac. (Play Therapy) / Teachers in South Africa experience strain and tension, unique to their specific work description, which is evident in the career-related stress symptoms experienced by the individual teachers, the high rate of absenteeism amongst teachers, as well as the high attrition rate. Although factors causing teacher-stress, and the consequences thereof, have been extensively researched, a limited number of empirical evaluations of the effectiveness and accessibility of stress-management programmes have been conducted. Due to the holistic nature of Gestalt therapy, its emphasis on the here-and-now and the Gestalt principles of awareness, dialogue and process, a Gestalt therapeutic process model was developed to empower teachers to regain homeostasis. The aim and objectives of the research were the design, development, presentation and evaluation of a Gestalt therapeutic process model for teachers suffering from career-related stress, in their quest to regain homeostasis. The model was developed to be implemented within the school environment by a trained member of the school management team. The process of intervention research was used for the research study. A functional Gestalt therapeutic programme, based on the theoretical Gestalt therapeutic model, was developed and presented to ten teachers, selected through purposive sampling, and again to five different teachers, selected through theoretical sampling. The teachers identified were representative regarding age, gender, race and years in education. Triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative data were collected simultaneously. The hypothesis stated for the research was that if teachers, suffering from career-related stress, were exposed to a Gestalt therapeutic model, they would regain homeostasis. Both the qualitative and quantitative data supported the hypothesis. The effect of the variables on each other was compared to confirm the reliability, applicability and neutrality of the research data. At the end of the three month research period the teachers who were exposed to the said model experienced less stress-related symptoms, as well as growth towards maturity and self-support, which would ultimately result in the regaining of homeostasis. A further objective of the research was to determine the feasibility of a trained school management team member implementing the Gestalt therapeutic process model at school. The qualitative data collected, indicated the feasibility thereof on condition that the school management team member did receive the necessary Gestalt therapeutic training. / Social Work

L'échange génératif de technologies innovantes : engagement conceptif et conception de la valeur / The generative exchange of innovative technologies : design engagement and value design

Jean, Fabien 21 December 2016 (has links)
Dans leurs processus d’innovation, les grandes entreprises subissent un manque de ressources entre Recherche et Développement appelé vallée de la mort. Le groupe Safran s’est doté d’une direction de l’innovation afin de le compenser. Son fonctionnement est fondé sur une logique d'échange avec les sociétés du groupe. Mais dans les phases amont, lorsque les échanges comportent des inconnus, ils s’interrompent brutalement. En particulier des fiches idées issues de DKCP ne sont pas explorées. Cette recherche-intervention ambitionne donc d’établir un modèle d’action collective pour échanger dans l’inconnu. Elle défend la thèse que dans l’inconnu, vendeurs et acheteurs de technologies innovantes s’engagent dans la conception de la frontière entre des technologies et des environnements.Face aux limites des modèles d’échange marchand, de décision, d’intéressement et de créativité, cette thèse adopte un modèle d’échange intégrant l’inconnu et un cadre analytique issu des théories de la conception innovante. Elle propose le modèle de l’engagement conceptif de ressources. Elle explicite les limites de l'outil conventionnel d'échange de technologies dit Technology Readiness Levels adopté chez Safran. Elle propose alors de modéliser les échanges entre vendeurs et acheteurs de technologies comme l’exploration de la frontière Technologie-Environnement en suivant le formalisme C-K T / C-K E construit. Finalement la méthode Pilotage de l'Exploration Par les Invariants Technologie-Environnement (PEPITE) est élaborée avec la direction de l'innovation Safran sur la base de deux cas d’exploration ayant effectivement passé la vallée de la mort durant l’intervention des chercheurs. / Innovation processes of large companies experience a lack of resources between Research and Development, i.e. the valley of death. Safran created its Innovation Department to counterbalance. It is based on exchanges with the subsidiaries. However such exchanges cannot be processed in most early stages, when they include unknowns. For instance, ideas generated through the DKCP method remain unexplored. This intervention-research aims at establishing a model of collective action to exchange in the unknown. It defends the thesis that, in the unknown, sellers and buyers of innovative technologies engage in the design of the boundary between technologies and environments.Facing the limits of classic models of exchanges of economy, decision, intéressement and creativity, this thesis adopts a design-theories framework. It proposes the model of design engagement of resources. It explains the limits of a common tool for exchanging technologies, i.e. Technology Readiness Levels. It proposes to model exchanges between seller and buyer as the exploration of the Technology-Environment boundary. To do so it constructs the C-K T / C-K E formalism. Finally, the method Steering Exploration Through Technology and Environment Invariants ("Pilotage de l'Exploration Par les Invariants Technologie-Environnement" (PEPITE) in French) is constructed in collaboration with Safran Innovation Department. It is based on two cases of explorations which passed the valley of death within the researchers intervention.

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