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Prevalence, co-morbidity and correlates of mental disorders in the general population: results from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS)Jacobi, Frank, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Hölting, C., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Müller, N., Lieb, R. 19 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Background. The German National Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS) is the first government mandated nationwide study to investigate jointly the prevalence of somatic and mental disorders within one study in the general adult population in Germany. This paper reports results from its Mental Health Supplement (GHS-MHS) on 4-week 12-month, and selected lifetime prevalence of a broad range of DSM-IV mental disorders, their co-morbidity and correlates in the community.
Methods. The sample of the GHS-MHS (n=4181; multistage stratified random sample drawn from population registries ; conditional response rate: 87.6%) can be regarded as representative for the German population aged 18–65. Diagnoses are based on fully structured computer assisted clinical interviews (M-CIDI), conducted by clinically trained interviewers.
Results. 12-month prevalence for any DSM-IV study disorder is 31% (lifetime: 43%; 4-week: 20%) with anxiety disorders, mood disorders and somatoform syndromes being the most frequent diagnoses. Retrospective age of onset information reveals that most disorders begin early in life. Comorbidity rates among mental disorders range from 44% to 94%. Correlates of increased rates of mental disorders and co-morbidity were: female gender (except for substance disorders), not being married, low social class, and poor somatic health status. Health care utilization for mental disorders depended on co-morbidity (30% in ‘pure’, 76% in highly co-morbid cases) and varied from 33% for substance use disorders to 75% for panic disorder.
Conclusions. Results confirm and extend results from other national studies using the same assessment instruments with regard to prevalence, co-morbidity and sociodemographic correlates, covering a broader range of DSM-IV disorders [i.e. somatoform disorders, all anxiety disorders (except PTSD), mental disorders due to substance or general medical factor, eating disorders]. Intervention rates were higher than in previous studies, yet still low overall.
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Élaboration et validation d'un questionnaire descriptif du processus inhérent au développement du jugement professionnel crédibleMarchand, Marie-Pier 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'évaluation de programme est un domaine d'activités en émergence auquel maints établissements recourent afin d'évaluer leurs programmes, projets ou politiques. L'évolution historique de cette pratique témoigne des développements et des changements qui ont façonné son utilisation et qui ont conduit progressivement vers son état actuel. Elle fait l'objet de nombreuses critiques quant à la qualité des jugements générés au sein des rapports rédigés. Plusieurs théoriciens ont élaboré des modalisations du processus évaluatif, mais elles ont toutes une conceptualisation linéaire, dont le jugement constitue l'ultime produit, ce qui les rend inefficaces. Suite à cette problématique, certains chercheurs ont tenté de cerner les conditions requises afin de générer un jugement acceptable, lesquels ont identifié une carence au niveau de l'élaboration de l'argumentation et plus précisément sur le plan de la synthèse des informations (Scriven, 1990; Bossiroy, 2009). Une recension des écrits quant aux notions du jugement et de la crédibilité permet de constater une nouvelle perspective à explorer. En effet, le jugement doit être perçu comme un processus entier, résultant d'une compétence humaine. De plus, la crédibilité qui lui est accordée serait tributaire de la mise en place de certaines conditions optimales, mais demeurerait le fruit d'une démarche externe réalisée par les personnes concernées par ce jugement. Inévitablement, cette approche amène les chercheurs à étudier des volets autres que ceux de la méthodologie. Dans une perspective multidisciplinaire, il devient alors fort intéressant de s'attarder à l'analyse de pratiques professionnelles diverses, socialement reconnues, menant à la formulation d'un jugement. Ainsi, le projet de recherche dans lequel s'inscrit cette étude exploratoire prévoit conduire des entrevues individuelles auprès de professionnels amenés à porter des jugements quotidiennement, en vue de mieux comprendre et cerner les conditions essentielles requises pour générer un jugement crédible. Les résultats obtenus permettront ensuite de modéliser le processus de production d'un jugement crédible et d'identifier les éléments transférables à la pratique en évaluation de programme. Pour ce faire, il demeure essentiel de travailler avec un questionnaire d'entretien de qualité permettant d'engendrer l'information souhaitée. L'élaboration et la validation de ce questionnaire constituent ainsi les visées spécifiques de cette recherche. L'élaboration théorique du questionnaire ainsi que la validation par expérimentation permettent de conclure en l'efficacité de la démarche et du questionnaire. De plus, l'analyse des données obtenues présente des résultats concluants et très prometteurs quant aux suites à donner à cette étude et témoigne de la qualité de l'information générée par notre démarche. Il en ressort principalement l'influence de la subjectivité de l'évaluateur ainsi que de sa compétence, tout au long du processus de formulation d'un jugement crédible.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Compétence, crédibilité, évaluation de programme, jugement
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Att scanna eller inte scanna : En studie om neuromarknadsföringens potential som komplement till eller ersättning av enkät, intervju och fokusgrupp.Adolfsson, Per, Mårdh, Marcus, Sandevärn, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
In order to stay competitive and to be the first choice for customers in a world driven by a high level of competitive advantage, it is important for companies to stay ahead of the competition by conducting thorough market research. Even if this tends to be the case, many products still fail when reaching the market, leaving companies with great losses. The reason for this could be that the development of existing research methods has stagnated, or that they simply lack the ability to find the true answer as to what intentions underlie consumer’s decision making when shopping. Many believe that a new method is desired in order to get a better picture of what customers really think. As a solution to the problem, researchers are using a mix of neuroscience and marketing in order to get into the customers minds. Therefore, this study seeks to create knowledge about the new emerging trend called neuromarketing and its potential as a complement or substitute to surveys, interviews and focus groups. In order to achieve this purpose, relevant theory was collected and compared to the empirical data from focus group studies that were conducted. Findings show that scanning customers’ brains, for now, cannot fully substitute surveys, interviews or focus groups, since each have their own investigational characteristics. This could although change as neuromarketing still is in an early development stage and researchers believe that the method has good future potential. Although neuromarketing cannot be seen as a substitute for now, it still has its advantages compared to surveys, interviews and focus groups. We therefore see that scanning of the brain could be used as a sufficient complement to the other methods through triangulation if companies can afford it.
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Participatory Culture : How Social Media Active Journalists Make Use of the MediumAppelberg, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
As new platforms are developed for communicating, the everyday lives of many are changedat the grounds. The aim with this study was to map the changes in routines when it comes tojournalists making news and communicating with their readers, audience and sources after theintroduction of social media in their work process. By making a qualitative study analyzinglogbooks and interviews of a handful of responding journalists I tried to find what thethoughts were behind the routines of the journalistic work process and why and how they’vechanged. The most obvious change this research has found was that the speed of today’s flowof information has made an impact on both how the respondents gather information andregard their sources. My research is in many ways complimentary to earlier research madewith the same starting point but the findings are a bit different. While my research shows thatthe dialog between producer and consumer is increasing and is sought after, other studies havefailed to make this conclusion.
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Humanity and Dominance in Police Interviews. Causes and EffectsMadsen, Kent January 2010 (has links)
This experimental study examined whether a humanitarian and a dominant interviewing style, respectively, had any causal effect on 146 interviewees’ memory performance, as well as the interviewees’ psychological well-being. Independent-samples t-tests showed that participants interviewed in a humanitarian style reported a larger amount of information altogether, including, as defined, more peripheral and central information, compared to those interviewed in a dominant style. The amount of false reported information was statistically invariable regardless of interviewing style. A mixed between-within analysis of variance showed an interaction effect between the interviewing style and the interviewees’ anxiety level before and after interview, thus, partly supporting the hypothesis that a humanitarian interviewing style promotes greater psychological well-being among interviewees. Factors influencing the results are discussed, including the main implications, which are that a humanitarian interviewing style promotes rapport building and provides the interviewees with adequate time to find retrieval paths and cues to memories.
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The Comparisons of the Management Analyses in the Cross Straits Insurance Industries: The Examples of Group InsuranceKang, Yi-Jui 21 July 2010 (has links)
Group insurance could be regarded as a part of employee¡¦s welfare, typically in the study objectives, cross straits have the same culture and race; and a vast of Taiwanese businessmen over there in the recent years, will this fashion transfer from Taiwan and affect with Mainland China--this is one of the study motives.
The study objectives are as follows: 1. Using the questionnaires investigation, it examines the affecting factors of management analyses for the group insurance and the demographic variables effects of group insurance purchasing and renewal. 2. Using interview approach, it links with cross straits of managers engaging on group insurance in the practical management frequently meeting difficulties and their related of cooping strategies. 3. Combining the research conclusions and results, it offers the management systems in the application as the suggestions in the cross straits of group insurance industries.
The research results are as follows: 1. For the reliability, Taiwan and China¡¦s group insurance of purchasing and renewal consideration factors are more than 0.78. 2. For the validity, the questionnaires refer Huang (2006) and Kuo (2007) or similar contents and aim at the research case company¡¦s characters and modifications so as to fits the content validity. 3. For the correlations, all aspects between cross straits of group insurance purchasing and renewal factors are attained 99% significantly and positively levels. 4. For the differences of group insurance purchasing and renewal, the genders have no significantly different. The monthly incomes exhibit significantly different. The numbers of employees show very significantly different. As for the company¡¦s capital amounts, Taiwan is very significantly different, but China is significantly different.
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Why Do You Vote for Independent Candidates? A In-depth Case Study of 2010 Kaohsiung City Council ElectionChang, Hsi-Hua 04 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores reasons why a voter would vote for a ¡§independent¡¨candidate in a city council¡¦s election. Since respondents in a telephone survey are not able to give their thoughts and description of vote intention thoroughly. given few survey questions .I therefore chose in-depth interview conducted before the election day to explore the real thoughts of the voters.
My in-depth interview respondents are selected by telephones surveys and were interviewed regarding four topics, including party identification, political views, candidates and social networks. I find that partisanship is not the main factor of voting for an independent candidate. Instead, the key is his or her ability to serve the voters. The second factor is the ability to execute the public welfare policies and the third is education background and experiences in the field of public service. Fourth social network has limited effects on voters who were born in the 70¡¦s and 80¡¦s.
Moreover, I discovered that the effects of the party ideology on voting behavior might differ across levels of elections. In particular, Kaohsiung voters will take the cue of party ideology at the city mayor¡¦s election, while this may not apply to a city council¡¦s election.
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Study of Eco-tourism Development in the Houbihu Protection AreaLee, Ming-Chang 19 July 2011 (has links)
Eco-tourism gives consideration to both ecological conservation and recreation, aiming to protect resources by means of making tourists recognizing the importance of ecosystem."Houbihu Marine Conservation Area "in the National Kenting Park is established for the conservation of biological diversity from protecting sea urchins in 2003 to all marine organisms two years later. Recovery of marine resources encouraged the idea to develop eco-tourism in the area; not only to propagate the benefits from resources conservation by allowing tourists for near contacts to marine ecosystem and sharing the achievements of protection, but also to promote transformation of local fishers and to improve their economic conditions. This study explores the feasibility of this idea, by literature reviews, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview with the six groups of people: tourists, managers, enforcement officials, experts (including scholars), industries and non-government organization. Discussions on the results and recommendations were provided in the study.
¡ikeyword ¡jEco-tourism¡BBiologicaldiversity¡BHoubihuMarine¡Bliterature reviews¡Bquestionnaire survey¡Bin-depth interview
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A Study of the Interview Policy for Spouses from Mainland China--The Case of Kaohsiung CityHsiao, Sheng-Fang 15 August 2011 (has links)
Illegal migration is a common phenomenon around the world. It is most prevalent between regions and countries with relatively great difference in national income and economic activities. Taiwan has enjoyed economic prosperity since early years, and people are generally well-off. With a significantly higher living standard than mainland China, and consistently increasing cross-strait marriages, many people from mainland China who have no means to improve their economic condition in China, try to migrate to Taiwan illegally by means of ¡§fraudulent marriage¡¨ to solve their own economic problems.
Public policies of a country are problem-oriented. Major objective of the public policies is to solve social problems. In order to prevent people from mainland China from engaging in illegal acts in Taiwan by means of fraudulent marriage, and hence endangering Taiwan society, the Taiwan government has instituted the interview policy. The interview policy is undeniably effective in deterring the mainland people from engaging in illegal acts in Taiwan by means of fraudulent marriage, but it has also created annoyance for the genuinely married couples across the straits. The author¡¦s motivation and aim of the study is to explore the possibility of relaxing the interview policy or bundling it with other auxiliary measures, so that both legal marriage and human rights could be protected.
After understanding the system, regulations and result of the interview policy, the researcher then discussed the policy from the view-point of the policy stakeholders. Subjects of study are the policy stakeholders residing in Kaohsiung City. Samples were taken by non-probability sampling (purposive sampling) from the Taiwan spouses, mainland spouses, team members of the Kaohsiung Special Operation Brigade of National Immigration Agency actually executing the interview policy and the mainland citizens involved in fraudulent marriage who are staying in asylums, with whom interviews were conducted.
The study found that the interview policy did have the effect of preventing mainland citizens from coming to Taiwan by means of fraudulent marriage when the present point of time (2011) was compared with 2003 when the policy was first launched. However, as time goes by, and as the cross-strait relationship unwinds, fraudulent marriage is no longer the only channel that ill-minded mainland people may come to Taiwan, as they have diversified channels now, such as business visit, traveling and the Taiwan individual travel scheme for mainland travelers, etc. Moreover, the interview policy only found 2 problematic cross-strait marriages out of 1000 cases in 2010, while the other 998 cases were normal cross-strait marriages, but still were affected and bothered by the interview policy. Therefore, whereas most interviewees agreed that the interview policy should be kept, they did believe that the policy should be appropriately relaxed. ¡§Immigrant management¡¨ or ¡§immigrant counseling¡¨ is an acceptable approach to strengthening the ¡§investigation¡¨ of mainland spouses. Therefore, for the interview policy, it is proposed in the study that: 1. existing interview policy for mainland spouses should be relaxed; and 2. visit and investigation of mainland spouses should be strengthened after they come to Taiwan.
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Study of Selection Procedure on Critical Modules of ERP for Taiwan Flat Steel Industry.Lin, Chih-yi 10 June 2005 (has links)
There are a lot of complicated factors affecting the success of an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) project. These factors can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable ones. For instance, the schedule management, the allocating resources and the method of implementation are controllable. Once the ERP system and vendor are decided and unchangeable, the ERP itself will become the uncontrollable factor. Unless we abandon the ERP project and restart it again, otherwise the project must proceed and go on continuously. If ERP system is suitable for the enterprise, the degree of customization can be reduced.
However the customization is the most significant factor that delays implementation schedule and increase more cost than budget. If the functions of ERP system do not fit the requirements of an enterprise it will cause the extreme large degree of customization. To select an adequate ERP system fit for company¡¦s functions is the first step towards the success of ERP project, and further improve the performances of enterprise with ERP system. The most important key is to choose an industry-specified ERP system and to implement it actively, but little research focuses on it.
This study emphasizes the concept of an industry-specified ERP system, using flat steel industry as the research object and considering the process of implementation of ERP system. We take account of the major dimensions and critical modules of ERP system during the selection period. This paper expects to provide flat steel industry an objective method for selection of critical functions and needed modules. It can help flat steel industry choose the most applicable ERP system effectively, and increase the probability to implement ERP successfully. Finally, some suggestions were provided for ERP system vendors to consider the requirements of different types of industries, especially the flat steel industry.
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