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Zajištění intimity a důstojnosti u pacientů na urgentním příjmu, samozřejmost nebo nadstandard? / Ensuring intimacy and dignity for patients in the Emergency Department, granted or extras?POSPÍŠILOVÁ, Vendula January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This diploma thesis, titled "Ensuring intimacy and dignity in patients on urgent reception, self-evident or a luxury?", highlights the issue of respecting human dignity and ensuring intimacy in treating patients on urgent admission. The above issues are currently lagging the prestige of modern healing and nursing practices. In intensive care and therefore in urgent arrivals, an inpatient health care system is being developed, where maintaining the dignity of a person and ensuring his intimacy is very complicated. At a slow pace, this issue moves to the forefront of the public's interests, both professional and lay, particularly from the point of view of patients who have some experience with healthcare. The aim of this diploma thesis was to map the provision of intimacy and respect for dignity in patients on emergency reception by treating staff. The theoretical part of this thesis describes areas such as dignity, intimacy, holism, the needs of the sick, as well as communication and burnout syndrome and the functioning of urgent income as such in a brief description. The practical part of the work was elaborated by the method of qualitative research using the techniques of semi-structured interview with patients who were treated for urgent income and with emergency care staff, combined with the secret observation of the work of the emergency care staff. Interviews and observation took place in April 2017, at the Emergency in Hospital. Permit for research was issued by the Deputy Minister for Nursing. The research group consisted of 10 nurses working on urgent admissions and 10 patients treated in this department. The research shows that nurses have a very good knowledge of dignified care and patient intimacy, but in terms of putting this knowledge into practice, this area is under the supervision of the department's staff to work on it and to deal with it more closely. In patients pointed out to insufficient awareness of the course of treatment, applied medications, and a lack of privacy in nursing. Almost the most discussed issue is communicating personal data and health problems in the emergency waiting room to a nurse, without any possibility of privacy. Some factors that interfere with dignified and intimate care relate to areas of rather structural and organizational adjustments to the department and will be proposed for further solutions.
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Micros de nuits : histoire de la radio nocturne en France, 1945-2012 / Night microphones : history of night-time french radio, 1945-2012Beccarelli, Marine 14 December 2016 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs décennies, des années 1950 jusqu’au début des années 2000, les nuits des ondes hertziennes françaises étaient peuplées de voix multiples, célèbres puis anonymes, souvent feutrées et confidentes. Ces voix s’accordaient à l’atmopshère de la nuit. Trouvant refuge dans cet espace-temps alternatif, elles profitaient de ces heures, situées en dehors du temps social majoritaire, pour s’exprimer. La radio nocturne constituait un espace de rêves et d’expérimentations, de rencontres et de dialogues, offrant aux auditeurs de la nuit un accompagnement, une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde, sur les autres et sur l’intime. Ce travail propose de retracer l’histoire de ces programmes des heures noires, à travers une approche chronologique de leur évolution. L’analyse des émissions est croisée avec celle de la réception, notamment permise par les courriers d’auditeurs, ainsi qu’avec l’observation des imaginaires véhiculés autour de l’objet «radio de nuit». Histoire des productions radiophoniques, des pratiques et des perceptions nocturnes, cette thèse entend mettre en lumière le monde des ondes de la nuit, distinguer les différentes phases de son développement, ainsi que ses spécificités. Situé au carrefour de l’histoire de la radio et de celle de la nuit, Micros de nuit se présente aussi comme une contribution à l’histoire des sensibilités du second vingtième siècle. / During several decades, from the 1950’s until the beginning of the 2000’s, french night-time radio waves were filled with numerous voices, famous or anonymous, often muted and intimate. These voices matched well with the nocturnal atmosphere. Finding a refuge in this alternate space-time, they took advantage of these hours, located outside of the majority social time, to express theirselves. Night-time radio constituted a space for dreams and experimentations, meetings and dialogues, offering a support to night-time listeners, a window open to the rest of the world, the others and the intimacy. This study recounts the history of all-night french radio, throug a chronological approach, focusing on the broadcasts, their reception, as well as the imaginaries drifting around them. History of radio productions, nocturnal habits and perceptions, this thesis intend to highlight the wave night world, to distinguish its different phases and its key features. Located at the crossroad of radio history and night-time history, Micros de nuit constitutes also a contribution to an history of sensibilities for the second half of the 20th century.
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Urbanité et sentiment de nature: ethnographies comparées de la randonnée pédestre Corse – Chapada Diamantina (Brésil)Bragard, Romain January 2009 (has links)
BRAGARD, Romain. Urbanité et sentiment de nature: ethnographies comparées de la randonnée pédestre Corse – Chapada Diamantina (Brésil). 2009. 253f. Tese (Doutorado) - Curso de Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherche Et D’Études Anthropologiques, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 2009. / Submitted by Hanna Sandy (nannybells@gmail.com) on 2016-12-16T12:15:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / This research is articulated around a founding hypothesis: the feeling of nature that motivates the hikers is an urban feeling. Loving the nature, searching for a physical contact with it, spending energy and money to go through it and experience extraordinary feelings are all elements of the modern cultural weft. Tourists at the GR20 (Corsica) and at the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil) inherited from the history of the idea of nature, from the history of the individual and from the history of free time in western civilization. They are moved by the desire of nature, which is worked out in the urban routine, and which emergence conditions are similar in both countries. However, the features of the « hiking ritual » in each of these places change according to their social structures and their « national myths ». In one hand, we can see how French tourists in Corsica experience and act the « myth of the individual » (Miguel Benasayag), fulfilled by equality and autonomy values. On the other hand, Brazilian tourists perform a hierarchical social scene, which places them between the guide who serves them and the natural divinity that overwhelms them. In both cases, a political question can be asked: does the feeling of nature hide and legitimate a « selective democracy » (Jessé Souza) that is connected to a depoliticization of nature as raw material ? / Cette recherche s’articule autour d’une hypothèse structurante : le sentiment de nature qui motive les randonneurs est un sentiment urbain. Aimer la nature, rechercher un contact physique avec elle, dépenser énergie et argent pour la parcourir et éprouver des sentiments extra-ordinaires, sont des actes qui s’inscrivent dans une trame culturelle moderne. Les excursionnistes du GR20 (Corse) et de la Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brésil) sont héritiers d’une histoire de l’idée de nature, d’une histoire de l’individu et d’une histoire du temps libre. Ils sont mus par un désir de nature, qui s’élabore dans le quotidien urbain, et dont les conditions pratiques d’émergence sont comparables. Mais la forme que prend le « rituel excursif » dans chacune des deux localités varie en fonction de structures sociales et de « mythes nationaux » distincts. On observe ainsi que les randonneurs français vivent avec force le « mythe de l’individu » (Miguel Benasayag), égalitariste et autonomiste, et que les randonneurs brésiliens performent une scène sociale hiérarchisée, qui les situe entre le guide qui les sert et la nature divinisée qui les dépasse. Dans les deux cas, une question politique peut être posée : le sentiment de nature n’a-t-il pas pour fonction impensée de masquer et de légitimer une « démocratie sélective » (Jessé Souza), qui s’articule à une dépolitisation du rapport à la nature-matière première ?
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La possibilité socio-culturelle d’apparition de l’autofiction : étude comparée en France et en Iran / The socio-cultural possibility of appearance of autofiction : a comparative study between France and IranSeid Mohammadi, Khadijeh 21 December 2017 (has links)
L’autofiction terme inventé par Serge Doubrovsky en 1979 dans son roman Fils est une catégorie de l’écriture de soi qui connaît une vogue en Occident. En particulier, en France, de nombreux écrivains ont pratiqué et pratiquent encore ce type d’écriture en décrivant des éléments de leur vie personnelle et en dévoilant, souvent profondément, leur intimité. En revanche, en Iran, si l’écriture de soi a commencé à se développer à partir de la fin du XIXème Siècle et s’est renforcée dans les années 1990, en mélangeant la fiction et la réalité, l’autofiction n’est pas pratiquée de manière aussi intense qu’en France en raison de la société holiste, où l’individu n’est pas encore parvenu à acquérir sa pleine autonomie et une totale liberté. Cette thèse examine les romans de quatre écrivains iraniens écrits entre les années quatre-vingt-dix et deux mille dix, portant sur la société plutôt que sur leur vie personnelle, en prenant pour modèle deux écrivains français récents. Ce travail s’appuie également sur des théoriciens français à partir du dernier tiers du XXème siècle qui décrivent les bases de l’écriture de soi de l’autobiographie et de l’autofiction, comme par exemple Philippe Lejeune et Serge Doubrovsky / The term autofiction invented by Serge Doubrovsky in 1979 in his novel Son is a category of self-writing that is popular in the West. In particular, in France, many writers have practiced and still practice this type of writing by describing elements of their personal life and revealing, often deeply, their intimacy. On the other hand, in Iran, although self-writing began to develop from the end of the 19th century and grew stronger in the 1990, by mixing fiction and reality, autofiction is not practiced as intensely as in France because of holistic society, where the individual has not yet managed to acquire full autonomy and complete freedom. This thesis examines the novels of four Iranian writers written between the nineties and two thousand and ten, on the subject of society rather than their personal life, taking as their model two recent French writers. This work also relies on French theorists from the last third of the 20th century who describe the basics of self-writing autobiography and autofiction, such as Philippe Lejeune and Serge Doubrovsky
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Du sabre à la plume : le général d'Empire Fornier d'Albe (1769-1834). Vie privée d'un notable nîmois / From the sword to the plume : the Empire general Fornier d’Albe (1769-1834). Private life of a notable from NîmesBernard, Thomas 06 September 2018 (has links)
Gaspard-Hilarion Fornier d’Albe naît en 1769 au sein d’une famille appartenant à l’aristocratie protestante gardoise, bientôt anoblie grâce à ses activités négociantes. Il débute sa carrière militaire peu avant la fin de l'Ancien Régime, au terme d’une éducation exemplaire. Se distinguant dans les armées méridionales révolutionnaires, il est destitué comme noble et fédéraliste, puis réintègre l'armée pour participer à l'expédition d’Égypte. Il enchaîne ensuite les fonctions administratives à l'armée du Rhin, au camp de Boulogne puis dans les états-majors de la Grande Armée, avant de couronner son parcours par une défense de la place prussienne de Custrin pendant 13 mois en 1813-1814. Mis en retraite au retour des Bourbons, il mène une vie de bourgeois rentier à Paris, et – véhiculant la légende napoléonienne – se fait le relais d’un parti libéral protestant nîmois profondément traumatisé par la Terreur Blanche. Le général Fornier d’Albe se distingue davantage par ses aspects privés que par sa carrière militaire. Il lègue en effet à l’histoire trois écrits intimes d’une richesse exceptionnelle : le Journal d’Égypte, le Mémorial de Custrin et son journal de santé. Narrant à sa maîtresse le spleen qu’il ressent dans l’environnement égyptien et ses expériences sexuelles dans le premier, décrivant la descente aux enfers de la garnison de Custrin durant le siège de la place et analysant l’effondrement de l’Empire dans le second, il passe sa fin de vie à étudier la lente décomposition de son corps touché par un mal vénérien dans son journal de santé. Les écrits du “ for privé ” servent de fil conducteur à la biographie de ce notable bibliophile et érudit qui incarne les contradictions d’une génération qui façonna la France contemporaine. / Gaspard-Hilarion Fornier d’Albe was born in 1769 in a family of protestant aristocrats from the department of the Gard, soon ennobled thanks to their trade activities. He begins his career just before the end of the Ancien Régime after an exemplary education. Distinguishing himself in southern armies during the French Revolution, he’s dismissed as a noble and federalist, then reintegrated to participate to the expedition in Egypt. He’s then assigned to administrative fonctions in general staff, participates to napoleonian campaigns, and crowns his career with the defense of the place of Custrin during 13 months in 1813-1814. Retired when Bourbons return, he lives in Paris as a bourgeois with property incomes, and – conveying the napoleonian legend – becomes the relay of a liberal protestant party traumatised by the Terreur Blanche. General Fornier d’Albe is a lot more interesting because of the private aspects of his life than his military career. He leaves to history three intimate and extremely rich writings : the Egyptian Diary, the Custrin Memorial and the health diary. Telling to his mistress the spleen he feels in the egyptian environment and his sexual relationships in the first one, describing the horror of the siege of Custrin and analyzing the fall of the Empire in the second one, he studies the slow decomposition of his body because of e venereal disease in the health diary. Private writings are a common thread for the biography of this bibliophile and erudite notable who embodies the contradictions of the generation that shaped contemporary France.
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"Halal" intimacy : love, marriage and polygamy in contemporary MalaysiaMohd Razif, Nurul Huda January 2017 (has links)
This thesis illustrates how love, legality, money, sex(uality) and sin direct Malays’ marital strategies in the face of various social, moral, religious and structural pressures. Passionate love (cinta) is cherished and celebrated by Malays – that is, if it is indulged within marriage. Marriage serves as a license to engage in (otherwise illicit) sexual desires by rendering them “halal” or lawful in the eyes of Islam and Malay adat (traditions). A vigilant State-led Islamic Bureaucracy, which polices and punishes pre- or extramarital sexual liaisons between unmarried couples through strict moral surveillance, further ensures that access to physical intimacy remains a conjugal privilege. However, hindered by complex bureaucratic procedures for marriage and pressured by escalating passions, many of my Malay informants are compelled to seek cheaper, quicker, and discreet alternatives in neighboring Southern Thailand to “halal-ize” pre- or extramarital romances, resulting in secret – and legally contentious – monogamous or polygamous cross-border marriages. Cross-border marriages – specifically polygamous ones – are subsequently explored here as a careful (and often failed) negotiation between discretion and disclosure: their stability decreases with increased exposure, rendering them highly precarious. Contrary to the dominant male-centric scholarship on polygamy, this study privileges the perspectives and experiences of polygamous wives by considering how their position within the marriage informs their capacity to engage in – or conversely, disengage from – this multi-marital arrangement. Polygamy is embraced by some women as a female choice that secures access to marriage and motherhood – both crucial towards achieving Malay womanhood. For others, polygamy is hardly a “choice” at all, and they must cope with the discomforting reality in which the husband’s money, time, and attention are now “halved” between his wives. Love in polygamy is experienced in visible and measurable terms, and the husband’s unequal distribution of his emotional and economic resources create discontent among wives that may culminate in divorce, or covertly confronted through sorcery. In Malay polygamy, more therefore means less.
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Intimidade na clínica contemporânea: estudo psicanalíticoBertão, Flávia Renata Bertonha Manoel [UNESP] 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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bertao_frbm_dr_assis.pdf: 384018 bytes, checksum: 69cbee62410a6db4497e4b66b4eaa93e (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nesta pesquisa, estudou-se a intimidade que se estabelece no encontro entre a dupla terapeuta-paciente, dentro do contexto psicoterápico. Considerou-se, da clínica contemporânea, as queixas de ausência de simbolizações, marcada por angústias de invasões e abandonos, sem contornos psíquicos de mundo interno e externo. Essas angústias levam a pensar na necessidade de construir uma ligação íntima e criar, nesses vazios, algo novo e representável, a fim de que a pessoa possa entrar em contato com seu mundo interno. Para tanto, foi importante compreender o espaço de intimidade onde ocorre o encontro que possibilitará a busca de autonomia e criatividade do paciente. Essa criação entre terapeuta e paciente, frequentemente, poderá ser vivenciada pela primeira vez nessa relação, precisando, portanto, passar pelo repertório do terapeuta, o qual acolhe as angústias do pacientes no campo vincular, da transferência e da contratransferência, oferecendo condições para a sustentação psíquica. Utilizaram-se, da obra de Winnicott, os estudos que abordam o processo de desenvolvimento do indivíduo e como estabelecer intimidade consigo e com o mundo, e as considerações de holding, handling, apresentação de objeto, mãe suficientemente boa, capacidade de estar só, falso self, self verdadeiro, medo colapso e tendência inata ao desenvolvimento. Empregaram-se também as contribuições de Freud, no aspecto técnico sobre construções feitas na análise, a atenção flutuante, a transferência e a contratransferência e, no que se trata da teoria, discutiu-se sobre o narcisismo na vida relacional das pessoas, os investimentos libidinais que são possíveis nas situações de luto elaborado, bem como... / In this research, we studied the intimacy that is established in the encounter between therapist-patient, within the context of psychotherapy. It was taken into considerations the complaints of lack of symbolizations marked by fears of invasions and withdrawals without psychic contours of internal and external world, in contemporary clinical practice. These anxieties led to thinking about the need to build an intimate relationship and to create something new and possible of being represented, so that one can get in touch with his/her inner world. It was important to understand the space of intimacy where the encounter which may facilitate the search for autonomy and creativity of the patient takes place. This process between therapist and patient may often be experienced for the first time in this relationship, and therefore needs to go through the therapist's repertoire, which hosts the anguish of the patient, providing conditions for psychic support. From the works by Winnicott we used the studies which address the process of individual development and the process of establishing intimacy with oneself and the world, and considerations of holding, handling, object presentation, mother image, ability to be alone, false self, true self, collapse fear and innate tendency to development. We also used the contributions of Freud, the technical aspect of the constructions made during the analysis, the floating attention, transference and counter transference. And as far as theory is concerned, we discussed narcissism in the affective life of the persons, the libidinal investments which are possible in situations of... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Diários pessoais na aula de Língua Portuguesa: artesanato com a constituição da autoria e da intimidade / Personal diaries in the Portuguese language class: crafts with the constitution of authorship and intimacyPeres, Danubia Fernanda Zevoli [UNESP] 10 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by DANUBIA FERNANDA ZEVOLI PERES null (danubia_peres@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-24T00:23:12Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-10 / Um feito-a-mão sobre escrita de si, autoria e intimidade a partir da escrita de diários pessoais na aula de Língua Portuguesa. Este é o resumo mais resumo dessa dissertação. Mas, pede a formalidade da linguagem acadêmica que o resumo seja mais amplo. Pois bem. Temos então: esta dissertação é a compreensão de alguns aspectos desencadeados por uma pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir da perspectiva sócio-histórica (FREITAS, 2003), junto a duas turmas de 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública da rede estadual na cidade de Rio Claro/SP. Considerando quinze diários disponibilizados pelos autores-alunos, bem como os diários de campo da professora-pesquisadora e os post its que a mesma foi escrevendo ao longo da compreensão dos dados, por meio do paradigma indiciário de Ginzburg (1996), esta dissertação busca compreender a escrita de diários pessoais como forma de constituição dos sujeitos envolvidos na pesquisa, a partir das marcas de autoria que os mesmos instituíram no gênero discursivo diário pessoal. Na sequência, adentra a intimidade, pensada como amizade, enquanto aspecto inerente das relações estabelecidas entre os sujeitos na escrita dos diários pessoais, a fim de percebê-la como espaço da constituição do “eu” junto ao “outro”, bem como a relevância da responsabilidade ética das relações de intimidade estabelecidas na pesquisa com/na escola e, consequentemente, na/com a aula de Língua Portuguesa. Por fim, traz considerações acerca de “práticas outras” na aula de Língua Portuguesa, na pesquisa com/na escola e na escrita da dissertação. É preciso ressaltar também que esta dissertação é um feito-a-mão, uma feitura textual que busca a arte, por meio do processo de ficcionalização no gênero discursivo crônica, escolhido para compreender a autoria e a intimidade instituídas no gênero diário pessoal, bem como pelo tricotar, bordar, enfim, tecer um texto com as memórias que tenho da minha avó-artesã / A handmade of self-writing, authorship and intimacy from the writing of personal diaries in the Portuguese class. This is the smaller summary of this dissertation. But the formality of the academic language requires that the abstract be broader. Well. We have then: this dissertation is the understanding of some aspects triggered by a research, developed from the socio-historical perspective (FREITAS, 2003), together with two groups of 8th grade Elementary Public School in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. Considering fifteen diaries made available by the author-students, as well as the field diaries of the teacher-researcher and the post-ones she has been writing along the data comprehension, through the Ginzburg (1996) indicium paradigm, this dissertation seeks to understand the writing of personal diaries as a form of constitution of the subjects involved in the research, based on the authorship marks that they instituted in the personal diary discursive genre. In the sequence, intimacy, thought as friendship, enters as an inherent aspect of the relations established between the subjects in the writing of the personal diaries, in order to perceive it as the space of the constitution of oneself next to the "other", as well as the relevance of the ethical responsibility of the relations of intimacy established in the research with / in the school and, consequently, in / with the Portuguese class. Finally, it brings considerations about "other practices" in the Portuguese class, in the research with / in the school and in the writing of the dissertation. It should also be pointed out that this dissertation is a handmade, textual work that seeks the art, through fictionalization process in the chronic discursive genre, chosen to understand the authorship and intimacy instituted in the personal diaries genre, as well as by knitting, embroidering, finally, weaving a text with the memories from of my grandmother-artisan.
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Lidská důstojnost a sestra / Human dignity and nurseHRŮZOVÁ, Marcela January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to find out the conception of human dignity at medical staff. At nurses, in addition, with a hidden observation to verify to what extent they meet their statements in practice, whether for nurses a patient does not become only an object of relevant therapeutic and nursing acts. The empirical part of this thesis was processed in form of a qualitative research. The data collection technique was a non-standardised interview with nurses at standard in-patient departments, students of the nursery Master study programme, students of a higher nursing school and patients at a standard department. At nurses it was verified, using the technique of hidden observation, to what extent their actual behaviour in practice corresponds to the information mentioned in interviews. Therefore in their interviews we differentiated the mentioned and non-mentioned elements. The interviews were anonymous. They were recorded in writing because only in one case the respondent agreed for us to use a dictaphone. Collection of empirical data proceeded from June to August 2008. Unlike our expectations the research showed that respondents have no conception of human honour and have no complex conception of its keeping in practice. We categorised the rather poor information into five basic categories that covered 92% (intimacy, communication, individuality, empathy and equality of approach). Statements that we did not manage to categorise here create other 5 categories (worthy dying, consider seriously, pain calming, lege artis process and faith). Most often the respondents mentioned the following categories: intimacy (80.4 %), communication (76.8 %), individuality (60.7 %), empathy (39.3 %) and equality of approach (33.9 %). The hidden observation showed that most nurses (13 out of 16, i.e. 81 %) adhered to their fundamentals of keeping human dignity when working with ill people in a satisfactory way. The other 3 nurses made mistakes in all categories except keeping intimacy; here only one of them did wrong. Results of the thesis should contribute to improvement of quality of care and help to better respect for human dignity.
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Ciberintimidade: a Escrita de Si na Era Digital / Cyber intimacy: a writing is in the digital ageFayga Silveira Bedà 22 February 2010 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / No presente trabalho temos como intuito a compreensÃo acerca de uma intimidade pÃblica, paradoxal e tecnomidiÃtica, que emerge sob o signo da pÃs-modernidade, por meio de prÃticas intensivas e extensivas de escrita de si na cibercultura, as quais vÃm provocando o deslizamento e a ruptura das fronteiras que separavam o pÃblico e o privado na modernidade â a que convencionamos chamar de ciberintimidade. Nesse sentido, pretendemos mapear quais possÃveis motivaÃÃes levam esses sujeitos pÃs-modernos a se constituÃrem por meio de uma escrita intimista, auto-referente e confessional, que pÃe em curso uma nova mentalidade acerca dos nÃveis desejÃveis de exposiÃÃo de si. Como metodologia de trabalho, valemo-nos de: (i) pesquisa bibliogrÃfica concernente Ãs Ãreas de interesse; (ii) anÃlise histÃrico-comparativa entre os diferentes modos de subjetivaÃÃo por meio da escrita de si, bem como dos distintos modos de pensamento acerca das relaÃÃes entre o pÃblico e o privado; (iii) anÃlise do discurso de diÃrios virtuais vertidos em blogs; (iv) realizaÃÃo de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a escritores de blogs com feiÃÃo de diÃrios virtuais; (v) aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrio junto a estudantes e professores universitÃrios, a fim de mapear algumas prÃ-compreensÃes acerca do imaginÃrio cibercultural. Ao final, concluÃmos que a ciberintimidade nÃo implica a ausÃncia de filtro em relaÃÃo à exposiÃÃo da intimidade, mas tÃo somente a instauraÃÃo de uma nova mentalidade acerca dos nÃveis desejÃveis quanto aos limites desse filtro, tendo em vista os ganhos secundÃrios que decorrem dessa âperdaâ de privacidade. Entre os quais se destacam: o fortalecimento de vÃnculos de sociabilidade, que resultam numa maior possibilidade de troca nas interaÃÃes entre escritores de blog e seu pÃblico leitor; a possibilidade de compor novos modos de subjetivaÃÃo, por meio de arranjos singulares decorrentes de uma escrita catÃrtica, que à tambÃm uma escuta de si; e, por fim, a possibilidade de erguer guardas de flanco contra as ruÃnas do esquecimento, resguardando para si e para a posteridade um relicÃrio de lembranÃas de vida pessoal no âguarda-memÃriaâ do blog. / This work deals with the attempt to understand a public intimacy that is at the same time paradoxical, mediatic and technological, emerging under the sign of postmodernity, through intensive and extensive practice of writing itself in cyberspace, which have caused the disruption of boundaries between public and private in modernity - called by us cyberintimidade. Accordingly, we intend to map out what are the possible reasons why the post-moderns subjects constitute themselves by means of a self-referencial written, that launches new terms of levels of exposure to each other. The methodology of work was: (i) study of texts concerning the areas of interest, (ii) historical and comparative analysis between the different forms of subjectivity that are composed by means of the self-referential writting and the various ways of thinking about relations between the public and private sectors, (iii) discourse analysis of virtual diaries found on blogs, (iv) qualitative research through interviews semi-structured interviews with the writers of blogs (v) quantitative research, using sample that are probabilistic and not intentional, with students and professors in order to map some pre-understandings about the imaginary cibercultural. We conclude that cyberintimidade not imply a lack of filter in relation to the exposure of intimacy, but only the introduction of a new mindset about the desired levels of the limits of this filter, in view of the secondary gains stemming from this privacy loss. Among which are: the strengthening of ties of sociability, resulting in greater possibility of interactions between blog writers and their readers, the possibility of drawing up new forms of subjectivity, through arrangements arising from a naturaly writing cathartic, who is also a way to listen itself, and, finally, the possibility of lift guards flank against the ruins of oblivion, guarding for themselves and for posterity a reliquary of memories of life in the memory guard of the blog.
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