Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic anda extrinsic"" "subject:"intrinsic ando extrinsic""
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Institutional and personal influences on career choice : a study on MBA students in Saudi ArabiaAlbugamy, Rajeh Tami January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the career choices of MBA students in Saudi Arabia. Despite the government’s efforts in reducing unemployment by encouraging young Saudis, including managers, to work in the private sector, the number of jobless educated Saudis is on the rise. The public sector seems to be more attractive despite its limited job opportunities. While most career choice theories are concerned with personal choices, this study aims to address the underlying reasons for the preference towards the public sector by investigating the influence of institutional factors (Saudization, Wasta, social status, parental obedience, and religion) and personal motivational factors (intrinsic and extrinsic). Convenience sampling was employed and, overall, 273 Saudi MBA students (157 males and 116 females) responded to self-administered questionnaires. Data was analysed and the research hypotheses were tested by using descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression and independent samples t-tests. Findings showed that Wasta (networks), parental obedience (family), Islamic religion and extrinsic factors were significant predictors of the career choices of Saudi MBA students, with a preference towards work in the public sector. Saudization (i.e. replacing foreign workers with Saudis), social status, and intrinsic factors did not significantly predict the career choices. Cultural cognitive factors (parental obedience and religion) were found to be the strongest predictors within the institutional dimension compared to the normative factors (Wasta and social status) and the regulative factor (Saudization). Female participants considered Wasta, parental obedience and intrinsic motivations more important in their career choices compared to their male counterparts. The findings suggest that the career choices of Saudi MBA students are not determined solely by the individuals’ personal needs and that one should take into account the wider social and cultural factors which are more influential in non-Western contexts such as Saudi Arabia. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are of interest to researchers, policymakers and employers in public and private organisations in Saudi Arabia. Keywords: Career choice, Saudization, Wasta, religion, intrinsic and extrinsic, Saudi Arabia, MBA students, gender.
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Vilka motivationsfaktorer är det som ligger bakom toppsäljares framgång?Conzato, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa motivationsstudie utfördes på åtta svenska toppsäljare och utgick i från Vallerands hierarkiska modell om inre och yttre motivation (1997) och även från Czikszentmihalyis teori om flow (1990). Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer som förenar toppsäljare. Toppsäljarna intervjuades enskilt genom en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. En tematisk analys utfördes på utskrifterna från intervjuerna och analysen undersöktes utifrån tre huvudkategorier: inre motivation, yttre motivation, och flow. Resultatet visade att toppsäljarna hade en stark inre drivkraft att utvecklas, att nå egna mål och uppnå positiva känslotillstånd av själva utförandet. Den yttre motivationen skiljde sig mellan toppsäljarna, då vissa drevs mer av yttre stimuli såsom pengar och beröm än andra. Resultatet visade att toppsäljarnas drivs till största delen av inre motivationsfaktorer, då de var starkt framträdande hos samtliga. Det är därmed viktigt att skapa en arbetsmiljö- och situation som främjar säljarnas möjlighet att sätta egna mål och autonomi.
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The Impact of entity and incremental implicit theory activation on the prioritization of personal goalsAbrami, Jessica 14 December 2011 (has links)
Individuals have different implicit theories. They may hold an incremental theory and believe traits are malleable or an entity theory and believe traits are fixed. In past research implicit theories have been linked to achievement goals. The present study extends this research by investigating the relationship between implicit theories and personal goals. An experimental design was used to examine if priming individuals with a specific implicit theory impacts their goal prioritization. It was expected that individuals primed with an entity theory would place greater importance on intrinsic goals while individuals primed with an incremental theory would place greater importance on extrinsic goals. It was found that female participants rated the importance of financial success higher in the Entity condition compared to the Incremental condition and rated the importance of community feeling higher in the Incremental condition compared to the Entity condition. No significant differences were found with male participants. / Graduate
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Parenting Style and the Promotion of Intrinsic and Extrinsic GoalsWerner, Kaitlyn M. 23 April 2015 (has links)
According to the dual valuing process model (Grouzet, 2013), the social context can either facilitate the natural human tendency to pursue intrinsic goals, or thwart it by promoting extrinsic goals. Congruent with this idea, research in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000) suggests that parental autonomy support (PAS) is associated with the development of intrinsic goals, whereas more controlling parenting styles, such as conditional regard (PCR), are expected to facilitate extrinsic goals. Results from two preliminary studies suggest that mothers tended to use PAS to promote goals that were more intrinsic, as well young adults were more likely to autonomously internalize these goals, whereas PCR was associated with more extrinsic goals. In the current study, we sought to extend these findings by including a general measure of perceived parenting style, as well as asking participants to recall a goal that was promoted during adolescence (i.e., 13-16 years). Results from this study indicate no difference in the type of goal that was promoted or the way in which it was internalized when mothers used either autonomy support or conditional regard, over and above general parenting style. Results will be further discussed in with respect to parenting, self-determination theory, and the dual valuing process model. / Graduate
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"An imperilled profession?" : teachers' perceptions of the significance of remuneration in entering and remaining in the teaching profession.Sfetsios, Nefeli 03 March 2009 (has links)
In view of the rapid decrease in the number of students opting to train as teachers and the
increasing numbers of teachers leaving the profession; the teaching profession in South
Africa is indeed what Duke (1984) termed “imperilled”. While quantitative research
identifies remuneration to be the foremost factor attributed to the dissatisfaction of
teachers in South Africa as elsewhere; the main purpose of this study was to explore
teachers’ perceptions of remuneration. Nine qualified women teachers aged between 25
and 35 years of age, who had been teaching for at least two years and less than ten,
volunteered to take part in this study. The sample was drawn from government schools in
a suburban part of Johannesburg. This research was based on the information gathered
from a short biographical questionnaire followed by in-depth, semi-structured interviews.
A process of language sensitive thematic content analysis was employed in order to
analyse the data from the interviews. The research indicates that in the decision to enter
the teaching profession, notions of the perception that teaching is a vocation predominate.
An emphasis on the related intrinsic rewards to be gained from teaching was found to
receive greater focus than monetary concerns on entering the profession. The participants
expressed that women are more likely to enter the teaching profession while even though
men may share the passion to teach, they are seriously deterred by the poor levels of
remuneration. The participants explained that as the contexts of their lives changed, so
too did their perceptions of remuneration, often resulting in an increasing emphasis on the
importance of better remuneration to meet their and their families’ financial needs.
Related to this, it was found that as South African teachers were exposed to an almost
overwhelming number of challenges, the participants began to experience fewer intrinsic
rewards which seemed to impact negatively on their perceptions of remuneration. Thus of
the nine participants, only two indicated their long-term commitment to the teaching
profession whereas the remaining seven all had plans to leave the profession in search of
better remuneration.
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Så kan arbetstagare stimuleras till en ihållande kreativ idégenerering : En studie om motivation och kreativitetNorrman, Anthonia, Lidén, Maria January 2013 (has links)
För att organisationer ska klara av att möta nutidens stora omställningar samt den ökandeglobala konkurrensen bör de eftersträva en kontinuerlig utveckling och ett systematisktarbete med innovation. Idag talas det om att den kreativa kapaciteten hos individen ochorganisationen utgör grunden för innovation och att organisationer idag är mer beroende avsina kreativa förmågor än sina materiella tillgångar. För att utveckla individens kreativitetkrävs stimulering av expertis, kreativ förmåga och motivation.Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur Volvo CE industriarbetare kanstimuleras för att uppnå en ihållande kreativ idégenerering. Vi har försökt besvara fyraforskningsfrågor för att kunna uppfylla syftet. För att kunna besvara dessa har vi gjortdatainsamlingar genom enkät och gruppintervju. Vi fann att industriarbetarna med fördelkan stimuleras genom inre motivation, att de bör erbjudas utbildning för att utveckla denkreativa förmågan samt att erbjuda ett större utrymme för explorativt arbete.Industriarbetarna bör även tillåtas generera kreativa idéer som har ett högre nyhetsvärde.
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Läsundervisning på mellanstadiet : En studie om svensklärares arbete och förutsättningar att stimulera elevers läsglädjeNässén, Malin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to study how teachers develop pupils' motivation to read. Using qualitative interviews, three Swedish middle school teachers describe their experiences regarding pupils' motivation to read. They comment on how they attempt to stimulate motivation and the conditions and circumstances they experience while carrying out their work. As a basis for the teacher interviews, their pupils completed a web based survey about how they value reading as an activity and how they see themselves as readers. An analysis of the interviews raises several issues for discussion: pupils have different needs, good readers are described through their abilities, not through their experiences or reading habits, and teachers feel they can be limited to implement the teaching they think is necessary to promote reading abilities. The discussion of these results will consider the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and consider who is responsible for motivating pupils to read. / SoSyfoftotetot momedod exoxamomenonsosarorbobetotetot äror atottot sostotudoderora hohuror lolärorarore arorbobetotaror foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja elolevoverorsos loläsosmomototivovatotionon. GoGenonomom kokvovalolitotatotivova inontoterorvovjojueror bobesoskokrorivoveror totrore sosvovenonsoskoklolärorarore popå momelollolanonsostotadodietot sosinona erorfofarorenonhohetoteror ocochoh arorbobetote foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosmomototivovatotionon, sosamomtot dode foförorutotsosätottotnoninongogaror dode upoppoplolevoveror atottot dode hoharor foföror atottot gogenonomomfoförora sosådodanon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog. SoSomom unondoderorlolagog totilollol lolärorarorinontoterorvovjojuerornona bobesosvovaroraror doderorasos elolevoveror enon wowebobbobasoseroradod enonkokätot omom hohuror dode vovärordoderoraror loläsosnoninongog sosomom akoktotivovitotetot ocochoh hohuror dode soseror popå sosigog sosjojälolvova sosomom loläsosarore. Anonalolysosenon avov inontoterorvovjojuerornona lolyfoftoteror etottot foflolerortotalol fofrorågogoror foföror dodisoskokusossosionon: elolevoveror hoharor ololikoka bobehohovov, gogododa loläsosarore bobesoskokrorivovsos vovia foförormomågogoror ocochoh inontote loläsosinontotroresossose elolloleror loläsosvovanonoror, ocochoh lolärorarornona momenonaror atottot dode kokanon kokänonnona sosigog bobegogroränonsosadode atottot gogenonomomfoförora dodenon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog dode totycockokeror äror nonödodvovänondodigog foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosutotvovecockoklolinongog. DoDisoskokusossosiononenon avov roresosuloltotatotetot rorefoflolekoktoteroraror övoveror inonrore ocochoh ytottotrore momototivovatotionon ocochoh vovemom sosomom äror anonsosvovarorigog foföror atottot momototivoverora elolevoveror totilollol loläsosnoninongog.
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Reading in English in Swedish Classrooms : A study of Swedish upper secondary students’ reading habits and their attitudes towards reading in EnglishHedman, Marika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a study concerning Swedish students’ usage of reading strategies, attitudes towards reading and their reading habits when reading in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This thesis also examines what motivates students to read in Swedish EFL-classrooms. To be able to answer the research questions in this thesis, a survey was handed out to 32 students in order to provide an authentic picture of these students’ perspectives. The theoretical background in this thesis concerns motivation, or more specifically intrinsic motivation, which is described and defined through Deci and Ryan (2000) and Ryan and Deci’s (2000) Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This study concludes that the informants in this study seem to have a tendency to not use reading strategies before, during or after reading texts. The importance of teachers teaching and for students using reading strategies will be discussed in correlation with the results from the students’ surveys. This study also shows that students who do not use reading strategies seem to have a negative attitude towards reading and read to lower extent than students with a positive attitude towards reading. Lastly, this study shows that students benefit from appealing to their intrinsic motivation in order to regard reading as more fun, and therefore read more.
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Motivation på högsta nivå : att motivera chefer till produktivitet / Motivation at the highest level : motivate managers to productivityBäckman, Sofie, Järnberg, Jacquline January 2014 (has links)
En kvantitativ studie med syftet att undersöka chefers arbetsmotivation i en större svensk koncern med runt 1000 anställda har genomförts. Vi har använt Self- determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2008a) samt Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier och Villeneuves (2009) WEIMS-test (The work extrinsic and intrinsic motivation scale) som teoretiskt underlag i studien. Vi fokuserade på att jämföra skillnader i arbetsmotivation utifrån ålder och chefsposition samt att koppla arbetsmotivation till produktivitet. Totalt deltog 102 chefer, 27 av dem var arbetsledare, 54 var mellanchefer och 21 var högre chefer. Resultatet visade att cheferna i större utsträckning motiverades av inre motivationshöjande faktorer än av yttre motivationshöjande faktorer. Yngre chefer motiverades mer av inre motivationshöjande faktorer och de äldre cheferna motiverades i högre grad av kontrollerad arbetsmotivation. Det fanns inget samband mellan självbestämd (inre) arbetsmotivation och upplevd produktivitet men däremot fanns ett samband mellan självbestämd arbetsmotivation och attityd till koncernen och dess produktivitet. Slutligen visade sig de lägre cheferna uppleva mer amotivation än de högre cheferna. / Program: Organisations- och personalutvecklare i samhället
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Three essays on tax compliance and the estimation of income-gapsGonzalez Cabral, Ana Cinta January 2017 (has links)
Quoting James Andreoni, `the problem of tax compliance is as old as taxes themselves'. The sources of missing tax revenues have traditionally concerned tax administrations and particularly now in times when public finances are striving. In the quest for analysing the revenue that is foregone, tax administrations have started to produce a report of their tax gap, understood as the difference between the theoretical tax liability and the actual collection, to obtain a measure of the extent of non-compliance. Due to the complexity of the non-compliance behaviour and the lack of visibility of certain types of income, different methods are usually put in place in order to offer a plausible range for the estimates. This dissertation dedicates its two first chapters to providing an alternative method for estimating the income-gap (de fined to be one minus the proportion of reported to actual income) for two populations: the self-employed and the employees. The underlying data used for both cases is publicly available survey data on expenditures and income that is generated on a timely manner. This carries substantial advantages. First, relying on a general purpose survey dataset means that the estimation can be updated more frequently than if it was to rely solely on either the timing of administrative data or on survey data that is speci fically targeted to measure non-compliance. Second, it provides an alternative estimation using an independent source of data which allows for the triangulation of the estimate obtained using administrative sources. Third, it allows tax administrations which do not have readily available administrative data to perform estimations using a type of survey widespread available in most countries. The third chapter of this thesis explores the role of the extrinsic and intrinsic incentives in explaining engagement in the hidden economy defined as undeclared work practices. This chapter contributes firstly to the literature on shadow economy and to the debate of whether crowding effects are found between extrinsic and intrinsic motivations in a tax environment.
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