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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chang, Henry K. 01 June 2014 (has links)
The adaptive-maladaptive debate in perfectionism research often centers on the issue of whether perfectionism affords the individual an advantage in academic performance. This study is an extension of a previous study by the authors that found maladaptive forms of perfectionism were positively associated with academic procrastination. Conversely, adaptive forms of perfectionism were negatively associated with academic procrastination. Additionally, although trait anxiety was positively associated with academic procrastination in general, this relationship was reversed for those scoring high in adaptive perfectionism but not maladaptive perfectionism. The purpose of the current study is to examine whether the relationships between perfectionism and procrastination is indirect with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (respective to adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism) serving as mediators of this relationship. Additionally we will examine whether the relationship between anxiety and procrastination is moderated by intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Hur upplever vårdpersonal sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med dubbeldiagnos?

Degervall, Kerstin, Rönnkvist, Liselotte January 2007 (has links)
<p>Individer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder har varit en del av en het debatt som pågått i Sverige en längre tid. Att ha både ett psykiskt funktionshinder och ett missbruk kallas för att ha en Dubbeldiagnos, (DD). Denna studie vill undersöka hur vårdpersonal upplever sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med DD till att förändra sin dagliga livsföring. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med vårdpersonal, sammanlagt 12 intervjuer. Vårdpersonalen upplever sitt arbete som mycket positivt men att en känsla av frustration uppkommer då framsteg sker i en mycket långsam process. Detta upplever personalen beror på att missbruk tillåts på boendet. Inre och yttre motivation i samspel ansågs påverka en brukare med betoning på den inre.</p>

Hur upplever vårdpersonal sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med dubbeldiagnos?

Degervall, Kerstin, Rönnkvist, Liselotte January 2007 (has links)
Individer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder har varit en del av en het debatt som pågått i Sverige en längre tid. Att ha både ett psykiskt funktionshinder och ett missbruk kallas för att ha en Dubbeldiagnos, (DD). Denna studie vill undersöka hur vårdpersonal upplever sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med DD till att förändra sin dagliga livsföring. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med vårdpersonal, sammanlagt 12 intervjuer. Vårdpersonalen upplever sitt arbete som mycket positivt men att en känsla av frustration uppkommer då framsteg sker i en mycket långsam process. Detta upplever personalen beror på att missbruk tillåts på boendet. Inre och yttre motivation i samspel ansågs påverka en brukare med betoning på den inre.

Crowdfunding - En svensk kontext : En studie av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorers inverkan på svenska individers vilja att finansiellt stödja svenska tillväxtföretag genom crowdfunding / Crowdfunding – A swedish context : A study of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors effect onswedish individuals willingness to financially support growthcompanies through crowdfunding

Ashouri, Vesam, Ohlén, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien bygger på nuvarande finansieringssvårigheter svenska tillväxtföretag möter i tidiga skeden, något som påverkar Sverige negativt eftersom dessa företag kan vara en länk till svensk tillväxt och fler arbetstillfällen. Därför studeras i studien det nyligen framvuxna finansieringsalternativet “Crowdfunding” som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Vidare existerar ett akademiskt gap inom förståelsen av vad som motiverar en individ att engagera sig i crowdfunding vilket är intressant att studera givet kontexten. / Background: The background of this study is based on current funding difficulties Swedish growth companies face in early stages, something that affects Sweden negatively as these companies is a link to Swedish growth, welfare and more jobs. Therefore, the relatively recently developed funding option "Crowdfunding" is being studied, as a possible solution of the problem. Furthermore, there exists a gap within the academic understanding of what motivates an individual to engage in crowdfunding, which is interesting to study the given the context of this study. The crowdfunding platform Framtidslyftet is used as a case company. Aim: This study aims to clarify motivational factors behind Swedish individuals' willingness to financially assist growth companies through crowdfunding. Method: The study combines both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative work among other things as a pilot study in which interviews were conducted with the purpose of strengthening the main quantitative survey. The methods are furthermore combined in order to triangulate the phenomenon. Using the theoretical frame of reference motivation is studied based on intrinsic an extrinsic motivational factors. Results: The results show that the respondents of this study's survey are primarily motivated by extrinsic motivational factors such as monetary incentives and that material and nonmaterial incentives depend on the situation. They see crowdfunding of growth companies as an investment where the internal factors are important but of secondary importance, plus they want to be engaged passively in growth companies.

Taket för lärarnas ambitioner : En intervjuundersökning om lärares förhållningssätt till barnlitteratur iengelskundervisningen i årskurs 4–6.

Lindeborg, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
There is a consensus among scholars that very few English teachers use children's literature in their language teaching. In other words, children´s literature is not used to the same extent as in the Swedish subject. The overall purpose of this study to examine is to study teachers' attitude towards, and to the use of children's literature in their teaching and if their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influences particularly their teaching possibilities and limitations of children's literature. Three teachers within the English education, grades 4-6, participated in semi-structured interviews. The collected empirical material from the interviews was analyzed by a phenomenographic analytical model. The results show that the limited use of children's literature is not due to the teacher’s motivation. Instead, the actual teaching conditions in the school environment limit the use children's literature in the English subject. In addition, the study implies that there is a need for competence development of children's literature and relevant teaching methods.

Religionsdidaktik och motivation i mångkulturella klassrum : En kvantintative enkätstudie av negativa och positiva faktorer som låg och mellastadielärare finner i religionskunskapundervisningen i mångkulturella klassrumi Sverige / Religious Didactics and Motivation in Multucultural classroom : A Qualitative Survey Study of Negatives and Positives Factors that Lower and Upper Primary School Teachers in Religion Teaching in Multicultural Classroom in Sweden

Ndyanabo, Gertie Kabo January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker negativa och positiva faktorer som låg- och mellanstadielärare upplever i religionskunskapsundervisningen i mångkulturella klassrum i Sverige. Syftet är att bidra till en diskussion kring elever med olika bakgrunder och utifrån lärares perspektiv få en uppfattning om eleverna  känner sig representerade, sedda eller delaktiga i religionskunskapsundervisningen. Huvudsyftet är att exemplifiera och diskutera olika händelser eller situationer som anses vara negativa eller positiva i religionsundervisning utifrån forskning bland annat Holmqvist Lidh (2016) och analysera hur dessa kan påverka elevernas motivation. Metod och teori Uppsats bygger på en webbaserad enkät, med 19 frågor varav tre bakgrundsfrågor och 16 öppna frågor som 35 SO-lärare har svarat på. Länk till webbenkäten på publiceras i olika Facebook-grupper där lärare är medlemmar. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av motivationsteori specifikt inre och yttre motivation. Resultat : Resultat visar att negativa faktorer som kan uppstå är bland annat konflikter, rädslan för att kränka någon, elever som inte får delta i undervisningen och elever som ifrågasätter ämnets betydelse. Men i det stora hela upplevs det inte dessa svårigheter som vanligt i låg-eller mellanstadiet. De positiva faktorerna är att eleverna i mångkulturella klasser är en tillgång till undervisningen, lär sig av varandra vid diskussioner och att större acceptans mellan eleverna sker. Undersökningen visar även att de flesta lärare använder varierande strategier som används för att motivera eleverna är att genomföra en variation i undervisningensmetod exempelvis, diskussioner, film, studiebesök. / The study examines the negative and positive factors that teachers in lower and upper primary experience in the teaching of religion in multicultural classrooms in Sweden. The purpose of study is to contribute to a discussion about pupils from different backgrounds and, from the teachers' perspective, get an idea of ​​whether the pupils feel seen and involved and feel represented. A more specific purpose is to exemplify and discuss various events or situations that are considered to be negative or positive in teaching religion based on research by Holmqvist Lidh (2016) among others, and to analyze how these situations can affect pupils' motivation. Method and theory The study is based on a web-based questionnaire consisting of 19 questions, of which three are background questions and 16 open questions. The questionaire was answered by 35 teachers in social study subjects in lower and upper primary schools. A link to the web survey was published in various Facebook groups where teachers are members. The analysis has been carried out with the help of motivation theory, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic motivation theory. Result: The study shows that negative factors that can arise include conflicts, the fear of offending someone, pupils who do not get to participate in the teaching and pupils who question the importance of the subject. But on the whole, these negatives factors are not experienced as usual in the lower and upper primary. The positive factors are that the pupils in multicultural classes are an asset to the teaching, that the pupils learn from each other during discussions and that greater acceptance between the pupils occurs. The study also shows that the teachers use a variety of teaching methods to motivate their pupils, including discussions, film and study visits.

Factors influencing first year nursing students’ career choice at a University in the Western Cape

Nibagwire ,D'arc Jeanne January 2019 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The nursing profession is the backbone of the healthcare system glob-ally. However, due to the ongoing shortage of nurses there is a growing demand for nurses across the world. This demand puts pressure on the continued recruitment of new nursing students. The factors that influence students’ reasons for entering nursing vary and require investigation to improve recruitment practices

Three Essays on Economic Agents' Incentives and Decision Making

Lee, Dongryul 04 June 2009 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays on theoretical analysis of economic agents' decision making and incentives. Chapter 1 gives an outline of the subjects to be examined in the subsequent chapters and shows their conclusions in brief. Chapter 2 explores the decision problem of a superordinate (a principal) regarding whether to delegate its authority or right to make a decision to a subordinate (an agent) in an organization. We first study the optimal contracting problem of the superordinate that specifies the allocation of the authority and wage in a principal-agent setting with asymmetric information, focusing on two motives for delegation, "informative" and "effort-incentive-giving" delegation. Further, we suggest delegating to multiple agents as a way of addressing the asymmetric information problem within an organization, focusing on another motive for delegation, "strategic" delegation. Chapter 3 analyzes the behavior of players in a particular type of contest, called "the weakest-link contest". Unlike a usual contest in which the winning probability of a group in a contest depends on the sum of the efforts of all the players in the group, the weakest-link contest follows a different rule: the winning probability of a group is determined by the lowest effort of the players in the group. We first investigate the effort incentives of the players in the weakest-link contest, and then check whether the hungriest player in each group, who has the largest willingness to exert effort, has an incentive to incentivize the other players in his group in order to make them exert more effort. Chapter 4 examines the decision making of software programmers in the software industry between an open source software project and a commercial software project. Incorporating both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on open source project participation into a stylized economic model based on utility theory, we study the decision problem of the programmers in the software industry and provide the rationale for open source project participation more clearly. Specifically, we examine the question of how the programmers' intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and abilities affect their project choices between an open source project and a commercial project, and effort incentives. / Ph. D.

A pós-graduação em bioquímica analisada por alunos e docentes / The Postgraduate in Biochemistry analyzed by students and teachers

Arini, Gabriel Santos 04 August 2017 (has links)
Aspectos como motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação dos alunos no ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem têm sido alvo de diversos estudos naquilo que diz respeito à influência destes fatores no Ensino. Investigar a percepção dos estudantes e suas experiências em todos os níveis de escolaridade oferece dados que possibilitam a melhora de programas e dos serviços de suporte. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a motivação, o atendimento das expectativas e a satisfação dos pós-graduandos do Departamento de Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo, tanto pelo olhar dos alunos quanto dos docentes. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio da aplicação de dois questionários: um aos discentes e outro aos docentes. Ambos os questionários foram divididos em três seções (motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação) e validados pelo Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e pelos Itens de Correlação Item-Total. Pode-se verificar que para alunos e docentes, a motivação intrínseca é o principal fator que leva ao ingresso no programa, seguido pela motivação influenciada pelo ambiente e pela motivação extrínseca. Tanto alunos quanto docentes têm suas expectativas atendidas pelo programa, tendo como reflexo a satisfação de ambos. Foi possível constatar uma insatisfação dos pós-graduandos e dos docentes com a bolsa e uma divisão entre os alunos com relação à carga horária e à formação, sendo que a maioria percebe que trabalha demais, discordando dos docentes, e por um melhor preparo pedagógico. Espera-se com este trabalho oferecer uma dupla contribuição: à literatura, pois explora um aspecto ainda pouco estudado e oferece um arcabouço metodológico validado; ao departamento de Bioquímica, pois se verifica a qualidade do programa por outra via, interna ao programa; tal verificação possibilita a orientação de políticas institucionais adequadas. / Aspects such as motivation, expectation attainment and satisfaction of students in the teaching-learning environment have been the target of several studies regarding the influence of these factors in teaching. Investigating students\' perceptions and experiences at all levels of schooling provides data that enables the improvement of programs and support services. The aim of this study was to analyze the motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction of the graduate students of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of São Paulo, both for their students\' and teachers\' view. The data collection was done through the application of two questionnaires: one to the students and another to the teachers. Both questionnaires were divided into three sections (motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction) and validated by Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient and Item-Total Correlation Items. It can be verified that for students and teachers, intrinsic motivation is the main factor that leads to joining the program, followed by motivation influenced by the environment and extrinsic motivation. Both students and teachers have their expectations met by the program, reflecting the satisfaction of both. It was possible to observe a dissatisfaction among graduate students and teachers with the scholarship and a division among the students in relation to the workload and training, and most of them perceive that they work too much, disagreeing with the teachers, and for a better pedagogical preparation. It is expected with this work to offer a double contribution: to literature, because it explores an aspect that has not yet been studied and offers a validated methodological framework; to the Department of Biochemistry, because the quality of the program is verified by another route, internal to the program. Such verification enables the orientation of appropriate institutional policies.

A pós-graduação em bioquímica analisada por alunos e docentes / The Postgraduate in Biochemistry analyzed by students and teachers

Gabriel Santos Arini 04 August 2017 (has links)
Aspectos como motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação dos alunos no ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem têm sido alvo de diversos estudos naquilo que diz respeito à influência destes fatores no Ensino. Investigar a percepção dos estudantes e suas experiências em todos os níveis de escolaridade oferece dados que possibilitam a melhora de programas e dos serviços de suporte. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a motivação, o atendimento das expectativas e a satisfação dos pós-graduandos do Departamento de Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo, tanto pelo olhar dos alunos quanto dos docentes. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio da aplicação de dois questionários: um aos discentes e outro aos docentes. Ambos os questionários foram divididos em três seções (motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação) e validados pelo Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e pelos Itens de Correlação Item-Total. Pode-se verificar que para alunos e docentes, a motivação intrínseca é o principal fator que leva ao ingresso no programa, seguido pela motivação influenciada pelo ambiente e pela motivação extrínseca. Tanto alunos quanto docentes têm suas expectativas atendidas pelo programa, tendo como reflexo a satisfação de ambos. Foi possível constatar uma insatisfação dos pós-graduandos e dos docentes com a bolsa e uma divisão entre os alunos com relação à carga horária e à formação, sendo que a maioria percebe que trabalha demais, discordando dos docentes, e por um melhor preparo pedagógico. Espera-se com este trabalho oferecer uma dupla contribuição: à literatura, pois explora um aspecto ainda pouco estudado e oferece um arcabouço metodológico validado; ao departamento de Bioquímica, pois se verifica a qualidade do programa por outra via, interna ao programa; tal verificação possibilita a orientação de políticas institucionais adequadas. / Aspects such as motivation, expectation attainment and satisfaction of students in the teaching-learning environment have been the target of several studies regarding the influence of these factors in teaching. Investigating students\' perceptions and experiences at all levels of schooling provides data that enables the improvement of programs and support services. The aim of this study was to analyze the motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction of the graduate students of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of São Paulo, both for their students\' and teachers\' view. The data collection was done through the application of two questionnaires: one to the students and another to the teachers. Both questionnaires were divided into three sections (motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction) and validated by Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient and Item-Total Correlation Items. It can be verified that for students and teachers, intrinsic motivation is the main factor that leads to joining the program, followed by motivation influenced by the environment and extrinsic motivation. Both students and teachers have their expectations met by the program, reflecting the satisfaction of both. It was possible to observe a dissatisfaction among graduate students and teachers with the scholarship and a division among the students in relation to the workload and training, and most of them perceive that they work too much, disagreeing with the teachers, and for a better pedagogical preparation. It is expected with this work to offer a double contribution: to literature, because it explores an aspect that has not yet been studied and offers a validated methodological framework; to the Department of Biochemistry, because the quality of the program is verified by another route, internal to the program. Such verification enables the orientation of appropriate institutional policies.

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