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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivación, aptitud y desarrollo estructural : Un estudio sobre la actuación lingüística en aprendientes suecos de español L2 / Motivation, aptitude and structural development : A study of linguistic performance in Swedish learners of Spanish L2

Österberg, Rakel January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the present study is to examine how the development of <i>syntactic complexity</i> and <i>accuracy</i> in spoken Spanish L2 is related to two parameters, <i>motivation</i> and <i>aptitude</i>, in which <i>individual differences</i> are often claimed to correlate with successful second language learning (Dörnyei and Skehan 2003). The study shows how an understanding of the relationship between progression in second language proficiency and motivation is gained through the study of longitudinal data and the assessment of motivation in discourse. The development of syntactic complexity and accuracy in oral performance has been chosen as main indicators of <i>proficiency level</i>. <i>Correlations</i> have been computed between proficiency levels, <i>development coefficients</i>, quantitative outcomes of aptitude tests and quantified assessment of motivation. The study is based on longitudinal data consisting of recorded interviews and conversations in Spanish in Swedish upper secondary school. </p><p>The results from the progression analysis show that the whole group develops syntactic complexity, and that individual learners concentrate on either syntactic complexity or accuracy in their development. </p><p>Discourse analytical methods have been applied to the in-depth interviews in order to identify motivational types expressed by the learner and the strength of each type. These have been represented in terms of values on a self-determination scale, the extreme points of which are '<i>intrinsic</i>' vs. '<i>extrinsic</i>' motivation. An aptitude test (<i>Lat03</i>, Meara 2005) has also been administered to the participants and analysed . </p><p>Correlations (Spearman) have been further calculated between the relevant parameters. The results indicate that self-determined, intrinsic motivation correlates with progression. Analytic aptitude, however, does not predict progression to the same extent as intrinsic motivation seems to do at this level. </p>

Myten om moroten : - Om motivation i bemanningsbranschen

Larsson, Jenny, Lonér, Lova January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong><p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the consultants' approach to the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in temporary work agencies. We examined the motivation of three temporary work agencies to see if there are any differences in how they motivate their consultants. The intrinsic motivation comes from the own spontaneous interest while the extrinsic is related to the surrounding circumstances.</p><p>We created a survey with 42 questions for the consultants, concerning motivation in order to understand their attitudes to the phenomenon of motivation.</p><p>The following issues are addressed in our study:</p><p>- What are consultant’s experiences of motivation in the temporary work agencies and are there any background factors that may impact?</p><p>- Are there any differences in how consultants in the three different temporary work agencies are experiencing motivation?</p><p>As analytical tools, we used concepts and theories of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation based on Self-Determination theory.</p><p>The results of this study showed no distinct differences between the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of all consultants, but in general the intrinsic motivation was experienced slightly higher rated. The consultants appeared to be aware of what was expected of them and communication was valued fairly well. A positive attitude towards the organization was that the consultants were the least satisfied with, in our study. Our conclusion is that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations interact with each other, depending on the work situation.</p></strong></p> / <p><strong><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga konsulternas syn på den inre och yttre motivationen i bemanningsföretag. Vi undersökte motivationen på tre bemanningsföretag för att se om det fanns någon skillnad i hur de motiverar deras konsulter. Den inre motivationen handlar om det spontana egna intresset medan den yttre uppstår från omgivningens omständigheter.</p><p>För att uppnå syftet har vi använt oss av en enkätundersökning med 42 frågor riktade till konsulterna för att fånga deras attityder till motivationsfenomenet.</p><p>Följande frågeställningar besvaras i studien;</p><p>- Hur upplever konsulterna i bemanningsföretagen sin motivation och finns det några bakgrundfaktorer som får betydelse?</p><p>- Finns det några skillnader i hur konsulterna i de tre olika bemanningsföretag upplever motivationen?</p><p>Som analysverktyg har vi använt oss av begrepp och teorier om den inre och yttre motivationen som bygger på Self-Determination theory.</p><p>Resultatet av studien visar inte på några markanta skillnader mellan den inre och yttre motivationen hos samtliga bemanningsföretag, men den inre motivationen upplevdes lite starkare. Konsulterna visade sig vara medvetna om vad som förväntades av dem och kommunikationen värderades relativt bra. En positiv inställning till organisationen var det som konsulterna var minst nöjda med enligt vår studie. Vår slutsats blev att den inre och yttre motivationen samspelar med varandra, beroende av arbetssituationen.</p></strong></p>

Motivación, aptitud y desarrollo estructural : Un estudio sobre la actuación lingüística en aprendientes suecos de español L2 / Motivation, aptitude and structural development : A study of linguistic performance in Swedish learners of Spanish L2

Österberg, Rakel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to examine how the development of syntactic complexity and accuracy in spoken Spanish L2 is related to two parameters, motivation and aptitude, in which individual differences are often claimed to correlate with successful second language learning (Dörnyei and Skehan 2003). The study shows how an understanding of the relationship between progression in second language proficiency and motivation is gained through the study of longitudinal data and the assessment of motivation in discourse. The development of syntactic complexity and accuracy in oral performance has been chosen as main indicators of proficiency level. Correlations have been computed between proficiency levels, development coefficients, quantitative outcomes of aptitude tests and quantified assessment of motivation. The study is based on longitudinal data consisting of recorded interviews and conversations in Spanish in Swedish upper secondary school. The results from the progression analysis show that the whole group develops syntactic complexity, and that individual learners concentrate on either syntactic complexity or accuracy in their development. Discourse analytical methods have been applied to the in-depth interviews in order to identify motivational types expressed by the learner and the strength of each type. These have been represented in terms of values on a self-determination scale, the extreme points of which are 'intrinsic' vs. 'extrinsic' motivation. An aptitude test (Lat03, Meara 2005) has also been administered to the participants and analysed . Correlations (Spearman) have been further calculated between the relevant parameters. The results indicate that self-determined, intrinsic motivation correlates with progression. Analytic aptitude, however, does not predict progression to the same extent as intrinsic motivation seems to do at this level.

Myten om moroten : - Om motivation i bemanningsbranschen

Larsson, Jenny, Lonér, Lova January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the consultants' approach to the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in temporary work agencies. We examined the motivation of three temporary work agencies to see if there are any differences in how they motivate their consultants. The intrinsic motivation comes from the own spontaneous interest while the extrinsic is related to the surrounding circumstances. We created a survey with 42 questions for the consultants, concerning motivation in order to understand their attitudes to the phenomenon of motivation. The following issues are addressed in our study: - What are consultant’s experiences of motivation in the temporary work agencies and are there any background factors that may impact? - Are there any differences in how consultants in the three different temporary work agencies are experiencing motivation? As analytical tools, we used concepts and theories of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation based on Self-Determination theory. The results of this study showed no distinct differences between the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of all consultants, but in general the intrinsic motivation was experienced slightly higher rated. The consultants appeared to be aware of what was expected of them and communication was valued fairly well. A positive attitude towards the organization was that the consultants were the least satisfied with, in our study. Our conclusion is that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations interact with each other, depending on the work situation. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga konsulternas syn på den inre och yttre motivationen i bemanningsföretag. Vi undersökte motivationen på tre bemanningsföretag för att se om det fanns någon skillnad i hur de motiverar deras konsulter. Den inre motivationen handlar om det spontana egna intresset medan den yttre uppstår från omgivningens omständigheter. För att uppnå syftet har vi använt oss av en enkätundersökning med 42 frågor riktade till konsulterna för att fånga deras attityder till motivationsfenomenet. Följande frågeställningar besvaras i studien; - Hur upplever konsulterna i bemanningsföretagen sin motivation och finns det några bakgrundfaktorer som får betydelse? - Finns det några skillnader i hur konsulterna i de tre olika bemanningsföretag upplever motivationen? Som analysverktyg har vi använt oss av begrepp och teorier om den inre och yttre motivationen som bygger på Self-Determination theory. Resultatet av studien visar inte på några markanta skillnader mellan den inre och yttre motivationen hos samtliga bemanningsföretag, men den inre motivationen upplevdes lite starkare. Konsulterna visade sig vara medvetna om vad som förväntades av dem och kommunikationen värderades relativt bra. En positiv inställning till organisationen var det som konsulterna var minst nöjda med enligt vår studie. Vår slutsats blev att den inre och yttre motivationen samspelar med varandra, beroende av arbetssituationen.

Employee Referral Vad driver anställda att rekommendera potentiella medarbetare till en tjänst? : - För företag med rekryteringsbehov.

Andersson, Caroline, Schmidinger, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Problem: För att skapa ett starkt employer brand ska arbetsgivaren inneha positiva associationer hos potentiella medarbetare, vilket bidrar till att mindre resurser krävs för att finna den efterfrågade kompetensen. Då en rekommendation handlar om att yttra sig förmånligt blir betydelsen av medarbetares rekommendationer viktig för företagets employer brand. Resultaten av att använda sig av medarbetares rekommendationer i rekryteringsprocessen är känt inom forskningen. Däremot har underliggande faktorer och motiv som ligger till grund för att medarbetare rekommenderar personer i deras sociala nätverk inte adresserats i samma utsträckning. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka underliggande faktorer och motiv som finns hos anställda vid rekommendationer av personer i deras sociala nätverk. Studien ska analysera hur företag med rekryteringsbehov kan utveckla deras employer brand som i sin tur gynnar rekryteringsprocessen. Studien kan fungera som vägledning i utvecklingen av företags employee referral program, då en allmän förståelse kring rekommendationer saknas. Utifrån resultatet kommer förslag att ges om vad som bör tas hänsyn till vid en utveckling av ett employee referral program. Metod: Den insamlade data är av kvantitativ karaktär och samlades in genom en enkät som skickades ut till anställda på ABB. Resultat: Studien visar att respondenterna i undersökningen motiverades av en prosocial motivation då de rekommenderar någon till att söka anställning hos arbetsgivaren främst för att hjälpa en bekant följt av att hjälpa organisationen. Respondenterna motiverades minst av yttre motivation i form av belöningar samt att rekommendationen ska bistå med ett stärkande av deras position. Hinder och osäkerhet upplevdes till viss del hos respondenterna vid en rekommendation, men i de flesta fall var detta inte en orsak till att inte rekommendera. Det främsta hindret som upplevdes var att respondenterna inte har kunskap om hur de rekommenderar via digitala hjälpmedel och den främsta osäkerheten grundades i att personen som rekommenderas inte ska passa ihop med ABB. De flesta respondenter svarade däremot att inget hinder eller osäkerhet fanns vid en rekommendation. / Problem: In order to create a strong employer brand it requires that the potential employees hold positive associations towards the employer. When this exists, fewer resources are required in order to find the right expertise. A recommendation could be defined as: to speak favourably about something or someone. The importance of employee referrals is vital for the company's employer brand. The results of the use of these types of referral programs in the recruitment process are already known in research. However, the underlying factors and motives for employee referrals and why the employees recommend people in their social networks is not addressed to the same extent in research. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the underlying factors and motivations held by employees when they recommend people in their social network. The study will analyze how companies employer brand and employee referral program can be developed. Based on the results, suggestions will be given on what should be reviewed in a development of an employee referral program. Method: The collected data is of quantitative characteristic and was extracted from a survey, which was sent to ABB employees. Results: The study shows that most of the respondents were motivated by a prosocial motivation, as they mainly recommended someone to help an acquaintance, followed by helping the organization. The external motivation was the motivation the respondents were least motivated by, in regards to rewards and that a referral would assist with a strengthening of their position. Barriers and uncertainties among respondents were perceived to some extent when making a referral. For some respondents this was perceived as a factor for not making a referral, however not for most of them. The main barrier experienced was a lack of knowledge about how to make a referral by using digital tools. The main uncertainty was found in the perception that the person who is recommended make a suitable organisation fit. Most respondents experienced that barriers or uncertainties would not prevent them from making a referral.

Det transformativa ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivation i bankbranschen

Holgersson, Fredrik, Molander, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Ledarskap är viktigt för att medarbetarna ska bli motiverade i arbetet. Inom bankbranschen har chefen höga krav på medarbetarna. Medarbetarna i bankbranschen är ofta högutbildade och det finns olika sätt att motivera dem. Medarbetarna kan motiveras med både inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer. Transformativt ledarskap är en ledarstil som motiverar medarbetarna att göra mer än vad som förväntas av dem. Den tidigare forskningen om transformativt ledarskap visar att det har en positiv betydelse för medarbetarnas motivation. Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka: Vilken betydelse har ledarens transformativa ledarskapsbeteende för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivation i bankbranschen? Studien syftar till att utveckla ett ramverk för att få förståelse för betydelsen av ledarens transformativa ledarskapsbeteende för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivation i bankbranschen. I referensramen behandlas transformativt ledarskap, inre motivation utifrån Hackman och Oldhams motivationsteori och yttre motivation. Dessa komponenter bildar tillsammans ramverket. För att få förståelsen mellan transformativt ledarskap och inre och yttre motivation har en kvalitativ metod använts för insamling av empirin där en fallstudie gjordes på ett lokalt kontor hos en av storbankerna. Med utgångspunkt i den deduktiva metoden skapades frågor för att sedan kunna koppla samman transformativt ledarskap med inre och yttre motivation. Slutsatsen av studien visar att transformativt ledarskap har en betydelse för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivationen i bankbranschen. Studien kommer även fram till att det mest betydelsefulla beteendet för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivation är ta hänsyn till individen. Det minst betydelsefulla beteendet för medarbetarnas inre och yttre motivation var idealiserat inflytande. Studien visar även att stress har negativ påverkan på ledarskapet. / Leadership is important to get the employees motivated to work. In the banking industry the manager has high demands on the employees. Employees in the banking industry are often highly educated and there are different ways to motivate them. Employees can be motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that motivates employees to do more than what is expected of them. The previous research about transformational leadership shows that it has a positive impact on employees motivation. This study aim to investigate: What meaning does a leaders transformational leadership behavior for the employees intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the banking industry? The aim of this study is to develop a framework to understand the meaning of the leaders transformational leadership behavior for the employees intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the banking industry. The theoretical reference frame involves transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation based on Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model and extrinsic motivation. In order to gain an understanding between transformational leadership and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation a qualitative method have been used to gather the empirical data. A case study was made on a local office at one of major banks in Sweden. With a deductive approach questions were created to be able to find the connection between transformational leadership and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The conclusion of the study shows that transformational leadership has a meaning for the employees intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the banking industry. This study also find that individualized consideration has the most meaning for the employees intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The behavior with least meaning for the employees intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was idealized influence. The study also show that stress has negative influence on the leadership.

The Pursuit of Motivating Employees : The connection between employee turnover and reward packages in the hotel – and insurance industry

Parttimaa, Jenny, Bäckström, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
Motivating employees is one of the management top priorities nowadays. Motivated employees are less likely to leave the company, which leads to lower turnover rate which in turn can lead to lower costs for the company. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how organizations can increase employees’ motivation and lower employee turnover by using reward packages.

Skönlitteratur - vägen till läsmotiverade elever? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur lärare anser att skönlitterära bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevers läsmotivation och läsutveckling / Fiction – the road to reading motivated pupils? : A qualitative interview study on how teachers think that fiction-based book choices and working methods affects students’ reading motivation and reading development

Almqvist Johansson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad klasslärare som arbetar i årskurs F–3 anser påverkar elevers läsmotivation samt hur de uppfattar att skönlitterära bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevernas läsmotivation och läsutveckling. Bakgrundsavsnittet inleds med en redogörelse för hur inre och yttre motivation samt hur bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevernas läsmotivation och läsutveckling. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt från det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande samt den motivationsbaserade teorin Self-determination theory. Datan har samlats in med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex olika klasslärare. Intervjuerna spelades in till ljudfiler för att sedan transkriberas och sammanfattas med de olika steg som ingår i en innehållsanalys. Resultatet som framkommit visar att de tillfrågade klasslärarna i enlighet med den tidigare forskning som bearbetats anser att läsmotivation kan öka elevers läsutveckling. Eftersom motivation inte är beständigt tycks det anses viktigt att klasslärarna alltid utgår från eleverna och deras intressen och erfarenheter vid arbete med skönlitteratur för att läsmotivationen ska bibehållas. Resultatet visar även att klasslärarna i enhet med tidigare forskning anser att tid är avgörande för att eleverna ska utveckla sin läsmotivation till den grad att de så småningom ska kunna bli en del av vårt kunskapssamhälle. / The purpose of the study was to investigate what classroom teachers working in grades F–3 consider affecting pupils’ reading motivation and how they perceive that fictional book choices and working methods affect pupils’ reading motivation and reading development. The background section begins with a description of how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as how choosing fiction and teaching methods affects the pupils’ reading motivation and reading development. The study has its theoretical starting point in the sociocultural perspective and in the Self-determination theory. The data of the study has been gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six different primary school teachers. The interviews were recorded as audio files to be transcribed and then be summarised with the different steps by the analysis method. The result shows that, in accordance with the previous research, the asked classroom teachers believe that reading motivation can increase pupils’ reading development. Since motivation is not constant, it is important that the primary school teachers always has the students interests and experiences in mind while working with fiction in order to maintain reading motivation. The result also shows that the classroom teachers as well as previous research think that time is crucial for the pupils to develop their reading motivation to the extent that they eventually can become part of our knowledge society.

Surviving the game : Interaction in an adult online learning community

Van Ryneveld, Linda 08 March 2005 (has links)
In many Higher Education institutions, fun or enjoyment represents purposelessness, and is often characterised as something that should only be indulged in at specific times, in measured ways, and on special occasions. Play and games are thus often assigned a role that is secondary to ‘real’ work. This essentially artificial separation between work and play has had a profound effect on traditional learning theories and educational design. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the metaphor of a game in the interaction, dynamics and complexities of a web-based module that is presented to adult learners. The uniqueness of this study is attributable to a combination of the following elements: • games and play, and their motivational potential and value for adults • adult learners, group complexities and dynamics, and the various kinds of online interactions to which learners are subjected • the World Wide Web as a learning environment. The case study upon which this thesis is based is the facilitation of a particular module that is presented as part of a two-year tutored Masters degree in Computer Integrated Education at the University of Pretoria. The presentation of the module simulated the spirit and atmosphere of Survivor / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Curriculum Studies / PhD / Unrestricted


FLAVIO SILVA NAZARIO 11 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] A aprendizagem móvel ou m-learning cuja definição se desdobra no processo de aprendizagem apoiado pelo uso de dispositivos móveis é um campo de estudo que vem chamando a atenção de diversos estudos multidisciplinares. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese que o estudo contínuo com o suporte de um aplicativo móvel de ensino de língua estrangeira, em um smartphone, intensifica a possibilidade da proficiência, pois permite o estudo em múltiplos contextos de uso, facilitando a frequência e acesso ao conteúdo para seus usuários. Sob o ponto de vista da área de Interação Humano-Computador e utilizando técnicas de Design Centrado no Usuário, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação dos fatores que contribuem para a construção contínua de conhecimento dos usuários de uma aplicação móvel de ensino de língua estrangeira. Três abordagens orientaram a pesquisa: a primeira foi uma revisão histórico-evolutiva do ensino a distância, para entender como os processos pedagógicos estão convergindo para tecnologias móveis. A segunda foi uma breve análise da arquitetura de informação e da experiência do usuário para delimitar o funcionamento dos principais aplicativos de ensino de línguas do mercado brasileiro, similares ao Duolingo e por último Testes de usabilidade e Diário de Uso para coleta de dados que confrontem a hipótese. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o Duolingo apresenta, no geral, boas características de usabilidade. Isso reforça que a hipótese é válida quando os fatores de motivação dos participantes apresentam o tênue equilíbrio entre rotina diária, parcial proficiência no idioma estudado e objetivos claros de aprendizagem. / [en] Mobile learning whose definition unfolds in the learning process supported by the use of mobile devices is a field of study that has been drawing the attention of several multidisciplinary studies. This research has as hypothesis that the continuous study with the support of a mobile application of foreign language teaching, using a smartphone, increases the possibility of the proficiency, since it allows the study in multi-contextual locations, facilitating the frequency and access to the content to the users. From the Human-Computer Interaction area and using User-Centered Design techniques, this research had as objective the investigation of the factors that contribute to the continuous construction of knowledge of the users of a mobile application of foreign language teaching. Three approaches guided the research: the first was a historical-evolutionary review of distance learning, to understand how pedagogical processes are converging to mobile technologies. The second was a brief analysis of the information architecture and the user experience to delimit the operation of the main language teaching applications of the Brazilian market, like Duolingo, and lastly Usability Tests and Diary Studies for collecting data that confronts the hypothesis. The research results indicate that Duolingo presents, in general, good usability properties. These properties reinforce that the hypothesis is valid when the motivating factors of the participants show the tenuous balance between daily routine, partial proficiency in the language studied and clear learning objectives.

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