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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systemization of RFID Tag Antenna Design Based on Optimization Techniques and Impedance Matching Charts

Butt, Munam 16 July 2012 (has links)
The performance of commercial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags is primarily limited by present techniques used for tag antenna design. Currently, industry techniques rely on identifying the RFID tag application (books, clothing, etc.) and then building antenna prototypes of different configurations in order to satisfy minimum read range requirements. However, these techniques inherently lack an electromagnetic basis and are unable to provide a low cost solution to the tag antenna design process. RFID tag performance characteristics (read-range, chip-antenna impedance matching, surrounding environment) can be very complex, and a thorough understanding of the RFID tag antenna design may be gained through an electromagnetic approach in order to reduce the tag antenna size and the overall cost of the RFID system. The research presented in this thesis addresses RFID tag antenna design process for passive RFID tags. With the growing number of applications (inventory, supply-chain, pharmaceuticals, etc), the proposed RFID antenna design process demonstrates procedures to design tag antennas for such applications. Electrical/geometrical properties of the antennas designed were investigated with the help of computer electromagnetic simulations in order to achieve optimal tag performance criteria such as read range, chip-impedance matching, antenna efficiency, etc. Experimental results were performed on the proposed antenna designs to compliment computer simulations and analytical modelling.

Expressive Arduino Controlled Self-Balancing Robot

Haraldsson, Jonathan, Nordin, Julia, Blomstedt, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
A robot capable of balancing itself on two wheels has been built and programmed. While balancing, the robot keeps within a limited area. The robot has a face with two eyes and a mouth, consisting of LED-matrices, which switch between six different facial expressions. The robot is programmed using Arduino boards, one of which implements PID regulators to control the motors.

Modelling and design of compact wideband and ultra-wideband antennas for wireless communications : simulation and measurement of planer inverted F antennas (PIFAs) for contemporary mobile terminal applications, and investigations of frequency range and radiation performance of UWB antennas with design optimisation using parametric studies

Hraga, Hmeda Ibrahim January 2013 (has links)
The rapidly growing demand for UWB as high data rates wireless communications technology, since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated the bandwidth of UWB from 3.1GHz to 10.6 GHz. Antenna also plays an essential role in UWB system. However, there are some difficulties in designing UWB antenna as compared to narrowband antenna. The primary requirement of UWB antennas is be able to operate over frequencies released by the FCC. Moreover, the satisfaction of radiation properties and good time domain performance over the entire frequency range are also necessary. In this thesis, designing and analysing printed crescent shape monopole antenna, Planar Inverted F-L Antenna (PIFLA) and Planar Inverted FF Antenna (PIFFA) are focused. A Planar Inverted FF Antenna (PIFFA) can be created to reduce the potential for interference between a UWB system and other communications protocols by using spiral slot. The antennas exhibits broadside directional pattern. The performances such as return loss, radiation pattern and current distribution of the UWB antennas are extensively investigated and carried out. All the results have been demonstrated using simulation and experimentally whereby all results satisfy the performance under - 10dB point in the bandwidth of UWB. In addition the miniaturization of MIMO/diversity Planar Inverted-F antenna (PIFA) which is suitable for pattern diversity in UWB applications is presented. This antenna assembly is formed by two identical PIFAs, a T-shaped decoupling structure which connects the two PIFAs and a finite ground plane with a total compact envelope dimension of 50 x 90 x 7.5mm³. The radiation performance of the proposed MIMO antenna was quite encouraging and provided an acceptable agreement between the computed and measured envelope correlation coefficient and channel capacity loss.

Approches algorithmiques pour l’inférence d’histoires de duplication en tandem avec inversions et délétions pour des familles multigéniques

Lajoie, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
[Français] Une fraction importante des génomes eucaryotes est constituée de Gènes Répétés en Tandem (GRT). Un mécanisme fondamental dans l’évolution des GRT est la recombinaison inégale durant la méiose, entrainant la duplication locale (en tandem) de segments chromosomiques contenant un ou plusieurs gènes adjacents. Différents algorithmes ont été proposés pour inférer une histoire de duplication en tandem pour un cluster de GRT. Cependant, leur utilisation est limitée dans la pratique, car ils ne tiennent pas compte d’autres événements évolutifs pourtant fréquents, comme les inversions, les duplications inversées et les délétions. Cette thèse propose différentes approches algorithmiques permettant d’intégrer ces événements dans le modèle de duplication en tandem classique. Nos contributions sont les suivantes: • Intégrer les inversions dans un modèle de duplication en tandem simple (duplication d’un gène à la fois) et proposer un algorithme exact permettant de calculer le nombre minimal d’inversions s’étant produites dans l’évolution d’un cluster de GRT. • Généraliser ce modèle pour l’étude d’un ensemble de clusters orthologues dans plusieurs espèces. • Proposer un algorithme permettant d’inférer l’histoire évolutive d’un cluster de GRT en tenant compte des duplications en tandem, duplications inversées, inversions et délétions de segments chromosomiques contenant un ou plusieurs gènes adjacents. / [English] Tandemly arrayed genes (TAGs) represent an important fraction of most genomes. A fundamental mechanism at the origin of TAG clusters is unequal crossing-over during meiosis, leading to the duplication of chromosomal segments containing one or many adjacent genes. Such duplications are called tandem duplications, as the duplicated segment is placed next to the original one on the chromosome. Different algorithms have been proposed to infer the tandem duplication history of a TAG cluster. However, their applicability is limited in practice since they do not take into account other frequent evolutionary events such as inversion, inverted duplication and deletion. In this thesis, we propose different algorithmic approaches allowing to integrate these evolutionary events in the original tandem duplication model of evolution. Our contributions are summarized as follows: • We integrate inversion events in a tandem duplication model restricted to single gene duplications, and we propose an exact algorithm allowing to compute the minimum number of inversions explaining the evolution of a TAG cluster. • We generalize this model to the study of orthologous TAG clusters in different species. • We propose an algorithm allowing to infer the evolutionary history of a TAG cluster through tandem duplication, inverted duplication, inversion and deletion of chromosomal segments containing one or many adjacent genes.

Datová žurnalistika v pojetí Datablogu IHNED.cz / Data journalism aimed by Datablog IHNED.cz

Hrbková, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
Now when information is abundant, practice of Data Journalism is quickly becoming a core technique of the 21st century newsrooms. The diploma thesis "Data Journalism aimed by Datablog IHNED.cz" is focused on introducing Data Journalism as a genre responding to the changes in the society and the technology development. The theoretical part concerns with the history of the subject, the workflow of Data Journalism in the newsrooms and the limitations; such as inappropriate business models, difficult process of collecting data or the lack of training. The main goal of the research is to map the work of the Czech data team in the IHNED.cz and compare the results with the work of teams in Australia. The research methods are combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. The main source of information are interviews conducted with data journalists from the Czech Republic and Australia. On top of that the research gives deeper understanding of how the integration of data journalists in the newsrooms affect the way journalism can support the existence of media organizations and contribute to the public good. The last part offers predictions of the future of Data Journalism.

Převrácený totalitarismus / Inverted Totalitarianism

Petr, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This Master's thesis reflects the theory of American political philosopher S. Wolin. The work introduces the reader to interpretations of S. Wolin's term inverted totalitarianism and confronts it with the common and mainstream approaches to totalitarianism. It is concerned about S. Wolin's reflection on contemporary western liberal democracy as managed democracy. The text pays attention to work of G. Agamben who takes a similar critique on the form of Euro-Atlantic democracy; for instance the thesis deals with his view of state of exception in which the author sees connections on inverted totalitarianism. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Effets des équipements de fantassin modernes sur la locomotion et la fatigue neuromusculaire du soldat déployé : simulation opérationnelle / Effects of modern land warfare equipments on deployed soldier locomotion and neuromuscular fatigue : operational simulation

Grenier, Jordane 15 November 2012 (has links)
La problématique du port de charges par l’Homme est l’objet de questionnements scientifiques depuis plus d’un siècle, notamment dans les armées où les soldats doivent remplir des objectifs opérationnels tout en emportant des équipements lourds, distribués de façon complexe autour de leur corps, et cela au cours d’efforts allant de quelques heures à plusieurs jours. Aussi, avec le développement des nouvelles technologies et l’arrivée des systèmes fantassins futurs sur le marché de la défense, cette problématique continue de se complexifier puisque la masse totale emportée tend encore à croître. Objectif général : Le but de ce travail de thèse était d’étudier l’impact biomécanique, métabolique et neuromusculaire du port d’un système fantassin moderne chez le soldat expérimenté. Plus précisément, une première recherche a été menée pour caractériser les effets aigus du port d’un tel équipement sur la biomécanique et le coût métabolique de la marche. Puis, une seconde recherche a été consacrée à l’étude des conséquences neuromusculaires et locomotrices d’une mission militaire (simulation sur le terrain) de durée « extrême » réalisée avec ce système fantassin moderne. Première partie : L’analyse de la marche sur tapis roulant dynamométrique a permis de montrer que le port du système fantassin en configurations de « combat » et de « marche d’approche » (principales configurations du théâtre militaire, représentant respectivement ~30 % et ~50 % de la masse corporelle des sujets) altérait le pattern spatio-temporel par rapport à la marche sans charge. Par ailleurs, le travail mécanique appliqué au centre de masse et le coût métabolique de la marche augmentaient parallèlement lors du port des deux configurations du système fantassin, ce qui résultait en un maintien du rendement locomoteur constant dans toutes les conditions testées. Le mécanisme de transfert d’énergie en pendule inversé (méthode Cavagna), permettant de minimiser les coûts mécanique et métabolique de transport, était également similaire dans toutes les conditions avec et sans charge. Enfin, bien que complexement organisés autour du corps du soldat, les équipements militaires n’induisaient pas d’effets mécaniques et métaboliques sensiblement plus importants que ceux rapportés lors du port de masses positionnées symétriquement autour de la taille ; ce mode de portage étant pourtant considéré comme l’un des plus optimisés, abstraction faite des techniques de portage sur la tête inadaptées au contexte militaire. Deuxième partie : La réalisation d’une mission simulée, incluant 21 h d’activités militaires sur le terrain et le port constant d’un système fantassin, résultait en une fatigue neuromusculaire (mesure des forces, électrostimulation et EMG) relativement modérée des muscles locomoteurs extenseurs du genou et fléchisseurs plantaires chez les soldats expérimentés inclus dans ce travail. Les origines de cette fatigue neuromusculaire étaient essentiellement périphériques, mais s’accompagnaient d’une fatigue subjective importante. Enfin, la réalisation de la mission, et donc la fatigue des muscles locomoteurs notamment associée à cette dernière, n’affectait pas sensiblement les paramètres mécaniques et métaboliques de la marche. Conclusion générale : Ce travail rapporte les premières données relatives aux effets biomécaniques, métaboliques et neuromusculaires du port d’un système fantassin moderne chez le soldat expérimenté, et ce par le biais d’une simulation opérationnelle visant à reproduire les conditions militaires / For more than a century, load carriage has been the source of many scientific questions and researches, especially in armies in which soldiers have to reach operational goals while carrying heavy loads complexly distributed around their body and this for some hours to several days. Moreover, with the development of new technologies and the advent of land warfare systems, this issue is becoming more complex since load continues to increase. General purpose: The aim of the present work was to investigate the biomechanical, metabolic and neuromuscular constraints imposed by the carriage of a modern land warfare system in experienced soldiers. Specifically, a first study was conducted to characterize the acute effects of land warfare equipments carriage on the biomechanics and energetics of walking. Moreover, a second research was performed to investigate the neuromuscular and locomotor consequences of an extreme-duration simulated military mission (performed in the field) involving the carriage of these specific equipments. First part: Walking analyses performed on an instrumented treadmill showed that the carriage of a land warfare system in two configurations made for “Battles” and “Road marches” (main configuration used in the field representing ~30% and ~50% of subject’s body mass, respectively) altered the walking pattern. Moreover, the mechanical work applied to the center of mass increased in parallel with the energy cost of walking during Battle and Road March configurations carriage, as shown by the constant locomotor efficiency in the three tested conditions. The inverted pendulum-like energy exchange (Cavagna’s standard method), allowing mechanical/metabolic energy saving, was also constant in all the unloaded and loaded conditions. Finally, even if the load was complexly distributed around soldiers’ body with this warfare system, this did not induce greater effects than those reported with loads carried symmetrically around the waist and close to the center of mass; which has yet been hypothesized to be the optimal method of load carriage from both mechanical and metabolic standpoints (except “original” methods such as head carrying that cannot be used in the military theater). Second part: Performing a 21-h simulated military mission with heavy land warfare system carriage induced relatively moderate neuromuscular alterations (isometric force measurement with electrical stimulation and EMG) for both knee extensors and plantar flexors locomotor muscle groups in experienced soldiers. Moreover, the origin of fatigue was essentially peripheral for both muscle groups but was concomitant with a large sensation of fatigue. Finally, the simulated mission, and notably the associated locomotor muscles fatigue, did not alter walking biomechanics and energetics. General conclusion: These results bring the first insight into the biomechanical, metabolic and neuromuscular consequences of modern land warfare system carriage in experienced soldiers, and this by a real-world approach aiming at simulating the military theater conditions

Investigação da distribuição de tamanho de bolhas em um separador gás-líquido do tipo shroud invertido / Investigation of bubble-diameter distribution in a gas-liquid inverted-shroud separator

Barbosa, Marcel Cavallini 13 November 2015 (has links)
Operações de produção de petróleo, que utilizam sistemas de bombeamento centrífugo submerso, constantemente encontram a presença de gás livre nos poços, o que pode gerar ou agravar problemas como cavitação e falhas dinâmicas, quando o gás é succionado pela bomba. O separador gravitacional do tipo shroud invertido é uma solução possível para este problema nos casos de operação em poços direcionais de petróleo. O trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo do diâmetro das bolhas que ocorrem no interior de um separador gravitacional gás-líquido do tipo shroud invertido. A finalidade é o aprimoramento de um modelo fenomenológico do funcionamento deste tipo de separador, aplicado à indústria petrolífera, sendo que o modelo fenomenológico garante total separação de gás, fornecidas determinadas condições. O modelo prevê, através do cálculo da energia cinética turbulenta, o tamanho médio das bolhas carregadas para o seio do líquido por aeração no duto anular. Partindo de estudos anteriores, uma verificação do modelo fenomenológico foi feita utilizando um aparato experimental com misturas bifásicas ar-água e ar-óleo em três diferentes inclinações. O aparato possui dimensões radiais reais de um poço de petróleo offshore. Foi utilizado um sensor 3D ORM para a medição do tamanho médio (sauter) das bolhas arrastadas pelo líquido até a entrada do tubo de produção, em diversas combinações de vazões da mistura água-ar. Esta medição permite o ajuste das correlações que regem o modelo fenomenológico, no que diz respeito às equações dependentes do diâmetro teórico de bolhas arrastadas pela fase líquida. As descobertas provenientes deste estudo foram implementadas em um código computacional que será utilizado pela PETROBRAS, financiadora do projeto, para suas operações de bombeamento. / Oil mining operations powered by centrifugal submersible pumping systems suffer constant setbacks due to the presence of free gas in wells. Decompression in the reservoir liberates this gas in the form of bubbles that, upon reaching the suction end of the pump, cause cavitation and dynamic failures resulting in production and equipment losses. The Inverted-shroud gravitational separator is a possible solution to this problem. This work presents a study on diameters of bubbles that occur inside this separator. The goal is the improvement of the understanding of this kind of separator as well as the enhancement of a previously reported phenomenological model, which ensures total gas separation when the separator is installed in directional wells and under specific operational conditions. Empirically adjusted correlations are used to ensure that all entrained bubbles do not reach the pump. The model was tested for two-phase flows of water-air and oil-air mixtures using three different inclinations. Tests were performed with an experimental apparatus that simulates a pilot-scale well casing with an inverted-shroud separator installed. A 3D ORM particle-size sensor was employed in order to measure the average (sauter) diameter of entrained bubbles that are dragged by the liquid flow towards the end of the production tube. This investigation will be used to improve the reliability of the phenomenological model and reduce its dependency on a theoretical prediction of the bubble size. The findings were incorporated to the final version of an in-house gas separator design software developed at the request of PETROBRAS, the project funder and Inverted-shroud patent holder, for usage on its oil mining operations.

Anotação e classificação automática de entidades nomeadas em notícias esportivas em Português Brasileiro / Automatic named entity recognition and classification for brazilian portuguese sport news

Zaccara, Rodrigo Constantin Ctenas 11 July 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma plataforma para anotação e classificação automática de entidades nomeadas para notícias escritas em português do Brasil. Para restringir um pouco o escopo do treinamento e análise foram utilizadas notícias esportivas do Campeonato Paulista de 2011 do portal UOL (Universo Online). O primeiro artefato desenvolvido desta plataforma foi a ferramenta WebCorpus. Esta tem como principal intuito facilitar o processo de adição de metainformações a palavras através do uso de uma interface rica web, elaborada para deixar o trabalho ágil e simples. Desta forma as entidades nomeadas das notícias são anotadas e classificadas manualmente. A base de dados foi alimentada pela ferramenta de aquisição e extração de conteúdo desenvolvida também para esta plataforma. O segundo artefato desenvolvido foi o córpus UOLCP2011 (UOL Campeonato Paulista 2011). Este córpus foi anotado e classificado manualmente através do uso da ferramenta WebCorpus utilizando sete tipos de entidades: pessoa, lugar, organização, time, campeonato, estádio e torcida. Para o desenvolvimento do motor de anotação e classificação automática de entidades nomeadas foram utilizadas três diferentes técnicas: maximização de entropia, índices invertidos e métodos de mesclagem das duas técnicas anteriores. Para cada uma destas foram executados três passos: desenvolvimento do algoritmo, treinamento utilizando técnicas de aprendizado de máquina e análise dos melhores resultados. / The main target of this research is to develop an automatic named entity classification tool to sport news written in Brazilian Portuguese. To reduce this scope, during training and analysis only sport news about São Paulo Championship of 2011 written by UOL2 (Universo Online) was used. The first artefact developed was the WebCorpus tool, which aims to make easier the process of add meta informations to words, through a rich web interface. Using this, all the corpora news are tagged manually. The database used by this tool was fed by the crawler tool, also developed during this research. The second artefact developed was the corpora UOLCP2011 (UOL Campeonato Paulista 2011). This corpora was manually tagged using the WebCorpus tool. During this process, seven classification concepts were used: person, place, organization, team, championship, stadium and fans. To develop the automatic named entity classification tool, three different approaches were analysed: maximum entropy, inverted index and merge tecniques using both. Each approach had three steps: algorithm development, training using machine learning tecniques and best score analysis.

Étude asymptotique et numérique d’inclusions fines dans des domaines élastiques / Asymptotic and numerical study of fine inclusions in elastic domains

Ben Hassine, Mohamed Rafik 26 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a concerné la modélisation mathématique et l’approximation numérique de l’influence d‘une inclusion très fine sur un substrat élastique de différente rigidité. L’étude est motivée par les applications dans les pneumatiques et ne se base pas sur des techniques d’homogénéisation classiques. En effet, l’objectif a été de traiter l’interaction entre une seule inclusion et son milieu élastique et non une densité d’inclusions. L’étude a comporté trois volets, le premier concernant une modélisation mathématique pour des lois de comportement linéaires aboutissant à une expression de la contribution de l’inclusion sous la forme du champ sans inclusion corrigé par des correcteurs à différents ordres. Ces correcteurs sont indépendants de la taille caractéristique de l’inclusion, Le second a concerné l’approximation numérique de cette influence moyennant la méthode des éléments finis et celle des éléments finis inversés. Une stratégie numérique de prise en compte de l’influence de plusieurs inclusions y est aussi présentée. Le dernier volet est prospectif et discute de la possibilité de l’extension de l’approche pour des lois de comportement non linéaires. / This work focused on mathematical modeling and numerical approximation of the influence of a very thin inclusion on an elastic substrate of different stiffness. The study is motivated by applications in tires and is not based on conventional homogenization techniques. Indeed, the objective was to treat the interaction between a single inclusion and its elastic medium and not a density of inclusions. The study consisted of three parts, the first concerning mathematical modeling for linear behavior laws leading to an expression of the contribution of the inclusion in the form of the inclusion-free field corrected by correctors at different orders. These correctors are independent of the characteristic size of the inclusion. The second relates to the numerical approximation of this influence by means of the finite element method and that of the inverted finite elements. A numerical strategy for taking into account the influence of several inclusions is also presented. The last part is prospective and discusses the possibility of extending the approach for nonlinear behavioral laws.

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