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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mudanças estratégicas em empresas nascentes inovadoras : o caso da Axado Tecnologia S/A / The challenge of emerging innovative business strategy: The case of Axado Tecnologia S/A

Reitz, Guilherme 16 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:18:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 117933.pdf: 2090361 bytes, checksum: a8ca3631ef8c6be0729e59c762579256 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper seeks to address the concern of the researcher on the subject of strategic changes in technology-based company. To meet the goal were worked on business concepts based on technology, innovation, strategy and their types. Using the model of Pettigrew (1987) structure analysis of the research was divided into: content, process and context. The content was analyzed according to the approaches of Mintzberg (1988), Day (1990) and Porter (1998), about the types of cost strategy, differentiation and segmentation. The process was analyzed based on the concepts of strategy formulation of six authors. The context was approached as internal and external, and, for that, the study used as a basis the concepts of resources and capabilities, while it sought to observe the variables that had low or high impact on the organization. Through the theoretical framework, made possible the assessment of strategic changes in the fledgling company Axado Technology S/A. It was prepared a case study through a qualitative research with the participation of five respondents. The research participant, tried to describe the strategic changes four times divided in a longitudinal cut. The results showed that initially the external environment was not valued by the entrepreneurs and the strategies were reactive and focused on solving a logistical problem of the old company. Later with the entry strategies of investors have gone from reactive to proactive, the defensive prospectors, emerging deliberate. The external context, through investors, had positive and significant; The generated internal entrepreneurs by surprise to see significant results through intangible assets. / Este trabalho busca atender a inquietação do pesquisador sobre o tema mudanças estratégicas em empresa de base tecnológica. Para cumprir o objetivo foram trabalhados os conceitos de empresa de base tecnológica, inovação, estratégia e suas tipologias. Utilizando o modelo de Pettigrew (1987) a estrutura de análise da pesquisa foi dividida em: conteúdo, processo e contexto. O conteúdo foi analisado segundo as abordagens de Mintzberg (1988), Day (1990) e Porter (1998), sobre as tipologias de estratégia por custo, diferenciação e segmentação. O processo foi analisado com base nos conceitos de formulação de estratégia de seis autores. O contexto foi abordado como interno e externo, sendo que, para aquele, o estudo utilizou como base os conceitos de recursos e capacidades, ao passo que para este buscou observar as variáveis que tiveram baixo ou alto impacto na organização. Por meio do arcabouço teórico, tornou-se possível a apreciação das mudanças estratégicas na empresa nascente Axado Tecnologia S/A. Foi elaborado um estudo de caso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa com a participação de cinco entrevistados. A pesquisa, participante, buscou descrever as mudanças estratégicas de quatro momentos, divididos em um recorte longitudinal. Como resultados observou-se que no início o contexto externo foi pouco valorizado pelos empreendedores e as estratégias eram reativas e focadas em solucionar um problema logístico da antiga empresa. Posteriormente com a entrada dos investidores as estratégias passaram de reativas a proativas, defensivas a prospectoras, emergentes a deliberadas. O contexto externo, por meio de investidores, teve impactos positivos e relevantes; O interno gerou surpresa aos empreendedores por trazer importantes resultados por meio de recursos intangíveis.

Mercado de valores mobiliários: aplicação dos princípios contratuais às relações existentes entre as empresas de capital aberto e os investidores

Amaral, Andréa Costa do 12 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 634500 bytes, checksum: 474eb66a93a2a951672440cc5f70a3e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / We can say that the real state and the stock markets have increasingly grown and taken unimaginable proportions in a globalization process and economic growth. In this context the investor needs to comprehend how businesses are done in this specific market, as well as if there is any or what are the protection norms for his future investment. In order to guarantee protection for the investor, Brazilian State created the Real State Stock Exchange Comission, which represents a regulatory agency for the sector which surveys an regulates everything concerned to the stock market and yet plays a sanctioning role when illicit conducts are perpetrated in these matters. There is a specific auto-regulatory system that concerns to this market with its own rules and following procedures. In the present work we studied the rules and requisites that are concerned to the companies that open their shares in the stock market exchange and the investors who seek for these shares. We assure that the relationship between the investor and the company that wishes to open its capital has a contract based nature. Thus, as a contractual relationship, we understand in this work that not only the real state stock market auto-regulation rules, but the rules and principles of the brazilian contractual and civil law should be also applied in these matters. This whole conception brings up the importance of the theme as the related judicial conflicts emerge and both set of rules can be used to solve them as well. Even if the contractual relationship between the investor and the companies has international patterns, either the real state auto-regulation rules or the brazilian civil law, rules and principles can be used to solve their conflicts in the judiciary level. Finally, this research stands for the investor who seeks to achieve the proper legal protection as his investment can now be seen as a real contract with all its terms, principles and characteristic rules. / Podemos dizer que os mercados de valores mobiliários e de capitais cresceram e tomaram proporções inimagináveis dentro do processo de globalização e crescimento econômico. Nesse contexto, necessário que o investidor entenda como se realizam as negociações nesse mercado específico, assim como se existem e quais são as formas de proteção de seu futuro investimento. O Estado, para garantir segurança ao Investidor, no Brasil, criou a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, que funciona como agência reguladora, fiscalizando e regulando tudo o que ocorre no mercado de capitais, e ainda atua de forma sancionadora, aplicando punições, quando ocorrem ilícitos nesse mercado. Existe uma auto-regulação desse mercado específico, com regras e requisitos a serem seguidos. No presente trabalho, estudamos as regras e requisitos que dizem respeito às Empresas que abrem o capital e os investidores quando estão em busca de investimento. Afirmamos que a relação existente entre investidor e a empresa que abre o capital, é de um contrato. Dessa forma, por ser uma relação contratual, defendemos no presente trabalho que devem ser aplicadas as regras e princípios que regem o direito contratual civil brasileiro, e não apenas a auto-regulação do Mercado de Capitais. Isso porque, quando houver, na prática, conflitos a serem resolvidos, o Judiciário, além da legislação específica desse mercado, poderá se utilizar da principiologia e de regras norteadoras dos contratos no direito civil, mesmo que as relações entre investidor e empresa que abrem o capital sejam de caráter internacional. Esta pesquisa serve para amparar o investidor, que poderá ter a seu favor as regras e princípios norteadores das relações contratuais, já que seu investimento também é caracterizado como um contrato.

La transparence des sociétés côtées / The listed companies transparency

Benhassni, Karim 14 October 2011 (has links)
Selon les théoriciens de la transparence, qui de tous horizons disciplinaires, en clament les vertus, l’information financière permet l’équilibre, en remédiant à l’asymétrie de connaissances entre l’émetteur et ses dirigeants, d’une part et les destinataires de l’information financière, d’autre part. Elle lève le voile, combat l’opacité, permet la décision et donc, le jeu même du marché. Les économistes parlent alors d’ « efficience informationnelle » car la circulation fluide et rapide des flux d’information en provenance ou en direction de tous les acteurs des marchés boursiers (émetteurs et dirigeants, opérateurs, actionnaires, autorités de régulation, presse, …) permettraient de fournir à tout instant la meilleure valorisation possible des entreprises cotées compte tenu des informations pertinentes publiquement disponibles. Pour ces raisons, de nombreuses réformes ont été opérées ces dernières années afin de multiplier les obligations d’information à la charge des sociétés cotées. Cependant, force est de constater, au vu de la dernière crise financière, que les marchés peuvent ne pas fonctionner efficacement et évaluer correctement la valeur fondamentale d’un actif financier, alors même que les informations relatives à l’actif sous-jacent sont largement diffusées. De là, se pose la question de la pertinence de la transparence des sociétés cotées. / According to theorists of the transparency who of any disciplinary horizons cry out the virtues, the financial information permits the balance by remedying the asymmetry of knowledge between the company and his management on one hand, and the addressees of the financial information on the other hand. The transparency raises the veil, fights the opaqueness, permit the decision and thus, the game of the market. The economists speak then about “informative efficiency” because the fluid and fast circulation of the flows of information in origin or in the direction of all the actors of stock markets (company, management, operators, shareholders, authorities of regulation, press …) would permit to supply all the time the best possible valuation of listed companies considering the publicly available relevant information. For these reasons, many reforms were operated these last years in order to increase the obligations of information towards listed companies. However, we have to admit, in view of the last financial crisis that markets can not work effectively and estimate correctly the fundamental value of a financial asset while the information relative to the underlying asset is widely broadcasted. From there, we have to ask the question of the relevance of the listed companies’ transparency.

Accounting beta x beta CAPM: a study of companies in the regulated sectors and unregulated listed on BM & FBOVESPA. / Beta contÃbil x beta CAPM: Um estudo com as empresas dos setores regulados e nÃo regulados listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

MÃrcio Lima Moreira 12 December 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Considerando que a informaÃÃo contÃbil tem um papel fundamental para os investidores e pode auxiliar na aferiÃÃo do risco de uma organizaÃÃo, este estudo tem o objetivo geral de identificar se o parÃmetro de risco estimado por variÃveis contÃbeis (beta contÃbil) possui relaÃÃo com o parÃmetro de risco de mercado (beta de mercado) das empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa. AlÃm disso, levando em conta que as empresas dos setores regulados possuem normas especÃficas sobre evidenciaÃÃo, sugerindo maior nÃvel informacional e menor risco, consequentemente, afetando o beta contÃbil e o beta de mercado das empresas, analisa-se ainda se existe diferenÃa entre o beta contÃbil e o beta de mercado das empresas dos setores regulados e dos setores nÃo regulados. O estudo compreende o total de empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&FBOVESPA) na data de 26 de outubro de 2013, totalizando 528 (quinhentas e vinte e oito) empresas dos vÃrios segmentos de listagem. Das 528 empresas, foram excluÃdas as empresas classificadas como holdings e as empresas cujos dados nÃo se encontravam disponÃveis no perÃodo da coleta. Dessa forma, a amostra final da pesquisa contempla um total de 221 empresas, sendo 53 de setores regulados e 168 de setores nÃo regulados. AlÃm da coleta de dados nos sites da BM&FBovespa e da ComissÃo de Valores MobiliÃrios (CVM), utilizou-se o banco de dados EconomÃtica. Este estudo utilizou como ferramentas estatÃsticas testes de normalidade, teste de diferenÃa de mÃdia, anÃlise de correlaÃÃo de Spearman e anÃlise de regressÃo. Os resultados indicaram que apenas as empresas dos setores nÃo regulados apresentaram relaÃÃo entre o Beta CAPM e o Beta ContÃbil. Em contraponto, nas empresas de setores regulados observou-se resultado divergente, apontando para a nÃo existÃncia de relaÃÃo entre os dois indicadores. De maneira geral, quando verificada a amostra de empresas no total, ou seja, considerando empresas reguladas e nÃo reguladas, o resultado aponta para ausÃncia de relaÃÃo entre o Beta CAPM e o Beta ContÃbil, nÃo se confirmando uma das hipÃteses da pesquisa. / Considering that the accounting information plays a key role for investors and may assist in assessing the risk of an organization, this study has the general objective of identifying the risk parameter estimated by accounting variables (accounting beta) has relation to the market risk parameter (market beta) of companies listed on BM & FBovespa. Moreover, given that companies from regulated sectors have specific rules on disclosure, suggesting greater informational level and less risk, thus affecting the accounting beta and the market beta of businesses, yet is analyzed for differences between beta accounting and the market beta of firms in regulated industries and non-regulated sectors. The study included all listed companies on the Stock Exchange, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM & FBOVESPA) on the date of October 26, 2013, totaling 528 (five hundred twenty-eight) companies of various segments listing. Of the 528 companies, companies classified as holding companies and companies whose data were not available during data collection were excluded. Thus, the final survey sample comprises 221 companies, 53 of regulated industries and 168 of non-regulated sectors. In addition to collecting data on the websites of BM & FBovespa and the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), we used the EconomÃtica database. This study used as tools normality tests statistics, mean difference test, Spearman correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results indicated that only companies of unregulated sectors showed relationship between Beta and the CAPM Accounting Beta. In contrast, companies in regulated industries there was divergent results, pointing to the lack of relationship between the two indicators. In general, when checked the sample of firms in total, that is, considering both regulated and unregulated businesses, the result points to the absence of relationship between Beta and the CAPM Accounting Beta, do not confirm one of the hypotheses of the study


YURI REIS ARRAIS 13 December 2006 (has links)
[pt] A economia mundial tem sofrido intensas mudanças nas últimas décadas. As pequenas e médias empresas ganham destaque na economia e revelam consigo a importância do mercado de capital de risco, que ajuda no desenvolvimento dessas empresas com auxílio financeiro e de conhecimento. Nas fases ainda mais iniciais destacam-se os investidores anjos, pessoas físicas com elevado capital social e financeiro que atuam de forma societária nessas empresas. Este trabalho descreve o advento da Economia Empreendedora, melhor adaptada às mudanças acima, e entra no universo do investidor anjo. Com base numa ampla revisão bibliográfica são descritos o investidor, seu ambiente e sua forma de atuação. Em seguida, pela aplicação de um questionário baseado no conhecimento obtido com a literatura, diversas barreiras nessa identificadas foram submetidas a uma pesquisa que constatou algumas semelhanças com os mercados internacionais e também peculiaridades do mercado brasileiro. Avaliou-se ainda o comportamento dos anjos frente a 17 variáveis políticas e econômicas. Esta parte da pesquisa é útil em especial para a avaliação das atuais políticas de incentivo a esta atividade e ao planejamento de outras. / [en] The World´s economy has changed a lot in the last decades. The small and medium size companies became more important and with them the venture capital, supplier of money and knowledge for these companies, also play an important role. In the first stages the angel investors, providers of social and financial capital for these companies, are more relevant. This work describes the origin of the Entrepreneurial Economy and enters into these investors universe. Based on an extensive bibliographic research it describes the angel investor, its environment and investment process. Latter, with research among Brazilian investors, the barriers fo und on the literature were submitted for their opinions. Many differences and similarities were found between Brazilian and the other markets. There were also evaluated the impact of 17 economic end political conditions, which are considerably important for the evaluation of actual and future political incentives to stimulate entrepreneurship.

投資人關係與企業價值之探討 / Investor relations and enterprise value – a case study

高子琁, Kao, Tzu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
Since the 2008 financial crisis, we have been seen significant changes and movements in the capital markets. As an Investor Relations Officer (IRO) of the listed company, a continuing challenges is to attract and retain the investment funds from the capital market and keep a liquidity. Hence, the effective Investor Relations is very essential for the listed company because an effective investor relations programme is not only save valuable management time, but also can assist to deliver a fair valuation for the equity of enterprise, reduced funding costs and provide a strong shareholder base which will stand the company in good stead if times get tough, such as in low season business cycles or uncontrollable global financial crisis. The Investor Relations would be the eyes and ears of a company in the capital market and would deliver valuable insights into market sentiment, such as to potential investors and shareholders. An effective investor relations must have full commitments and supports of the senior management and C-suite. Investor Relations is a strategic management responsibility that requires an integration of corporate finance, communications, competence, perspective, and compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company, investment community, and all shareholders. The key objective of IR is to achieve optimal valuation of the enterprise. The Investor Relations should articulate in a way that investors could understand the direction of the company and develop reasonable expectations for determining success via investor conference, roadshow, and other communication channels.

The Implementation of United Nation´s Principles for Responsible Investments among Swedish Investors : A paradigm shift within reach?

Horwitz, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Responsible Investments is currently paving new paths in the financial industry. UnitedNation´s Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) has in four years attracted over 700signatories in 36 countries. The principles are voluntary and kept in an open non-governingstructure. The lack of formal definitions and the actual value or effects of the UN PRIadoption is difficult to assess. Many researchers today are involved in attempts to measure thefinancial performance of responsible investments. This study takes a different stand point andinvestigates the motivation for joining UN PRI, how the implementation has been carried outand what the effects are, by the use of a case study. The six largest investors in terms of assetunder management (AUM) among the Swedish UN PRI signatories were interviewed, and aqualitative based semi structured interview was used. A structural analysis was carried out onthe results. Institutional Theory was used to explain the motivation for joining UN PRI andserved as the theoretical framework. Interpretation of UN PRI´s implementation differed insome instances to a large degree between the respondents. Transparency was uncovered as amajor success factor to the investors in support of decision making. All interviewedsignatories had developed their own way of working with UN PRI in terms of organization,priorities and the attempts to measure its effects. There is still a great need for moreknowledge around how these principles shall be implemented successfully and become part ofmainstream investments.The target audience for this paper is academics or business professionals with an interest inwhy and how UN´s principles for responsible investments are adopted by the financialindustry.

Stock Investors’ Confidence on Low-Cost and Traditional Airlines in Asia During Financial Crisis 2007-2009 : Evidence from Air Asia and Singapore Airlines

Goh, Chin Fei, Tay, Karen January 2010 (has links)
The birth of low-cost carriers (LCC) in recent years, have added a new dimension to the aviation business, especially in Asia. There have been several success stories of these LCCs, compared with conventional full-serviced carriers. Two renowned airlines in Asia, Air Asia and Singapore Airlines have been chosen as our sample companies for the purpose of this research paper. Air Asia will represent the LCC segment, while Singapore Airlines is the proxy for traditional carriers. These two classes of airlines have different business models, which prompt us to find out how each has performed in the recent financial meltdown in 2007/08. In this paper, we will use financial ratios and stock analysis to find out the performance of Air Asia and Singapore Airlines. This quantitative and event methodology approach is apt to provide market participants, such as investors, which segment of the airline industry tend to outperform in time of an economic crisis. Based on our empirical findings, we have found that Air Asia has a better financial performance and is a less risky stock, compared with Singapore Airlines, during such economic downturn. So investors seeking for a more sound investment in such troubled times, may be able to find some gem in LCCs.

Vývoj konceptu strategie "Modrých oceánů" / Development of concept Blue Ocean strategy

Chiziţcaia, Oxana January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are two terms, start-ups and strategies blue oceans. The aim is therefore to realize characteristic development of the strategy and the concept of start-up and subsequent analysis of the key success factors of start-ups, in correspondence to the strategy. Output objective is to formulate recommendations on the business segment, investors. The above primary terms are initially defined and subsequently integrated in terms of the practical analysis selected start-ups, which is also based design of this work. The work was divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part identifies and traces the development of the strategic concept at the time, according to the primary authors of publications strategy. Then I present the designation start-up and subsequent key factors. Subsequent practical part is converted, through analysis and comparison, theoretical background in practice. This section presents the start-ups Crowdholding and Emuj and subsequently evaluated their key success factors. In another part I implements assessment of the factors of their success in terms of key aspects of the Blue Ocean strategy. Outputs are recommendations for potential investors in terms of controversy over business plans. The conclusion summarizes the theoretical and practical part of the thesis.

The role of taxation in attracting foreign direct investments to South Africa : a BRICS comparison

Terhoeven, Janine 09 March 2012 (has links)
Foreign direct investment in South Africa is expected to increase economic growth thereby alleviating poverty. With technology offering a global trade arena it has become increasingly important for countries to compete for the attention of international investors. Through studies conducted to identify the matters international investors take into consideration in deciding where to invest, tax policies were identified as an area considered by foreign investors. Although research has been performed on the tax policies applied by countries and the effect thereof on foreign direct investment, limited attention has been afforded to the tax policies of South Africa. With its recent inclusion in BRICS, South Africa will be competing with these expected future economic giants. Determining whether South Africa’s tax policies are competitive with these countries would provide useful insight for the marketing of the country. The study discusses and compares the foreign direct investment determinants identified as having an impact on investors’ decisions in investing outside local borders before focusing on taxation in particular. Based on the literature reviewed and the comparison performed, the study concludes that South Africa’s tax policies are competitive with those offered by BRICS countries AFRIKAANS : Die verwagting is dat buitelandse direkte belegging in Suid-Afrika na ekonomiese groei sal lei en sodoende armoede verlig. Met tegnologie wat 'n globale handel arena aanbied, word dit al hoe belangriker vir lande om te kompeteer vir die aandag van internasionale beleggers. Deur middel van studies wat gedoen is om die aangeleenthede wat internasionale beleggers in ag neem en die besluit waar om te belê, te identifiseer, is die belastingbeleid geïdentifiseer as 'n gebied wat oorweeg word deur buitelandse beleggers. Hoewel navorsing uitgevoer is op die belastingbeleid wat toegepas word deur die lande en die uitwerking daarvan op buitelandse direkte belegging, is daar beperkte aandag verleen aan die belastingbeleid van Suid-Afrika. Met Suid-Afrika se onlangse opname in BRICS sal die land meeding met hierdie verwagte toekomstige ekonomiese reuse. Om vas te stel of Suid-Afrika se belastingbeleid mededingend is met hierdie lande, sal nuttige insig verskaf word vir die bemarking van die land. Die studie bespreek en vergelyk die buitelandse direkte belegging determinante wat verwag word om 'n uitwerking te hê op beleggers se besluite om te belê buite hul plaaslike grense voor daar gefokus word op belasting in die besonder. Op grond van die literatuur en die vergelyking uitgevoer, het die studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Suid-Afrika se belastingbeleid mededingend is met dié wat deur BRICS lande beskikbaar gemaak word. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Terhoeven, J 2011, The role of taxation in attracting foreign direct investments to South Africa : a BRICS comparison, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03092012-122234 / > F12/4/168/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

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