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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expecting epiphany : performative ritual and Roman cultural space

Arney, Jane Katherine 17 June 2011 (has links)
When ancient people entered a temple or other sacred space, how did the art and architecture of the site work upon their senses as mediators of divine presence? This thesis demonstrates that the ancient perception of the deity's actual presence in visual images created a tension that was intensified by the spatial environment and the theatricality of ritual performance. Visual representations acted in concert with cultic ritual to manipulate the visitor through a revelatory experience and create the phenomenon of epiphany. Epiphany, from the Greek word epiphaneia, is the visible manifestation of the deity. Epiphany in the ancient world could manifest as miracles, signs and natural phenomena; however, my thesis will focus primarily on visual epiphany of deity. My aim is to describe how the elements of the built environment and performative ritual combined to create not only the expectation but the actualization of an epiphanic experience for the beholder. The phenomenon of visual epiphany has been largely overlooked until relatively recently. Scholarly examination of temples and other ritual spaces has focused more on archaeological description, formal analysis, mythic narrative, and social and political structures. There has been very little exploration of the actual ritual and neuro-phenomenological experience of religious participants as it relates to the visual environment. With this work my aim is to contribute to the scholarly knowledge of the ancient viewer's experience of epiphany as it was shaped by sacred space and mediated by religious ritual in the ancient world. / text

Al-Qaeda in Syria: implications for Middle Eastern Security and U.S Foreign Policy.

Pataudi, Ibrahim 01 January 2014 (has links)
This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of Al-Qaeda affiliates fighting in Syria. The implications for Middle Eastern Security, US foreign policy and Islamic extremism in the future are projected.

En framtid utan dåtid : En studie av forskning kring förstörelse av kulturarv / A future without history

Eriksson Persson, Bianca January 2018 (has links)
This essay analyzes destruction of cultural heritage, and its impact on future archaeological research. A qualitative case study on four different events of destruction on cultural heritage to evaluate whether it can be positive or negative. It explores if this phenomenon is new or old. Hopefully, the essay also contributes to the knowledge gap that exists in today's analysis of systematic destruction of cultural heritage. First, the concept of cultural heritage and systematic destruction is analyzed. Thereafter, a variety of cases are considered to finally arrive at four different events to be analyzed. In these four different events, a case study is made that aims to contribute to a deeper understanding on destruction of culture heritage. If it contributes to something positive or negative to the people in that society, and a possible outcome on how we look back on history. The events that form the case study are the destruction of the Baalshamin Temple, the demolition of the southern state statues, the transplantation of the Abu simbel monuments from Egypt and the destruction of the Sami drums. The results found that systematic destruction of cultural heritage is a complex issue and does not have an absolute explanation. Destruction of cultural heritage usually affects archaeologists negatively as it prevents future research and results in a less nuanced image of history. Destruction of cultural heritage is usually considered negative, however, moving objects is considered to be more positive.

Islamiska Staten och det revolutionära upproret

Westrup, Pelle January 2016 (has links)
Since 2010 The Islamic State (IS) has resurrected from virtual extinction and has conquered vast territories in Iraq and Syria. It has transformed from a simple group of insurgents to a conventional army which has claimed to be a state of its own since it announced the for-mation of the Caliphate in mid-2014. Researchers have used many different theories to un-derstand the success of IS which has increased our knowledge of the phenomenon. Even so there are still questions that need to be answered in order to fully understand what we are facing in the Middle East (ME) today and what we might encounter in other parts of the world tomorrow. This essay uses revolutionary theories about Communism and Nationalism with the intent to expand our view of modern insurgencies. More precisely it investigates why IS has been so successful in its conquests, which are done through the narrative of its attitude towards the population of Iraq and Syria. The result reveals that IS uses a combination of the two above-mentioned ideologies. IS keeps conflicts going through constant terror against specific groups thus creating a gap be-tween the governments and the Sunnis in the region. Simultaneously it is trying to create an environment where the inhabitants can experience normal living conditions. The future of the ME is worrying since IS and its way of gaining conquests is hard to battle for whoever is intervening.

How does othering in Abu Bakr Naji’s The Management of Savagery and Anders Breivik’s 2083 reveal what the two authors perceive as the main external threats to their own groups?

Whitehead, James Graeme Miles January 2020 (has links)
Othering is central in the rhetoric of both Abu Bakr Naji and Anders Breivik throughout their works. Both authors use it as a device to drive a psychological wedge between the groups of ‘us’ and ‘them’. In the case of Naji, the in group is made up of violence oriented takfiris such as Al Qaeda, but Breivik hoped to appeal to other violence oriented far right groups and individuals, disillusioned with what he perceived to be a slow erosion of ‘traditional’ European life by the far left, feminism and other forces. My research question will revolve around how a use of othering by the authors can reveal what they regard as the major threat to their groups. Superficially, there seem to be many similarities in how each author uses othering to alienate and dehumanise different groups. However, closer inspection reveals entirely different priorities and different methods of othering in play. By examining how othering is used throughout the works, it is possible to see which outside groups are perceived to present the biggest threat to the inside groups and the results are perhaps surprising. Given that The Management of Savagery has been seen as the ISIS strategic manual and the key message throughout the work is try and bring the USA and her allies into a catastrophic war of attrition from which the violence oriented takfiris would rise, I had assumed that the USA, or the ‘Far’ enemy would take the brunt of Naji’s othering drive. Instead, the Shia and all Muslims who are unaligned with Al Qaeda, plus those Muslims closely aligned with the West or Western ideals are the key target for Naji. Likewise, I had expected most of the vitriol from Breivik’s right wing ‘manifesto’ to be directed at Muslim immigrants to Europe. However, his key concern, as evidenced by the othering used throughout his work, is in fact with what he terms ‘cultural Marxists’ – left leaning groups and political parties, which he sees as weakening Europe and allowing outsiders to take over.

Det moderna kalifatets strategi – en fallstudie om ISIS

Felldén, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
In four years, ISIS managed to conquer vast areas in both Iraq and Syria and have proven themselves capable of conducting sophisticated military operations. Using terrorism, they have also shocked the world numerous times, most recently in Sri Lanka during the spring of 2019, in an attack leaving more than 250 people dead. Even today there seems to be a discrepancy in how this organization should be defined. Therefore, this thesis examines ISIS through the years of 2010-2015. The ambition is to explain how this organization can be understood through the contrasting theories of hybrid warfare and insurgency from Frank G. Hoffman and David Galula respectively. This thesis concludes that while ISIS’s initial progression bore strong resemblance to the historically typical insurgent, like gaining publicity through terror and using guerilla warfare to acquire supplies and grow, they became something more. They evolved into a hybrid organization capable of mixing conventional combined arms warfare with the deadly effectiveness of irregular methods, essentially converging terrorism with their conventional units. Using modern technology, they managed to turn both social media and commercial products alike, into effective tools of war. This spectacular metamorphosis that is ISIS, illuminates the requirement for development of new theories, or at the very least, to expand on those present today.


Tait, Terry Thomas 02 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

De förlorade sönerna återvänder hem : En kvalitativ studie om återvändande Daish-krigare från Göteborg, stadens strategi mot terrorism och arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism

Abdi, Mohammed Bashir, Kadrija, Agron January 2018 (has links)
Svenska medborgare har anslutit sig till terrororganisationen Daish. Många av dessa individer kommer från Göteborg. Syftet med denna forskning är att undersöka hur det kom sig att göte-borgare är överrepresenterade bland svenska Daish-medlemmar. Många av Daish-resenärerna har återvänt till Göteborg. I denna forskning undersöks också Göteborg stads strategi för åter-vändande Daish-medlemmar och hur radikaliseringsprocessen ser ut för individer som ansluter sig till våldsbejakande extremism. I denna uppsats tillämpade vi kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet i uppsatsen grundar sig på intervjuer med två göteborgare som har anslutit sig till Daish och sedan återvänt till Göteborg. Intervjuer har också hållits med tre poliser och två so-cialarbetare som arbetar mot våldsbejakande extremism i Göteborg. Resultaten visar att Göteborg sticker ut i listan bland Sveriges särskilt utsatta om-råden, och att orsaken till att Göteborg är överrepresenterat beror på segregation och utanför-skap. Resultaten visar att vissa stadsdelar i Göteborg har hög arbetslöshet, låg utbildning och dåliga skolresultat. Klyftan mellan utsatta områden och övriga Göteborg växer. Invånarna i dessa områden upplever detta som orättvist, diskriminerande samt att det väcker frustration. Undersökningen visar att klyftan utnyttjas av individer med religiös, klan eller patriarkal makt som ersätter den demokratiska strukturen i de segregerade stadsdelarna. Terrororganisationen Daish är en av aktörerna som har utnyttjat övriga samhällets frånvaro i utsatta stadsdelar. In-formanterna påpekar att Daish-rekryterare överöser religiös propaganda på individer som redan är frustrerade på samhället.

An Organizational Analysis of Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Matini, Armand Yousseff 28 June 2022 (has links)
Throughout history, radical individuals have caused violence and tarnished the reputation of many communities and beliefs. Following 9/11, Islamic Terrorism put fear into many individuals. New fronts of the War on Terror began to open as militaries began to engage terrorist groups who sought to take action through radical beliefs. Al Qaeda had opened up a new front and joined the ranks of the Sunni Insurgency to confront the armed forces of the United States as the Invasion of Iraq began to unfold. This new group had radical leaders who were able to incite a stiff and violent campaign against their enemies. The U.S. was able to slow down the group, but not the ideology, tactics, and leadership once it withdrew from the conflict zone. As leaders in the area began to divide their societies by violence and marginalization, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria were able to come into power and create small, quasi-legitimate caliphate. Although the group may be somewhat defeated in the region, the ideology will carry on. By using organizational theory, we can better compare both groups and learn from their strengths and weaknesses. Through analyzing this parallel case study, new doors may be opened up for research to be able to slow down radical ideologies and thwart violent actions. / Master of Arts / Following 9/11, we begin to see the United States devote countless amounts of resources and energy to combat radical Islamic ideologies. In this, we study Al Qaeda and its Iraq branch, AQI, and how its remnants were able to create one of the most successful and notorious Islamic terror organizations. This thesis allows growth to the study of terrorism, primarily by comparing two terror groups and understanding their rise to success and failures. This thesis also helps study how groups can split apart and form new offshoot organizations. Looking into groups' ideologies allows for the researchers to also how they may affect success. As groups rise and fall, there may a continuation of an ideology. New platforms can assist in this, and play large parts of a groups success. Leadership can be a large factor, guiding a group to success or hurting its image. To combat terror organizations, the military can affect how they grow, thus showing the power of settings and where terror organizations can thrive. By comparing and contrasting organizations, it allows for a different approach of research that can help in preventing violent actors to continue on a similar path.

Le pouvoir impérial romain et les cultes isiaques à Rome (IIIe-IVe siècles)

Briaud, Stéphanie 05 1900 (has links)
Les cultes isiaques se répandent autour du bassin méditerranéen entre le IVe s. av. et la fin du IVe s. apr. J.-C., arrivant à Rome au Ier siècle av. notre ère et y disparaissant conjointement aux cultes païens traditionnels avec ou peu après le coup porté par Théodose. Leur diffusion romaine s’étale donc sur une grande partie de l’histoire de l’Empire d’Occident, et ils vont ainsi se retrouver face à l’homme désormais considéré comme primus inter pares, grâce à l’accumulation de ses pouvoirs. L’empereur est pontifex maximus, c’est-à-dire maitre des cultes publics et du droit religieux, et il est ainsi l’agent du pouvoir qui a le potentiel religieux et législatif pour avoir un discours varié sur les autres traditions religieuses. Il semble donc inévitable que la sphère cultuelle isiaque rencontre et interagisse avec la sphère religieuse traditionnelle romaine, et que certains empereurs interfèrent, par renforcement ou au contraire par opposition, avec les cultes isiaques arrivés peu de temps avant l’avènement du pouvoir impérial. Cette thèse se propose non seulement d’étudier la dialectique entre institué romain (la force d’inertie) et instituant isiaque (la force de changements) dans la direction d’une potentielle altérité incluse (soit le dialogue évolutif du Nous par rapport à l’Autre), mais notamment par les liens publics romains et évolutifs entre l’empereur et les divinités isiaques. Nous effectuons cette recherche grâce à quatre types de sources antiques : la littérature pour le point de vue de l’élite littéraire gréco-romaine ; les inscriptions isiaques pour une définition surtout populaire de l’identité évolutive de l’instituant isiaque ; les monnaies et les oeuvres monumentales pour le point de vue public (et parfois plus personnel) impérial. Nous concentrons notre étude à partir de la dynastie sévérienne, qui laisse supposer que les cultes romano-orientaux profitent de la nouvelle configuration impériale avec des empereurs originaires d’Afrique et d’Orient, dans un phénomène d’« impérialisation » isiaque intensifié par un engagement tant impérial que populaire. En outre, nous nuancerons les conséquences sur la diffusion isiaque des troubles qui surviennent dans la deuxième moitié du IIIe siècle. Enfin, le IVe siècle, avec la christianisation de l’Empire et donc un christianisme devenant institué, ouvre sur une analyse des débats entre les défenseurs actifs du paganisme et les auteurs chrétiens, et de là, vers des interrogations sur l’intervention de la sphère isiaque dans ce face-à-face. / Isiac worship spread around the mediterranean basin between IVth c. BC and late IVth century AD, arriving to Rome at Ist century BC and disappearing there at the same time as traditional pagan worship, with or soon after Theodosius’policy. So, their Italian distribution spreads during a large part of the history of Western Empire, and thus, they’re going to meet the man henceforth considered as primus inter pares, thanks to the accumulation of his powers. The emperor is pontifex maximus that is master of the public worship and the religious right, thus he is the powerful agent who possesses the religious and legislative potential to have a varied discourse on other religious traditions. It seems inevitable that the sphere of isiac worship meets and interacts with Roman traditional religious sphere, and that some emperors interfere, by reinforcement or opposition, with the isiac cults arrived not enough time before the advent of the imperial power. This thesis studies non only the dialectic between Roman institué (inertial force) and isiac instituant (force of changes) in the direction of a potential included otherness (that to say the evolving dialogue of Us in relation to the Other), but especially by Roman publics links (and processing) between the isiac worship and the emperors. We do this research with four types of antique sources : literature for the views of the Greco-Roman literary elite ; the isiac inscriptions for (popular) definition of the identity of the isiac instituant ; the coins and the monumental works for the public (and sometimes more personal) imperial point of view. We focus our study from the Severan dynasty, what can let suppose that these romano-oriental worship take advantage of this new imperial configuration with emperors from Africa and the East, in a phenomenon of isiac " imperialization " intensified by both imperial and popular involvement. Moreover, we soften the consequences on isiac spread of disorders that arise in the second half of the IIIth century. Finally, the IVth century, with the christianization of the Empire and so christianity becoming institué, brings to an analysis of the debates between the active defenders of the paganism and the christian writers, and from there, on questions over the intervention of the isiac group in this face to face.

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