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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tradition online

Bonte, Achim, Hermann, Konstantin 04 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ISIS, die im März 2009 ihr 175jähriges Bestehen feiern konnte, gab mit ihrer Vereinszeitschrift ein wichtiges naturwissenschaftliches Periodikum heraus. Der Wert dieser Abhandlungen ist sowohl durch die berühmten Autoren als auch durch die zahlreichen Artikel, die sich als erstes mit bestimmten Themen beschäftigen, noch heute hoch. Im Zuge des Ausbaus der SLUB als Digitalisierungszentrum mit dem Portal Sachsen.digital wurde das Portal Wissenschaftskultur geschaffen, das wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften und Schriftenreihen gelehrter Gesellschaften und Vereine im digitalen Volltext anbietet.

Enquête sur tit et djed dans le domaine funéraire, à partir de la documentation du Nouvel Empire / Investigation about tit et djed in funerary context, based on the documentation of the New Kingdom

Froppier, Elsa 08 December 2016 (has links)
Tit et djed sont les noms égyptiens de deux signes utilisés à la fois dans le système hiéroglyphique et dans le domaine iconographique, mais qui se matérialisent aussi sous forme d’objets (amulettes) intégrés aux rites funéraires ; ce triple emploi ayant longtemps empêché de définir distinctement leur nature. Leur apparition, remontant aux plus hautes époques de l’histoire de l’Égypte ancienne (Ire dynastie), montre déjà une affectation funéraire marquée des emblèmes, spécialisation qui ne cessera de progresser tout au long de cette vaste période, avec une nette transition au Nouvel Empire, justifiant le cadrage chronologique mais aussi la sélection du contexte funéraire pour notre étude. Celle-ci se propose d’examiner trois catégories principales de documents : les papyri du Livre des Morts, l’iconographie des tombes et les décors du mobilier funéraire, dans le but de comprendre les croyances et fonctions associées à l’emploi combiné des deux emblèmes, en tenant toujours compte des aspects politiques et religieux relatifs à l’institution pharaonique qui pourraient l’éclairer. / Tit and djed are the egyptian names of two signs employed at the same time in the hieroglyphic system and in the iconographic domain, but which materialize too in the form of objects (amulets) into the funerary rites ; this triple use long prevented to define their nature. Their occurrence, which dates from the first dynasty, already shows a funerary affectation of the emblems, specialization which continues to progress during this period, with a transition during the New Kingdom, justifying the chronological framing but also the selection of the funeral context for our study. This one intends to examine three main categories of documents : the Book of the Dead papyri, the iconography of the tombs and the decorations of the funeral furniture, in order to understand the beliefs and functions concerning both signs, always by taking into account political and religious aspects relative to the pharaonic institution, which could enlighten it.

Tradition online: Die Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ISIS im elektronischen Informationsportal „Wissenschaftskultur“ der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)

Bonte, Achim, Hermann, Konstantin 04 May 2009 (has links)
Die naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ISIS, die im März 2009 ihr 175jähriges Bestehen feiern konnte, gab mit ihrer Vereinszeitschrift ein wichtiges naturwissenschaftliches Periodikum heraus. Der Wert dieser Abhandlungen ist sowohl durch die berühmten Autoren als auch durch die zahlreichen Artikel, die sich als erstes mit bestimmten Themen beschäftigen, noch heute hoch. Im Zuge des Ausbaus der SLUB als Digitalisierungszentrum mit dem Portal Sachsen.digital wurde das Portal Wissenschaftskultur geschaffen, das wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften und Schriftenreihen gelehrter Gesellschaften und Vereine im digitalen Volltext anbietet.

The Caliphate and the Aiding Sword : A content analysis of "Islamic State" propaganda

Larsson, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
A content analysis of "Islamic State" (IS) propaganda material released around the movement's proclamation of a Caliphate in 2014, this study is an attempt at analysing ways in which presented arguments express a coherent narrative of symbolic meaning. Using Robert Benford & David Snow's ideas on the so-called three core framing tasks as a clarifying template, I discuss ways in which the analysed material argues for the legitimacy and relevance of the IS movement. IS propagandists argue that the Muslim umma is under attack, and that Muslims need to unite under a common authority that can protect their religion, restore their strength, and counteract their humiliation. The IS Caliphate is presented as a hopeful sign, but is in need of committed recruits who are willing to sacrifice for what is presented as the greater good. As the analysed propaganda is particularly focused on this latter (motivational) aspect of the narrative, it focuses extensively on formulating arguments that reinforce it. I hold that many of these arguments can be traced back to what can be described as appeals to virtues like sincerity, authenticity, and truthfulness – and that all of these are also used to argue for the credibility of the IS Caliphate as an Islamic authority. Arguing that this Caliphate will serve the role of an aiding sword of Islam, it is furthermore presented as a necessary and vigorous structure aimed at protecting "truth" and at eradicating "falsehood".

La fonction des "historiolae" dans la magie égyptienne du Nouvel Empire / The Function of Narratives (historiolae) in the Egyptian magical Texts of the New Kingdom

Rouffet, Frédéric 15 September 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’appréhender le procédé rhétorique appelé "historiola" dans le contexte du rituel magique égyptien. La période chronologique choisie est celle du Nouvel Empire, époque regroupant une grande variété de formules. L’analyse s’effectue tant sur un plan structurel que modal et thématique afin d’observer l’ensemble des caractéristiques de ce procédé. L"’historiola" est ainsi perçue comme un procédé littéraire permettant au magicien de renforcer l’efficacité de la formule qu’il doit prononcer en vue de protéger ou de guérir un patient. / The aim of this work is to try to understand how the "historiola" works into an Ancient Egyptian ritual. The selected chronological period is the New Kingdom which conveys a great diversity of spells. The analysis is performed on a structural and on a modal and thematic approach, so as to observe the characteristics of the "historiola". The historiola is thus seen as a literary process which allows the magician to enhance the effectiveness of the formula he has to pronounce in order to protect or to cure the patient.

Développement d'une plateforme d'évaluation de plans de gestion spatialisés : application à la pêcherie mixte démersale du golfe de Gascogne / Development of a spatial management strategy evaluation framework : application to the Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries

Vigier, Audric 02 July 2018 (has links)
La gestion des pêches en Atlantique Nord-Est s'oriente vers une régionalisation, prenant en compte les interactions techniques caractéristiques des pêcheries mixtes. Ceci nécessite une compréhension et une évaluation des dynamiques spatio-temporelles des espèces exploitées et des flottilles qui les exploitent. Cette thèse vise à proposer un outil pour évaluer les conséquences de stratégies de gestion dans le golfe de Gascogne. Elle se focalise sur le stock de merlu Nord (Merluccius merluccius) et la pêcherie mixte démersale merlu - sole (Solea solea) – langoustine (Nephrops norvegicus) du golfe de Gascogne. Un cadre d'évaluation de stratégies de gestion (MSE) a été développé, intégrant un modèle d'évaluation spatialisé du stock de merlu Nord, et un modèle opératoire (lSlS-Fish) simulant la pêcherie mixte démersale du golfe de Gascogne. Le modèle spatialisé d'évaluation a estimé des variations spatio-temporelles d'abondance, recrutement et mortalité par pêche du merlu Nord, malgré la sensibilité de la procédure d'estimation au point initial. Le modèle opératoire intègre I'ensemble de la connaissance disponible sur la pêcherie. ll a été calibré selon une approche multi-critères, assurant la reproduction des captures de merlu sur 2010-2012. Le cadre d'évaluation de stratégies de gestion n'est pas opérationnel, mais a mis en évidence des différences de modélisation des dynamiques à l'échelle de la pêcherie, et illustre de potentiels effets de la gestion par TAC du stock de merlu Nord sur la pêcherie, dans un contexte de mise en place de I'obligation de débarquement. Ces résultats et des pistes d'amélioration sont discutés. / North-East Atlantic fisheries management goes towards a regionalisation, accounting for mixed fisheries technical interaction. Hence, understanding and assessing the spatio-temporal dynamics of exploited species and the fleets exploiting them is needed. This study aims to provide a tool to assess the effects of several management scenarii in the Bay of Biscay. lt fouses on North-east Atlantic northern hake stock (Merluccius merluccius) and the mixed demersal hake - sole (Solea solea) - Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) Bay of Biscay fisheries.A Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework has been developed, pairing a spatial northern hake stock assessment model, and an operating model (lSlS-Fish) simulating the Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries.A Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework has been developed, pairing a spatial northern hake stock assessment model, and an operating model (lSlS-Fish) simulating the Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries.The spatial assessment model estimated northern hake abundance, recruitment and fishing mortality spatio-temporal variations, despite the estimation procedure sensitivity to initial point.The operating model incorporates all the current knowledge on the fisheries. lt has been calibrated following a multi-criteria approach, ensuring the reproduction of hake catch on 2010-2012. The Management Strategy Evaluation framework is not operational, although it highlighted discrepancies between both models dynamics at the fishery scale, and illustrated northern hake management through TACs potential effects on the fishery, in a landing obligation context. These results and improvement axes are discussed.

Ett barnperspektiv på svenska humanitära biståndsinsatser : Exemplet Irak och Islamiska staten (ISIS)

Azizi, Tara January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsatsstudie har som syfte att utifrån olika myndigheters och organisationers erfarenheter samt policy och positionspapper, undersöka hur barnperspektivet kommer till uttryck i de svenska humanitära biståndsinsatserna till den humanitära krissituationen i Irak. Metoden som användes för att ta sig an forskningsområdet, barnperspektiv i det humanitära biståndsarbetet, är grundad teori. Datainsamlingen utgörs av sju kvalitativa intervjuer med myndigheter och organisationer och två textanalyser. Det humanitära biståndsarbetet är väldigt omfattande. Resultatet har utmynnat i en kärnkategori och tre underkategorier som tillsammans skapat samverkansmodellen. För att barnperspektivet ska komma till uttryck i det humanitära biståndsarbetet, är det viktigt att samverkansarbetet mellan de olika aktörerna, sker utifrån ett barnperspektiv. Det är viktigt att ett barnperspektiv kommer till uttryck i varje underkategori för att barnet och barnets behov ska realiseras i policy men också i verkligheten det vill säga i den humanitära krissituationen som utspelar sig i Irak.

Globalizing the Sculptural Landscapes of the Sarapis and Isis Cults in Hellenistic and Roman Greece

Mazurek, Lindsey Anne January 2016 (has links)
<p>“Globalizing the Sculptural Landscape of Isis and Sarapis Cults in Roman Greece,” asks questions of cross-cultural exchange and viewership of sculptural assemblages set up in sanctuaries to the Egyptian gods. Focusing on cognitive dissonance, cultural imagining, and manipulations of time and space, I theorize ancient globalization as a set of loosely related processes that shifted a community's connections with place. My case studies range from the 3rd century BCE to the 2nd century CE, including sanctuaries at Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Dion, Marathon, Gortyna, and Delos. At these sites, devotees combined mainstream Greco-Roman sculptures, Egyptian imports, and locally produced imitations of Egyptian artifacts. In the last case, local sculptors represented Egyptian subjects with Greco-Roman naturalistic styles, creating an exoticized visual ideal that had both local and global resonance. My dissertation argues that the sculptural assemblages set up in Egyptian sanctuaries allowed each community to construct complex narratives about the nature of the Egyptian gods. Further, these images participated in a form of globalization that motivated local communities to adopt foreign gods and reinterpret them to suit local needs. </p><p> I begin my dissertation by examining how Isis and Sarapis were represented in Greece. My first chapter focuses on single statues of Egyptian gods, describing their iconographies and stylistic tendencies through examples from Corinth and Gortyna. By comparing Greek examples with images of Sarapis, Isis, and Harpokrates from around the Mediterranean, I demonstrate that Greek communities relied on globally available visual tropes rather than creating site or region-specific interpretations. In the next section, I examine what other sources viewers drew upon to inform their experiences of Egyptian sculpture. In Chapter 3, I survey the textual evidence for Isiac cult practice in Greece as a way to reconstruct devotees’ expectations of sculptures in sanctuary contexts. At the core of this analysis are Apuleius’ Metamorphoses and Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride, which offer a Greek perspective on the cult’s theology. These literary works rely on a tradition of aretalogical inscriptions—long hymns produced from roughly the late 4th century B.C.E. into the 4th century C.E. that describe the expansive syncretistic powers of Isis, Sarapis, and Harpokrates. This chapter argues that the textual evidence suggests that devotees may have expected their images to be especially miraculous and likely to intervene on their behalf, particularly when involved in ritual activity inside the sanctuary.</p><p> In the final two chapters, I consider sculptural programs and ritual activity in concert with sanctuary architecture. My fourth chapter focuses on sanctuaries where large amounts of sculpture were found in underground water crypts: Thessaloniki and Rhodes. These groups of statues can be connected to a particular sanctuary space, but their precise display contexts are not known. By reading these images together, I argue that local communities used these globally available images to construct new interpretations of these gods, ones that explored the complex intersections of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman identities in a globalized Mediterranean. My final chapter explores the Egyptian sanctuary at Marathon, a site where exceptional preservation allows us to study how viewers would have experienced images in architectural space. Using the Isiac visuality established in Chapter 3, I reconstruct the viewer's experience, arguing that the patron, Herodes Atticus, intended his viewer to inform his experience with the complex theology of Middle Platonism and prevailing elite attitudes about Roman imperialism.</p><p> Throughout my dissertation, I diverge from traditional approaches to culture change that center on the concepts of Romanization and identity. In order to access local experiences of globalization, I examine viewership on a micro-scale. I argue that viewers brought their concerns about culture change into dialogue with elements of cult, social status, art, and text to create new interpretations of Roman sculpture sensitive to the challenges of a highly connected Mediterranean world. In turn, these transcultural perspectives motivated Isiac devotees to create assemblages that combined elements from multiple cultures. These expansive attitudes also inspired Isiac devotees to commission exoticized images that brought together disparate cultures and styles in an eclectic manner that mirrored the haphazard way that travel brought change to the Mediterranean world. My dissertation thus offers a more theoretically rigorous way of modeling culture change in antiquity that recognizes local communities’ agency in producing their cultural landscapes, reconciling some of the problems of scale that have plagued earlier approaches to provincial Roman art.</p><p> These case studies demonstrate that cultural anxieties played a key role in how viewers experienced artistic imagery in the Hellenistic and Roman Mediterranean. This dissertation thus offers a new component in our understanding of ancient visuality, and, in turn, a better way to analyze how local communities dealt with the rise of connectivity and globalization.</p> / Dissertation

Western foreign fighters in the conflict in Syria and Iraq: a critical reflection on the role of Muslims’ identity and integration in the West

Hashemirahaghi, Seyedmehdi 20 April 2016 (has links)
The current conflict in Syria and Iraq has attracted a large number of foreign fighters (FFs) from Western countries. The main question of this thesis is why these countries do not have a similar pattern for their proportions of FFs. This thesis explores this question in nine Western countries with varying proportions of FFs: Finland, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, England, Canada, Australia, and America. Through a case study of Islamic State’s online FF recruitment campaign, it will be shown that common religious identity is the main part of the group’s recruitment message. However, comparing the identified countries on factors related to Muslims’ identity and integration uncovers that common Muslim identity itself is not capable of answering the question; instead, it is Muslims’ integration into their surrounding societies that correlates with proportions of FFs from identified countries. / Graduate / 0615 / 0616 / 0750 / mhashemi@uvic.ca

Culturalcide: The Systematic Destruction and Rewriting of World History at the Hands of ISIS

Armendariz, Kaitlyn Kathleen, Armendariz, Kaitlyn Kathleen January 2017 (has links)
The artistic tradition of the Middle East is under attack. While sensationalized media and fear-mongering politicians seem to dominate the discussion on ISIS, researchers are racing against time to work on conservation and education efforts to try and preserve what is left of the artistic heritage of Iraq and Syria. This paper seeks to present a factual and understandable view on cultural destruction in the Middle East at the hands of ISIS. This paper is divided into several parts discussing; the history of ISIS, why ISIS attacks art and architecture, the scope of their destruction and the long and short term effects this destruction has on local and global communities, as well as current and proposed conservation efforts. From this discussion it is clear that ISIS' propaganda does not always align with the group’s actions and that there needs to be a global awareness of the ongoing situation if current and future conservation efforts are going to be truly successful. This paper is part of a growing academic field studying ISIS and a larger community-based movement for accessible and accurate information. It is the hopes of the author that this paper accurately addresses the severity of this destruction within communities and encourages more discussion about conservation efforts in the Middle East, the importance of the artistic tradition of the Middle East, and the importance of global solidarity against this destruction.

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