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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie om skillnader i statliga och privata bolags hållbarhetsredovisningar

Söderkvist, Martina, Tenö, Jannika January 2011 (has links)
This study examines differences between private and state-owned companies' sustainability reports for the year 2010. Three state-owned companies and three private companies in three different industries have been examined. An effort has been put to explaining if differences are related to the owner or to the industry. The basis for this is that the state owned companies are required to present a sustainability report according to shareholder demands, while the private owned aren’t obligated to present their sustainability efforts. The study has a qualitative basis, and empirical data have been collected by the authors. This data have later been used to examine publicly published sustainability reports and have partly been narrated in the text. To be able to do a comparison, three state owned and three private owned companies were selected by that they are in three similar industries, and operate in three similar economic areas. The collected data was analyzed by theories of legitimacy. Theories of isomorphism as DiMaggio and Powell discuss, companies tends to become more equal, and theories of brand management of Nikolaeva and Bicho, which describes that companies who voluntarily choose to present sustainability reports do it as a form of marketing standpoint were used in this study.The authors came to the conclusion that differences between public and private companies exist, but they also exist in between industries. Some differences could be explained by theories concerning legitimacy and isomorphism. / Denna studie undersöker skillnader i privata och statligt ägda bolags hållbarhetsredovisningar för år 2010. Detta genom att granska tre statliga bolag och tre privata bolag i tre olika branscher för att förklara de skillnader som finns är ägarrelaterade eller branschrelaterade. Grunden till detta är att de statliga bolagen är skyldiga att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning enligt ägarkrav medan de privata inte har några skyldigheter att presentera deras hållbarhetsarbete. Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt då empirin har insamlats genom att författarna har granskat offentligt publicerade hållbarhetsredovisningar och återberättat i text. För att kunna genomföra en jämförelse valdes tre statliga och tre privata bolag genom matchning det vill säga att de befinner sig i tre liknande branscher och bedriver tre liknande verksamheter. Den data som samlats in har analyserats genom teorier om legitimitet. Detta i form av teorier om isomorfi enligt DiMaggio och Powell som diskuterar att bolag tenderar att bli mer lika samt teorier om varumärkesvård av Nikolaeva och Bicho, som beskriver att bolag som frivilligt väljer att presentera hållbarhetsredovisningar gör det ur en marknadsföringssynpunkt. Det har framkommit att skillnader mellan statliga och privata bolag finns men även skillnader över branscherna. Vissa skillnader kan förklaras genom teorier om legitimitet och isomorfi.

En kommun bland andra? : En fallstudie av Skellefteå kommuns självpresentation / A municipality among others? : A case study of Skellefteå kommuns selfpresentation

Brommare Magnefors, August January 2023 (has links)
Title: A municipality among others? A case study of Skellefteå kommuns selfpresentation This essay is a case study aimed to explore how a Swedish municipality portrait itself in its external communication. Increased competition due to bigger autonomy have made it more important for Swedish municipalities to appear attractive in relation to businesses, investors and potential immigrants. However, municipalities are big and complex organizations with many different stakeholders, which makes it difficult for them to appear as unique brands. The specific municipality targeted by this case study is Skellefteå kommun. Skellefteå kommun is considered particularly interesting in relation to the purpose of this study because they have high ambitions to grow, and as result of this invest heavy in, among other things, industry and housing. This presumably means that the municipality has a need to communicate this to the outside world, and that they actually have something concrete to position themselves against.  The theoretical framework of the essay consists of legitimacy, isomorphism, promotional culture, reputation management and brand communication. Further, to achieve the purpose of the essay a discourse-theoretical approach was applied to selected texts from the website of Skellefteå kommun, with the aim to make visible the values and meanings that Skellefteå kommun constructs about itself. In the analysis, growth was identified as a particularly important discourse, which largely affects the meanings the municipality constructs about itself. The result of the essay also indicates, like previous research, that it is difficult for municipalities to appear as unique. Skellefteå kommun build its brand around a number of universally applicable core values, and in addition to this growth and industrial investments appears as two particularly important competitive advantages. Nevertheless, the municipality’s communication, even in relation to the aforementioned competitive advantages, tends to result in vague formulations and abstract visions about the future.

Vem vill bli CBRN-yrkesofficer? : Hur rekryteringen till Försvarsmaktens skyddsfunktion mot massförstörelsevapen kan förbättras och utvecklas

Nilsson, Peter January 2022 (has links)
Försvarsmakten tillväxer sedan beslut togs om återinförande av värnplikt respektive utökade ekonomiska ramar för Försvarsmakten i slutet på 2010-talet av rikets ledning. Tillväxten innebär att ett ökande behov av personal måste tillgodoses och yrkesofficerare utgör en nyckelkategori att rekrytera för att kunna effektuera tillväxten. Inom ramen för tillväxtbehovet återfinns yrkesofficerare som kan utbilda och leda enheter avsedda för skydd mot massförstörelsevapen och det finns yrkesofficersutbildningar med inriktning just för detta område. Problemet är att rekryteringsorganisationen är liten för att åstadkomma detta. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur rekryteringen av värnpliktiga till officerutbildningarna med inriktningen, skydd mot massförstörelsevapen, kan förbättras och därmed utvecklas.  Studien är genomförd som en kvalitativ, induktiv studie och de kvalitativa data som ligger till grund för studien är inhämtad genom workshops med värnpliktiga, kadetter och nyanställda yrkesofficerare. Förutsättningarna för rekryteringen har sammanställts ur intervjuer. Resultatet av studien visar att image och konkurrens utgör hinder för rekryteringen och att rekryteringen kan förbättras genom att vidta åtgärder som skapar mening att vilja bli yrkesofficer med denna speciella inriktning. De slutsatser som har dragits är att meningsgivande information om dessa specialiserade yrkesofficerare behöver spridas målgruppsinriktat på sociala media samt att förbandproduktionen för denna specialiserade funktion behöver decentraliseras. / The Swedish Armed Forces is growing due to decisions made by the Swedish government in the late second decade of the 21st century. The growth means that the Swedish Armed Forces needs to expand its employed staff and especially there is need for increasing numbers of officers and noncommissioned officers. The recruitment, necessary for the Swedish Armed Forces employed staff, includes officers and noncommissioned officers specialized in handling protection against weapons of mass destruction. There are specialized military officers training programs for this purpose in Sweden. The problem is that there is a small organization for recruitment for this purpose. The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of how the recruitment from conscripts training to these specialized officers training courses can be improved and developed. The thesis has a qualitative method, and inductive approach. The data has been collected through workshops with conscripts, cadets and newly employed officers. The conditions for recruitment have been collected through interviews. The results of this thesis shows that image and competition are obstacles for the recruitment and that recruitment needs to be improved with sensemaking measures. The conclusions are that sensegiving information about these specialized officers should be presented on social media and that the production of the specialized units for this organization should be dispersed geographically in Sweden.

En aning om ett sällsamt universum : En undersökning av C.J.L. Almqvists ”poetiska fuga”

Jägerfeld, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
ABSTRACT And concrete diction Carl Jonas Love Almqvist’s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen's Tiara; 1834) is, along with Amorina, the work primarily associated with the ”poetic fugue” – a concept the author develops in ”Om enheten av epism och dramatism; en aning om den poetiska fugan” (”On the unity of epism and dramatism; a notion of the poetic fugue”; 1821); an essay often considered vague and theoretical by researchers in the field. The meaning of the poetic fugue has been regarded unclear, but mainly considered as some kind of synthesis of epic and dramatic writing. This essay argues that that is not the case, and that this one-dimensional approach both limits the interpretations of the essay and the poetic fugue as a whole. From a multidisciplinary perspective, with myself and my own reader as a part of the fugue itself, the aim of this essay is to highlight a very important overseen aspect of the poetic fugue, and Almqvist’s writing in general – the connections to mathematics, the analogies between abstract and concrete levels, and how these are deeply intertwined. The results in this essay are derived from a close reading technique based on mathematical problem solving called the ideotic method (den ideotiska metoden), and analyzed with Douglas Hofstadter's theory of Strange loops in Gödel, Escher, Bach – an eternal golden braid (1979). This analysis shows that this analogy is not just about the composition of a poetic piece of art, a synthesis of epic and dramatic writing, or the relation between music and text. Instead the results do point to an alternative interdisciplinary interpretation, where the relations between parts and units, realities and fictions, readers and texts, make the poetic fugue more of an analogy for the universe as a whole – a living and breathing ”animal coeleste” in contrast to the Newtonian ”mechanical coeleste”. An analogy which, thanks to its mathematical construction and way of looking at time as non-linear, is connected to both Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum theory – the science of the very big and the very small, parts and units, of everything, including ourselves.

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