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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Substrats phospho-calciques pour la régénération osseuse / Calcium phosphate substrates for bone regeneration

Mechiche Alami, Saad 27 September 2016 (has links)
L’ingénierie du tissu osseux est un domaine qui représente un enjeu majeur dans le cadre de la médecine régénératrice. Trois composants sont généralement décrits dans le cadre de l’ingénierie tissulaire : un biomatériau pour pallier le volume de tissu défectueux, une source de cellules progénitrices qui seront responsables de la synthèse des composants tissulaires ainsi que des facteurs de croissance ou des signaux issus des propriétés physico-chimiques du biomatériau afin de guider la prolifération et la différenciation cellulaire. Le but de cette étude a été de synthétiser des substrats phospho-calciques à l’aide de la technique de pulvérisation simultanée d’espèces réactives et de caractériser les différentes propriétés physico-chimiques des substrats obtenus. Nous avons pu démontrer la possibilité d’inclure des molécules organiques (chitosane et acide hyaluronique) à la phase minérale avec cette technique. Nous avons aussi montré la possibilité de faire varier des propriétés telles la rugosité (entre 300 et 700 nm), l’élasticité (entre 2 à 6 GPa), la composition chimique (phosphate octacalcique ou phosphate dicalcique dihydraté) et la bioactivité (précipitation des phosphates de calcium à la surface des substrats) avec la technique de pulvérisation. Par ailleurs, des cellules souches issues de la gelée de Wharton de cordons ombilicaux humains ont été isolées, puis caractérisées sur le plan génique et protéique. Ces cellules étant candidates pour l’utilisation en ingénierie tissulaire osseuse, nous nous sommes intéressés à plusieurs types de marqueurs dont les marqueurs mésenchymateux et les cytokines immuno-modulatrices.La dernière partie de cette thèse a concerné l’association des cellules souches isolées à partir de la gelée de Wharton aux substrats phospho-calciques obtenus à l’aide de la technique de pulvérisation. Nous avons pu démontrer que les cellules adhéraient sur ces substrats et s’organisaient en structures nodulaires au sein desquelles a été observée une couche de cellules sécrétrices entourant des fibres de collagène, des formations cristallines faîtes de phosphates de calcium et des cellules dont la morphologie rappelait celle des ostéocytes. Des variations dans l’expression de marqueurs ostéoblastiques ont aussi été observées, et ce en l’absence de facteurs solubles ostéogéniques dans le milieu de culture. En conclusion, les substrats phospho-calciques obtenus avec la technique de pulvérisation sont capables d’induire la différenciation de cellules souches issues du cordon ombilical en ostéoblastes. Ce modèle se révèle être prometteur pour la mise en place de thérapies en vue de la régénération du tissu osseux. / Bone tissue engineering is a major issue within regenerative medicine. There are three main components in the field of tissue engineering: a scaffold providing a structure for tissue development, a source of stem cells for tissue formation and growth factors or physical stimuli from the biomaterial to direct growth and differentiation of cells. The purpose of this study was to synthesize calcium phosphate substrates by simultaneous spraying of interacting species and to carry out the physico-chemical characterization of the built substrates. We showed that the spraying technique allows the inclusion of organic molecules such as chitosan and hyaluronic acid. The spraying technique allows several physio-chemical characteristics to be varied, rugosity (300 – 700 nm), elasticity (2 – 6 GPa), chemical composition (octacalcium phosphate or dicalcium phosphate dehydrate), but also studied the bioactivity of the substrates (calcium phosphate from the culture medium precipitates at thesurface of the substrates). In another hand, our aim was to isolate stem cells from human umbilical cords’ Wharton’s Jelly and to carry out their genic and proteic characterization by focusing on mesenchymal markers and immunomodulating cytokines, knowing that these cells are candidates for a use in bone regeneration therapy.The last purpose of our study was to evaluate the potential of Wharton’s jelly stem cells to adhere and proliferate onto the sprayed substrates, and also the formation of nodules. The ultrastructural analysis of nodules formed by Wharton’s jelly stem cells showed a layer of secretory cells surrounding collagen fibers, calcium phosphate crystals and cells with a similar morphology to that of osteocytes. Osteoblastic markers appeared to be regulated in cells cultured without osteogenic supplements. To conclude, sprayed calcium phosphate substrates seem to induce osteoblastic differentiation of Wharton’s jelly stem cells through the substrate’s physico-chemical properties. Our model appears as promising for further bone regenerative therapies.

Le cordon ombilical : une source alternative de cellules souches/stromales mésenchymateuses dans le traitement du choc septique ? / Umbilical cord : a new source of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells in the indication of septic shock?

Laroye, Caroline 22 December 2017 (has links)
Le choc septique est actuellement la dixième cause de mortalité à travers le monde à égalité avec les infarctus du myocarde. Sa physiopathologie extrêmement complexe, entrelaçant un état pro-inflammatoire et anti-inflammatoire, rend caduque l’action des thérapeutiques conventionnelles. En ce sens, les recherches s’orientent vers les thérapeutiques innovantes et notamment les cellules souches/stromales mésenchymateuses (CSM). En effet, les études murines ont mis en évidence que les CSM étaient en mesure, notamment par leurs actions paracrines, d’améliorer la survie, la défaillance d’organes mais également la bactériémie de souris soumises à un choc septique. Cependant, les propriétés des CSM varient en fonction du tissu dont elles sont issues et particulièrement selon qu’elles proviennent de tissus fœtaux (cordon ombilical, placenta, liquide amniotique) ou adultes (moelle osseuse, tissu adipeux...). Ainsi, notre premier objectif a été de comparer, dans un modèle murin de choc septique, l’action des CSM issues de la moelle osseuse (MO) à celle des CSM issues de la gelée de Wharton (GW) du cordon ombilical. Cette étude murine a permis de mettre en évidence une action quelque peu différente, entre les CSM-GW et les CSM-MO, sur la physiopathologie du choc septique sans que pour autant, l’une des deux sources de CSM, ne se dégage significativement de l’autre en termes d’efficacité. Cependant, en raison de leur importante capacité de prolifération et de l’accessibilité du tissu source, les CSM-GW apparaissent comme étant nettement plus avantageuses que les CSM-MO. En conséquence, notre deuxième objectif a été d’évaluer l’action des CSM-GW dans un modèle porcin de péritonite afin de se rapprocher un peu plus près de la clinique humaine. Cette étude, menée en double aveugle et en présence continue d’un médecin réanimateur expérimenté, a permis de mettre en évidence que les CSM-GW, produites en grade clinique et utilisées juste après décongélation, étaient en mesure d’améliorer la survie, les paramètres hémodynamiques ainsi que les défaillances d’organes, selon un mécanisme d’action différent de celui rapporté par les études murines / Septic shock, equal to the myocardial infraction, is currently the tenth cause of death in the world. The pathophysiological complexity of this syndrome, with a simultaneous pro and anti- inflammatory state, results in the failure of conventional treatments. In this sense, research is focusing on innovative therapeutics agent, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Indeed, murine studies of septic shock showed that MSC improve organ injuries, bacteremia and survival by notably a paracrine mechanism. However, MSC properties vary according to the source tissue, especially if they are derived from a fetal tissue (Wharton’s jelly (WJ), placenta amniotic fluid) or an adult tissue (bone marrow (BM), adipose tissue...). Our first objective was to compare, in a septic shock murine model, the effect of BM-MSC with that of WJ-MSC. Although some differences were observed, the same efficiency was demonstrated between these two sources. However, WJ-MSC present large advantages in comparison to BM-MSC due to their important proliferation capacities and potential quantities of umbilical cord donation. Consequently, our second objective was to investigate the effect of WJ-MSC administration in a relevant pig model of peritonitis in order to better mimic a clinical approach in humans. This study, conducted in double-blind and in presence of an experimented intensivist, showed that WJ-MSC produced in clinical grade and used immediately after thawing, improve survival, hemodynamic parameters and organ injuries by another action than that described in murine studies

Vliv sekretomu mezenchymálních kmenových buněk izolovaných z Whartonova rosolu na terapii poranění míchy u potkanů / Effect of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells secretome in the treatment of rat spinal cord injury

Jančová, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
As previously shown, transplantation of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells in the experimental model of spinal cord injury leads to the motor and sensory functions improvement, supports neuroregeneration, angiogenesis and provides immunomodulation. On the other hand, these cells have limited migration and survival capacity, and their therapeutic effect is mediated mostly by their secretome. Therefore, application of mesenchymal stem cells derived conditioned medium is studied as an alternative option for cell therapy. In this thesis, therapeutic effect of repeated intrathecal delivery of human Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells and their conditioned media in the treatment of spinal cord injury was compared. After induction of a balloon ischemic compression lesion, stem cells or conditioned media were administered weekly in three doses. Behavioral analyses were carried out up to nine weeks after spinal cord injury and revealed significant improvement of both treated groups compared to the untreated saline control. Application of stem cells and conditioned media also resulted in a higher amount of spared tissue and enhanced expression of genes related to neuroregeneration, although the size of glial scar was not reduced. Compared to application of stem cells, application of...

Valores de referência para área de secção transversa do cordão e vasos umbilicais aferidos pela ultrassonografia em gestações gemelares dicoriônicas / Reference values for cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord and vessels measured by ultrasound in dichorionic twin pregnancies

Fernandes, Douglas Bandeira 14 May 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar os valores de referência, e examinar a correlação da área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical, e de seus componentes, com a idade gestacional (IG), em gestações gemelares. Examinar a correlação da área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical com o peso fetal estimado (PFE). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo longitudinal envolvendo gestações gemelares dicoriônicas, não complicadas. Medidas ultrassonográficas das áreas de secção transversa do cordão umbilical (ASTCU), da veia (AVU) e artérias umbilicais (AAU), e da geleia de Wharton (AGW) foram obtidas em plano adjacente, próximo ao abdômen fetal, a cada três semanas. A correlação entre os parâmetros avaliados e a idade gestacional foi investigada por meio de modelo de regressão polinomial hierárquica, levando-se em consideração a variância segundo a idade gestacional, entre medidas obtidas em fetos da mesma gestação e, entre diferentes gestações. Para cada parâmetro estudado, foram calculados os valores correspondentes aos percentis 5, 10, 50, 90 e 95, para cada semana gestacional. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 334 avaliações ultrassonográficas em 44 gestações gemelares, entre 18 e 33 semanas (média: 3,8 ± 0,7 exames/gestação; intervalo médio entre exames: 3,3 ± 0,9 semanas). Os valores log-transformados de todos os parâmetros avaliados apresentaram correlação significativa (p<0,001) com a idade gestacional: Log(ASTCU) = - 2,287498 + 0,149298 x IG - 0,002302 x IG2, desvio-padrão DP = 0,113, R2 = 0,65; Log (AVU) = - 2,721487 + 0,119853 x IG - 0,001507 x IG2, DP=0,165, R2 = 0,58; Log (AAU) = - 4,223546 + 0,195454 x IG - 0,003080 x IG2, DP=0,163, R2 = 0,57; Log (AGW) = - 2,511648 + 0,157737 x IG - 0,002564 x IG2, DP=0,123, R2 = 0,55. A área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical apresentou correlação significativa com o peso fetal estimado (Log (ASTCU) = -1,602447 + 0,554502 x Log (PFE), R2 = 0,65, p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Em gestações gemelares dicoriônicas, a área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical, e de seus componentes, mostram correlação positiva e significativa com a idade gestacional. A área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical também correlaciona-se significativamente com o peso fetal estimado / OBJECTIVE: To determine reference values, and examine the correlation between the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord, and its components, with gestational age (GA) in twin pregnancies. To examine the correlation between the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord with the estimated fetal weight (EFW). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study involving uncomplicated dichorionic twin pregnancies. Sonographic measurements of the cross-sectional areas of the umbilical cord (UCCSA), umbilical vein (UVA) and arteries (UAA) and Wharton\'s jelly (WGA) were obtained in a plane adjacent to the fetal abdomen, every three weeks. The correlation between these parameters and gestational age was examined with hierarchical polynomial regression analysis. This modeling took into account the variance according to gestational age, fetuses within the same pregnancy and changes across different pregnancies. For each parameter, 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th and 95th centiles were calculated for each gestational week. RESULTS: 334 ultrasound scans were performed in 44 twin pregnancies, between 18 and 33 weeks (mean: 3.8 ± 0.7 scans/pregnancy, mean interval between scans: 3.3 ± 0.9 weeks). All umbilical cord log-transformed values showed a significant correlation (p < 0.001) with gestational age: Log (UCCSA) = - 2.287498 + 0.149298 x GA - 0.002302 x IG2, SD = standard deviation 0.113, R2 = 0.65, Log (UVA) = - 2.721487 + 0.119853 x GA - 0.001507 x IG2, SD = 0.165, R2 = 0.58, Log (UAA) = - 4.223546 + IG x 0.195454 - 0.003080 x IG2, SD = 0.163, R2 = 0.57, Log (WGA) = - 2.511648 + 0.157737 x GA - 0.002564 x IG2 , SD = 0.123, R2 = 0.55. The cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord also correlated significantly with the estimated fetal weight (Log (UCCSA) = -1.602447 + 0.554502 x Log (EFW), R2 = 0.65, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: In dichorionic twin pregnancies, the cross-sectional areas of the umbilical cord, and its components, show a positive and significant correlation with gestational age. The cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord also has correlates significantly with the estimated fetal weight

Différenciation de cellules mésenchymateuses périnatales vers un phénotype musculaire lisse : base de la construction d'un feuillet vasculaire / Differentiation of mesenchymal stel cells into smooth muscle cells for vascular cells sheet construction

Beroud, Jacqueline 28 September 2015 (has links)
Les pathologies vasculaires représentent aujourd’hui l’une des principales causes de mortalité mondiale et leur nombre ne cesse d’augmenter. Les greffons autologues (disponibilité faible) et les prothèses synthétiques inadaptées pour des vaisseaux de diamètre inférieur à 6 mm ne répondent pas à la demande et il existe aujourd’hui, un réel besoin en substitut vasculaire pour les petits vaisseaux. Ainsi, le concept de l’ingénierie vasculaire semble très prometteur. Cette approche est fondée sur l’utilisation de matrices « scaffold » associées à une composante cellulaire pour construire, dans des conditions environnementales adaptées, un vaisseau qui réponde et réagisse aux contraintes physiologiques. Dans cet objectif, la fonctionnalisation d’une media vasculaire constituée de cellules musculaires lisses (CML) est prérequise. Aux CML matures qui ne sont pas de bons candidats (perte de leur phénotype contractile lors de la culture), nous avons identifié les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) de la gelée de Wharton (tissu conjonctif du cordon ombilical) comme source cellulaire majeure. Leur facilité de récupération, leur présence en grand nombre, leur faible immunogénicité et leur capacité de prolifération et différenciation en font d’excellents candidats en ingénierie tissulaire. Dans ce travail nous avons déterminé les conditions favorables à l’obtention d’un phénotype CML fonctionnelles et montré l’impact de différents paramètres environnementaux (apport en oxygène, facteurs de croissance, teneur en sérum…) sur le comportement des CSM de la gelée de Wharton. Nous avons pu montrer que 1) ces cellules étaient capables de se différencier en cellules au phénotype contractile comparable à celui des CML matures. 2) L’utilisation des films multicouches de polyéléctrolytes (FMP) en tant que support d’adhérence cellulaire a montré que les CSM de la gelée de Wharton avaient un comportement spécifique selon la charge de surface conduisant vers une cultures tridimensionnelle inadaptée sur (PAH-PSS)3 PAH et en monocouche sur films (PAH-PSS)4, 3) Ces cellules pouvaient être cultivées sur des hydrogels d’alginate fonctionnalisés par les FMP pour fournir un feuillet cellulaire susceptible de recréer une media vasculaire. / Vascular diseases represent today one of the leading causes of global mortality and the number is increasing. Autologous transplants (limited availability) and synthetic prostheses unsuitable for vessels with a diameter less than 6 mm are not sufficient and there is now a real need of vascular substitute for small vessels. Thus, the concept of vascular engineering seems very promising. This approach is based on the use of "scaffold" associated with a cellular component to build in suitable environmental conditions, a vessel that reacts with the physiological constraints. To this aim, the functionalization of an incorporated media vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) is a prerequisite. Insteag of using Mature CML which are not good candidates (loss of contractile phenotype in culture), we identified mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from Wharton's jelly (connective tissue of the umbilical cord) as a major cellular source. Their easiness of recovery, their presence in large numbers, their low immunogenicity, their proliferation and differentiation capacity make them excellent candidates for tissue engineering. In this work we determined the conditions for obtaining a functional CML phenotype and showed the impact of different environmental parameters (oxygen level, growth factors, serum content ...) on the behavior of CSM jelly Wharton. We have shown that: 1) these cells were able to differentiate into cells in contractile phenotype comparable to that of mature SMC. 2) The use of multilayer films of polyelectrolytes as cell adhesion support has shown that MSCs from the Wharton jelly had a specific behavior according to surface charge leading to an inappropriate three-dimensional cultures (PAHPSS)3-PAH and monolayer films on (PAH-PSS)4, 3) These cells could be grown on functionalized alginate hydrogels to provide a cellular sheet which may recreate a vascular media

Évaluation des caractéristiques des hydrogels d’alginate supplémentés en acide hyaluronique ou en hydroxyapatite lors de la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses issues de la gelée de Wharton / Evaluation of characteristics of alginate/hyaluronic acid and alginate/hydroxyapatite hydrogels during differentiation of Wharton's Jelly mesenchymal stem cells

Yu, Hao 18 July 2017 (has links)
Dans le domaine de l'ingénierie du cartilage, les hydrogels à base d'alginate (Alg) et de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) sont utilisés comme biomatériaux pouvant être utilisés pour combler des lésions cartilagineuses plus ou moins profondes. Cependant, pour reproduire l’organisation zonale du cartilage, des biomatériaux multiphasiques sont nécessaires. Afin de guider la différenciation des CSM dans les différentes strates du biomatériau, sans apports de facteurs de croissance, des composants naturels du cartilage (acide hyaluronique, HA) ou de la matrice osseuse (hydroxyapatite, Hap) peuvent être ajoutés à l’alginate. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse consiste à analyser l’impact de la composition de biomatériaux à base d’alginate enrichi soit en HA soit en Hap sur le comportement des CSM. La première partie de notre travail à consister à évaluer le comportement des CSM issues de la gelée de Wharton dans ces hydrogels. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que les hydrogels d’Alg/Hap possèdent non seulement de meilleures propriétés mécaniques que les hydrogels Alg/HA et favorisent la viabilité des CSM ainsi que leur différenciation par rapport aux CSM ensemencées dans un hydrogel d’Alg/HA. La méthode de stérilisation du biomatériau représente une étape incontournable, dont on doit impérativement évaluer les multiples effets, en particulier pour ce qui touche au comportement des cellules, mais aussi au maintien de l’intégrité des propriétés physicochimiques de l'hydrogel. Ainsi, dans une seconde partie du travail, nous avons montré que le traitement de stérilisation par autoclave induisait un effet négatif sur les caractéristiques initiales de l'hydrogel à base d'alginate. Il ressort également de cette investigation sur les modes de stérilisation, que la stérilisation des hydrogels avec des UV est plus efficace et permet de préserver au mieux les propriétés spécifiques de l'hydrogel, notamment de l’Alg/HA. Enfin, dans une troisième partie de notre travail, nous avons évalué l’évolution des propriétés mécaniques au cours de la différenciation et l’impact de celles-ci sur la différenciation des CSM ainsi que sur leurs propriétés immunomodulatrices. À partir de ces résultats, nous avons montré que les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des hydrogels d’Alg/ha et Alg/hap influençaient non seulement le potentiel de différenciation des CSM-GW mais également la sécrétion des facteurs solubles impliqués dans l’immunomodulation. Ces propriétés physico-chimiques étant influencées dès le procédé de stérilisation, il est alors conseillé de les prendre en compte dans toutes les étapes de l’ingénierie tissulaire / In the field of cartilage engineering, alginate (Alg)-based hydrogels and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are widely used as raw biomaterials and stem cells which can be used to fill cartilage lesions of varying depth. However, to reproduce the zonal organization of articular cartilage, a graft multilayer is necessary. In order to guide the differentiation of MSCs in different strata of the biomaterials, without input of growth factors, natural cartilage components (hyaluronic acid, HA) or bone matrix (hydroxyapatite, Hap) can be added into the alginate. The aim of this work is to analyze the impact of the composition of alginate enriched either in HA or in Hap on the behavior of MSCs. The first part of our work is to evaluate the behavior of WJ-MSCs into these hydrogels. Our results have shown that Alg/ Hap hydrogels not only possess better mechanical properties than Alg/HA hydrogels, but also promote the viability of MSCs and their differentiation from MSC seeded into the Alg/HA hydrogel. The sterilization method of biomaterial is an essential step, the multiple effects of which must be evaluated, in particular as regards the behavior of the cells, but also to maintain the integrity of the physicochemical properties of hydrogel. Thus, in a second part of this work, we showed that the autoclave sterilization treatment induced a negative effect on the initial characteristics of alginate hydrogel. It is also apparent from this investigation of the sterilization modes that the sterilization of hydrogels with UV is more efficient and makes it possible to preserve the specific properties of the hydrogel as best as possible, in particular Alg/HA. Finally, in a third part of our work, we also evaluated the evolution of the mechanical properties during the differentiation and the impact of these on the differentiation of MSCs and their immunomodulatory properties. From these results, we have shown that the physico-chemical characteristics of Alg / ha and Alg/hap hydrogels influence not only the differentiation potential of WJ-MSC but also the secretion of soluble factors involved in immunomodulation. Since these physicochemical properties are influenced by the sterilization process, it is advisable to take them into account in all stages of tissue engineering

Células-tronco mesenquimais derivados da geleia de Wharton na injúria cardiopulmonar e neuroimunomodulação sistêmica na sepse / Wharton\'s Jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells in sepsis-induced cardiopulmonar injury and systemic neuroimmunomodulation

Cóndor Capcha, José Manuel 15 May 2018 (has links)
A sepse causa uma alta taxa de mortalidade no mundo. A fisiopatologia da doença envolve uma rede complexa de mediadores inflamatórios que promovem a lesão de diversos tecidos, além de diversas alterações hemodinâmicas e disfunção do sistema nervoso autonômico (SNA). Assim sabe-se que o sistema nervoso cumpre um papel importante no controle da inflamação sistêmica mediante a via colinérgica anti-inflamatória (VCA) através do receptor nicotínico de acetilcolina alfa7 (alfa7nAChR). O uso das células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) tem mostrado efeitos benéficos em diversos ensaios clínicos de doenças inflamatórias. Neste contexto, as células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas da geleia de Wharton do cordão umbilical (CTM-GW) tornam-se promissórias, uma vez que essas células são reconhecidas pela regulação da resposta imunológica, reparação neural, efeito anti-apoptose, assim como a melhora da sobrevida na sepse, em modelos experimentais. Nossa hipótese foi de que as CTM-GW poderiam cumprir um papel neuroimunomodulador através da VCA e atenuar a disfunção de múltiplos órgãos em um modelo animal de sepse de ligadura e punção do ceco (LPC). Inicialmente células da matriz do cordão umbilical foram isoladas e caracterizadas de acordo com o consenso internacional vigente. Ratos Wistar machos adultos foram subdivididos em grupos: 1) sham (operação simulada); 2) LPC; 3) LPC+CTM-GW (injetado 106 CTM-GW via intraperitoneal, i.p. 6 h após LPC) e 4) LPC+MLA+CTM-GW (MLA: Metillicaconitine, antagonista do alfa7nAChR, i.p., 5:30 h após LPC e 106 CTM-GW 6h após). Às 24 horas após LPC, foram avaliadas a função cardiovascular, hemodinâmica assim como os outros parâmetros. Interessantemente, o tratamento com CTM-GW na sepse atenuou a disfunção diastólica e protegeu a sensibilidade baroreflexa. Além disso, as CTM-GW estimularam a atividade autonômica, simpática e parassimpática no coração. Observamos que o tratamento celular induziu uma regulação da expressão do receptor alfa7nAChR e TLR4 no baço e no coração, assim como a redução da relação p-STAT3TYR705 e STAT3 total no baço. Outros efeitos importantes e adicionais foram a diminuição da infiltração de leucócitos e a regulação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias pelas células. O bloqueio da VCA usando MLA confirmou que o receptor alfa7nAChR pode ser um provável alvo, chave da ação das CTM entre vários outros mecanismos envolvidos na resposta imune. Finalmente, as CTM-GW conseguiram reduzir a apoptose no pulmão e no baço independentemente da VAC reforçando o conceito de que as células-tronco tem efeitos diversos além da imuno-regulação. Em conclusão, as CTM-GW na sepse foram capazes de atenuar a lesão cardiopulmonar assim como modular a atividade autonômica, reduzindo a inflamação sistêmica, pelo menos em parte, através da via colinérgica anti-inflamatória. Indubitavelmente todos estes efeitos anteriormente descritos e em associação se demonstraram fundamentais no mecanismo de reparo e proteção tecidual em resposta a sepse. Mais estudos pré-clínicos e futuros testes clínicos precisam ser realizados para maior compreensão destes mecanismos bem como uma possível validação terapêutica / Sepsis induces organ dysfunction due to overexpression of the inflammatory host response, involving cardiorespiratory and autonomic dysregulation, thus increasing the associated morbidity and mortality. The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) is mediated by nervous system through alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (alpha7nAChR). This receptor has an important role in systemic inflammation control. Wharton\'s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs) are known to express genes and secreted factors related to neurological and immunological protection, as well as to improve survival in experimental sepsis. We hypothesized that WJ-MSCs play a modulatory role through the CAP and attenuate sepsis-induced organ injury in a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) Control (sham-operated); 2) submitted to CLP without treatment; 3) submitted to CLP and treated with 106 WJ-MSCs 6 h later and 4) CLP+MLA+WJ-MSC group (MLA: Methyllycaconitine, alpha7nAChR antagonist). All experiments were performed 24 h post-surgery. Echocardiographic parameters and heart rate variability were assessed. Importantly, treatment with WJ-MSCs attenuated diastolic heart failure and recovered barorreflex sensitivity. Moreover, WJ-MSCs injection increased cardiac sympathetic and cardiovagal activity. In cardiac and splenic tissue, WJ-MSC treatment downregulated TLR4 and alpha7nAChR expression, as well as it reduced p-STAT3/Total STAT3 ratio in the spleen. In addition, WJ-MSC reduced leukocyte infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which only were abolished by MLA treatment. Finally, WJ-MSC treatment diminished apoptosis in lung and spleen tissue. Together these findings suggest that treatment with WJ-MSCs appears to protect against sepsis-induced organ injury reducing systemic inflammation, at least in part, through cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway

Seriguela (Spondias purpurea L.): propriedades f?sico-qu?micas e desenvolvimento de gel?ia de doce de corte e aceitabilidade desses produtos / Red mombin (Spondias purpurea L.): physicochemical properties, development of jelly and fruit paste, and their acceptability

LIMA, Isabel da Concei??o Gama Silva 14 December 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Leticia Schettini (leticia@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-05T14:40:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2005 - Isabel da Concei??o Gama Silva e Lima.pdf: 2535972 bytes, checksum: 3693f1b4ed58c18a135a182df5e7e78d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T14:40:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005 - Isabel da Concei??o Gama Silva e Lima.pdf: 2535972 bytes, checksum: 3693f1b4ed58c18a135a182df5e7e78d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior-CAPES / The red mombin tree (Spondias purpurea L.) is originary from Central America and had adapted satisfactorily to the climatic conditions of some South-American countries as Brazil. This tree produces a fruit of good appearance, nutritive quality, and much appreciated aroma, which is consumed as in natura or processed fruit as frozen pulps, juices, candies, nectars, popsicles and ice creams. This evidence shows its increasing commercialization in grocery stores, supermarkets and restaurants of country. However, there are commercial losses, which can be attributed to biologic and phytopatologic causes that indicate alarming numbers to producers. The study of red mombin composition can contribute to popularize the use of this fruit, once that it is unknown to the most of Rio de Janeiro city people. This research had as objective the characterization of the red mombim fruit (Spondias purpurea) produced in West Zone of Rio de Janeiro and the formularization of products made from pulp aiming to expand the increasing of its productive chain. The centesimal composition demonstrated that the fruit fractions with peel present greater fiber contents, therefore, the consumption of the fruit with peel must be stimulated in order to get its benefits. The researched minerals were found in larger concentrations in the fruit fractions with peel, with prominence for iron and zinc contents. However, studies should be made in order to verify the biodisponibility of these minerals. The analytical data also demonstrated that the red mombin had high vitamin C content, which is an important aid in the iron absorption by the organism. The fractions with peel had a more intense color than the pulp, probably because of the amount of received solar radiation. The red mombin had the - criptoxantin xanthophyll as main carotenoid, one of the most important provitamin A compounds. The formulated red mombin products were jellies and fruit pastes with different concentrations of sucrose. The microbiological analysis performed on elaborated products showed that hygienical-sanitary and technological conditions were satisfactory. The sensorial analysis showed that the attributes appearance, color, aroma, texture and flavor got average around seven at nine point scale hedonic, which represents the category ?I like it moderately?. It indicates that exotic flavor of fruit was well accepted by consumers. The percentage of judgers demonstrated that purchase intentions for jelly and red mombin paste was fairly representative, 92 % and 82% respectively. It evidences the possibility to introduce the products made from red mombin to the market, increasing the period of useful life and the added-value of the fruit. / Frut?fera tropical t?pica do continente americano, a serigueleira (Spondias purpurea L.) ? origin?ria da Am?rica Central, tendo se adaptado satisfatoriamente ?s condi??es clim?ticas de alguns pa?ses da Am?rica do Sul, como o Brasil. Esta produz um fruto de boa apar?ncia, qualidade nutritiva, e aroma muito apreciados para o consumo como fruta in natura ou processada, como polpa, sucos, doces, n?ctares, picol?s e sorvetes, sendo evidente a crescente comercializa??o nos mercados, supermercados e restaurantes do Pa?s. Entretanto, existem perdas comerciais, as quais est?o ligadas principalmente a fatores biol?gicos e fitopatol?gicos, que indicam n?meros preocupantes para os produtores. O estudo da composi??o da seriguela pode contribuir para popularizar o uso deste fruto, desconhecido pela maior parte da popula??o da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa teve como objetivo a caracteriza??o qu?mica da fruta Seriguela cultivada na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro e a formula??o de produtos a partir da polpa do fruto visando expandir o crescimento da sua cadeia produtiva. Os resultados da composi??o centesimal demonstraram que as fra??es com casca cont?m maior teor de fibras, portanto deve-se incentivar o consumo dos frutos com casca que representa h?bito alimentar saud?vel. Os minerais pesquisados foram encontrados em maior concentra??o nas fra??es da fruta com casca, com destaque para os teores de ferro e zinco. Entretanto, devem ser realizados ainda estudos no sentido de verificar a biodisponibididade desses minerais. Os dados anal?ticos demonstraram tamb?m que a seriguela possui alto teor de vitamina C, sendo importante aux?lio na absor??o do ferro pelo organismo. As fra??es com casca possu?am uma colora??o bem mais intensa que a polpa, provavelmente devido ? quantidade de radia??o solar recebida. A seriguela possui a xantofila - criptoxantina, importante por sua atividade pr?-vitam?nica A, como caroten?ide majorit?rio. Os produtos de seriguela formulados foram gel?ias e doces de corte com diferentes concentra??es de sacarose. As an?lises microbiol?gicas realizadas nas gel?ias e nos doces de corte elaborados atestaram que os produtos apresentavam condi??es higi?nico-sanit?rias satisfat?rias. A an?lise sensorial indicou que os atributos apar?ncia, cor, aroma, textura e sabor apresentaram m?dias pr?ximas a sete em uma escala hed?nica de nove pontos, que representa a impress?o ?gostei moderadamente?, indicando que o sabor ex?tico da fruta foi bem recebido pelos consumidores. O percentual de provadores que demonstrou inten??o de compra para gel?ia e doce de corte de seriguela foi bastante representativo, 92 % e 82% respectivamente, evidenciando a possibilidade de introduzir no mercado produtos a base de seriguela, aumentando a vida-de-prateleira e o valor agregado do fruto.

Valores de referência para área de secção transversa do cordão e vasos umbilicais aferidos pela ultrassonografia em gestações gemelares dicoriônicas / Reference values for cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord and vessels measured by ultrasound in dichorionic twin pregnancies

Douglas Bandeira Fernandes 14 May 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar os valores de referência, e examinar a correlação da área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical, e de seus componentes, com a idade gestacional (IG), em gestações gemelares. Examinar a correlação da área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical com o peso fetal estimado (PFE). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo longitudinal envolvendo gestações gemelares dicoriônicas, não complicadas. Medidas ultrassonográficas das áreas de secção transversa do cordão umbilical (ASTCU), da veia (AVU) e artérias umbilicais (AAU), e da geleia de Wharton (AGW) foram obtidas em plano adjacente, próximo ao abdômen fetal, a cada três semanas. A correlação entre os parâmetros avaliados e a idade gestacional foi investigada por meio de modelo de regressão polinomial hierárquica, levando-se em consideração a variância segundo a idade gestacional, entre medidas obtidas em fetos da mesma gestação e, entre diferentes gestações. Para cada parâmetro estudado, foram calculados os valores correspondentes aos percentis 5, 10, 50, 90 e 95, para cada semana gestacional. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 334 avaliações ultrassonográficas em 44 gestações gemelares, entre 18 e 33 semanas (média: 3,8 ± 0,7 exames/gestação; intervalo médio entre exames: 3,3 ± 0,9 semanas). Os valores log-transformados de todos os parâmetros avaliados apresentaram correlação significativa (p<0,001) com a idade gestacional: Log(ASTCU) = - 2,287498 + 0,149298 x IG - 0,002302 x IG2, desvio-padrão DP = 0,113, R2 = 0,65; Log (AVU) = - 2,721487 + 0,119853 x IG - 0,001507 x IG2, DP=0,165, R2 = 0,58; Log (AAU) = - 4,223546 + 0,195454 x IG - 0,003080 x IG2, DP=0,163, R2 = 0,57; Log (AGW) = - 2,511648 + 0,157737 x IG - 0,002564 x IG2, DP=0,123, R2 = 0,55. A área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical apresentou correlação significativa com o peso fetal estimado (Log (ASTCU) = -1,602447 + 0,554502 x Log (PFE), R2 = 0,65, p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Em gestações gemelares dicoriônicas, a área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical, e de seus componentes, mostram correlação positiva e significativa com a idade gestacional. A área de secção transversa do cordão umbilical também correlaciona-se significativamente com o peso fetal estimado / OBJECTIVE: To determine reference values, and examine the correlation between the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord, and its components, with gestational age (GA) in twin pregnancies. To examine the correlation between the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord with the estimated fetal weight (EFW). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study involving uncomplicated dichorionic twin pregnancies. Sonographic measurements of the cross-sectional areas of the umbilical cord (UCCSA), umbilical vein (UVA) and arteries (UAA) and Wharton\'s jelly (WGA) were obtained in a plane adjacent to the fetal abdomen, every three weeks. The correlation between these parameters and gestational age was examined with hierarchical polynomial regression analysis. This modeling took into account the variance according to gestational age, fetuses within the same pregnancy and changes across different pregnancies. For each parameter, 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th and 95th centiles were calculated for each gestational week. RESULTS: 334 ultrasound scans were performed in 44 twin pregnancies, between 18 and 33 weeks (mean: 3.8 ± 0.7 scans/pregnancy, mean interval between scans: 3.3 ± 0.9 weeks). All umbilical cord log-transformed values showed a significant correlation (p < 0.001) with gestational age: Log (UCCSA) = - 2.287498 + 0.149298 x GA - 0.002302 x IG2, SD = standard deviation 0.113, R2 = 0.65, Log (UVA) = - 2.721487 + 0.119853 x GA - 0.001507 x IG2, SD = 0.165, R2 = 0.58, Log (UAA) = - 4.223546 + IG x 0.195454 - 0.003080 x IG2, SD = 0.163, R2 = 0.57, Log (WGA) = - 2.511648 + 0.157737 x GA - 0.002564 x IG2 , SD = 0.123, R2 = 0.55. The cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord also correlated significantly with the estimated fetal weight (Log (UCCSA) = -1.602447 + 0.554502 x Log (EFW), R2 = 0.65, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: In dichorionic twin pregnancies, the cross-sectional areas of the umbilical cord, and its components, show a positive and significant correlation with gestational age. The cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord also has correlates significantly with the estimated fetal weight

Células-tronco mesenquimais derivados da geleia de Wharton na injúria cardiopulmonar e neuroimunomodulação sistêmica na sepse / Wharton\'s Jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells in sepsis-induced cardiopulmonar injury and systemic neuroimmunomodulation

José Manuel Cóndor Capcha 15 May 2018 (has links)
A sepse causa uma alta taxa de mortalidade no mundo. A fisiopatologia da doença envolve uma rede complexa de mediadores inflamatórios que promovem a lesão de diversos tecidos, além de diversas alterações hemodinâmicas e disfunção do sistema nervoso autonômico (SNA). Assim sabe-se que o sistema nervoso cumpre um papel importante no controle da inflamação sistêmica mediante a via colinérgica anti-inflamatória (VCA) através do receptor nicotínico de acetilcolina alfa7 (alfa7nAChR). O uso das células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) tem mostrado efeitos benéficos em diversos ensaios clínicos de doenças inflamatórias. Neste contexto, as células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas da geleia de Wharton do cordão umbilical (CTM-GW) tornam-se promissórias, uma vez que essas células são reconhecidas pela regulação da resposta imunológica, reparação neural, efeito anti-apoptose, assim como a melhora da sobrevida na sepse, em modelos experimentais. Nossa hipótese foi de que as CTM-GW poderiam cumprir um papel neuroimunomodulador através da VCA e atenuar a disfunção de múltiplos órgãos em um modelo animal de sepse de ligadura e punção do ceco (LPC). Inicialmente células da matriz do cordão umbilical foram isoladas e caracterizadas de acordo com o consenso internacional vigente. Ratos Wistar machos adultos foram subdivididos em grupos: 1) sham (operação simulada); 2) LPC; 3) LPC+CTM-GW (injetado 106 CTM-GW via intraperitoneal, i.p. 6 h após LPC) e 4) LPC+MLA+CTM-GW (MLA: Metillicaconitine, antagonista do alfa7nAChR, i.p., 5:30 h após LPC e 106 CTM-GW 6h após). Às 24 horas após LPC, foram avaliadas a função cardiovascular, hemodinâmica assim como os outros parâmetros. Interessantemente, o tratamento com CTM-GW na sepse atenuou a disfunção diastólica e protegeu a sensibilidade baroreflexa. Além disso, as CTM-GW estimularam a atividade autonômica, simpática e parassimpática no coração. Observamos que o tratamento celular induziu uma regulação da expressão do receptor alfa7nAChR e TLR4 no baço e no coração, assim como a redução da relação p-STAT3TYR705 e STAT3 total no baço. Outros efeitos importantes e adicionais foram a diminuição da infiltração de leucócitos e a regulação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias pelas células. O bloqueio da VCA usando MLA confirmou que o receptor alfa7nAChR pode ser um provável alvo, chave da ação das CTM entre vários outros mecanismos envolvidos na resposta imune. Finalmente, as CTM-GW conseguiram reduzir a apoptose no pulmão e no baço independentemente da VAC reforçando o conceito de que as células-tronco tem efeitos diversos além da imuno-regulação. Em conclusão, as CTM-GW na sepse foram capazes de atenuar a lesão cardiopulmonar assim como modular a atividade autonômica, reduzindo a inflamação sistêmica, pelo menos em parte, através da via colinérgica anti-inflamatória. Indubitavelmente todos estes efeitos anteriormente descritos e em associação se demonstraram fundamentais no mecanismo de reparo e proteção tecidual em resposta a sepse. Mais estudos pré-clínicos e futuros testes clínicos precisam ser realizados para maior compreensão destes mecanismos bem como uma possível validação terapêutica / Sepsis induces organ dysfunction due to overexpression of the inflammatory host response, involving cardiorespiratory and autonomic dysregulation, thus increasing the associated morbidity and mortality. The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) is mediated by nervous system through alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (alpha7nAChR). This receptor has an important role in systemic inflammation control. Wharton\'s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs) are known to express genes and secreted factors related to neurological and immunological protection, as well as to improve survival in experimental sepsis. We hypothesized that WJ-MSCs play a modulatory role through the CAP and attenuate sepsis-induced organ injury in a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) Control (sham-operated); 2) submitted to CLP without treatment; 3) submitted to CLP and treated with 106 WJ-MSCs 6 h later and 4) CLP+MLA+WJ-MSC group (MLA: Methyllycaconitine, alpha7nAChR antagonist). All experiments were performed 24 h post-surgery. Echocardiographic parameters and heart rate variability were assessed. Importantly, treatment with WJ-MSCs attenuated diastolic heart failure and recovered barorreflex sensitivity. Moreover, WJ-MSCs injection increased cardiac sympathetic and cardiovagal activity. In cardiac and splenic tissue, WJ-MSC treatment downregulated TLR4 and alpha7nAChR expression, as well as it reduced p-STAT3/Total STAT3 ratio in the spleen. In addition, WJ-MSC reduced leukocyte infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which only were abolished by MLA treatment. Finally, WJ-MSC treatment diminished apoptosis in lung and spleen tissue. Together these findings suggest that treatment with WJ-MSCs appears to protect against sepsis-induced organ injury reducing systemic inflammation, at least in part, through cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway

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