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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un nouveau regard sur la Structure interne et l'évolution des planètes géantes solaires et extrasolaires

Leconte, Jérémy 05 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La détection et la caractérisation d'exoplanètes apparaissent clairement comme des thèmes centraux de l'observation astronomique pour les années à venir. Les projets spatiaux ou au sol sont nombreux (HARPS, CoRoT, Kepler, JWST, SPHERE...), mais les études théoriques visant à l'analyse et à la compréhension des données recueillies et à venir sont nécessaires. Durant cette thèse j'ai étudié divers processus physiques affectant la structure interne et l'évolution des planètes géantes, aussi bien au sein, qu'à l'extérieur de notre système solaire. J'ai notamment modélisé en détail: -L'impact de l'irradiation intense émise par l'étoile sur l'atmosphère d'une planète à faible distance orbitale, et l'effet induit sur l'évolution interne de cette planète. -Le couplage par dissipation de marée de l'évolution orbitale et thermique d'une planète interagissant avec sa proche étoile parente. -L'effet de la déformation due aux marées sur les paramètres observables d'une planète en transit grâce au suivi photométrique de son passage devant l'étoile. -L'incidence sur la structure et l'évolution d'une diminution de l'efficacité du transport de chaleur par convection due à un gradient d'éléments lourd dans l'enveloppe gazeuse d'une planète géante, conduisant au phénomène de convection double-diffusive. A travers l'étude des ces divers processus, j'ai développé différents modèles analytiques et codes numériques qui sont à la fois flexibles et robustes, et qui permettent maintenant d'étudier certaines propriétés des nouveaux objets substellaires détectés à mesure qu'ils sont découverts.

Contextualization of Autonomous Spaceflight Operations for deep space planetary encounters

Marcinkowski, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This work concerns the research and application of data visualization techniques to depict ongoing activities in mankind’s investigation of space as part of a larger open-source visualization- and science-outreach software known as OpenSpace. It involves the construction of a physically accurate virtual environment of our local star group and solar system so as to facilitate development of a robust and generalized solution capable of articulating mission-science to its viewers. The research part is focused on deploying data visualization methods suitable for contextualizing scientific findings towards the general public in a pedagogical manner, with the end goal to provide a fully operational New Horizons visualization on the day of encounter with Pluto for the first public broadcast of OpenSpace across the globe.

Termomechanická interakce vnějších ledových slupek a podpovrchových oceánů na ledových měsících Jupiteru a Saturnu / Thermomechanical interaction between outer ice shells and deep oceans on icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn

Malík, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The thesis contains a survey of numerical tools for studying thermomechanical interactions of a two-phase system contained in a domain with an upper bound- ary that forms a free surface. The enthalpy diffused-interface formulation is used for an approximation of the phase change interface and the computing algorithm is benchmarked against an analytical solution of the Stefan problem. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian kinematical description of the continuum is applied to over- come the difficulty in the form of the free surface. The validity of the approach is examined on a thermal convection benchmark problem. 1

Caractérisation d’atmosphères d’exoplanètes à haute résolution à l’aide de l’instrument SPIRou et développement de méthodes d’extraction spectrophotométriques pour le télescope spatial James Webb

Darveau-Bernier, Antoine 10 1900 (has links)
L'étude des exoplanètes et de leur atmosphère a connu une croissance fulgurante dans les deux dernières décennies. Les observations spectrophotométriques à partir d'observatoires spatiaux comme Hubble ont permis d'apporter certaines contraintes sur les phénomènes physiques et la composition de leur atmosphère, notamment grâce à la spectroscopie d'éclipse. Ces découvertes concernent généralement les planètes les plus favorables à cette technique, dont font partie les Jupiter chaudes. Cependant, les conclusions tirées à partir telles observations comportent leur lot de dégénérescences, causées par leur faible résolution spectrale, leur couverture restreinte en longueurs d'onde et leur précision photométrique limitée. Ces lacunes peuvent être corrigées en partie grâce à la complémentarité des spectrographes à haute résolution basés au sol ainsi qu'à l'aide du nouveau télescope spatial James Webb (JWST). Cette thèse présente, en premier lieu, une des premières analyses combinées d'observations spectrophotométriques prises avec l'instrument Wide Field Camera 3 de Hubble et d'observations à haute résolution avec l'instrument SPIRou (SpectroPolarimètre InfraRouge) du télescope Canada-France-Hawaï. Cette analyse avait pour cible le côté jour de la Jupiter ultra chaude WASP-33b, la deuxième exoplanète la plus chaude connue à ce jour. Aux températures se retrouvant dans l'atmosphère de WASP-33b, avoisinant les 3000 K, des molécules comme l'eau ne peuvent demeurer stables. Cependant, le CO, beaucoup plus résistant à la dissociation thermique, reste observable. Les données de SPIRou ont donc permis de confirmer la détection des raies d'émission du CO, en accord avec deux précédentes études. La combinaison avec les données de Hubble a aussi mené à l'obtention d'un premier estimé de son abondance avec un rapport de mélange volumique de logCO = -4.07 (-0.60) (+1.51). De plus, cette analyse a pu améliorer les contraintes sur la structure verticale en température et confirmer la présence d'une stratosphère. Des limites supérieures sur d'autres molécules comme l'eau, le TiO et le VO ont aussi pu être établies. En second lieu, un algorithme d'extraction spectrale intitulé ATOCA (Algorithme de Traitement d'Ordres ContAminés) est présenté. Celui-ci est dédié au mode d'observation SOSS (Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy) de l'instrument NIRISS (Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph), la contribution canadienne à JWST. Ce mode d'observation couvre une plage de longueurs d'onde allant de 0,6 à 2,8 um simultanément grâce à la présence des deux premiers ordres de diffraction sur le détecteur. La nécessité d'un nouvel algorithme provient du fait que ces deux ordres générés par le « grisme » du mode SOSS se chevauchent sur une petite portion du détecteur. En conséquence, la région de l'ordre 1 couvrant les plus grandes longueurs d'onde (1,6–2,8 um) est contaminée par l'ordre 2 couvrant l'intervalle entre 0,85 et 1,4 um. ATOCA permet donc de décontaminer chacun des ordres en construisant d'abord un modèle linéaire de chaque pixel individuel du détecteur, en fonction du flux incident. Ce flux peut ensuite être extrait simultanément pour les deux ordres en comparant le modèle aux observations et en solutionnant le système selon un principe de moindres carrés. Ces travaux ont pu montrer qu'il est possible de décontaminer en dessous de 10 ppm pour chaque spectre individuel. / In the last decades, the research on exoplanets and their atmosphere has grown phenomenally. Space based observatories with spectrophotometric capabilities like Hubble allowed to put some constraints on the physical processes occuring in exoplanets’ atmosphere and their chemical composition. These discoveries concern mainly the hotter and larger planets, such as Hot Jupiters, which are the most favorable for atmospheric characterization. However, due to their low spectral resolution and their limited wavelength range and photometric accuracy, the scientific conclusions based on these observations can be degenerate. Some of these degeneracies can be lifted with the use of ground-based high-resolution spectrographs or the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). On the one hand, this thesis present one of the first analysis combining Hubble’s spectrosphometric data and high-resolution observations obtained with SPirou (SpectroPolarimètre InfraRouge) at the Canada-France-Hawai telescope. This analysis targeted the dayside of the Ultra Hot Jupiter WASP-33 b, the second-hottest exoplanet known to date. WASP-33 b atmosphere can reach temperatures high enough (≥ 3000 K) to dissociate molecules such as water. However, CO, which is much more resistant to thermal dissociation, remains observable. SPIRou’s observations allowed us to confirm the presence of CO emission lines in WASP-33 b emission spectrum, in agreement with two previous studies. With the addition of published Hubble data, we were able to push further and provide the first estimate CO abundance, with a volume mixing ratio of log10 CO = ≠4.07+1.51 ≠0.60. On the other hand, this thesis propose a new spectral extraction algorithm called ATOCA (Algorithm to Treat Order ContAmination) specifically designed for the SOSS (Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy) mode of the NIRISS instrument (Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph), the Canadian contribution to JWST. This observing mode covers the wavelength range spaning from 0.6 to 2.8 µm simultaneously, due to the presence of the two first diraction orders on NIRISS detector. The need for a new algorithm arises from the fact that these orders, originating from SOSS “grism”, overlap on a small portion of the detector. Consequently, the region of order 1 covering the longest wavelengths (1.6–2.8 µm) is contaminated by the signal from order 2 between 0.85 and 1.4 µm. Hence, ATOCA allows to decontaminate both orders by first building a linear model of each individual pixel of the detector, with the incident flux as an independant variable. This flux is then extracted simultaneously for the two orders by comparing the model to the detector image and by solving the system for the best least square fit. This work has shown that ATOCA can reduce the contamination level below 10 ppm for each individual spectrum.

Caligula Unmasked: an Investigation of the Historiography of Rome's Most Notorious Emperor

Bissler, Joseph S. 30 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisations photochimiques saisonnières des stratosphères de Jupiter et Saturne / Seasonal photochemical modeling of Jupiter and Saturn’s stratosphere

Hue, Vincent 24 September 2015 (has links)
L’un des objectifs de cette thèse est d’interpréter les observations des principaux hydrocarbures(C2H2 et C2H6) effectuées par Cassini (NASA/ESA) sur Jupiter et Saturne. Les modèles photochimiques à une dimension sont insuffisants pour interpréter ces observations spatialement résolues. J’ai développé le premier modèle photochimique saisonnier à deux dimensions (altitude-latitude) des planètes géantes qui calcule leur composition chimique.En l’absence de transport méridional, la composition chimique de Saturne suit les variations d’ensoleillement. Les abondances de C2H2 et C2H6 mesurées par Cassini (Guerletet al., 2009) sont reproduites jusqu’aux latitudes moyennes, à des pressions supérieures à0,1mbar. Les écarts notés dans l’hémisphère sud suggèrent la présence de dynamique ou d’une chimie entre les ions et les espèces neutres. J’ai couplé, pour la première fois, mon modèle photochimique avec le modèle radiatif de Greathouse et al. (2008). Nous prédisons un décalage du pic saisonnier de température, par rapport aux précédents modèles, d’une demi-saison à haute altitude et aux hautes latitudes.Jupiter présente de faibles variations saisonnières de composition chimique, uniquement contrôlées par son excentricité. Les distributions méridionales observées de C2H2 etC2H6 présentent des tendances opposées (Nixon et al., 2010). Mon modèle est en accord avec les observations de C2H6 lorsque j’invoque une combinaison de diffusion méridionale et de circulation stratosphérique, tout en provoquant un plus grand désaccord avec les observations de C2H2. La chimie ionique pourrait principalement affecter C2H2 et jouer un rôle important dans l’atmosphère de Jupiter. / One of the goals of this thesis is to interpret the observations of the main hydrocarbons(C2H2 and C2H6) from Cassini (NASA/ESA) on Jupiter and Saturn. The one-dimensional photochemical models are insufficient to explain these spatially resolved observations. I have developed the first two-dimensional (altitude-latitude) seasonal photochemical model for the giant planets, which predicts their chemical composition.Without meridional transport, Saturn’s chemical composition follows the insolation variations. The C2H2 and C2H6 abundances measured by Cassini (Guerlet et al., 2009)are reproduced from the equator up to mid-latitudes, at pressures higher than 0.1mbar.At higher latitudes, the disagreements suggest either a stratospheric circulation cell orthe signature of ion-neutral chemistry. For the first time, I have coupled our seasonal photochemical model with the seasonal radiative model of Greathouse et al. (2008). I predict that the seasonal temperature peak is shifted half a season earlier, with respect to previous models, at high latitudes in the higher stratosphere.Jupiter shows weak seasonal variations of chemical composition, only controlled by its orbital eccentricity. The observed meridional distributions of C2H2 and C2H6 show opposition trends (Nixon et al., 2010). C2H6 observed distribution is reproduced when Isuppose a combination of meridional diffusion and stratospheric circulation, while causingat the same time a stronger agreement with the C2H2 observations. Accounting for theion-neutral chemistry might preferentially affect C2H2 and potentially play a key role on hydrocarbon abundances in Jupiter’s stratosphere.

Plasma Interactions with Icy Bodies in the Solar System / Plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemet

Lindkvist, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Here I study the “plasma interactions with icy bodies in the solar system”, that is, my quest to understand the fundamental processes that govern such interactions. By using numerical modelling combined with in situ observations, one can infer the internal structure of icy bodies and their plasma environments. After a broad overview of the laws governing space plasmas a more detailed part follows. This contains the method on how to model the interaction between space plasmas and icy bodies. Numerical modelling of space plasmas is applied to the icy bodies Callisto (a satellite of Jupiter), the dwarf planet Ceres (located in the asteroid main belt) and the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The time-varying magnetic field of Jupiter induces currents inside the electrically conducting moon Callisto. These create magnetic field perturbations thought to be related to conducting subsurface oceans. The flow of plasma in the vicinity of Callisto is greatly affected by these magnetic field perturbations. By using a hybrid plasma solver, the interaction has been modelled when including magnetic induction and agrees well with magnetometer data from flybys (C3 and C9) made by the Galileo spacecraft. The magnetic field configuration allows an inflow of ions onto Callisto’s surface in the central wake. Plasma that hits the surface knocks away matter (sputtering) and creates Callisto’s tenuous atmosphere. A long term study of solar wind protons as seen by the Rosetta spacecraft was conducted as the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko approached the Sun. Here, extreme ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the neutral water of the comet’s coma. Newly produced water ions get picked up by the solar wind flow, and forces the solar wind protons to deflect due to conservation of momentum. This effect of mass-loading increases steadily as the comet draws closer to the Sun. The solar wind is deflected, but does not lose much energy. Hybrid modelling of the solar wind interaction with the coma agrees with the observations; the force acting to deflect the bulk of the solar wind plasma is greater than the force acting to slow it down. Ceres can have high outgassing of water vapour, according to observations by the Herschel Space Observatory in 2012 and 2013. There, two regions were identified as sources of water vapour. As Ceres rotates, so will the source regions. The plasma interaction close to Ceres depends greatly on the source location of water vapour, whereas far from Ceres it does not. On a global scale, Ceres has a comet-like interaction with the solar wind, where the solar wind is perturbed far downstream of Ceres. / Här studerar jag “plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemet”, det vill säga, min strävan är att förstå de grundläggande processerna som styr sådana interaktioner. Genom att använda numerisk modellering i kombination med observationer på plats vid himlakropparna kan man förstå sig på deras interna strukturer och rymdmiljöer. Efter en bred översikt över de fysiska lagar som styr ett rymdplasma följer en mer detaljerad del. Denna innehåller metoder för hur man kan modellera växelverkan mellan rymdplasma och isiga kroppar. Numerisk modellering av rymdplasma appliceras på de isiga himlakropparna Callisto (en måne kring Jupiter), dvärgplaneten Ceres (lokaliserad i asteroidbältet mellan Mars och Jupiter) och kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Det tidsvarierande magnetiska fältet kring Jupiter inducerar strömmar inuti den elektriskt ledande månen Callisto. Dessa strömmar skapar magnetfältsstörningar som tros vara relaterade till ett elektriskt ledande hav under Callistos yta. Plasmaflödet i närheten av Callisto påverkas i hög grad av dessa magnetfältsstörningar. Genom att använda en hybrid-plasma-lösare har växelverkan modellerats, där effekten av magnetisk induktion har inkluderats. Resultaten stämmer väl överens med magnetfältsdata från förbiflygningarna av Callisto (C3 och C9) som gjordes av den obemannade rymdfarkosten Galileo i dess bana kring Jupiter. Den magnetiska konfigurationen som uppstår möjliggör ett inflöde av laddade joner på Callistos baksida. Plasma som träffar ytan slår bort materia och skapar Callistos tunna atmosfär. En långtidsstudie av solvindsprotoner sett från rymdfarkosten Rosetta utfördes då kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko närmade sig solen. Ultraviolett strålning från solen joniserar det neutrala vattnet i kometens koma (kometens atmosfär). Nyligt joniserade vattenmolekyler plockas upp av solvindsflödet och tvingar solvindsprotonernas banor att böjas av, så att rörelsemängden bevaras. Denna effekt ökar stadigt då kometen närmar sig solen. Solvinden böjs av kraftigt, men förlorar inte mycket energi. Hybridmodellering av solvindens växelverkan bekräftar att kraften som verkar på solvinden till störst del får den att böjas av, medan kraften som verkar till att sänka dess fart är mycket lägre. Ceres har enligt observationer av rymdteleskopet Herschel under 2012 och 2013 haft högt utflöde av vattenånga från dess yta. Där har två regioner identifierats som källor för vattenångan. Eftersom Ceres roterar kommer källornas regioner göra det också. Plasmaväxelverkan i närheten av Ceres beror i hög grad på vattenångskällans placeringen, medan det inte gör det långt ifrån Ceres. På global nivå har Ceres en kometliknande växelverkan med solvinden, där störningar i solvinden propagerar långt nedströms från Ceres.

Modelling of cosmic ray modulation in the heliosphere by stochastic processes / Roelf du Toit Strauss

Strauss, Roelf du Toit January 2013 (has links)
The transport of cosmic rays in the heliosphere is studied by making use of a newly developed modulation model. This model employes stochastic differential equations to numerically solve the relevant transport equation, making use of this approach’s numerical advantages as well as the opportunity to extract additional information regarding cosmic ray transport and the processes responsible for it. The propagation times and energy losses of galactic electrons and protons are calculated for different drift cycles. It is confirmed that protons and electrons lose the same amount of rigidity when they experience the same transport processes. These particles spend more time in the heliosphere, and also lose more energy, in the drift cycle where they drift towards Earth mainly along the heliospheric current sheet. The propagation times of galactic protons from the heliopause to Earth are calculated for increasing heliospheric tilt angles and it is found that current sheet drift becomes less effective with increasing solar activity. Comparing calculated propagation times of Jovian electrons with observations, the transport parameters are constrained to find that 50% of 6 MeV electrons measured at Earth are of Jovian origin. Charge-sign dependent modulation is modelled by simulating the proton to anti-proton ratio at Earth and comparing the results to recent PAMELA observations. A hybrid cosmic ray modulation model is constructed by coupling the numerical modulation model to the heliospheric environment as simulated by a magneto-hydrodynamic model. Using this model, it is shown that cosmic ray modulation persists beyond the heliopause. The level of modulation in this region is found to exhibit solar cycle related changes and, more importantly, is independent of the magnitude of the individual diffusion coefficients, but is rather determined by the ratio of parallel to perpendicular diffusion. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Modelling of cosmic ray modulation in the heliosphere by stochastic processes / Roelf du Toit Strauss

Strauss, Roelf du Toit January 2013 (has links)
The transport of cosmic rays in the heliosphere is studied by making use of a newly developed modulation model. This model employes stochastic differential equations to numerically solve the relevant transport equation, making use of this approach’s numerical advantages as well as the opportunity to extract additional information regarding cosmic ray transport and the processes responsible for it. The propagation times and energy losses of galactic electrons and protons are calculated for different drift cycles. It is confirmed that protons and electrons lose the same amount of rigidity when they experience the same transport processes. These particles spend more time in the heliosphere, and also lose more energy, in the drift cycle where they drift towards Earth mainly along the heliospheric current sheet. The propagation times of galactic protons from the heliopause to Earth are calculated for increasing heliospheric tilt angles and it is found that current sheet drift becomes less effective with increasing solar activity. Comparing calculated propagation times of Jovian electrons with observations, the transport parameters are constrained to find that 50% of 6 MeV electrons measured at Earth are of Jovian origin. Charge-sign dependent modulation is modelled by simulating the proton to anti-proton ratio at Earth and comparing the results to recent PAMELA observations. A hybrid cosmic ray modulation model is constructed by coupling the numerical modulation model to the heliospheric environment as simulated by a magneto-hydrodynamic model. Using this model, it is shown that cosmic ray modulation persists beyond the heliopause. The level of modulation in this region is found to exhibit solar cycle related changes and, more importantly, is independent of the magnitude of the individual diffusion coefficients, but is rather determined by the ratio of parallel to perpendicular diffusion. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Papers and related collections of James A. Van Allen,

Van Allen, James Alfred, Unknown Date (has links)
Includes Van Allen thesis (M.S.)--University of Iowa, 1936, and thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Iowa, 1939.

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