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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La justice restaurative. Aspects criminologiques et processuels. / Restorative justice. Processual and criminological issues.

Sayous, Benjamin 16 December 2016 (has links)
Introduite dans le Code de procédure pénale par la loi n° 2014-896 du 15 août 2014 relative à l'individualisation des peines et renforçant l'efficacité des sanctions pénales, à l'article 10-1, la justice restaurative rejoint désormais l'ensemble des réponses socio-pénales que le système de justice pénale français peut mobiliser pour répondre aux conséquences et aux répercussions du phénomène criminel. Depuis le 1er octobre 2014, date d'entrée en vigueur de l'article 10-1 du Code de procédure pénale, toute personne victime ou auteur d'une infraction pénale peut se voir proposer une mesure de justice restaurative, dans toute procédure pénale et à tous les stades de la procédure. Insérée dans le titre préliminaire du Code de procédure pénale, dans un sous-titre II "De la justice restaurative", la possibilité d'un tel recours à une mesure de justice restaurative prend place parmi les grands principes qui irriguent la procédure pénale et montre l'ambition du législateur en faveur de la justice restaurative présentée comme une des réponses à la crise que traverse le système de justice pénale actuel. Toutefois, au-delà de cette seule possibilité, se pose la question de la place que la justice restaurative peut occuper au sein de ce système, en particulier en ce qui concerne son institutionnalisation concrète et pratique. La démonstration de la forte complémentarité existant entre justice restaurative et justice pénale, au service d'un système de justice pénale répondant pleinement aux attentes des justiciables, ouvre la voie à une application conjointe de mesures de justice issues spécifiquement des deux modèles de justice. Il peut en résulter un système reposant sur une application conjointe de mesure de justice restaurative et de justice pénale et permettant un traitement différentiel, à la fois du conflit de nature infractionnelle et des attentes criminologiques et juridiques des personnes concernées. Cette approche, mise en perspective avec les initiatives naissantes de programmes en France, présente l'avantage de ne pas nécessiter d'importantes modifications du système de justice pénale. Elle consiste en la construction d'une offre locale de justice restaurative, complète et disponible, structurée par des organismes de coordination du partenariat sur lequel elle repose. Elle se manifeste actuellement, tant à l'échelon local, à travers la création de Services régionaux de justice restaurative (SRJR), qu'à l'échelon national, à travers les actions de l'Institut Français pour la Justice Restaurative (IFJR), aux côtés des principales fédérations et administrations concernées. / The law n° 2014-896 of August 15th 2014 on “Individualization of penalties and for strengthening the effectiveness of criminal sanctions” introduced in the Criminal Procedure Code restorative justice. From now on, it belongs to the socio-criminal responses proposed by the French criminal justice system to respond to the consequences and impact of the criminal phenomenon. Since October 1th 2014, the date of entry into force of the law, a “restorative justice measure” may be proposed to any victim or offender during every criminal procedure and at all stages of the proceedings. Inserted in the preliminary title of the Code of Criminal Procedure, subtitle II, entitled "About restorative justice", the possibility of such recourse to a restorative justice measure takes place among the great principles that define the criminal procedure and shows the French legislator ambition for restorative justice, which is presented as a possible answer to the criminal justice system current crisis. However, it raises the question of the place of restorative justice in this system, especially with regard to its concrete and practical institutionalization. The demonstration of the strong complementarity between restorative justice and criminal justice to create a criminal justice system that fully meets the expectations of victims and offenders pleads in favour of a joint implementation of legal measures from these two models of justice. This can lead to a system, based on a joint application of restorative justice and criminal justice, and permitting differential treatment, both of the criminal conflict and of the criminological and legal needs of individuals. This approach, put into perspective with the emerging program initiatives in France, has the advantage of not requiring major changes to the criminal justice system. It involves the construction of a local offer of restorative justice, complete and fully available, structured by coordinating bodies from the parternership the offer is based on.. This approach is currently visible at the local level, through the creation of Restorative Justice Regional Services (SRJR), as at the national level, through the actions of the French Institute for Restorative Justice (IFJR), with the main federations and administrations.

Le rapprochement du droit pénal des mineurs et des majeurs / The closening of the adult and the juvenile criminal justice systems

Peyrot, Angelique 14 December 2015 (has links)
La problématique soulevée par la délinquance juvénile, loin de se limiter au pré-carré des professionnels du droit, s’est imposée en véritable débat de société. Cet engouement est le fruit de l’évolution de la délinquance des mineurs, qui a tendance à croître, impliquant des auteurs plus jeunes.En réponse à ce phénomène, le législateur a opéré un tournant sécuritaire en 2002, marquant le point de départ du durcissement des dispositions relatives aux mineurs délinquants, notamment celles applicables à ceux âgés de seize à dix-huit ans. Il en découle un rapprochement du droit pénal des mineurs de celui des majeurs, malgré l’affirmation, la même année, par le Conseil constitutionnel d’un principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la république qui consacre la spécificité du droit pénal des mineurs. Toutefois, il convient de s’interroger sur la portée de ce rapprochement textuel, qui est peu, voire pas mis en œuvre en pratique. Cette question se pose avec d’autant plus d’acuité depuis le changement de politique pénale impulsé en 2012 par le nouveau garde des Sceaux, qui est d’ailleurs à l’initiative d’un projet de réforme de l’ordonnance de 1945, qui entend réaffirmer la primauté de l’éducatif sur le répressif / Juvenile delinquency problem, far from being the sole issue of law professionals, has become a widely debated topic throughout the entire society. Such interest in the issue takes its roots in the delinquency's evolution, broadly on the rise, with ever younger criminals. Given the phenomenon, the lawmaker has moved towards a harsher approach in 2002, and the various laws have been toughening since then, especially those concerning young people aged between 16 and 18 year old. The consequence is that the body of law applicable to young people looks increasingly similar to that one applicable to adults, despite the solemn statement issued by the Constitutional Council the same year. This statement explains that there is a ground principle deduced from the laws of the Republic, recognizing the specificity of juvenile delinquency laws. It is however interesting to reflect on the true scope of this formal closening, which seems to happen to little or no avail. The issue is even more relevant with the changes in the criminal justice approach advocated by the new secretary of Justice since 2012, who is currently initiating a reform on the body of law applicable to young people, aiming at favoring education over repression

Investigating the minimum age of criminal responsibility in African legal systems

Ramages, Kelly-Anne January 2008 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The following thesis investigates the MACR in African Legal Systems. The MACR is the youngest age at which children in conflict with the law find themselves caught up in the harsh realities of the criminal justice system. Up until recently, debates around fixing a MACR had been successfully side-stepped since the adoption of the UNCRC in 1989. The UNCRC has provided for human rights for children on a global scale while the ACRWC provides for such rights regionally. Contracting States Parties to these treaties agree that there needs to be a MACR in place and have adopted a childrens rights-based framework for reviewing their current child laws, policies and practices in accordance with the minimum standards provided. They do not however, agree on what the fixed minimum age should be. / South Africa

When Society Becomes the Criminal: An Exploration of Society’s Responsibilities to the Wrongfully Convicted

Haselkorn, Amelia A 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores how society can and should compensate those who have been wrongfully convicted after they are exonerated and how we can prevent these mistakes from happening to others in the future. It begins by presenting research on the scope of the problem. Then it suggests possible reforms to the U.S. justice system that would minimize the rate of innocent convictions. Lastly, it takes both a philosophical and political look at what just compensation would entail as well as a variety of state compensation laws.

Non responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux : comparaison des pratiques de supervision des Commissions d’examen aux peines prononcées dans le système pénal

Martin, Sandrine 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, un nombre grandissant d’accusés sont déclarés non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux au Canada (NCRTM). Si certains craignent que ce verdict représente une échappatoire à la punition et libère des individus dangereux en collectivité, d’autres s’interrogent à savoir si cette défense n’occasionnerait pas plus de contrôle qu’une peine dans le système pénal traditionnel. Certains questionnent également la capacité des Commissions d’examen à prendre des décisions qui s’écartent de la rationalité du système punitif. Objectif : Cette étude a pour but de comparer la supervision imposée aux accusés NCRTM à celle des accusés coupables et responsables (CR). Cette comparaison cherche à observer les particularités des trajectoires (durées de supervision et de détention et présence de détention dans le suivi) de ces populations, dans trois provinces canadiennes (Québec, Ontario, Colombie-Britannique) entre 2000 et 2008. Deux sources de données ont été utilisées, soit celle du National Trajectory Project of Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder in Canada pour les accusés NCRTM et celle de l’Enquête sur les tribunaux de juridiction criminelle de Statistiques Canada pour ceux déclarés CR. Résultats : Les résultats des régressions de Cox et logistiques indiquent que les accusés NCRTM sont près de trois fois et quatre fois moins susceptibles d’être libérés rapidement de supervision et de détention et sont cinq fois plus susceptibles d’être détenus que les accusés CR. Des différences importantes sont présentes dans les pratiques des provinces, mais de manière significativement plus importante chez les accusés NCRTM. / Since the 1990’s, the number of individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder has increased in Canada. However, the NCRMD verdict remains controversial. While some fear that the verdict is a loophole and releases dangerous individuals in the community, others suggest that this defense could cause more control than a sentence in the criminal justice system. Some also question the ability of Review Boards to leave aside the punitive rationale in the decision-making process. Objective: This study examines the supervison practices imposed to NCRMD accused by comparing them with those applied to offenders found guilty and responsible (GR). This comparison aims to highlight the specificities these two populations’ trajectories (length of supervision, length of detention and presence of detention in follow-up), in three Canadian provinces (Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia) between 2000 and 2008. Two datasets were used. The first comprises individuals found NCRMD (n = 1794) and comes from the National Trajectory Project of Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder in Canada. The second comprises GR offenders (n = 320,919) and comes from Statistics Canada's Criminal Court Survey. Results: The Cox and logistic regressions results show that NCRMD individuals are almost three times and four times likely to be released from legal supervision and detention respectively compared to GR offenders, and are five times more likely to be detained during follow-up. Provincial differences were also observed, theses disparities being significantly greater among NCRMD individuals.

Les modes de poursuite devant les juridictions pénales / The modes of pursuit in the criminal court

Miansoni, Camille 28 May 2018 (has links)
La justice pénale française connait une diversification des modes de traitement des affaires qui lui sont soumises. Cette diversification résulte de facteurs endogènes et exogènes au système lui-même. Elle est le point de convergence de l'évolution des conceptions des phénomènes criminels, des attentes sociales pour une justice pénale efficace et, d'un nouveau mode de gestion de la justice. Les modes de poursuite traduisent une de logique de politique criminelle et, une logique de rationalisation du mode de management de la justice pénale. La notion de «modes de poursuite» devient une nouvelle catégorie juridique qui structure le traitement des délits. Sa portée théorique modifie l'approche de la poursuite. La diversification des modes de poursuite a des incidences sur la conception et la typologie du procès pénal et sur l'organisation des juridictions. Le procès pénal monolithique hérité du code d'instruction criminelle de 1808 devient un procès pluriel ayant une physionomie renouvelée et des finalités multiples. La poursuite pénale répond à des principes directeurs nouveaux ou renouvelés. La notion de «schéma d'orientation» illustre cette évolution. Une prise en compte législative de cette notion déboucherait sur une meilleure structuration de la réponse pénale. L'organisation de la chaîne pénale est également affectée, ainsi que la place des acteurs du procès. Des mécanismes de concertation et de délégation sont apparus. Le nouveau management judiciaire trouve appui sur cette diversification des modes de poursuite. Le procès pénal doit intégrer la transformation numérique qui devrait aboutir à la construction d'un procès pénal numérique. / The French criminal justice currently goes through a diversification of cases treatment processes. This diversification is the result of many factors, both endogenous and exogenous. It is the focal point of the evolution in theoretical approaches regarding criminal phenomena, social expectations of an effective criminal justice, and of a new process of justice management. Prosecution choices reflect a logic of criminal policy and also a logic of rationalization of the criminal justice management. The idea of «prosecution choices» becomes a new legal category that articulates the response to criminality. Its theoretical range modifies the approach of the prosecution. The diversification of prosecution choices has consequences on both conception and typology of the criminal trial and on courts organisation. The monolithic criminal trial inherited from the 1808 French code of criminal investigation becomes a more plural trial, with a renewed configuration and multiple purposes. The notion of « orientation schematics » illustrates such evolution. A legislative consideration of this notion would lead to a better structuring of the criminal justice response. The criminal justice system's organization is also affected, as well as the parties situation in the trial. Consultation and delegation mechanisms appeared. The new judicial management builds on this diversification in the prosecution choices. The criminal trial must integrate the digital transformation that should lead to the construction of a digital criminal trial.


11 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] A liberdade religiosa é um espaço de disputa entre diferentes denominações que tem ultrapassado o desejo de conter a verdade sobre as coisas para ter o controle dos espaços de poder. Historicamente tida como religiões subalternas, ainda hoje os cultos de matriz africana experimentam situações de perseguição, desconsideração e intolerância. Estes atos provêm tanto de particulares quando de agentes públicos e expressam parte da herança colonial ainda não superada: o racismo. É a ligação entre essas religiões e a África, os africanos e seus descentes que, mesmo no século XXI, quando muitas dessas crenças deixaram de ser professadas apenas por negros, despertam nos seus opositores dentro do campo religioso ou político as manifestações de intolerância e de violação de direitos dos adeptos das religiões afro-brasileiras. Esse trabalho consiste na análise desse panorama e do impacto que ele tem na consolidação do estado democrático e da laicidade do estado brasileiro. São investigados dois casos de templos religiosos de matriz africana proibidos de funcionamento no Estado de Sergipe e os afrorreligiosos participam de um survey sobre representação social do sistema de justiça, de modo que pretendemos abrir o espaço do debate sobre liberdade religiosa e sobre a prestação de serviços por instituições do sistema de justiça para aqueles que pouco ou quase nunca participaram ou opinaram sobre tais questões. O survey foi elaborado a partir das demandas e das necessidades específicas dos afrorreligiosos quando diante do sistema de justiça e as teorias e as metodologias aqui empregadas como referenciais foram eleitas e pensadas por se adequarem a estes grupos, não o oposto. / [en] Religious freedom is an area of dispute between different denominations that has overtaken the desire to contain the truth about things to keep track of the positions of power. Historically seen as subaltern religions, cults today with African roots experience situations of persecution, intolerance and disrespect . These acts come from both private and public agents when expressing part of the colonial legacy still unsurpassed: racism. It is the connection between these religions and Africa, Africans and their descendants, even in the XXI century, when many of these beliefs are no longer professed only by blacks, awaken in their opponents within the religious or political field manifestations of intolerance and violation fans of rights of african-Brazilian religions . This work consists of the analysis of this scenario and the impact it has on the consolidation of the democratic state and the secular nature of the Brazilian state. Two cases of religious temples of banned African origin operating in the State of Sergipe and afrorreligiosos participate in a survey about social representation of the justice system are investigated, so we intend to open up the space of the debate on religious freedom and on the provision of services by institutions of the justice system for those who know little or almost never participated or say about such matters. The survey was developed from the demands and specific needs of afrorreligiosos when confronting the justice system and the theories and methodologies used here as references were elected and thought fit by these groups , not the opposite.

Protecting the rights of children in trouble with the law : a case study of South Africa and The Gambia

Saine, Marie January 2005 (has links)
"It is the responsibility of every government to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of its citizenry and to ensure that the rule of law and justice prevails at all times. Hovewer, children accused of committing crimes are more susceptible to human rights abuses and violations of their legal rights while in detention, either in police cells, prisons or authorised detention centres. They mostly suffer from both the agents of the state as well as from inmates. These violations often take place [behind] closed doors, and society being primarily concerned with keeping offenders locked up rather than about their conditions and human rights being respected, the cries of these children to be treated with dignity and worth go unnoticed despite the constitutional and international guarantee of their rights. The problem therefore is first to examine what rights do children in trouble with the law have under international law in general and specifically within the African human rights sytem with special emphasiis on the rights of children deprived of their liberty. Secondly, to examine how these international instruments are given effect domestically and whether there are challenges encountered in realising these rights. These are the main issues that this research intends to grapple with using South Africa and the Gambia as case studies with a view to making recommendations for better protection of the rights of this category of children. ... This research consist of four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. It will give the basis and structure of the research which will include a general overview of the problem in the two countries under study. In the second chapter, it will explore the relevant international and African normative framework that protects the rights of children in trouble with the law and the obligations of states towards these children. However, the main focus will be the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), because they are the two main human rights instruments providing specific protection for children's rights in all spheres. The third chapter will be a comparative analysis of the rights of children deprived of their liberty as provided in the municipal laws of South African and the Gambia vis a vis the minimum standards set [out] in the CRC and ACRWC. It will discuss the following issues, namely: defintion of a child, age of criminal responsibility, the best interest, detention as a last resort and for the shortest possible time, separation from adult detainees, role of parents, establishment of separate criminal procedures, right to legal respresentation and assistance, and sentencing options. It will also examine the problems and challenges for implementation. The fourth chapter will conclude and make recommendations on how best to implement the laws and who should be the role players in ensuring that the rights of these children are well protected." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Professor Gilles Cistac at the Faculty of Law, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mocambique / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system in rehabilitating the youth in South Africa: a case study of Bosasa Youth Development Centre's Diversion Programmes in Polokwane

Gwatimba, Leah 05 1900 (has links)
MA (Youth Development) / Institute of Gender and Youth Studies / See the attached abstract below

An Exploration of the American Justice System through the Trial of Tom Robinson : A New Historicist Analysis of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

Henriksson, Eva-Lena January 2021 (has links)
Adding something new to the understanding of To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), which is considered a twentieth-century classic, would be nearly impossible if not for the outlook of new historicism. Through a new historicist analysis of Harper Lee’s literary text parallel to non-fictional texts relating to the American justice system and civil rights, this essay explores how race affects U.S. institutions and society. Lee’s novel is contextualized by delving into the American South of the 1930s, American society and politics in the1960s and the racial landscape in America today, connecting them through the experiences of racial bias within the justice system and the civil rights movement. The essay explores the racial and cultural norms that governed the American justice system at the set time of the story. It analyzes the time of publication and the American society in which the novel made such an impact on the racial debate. Finally, it looks at the impact of the novel and its connection to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the Black Lives Matter movement and readers today. In the spirit of new historicism, the mechanisms of racism and how they affect the population, both the oppressors and the oppressed, is highlighted showing parallels between Lee’s fictional world and American society over time. Through the experiences of the characters, the structures of racism translate to a time and place where the Black Lives Matter movement has infused new life to the civil rights movement worldwide. Looking at retellings of the historical Scottsboro trials, which inspired the story unfolding in To Kill a Mockingbird in light of the justice system, Maycomb county and its inhabitants serves as guides into the racial norms that is ingrained in American society and politics. The results reveal a society where racial segregation is constantly reinforced by legal, economical, and social barriers, despite constitutional efforts to level the playing field for all American citizens.

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