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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of antihypertensive treatment at different blood pressure levels

Brunström, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Background High blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. The shape of association between blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular events is debated. Some researchers suggest that the association is linear or log-linear, whereas others suggest it is J-shaped. Randomized controlled trials of antihypertensive treatment have been successful in hypertension, but ambiguous in the high normal blood pressure range. Previous systematic reviews have not found any interaction between baseline systolic blood pressure and treatment effect, with beneficial effects at systolic blood pressure levels well below what is currently recommended. These reviews, however, use a method to standardize treatment effects and study weights according to within-trial blood pressure differences that may introduce bias. Methods We performed two systematic reviews to assess the effect of antihypertensive treatment on cardiovascular disease and mortality at different blood pressure levels. The first review was limited to people with diabetes mellitus. The second review included all patient categories except those with heart failure and acute myocardial infarction. Both reviews were designed with guidance from Cochrane Collaborations Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, and are reported according to PRISMA guidelines. We included randomized controlled trials assessing any antihypertensive agent against placebo or any blood pressure targets against each other. Results were combined in random-effects meta-analyses, stratified by baseline systolic blood pressure. Non-stratified analyses were performed for coronary heart disease trials and post-stroke trials. Interaction between blood pressure level and treatment effect was assessed with Cochran’s Q in the first review, and multivariable-adjusted metaregression in the second review. The third paper builds on data from the second paper, and assesses the effect of standardization according to within-trial blood pressure differences on the results of meta-analyses. We performed non-standardized analyses, analyses with standardized treatment effects, and analyses with standardized treatment effects and standard errors. We compared treatment effect measures and heterogeneity across different methods of standardization. We also compared treatment effect estimates between fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analyses within each method of standardization. Lastly, we assessed the association between number of events and study weights, using linear regression. Results Forty-nine trials assessed the effect of antihypertensive treatment in people with diabetes mellitus. Treatment effect on cardiovascular mortality and myocardial infarction decreased with lower baseline systolic blood pressure. Treatment reduced the risk of death and cardiovascular disease if baseline systolic blood pressure was 140 mm Hg or higher. If baseline systolic blood pressure was below 140 mm Hg, however, treatment increased the risk of cardiovascular death by 15 % (0-32 %). Fifty-one trials assessed the effect of antihypertensive treatment in primary prevention. Treatment effect on cardiovascular mortality, major cardiovascular events, and heart failure decreased with lower baseline systolic blood pressure. If baseline systolic blood pressure was 160 mm Hg or higher treatment reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events by 22 % (95 % confidence interval 13-30 %). If systolic blood pressure was 140-159 mm Hg treatment reduced the risk by 12 % (4-20 %), whereas if systolic blood pressure was below 140 mm Hg, treatment effect was neutral (4 % increase to 10 % reduction). All-cause mortality was reduced if systolic blood pressure was 140 mm Hg or higher, with neutral effect at lower levels. Twelve trials compared antihypertensive treatment against placebo in people with coronary heart disease. Mean baseline systolic blood pressure was 138 mm Hg. Treatment reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events by 10 % (3-16 %), whereas the effect on mortality was neutral (7 % increase to 11 % reduction). Standardization of treatment effects resulted in more extreme effect estimates for individual trials. This caused increased between-study heterogeneity, and different results with fixed- and random-effects model. Standardization of standard errors shifted weights from trials with many events to trials with large blood pressure differences. This caused biased overall effect estimates. Standardization of standard errors also resulted in wider confidence intervals, masking the previously increased heterogeneity. This reduced the possibility to find different treatment effects at different blood pressure levels. Conclusion The effect of antihypertensive treatment depends on blood pressure level before treatment. Treatment reduces the risk of death and cardiovascular disease if baseline systolic blood pressure is 140 mm Hg or higher. Below this level, treatment is potentially harmful in people with diabetes, has neutral effect in primary prevention, but might offer additional protection in people with coronary heart disease. Standardization should generally be avoided in meta-analyses of antihypertensive treatment. Previous meta-analyses using standardized methods should be interpreted with caution. / Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar leder till fler dödsfall och fler förlorade levnadsår än någon annan sjukdomsgrupp. Den enskilt viktigaste riskfaktorn som bidrar till hjärtkärlsjukdomar ur ett befolkningsperspektiv är högt blodtryck. Risken att drabbas av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar minskar om man behandlar högt blodtryck men till vilken nivå blodtrycket skall behandlas är kontroversiellt. Denna avhandling innefattar två systematiska översikter och meta-analyser samt ett arbete som jämför olika sätt att hantera skillnader mellan studier i meta-analyser. De systematiska översikterna sammanställer data från randomiserade kontrollerade studier av blodtryckssänkande behandling. Vår övergripande frågeställning var om effekten av behandling påverkas av blodtrycksnivån innan behandling. Mer specifikt studerades hur behandling påverkade risken att dö eller drabbas av hjärt-kärlsjukdom vid olika blodtrycksnivåer. Det första arbetet fokuserade på personer med diabetes. För dessa fann vi att blodtryckssänkande behandling minskar risken att dö eller drabbas av hjärtkärlsjukdom vid nivåer ≥ 140 mmHg. Vi fann ingen nytta, men möjligen en skadlig effekt av behandling, vid lägre blodtrycksnivåer. Det andra arbetet inkluderade studier oberoende av vilka sjukdomar deltagarna hade. Vi fann att den förebyggande effekten av blodtryckssänkande behandling berodde på blodtrycksnivån. Vid blodtryck > 160 mmHg minskade risken att drabbas av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar med 22 % hos de som erhöll behandling. Om blodtrycket var 140-160 mmHg minskade risken med 12 %, men om blodtrycket var < 140 mmHg sågs ingen behandlingseffekt. Hos personer med känd kranskärlssjukdom, och ett medelblodtryck på 138 mmHg, fann vi en något minskad risk för hjärt-kärlhändelser med ytterligare behandling. I det tredje arbetet fann vi att skillnader i resultat mellan olika studier inte kan antas bero endast på olika grad av blodtryckssänkning i studierna. När resultaten standardiserades, som om alla studier hade sänkt blodtrycket lika mycket, ökade nämligen skillnaderna mellan studierna. Detta resulterade i sin tur i snedvridning av resultaten från meta-analyser av standardiserade värden. Sammanfattningsvis minskar blodtryckssänkande behandling risken att dö eller drabbas av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar om blodtrycket är 140 mmHg eller högre. Vid lägre nivåer är nyttan med behandling osäker samtidigt som det finns potentiella risker. Standardisering bör inte användas rutinmässigt vid metaanalyser av blodtrycksstudier. Tidigare meta-analyser som använt denna metod bör tolkas med försiktighet.

Skillnad i mätsäkerhet av vänster förmaksvolym mellan tvådimensionell och tredimensionell ekokardiografi jämfört med magnetresonans tomografi : En litteraturstudie / Difference in measurement performance of left atrial volume by two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography compared to magnetic resonance tomography : A literary review

Johansson, Robin, Werbelow, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Ekokardiologiska undersökningar erbjuder en lätt, snabb och icke-invasiv metod för diagnostik av vänster förmaksvolym (LAV). I dagsläget är hjärt-magnetresonanstomografi (CMR) referensmetod för mätningen. Dock är CMR både tid- och kostnadskrävande, vilket leder till att tvådimensionell ekokardiografi (2DE) istället används. Den relativt nya metoden tredimensionell ekokardiografi (3DE) erbjuder en intressant valmöjlighet vid bedömning av förmaksvolym. Det är studiens syfte att ställa 2DE mot 3DE, gällande modaliteternas korrelation av vänster förmaksvolym, med CMR som referensmetod. Studien undersöker även förhållandet för modaliteternas intra- och inter-bedömar variation. Studien har använt databaserna Pubmed och Medline där systematiska litteratursökningar genomförts under april månad år 2020. Flera inklusions och exklusions kriterier har använts, studien har endast använt artiklar publicerade från 2010 och framåt. 3DE uppvisar en högre korrelation mot CMR vid volymbestämning av LAV. Resultatet visade även att 3DE har en lägre variation mellan både intra- och inter-bedömare än 2DE. 3DE har både en starkare korrelation mot CMR och en lägre bedömarvariation än 2DE, dock lider denna modalitet av begränsningar i dagsläget. Begränsningarna är: tid, personalens erfarenhet, brist på referensvärden samt kostnad för klinikerna. Författarna rekommenderar användning av 3DE för säkrare bedömning av LAV. Fortsatt kunskap som ger adekvata referensvärden och standardiserade mjukvarusystem behövs. / Echocardiological examinations offer an easy, quick, and non-invasive method for diagnosing the left atrium volume (LAV). Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is currently the golden-standard method. However, CMR is time-consuming and costly. Instead two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE) modality is used. The relatively new three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) method offers an interesting choice when assessing LAV. It’s the purpose of this study to plot 2DE against 3DE regarding LAV correlation and with CMR as reference. The study will examine the relationship between modalities intra- and interobserver variation. Pubmed and Medline databases were used, and systematic literature searches were carried out during April 2020. Inclusion and exclusion criterias have been adopted; the study has only used articles published from 2010 onwards. 3DE shows a higher correlation with CMR in assessment of LAV. The result also showed that 3DE has a lower variation between both intra- and interobserver. 3DE has a stronger correlation to CMR and a lower variation than 2DE, however, 3DE suffers from limitations. These limitations are time, staff experience, lack of reference values and cost to clinics. The authors recommend 3DE for more accurate LAV assessment. Further research for more adequate reference-values and software systems is needed.

Patienters upplevelser av hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturöversikt / Patients' experiences after a myocardial infarction : A literature review

Karlsson, Johanna, Jacobsson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt är en sjukdom som globalt drabbar många personer och räknas som den största dödsorsaken. Hjärtinfarkt är för de flesta en traumatisk upplevelse som påverkar livet kraftigt. Fysiska följder som trötthet och hjärtsvikt, psykiska följder i form av ångest och depression, samt psykosociala följder är vanligt förekommande. Patienters känsla av sammanhang kan vara en avgörande faktor för att bibehålla hälsan efter hjärtinfarkt, samt i patienters hantering efter hjärtinfarkten. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser som nyligen genomgått en hjärtinfarkt. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats har genomförts, där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet innehöll tre huvudteman. Att inte känna igen sin kropp med subtema fysisk trötthet och fatigue samt misstro till sin kropp. Nya tankar och känslor med subtema psykiska upplevelser av trötthet, stress, rädsla och ångest samt tacksamhet och ny mening. Begränsning i vardagslivet med subtema skam och skuld, att inte passa in, svårigheter med förändringar samt behov av stöd. Slutsats: Patienter upplevde fysisk, psykisk och psykosocial påverkan på livet efter genomgången hjärtinfarkt. Hjärtinfarkten hade påverkan på patienters liv i både positiva och negativa aspekter. / Title: Patients' experiences after a myocardial infarction - A literature review. Background: Myocardial infarction was a disease which affected a lot of humans globally and was countable as the largest cause of death. Myocardial infarction was a traumatic experience and affected patient’s life considerably. Physical consequences as tiredness, heart failure, psychological consequences as anxiety and depression and psychosocial consequences were common. To maintain health and cope with myocardial infarction was the sense of coherence. Aim: The aim was to describe patients´ experiences of having recently had a myocardial infarction. Method: A literature review with a qualitative method and an inductive approach was used, where 13 scientific articles were analyzed. Results: The result contained three main themes. Not recognizing his body with subtheme physical fatigue and fatigue as well as distrust of his body. New thoughts and feelings with sub-themes mental experiences of tiredness, stress, fear and anxiety as well as gratitude & new meaning. Limitations in everyday life with subtheme shame and guilt, not fitting in, difficulties with changes and the need for support. Conclusion: Patients experienced physical, psychological and psychosocial consequences after myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction had an impact on patients’ daily life in both positive and negative aspects.


Fatic, Amajla January 2021 (has links)
Pulmonell hypertension (PH) är en sjukdom med flera olika etiologier som bidrar till ett förhöjt tryck i lungkretsloppet. PH definieras som ett medelartärtryck i lungpulsådern   25mm Hg i vila uppmätt vid högersidig hjärtkateterisering (RHC). De olika orsakerna till PH delas in i fem grupper. Denna studie fokuserar på grupp I, som utgörs av pulmonell arteriell hypertension (PAH). PAH bidrar till en tryckbelastning av högerkammaren där högerkammaren måste arbeta mot ett högre tryck. Detta leder till en nedsatt högerkammarfunktion. I nuläget används right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) inom RHC, för att mäta högerkammarens arbete. Syftet med studien var att jämföra RVSWI beräknat med ekokardiografi och RHC. Detta för att finna ytterligare ett mått vid bedömning av högerkammarfunktion med ekokardiografi hos patienter med PAH. RVSWI beräknades med två ekokardiografiska metoder (RVSWIEKO1= 90 - (0,62 x pulmonalisflödets accelerationstid (PAT) x slagvolymindex (SVIEKO)), RVSWIEKO2= ((0,61 x maximala gradienten över tricuspidalisinsufficiensen (TRmaxPG)) + medeltrycket i höger förmak (mRAP) + 2) x SVIEKO). Båda metoderna påvisade statistisk signifikant skillnad (p <0,001) i absoluta värden mot RVSWI erhållet med RHC.  En av metoderna (RVSWI EKO2) påvisade en måttlig korrelation mot RHC, medan RVSWI EKO1 hade en försumbar korrelation mot RHC. Studien visade att ekokardiografiskt beräknat RVSWI kan användas, som ett ytterligare mått vid bedömning av högerkammarens funktion. Det krävs dock fler studier för att parametern ska kunna användas kliniskt. / Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease with many different etiologies contributing to an increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation. PH is defined as a mean arterial pressure in the pulmonary artery ≥ 25mm Hg at rest measured by right heart catheterization (RHC). The different causes of PH are divided into five groups. This study focuses on group I, which consists of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). PAH contributes to a pressure overload of the right ventricle. The right ventricle must work at a higher pressure, which leads to a reduced right ventricular function. Currently, right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) by right heart catheterization (RHC) is a measure of right ventricular workload. The purpose of the study was to compare RVSWI calculated with echocardiography to RVSWI by RHC. And to find an additional measure for assessing right ventricular function by echocardiography in patients with PAH.  RVSWI was evaluated with two echocardiographic methods (RVSWIEKO1= 90 - (0,62 x pulmonary acceleration time (PAT) x stroke volume index (SVIEKO)), RVSWIEKO2= ((0,61 x tricuspid regurgitant maximum pressure gradient (TRmaxPG)) + mean right atrial pressure (mRAP) + 2) x SVIEKO). Both the echocardiographic methods showed a statistically significant difference (p <0.001) in absolute values ​​compared to RVSWI by RHC. One of the echocardiographic methods (RVSWI EKO2) showed a moderate correlation with RHC, while RVSWIEKO1 showed a negligible with RHC. The study has shown that RVSWI evaluated with echocardiography can be used as an additional measure, when assessing right ventricular function. However, more studies are needed until the parameter can be used clinically.

Personers upplevelser av egenvård vid hjärtsvikt : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / People's experiences of self-care in heart failure : A qualitative literature review.

Johansson, Sara, Primeus, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt betraktas som en av våra folksjukdomar och är en av de vanligaste hjärt- och kärlsjukdomarna. Att leva med hjärtsvikt påverkar personens vardagliga liv negativt både fysiskt och psykiskt. Genom egenvård där personen får god information och patientundervisning kan livskvalitén påverkas i en positiv riktning. Syfte: Att beskriva personers upplevelser av egenvård vid hjärtsvikt. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats. Artikelsökningen utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline. Tolv artiklar inkluderades i litteraturöversiktens resultat och analyserades genom Fribergs femstegsmodell.   Resultat: Resultatet baseras på personers upplevelser av egenvård och i litteraturöversikten framkom det att stöd och individuella strategier främjade en god följsamhet till egenvård vid hjärtsvikt. I resultatet framkom även begränsningar till egenvården som bland annat var brist på stöd och brist på information. Slutsatser: Litteraturöversiktens resultat visar vad som är betydelsefullt för personer med hjärtsvikt när de ska utföra sin egenvård. Även aspekter som hindrar egenvården framkom i resultatet. För sjuksköterskan är det betydelsefullt att förstå personernas upplevelser för att kunna individanpassa vården efter personens behov och önskemål. / Background: Heart failure is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. To live with heart failure affects the persons daily life negatively both physical and psychological. Through self-care where the person gets good information, their quality of life improves.  Aim: To describe the experiences of self-care in people with heart failure.  Method: A literature review with qualitative method and an inductive design. Articles were found I the databases Cinahl and Medline. Twelve articles were included in the result and were analyzed based on Friberg´s five step model. Result: The result is based on the experiences of self-care, and it emerged that support and individual strategies promoted good compliance for the self-care in heart failure. The limitations to self-care were among others lack of support and lack of information.  Conclusion: The result in this literature review shows what is important for persons with heart failure when they are performing self-care. There are also aspects on what prevent people from performing self-care found in the result. It is important for the nurse to understand the person’s experiences to be able to individually adapt the care after the person’s needs and wishes.

Pathological Mechanisms of Sarcomere Mutations in the Disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : A Review

Bohman, Lova January 2021 (has links)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that is characterized by an enlarged heart muscle. Mutations to sarcomere proteins in the muscle fibers give rise to the disease, and this review aims to compile the mechanisms by which the mutations cause the disease phenotype. β-myosin heavy chain mutants affect the thick filament structure and contraction velocity of the muscle. Mutations to the myosin-binding protein C produces truncated proteins with decreased expression in the cells. Troponin T mutants cause myofibrillar disarray, alters affinity to α-tropomyosin, and are linked to a higher risk of sudden death. Troponin I is an unpredictable mutant that needs to be further researched but is thought to cause regulatory problems. Mutations to α-tropomyosin and the regulatory myosin light chain both affect the Ca2+-affinity of the proteins and leads to contractile problems. Hypercontractility as a result of the mutations seems to be the primary cause of the disease. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is linked to sudden death, and factors such as a family history of sudden death, multiple simultaneous mutations, unexplained syncope, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, abnormal blood pressure response and extreme hypertrophy (>30 mm) heightens the risk of a sudden death. An increased knowledge about the disease will aid in the mission to better the treatments for the affected, but further investigation of pathological pathways needs to be performed.

Comparison of direct Fick's principle and thermodilution for calculating cardiac output in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.Does the assessment of cardiac index and pulmonary vascular resistance differ depending on which method is chosen? / Jämförelse mellan direkt Ficks princip och termodilution för att beräkna hjärtminutvolymen hos patienter med pulmonell arteriell hypertension. Skiljer sig bedömningen av cardiac index och den pulmonella vaskulära resistansen åt beroende på vilken metod som väljs?

Persson, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an uncommon but serious disease that causes increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels and increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), which in turn leads to right heart failure. At diagnosis, mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) must be >20 mmHg, pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) ≤15 mmHg and PVR >2 Wood units (WU). Calculation of cardiac output (CO) is an important hemodynamic parameter to be measured and assessed in these patients during a right heart catheterization (RHC). Prevailing ESC guidelines recommend using direct Fick's principle (dFp), which is considered the gold standard, or thermodilution when calculating CO. The aim of this study was to compare these two methods to see if there is a significant difference in the calculation of CO in patients with PAH. The aim was also to see if calculated cardiac index (CI) and PVR differ significantly depending on which of the methods for calculating CO is used. A retrospective study was conducted in which 34 patients who underwent RHC at the University Hospital in Örebro were included. The result showed a significant difference between dFp and thermodilution (p<0,05), where dFp on average measures higher volumes compared to thermodilution. It also showed a low agreement between the two methods. A significant difference was seen between CI and PVR (p<0,05) depending on which of the methods is used. Therefore, dFp and thermodilution cannot be said to have a good agreement in this patient group. It is important to use the same method for follow-up examinations as the assessment of PVR and CI is used as a predictor of whether the disease progresses or remains stable.

Exposure Monitoring and Dosimetry - Optimizing Radiation Protection in Interventional Cardiology / Exponeringsanalys och Dosimetri - Optimering av praktiskt strålskydd inom interventionell kardiologi

Pettersson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
During interventional cardiology (IC), medical staff are exposed to scattered ionizing radiation from the patient, potentially leading to various radiation-induced health effects. Therefore, shielding devices are routinely used to reduce occupational exposure during IC procedures. This study explores how the positioning of shielding devices impacts radiation protection efficiency in clinical scenarios. The study aims to determine optimal setups and potential pitfalls that might significantly reduce the efficiency of the shielding devices. It also explores the relationship between DICOM-based production data, clinical observations, and phantom-based measurements to add knowledge to the research field of radiation protection in IC. Clinical DICOM-based production data from 4976 procedures were analyzed to identify C-arm projection angles used during different procedure types. This data and the results of an observational study were used to determine a scattered radiation measurement setup. A survey meter was used to measure air kerma at seven heights in the operator position while an anthropomorphic phantom was irradiated. The measurements were distributed over seven projections with 56 position combinations of the shielding devices. A total of 3171 measurements were performed. The measurements suggest significant variations in the operator dose depending on the projection and how the shielding devices are positioned. The most optimal combination of shielding devices was achieved when placing the table-mounted shield along the table, the ceiling-suspended shield caudal close to the phantom, and without the patient drape. Conversely, the least optimal combination was achieved when placing the table-mounted shield flared out, the ceiling-suspended shield cranial 10 cm above the phantom, and without the patient drape. The air kerma rate for these two shielding setups with the LAO25/CAUD30 projection was reduced from 0.19 μGy/s to 0.05 μGy/s at 110 cm from the floor. This height was shown to be the hardest to properly shield. Despite the implementation of the most optimal shielding combination, it is evident that certain heights present difficulties in effectively protecting the operator from scattered radiation.

Computer Assisted Coronary CT Angiography Analysis : Disease-centered Software Development

Wang, Chunliang January 2009 (has links)
The substantial advances of coronary CTA have resulted in a boost of use of this new technique in the last several years, which brings a big challenge to radiologists by the increasing number of exams and the large amount of data for each patient. The main goal of this study was to develop a computer tool to facilitate coronary CTA analysis by combining knowledge of medicine and image processing.Firstly, a competing fuzzy connectedness tree algorithm was developed to segment the coronary arteries and extract centerlines for each branch. The new algorithm, which is an extension of the “virtual contrast injection” method, preserves the low density soft tissue around the coronary, which reduces the possibility of introducing false positive stenoses during segmentation.Secondly, this algorithm was implemented in open source software in which multiple visualization techniques were integrated into an intuitive user interface to facilitate user interaction and provide good over¬views of the processing results. Considerable efforts were put on optimizing the computa¬tional speed of the algorithm to meet the clinical requirements.Thirdly, an automatic seeding method, that can automatically remove rib cage and recognize the aortic root, was introduced into the interactive segmentation workflow to further minimize the requirement of user interactivity during post-processing. The automatic procedure is carried out right after the images are received, which saves users time after they open the data. Vessel enhance¬ment and quantitative 2D vessel contour analysis are also included in this new version of the software. In our preliminary experience, visually accurate segmentation results of major branches have been achieved in 74 cases (42 cases reported in paper II and 32 cases in paper III) using our software with limited user interaction. On 128 branches of 32 patients, the average overlap between the centerline created in our software and the manually created reference standard was 96.0%. The average distance between them was 0.38 mm, lower than the mean voxel size. The automatic procedure ran for 3-5 min as a single-thread application in the background. Interactive processing took 3 min in average with the latest version of software. In conclusion, the presented software provides fast and automatic coron¬ary artery segmentation and visualization. The accuracy of the centerline tracking was found to be acceptable when compared to manually created centerlines.

Atrial Fibrillation in the setting of Coronary Artery Disease : Risks and outcomes with different treatment options

Batra, Gorav January 2017 (has links)
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent arrhythmia associated with increased risk of mortality and morbidity. Despite improved outcome in both diseases, there is a need to further describe the prevalence, outcome and management of CAD in patients with concomitant AF. AF was a common finding among patients with MI, with 16% having new-onset, paroxysmal or chronic AF. Patients post-MI with concomitant AF, regardless of subtype, were at increased risk of composite cardiovascular outcome of mortality, MI or ischemic stroke, including mortality and ischemic stroke alone. No major difference in outcome was observed between AF subtypes. At discharge, an oral anticoagulant was prescribed to 27% of the patients with MI and AF undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Aspirin or clopidogrel plus warfarin versus dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin plus clopidogrel were associated with similar 0-90-day and lower 91-365-day risk of cardiovascular outcome, without increased risk of major bleeding events. Triple therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel plus warfarin versus dual antiplatelet therapy was associated with non-significant lower risk of cardiovascular outcome, but with increased risk of bleeding events. Treatment with renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors post-MI was associated with lower risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with and without congestive heart failure and/or AF. However, RAS inhibition in patients without AF was not associated with lower risk of new-onset AF. Approximately 1 in 3 patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) had pre- or postoperative AF. Patients with AF, regardless of subtype, were at higher risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality and congestive heart failure. Furthermore, postoperative AF was associated with higher risk of recurrent AF. In conclusion, AF was a common finding in the setting of MI and CABG. AF, irrespectively if in the setting of MI or CABG was associated with higher risk of ischemic events and mortality. Also, postoperative AF was associated with recurrent AF. Oral anticoagulants post-MI and PCI in patients with AF was underutilized, however, optimal antithrombotic therapy is still unknown. RAS inhibition post-MI seems beneficial, however, it was not associated with lower incidence of new-onset AF.

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