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Genus som den deliberativa kommunikationens utmaning : En klassrumsstudie av isärhållande och hierarkiÖhlin, Lovisa, Rosengren, Josefine January 2012 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka genuskonstruerande i en specifik gymnasieklass samt analysera dess betydelse för deliberativ kommunikation. Utgångspunkterna i studien är alltså dels ett utbildningsideal – dels en genusteori. Deliberativ kommunikation är en samtalsform med målet att flera aspekter av en fråga ska bli beaktade i ett respektfullt samtal där alla fritt får säga sin mening och bli lyssnade till. Genus ses som konstruerat och föränderligt, samtidigt som det finns normer som ger kontinuitet. Detta har i klassen studerats genom observationer utifrån en etnografisk metodansats. Resultatet visar att den genusdikotomi som finns i klassrummet kring vem som pratar med vem ger brist på perspektiv i samtalen. Vidare avgör den genushierarki som finns vems röst som blir lyssnad till. Genus har också visat sig vara normerande för vem som får tala. Slutsatserna av studien är att genuskonstruerande är en utmaning i dubbel bemärkelse för den deliberativa kommunikationen.
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Klassrumsdokumentation : En klassrumsstudie om vad elever minns efter färdigt arbete i de naturorienterande ämnena.Engelaar, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Den här studiens syfte är att ta reda på om elever, beroende på om deras färdiga arbeten sätts upp i klassrummet eller inte, minns mer eller mindre av vad de arbetat med. Syftet med studien är också att ge ett underlag för vilka olika arbetssätt som eleverna i testgruppen visar är mest positiv i deras inlärning och minnesprocessering. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av två veckors vanliga lektioner tillsammans med en årskurs 1. Lektionerna innehöll ämnesöverskridande arbeten med huvudfokus på de naturorienterande ämnena och avslutades med en elevenkät för att framställa ett resultat. Resultatet visade att eleverna mindes bättre att de hade arbetat med de olika områdena när arbetena sattes upp men att de var svårare att minnas hur de arbetat. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien på att testgruppen i fråga gynnades av att få sina arbeten uppsatta i klassrummet efter färdigt arbete.
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Hörförståelse i ett sfi-klassrum : En fallstudie om en lärares arbete med färdigheten hörförståelseHübinette, Nanna January 2018 (has links)
This case study is about a teachers’ classroom practices regarding listening instruction, which takes place in a classroom at sfi (Swedish for immigrants). The aim is to investigate to what extent and how the teacher forms the listening instruction in the classroom and how those practices can be understood in relation to the sfi curriculum. Observational data and interviews have been analyzed as well as the curriculum for sfi. The analysis has been based on a cognitive model for second language listening and the sociocultural concept of scaffolding. Different categories derived from these theories have been used to find the focus areas of the teaching as well as how the practices take form. The curriculum is analyzed through the theory of educational paradigms developed by Ball (1990). The results show that the teacher focuses primarily on vocabulary knowledge and building necessary prior knowledge for listening tasks, and that she uses some instruction in metacognitive strategies and different ways of scaffolding in the manner she is teaching. The curriculum is found to be skills orientated and acts, for this study, as a means of understanding the construct of second language listening that this teacher creates in the classroom.
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Vilket religionskunskapsämne? : Ämneskonstruktioner i religionskunskap på gymnasiet med samtalsförhandlingar i centrum. / Which RE-subjekt? : he construction of the RE-subject in upper secondary school focusing on the articulations and negotiations in the classroom.Karlsson, Anders January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe one educational sequence in religious education. The study shows articulations and negotiations in the religious education classroom, as well as on digital discussion forums. Two questions are the core of the explorative case study. What is communicated between teachers and students in a Re-classroom in Sweden? How does the content of the communication contribute to constructing the Re-subject in two different discussion forums: digital and analogue? The case study follows an upper secondary school class, with 18 years old students, during one teaching sequence. The theoretical foundation is based in a social-cultural perspective. Data is produced by ethnographic methods and consist of classroom observations and interviews with teachers and students. For the interpretation of speech Even’s relief theory is used concerning what is said and Michel Bakhtin’s thoughts on speech genre concerning how it is expressed and negotiated in the teaching sequence. The analysis of the different forums show that in all of them, teachers and students tend to focus on what religious persons do, their appearance, and how they are limited by their faith. The religious persons are compared to a way of living according to a secular norm that the students find more relevant and up-to-date. When speaking of religious persons the students tend to express it in a derisive and disparaging way. Negotiations on content and framework factors interrupt the actual teaching in the classroom environment whilst digital forums are self-regulating and discussions quickly return to the topic after irrelevant digressions. In the discussion part of the thesis the various discussion forums are evaluated didactically. The impact of gender and framework factors on the student-teacher discussions is also raised. An additional question that is problematized is the tension between the curriculum of the subject and the teacher’s desire to get students interested in religion as a subject, described as ‘the teacher’s dilemma’. It is discussed whether this dilemma controls the teacher’s choice of subject. / Vad talar lärare och elever om i religionskunskapsundervisningen och vilket religionskunskapsämne konstrueras i två olika samtalsmiljöer? Detta undersöker denna fallstudie, som följer en gymnasieklass i åk 3, under ett undervisningsmoment. Syftet är att beskriva och jämföra hur ämneskonstruktioner i religionskunskap artikuleras och förhandlas, av elever och lärare, i en klassrumsmiljö respektive i ett digitalt diskussionsforum. Empirin utgörs av klassrumsobservationer, digitala diskussionsinlägg och kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och elever. Analysen visar bland annat att i alla diskussionsmiljöerna fokuserar både lärare och elever på vad troende människor gör, hur de ser ut och hur de upplevs begränsas av sin tro. Förhandlingar om innehåll, ramfaktorer och annat stoppar upp undervisningen i klassrumsmiljön medan de digitala miljöerna är självreglerande och diskussionerna återvänder snabbt till ämnesstoffet igen efter ovidkommande utvikningar. I diskussionen lyfts frågor om genus och ramfaktorers inverkan på diskussionerna. Det som undersökningen kallar lärarens dilemma lyfts och beskrivs som spänningen mellan läroplanens ämnesstoff och känslan att som lärare få eleverna intresserade av religionskunskapsundervisningen. Huruvida lärarens val av ämnesstoff styrs av det sistnämnda diskuteras och de olika diskussionsmiljöerna värderas didaktiskt. / <p>Examinator: Stolare, Martin, Docent</p><p>Centrum för de samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik</p><p>martin.stolare@kau.se</p>
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Studiebesök i religionskunskapsundervisningen : Elevers tal om islam före, under och efter ett moskébesök / Field visists in Religious Education : Students expressions about islam before, during and after a visit to a mosqueHalvarson Britton, Thérèse January 2014 (has links)
One aim with the Swedish non-confessional religious education is to increase students’ understanding and respect for different ways of thinking and behaving. One opportunity to reflect upon other people's interpretations of life, are field visits. Many teachers and students want to make field visits but few actually do. This thesis explores educational opportunities and challenges generated by field visits as part of religious education. This is a classroom study in an upper secondary school (the students were 17 years old), during the teaching sequence about Islam where one part was a field visit to a mosque. Data were produced by classroom observations and observations from a mosque visit, students’ journal writing’s before and after the visit and student interviews. The students’ utterances about Islam are analysed using Michael Bachtin’s dialogue theory and Robert Jackson’s interpretive approach. The analysis shows that students apply a speech genre, which in this study is denoted genre of politeness. In some cases the genre of politeness affect the students such that they do not dare to ask all questions, in particular questions about Islam and gender. Another result is that students more widely apply a self-reflexive speech genre during and after the mosque visit as compared to before the visit. By self-reflexive speech is meant that the students mirror what they have met in the mosque with their own interpretations of life. The analysis also shows that the several students express critical opinions about Islam both before and after the mosque visit and the teaching sequence. The study explores educational opportunities and challenges generated by the mosque visit. Some of the themes that are discussed in the thesis are: 1) questions about representations of religion, for instance in what way “lived religion” and religion as a “philosophical ideal” can be combined, 2) the students’ different ways of reflection, 3) how do students relate and rely on the faith representative’s utterances, and 4) how students formulate questions to the faith representative. / Baksidestext Studiebesök är en metod i religionskunskapsundervisningen som förefaller vara uppskattad av både lärare och elever. Trots det visar det sig att det är relativt få lärare som verkligen gör besök, vilket delvis kan bero på en osäkerhet vad som händer ur ett elevperspektiv i mötet med en ny kontext. Den här studien har undersökt religionsdidaktiska utmaningar och möjligheter som aktualiserats genom ett moskébesök. Empirin utgörs av gymnasielevers yttranden om islam i loggar, elevintervjuer, klassrummet och under ett moskébesök. Analysen visar bland annat att elevernas tal under besöket påverkas av en ”artighetsgenre” som både kan underlätta och försvåra för eleverna. Vidare framkommer det att elever i större utsträckning under och efter besöket speglar det de möter i moskén i sina egna livstolkningar. Analysen visar också hur elever uttrycker att deras inställning till islam påverkas på olika sätt av besöket. Några religionsdidaktiska områden som aktualiserats av besöket och diskuteras är frågor om religioners representation, hur trosrepresentanten ska behandlas som källa samt olika sätt att ställa frågor till representanten.
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Historieundervisning och interkulturell kompetens / History teaching and intercultural competenceJohansson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Title: History teaching and intercultural competence This study takes as its starting point the relationship between the multicultural and globalised society and history as a school subject, and explores it theoretically as well as empirically. Intercultural historical competence, which is the main theoretical and analytical concept of the study, is developed from theories of narrative competence and theories of intercultural competence, and is positioned in the intersection between the two. Narrative competence describes historical consciousness as being characterised by three distinct sub-competencies, the competence of experience, the competence of interpretation and the competence of orientation. Historical learning is seen as the qualification of these competencies to be able to tell meaningful stories about our lives. The empirical case study explores how intercultural historical competence as a learning objective is interpreted and enacted in one history classroom. The enacted object of learning is regarded as a co-construction between the teacher, the pupils and historical narratives. This study explores how experiences and interpretations of the past are made and used in the work in the classroom. The question of what constitutes each narrative sub-competence is addressed and discussed in three empirical chapters respectively. The source material mainly consists of observations from a sequel of 25 history lessons in an upper secondary school The empirical results show how different dimensions of each sub-competence contribute to what is possible to learn in relation to intercultural historical competence. One important dimension of the competence of experience is the employment of strategies of pluralism, deconstruction and counter-narratives to open up closed narratives. The competence of interpretation is strengthened by the use of second-order concepts as tools to qualify historical thinking. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how it is possible to practise the competence of orientation by giving pupils the opportunity to use historical narratives and historical tools to make sense of the present and to think about the future. One additional conclusion is that the planning process, when the learning objective is interpreted and framed into lessons and exercises, is decisive for what is possible for pupils to learn. Finally, it is stated that history as a school subject has the capacity to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that are relevant in a multicultural and globalised society. Key words: history teaching, historical learning, history education, intercultural competence, intercultural education, historical consciousness, upper secondary school, class room study, object of learning, learning objective, historical narrative.
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