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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Généalogie et idéologie chez Nietzsche et Foucault : La fabrication du consentement dans les sociétés libérales / Genealogy and ideology in Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s works : study on the production of consent in liberal societies

Laurençon, Florian 18 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans trois perspectives. Celle d’abord de l’histoire des idées : quels sont les liens précis entre la pensée de Nietzsche et l’œuvre de Foucault ? Ce dernier ne cesse de revendiquer son nietzschéisme, mais, par –delà des références allusives, il n’a consacré à Nietzsche qu’un article, des cours – dont certains seulement ont été publiés, et une conférence. Réciproquement, dans quelle mesure la pensée de Nietzsche trouve-t-elle un éclairage dans les analyses foucaldiennes ? Celle ensuite plus proprement philosophique : quels sont les liens entre volonté de savoir et volonté de puissance ? Ces deux concepts sont au cœur de l’entreprise généalogique, et c’est leur articulation qu’elle vise à mettre en lumière. La généalogie permettrait ainsi de produire une analyse conjointe de la subjectivité et de l’espace social. Celle enfin de la politique : en quoi la généalogie permet-elle de comprendre le jeu du pouvoir et du savoir dans notre civilisation ? L’hypothèse de départ est que la généalogie permet de mettre au jour des mécanismes qui demeurent inintelligibles à partir des savoirs positifs traditionnels. La psychè contemporaine ne serait compréhensible qu’à partir des concepts élaborés par la généalogie. Cette dernière permettrait de dévoiler le biais idéologique des savoirs qui sont à l’origine de nos actions. Corrélativement, elle permettrait de montrer que le fonctionnement de l’idéologie n’est pas celui qui jusqu’à présent a été théorisé. La méthode utilisée est celle d’une mise en tension de textes choisis dans les œuvres respectives de Friedrich Nietzsche et de Michel Foucault. Il s’agit donc d’une démarche comparative permettant non une superposition ni une juxtaposition, mais un éclairage réciproque des textes entre eux, et, partant, des pensées entre elles. / This research follows three perspectives. First, that of the history of ideas: what are the precise links between Nietzsche’s thought and Foucault’s work? The latter keeps asserting his Nietzscheanism but, in spite of allusive references, he has only devoted to Nietzsche one article, courses –among which some have not been published yet, and a conference. Conversely, to which extent is Nietzsche’s thought clarified by Foucault’s analyses? Then, a more strictly philosophical perspective: what are the links between the will to learn and the will to power? These two concepts are at the heart of the genealogical undertaking, which aims at shedding light on the way they link up together. Genealogy would thus allow a joint analysis of subjectivity and social space. Last, the political perspective: does genealogy allow a better understanding of the interplay between knowledge and power in our civilization? The initial assumption is that genealogy can bring to light mechanisms which remain unintelligible on the basis of positive traditional knowledge. The contemporary psychè could only be understood with the help of the concepts elaborated by genealogy. The latter would allow to unveil the ideological distortion of knowledge which is at the bottom of our actions. Correlatively, it would allow to make clear that the mechanisms of ideology do not correspond to what has been theorized so far. The method used consists in confronting texts selected in the respective works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault. So - far from superposition or juxtaposition - this is a comparative approach allowing a reciprocal illumination of texts, and hence thoughts, with one another.

Artisanat et sociétés en Gaule méridionale à l’âge du Fer (fin du VIIIe s.-fin du IIIe siècle avant notre ère) / Handicrafts and Society in Southern Gaul in the Iron Age (from the end of the VIIIth to the end of the IIIrd century B.C.)

Anwar, Nasrine 17 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se veut une synthèse sur l'artisanat de Gaule méridionale entre la fin du VIIIe s. et la fin du IIIe s. av. n. è., thématique encore peu abordée dans son ensemble pour cet espace géographique. Il vise à définir les facteurs de la spécialisation des tâches et des individus et à traiter de l'évolution du travail dans les sociétés indigènes. Successivement, seront approchées les activités associées aux arts du feu la métallurgie, la céramique et le verre - et les productions dérivées du travail vivrier les textiles, le cuir et les matières dures animales -. À chaque fois, il s'agira d'identifier les procédés techniques attestés à l'âge du Fer, d'examiner les degrés de technicité associés à chaque activité et de dépeindre l'environnement dans lequel ces opérations se déroulent. Une fois ces considérations posées et à la lumière de cette documentation, les aspects économiques attachés à la production d'objets manufacturés et notamment le rôle de l'artisanat dans le processus de complexification sociale dans lequel les communautés sont alors engagées seront analysés. Enfin, compte tenu de l'importance fondamentale de la composante sociale dans le développement du travail spécialisé, les thèmes liés aux lieux dédiés à la production et à l'apparition des ateliers, au statut et à la place des artisans ou à l'apprentissage seront tour à tour abordés, parfois pour susciter plus de questions que de réponses. / This documentation presents a synthesis concerning the handicrafts of Southern Gaul between the end of the VIIIth and the end of the IIIrd century B.C., a topic that has not been overly dealt with globally with respect to that geographical area. It aims at defining the factors determining the specialization of tasks and individual people as well as discussing the evolution of activities within the indigenous societies. Subsequently the activities associated with the arts of fire will be dealt with, i.e. metallurgy, ceramics and glass as well as the products derived from cottage industry, i.e. textiles, leather and hard materials stemming from animals. There always arises the need of identifying the technical procedures bearing witness to the Iron Age, of examining the degrees of technical achievement associated with each and every activity and of depicting the environment where these operations take place. Once those considerations are established - and in the light of that documentation - we shall analyze the economic aspects underlying the production of hand-made objects and namely the role played by handicrafts in the creation of an ever more complex society made up by the individual communities. Finally, given the fundamental importance of the social component in the development of specialized activities, the topics connected with the actual place of production, with the appearance of workshops, with the status and place of the craftsmen or with the institution of apprenticeship will be alternately dealt with; sometimes giving rise to more questions than answers.

Evaluation formative du savoir-faire des apprenants à l'aide d'algorithmes de classification : application à l'électronique numérique / Formative evaluation of the learners' know-how using classification algorithms : application to th digital electronics

Tanana, Mariam 19 November 2009 (has links)
Lorsqu'un enseignant veut évaluer le savoir-faire des apprenants à l'aide d'un logiciel, il utilise souvent les systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents (STI). Or, les STI sont difficiles à développer et destinés à un domaine pédagogique très ciblé. Depuis plusieurs années, l'utilisation d'algorithmes de classification par apprentissage supervisé a été proposée pour évaluer le savoir des apprenants. Notre hypothèse est que ces mêmes algorithmes vont aussi nous permettre d'évaluer leur savoir-faire. Notre domaine d'application étant l'électronique numérique, nous proposons une mesure de similarité entre schémas électroniques et une bas d'apprentissage générée automatiquement. cette base d'apprentissage est composées de schémas électroniques pédagogiquement étiquetés "bons" ou "mauvais" avec des informations concernant le degré de simplification des erreurs commises. Finalement, l'utilisation d'un algorithme de classification simple (les k plus proches voisins) nous a permis de faire une évaluation des schémas électroniques dans la majorité des cas. / When a teacher wants to evaluate the know-how of the learners using a software, he often uses Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS). However, those systems are difficult to develop and intended for a very targeted educational domain. For several years, the used of supervised classification algorithms was proposed to estimate the learners' knowledge. From this fact, we assume that the same kinf of algorithms can help to adress the learners' know-how evaluation. Our application field being digital system design, we propose a similarity measure between digital circuits and instances issued from an automatically generated database. This database consists of electronic circuits pedagogically labelled "good" or "bad" with information concerning the simplification degrees or made mistakes. Finally, the use of a simple classification algorithm (namely k-nearest neighbours classifier) allowed us to achieve a circuit's evaluation in most cases.

Les savoir-agir langagiers professionnels des enseignants débutants / Beginning teachers’ professional language know-hows

Deret, Lydia 18 November 2019 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la lignée des recherches portant sur la professionnalité des enseignants. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à l’activité langagière des débutants. L’hypothèse centrale est qu’il est possible d’identifier, au sein du discours des enseignants en interaction avec leurs élèves, des indices de leur développement professionnel. Le cadre théorique croise les apports de la didactique professionnelle avec ceux de la pragmatique du langage et de la théorie interactionniste linguistique. Replacé dans un contexte didactique, nous envisageons le langage comme premier instrument stratégique pour enseigner et nous nous situons dans une approche instrumentée de l’activité enseignante. Nous avons mené une enquête ergonomique auprès de trois néo-titulaires, à partir de vidéos réalisées au cours de séances de mathématiques et d’entretiens d’auto-confrontation. Les interactions langagières entre les enseignantes et leurs élèves ont été analysées quantitativement et qualitativement, en relation avec l’identification de fonctions pédago-didactiques. Les résultats caractérisent des savoir-agir-langagiers-professionnels, révélateurs de la professionnalité et du développement professionnel de chacune des enseignantes enquêtées. / This work takes place within a line of research regarding teachers’ professionalism. We are looking particularly at the language activity of beginners. The central hypothesis is that it is possible to identify, within teachers’ conversations as they interact with pupils, clues regarding their professional development. The theoretical framework links the contributions made by professional didactics with those of language pragmatic and interactional linguistic theory. Set within a didactical context, we consider language as the first strategical tool to teach and we are placed within an approach orchestrated by teacher activity. We lead an ergonomic investigation alongside three newly qualified teachers, from videos shot during mathematics lessons and from self- confrontation interviews. Language interactions between teachers and their students have been analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, in relation with the identification of pedago-didactic functions. Results highlight professional language know-hows, revealing of the professionalism and the professional development of each of the teachers investigated.

Un marco argumentativo abstracto dinámico

Rotstein, Nicolás D. 12 April 2010 (has links)
El trabajo realizado en esta tesis pertenece al área de argumentación en inteligencia artificial. La representación de conocimiento en un formalismo basado en argumentación se realiza a través de la especificación de argumentos, cada uno en favor de una conclusión a partir de ciertas premisas. Dado que estas conclusiones pueden estar en contradicción, se producen ataques entre los argumentos. Luego, la evaluación de toda la información presente podría dar preponderancia a algunos argumentos por sobre aquellos que los contradicen, produciendo un conjunto de conclusiones que se considera ran garantizadas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la definición de un nuevo marco argumentativo capaz de manejar dinámica de conocimiento. En este sentido, se da una representación no sólo a los argumentos, sino que también se introduce la noción de evidencia como entidades especiales dentro del sistema. En cada instante, el conjunto de evidencia se corresponde con la situación actual, dándole contexto al marco argumentativo. La plausibilidad de los argumentos en un instante dado depende exclusivamente de la evidencia disponible. Cuando la evidencia es suficiente para dar soporte a un argumento, éste se denominará activo. También se considera la posibilidad de que algunos argumentos se encuentren activos aun sin encontrar soporte directamente desde la evidencia, ya que podrían hacerlo a través de las conclusiones de otros argumentos activos. Estas conexiones entre argumentos dan lugar a lo que en esta tesis se denomina estructura argumental, proveyendo una visión un tanto más compleja que la usual en cuanto a la representación de conocimiento argumentativo. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis permitirán estudiar la dinámica de conocimiento en sistemas argumentativos. En la actualidad, ya se han publicado artáculos que presentan un formalismo que combina argumentación y la teoría clásica de revisión de creencias. En esta línea de investigación se denen operadores de cambio que se aplican sobre el marco argumentativo abstracto dinámico y tienen como objetivo alcanzar cierto estado del sistema; por ejemplo, garantizar un argumento determinado. Por otra parte, este marco también permitirá estudiar métodos para acelerar el computo de garantía a partir del proceso de razonamiento realizado en estados anteriores.

Virtually Uninhabitable: A Critical Analysis of Digital Environmental Anti-Toxics Activism

Galusky, Wyatt 07 July 2004 (has links)
In this dissertation, I analyze online environmental anti-toxics activism. Environmental activist groups have created a presence on the World Wide Web to help empower people to become aware of and struggle against pollution. The sites that I explore (http://www.epa.gov/tri/, http://www.epa.gov/enviro/wme/, http://www.rtknet.org/, and http://www.scorecard.org/) serve as devices of this empowerment and by extension recruit people to the political goals of anti-toxics activism. In my analysis, I focus on a series of questions germane to this context. How can/does this movement go online and utilize that presence to sway others to their cause and ideology? How then is that cause represented digitally, in the online medium? What are the reciprocal impacts of that representation on the movement itself? Most importantly, what form of activist identity is being promoted through the mediation of the online interface? That is, how are the identity of the self as activist and the related understanding of space and place altered through their translation into a digital environment? What are the parameters and limitations of digitally mediated, informed empowerment? I undertake to critique empowerment as found through the digital translation of environmental anti-toxics activism into the virtual space of the Web. I show that particular uses of this Internet application invent (reinvent/reinforce) versions of environmental anti-toxics activism, digitized versions which must be understood in terms of their wider assumptions and implications. I break the study into three main parts. The first part lays theoretical groundwork for studying Web-based entities. The second part deals with more particular foundational elements for digital environmental anti-toxics activism, especially in terms of information. In the final section, I analyze and critique the forms of digital identity and empowerment that the websites create. I conclude that digital empowerment, defined primarily through access to expert information, actually represents an impoverished version of empowerment which may do little to aid real-world toxic struggles. / Ph. D.

Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden koulutuksen työelämävastaavuus:esimerkkitapauksena Oulun yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitoksen koulutusohjelma

Riihijärvi, J. (Jorma) 17 March 2009 (has links)
Abstract The main purpose of this study has been to examine the working life correspondence of education both theoretically and empirically. In this study, three different conceptual interpretations have been used to define working life correspondence: interpretation emphasizing the know-how needs of the working life, interpretation emphasizing the educational expectations of the working life and the interpretation emphasizing the career development of the individual. This phenomenon has been studied from the point of view of computer science education in particular. The interpretations emphasizing know-how needs and educational expectations are examined using gap analysis. The correspondence between the know-how capacities and the educational expectations is significantly different from that between the know-how capacities and the know-how needs. The gaps between the individual’s know-how capacities and the educational expectations are clearly more positive, less dependent upon external factors closely related to the respondent and there was considerably less variation among them than between the know-how capacities and the know-how needs. The results showed that the know-how needs of working life are very heterogeneous and strongly dependent on the external factors relating closely to the individual. The educational expectations were shown to be very homogeneous. Therefore it seems natural that the development of the contents of instructions and the structure of the education – particularly in the case of the compulsory core contents – should be based on the very homogeneous and independent educational expectations of the working life. In the light of the results, the educational expectations point of view brings a completely new and significant perspective to the examination of the working life correspondence and the effectiveness of the education, as well as the development of the contents of instruction. In terms of explaining and anticipating student satisfaction, the results turned out to be interesting. The results showed that learning results, the age of the respondent and the satisfaction in studying are significantly interconnected. The most significant external factor anticipating satisfaction in the field of computer science was the career development of an individual, which refers to the long-term effects of the education. In terms of method, this study was conducted as field research with the help of a questionnaire. The target group were students who had graduated from the department of Information Processing Science of the University of Oulu from 1976 through 2006. The questionnaire was sent to a total of 680 persons, 210 of whom replied. This was 31.3 % of the entire target group. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen pääasiallisena tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia sekä teoreettisesti että empiirisesti ilmiötä ”koulutuksen työelämävastaavuus”. Tutkimuksessa koulutuksen työelämävastaavuudelle on määritelty kolme erilaista käsitteellistä tulkintaa: työelämän osaamistarpeita korostava tulkinta, työelämän koulutusodotuksia korostava tulkinta sekä yksilön urakehitystä korostava tulkinta. Ilmiötä on tarkasteltu erityisesti tietojenkäsittelytieteiden koulutuksen näkökulmasta. Osaamistarpeita korostavassa tulkinnassa työelämävastaavuutta voidaan tarkastella osaamistarpeiden ja koulutuksen tuottamien osaamisvalmiuksien vastaavuutena. Koulutusodotuksia korostavassa tulkinnassa työelämävastaavuutta voidaan vastaavasti tarkastella koulutusodotusten ja koulutuksen tuottamien osaamisvalmiuksien vastaavuutena. Urakehitystä korostava tulkinta tarkoittaa sitä, kuinka hyvin koulutuksen tuottamat osaamisvalmiudet tukevat yksilön urakehitystä. Osaamistarpeita ja koulutusodotuksia korostavia työelämävastaavuuden tulkintoja on tarkastelu kuiluanalyysin avulla. Osaamisvalmiuksien ja koulutusodotusten keskinäinen vastaavuus poikkeaa merkittävästi osaamisvalmiuksien ja osaamistarpeiden vastaavuudesta. Osaamisvalmiuksien ja koulutusodotusten väliset kuilut ovat selvästi positiivisempia, riippumattomia vastaajaan kiinteästi liittyvistä ulkoisista tekijöistä ja niiden vaihtelu huomattavasti vähäisempää kuin osaamisvalmiuksien ja osaamistarpeiden välisten kuilujen tapauksessa. Koulutuksen vaikutuksia yksilön urakehitykseen ei ollut mahdollisuuksia tutkia, joskin ammattiryhmäkohtaiset kuiluanalyysien tulokset osoittivat, että muodollinen koulutus ei kykene tuottamaan yksilön urakehityksen myötä laajenevia ja kasvavia osaamistarpeita. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että työelämän osaamistarpeet ovat hyvin heterogeenisia ja ne ovat vahvasti riippuvaisia yksilöön kiinteästi liittyvistä ulkoisista tekijöistä. Tämä osaamistarpeiden heterogeenisuus muodostuu ongelmaksi tarvelähtöisen koulutuksen työelämävastaavuuden kehittämisessä. Sen sijaan koulutusodotukset osoittautuivat hyvin homogeenisiksi. Todella merkittävä havainto on nimenomaan se, että koulutusodotukset eivät ole yksilön osaamistarpeiden johdannaisia eivätkä lainkaan riippuvaisia vastaajien taustatekijöistä, vaan ne perustuvat mitä ilmeisimmin vastaajien näkemyksiin tietojenkäsittelytieteiden ydinalueista ja sisällöistä. Siksi tuntuu luonnolliselta, että opetussisältöjen ja rakenteen kehittäminen – etenkin pakollisten ydinsisältöjen osalta – tulisi perustua työelämän hyvin homogeenisiin ja riippumattomiin koulutusodotuksiin. Tulosten valossa koulutusodotusnäkökulma tuo täysin uuden ja merkittävän näkökulman koulutuksen työelämävastaavuuden ja vaikuttavuuden tarkasteluun sekä opintosisältöjen kehittämiseen. Opiskelijatyytyväisyyden selittämisen ja ennustamisen osalta tulokset osoittautuivat mielenkiintoisiksi. Tutkimuksessa opiskelijatyytyväisyys jakaantui kahteen osaan: opiskelutyytyväisyyteen ja koulutusalatyytyväisyyteen. Tulokset osoittivat, että oppimistuloksilla, vastaajan iällä ja opiskelutyytyväisyydellä on merkittävä keskinäinen yhteys. Ulkoisista tekijöistä merkittävimmäksi koulutusalatyytyväisyyttä ennustavaksi tekijäksi nousi yksilön urakehitys, joka viittaa koulutuksen pitkäaikaisiin vaikutuksiin. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus oli kyselymetodiin perustuva kenttätutkimus, jossa kohdejoukon muodostivat Oulun yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitokselta vuosina 1973–2006 valmistuneet opiskelijat. Kyselyt lähetettiin 680 henkilölle ja niihin vastasi 210 henkilöä, mikä on 31,3 % koko kohdejoukosta.

Právo dítěte znát svůj genetický původ / The right of a child to know his/her genetical origin

Zýchová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with the child's right to know his or her genetic origin. It is a universal human right guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Article 7, paragraph 1 states that every child has a right to know his or her parents, if possible. European Court of Human Rights repeatedly postulated that the right to know one's origin is an integral part of the right to respect for private and family life provided by the Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The purpose of my work is to explain on particular problems, to what extent is this right respected in the Czech Republic, in conformity with its international obligations. The text is based on valid legal status to June 21, 2011, with regard to proposed changes in the upcoming adoption of the new Civil Code. The text is systematically divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is focused in general on the right to know one's own origin in the human rights dimension. The following chapters examine particular relevant sections of family law and its imperfections. Firstly, I discuss the issue of determination and denial of parenting with an emphasis on emerging deliberate disharmony between biological and legal parenthood. Furthermore, I focus on the issue of adoption,...

Funkce "Comment clauses" "you know" a "you see" a jejich překladové ekvivalenty / The functions of comment clauses "you know" and "you see" and their Czech translation counterparts

Hradecká, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the present paper is an analysis of two formally similar comment clauses (CCs henceforth) you know and you see with the help of a parallel corpus InterCorp. First, the focus is put on their pragmatic functions; it is attempted to find out whether they perform all the functions that can be realized by you-oriented CCs as identified and characterized by Povolná (2010), i.e. whether they can be found both as appealers and empathizers, inform markers and monitors, and whether they prefer a certain sentence-position. Second, the present paper studies the Czech translation counterparts of the selected CCs; it attempts to offer a summary of the strategies concerning the translation of the CCs into Czech and to identify their most typical Czech equivalents. It also examines to what extend the type of the pragmatic function influences the translation. The theoretical part summarizes the history of the phenomenon of CCs and characterizes and describes two approaches generally applied to CCs: CCs as ordinary clause constituents (Quirk et al. (1985)) vs. CCs as discourse markers (Povolná (2010)). Also offered is the treatment of the equivalents of CCs in the Czech grammars (Cvrček et al. (2010), Daneš, Hlavsa et al. (1987) and Karlík and Grepl (1998, 1999)). The methodological part summarizes...

The International Musical Philanthropy Genre: A Cadence for Global Community, a Chorus for Change, and a Refrain for African Aid

Passanisi, Lucia A. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Bonnie Jefferson / In 1984, a group of famous British musicians came together to form the megagroup called Band Aid and released the holiday song “Do They Know It‟s Christmas?” to increase public awareness of the Ethiopian famine. A few months later, American musicians under the name United Support of Artists for Africa (U.S.A. for Africa) released the song “We Are the World” to raise money for these famine victims. Both songs were immensely popular and together created a new rhetorical form, the international musical philanthropy genre. Over twenty-five years after the release of these two songs, Sudanese recording artist Emmanuel Jal released his own song “We Want Peace” to raise public awareness for the Southern Sudanese vote for independence. This study examines the creation of the international musical philanthropy genre by analyzing and comparing the songs “Do They Know It‟s Christmas?” and “We Are the World”. This analysis also discusses the implications of the international musical philanthropy genre. After examining the effects of this new genre, this analysis then examines how the new song “We Want Peace” challenges and expands the international musical philanthropy genre. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Communication Honors Program. / Discipline: Communication.

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