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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingové nástroje ve franšízovém podniku / Marketings Instruments in Franchise Company

BOHÁČKOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation work contains the analysis of franchising corporate environment. It is focused especially on Czech Republic and European union countries, history and changes concerning franchisors and franchisants, and a list of the biggest and well-known brands in Czech Republic and Europe. Situation analysis and SWOT analysis is created for chosen hotel. SWOT analysis is the main source for definition of hotel´s strategy. Dissertation work includes a draft of franchising concept including know-how.

Direito à verdade: origens da conceituação e suas condições teóricas de possibilidade com base em reflexões de Hannah Arendt / Right to the truth: origins of the conceptualization and its theoretical conditions of possibility based on reflections of Hannah Arendt

Carla Osmo 06 May 2014 (has links)
O direito à verdade frente a graves violações de direitos humanos foi criado recentemente e tem um significado jurídico que permanece incerto em diversos aspectos relevantes. As divergências em torno do seu conceito, que ainda está em formação, geram problemas práticos quando se busca tornar esse direito efetivo. A tese analisa a questão que está na base do debate jurídico-dogmático sobre esse direito, a saber, o significado que o termo verdade adquire ao se tornar o seu objeto. É feita uma investigação sobre a forma como este tema é abordado pelos estudos sobre justiça de transição e sobre como se deu a emergência e o desenvolvimento do direito à verdade no direito internacional dos direitos humanos, nas esferas universal e interamericana. O objetivo é, depois, buscar compreender o que, de um ponto de vista teórico, fez com que surgisse na história e no pensamento político-jurídico a necessidade de sua criação e passou a alimentar o esforço para a sua conceituação. Essa análise aponta que a verdade almejada com o direito em estudo tem outras dimensões para além da busca de informações desconhecidas sobre casos individuais de violações a direitos humanos. Como o tema da verdade, sabidamente, é de enorme extensão no campo filosófico, o presente trabalho faz uso de temas de reflexão de Hannah Arendt, que para essa temática tem tido grande repercussão inclusive em sede doutrinária, com o fim de, por meio de um desenvolvimento extensivo, examinar as diferentes dimensões do problema. / The right to the truth concerning gross human rights violations was created recently, and has a legal meaning that remains uncertain in many relevant aspects. The disagreements about its concept, which is still in development, cause practical problems when one tries to make this right effective. The thesis analyses the issue that underlies the legal-dogmatic debate about this right, i.e., the meaning of the term truth when it becomes its object. An investigation is undertaken on how this theme is addressed by studies on transitional justice and also on the emergence and development of the right to the truth in international human rights law, in the universal and in the inter-American systems. The goal is then to try to understand what, from a theoretical point of view, led to the emergence in history and political-legal thought of the need for its creation, and began to feed the effort to its conceptualization. This analysis indicates that the truth sought with the right examined here has dimensions other than the search for unknown information about individual cases of human rights violations. The theme of truth being, as known, a subject of enormous extension in the philosophical field, the present study makes use of topics of reflection by Hannah Arendt, which have had a great repercussion on this subject even in legal dogmatic thought, in order to examine, through an extensive development, the different dimensions of the problem. By doing so, it is intended to shed light on the way the conceptualization of the right to the truth is being consolidated and on the difficulties it faces.

O ambiente escolar e a relaÃÃo com o saber: histÃria de vida, memÃria e narrativas de alunos do ensino fundamental / Environmental school and relation to know: living history, memory and alumni of narrative of basic education

Josà Melinho de Lima Neto 15 March 2016 (has links)
nÃo hà / A presente pesquisa objetivou compreender o ambiente escolar e a relaÃÃo com o saber dos alunos numa turma de 9 ano do ensino fundamental regular da Escola de Ensino Fundamental Raimundo Sotero de Moura, no municÃpio de Pacajus, no CearÃ, à luz de suas narrativas. As narrativas trazidas pelos estudantes foram analisadas como instrumento histÃrico importante para o entendimento da representaÃÃo acerca da sala de aula, na medida em que se situaram como sujeitos pertencentes a tal espaÃo. Eis o critÃrio de entendimento da relaÃÃo que eles fazem com o saber e a sala de aula. A proposta de construÃÃo do significado do ambiente escolar demonstrou a elevaÃÃo do sentimento de pertencimento dos alunos à escola, na medida em que colaborou com o desenvolvimento da autoestima, por destacar sua condiÃÃo de protagonistas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Ao serem envolvidos numa atividade que propÃs a elaboraÃÃo de narrativas histÃricas de vida e de memÃria de tais discentes como parte integrante do processo escolar, foi possÃvel, por meio de tal procedimento, construir a representaÃÃo que fazem da escola. Admite-se que tal estudo seja oportuno para facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, na medida em que envolveu discentes e professores da escola como sujeitos participantes da investigaÃÃo ao ser narrada a histÃria de vida dos educandos, evidenciando-se o significado que elaboram da sala de aula, bem como a relaÃÃo com o saber.

Elektrophysiologische Korrelate des Lern- und Wiedererkennungsprozesses in gesunden Probanden / Electrophysiological correlates of the learning process in healthy subjects

Guninski, Ricarda Stella 09 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Právní a etické aspekty anonymního dárcovství spermatu se zaměřením na právní řád Kanady / Legal and ethical aspects of anonymous sperm donation with focus on the Canadian legal order

Konopásková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays, anonymous sperm donation is indeed a globally discussed topic: the popularity of the use of assisted reproduction technology for the purpose of conception is directly proportional to increasing infertility and technological progress. Also, the duration of its use already started to show, with the first generation of opinionated anonymous donor children growing up. The aim of my work is to analyze what are the today's Western society's current ethical and legal views on the anonymous sperm donation and its alternatives, as well as what they should be, and to demonstrate these on the example of Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. In the first two chapters, I outline the context of ethical and legal thinking about anonymous sperm donation: I analyze the concept and implications of the infertility, as well as the development and types of methods of assisted reproduction. Further, I proceed from the basis of ethical reasoning and the determination whether the right to know one's origins, implying the right to know the circumstances of one's conception, exist, and its competition with the rights of parents and donors in the third chapter, to its legal grounds. First, in the fourth chapter, I deal with legislation on the right to know one's origins and other related rights in the international...

Sociétés et identités du premier néolithique de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande : caractérisation et analyses comparatives des productions céramiques entre Manche, Mer d'Irlande et Mer du Nord / Societies and identities during early neolithic of Britain and Ireland in their West European context : characterization and comparative analysis of pottery productions between Channel, Irish Sea and North Sea

Pioffet, Hélène 10 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'intègre dans le vaste débat de la néolithisation de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'Irlande (c. 4000 BC - 3500 BC). La question des liens entre les Îles Britanniques et le continent semblent aujourd'hui indéniables. Toutefois les modalités d'apparition et de développement du Néolithique sont, elles, encore mal connues. La présente étude porte sur l'analyse de la culture matérielle et plus particulièrement sur les productions céramiques, à partir d'un échantillonnage effectué à la fois en Grande-Bretagne, en Irlande, et sur le proche continent. Par ailleurs un pan analytique, jusqu'ici quelque peu délaissé dans les Îles Britanniques, a été mis à profit : l'étude technologique des productions céramiques. Deux interrogations majeures ont été formulées quant à l'arrivée et au développement des productions céramiques. La première concernait la détermination de styles de productions sur l'archipel et l'apparition d'identités culturelles liées à des traditions potières. La deuxième visait à identifier des aire(s) d'influences continentales à l'origine des productions de l'archipel. Les résultats obtenus, selon une approche multi-focale, tendent à illustrer deux grandes aires d'influences durant les premiers siècles du Néolithique (entre c. 4000 et 3700/3650 cal BC), d'une part sur la façade atlantique et l'ouest de la Manche, et d'autre part sur la façade de la Mer du Nord et l'est de la Manche. Ces grandes aires d'influences renseignent alors sur les modalités de néolithisation, vraisemblablement différentielles entre une façade occidentale et une façade orientale. Plus tard, les productions céramiques se régionalisent, développant des thèmes décoratifs pour certaines très élaborées (entre c. 3700/3650 et 3300/3200 cal BC) ; paradoxalement ces productions développent pour la plupart les mêmes codes stylistiques servant à les individualiser les unes des autres, mettant ainsi en exergue une nette accentuation des transferts de savoir-faire, à travers des réseaux d'échanges de plus en plus prégnants. / This Ph.D. thesis takes part to the vast debate of Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Britain and Ireland. The bonds between the British Isles and the Near Continent are undeniable. Rather, the form(s) the transition took is (are) still to be understood. This work is an accurate analysis of material culture, more specifically pottery production ; sampling was made in order to address questions regarding Britain, Ireland and the Neat Continent. Moreover, a specific type of analysis, usually avoided in British studies, is here promoted : technological study of pottery production. This topic addressed the question of the determination of production styles as well as the appearing of cultural identities during that period. The second question that has been dealt with here is the continental areas of influence. The results obtained, following a multiscalar analysis, shed light on two wide areas during the first centuries of Neolithic (between c. 4000 and 3700/3650 cal BC), on the one hand on the Atlantic façade and western Channel and on the other hand on the North Sea façade and eastern Channel. These areas can thereafter inform on the transition modalities that, in all likelihood, are divergent from one area to the other. Later, pottery productions seem to find a regional basis, developing, for most of them, elaborate decorative patterns, probably used as a means of recognition. Interestingly, these productions seem to rely on the same stylistic codes that are used afterwards in the recognition process, highlighting the gradual emphasis on know-how transmission, through more and more significant exchange network.

Culture vigneronne : vignerons, pratiques et ampélographie populaire / Wine grower culture : wine growers, practices and popular ampelography

Boidron, Valérie 07 December 2011 (has links)
Certains vignerons français développent une démarche originale quant aux cépages qu’ils cultivent. Ils repensent leurs pratiques selon une approche qui repose sur des choix délibérés où la référence à l’histoire et la fonction mémorielle sont essentielles. Une première partie montre comment, depuis la fin du XIXème siècle, la science et la technique ont peu à peu investi la viticulture jusque là empirique et traditionnelle. Il en résulte aujourd’hui un contexte où la production de vin en France est dominée par un cadre technique et réglementaire, conditionné par les perspectives économiques et une politique européenne. Les vignerons sont désormais contraints dans le choix de leurs cépages. L’enquête ethnobiographique montre qu’il existe, à côté d’une viticulture conventionnelle, des vignerons qui pratiquent une ampélographie populaire et appliquée, où le cépage autochtone est un élément identitaire essentiel, vecteur de la mémoire du groupe à travers les savoirs, les savoir-faire transmis et le goût du vin qu’il véhicule. Maîtrisant l’ensemble du processus de production, ces vignerons repensent chacune de ses étapes -du choix et de la mise en culture des variétés de vigne à la commercialisation de leur vin- en référence à l’histoire locale et à des usages ancestraux qu’ils ont recherchés et remettent en pratique. En lien avec le terroir et ses particularités, ces cépages originaux constituent un patrimoine revalorisé. Ils permettent aux vignerons d’élaborer des vins à l’originalité et à la personnalité propre, qui témoignent de la richesse d’une culture vigneronne résolument ancrée dans son histoire, et dont le succès commercial garantit la pérennité. / Certain French wine growers develop an original approach towards the grape variety they cultivate. They reconsider their practice with calculated choices where the reference to history and memory are essential. The first part shows how, since the end of the XIXème century, science and technology have little by little invested the wine growing, which until then was empirical and traditional. The result today is a context where the production of wine in France is dominated by a technical and lawful framework, conditioned by the economics and European policies. The wine growers are from now on constrained in their choice of wine varietals. The ethnobiographic investigation shows that there exists next to a conventional wine growing, “wine growers” who practice a popular ampelography which is applied where the indigenous grape variety is an essential identity element, vector of the memory of the group through knowledge, know-how and the taste of the wine that it conveys. Controlling all of the production process, these wine growers reconsider each one of its stages - from the choice and planting of the grape varieties to the marketing of their wines - in reference to the local history and ancestral know-how that they rediscovered and use. In connexion with the soil and its characteristics, these original grape varieties constitute a revalorized inheritance. They make it possible for the wine growers to develop original wines, with their own personality, which testifies the richness of a culture resolutely anchored in its history, and whose commercial success guarantees its durability.

Le corps capacitaire en step : la construction de savoir-faire perceptifs au cours de l’expérience corporelle / The body capacity and step activity : the building of perceptive know-hows in body experience

Paintendre, Aline 28 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche fournissent un regard inédit en EPS sur le processus de développement corporel des lycéens engagés dans une séquence d’apprentissage en step, dans la cadre de la CP5. A partir d’une approche holistique du corps, tout à la fois vivant, vécu et décrit, la porosité entre ces trois dimensions est décryptée pour six lycéens. Les pistes d’exploration de cette thèse s’articulent autour d’un ancrage épistémologique en émersiologie, où la croisée des regards scientifiques offre une opportunité d’appréhender l’expérience corporelle de l’élève, afin de dresser des pistes scolaires et professionnelles nouvelles. Plusieurs voies d’accès, avec l’autoconfrontation sur fond de traces audiovisuelles en première et troisième personne, et la mesure de l’activité cardiaque par le cardiofréquencemètre, contribuent à la définition du corps capacitaire du lycéen. La nature des connaissances construites et actualisées au fil des leçons est en faveur d’une acuité de la perception sensorielle, complémentairement à une intensité d’exercice au service d’une amélioration des capacités aérobies. Les différents résultats traduisent la manière dont le répertoire esthésiologique du lycéen étend sa cartographie intéroceptive, par activation et éveil sensoriel, tout en montrant par voie de conséquence la constitution de savoir-faire perceptifs. En questionnant deux démarches d’enseignement différenciées par la place de la perception de son effort, une hétérogénéité esthésiologique et sensible chez les lycéens est révélée. Tout en offrant la possibilité d’estimer singulièrement les capacités du vivant par la performance aérobie des lycéens en step, ces travaux de recherche incitent les enseignants à la co-construction d’une posture d’écoute attentive à son corps, pour une confiance accrue en son expérience, favorable au développement de sa personne. / This study, rooted in physical and sport education, contemplates the body development process of high school students who have started a learning sequence of step practising, within the framework of the CP5 – own competence n° 5. Starting from a holistic approach of the body, which is simultaneously living, experienced and described, the porosity between those three dimensions is deciphered for six high school students. The exploration paths of this thesis are articulated around an epistemological rooting in emersiology, where crossed scientific observations offer an opportunity at tackling the student’s body experience, so as to set up new educational and professional paths for the student to be aware of his/her own body. Several access paths, with self-confronting over a background of audiovisual traces in the first and third persons, and measuring the heart beatings via a cardio frequency-meter, contribute to defining the high school student’s capacity body. The nature of the knowledge built up and updated in the course of the classes speaks in favor of the sensitive perception’s acuity, as a complement to an intense practicing whose aim is to improve the aerobics capabilities. The different results illustrate the way in which the high school student’s esthesiological repertory increases his/her interoceptive cartography, by activation and sensitive awakening, while displaying as a consequence the building up of perceptive know-hows. By questioning two differentiating teaching paths through how his/her effort is felt, the high school students’ esthesiological and sensitive heterogeneity is revealed. While making it possible to singularly assess the living body’s capabilities through the high school student’s aerobics performance in step, these research works incite teachers to co-build an attentive listening attitude towards their bodies by the students, so that their trust in what they experiment is better and favorable to the development of their persons.

Penningtvätt : En kvalitativ studie om banksektorns förebyggande arbete mot penningtvätt / Money Laundering : A qualitative study on the banking sector's preventive work against money laundering

Titi, Ilias, Amiri, Shahryar January 2020 (has links)
De senaste åren har Finansinspektionen rapporterat nya fall kring penningtvätt där etablerade storbanker har stått i rampljuset i negativ bemärkelse. Rapporterade fall av penningtvätt ökar årligen inom Sverige och detta kan betyda att det finns brister inom det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt eller att banker bland annat, har blivit bättre på att upptäcka penningtvätt. Banker och Finansinspektionen befinner sig på frontlinjen för vårt finansiella system och därför är det väsentligt att dessa aktörer innehar verktyg och metoder för att förhindra penningtvätt som utgör ett hot mot det finansiella system och den allmänna demokratin. Årligen rapporterar Finanspolisen att det tvättas ca 130 miljarder kr inom den svenska ekonomin och att de nuvarande trenderna dessvärre inte pekar på en nedgång. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad förståelse kring hur banker arbetar i förebyggande syfte mot penningtvätt och hur de samspelar med Finansinspektionen för att få bukt med denna brottslighet. För att samla in datamaterialet genomfördes totalt sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda från tre storbanker inom Sverige och en intervju med en anställd från Finansinspektionen. Det empiriska resultatet tydliggjorde att bankerna förlitar sig mycket på användningen av interna verktyg som kundkännedom - KYC och att kundkännedom är ett omfattande verktyg som innefattar ett flertal sekretessbelagda element som alla har ett identiskt syfte, att kartlägga och identifiera risker. Slutsatserna visar att det sker ett omfattande arbete i förebyggande syfte mot penningtvätt där banker årligen avsätter miljontals kronor för att göra ett gediget arbete. Det riskbaserade förhållningssättet till regelverken innebär att det fortfarande lämnas utrymme för banker att förbättra sina interna processer i det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt, trots det faktum att det finns en medvetenhet om att brottslingarna ligger steget före. Samtidigt kan detta kompenseras av mer vägledning i de föreskrifter som ges av Finansinspektionen. En annan väsentlig slutsats vi har kommit fram till är att samspelet med Finansinspektionen inte alls fungerar på samma sätt som Finansinspektionen förmedlar att det gör. Den viktigaste delen av detta samarbete gick ut på att tillföra varandra med nya rapporter och föreskrifter, inte att samspela med andra aktörer för att få bukt med penningtvätt. / In the last couple of years, The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority have reported new cases of money laundering where established major banks have been in the limelight in a negative sense. Reported cases of money laundering are increasing annually in Sweden, which indicates that there are shortcomings in the preventive work against money laundering or that banks are better at finding money laundering cases. Banks and The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority are at the forefront of the preventive work against money laundering and therefore it is essential that these organizations possess tools and methods to prevent the emergence of money laundering and identify risks that pose a threat to our financial system and thus to the general democracy. Annually, The Financial Police reports that about SEK 130 billion is laundered in the Swedish economy and that the current trends unfortunately do not point to a decline. The purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how banks work in preventive purpose against money laundering. As well as how banks interact with The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority to overcome money laundering. In order to collect the data, a total of six semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees from three established banks within Sweden and one from The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The conclusions show that a great deal of work is done in a preventive purpose against money laundering where banks allocate millions of SEK every year to do a solid job. Banks rely heavily on the use of internal tools such as know your customer and internal regulations which is a tool that can be used to get customer awareness. But in practice, the riskbased approach to the regulations means that banks still need to improve their internal processes in the preventive work despite the fact that criminals are considered to be one step ahead. At the same time, this can be offset by more guidance in the regulations that the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has as a task, to make sure that the banks are following the rules in the market. Another significant conclusion we have reached in the study is that the interaction with The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority does not work at all in the same way that The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority mediates that it does. The most important part of this collaboration was to provide each other with new reports and regulations, and not to interact with other organization such as banks to overcome money laundering.

Církev tajemství - tajemství církve / The church of secret - secret of the church

Orel, Miroslav Metoděj January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theme of secrets as itself and how it is related to the church. Its main issue if is it a church that creates mystery, or whether the mystery is creates church. Furthermore, the work seeks to examine the veracity of statements II. Vatican concilium, which identify the Church as sacrament, that mean the secret. The work examines the main approaches to the mystery and the language they speak about him. While access to the mystery, which has Gnostic character and is well characterized and defined conceptually, it can be seen that the designation anit-gnostic mystery of missing a simple term. Work and offers use of the term exotheric, which is contrary to esoteric and further work highlights the typical character and timbre of this exotheric mystery. The work also aligns with the mystery as objective scientific phenomenon and examines whether the other sciences (mathematics or astronomy) may be encountered exoteric and objective mystery. Investigate the findings are eventually applied to the discourse on the Church, which shows that if the church was not defined as secret, it would be reduced to mere human community and vice versa, if the Church was reduced only as a community insider secrets, it would be just another gnostic sect.

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