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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

So gelingt die Eingewöhnung: Mit Sicherheit und Struktur in einen neuen Lebensabschnitt: Kindertagespflege in Sachsen

Staatsministerium für Kultus, Freistaat Sachsen 28 June 2021 (has links)
Der Flyer erklärt die Phasen der Eingewöhnung eines Kindes in die Kindertagespflege.

A high hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity index (HCT-CI) does not impair outcomes after non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia patients 60 years or older

Backhaus, Donata Elisabeth 29 January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Dysfunktionale Lernvorgänge bei Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit: Der Einfluss von Impulsivität und der Zusammenhang mit dem Rückfallgeschehen

Sommer, Christian 03 February 2021 (has links)
Dysfunktionale Lernvorgänge (wie z.B. Pawlowsche Konditionierung) können bei Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit das Rückfallrisiko erhöhen, was innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit mittels drei Studien untersucht wurde.

Neural mechanisms and pharmacological modulation of Pavlovian learning

Ebrahimi, Claudia 05 March 2021 (has links)
Einige psychische Störungen, darunter Angst- und Suchterkrankungen, zeichnen sich durch eine abnorme Beteiligung basaler assoziativer Lernprozesse aus. Pawlow’sche Rückfallphänomene den langfristigen Erfolg extinktionsbasierter Therapien. Damit kommt der Untersuchung pharmakologischer Interventionen zur Unterstützung des Extinktionslernens bzw. -abrufs eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Die vorliegende Dissertation umfasst vier Studien und bedient sich translationaler Pawlow’scher Lernmodelle, um (i) behaviorale und neuronale Mechanismen appetitiver Pawlow’scher Rückfallphänomene beim Menschen zu untersuchen (Studien I und II) sowie (ii) den Effekt des partiellen NMDA Rezeptor Agonisten D-Cycloserin (DCS) zur Unterstützung des Extinktionslernens appetitiver und aversiver Stimuli zu testen (Studien III und IV). Studie I demonstriert, dass appetitive Pawlow’sche Rückfalleffekte im Labor untersucht werden können und lieferte Evidenz für differenzielle Einflüsse der Amygdala und des vmPFC beim Wiederauftreten der konditionierten Reaktion. Studie II belegt die Sensitivität verschiedener, teilweise neuer okularer Reaktionsmaße für die appetitive Konditionierungsforschung. Studie III zeigte, dass DCS mit einer attenuierten BOLD-Antwort in der Amygdala und einer gesteigerten funktionellen Amygdala-vmPFC Konnektivität während des appetitiven Extinktionsabrufs assoziiert war. Studie IV ergab, dass Probanden der DCS- Gruppe attenuierte Arousal Ratings wie auch neuronale Aktivierungen in der Amygdala und dem posterioren Hippocampus im Vergleich zur Placebo-Gruppe aufwiesen. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert unser Verständnis appetitiver Pawlow’scher Rückfallphänomene und weist dem vmPFC eine bedeutsame Rolle beim Extinktionsabruf zu. Weiterhin unterstützt sie die Hypothese, dass DCS das Extinktionslernen unterstützt und damit Rückfallphänomene reduziert. / Pavlovian learning mechanisms play an important role in the development, maintenance, and relapse of psychiatric conditions like drug addiction and anxiety disorders. Pavlovian relapse phenomena challenge the long-term success of extinction-based exposure treatments. As such, investigating pharmacological adjuncts that could help to improve extinction learning or long- term retention are of great clinical importance. This dissertation comprises four studies applying translational human laboratory models of Pavlovian learning (i) to characterize the behavioral and neural mechanisms of appetitive Pavlovian relapse (Studies I and II), and (ii) to investigate D-cycloserine (DCS), a partial NMDA receptor agonist, as a pharmacological adjunct to augment Pavlovian extinction learning of appetitive and aversive stimuli (Studies III and IV). In Study I, we showed that appetitive Pavlovian relapse can be successfully modeled in the laboratory and provided evidence for opposing roles of amygdala and vmPFC in mediating the return of conditioned responding. Study II showed the usefulness of different and partly novel ocular response measures for appetitive conditioning research. Finally, we found DCS to attenuate amygdala reactivity during appetitive extinction recall and enhance amygdala-vmPFC coupling (Study III). Corroborating these results, Study IV showed DCS to reduce return of fear on behavioral arousal ratings and in brain areas associated with defense reactions like amygdala and posterior hippocampus. Overall, the present work extends evidence on experimentally induced return of fear to the appetitive research domain and suggests an overarching regulatory role of the vmPFC during extinction recall. Finally, it supports the hypothesis that DCS can augment extinction learning, thereby reducing the risk of relapse phenomena.

The influence of brand experiences onto brand preference, brand meaning and haptic product evaluation: Essays in experimental marketing research

Stach, Jens 16 July 2019 (has links)
The thesis addresses current issues in experiential marketing research. More precisely, it focuses on the impact experiences earlier in life have on the preference towards a brand and its meaning later in life, as well as the influence of audio-visual product experiences on the perceived haptic evaluation of products. The thesis uses a wide selection of theories, from conditioning to embodied cognition and multisensory enhancement and provides novel contributions to marketing research.:I. The Influence of Brand Experiences onto Brand Preference, Brand Meaning and Haptic Product Evaluation - Essays in Experiential Marketing Research 1. The Relevance of Experiences in Marketing and Marketing Research 2. Paper A 2.1 Gaps & Research Questions 2.2 Summary 2.3 Contributions 2.4 Future Research Directions 3. Paper B 3.1 Gaps & Research Questions 3.2 Summary 3.3 Contributions 3.4 Future Research Directions 4. Paper C 4.1 Gaps & Research Questions 4.2 Summary 4.3 Contributions 4.4 Future Research Directions 5. References II. How Memorable Experiences Influence Brand Preference III. Meaningful Experiences – an Embodied Cognition Perspective on Brand Meaning Co-Creation IV. Touching Sounds - Improving the Haptic Evaluation of a Product that cannot be Touched but Seen and Heard 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Background 2.1 Product Evaluation and Touch 2.2 Haptic Imagery as a Surrogate for Actual Touch 2.3 Hypotheses 3. Study Designs 3.1 Overview of Studies 3.2 Stimuli and Pretests 4. STUDY 1: Audio-visual texture evaluation through sound 4.1 Methodology 4.2 Dependent Measures 4.3 Results 4.4 Discussion 5. STUDY 2: Audio-visual hardness evaluation through sound 5.1 Methodology 5.2 Dependent Measures 5.3 Results 5.4 Discussion 6. General Discussion 7. References

Differentielle klassische Konditionierung emotionaler Reaktionen auf Fazialreize bei generalisierten Sozialphobikern

Pohlann, Grit Kerstin 21 May 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte emotionale Reaktionen im Experimentaldesign einer aversiven, differentiellen klassischen Konditionierung (CS = zwei männliche, neutral valente Gesichter; olfaktorischer UCS = vergorene Hefe) bei je vierzehn männlichen generalisierten Sozialphobikern (DSM-VI) und gesunden Kontrollpersonen. In Erwartung einer erhöhten Konditionierbarkeit, einer Extinktionsresistenz sowie einer Generalisierung auf störungsrelevante Fazialreize bei den Sozialphobikern wurden die konditionierten Reaktionen über subjektiv-verbale Urteile (Valenz, Erregung, Kontingenz), den Schreckreflex (M. orbicularis oculi links, Indikator subcorticaler Reizverarbeitung der Angst), die bilateral erhobene Aktivität des M. corrugator supercilii (Indikator für den negativ emotionalen Fazialausdruck) sowie die Herzrate (Indikator der allgemeinen psychophysiologischen Aktivierung) gemessen. Die Konditionierung verlief in beiden Experimentalgruppen erfolgreich (Valenz, Erregung, Kontingenz) und hypothesenkonform. Im Gegensatz zu den Gesunden resultierten für die Sozialphobiker eine erhöhte Konditionierbarkeit (Schreckreflexlatenz und -amplitude, Herzratendezeleration), eine Extinktionsresistenz (Erregung, Schreckreflexnullreaktionen, Corrugator) sowie eine Reizgeneralisierung (Erregung, Kontingenz, Schreckreflexlatenz, Corrugator, Herzratendezeleration). Die Befunde sprechen außerdem für eine unterschiedliche emotionale Reizverarbeitung über den Experimentalverlauf. Die Sozialphobiker reagierten in der Akquisition vorrangig in den Parametern Erregung, Kontingenz, Schreckreflex und Herzrate (Gesunde: Corrugator) sowie in der Extinktion hinsichtlich Erregung, Schreckreflex und Corrugator (Gesunde: Kontingenz). Das Valenzurteil ergab hingegen keine Gruppenspezifik. / The present study investigated the emotional responses of aversive differential Pavlovian conditioning with two male neutral faces as conditioned stimuli (CS) and a foul odor (fermented yeast) as unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in fourteen male generalized social phobics (DSM-VI) and healthy controls. The aim of this investigation was to examine the hypotheses of enhanced acquisition, delayed extinction and generalization of faces, as they represented socially relevant stimuli, concerning social phobics. Subjective indicators of conditioned response were valence, arousal and awareness. The startle reflex (recorded from left m. orbicularis oculi) was used as a measure of subcortical emotional processing. Bilaterally corrugator muscle activity (as an indicator of negative emotional facial response) and heart rate (as an indicator of general physiological activation) served as psychophysiological assessment of conditioning. Both groups were successfully conditioned as reflected by differential responses of all three subjective parameters. The results were consistent with the hypotheses. Compared to controls, social phobics showed an increased acquisition (startle latency and magnitude, heart rate deceleration), an extinction resistance (arousal, startle zero reactions, corrugator) as well as a generalization of CS types (arousal, awareness, startle latency, corrugator, heart rate deceleration). In addition the findings suggested that the emotional stimuli processing in participants are distinct. The social phobics in particular reacted to arousal, contingency awareness, startle and heart rate in acquisition (controls: corrugator) and to arousal, startle and corrugator in extinction (controls: awareness). There was no difference between groups regarding valence judgement.

Development of Novel Tasks to Assess Outcome-Specific and General Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer in Humans

Belanger, Matthew J., Chen, Hao Chen, Hentschel, Angela, Garbusow, Maria, Ebrahimi, Claudia, Knorr, Felix G., Zech, Hilmar G., Pilhatsch, Maximilian, Heinz, Andreas, Smolka, Michael N. 22 February 2024 (has links)
Introduction: The emergence of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT) research in the human neurobehavioral domain has been met with increased interest over the past two decades. A variety of PIT tasks were developed during this time; while successful in demonstrating transfer phenomena, existing tasks have limitations that should be addressed. Herein, we introduce two PIT paradigms designed to assess outcome-specific and general PIT within the context of addiction. - Materials and Methods: The single-lever PIT task, based on an established paradigm, replaced button presses with joystick motion to better assess avoidance behavior. The full transfer task uses alcohol and nonalcohol rewards associated with Pavlovian cues and instrumental responses, along with other gustatory and monetary rewards. We constructed mixed-effects models with the addition of other statistical analyses as needed to interpret various behavioral measures.- Results: Single-lever PIT: both versions were successful in eliciting a PIT effect (joystick: p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.36, button-box: p < 0.001, ηp ² = 0.30). Full transfer task: it was determined that the alcohol and nonalcoholic reward cues selectively primed their respective reward-associated responses (gustatory version: p < 0.001, r = 0.59, and monetary version: p < 0.001, r = 0.84). The appetitive/aversive cues resulted in a general transfer effect (gustatory: p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.09, and monetary: p < 0.001, ηp ² = 0.17). - Discussion/Conclusion: Single-lever PIT: PIT was observed in both task versions. We posit that the use of a joystick is more advantageous for the analysis of avoidance behavior. It evenly distributes movement between approach and avoid trials, which is relevant to analyzing fMRI data. Full transfer task: While gustatory conditioning has been used in the past to elicit transfer effects, we present the first paradigm that successfully elicits both specific and general transfers in humans with gustatory alcohol rewards.

Timing and expectation of reward: a neuro-computational model of the afferents to the ventral tegmental area

Vitay, Julien, Hamker, Fred H. January 2014 (has links)
Neural activity in dopaminergic areas such as the ventral tegmental area is influenced by timing processes, in particular by the temporal expectation of rewards during Pavlovian conditioning. Receipt of a reward at the expected time allows to compute reward-prediction errors which can drive learning in motor or cognitive structures. Reciprocally, dopamine plays an important role in the timing of external events. Several models of the dopaminergic system exist, but the substrate of temporal learning is rather unclear. In this article, we propose a neuro-computational model of the afferent network to the ventral tegmental area, including the lateral hypothalamus, the pedunculopontine nucleus, the amygdala, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the ventral basal ganglia (including the nucleus accumbens and the ventral pallidum), as well as the lateral habenula and the rostromedial tegmental nucleus. Based on a plausible connectivity and realistic learning rules, this neuro-computational model reproduces several experimental observations, such as the progressive cancelation of dopaminergic bursts at reward delivery, the appearance of bursts at the onset of reward-predicting cues or the influence of reward magnitude on activity in the amygdala and ventral tegmental area. While associative learning occurs primarily in the amygdala, learning of the temporal relationship between the cue and the associated reward is implemented as a dopamine-modulated coincidence detection mechanism in the nucleus accumbens.

Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with Sequential Melphalan-Based Conditioning in AML: Residual Morphological Blast Count Determines the Risk of Relapse

Sockel, Katja, Stölzel, Friedrich, Hönl, Franziska, Baldauf, Henning, Röllig, Christoph, Wermke, Martin, Bonin, Malte von, Teipel, Raphael, Link-Rachner, Cornelia, Brandt, Kalina, Kroschinsky, Frank, Hänel, Mathias, Morgner, Anke, Klesse, Christian, Ehninger, Gerhard, Platzbecker, Uwe, Bornhäuser, Martin, Schetelig, Johannes, Moritz Middeke, Jan 11 June 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) during chemotherapy-induced aplasia may offer long-term survival in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with otherwise poor prognosis including ELN adverse risk, relapsed or refractory disease. However, the value of residual morphologic disease prior HCT in this context has not been conclusively settled until yet. Therefore, we aimed to investigate variables predicting outcome in this unique setting of sequential conditioning therapy, with a focus on pretreatment morphologic blast count. In contrast to the most popular FLAMSA-RIC protocol, we used a melphalan-based conditioning regimen during aplasia. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 173 AML patients who underwent a sequential melphalan-based conditioning therapy between 2003 and 2015 at our centre. All patients participated either in the prospective Phase 2 BRIDGE trial (NCT01295307), the Phase 3 AML2003 study (NCT00180102) or were treated according to this protocol and underwent allogeneic HCT after melphalan-based conditioning in treatment-induced aplasia. Results: Median bone marrow blast count prior to conditioning was 10% (range, 0–96%). Four year probabilities of EFS and OS were 34% (95% CI, 28–43%) and 43% (95% CI, 36–52%), respectively. In multivariate analysis, blast count >20% was associated with worse EFS (HR = 1.93; p = 0.009) and OS (HR = 1.80; p = 0.026). This effect was not significant anymore for HCT during 1st line therapy. Conclusion: Allogeneic HCT in aplasia with a melphalan-based conditioning regimen has the potential to cure a subset of adverse risk AML patients, even with persistent morphological disease prior HCT. However, a high pre-transplant blast count still indicates patients with a dismal prognosis, especially in the relapsed patient group, for whom post-transplant strategies should be considered to further optimize post HCT outcome.

Random processes in truncated and ordinary Weyl chambers

Schmid, Patrick 15 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The work consists of two parts. In the first part which is concerned with random walks, we construct the conditional versions of a multidimensional random walk given that it does not leave the Weyl chambers of type C and of type D, respectively, in terms of a Doob h-transform. Furthermore, we prove functional limit theorems for the rescaled random walks. This is an extension of recent work by Eichelsbacher and Koenig who studied the analogous conditioning for the Weyl chamber of type A. Our proof follows recent work by Denisov and Wachtel who used martingale properties and a strong approximation of random walks by Brownian motion. Therefore, we are able to keep minimal moment assumptions. Finally, we present an alternate function that is amenable to an h-transform in the Weyl chamber of type C. In the second part which is concerned with Brownian motion, we examine the non-exit probability of a multidimensional Brownian motion from a growing truncated Weyl chamber. Different regimes are identified according to the growth speed, ranging from polynomial decay over stretched-exponential to exponential decay. Furthermore we derive associated large deviation principles for the empirical measure of the properly rescaled and transformed Brownian motion as the dimension grows to infinity. Our main tool is an explicit eigenvalue expansion for the transition probabilities before exiting the truncated Weyl chamber.

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