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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sven-Harrys : Att leva med konsten

Sjögren, Molly January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar Sven-Harrys (Konstmuseum) utifrån ett poststrukturalistiskt perspektiv, där institutionens olika delar ställs i relation till varandra samt förankras i dess olika samhälleliga kontexter och ursprung. Institutionen Sven-Harrys jämförs med en organism, i syftet att förklara dessa relationer. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Sven-Harrys verksamhet huvudsakligen syftar till att upplösa gränserna mellan konsten och bostaden genom att kombinera olika verksamheter som sammanknyter dessa.

Fastighetsutveckling av Norrmalm 5:1 : En studie över Karlbergs station / Property development of Norrmalm 5:1 : A study of Karlberg Station

Betiyo, Habel, Lindström, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
Rapporten är en undersökning gällande det som händer när en plats ändrarfunktion och karaktär. I Stockholm har pendeltågstationen Karlberg en centraloch social roll som kan komma att rubbas av dess stängning. Vår rapport kommersåledes handla om att undersöka och förstå platsen för att sedan geåtgärdsförslag på ett gestaltningsarbete i form av ett byggnadsverk. / This report is a study of what happens when a place changes its function and character. In Stockholm, the commuter train station Karlberg has a social part that may be disturbed by its closure. Our report will therefore focus on investigating and understanding the place and then give proposals for action on a design work in the form of a building.

Konststycket / A Piece of Art

Hoas, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Projektets utgångspunkt är ett nytt konstmuseum i Uppsala, i området bakom Uppsala centralstation, som nyligen genomgått ett ansiktslyft. Museets långsmala karaktär har hämtats från det intilliggande godsmagasinet och från tomtens form. Genom byggnaden har ett diagonalt stråk öppnats, för att ge möjlighet åt fotgängare att passera genom byggnaden och för att skapa liv och rörelse på platsen. Genom fönstren i passagen kan förbipasserande få en skymt av vad som händer inuti muséet. I passagen ligger museets entré, den pedagogiska verksamheten och ett kafé för allmänheten. Museets fasad är inspirerad av den arabiska mashrabiyan. Byggnaden har fönster längs hela fasaden, som i sin tur är täckta av skärmar tillverkade av sträckmetall. Ljuset tillåts komma in i byggnaden samtidigt som sträckmetallen täcker fasaden och bevarar något av museets hemligheter för förbipasserande. Museets inre väggar består av massiva betongskivor, placerade i ett rutnät som fått sin riktning av passagen genom huset. Betongrutnätet bildar två typer av rum, de inre rummen med en mer stängd karaktär och en traditionell, fyrkantig rumsform, och de yttre triangulära rummen som får dagsljus utifrån, genom sträckplåten som täcker de yttre glasväggarna. Under kvällstid lyser museet själv upp omgivningarna genom hålen i sträckmetallen. / The project is about creating a new art museum in Uppsala, situated in the area behind Uppsala centralstation, where extensive retouching of the area recently was made. The long and slender character of the buildning derives from the shape of the old cargo warehouse next to the museum, and from the shape of the plot. Through the building runs a passage that lends pedestrian a shortcut through it, which will bring life to the area. Along the passage through the museum, the ground floor of the building is entirely covered by windows, in order to give passing strollers a glimpse of what is happening inside the museum. The entrance, the educational activities and the café is situated along the passage. The facade of the museum is inspired by the arabic mashrabiya fenomenon. The exterior facade of the building is entirely covered with windows which in turn are covered with screens of expanded metal. Daylight may enter through the tiny holes in the screens, while at the same time the metal screens manages to keep some of the secrets of the museum from the people passing by. The inner walls, made of concrete, form a diagonal grid inside the building, creating two types of rooms. The inner rooms, which are quadratic and have a more closed and darker character, and the outer rooms which are triangular and receive light from the outside through the expanded metal screens. At nighttime, instead the museum itself lights the place around it.

Soffvisningar på Moderna Museet : Nya sätt att förmedla och betrakta konst i ett digitalt, interaktivt format via sociala medier / Sofa tours made by Moderna Museet : New ways of disseminating and viewing art using digital, interactive methods and social media

Nolin, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
This essay investigates live-streamed guided tours made by Moderna Museet, so called sofa tours, streamed between February 2020­ and April 2021. The aim is to observe, describe and analyze the [Moderna Museet’s] sofa tours using a modality approach as well as relating the sofa tours to physical museum visits, using the concepts of media, mediation, remediation, immediacy and hypermediacy. The research questions concern ways of looking at art when participating in sofa tours and the differences compared to physically viewing art at the museum. In conclusion, the sofa tours made by Moderna Museet offers several alternatives to physical museum visits, not necessarily better or worse. Participants can actually modify their experience of participating in sofa tours and looking at art, for example by choosing to participate live or afterwards, with or without access to other participants comments, questions and reactions as well as choosing between using Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or the museum webpage to access the sofa tours. Comparing sofa tours to physical museum visits showed that both their principal function is to provide opportunities for people to view art together with other people, with or without the aid of a guide. However, most of the mediated space in the physical museum is unavailable to sofa tour participants. On the other hand, the sofa tour creates another set of unique mediations which do not exist in the physical museum space.

Konstmuseers arbete med digitalisering av sina samlingar : En semiotisk analys / Art museums' work on digitizing their collections : A semiotic analysis

Rinaldo, Nina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how six different art museums are working on digitizing their collections, and how they are made available to the public. To answer the purpose, three research questions were formulated; how the museums work with digitization, what is digitized and which programs and guidelines are used, and how the digitized material is made available to the public on the websites. The museums examined in this thesis are Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the National Palace Museum Taiwan in Taipei and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Prior to the study, previous research on digital humanities, digitization in museums, and the role of museums and their approach to digital collections, were studied. The theoretical framework used in the analysis consists of theories regarding “New media” and digital humanities, theories about “The museum process” and Actor-network theory, ANT. The method used is qualitative content analysis and semiotic image analysis of the museum websites. The results and analysis show that the museum websites differ in terms of design, functions, user-friendliness and collection content. In addition, the museums use different guidelines and software programs in the digitization process of their collections, although there is some overlap. The analysis shows that the Rijksmuseum, the Smithsonian and the National Palace Museum Taiwan are the museums in the study that have made the most progress with digitizing their collections and using interactive elements on their websites. The museum with the least developed digitization work is Moderna Museet, whose search page is the simplest and most standardized in comparison with the other museum websites.

Kontrollförslag för stabil temperatur och relativ luftfuktighet i konstmuseum : Simuleringsmodell med MPC-kontroll för HVAC-system

Svensson, Anna, Maria January 2022 (has links)
I samarbete med Norconsult och kund ska denna rapport undersöka inomhusklimatet i ett museum och resultera i ett förslag på ett kontrollsystem för Heating, Vetilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) som genererar stabil temperatur och relativ luftfuktighet (RF) inom rekommenderade gränsvärden för konstbevaring. Genom litteraturstudier, fältstudier, dataanalys och skapandet av en simulerad modell av utrymmet, ska ett förslag om lämplig kontrollmetod av HVAC framläggas. Vid test av olika kontrollmetoder, tog sig MPC-kontrollen sig bäst ut. Litteraturstudien innefattar flera studier och rapporter som använt sig av MPC-kontroll för liknande projekt med fördelaktiga resultat. Resultaten av dataanalysen visar att under stor del av loggnings-perioden avvek temperatur och/eller RF från gränsvärdena. I vissa utrymmen var uppemot 99% av de loggade värdena utanför gränsvärdet för antingen temperatur eller RF. Av samtliga sensorsamplingar på museet låg 48,53% av dessa utanför de satta rekommendationerna. Generellt var luften i museet för varm och torr till syftet konstförvaltning. Vid jämförelse av de tre utvecklade MPC-kontrollerna, visar alla varianterna till att generera stabila resultat. Det framarbetade förslaget indikerar på ett energieffektivare kontrollsystem gentemot befintligt. Om simuleringsmodellen av utrymmet visar skilja sig från verkliga förhållanden, förändras dynamiken i systemet, och inställningarna för MPC-kontrollen gäller ej längre utan behövs konfigureras om. Projektets primära mål om att generera ett optimerat systemförslag som kontrollerar parametrarna temperatur RF, anses ha uppnåtts - om än endast i simulerade resultat. Vidare arbete innefattar att verifiera modellen mot befintligt system, och därefter inkludera kostnadsfunktioner till MPC-kontrollen. Efter systemimplementering bör faktiska utfall jämföras med simulerade utfall för att utvärdera modellens precision. / In collaboration with Norconsult and the customer, this report will examine the indoor climate in the museum and result in a proposal for a control system for HVAC that generates stable temperature and RH within recommended values ​​for the preservation of art. A proposal for an appropriate control method of the HVAC shall be presented through literature studies, field studies, data analysis, and the creation of a simulated model of the environment. The MPC control performed best during the testing of different control methods. The literature study includes several studies and papers that use MPC control for similar projects with beneficial results. The results of the data analysis show that during a large part of the logging period, the temperature and/or RH deviated from the limit values. In some areas, up to 99% of the logged values ​​were outside recommendations. Of all sensor samplings at the museum, 48.53% of these were registered outside limit values. In general, the air in the museum was too hot and dry for art preservation. When comparing the three developed MPC controllers, all variants show to generate stable results. The elaborated proposal indicates a more energy-efficient control system compared to the existing one. If the simulation model of the environment turns out to differ from real conditions, the dynamics of the system change , and the settings for the MPC control no longer apply and need to be reconfigured. The project's primary goal of generating an optimized system proposal that controls the temperature and relative humidity is considered to have been achieved - albeit only in simulated results. Further work includes verifying the model against the existing system and including cost functions to the MPC control. After system implementation, actual outcomes should be compared with simulated outcomes to evaluate model precision.

KM II : En analys av Malmö konstmuseums satellitverksamhet som extra-institutionell praktik

Rosenkvist, Adam January 2022 (has links)
KM II. An analysis of Malmö Art Museum’s satellite space as extra-institutional practice maps the activities of the hitherto unexplored satellite exhibition space KM II, including the 14 exhibitions that were shown in KM II’s two spaces in Malmö’s harbor and in the suburb Rosengård. The essay contributes new perspectives on extra-institutional exhibition practices by analyzing KM II as an actor on the then much discussed art scene of Malmö, during the years 1992 to 1994. The essay also describes trans-local artistic connections over the Baltic Sea, pri- marily between Malmö and Hamburg. I describe the extra-institutional practice of KM II through the model “The Public as Alternative” (Det offentliga som alternativ). The practice created favorable conditions for extensive and often paid artistic work in an unconventional exhibition space, which also made KM II meet the strained situation on the local art scene, partly caused by the financial crisis of 1992. Last, the essay examines the complex relationship between the exhibitions, the institution, the place, and the audience, that made the extra-institutional status of KM II dissolve at Rosengård, during a time that can be described as a transitional phase in museum education.

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