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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Influence of Negative Labeling on Educational Aspirations

Schartung, Jessie 01 July 2015 (has links)
Teenagers are not yet fully developed, creating their self-identity, full of aspiration, and exploring their world through sometimes harmless acts. While it has long been acknowledged that delinquency can lead to a life of crime, criminologists vary on whether a criminal disposition is caused by internal and/or external forces. Labeling theory suggests it could be the negative labels placed upon youth that could inhibit future aspirations more so than the delinquent acts themselves. Using data from the National Youth Survey, this study examines the influence of negative labeling by significant others on educational aspirations among youth with varying levels of educational achievement. These analyses use the third wave of the National Youth Survey dataset when the respondents were teenagers, aged 13-19, as well as the fifth wave, two years later, to examine the internalization of negative labels and the transformative effects on self-identity and educational aspirations. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models show statistically significant relationships between negative labeling by significant others (teachers, parents, and friends) and lowered educational aspirations net of delinquency. Specifically, negative labeling by teachers has the most profound effect upon low achievers, while negative labeling by parents and friends has the greatest impact on middle achievers. Implications are discussed.

Om jag säger Rinkeby, vad tänker du då?

Tihic, Esed January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this research was to study how two newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen are creating an image of the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby. The method used to do the study was qualitative content analysis. Ten articles were chosen, five off either newspaper and were found on the internet homepages of the newspapers on 15 November of 2013 and 27 January of 2014. Several theories were used in the study. Agenda setting theory, a media theory that explains the power of media, Figuration theory developed by Norbert Elias that deals with power struggles between different groups in society. Labeling theory explains how society, by labeling someone a “criminal” may accept it as an own identity and become one. Mats Franzén theory of power and how it can be understood thru discourse, context and resources. While studying the subject I realized that for long time the suburbs of Sweden have been portrayed in a negative context, especially “famous” suburbs like Rinkeby. The suburbs’ are constructed by the media as very dangerous places, with young people (often males) running wild and engaging in destructive behavior.

ADHD och konsekvenserna av en sen diagnos : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på upplevelser kring hur det känns att diagnostiseras med ADHD i vuxen ålder

Kochani, Lavdze January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine what people with a late (adult) ADHD diagnosis experience was contributing to the late diagnosis. The empirism of this study is mainly interviews with adults that have been diagnosed with ADHD. By applying a thematic analysisas a method, the empirics have been able to be categorized and analyzed. Based on the theoretical models of the labeling theory and locus of control, the result has been interpreted as meaning that the interviewees were labeled incorrectly before diagnosis took place and that a big development can be seen around the person's locus of control. The result shows that there are numerous factors which can be claimed to contribute to a late diagnosis. The majority of the respondents highlight the importance of the environment and mostly adults whether its school staff or members of the family. Factors such as cultural norms, prejudices and lack of knowledge are also crucial when it comes to when in life one gets his diagnosis. The study also examines how it affects people to recieve a late diagnosis, the result shows that an early diagnosis would have reduced the respondents sufferings and improve their life quality. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad personer med en sen (vuxen) ADHD-diagnos upplever bidrog till den sena diagnosen. Empirin av denna studie består främst av intervjupersoner med vuxna som har diagnostiserats med ADHD. Genom att tillämpa en tematisk innehållsanalys som metod har empirin kunnat kategoriseras och analyseras. Utifrån de teoretiska modellerna om stämplingsteorin och kontrollfokus har resultatet kunnat tolkas som att intervjupersonerna stämplats felaktigt innan diagnostisering skett samt att man kan se en rejäl utveckling kring personens locus of control. Resultatet visar att det finns flera faktorer som kan påstås bidra till en sen diagnos. Majoriteten av respondenterna belyser omgivnings betydelse och främst vuxna vare sig det är skolans personal eller familjemedlemmar. Faktorer såsom kulturella normer, fördomar och brist på kunskap är också avgörande för när individen får sin diagnos. Studien syftar också till att undersöka vilken effekt det har på respondenterna att få en sen diagnos, resultat visar att en tidig diagnos hade reducerat respondenternas lidande och förbättrat deras livskvalité.

Formal and Informal Labeling Effects on Later Self-Reported Non-Violent and Violent Delinquency

Mitchell, Meghan Marie January 2011 (has links)
This research examines the impact of formal and informal labeling on self-reported violent and non-violent delinquency. This longitudinal research design utilizes cohort 15 from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN) at two different points in time. This research not only evaluates the effect of formal labeling (arrest) but also determines the effect of informal labeling (warning and releasing) by police officers. Specifically, the hypotheses assess if labeling affects minority youth differently than white youth. Using nested ordinary least square re and logistic regression models, the results indicate that labeling only operates in simple models containing few variables. The apparent effects of labeling on non-violent delinquency are accounted for in the complete model by previous delinquent behavior, living in a two-parented home, and having a parent with a criminal record. Moreover, the apparent effects of labeling are diminished in the complete model predicting violent delinquency once controlling for the effects of race (Black), gender (male), lower income level, and having a parent with a criminal record.

Profiling Beyond Race: Characteristics Associated with Traffic Stop Outcomes

Anderson, Megan 01 May 2021 (has links)
Research related to profiling and the outcome of traffic stops has generally focused on the race of the individuals involved. Little research has examined other characteristics, such as age and socioeconomic status, that may also play a role in traffic stop outcomes. The current study sought to address this limitation in two ways: (1) determine whether the characteristics of age, sex, race, social class, and demeanor are profiled during traffic stops and (2) whether these characteristics influenced the outcome of the traffic stops with regard to tickets and vehicle searches. Secondary data were utilized from the 2015 Police-Public Contact Survey. Findings revealed that not only race, but age, sex, social class, and demeanor of both the officer and the driver had an affect on the outcome of a traffic stops.

The role of labeling in the stigmatization of mental illness.

Berkelman, Lindsey A. 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

"Jäkla tonårstid!" : En innehållsanalys av föräldrars föreställningar om tonåringar på hemsidan Familjeliv.se / "Those damn teenagers!" : A content analysis of parents' perceptions of teenagers on the website Familjeliv.se

Jans, Elin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is based on a content analysis of the website Familjeliv.se. The aim of this essay is to examine parents' perceptions of teenagers, as well as to investigate whether there are any differences in the parents' perceptions of girls and boys. The reason this is being examined is to increase teachers' awareness of parents' perceptions of teenagers and thus increase their ability to adress to these in their interactions with parents'. The result showed several perceptions thar parents at Familjeliv.se had about teenagers. These perceptions were; that teenagers are spoiled, they fight a lot and are defiant, they are self-centered and that they are school-fatigue and do not behave the way they are expected in school. The differences that could be discerned in the perceptions of girls and boys were differences in how they are expected to behave, the expectation of housework and performance and behaviour in school. In the final part of the thesis, the result is discussed and conclusions are presented in relation to previous research about the subjekt and the theoretical approach of the thesis, wich is social constructivism and labeling theory. A conclusion that is presented and discussed concerns the negativity that characterizes parents' percpetions of teenagers. Several different thematically presented perceptions were presented in the thesis result, all of which were of a negative nature. In the final part of the thesis, it is discussed whether this conslusion affects the teenagers. According to the theoratical approach, these negative perceptions may result in teenagers acting on these perceptions and expectations that parents of Familjeliv.se have about teenagers.

'n Kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die selfagting van psigoterapeutiese pasiënte

Van Zyl, Jacob Daniël 28 February 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the meaning that psychotherapeutic patients associate with their self-esteem in order to contribute to a better understanding of what these patients' views of low and high self-esteem entail. A study of literature was conducted to expose different aspects of the term 'self-esteem' from several theoretical approaches. Furthermore, the substructure of the hypno-therapeutic approach (of which the medical hypno-analytical model was the main approach) was especially analysed to ground the psychotherapeutic treatment received by the research participants. Eleven research participants were involved in the study according to the extreme, as well as the confirming and disconfirming case methods of sampling. They were selected on the basis of homogenous characteristics, namely: white, Afrikaans-speaking men in the low to high average socio-economic sphere. This study was done within a qualitative or interpretive paradigm - the study therefore focuses on the understanding (verstehen) of the meaning individuals attach to their self-esteem and not on the explanation (erklärung) thereof. The data gathering techniques were the basic individual interview, the self-esteem induction and observation. The textual data, transcribed from audiocassettes, was analysed qualitatively with the help of the ATLAS.ti-program according to the principles and procedures of grounded theory (including open, axial and selective coding). Data analysis led to, amongst other things, the co-construction of 23 categories (with numerous subcategories) of which the central phenomenon was identified as 'low self-esteem'. Relations could be drawn between the core category and other categories and the following storyline, which could suggest a possible theory, was conceptualised: -Negative suggesting in the patient's past leads to low self-esteem, which is unhealthily handled within his emotional problematics by means of a negative thinking scheme for which therapy is received from a medical hypno-analytical perspective to treat the negative labels in order to facilitate attachment of positive meaning to his self-esteem. The meaning(s) ascribed by psychotherapeutic patients to their self-esteem seem to be, in accordance with the post-modern spirit of the age (Zeitgeist), holistic in nature. / Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om die betekenis wat psigoterapeutiese pasiente met hul selfagting assosieer, kwalitatief te ondersoek ten einde 'n bydrae te maak tot 'n beter begrip van wat psigoterapeutiese pasiente se siening van lae en hoe selfagting behels. 'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die onderskeie aspekte met betrekking tot die begrip 'selfagting' vanuit verskillende teoretiese benaderings te belig. Verder is die onderbou van veral die hipnoterapeutiese benadering (waarvan die mediese hipnoanalitiese model die hoofbenadering was) ge-analiseer om die psigoterapeutiese behandeling wat die navorsingsdeelnemers ontvang het, te fundeer. Elf navorsingsdeelnemers is volgens die ekstreme, sowel as die bevestigende en niebevestigende gevallemetodes van steekproeftrekking, by die studie betrek. Hulle is op grond van homogene eienskappe gekies, naamlik: blanke, Afrikaanssprekende mans binne 'n laag tot hoog gemiddelde sosio-ekonomiese sfeer. Hierdie studie is binne 'n kwalitatiewe of interpretatiewe paradigma gedoen - die studie fokus dus op die verstaan (verstehen) van die betekenis wat individue aan hul selfagting heg en nie op die verklaring (erklarung) daarvan nie. Die data- insamelingstegnieke was die basiese individuele onderhoud, die selfagtinginduksie in hipnoterapie en observasie. Die data is as tekstuele data, wat vanaf klankkassette getranskribeer is, op kwalitatiewe wyse met behulp van die ATLASJi-program aan die hand van die beginsels en prosedures van gegronde teorie (waaronder oop, aksiale en selektiewe kodering) ontleed. Data-ontleding het onder andere gelei tot die ko-konstruksie van 23 kategoriee (met talle subkategoriee) waarvan die sentrale verskynsel as 'lae selfagting' geidentifiseer is. Verbande kon tussen die kernkategorie en ander kategoriee getrek word, en die volgende gekonseptualiseerde storielyn wat op 'n moontlike teorie kan dui, is gekokonstrueer: - Negatiewe suggerering in die pasient se verlede lei tot sy lae selfagting wat hy binne sy emosionele problematiek deur middel van 'n negatiewe denkskema ongesond hanteer en dan psigoterapie ontvang vir die behandeling van sy negatiewe etikette sodat 'n positiewe betekenisgewing aan sy selfagting vanuit 'n mediese hipno-analitiese perspektief gefasiliteer kan word. Die betekenis(se) wat die psigoterapeutiese pasiente aan hul selfagting gee, blyk, in ooreenstemming met die postmodernistiese tydgees, holisties van aard te wees. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

'n Kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die selfagting van psigoterapeutiese pasiënte

Van Zyl, Jacob Daniël 28 February 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the meaning that psychotherapeutic patients associate with their self-esteem in order to contribute to a better understanding of what these patients' views of low and high self-esteem entail. A study of literature was conducted to expose different aspects of the term 'self-esteem' from several theoretical approaches. Furthermore, the substructure of the hypno-therapeutic approach (of which the medical hypno-analytical model was the main approach) was especially analysed to ground the psychotherapeutic treatment received by the research participants. Eleven research participants were involved in the study according to the extreme, as well as the confirming and disconfirming case methods of sampling. They were selected on the basis of homogenous characteristics, namely: white, Afrikaans-speaking men in the low to high average socio-economic sphere. This study was done within a qualitative or interpretive paradigm - the study therefore focuses on the understanding (verstehen) of the meaning individuals attach to their self-esteem and not on the explanation (erklärung) thereof. The data gathering techniques were the basic individual interview, the self-esteem induction and observation. The textual data, transcribed from audiocassettes, was analysed qualitatively with the help of the ATLAS.ti-program according to the principles and procedures of grounded theory (including open, axial and selective coding). Data analysis led to, amongst other things, the co-construction of 23 categories (with numerous subcategories) of which the central phenomenon was identified as 'low self-esteem'. Relations could be drawn between the core category and other categories and the following storyline, which could suggest a possible theory, was conceptualised: -Negative suggesting in the patient's past leads to low self-esteem, which is unhealthily handled within his emotional problematics by means of a negative thinking scheme for which therapy is received from a medical hypno-analytical perspective to treat the negative labels in order to facilitate attachment of positive meaning to his self-esteem. The meaning(s) ascribed by psychotherapeutic patients to their self-esteem seem to be, in accordance with the post-modern spirit of the age (Zeitgeist), holistic in nature. / Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om die betekenis wat psigoterapeutiese pasiente met hul selfagting assosieer, kwalitatief te ondersoek ten einde 'n bydrae te maak tot 'n beter begrip van wat psigoterapeutiese pasiente se siening van lae en hoe selfagting behels. 'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die onderskeie aspekte met betrekking tot die begrip 'selfagting' vanuit verskillende teoretiese benaderings te belig. Verder is die onderbou van veral die hipnoterapeutiese benadering (waarvan die mediese hipnoanalitiese model die hoofbenadering was) ge-analiseer om die psigoterapeutiese behandeling wat die navorsingsdeelnemers ontvang het, te fundeer. Elf navorsingsdeelnemers is volgens die ekstreme, sowel as die bevestigende en niebevestigende gevallemetodes van steekproeftrekking, by die studie betrek. Hulle is op grond van homogene eienskappe gekies, naamlik: blanke, Afrikaanssprekende mans binne 'n laag tot hoog gemiddelde sosio-ekonomiese sfeer. Hierdie studie is binne 'n kwalitatiewe of interpretatiewe paradigma gedoen - die studie fokus dus op die verstaan (verstehen) van die betekenis wat individue aan hul selfagting heg en nie op die verklaring (erklarung) daarvan nie. Die data- insamelingstegnieke was die basiese individuele onderhoud, die selfagtinginduksie in hipnoterapie en observasie. Die data is as tekstuele data, wat vanaf klankkassette getranskribeer is, op kwalitatiewe wyse met behulp van die ATLASJi-program aan die hand van die beginsels en prosedures van gegronde teorie (waaronder oop, aksiale en selektiewe kodering) ontleed. Data-ontleding het onder andere gelei tot die ko-konstruksie van 23 kategoriee (met talle subkategoriee) waarvan die sentrale verskynsel as 'lae selfagting' geidentifiseer is. Verbande kon tussen die kernkategorie en ander kategoriee getrek word, en die volgende gekonseptualiseerde storielyn wat op 'n moontlike teorie kan dui, is gekokonstrueer: - Negatiewe suggerering in die pasient se verlede lei tot sy lae selfagting wat hy binne sy emosionele problematiek deur middel van 'n negatiewe denkskema ongesond hanteer en dan psigoterapie ontvang vir die behandeling van sy negatiewe etikette sodat 'n positiewe betekenisgewing aan sy selfagting vanuit 'n mediese hipno-analitiese perspektief gefasiliteer kan word. Die betekenis(se) wat die psigoterapeutiese pasiente aan hul selfagting gee, blyk, in ooreenstemming met die postmodernistiese tydgees, holisties van aard te wees. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

En studie om unga lagöverträdares marginaliseringsprocesser i relation till skolan och arbetsmarknaden / A study of young offenders marginalization processes according to the school and the labor market

Elfström, Malin, Ringberg, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Studien syftar till att förstå unga lagöverträdares marginaliseringsprocesser i relation till skolan och arbetsmarknaden. För att förstå dessa processer har vi genom en kvalitativ studie av biografier analyserat resultatet med den symboliska interaktionismen, stämplingsteorin och Ted Goldbergs redogörelse för avvikarkarriären tillsammans med tidigare forskning kring ämnet. Studiens resultat visar att de unga lagöverträdarnas marginaliseringsprocesser börjar i skolan med social marginalisering. De unga lagöverträdarna beskriver svårigheter med att bli socialt accepterade. Studiens resultat visar också att de unga lagöverträdarnas marginaliseringsprocesser som är en följd av upprepad stämpling fortgår även utanför skolan då de ansluter sig till umgängeskretsar med en lagöverträdande livsstil och liknande visioner. Studien pekar på att de unga lagöverträdarna möter svårigheter med att nå en förankrad position på arbetsmarknaden. Dessa svårigheter beror på deras brottsbelastning och att de genom stämpling har upprättat en negativ självbild. / The study aims to understand the young offenders marginalization processes in relation to the school and the labor market. To understand these processes, we have used a qualitative study of the biographies and analyzed the results with the symbolic interactionism, the labeling theory and Ted Goldberg's account of deviation career together with previous research in this topic. Study results show that young offenders processes of marginalization begins in school with social marginalization. Young offenders describes the difficulties to be socially accepted. 2 The study also shows that young offenders processes of marginalization as a result of repetitive labeling continues even outside the school when they join social circles with an offending lifestyle and similar visions. The study suggests that young offenders faced difficulties in reaching an entrenched position in the labor market. These difficulties are due to their crimes burden and by labeling has drawn up a negative self-image.

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