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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ängsarealens förändring i norra Skåne med nedslag i årtalet 1910 : en studie av ängens utveckling på sockennivå / How the extent of meadowland farming came to change in the north of Scania with an inpact made in the year of 1910 : a study based on the development of meadows within the foundation of parishes

Håkansson, Mathilda January 2020 (has links)
Under 1700- och 1800-talet genomgick jordbruket omfattande förändringar som bottnade i ett behov av att utöka odlingsmarker men framför allt effektivisera jordbruket. Utvecklingen kom att betyda ett minskat behov av ängsmarker. Enligt tidigare forskning av Skåne var utvecklingen långsammare i de skånska skogsbygderna där ängsbruket vidhölls längre än de andra bygdetyperna.   Studien syftar således till att kartlägga de faktorer som varit särskilt betydande för ängsarealens utveckling i norra Skåne under den industriella revolutionen men även under den agrara revolutionen. För möjligheten att bedriva en övergripande undersökning har ett nedslag i tid gjorts – år 1910. Socknar som endast utgörs av höglänt landskap valdes ut att ingå i undersökningen. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning togs variablerna åker, vallodling, djurhållning och skiftesreform fram. Jordbruksstatistik från varje undersökningsområde i form av sockenareal, ängsareal, åkerareal, skörd från vallodling och antal djur hämtades från BiSOS (Bidrag till Sveriges officiella jordbruksstatistik). Statistik över skiftade byar hämtades från Lantmäteriets söktjänst Historiska kartor. Diverse uträkningar gjordes utifrån statistiken för att jämföra variablernas betydelse för ängens utbredning inom varje undersökningsområde.   I resultatet framgick att åkerarealen haft direkt påverkan på ängsarealens utbredning. Vallodling och djurhållning påverkades av åkerarealens utbredning och var därmed mer indirekt påverkande. Undersökningen av skiftesreformernas påverkan på ängsarealen visade att det inte finns ett samband mellan genomförd skiftesreform och ängsareal inom det höglänta landskapet. Med det inte sagt att skiftesreformerna inte hade betydelse för minskningen av äng. Vidare bekräftade resultatet att laga skiftet varit den dominerande skiftesreformen och att flest skiften genomfördes mellan årtalen 1827–1869. / Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries agriculture encountered an extensive conversion due to urgent expansion of croplands. The conversion was essential in establishing an efficient way in land cultivation additionally leading to decrease of meadowland farming.   Recent research of Scania showed that woodlands had a continuance of meadowland farming compared to other regions of landscapes. This study intent to map out reasons contributing to the decrease of meadowland in the north of Scania during the industrial revolution but also the agricultural revolution. An impact in time was chosen to accomplish a study covering a widely spread area – the year 1910. Study sites were defined to parishes exclusively including highland lands. Based on previous research the variables cropland, grassland, livestock and enclosure of farmlands were selected. Statistics of agriculture was collected from BiSOS (Contribution to Sweden’s official agricultural statistics) in distinction to each studied parish. Statistics of enclosure was collected from the search service Historic maps by The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority. Several calculations based on the statistics were accomplished to show how the variables affected the acres of meadowland.   According to the result croplands were the main affecting variable. Grassland and livestock had a secondary affect due to their depending on the extent of cropland. Furthermore, there was no indication that enclosure directly altered the meadowland farming within the highlands of Scania and not generally for Scania. Additionally, enclosure by law was the dominating form and most were achieved during the years of 1827-1869.

De l'agrandissement des exploitations agricoles à la transformation des paysages de bocage : analyse comparative des recompositions foncières et paysagères en Normandie / From farms enlargment to the bocage landscape dynamics : comparative analysis of the contribution of the farm spatial extension to landscape dynamics in Normandy

Preux, Thibaut 05 December 2019 (has links)
Paysages emblématiques des campagnes de l’Ouest, les bocages ont connu une série de transformations rapides et importantes ces quarante dernières années : érosion du linéaire de haies, changements des usages du sol, rationalisation et agrandissement du parcellaire, banalisation et massification des bâtiments agricoles, enfrichement des secteurs les plus difficiles à exploiter. L’ampleur des ajustements observés souligne le décalage entre ces formes paysagères héritées d’une longue histoire agraire, et l’évolution des systèmes agricoles qui contribuent à les produire.Si la transformation des paysages de bocage est généralement attribuée au tournant « productiviste » du modèle agricole français, les processus socio-techniques à l’origine de ces évolutions sont plus rarement explicités. L’objet de ce travail est d’évaluer plus spécifiquement la contribution de l’agrandissement des exploitations agricoles à la dynamique d’évolution des paysages bocagers de l’Ouest de la France.Ce travail de géographie s’appuie dans un premier temps sur une analyse statistique à l’échelle du grand Ouest de la France, visant à étudier l’effet des transformations foncières sur les structures spatiales agricoles (assolements, parcellaire, linéaires boisés…). Dans un second temps, les dynamiques paysagères et foncières de quatre espaces d’étude (Bessin, Bocage Virois, Sud Manche, Pays d’Auge), situés en domaine laitier et bocager mais présentant des configurations agricoles variées, ont été étudiées entre 2003 et 2016. Ce travail s’appuie notamment sur un dispositif méthodologique original, articulant au sein d’un système d’information géographique à échelle parcellaire (1) la construction d’un suivi à échelle spatio-temporelle fine des dynamiques paysagères (évolution du maillage bocager, de la trame parcellaire et de l’occupation du sol) et (2) la reconstitution de l’évolution de la mosaïque des parcellaires d’exploitations par appariement de plusieurs millésimes du registre parcellaire graphique. L’exploitation de cette base de données spatio-temporelle a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle de la transformation foncière des exploitations agricoles dans la dynamique des paysages bocagers. Enfin, une enquête de terrain a été réalisée auprès de 150 agriculteurs équitablement répartis dans les quatre espaces d’étude, afin d’appréhender les conséquences sociales, techniques et productives de l’agrandissement à l’échelle des exploitations agricoles, qui diffèrent singulièrement selon le type de trajectoire foncière suivie. / Symbolic landscapes of the countryside of the West of France, the bocage landscapes have undergone a series of transformations these last forty years : decrease in hedgerow density, land uses changes, plots extension, normalization and enlargement of farm buildings, spatial extension of wilderness… The intensity of landscape transformations highlights the contradiction between these landscape forms produced by a long agrarian history and the contemporary evolutions of farming systems. The transformation of hedgerow landscapes is generally attributed to the "productivist" turn of the French agricultural model. However, the socio-technical processes behind these changes are more rarely explained.The first purpose of this geography work is to study the effects of changing agricultural systems on agricultural spatial structures, based on a statistical analysis at the scale of the West of France. In a second step, the landscape and land dynamics of four study areas (Bessin, Bocage Virois, Sud Manche, Pays d'Auge), located in the dairy and bocage domain, have been studied between 2003 and 2016. This work is based on an original methodological device, set up in a geographical information system. This structuration of geographic information makes possible to (1) monitor the landscape dynamics (evolution of the hedgerow density, land cover and plot morphology changes) at a fine spatial and temporal scale and (2) to reconstruct the evolution of the mosaic of farm plots, by matching land-parcell identification systems across the time (2007, 2011, 2013). From this spatio-temporal database, we characterized the coevolution of landscape structures and farm territories across the time, in order to better understand the landscape consequences of farm enlargment.Finally, a field survey was carried out among 150 farmers equitably distributed in the four study areas, in order to apprehend the social, technical and productive consequences of the farms enlargment, which differ singularly according to the type of land trajectory followed.

Territoires, paysages et sociétés du vin de Porto : géographie d’une mondialisation / Port wine territories, landscapes and societies : geography of a globalization / Territórios, paisagens e sociedades do vinho do Porto : geografia de uma mundialização

Baumert, Philippe 10 July 2019 (has links)
Le vin de Porto est un vin généreux portugais, c’est-à-dire un vin muté par adjonction d’eau-de-vie au cours du processus de vinification, ce qui lui confère un titre alcoométrique relativement élevé, compris entre 16.5 et 22 degrés. Il fait partie de ces vins qui, par le succès et la renommée qu’ils ont acquis à l’exportation depuis des siècles, sont susceptibles de porter très haut les couleurs de la production viti-vinicole d’un pays à l’international. Vin dont le terroir de production a fait l’objet très précocement, dès le milieu du 18e siècle, d’une délimitation ainsi que d’une réglementation très précise et stricte, le Porto est aujourd’hui exporté dans plus d’une centaine de pays au monde. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter une contribution aux études de géographie de la vigne et du vin du monde méditerranéen en répondant aux questions suivantes : - Où se sont construits les premiers territoires du vin de Porto ? Comment ces derniers ont-ils évolué au cours des différentes phases de la mondialisation et selon quelles logiques ? - Comment expliquer la précoce diffusion (dès l’époque Moderne) du vin de Porto sur le globe et, sur un temps plus long, son succès durable auprès des consommateurs à l’échelle internationale ? Comment analyser, plus particulièrement, le « goût anglais » pour le vin de Porto ainsi que le grand succès que connaît le vin de Porto sur les marchés français et portugais à partir de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle ? - Comment comprendre la très nette évolution à la baisse des exportations depuis le début du 21e siècle ? Assiste-t-on désormais à une nouvelle crise de la « planète du vin de Porto » après quasiment un demi-siècle de croissance moyenne des volumes exportés ? Ou doit-on plutôt interpréter cette chute de la courbe des exportations comme l’évolution vers une certaine forme de modernité en matière de consommation ? - Comment les différents acteurs de la filière font-ils face aux défis suscités par la mondialisation de la sphère viti-vinicole et les nouvelles pratiques des consommateurs ? Quelle est la place des territoires et des paysages dans les réponses qu’ils apportent ? - La filière « vin de Porto » et les représentations associées à ce vin peuvent-elles être considérées comme de véritables leviers de compétitivité et de développement territorial dans le cadre de la mondialisation ? - Que peuvent révéler les récentes évolutions de l’organisation de la filière et des pratiques de consommation sur la société portugaise ? / Port wine is a generous Portuguese wine, that is to say a wine transformed by the addition of brandy during the winemaking process, which gives it a relatively high alcohol content that ranges from 16.5 to 22 degrees. It is one of those wines whose success and fame throughout the centuries bolster the reputation of its country’s wine production on the international stage. A wine whose terroir of production has been subjected very early, from the middle of the 18th century, to delimitation as well as very precise and strict regulation, Port wine is today exported to more than a hundred countries in the world. The objective of this research is to contribute to the geographical studies of wines and vineyards in the Mediterranean area by answering the following questions : - Where were the first Porto wine territories established ? How have they evolved during the different phases of globalization and according to which logic ? - How to explain the early diffusion (since the Modern Age) of Port wine on the globe and its long-lasting success with consumers internationally ? How to analyse, in particular, the « English taste » for Port wine, as well as the great success enjoyed by Port wine on the French and Portuguese markets from the second half of the 20th century ? - How to better understand the sharp downward trend in exports since the beginning of the 21st century ? Are we now witnessing a new crisis in the « Port wine planet » after nearly half a century of average growth of the export volume ? Or should we rather interpret this fall of the export curve as the evolution towards a certain form of modernity in terms of consumption ? - How do the various actors in the sector cope with the challenges raised by the globalization of the wine sector and the emergence of new consumer practices ? What is the place of territories and landscapes in the solutions they bring ? - Can the « Port wine sector » and the representations associated with this wine be considered as real levers of competitiveness and territorial development in the context of globalization ? - What can the recent developments in the organization of the sector as well as in consumer practices reveal about Portuguese society ? / O vinho do Porto, é um vinho extremamente generoso de origem portuguesa, é um vinho que se transforma pela adição de aguardente durante o processo de vinificação, conferindo-lhe um título alcoólico relativamente elevado entre 16.5 e 22 graus. É sem duvida um vinho que, pela sua fama e sucesso adquiridos ao longo dos séculos, consegue representar as cores da produção vitivinícola internacionalmente. Vinho cuja o terroir de produção, em meados do século XVIII, foi atribuída uma delimitação, bem como um regulamento muito preciso e rigoroso, o vinho do Porto é hoje exportado em mais de uma centena de país do mundo. Esta investigação tem como objetivo, de contribuir aos estudos geográficos da videira e do vinho do mundo mediterrâneo respondendo às seguintes questões : - Onde foram construídos os primeiros territórios do vinho do Porto ? Como eles evoluíram durante as diferentes fases da globalização e qual foi a lógica que seguiram ? - Como explicar a difusão antecipada (desde a Idade Moderna) do vinho do Porto, no mundo e durante um período mais longo, o seu sucesso duradouro com os consumidores a nível internacional ? Como analisar, em particular, o « gosto inglês » pelo vinho do Porto e o grande sucesso que o vinho do Porto desfruta nos mercados francês e português a partir da segunda metade do século XX ? - Como compreender esta forte tendência na queda das exportações desde o início do século XXI ? Estamos assistir a uma nova crise no « mundo do vinho do Porto » depois de quase meio século de crescimento médio do volume das exportações ? Ou deveríamos interpretar essa queda da curva das exportações como uma evolução, de uma certa forma de modernismo em termos de consumo ? - Como os diversos atores do setor lidam com os desafios suscitados, pela mundialização do setor vitivinícola e das novas práticas de consumo ? E que importância atribuem esses novos atores aos territórios e paisagens através da mundialização ? - Pode o sector vitivinícola do Porto e as representações associadas a este vinho, serem consideradas como verdadeiros instrumentos de competitividade e desenvolvimento territorial no âmbito da mundialização ? - O que podem revelar os recentes desenvolvimentos na organização do sector e práticas de consumo sobre a sociedade portuguesa ?

Travel Narrative: Examining selected Southern African text

Sinyonde, Bright 02 1900 (has links)
MA (English) / Department of English / See the abstract below

Språk lever i alla rum : en visuell etnografisk studie utifrån en skolas lingvistiska landskap / Language lives in every room : a visual ethnographic study based on a school's linguistic landscape

Inga, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar mot att få ytterligare kunskap om lingvistiska landskap i en skolas miljö genom att undersöka hur flerspråkighet gestaltas i fysiska miljöer. Undersökningen har gjorts i en skola i norra Sverige och byggs upp av det sociokulturella perspektivets föreställning om språkets betydelse gällande elevers individ- och kunskapsutveckling. Vidare har skolan plats för cirka 700 elever, vilket har medfört att undersökningen koncentrerat sig på miljöer för elever i årskurs F–3. Studien ramas in av visuell etnografi som handlar mer om en kunskapsproduktion snarare än att endast samla in data. Totalt producerades 53 fotografier från skolans lingvistiska landskap som har stöttats upp av skriftliga fältanteckningar. Kombinationen av visuella och skriftliga fältanteckningar har använts för att skapa bredd i materialet. Den visuella etnografin är beroende av hur bilden används och tolkas för att synliggöra betydelser inom flerspråkighet. Därmed användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en konventionell ansats. Detta medförde att koder, etiketter och kategorier växte fram ur data. I det resultat som framställts visar det lingvistiska landskapet indikationer på fokus, underförstådda budskap och tankesätt om flerspråkighet. Studien påvisar att det växande forskningsfältet lingvistiska landskap kan medvetandegöra värdefull information om språkliga och sociala aspekter med bäring på elevers lärande. / This study aims to get further knowledge about linguistic landscapes in a school's environment by examining how multilingualism is shaped in physical environments. The study was conducted in a school in northern Sweden and is based on the socio-cultural perspective's idea of the importance of language regarding pupils' development both in terms of identity and knowledge. Furthermore, the school was built for about 700 pupils, which has meant that the study concentrated on environments for preschool class to year three. This study is framed by visual ethnography, which focus more on a knowledge production rather than just collecting data. The material consists of 53 produced photographs from the school's linguistic landscape combined with written fieldnotes. Likewise, the visual ethnography depends on how the image is used and interpreted to make visible meanings in multilingualism. Thus, qualitative content analysis with a conventional approach was used. This meant that codes, labels and categories emerged from the data. In the results presented, the linguistic landscape shows indications of focus, implicit messages and ways of thinking about multilingualism. The study shows that the growing research field of linguistic landscapes can raise awareness of valuable information about linguistic and social aspects based on pupils' learning.

U.S. Military Land Management and Endangered Species Conservation

Rabung, Emily A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Sacco, Diana January 2022 (has links)
Climate change has already had noticeable effects on the environment. Glaciers are retreating, ice on lakes and rivers is melting earlier, plant and animal species have relocated, and trees are blooming sooner. The Alpine landscape is one very good example of these dramatic shifts, which significantly impacted its identity and the economic stability of its communities. The effects on the classic forms of alpine tourism, especially the winter one, coupled with the mismanagement of the land and the lack of valorisation of the cultural heritage of the valleys have led to two equally disruptive phenomena: on one side, mass overtourism affects the most popular locations in the mountains requiring the construction of new infrastructures and resorts; on the other, the abandonment of the smallest or less known villages threatens the disappearing of rural communities with the consequent undermining of their surrounding landscape. Addressing the recovery plan drafted by the Italian Government after the pandemic (PNRR 2021), which includes giving new life to smaller villages and their ecological environment as well as reintroducing the Italian cinematographic industry as a competitive player within the international scene, the project aims to tackle the progress/paradox situation affecting the Italian Alps, Overtourism versus Abandonment, and its consequent impact on the landscape. The design is located in the Valle D’Aosta region, due to its proximity to Turin, a scenographic city where Italian cinema was born, and to its controversial nature which sees overbooked glamorous locations juxtaposed to the abandoned small rural realities. Particularly the proposal takes the story of the hamlet of Oyace, whose abandoned buildings are currently being sold at the symbolic price of 1 euro, in order to imagine a different future for alpine communities, which includes both economic growth and environmental awareness.Thought as a continuous dialogue between reality and fiction, the project starts in Oyace, taking shape as a film director’s studio in one of the currently abandoned buildings. It then continues as a new village envisioned by the director on the nearby artificial lake de Place Moulin, chosen for its symbiotic natural and man-made environment. The masterplan, drafted as a movie unfolding on site, borrows from the narrative of a romantic novel, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, written by Italian Francesco Colonna and published in Venice in 1499, which is set in mythical and personified landscapes. The different chapters of the novel with their allegorical nature inspire the ethos of each of the buildings of the village.The architecture of the proposal, which accommodates different programs typically present in a traditional Italian alpine village alongside spaces and structures necessary to the moviemaking, borrows from alpine forms and heritage, set design and movie strategies and the landscape. The result is a series of performative infrastructures staging, re-enacting, revealing and counteracting issues currently experienced by the hamlet of Oyace, these can be environmental, social or economic, and their consequences on the alpine environment. Despite taking from the story of the book and manifesting itself as a village, the project is not limited to the novel, but rather it attempts to start an investigation into the role of architecture within the wider context of the endangered alpine environment, whilst arguing for a multidisciplinary approach and the use of narrative as critical tools for the production of impactful architecture in times of crisis.Ultimately the design aims to envision a new future for the community of Oyace and its ecological environment, speculating on a new approach towards giving new life to alpine communities based on a deeper awareness of their surrounding environment.

An Assessment of Natural Resources Management Conflicts in the Working Landscapes of Mediterranean Turkey (Turkiye): Koprulu Kanyon National Park

Kemer, Nedim 01 May 2009 (has links)
Environmental conservation and natural resources management are critical global issues of the 21st century. The management of protected public lands emerges as a challenge particularly in developing countries because of the biophysical and socio-cultural importance of these lands. These lands are often referred to as 'working landscapes' where the natural systems and the collective actions of local residents have shaped one another in well-balanced interactions for generations. The working landscapes of the Köprülü Kanyon National Park (KKNP) in Turkey have provided the case study for this dissertation. Eleven villages exist within the park with a total of approximately 7,100 residents. The rich natural resources of the park have been contested by local communities, management and concessionaires. The objectives of the research were: first, to understand the fundamentals of the natural and socio-cultural dynamics within protected areas in general, and within the KKNP in particular; second, to examine the social conflicts which complicate the management of the KKNP; and third, to explore potential solutions whereby the stakeholders can cooperate in stabilizing the traditional dynamics of the park's working landscapes. Qualitative data was collected via 38 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with local residents, managers and concessionaires. The research found that an array of social disturbances and conflicts impact the social fabric and harm the land-human integrity of the site. These include shifting demographics, changing lifestyles of the villagers, pressures from tourism, multiple governmental authorities and instable management. Yaylacýlýk tradition, a semi-sedentary form of pastoralism, has played a significant role in both the traditional ecology and the social relations within the communities of the KKNP; and its abandonment has severely impacted both social and biophysical conditions. Through yaylacýlýk local residents had managed the lands as common property. The establishment of the national park, changing life styles and the pressures on the local agricultural economy brought an end to yaylacýlýk . Now the resources are treated in effect as open pool resources, thus leading to their demise. Throughout the eventful past of the KKNP the local residents have come from being integral elements of the 'working landscapes,' to being as antagonistic enemies of the park management. The three ideal characteristic elements of the 'working landscapes' of the KKNP (controlled access, coordination and communication) which once were maintained by the yaylacýlýk tradition, can be re-institutionalized within the region through contemporary applications by neutral third party initiatives. Restoration, conservation and efficient management of biophysical resources and the natural environment should be the outcomes of the resolutions of social conflicts which can be accomplished by the restoration of these three elements of the social structure.

Developmental scRNAseq Trajectories in Gene- and Cell-State Space—The Flatworm Example

Schmidt, Maria, Loefller-Wirth, Henry, Binder, Hans 18 April 2023 (has links)
Single-cell RNA sequencing has become a standard technique to characterize tissue development. Hereby, cross-sectional snapshots of the diversity of cell transcriptomes were transformed into (pseudo-) longitudinal trajectories of cell differentiation using computational methods, which are based on similarity measures distinguishing cell phenotypes. Cell development is driven by alterations of transcriptional programs e.g., by differentiation from stem cells into various tissues or by adapting to micro-environmental requirements. We here complement developmental trajectories in cell-state space by trajectories in gene-state space to more clearly address this latter aspect. Such trajectories can be generated using self-organizing maps machine learning. The method transforms multidimensional gene expression patterns into two dimensional data landscapes, which resemble the metaphoric Waddington epigenetic landscape. Trajectories in this landscape visualize transcriptional programs passed by cells along their developmental paths from stem cells to differentiated tissues. In addition, we generated developmental “vector fields” using RNA-velocities to forecast changes of RNA abundance in the expression landscapes. We applied the method to tissue development of planarian as an illustrative example. Gene-state space trajectories complement our data portrayal approach by (pseudo-)temporal information about changing transcriptional programs of the cells. Future applications can be seen in the fields of tissue and cell differentiation, ageing and tumor progression and also, using other data types such as genome, methylome, and also clinical and epidemiological phenotype data.


JOAO PEDRO GARCIA ARAUJO 05 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] A energia nuclear no Brasil tem uma longa e rica história, que inclui complexos acordos comerciais internacionais, domínio tecnológico, segredos militares e um grande acidente radiológico. Entretanto, ela é pouco estudada por nossa Geografia, que poderia ampliar o debate sobre o tema para além das tradicionais perspectivas técnico-econômicas. Neste estudo tomamos como base a teoria relacional do lugar, a tipologia das paisagens energéticas e o conceito de nuclearidade para narrar as transformações socioespaciais ocorridas a partir da instalação da Central Nuclear em Angra dos Reis, bem como as conexões desse empreendimento com o ciclo do combustível nuclear. Utilizamos múltiplas metodologias, que incluem: análise documental; entrevistas semiestruturadas com especialistas; análise de séries históricas de imagens, incluindo a aplicação de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento; e trabalho de campo exploratório e confirmatório. Apresentamos os marcos iniciais na localização de reatores nucleares pelo mundo, para contextualizar os estudos realizados no Brasil que levaram à escolha da Praia de Itaorna, Angra dos Reis (RJ), para receber a primeira central nuclear do país. Essa escolha tornou Itaorna um lugar nuclear. A instalação da Central Nuclear em 1970 e sua expansão lenta e descontínua nas cinco décadas seguintes levou à uma série de alterações na composição do lugar e no seu grau de nuclearidade. Durante esse período o domínio do significado se manteve estável, enquanto os domínios da natureza e das relações sociais tiveram mudanças significativas, indicando transformações na paisagem. Estas devem ser entendidas dentro de um contexto mais amplo de transformações socioespaciais no município de Angra dos Reis, que inclui a ascensão (terminal de petróleo e Central Nuclear) e o declínio (matas carvoeiras) de paisagens energéticas. A Central Nuclear tornouse um marco na paisagem, modificou a linha de costa e criou uma área de exclusão que permitiu, em certa medida, a regeneração da vegetação no seu entorno. Por outro lado, estimulou o crescimento de um núcleo populacional em Mambucaba que reduziu a vegetação por lá. A paisagem energética da Central Nuclear é caracterizada por sua alta densidade energética, por sua dominância espacial e permanência temporal. A instalação da Central Nuclear ocorreu simultaneamente às instalações da Fábrica de Combustível Nuclear (Resende – RJ) e do Complexo Mínero-industrial do Planalto de Poços de Caldas (Caldas – MG). Esses três lugares se conectam por meio do ciclo do combustível nuclear e sua existência depende de fluxos de materiais (principalmente urânio), de pessoas e de recursos financeiros, que se estabelecem (ou se estabeleciam) entre eles. Essa interdependência diferencia as paisagens energéticas nucleares de outras, como aquelas formadas por hidrelétricas ou parques eólicos. As três paisagens nucleares possuem alta densidade energética. Dentre elas, o Complexo Mínero-industrial é responsável pela transformação mais profunda, maior dominância espacial e permanência temporal, enquanto a Fábrica de Combustível situa-se no outro extremo. A teoria relacional do lugar, a tipologia das paisagens energéticas, e o conceito de nuclearidade se revelaram uma base teórica robusta para o estudo das transformações socioespaciais no ciclo do combustível nuclear e constituem ferramentas promissoras para aplicação no planejamento energético. / [en] Nuclear power in Brazil has a long and rich history, including complex international trade agreements, technological dominance, military secrets, and a major radiological accident. However, it has received little attention from Brazilian Geography, which could broaden the debate on the subject beyond the traditional technical-economic perspectives. We applied the relational theory of place, the typology of energy landscapes, and the concept of nuclearity to describe the sociospatial transformations that occurred after the establishment of the Nuclear Power Station in Angra dos Reis, as well as the connections of this enterprise with the nuclear fuel cycle. We used mixed methods that include: document analysis; semistructured interviews with experts; analysis of historical series of images, including the application of Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques; and exploratory and confirmatory fieldwork. We presented the initial milestones in the siting of nuclear reactors around the world, to put in context Brazilian studies that led to the selection of Praia de Itaorna, Angra dos Reis (RJ), to receive the first nuclear power plant in the country. This choice made Itaorna a nuclear place. The installation of the Nuclear Power Station in 1970 and its slow and discontinuous expansion over the next five decades led to a series of alterations in the composition of the place and in its degree of nuclearity. During this period, the domain of meaning remained stable, while the domains of nature and social relations had significant changes, indicating landscape transformations. These must be understood within a broader context of socio-spatial transformations in the municipality of Angra dos Reis, which includes the rise (petroleum terminal and Nuclear Power Station) and fall (charcoal forests) of energy landscapes. The Nuclear Power Station became a landmark, modified the coastline, and created an exclusion area that allowed, to a certain extent, the regeneration of the surrounding vegetation. On the other hand, it stimulated the growth of a population center in Mambucaba that reduced the vegetation there. The energy landscape of the Nuclear Power Station is characterized by high energy density, spatial dominance, and temporal permanence. The establishment of the Nuclear Power Station took place simultaneously with the establishment of the Nuclear Fuel Factory (Resende – RJ) and the Planalto de Poços de Caldas Mining Plant (Caldas – MG). These three places are connected through the nuclear fuel cycle and their existence depends on flows of materials (mainly uranium), people and financial resources, which are (or were) established between them. This interdependence differentiates nuclear energy landscapes from others, such as those formed by hydroelectric plants or wind farms. The three nuclear landscapes have high energy density. Among them, the Mining Plant causes the deepest transformation, has greater spatial dominance and temporal permanence, while the Fuel Factory is located at the other extreme. The relational theory of place, the typology of energy landscapes, and the concept of nuclearity proved to be a robust theoretical basis for the study of socio-spatial transformations in the nuclear fuel cycle and constitute promising tools to be applied to energy planning.

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