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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predicting Latino Male Student Retention: the Effect of Psychosocial Variables on Persistence for First-year College Students at a Southwest University

McGuire, Melissa 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate and predict Latino male student retention using ACT’s Engage College survey at a research university in the southwestern region of the U.S. ACT’s Engage survey was designed to predict first-year college retention using 10 psychosocial measures. However, no empirical study exists to support ACT’s claim especially for Latino male students. Data from a four-year research university between 2009 and 2011 were analyzed with logistic regression. Logistic regression analysis was performed for the whole sample (N = 8,061) and for the Latino male subsample (n = 860). In the entire sample’s first regression model, high school grade quartile and SAT score as well as demographic variables were used as predictor variables. In this model, the independent variables of high school grade point average quartile, SAT score, gender, and race made statistically significant contributions to the model (Nagelkerke R2 = .031, p < .01). In the entire sample’s second regression model, ACT’s 10 psychosocial variables were added to the first regression model as predictor variables. Results indicated the instrument was valid for the freshmen as a whole because five out of 10 psychosocial measures displayed statistically significant odds ratios (ORs) for predicting retention: (a) Commitment to College (OR = 1.006, p < .01), (b) Academic Discipline (OR = 1.005, p < .01), (c) Social Activity (OR = -.997, p < .01), (d) Social Connection (OR = 1.004, p < .01), and (e) Academic Self-Confidence (OR = -.997, p < .01). Regarding the subsample of 860 Latino males, none of the 10 psychosocial measures produced statistically significant results. The findings indicate the need to determine a new way of identifying at-risk Latino male students because current methods have failed to build a robust predictive model for this student population.

Des expériences du temps dans la photographie latino-americaine contemporaine / Time experiencies in contemporary latin-american photography / Experiencias del tiempo en la fotografía latinoamericana contemporánea

Corp, Mathieu 10 October 2015 (has links)
Les images exposées sous l’appellation de photographie latino-américaine varient selon les expositions où commissaires et critiques déterminent les critères qui légitiment la sélection et l’organisation des images. Seuls des partis pris curatoriaux semblent ainsi gouverner des choix dont les enjeux éthiques et esthétiques diffèrent et découper les expositions par des catégories thématiques et des textes exégétiques des œuvres où, depuis les années 1990, l’usage récurrent des termes « histoire », « mémoire » et « identité » contribue à attribuer des significations moins géographiques qu’historiques à l’adjectif latino-américain. Nous nous proposons de montrer comment des expériences du temps sont configurées par les artistes dans leurs images par bien des modalités plastiques, comment les images sont capables d’établir, depuis et en fonction du présent, des rapports avec le passé. Selon une approche sémantico-pragmatique, nous analysons les références employées dans les images et dans les textes pour mesurer les implications contextuelles des rapports temporels, tandis que les modalités plastiques qui les traduisent nous permettent d’en interpréter le sens. / During an exhibition, images displayed under the rubric of Latin-American photography vary according to the criteria retained by both curators and critics who legitimate their selection as well as their organisation. Curatorial biases can on their own determine choices with changing ethical and aesthetic implications and thus influence the shape taken on by exhibitions according to the thematic categories retained and the textual commentaries proposed for works whose Latin-American meanings, ever since the 1990s, are less affected by geographical considerations than by historical ones. In this thesis, it is our intention to show, first, how artists, using a plethora of plastic means, impart shape and form to experiences of time and, second, how images, through and according to the present moment, can establish various relationships with the past. Enlisting a semantic-pragmatic approach, we analyse the references established by images and texts in order to measure the contextual implications borne by their temporal relations; at the same time, the plastic modalities given to these temporalities allow us to interpret their meaning.

As historias nas paginas de um romance : analise da representação de ditadura na obra El Otoño del Patriarca

Brichta, Laila, 1974- 27 February 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro Karnal / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-31T17:33:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Brichta_Laila_M.pdf: 6547634 bytes, checksum: e914c5620215488abde4cea738f9daa2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: A presente dissertação objetiva analisar o romance El Otoño del Patriarca, de Gabriel García Márquez, buscando nessa obra reflexões sobre a escrita da história. Partimos da idéia de que história e literatura são disciplinas distintas, porém com uma série de semelhanças que legitimam ambas a elaborarem o passado, escrevendo-o e dessa forma interpretando-o. Nesse romance, García Márquez abordou o poder institucional em sua manifestação autoritária; a personagem principal foi inspirada nos ditadores latino americanos e a ambientação da narrativa é a América Latina. Buscamos em nossa leitura observar a construção da história recente de nosso continente; tentamos ler as propostas de interpretação histórica que o romance nos incita a fazer. Nossa preocupação maior foi mostrar que o poder centrado inicialmente na personagem do patriarca é extremamente complexo e apresenta-se de diversas formas, manifestando-se em muitas personagens. O patriarca seria uma alegoria do poder na América Latina, assim como a representação ora de uma individualidade, ora de uma estrutura desse mesmo poder / Abstract: This thesis has the purpose of analysing the novel El Otono del Patriarca, by Gabriel García Marquez, attempting to its considerations about the writing of history. Even considerating history and literature as distinct disciplines, we can say that several similarities legitimize both to rebuild the past, by the use of words, so giving it an interpretation. In this novel, García Marquez depicted the institutional might in its dictatorial manifestation; the main character was inspired in the latin american dictators and the scenery is Latin America. We tried to observe in our reading the construction of the recent history of our continent; we tried to pick up the proposals of history interpretations raised by the book. The main concern was to show that the power, in the beginning centralized in the character of the patriarch, is highly complex and it is presented in many ways, having repercutions in many other characters. The patriarch could be seen as an allegory of the power in Latin America, representing first an individuality, then the structure of this same power / Mestrado / Mestre em História

De linguado a lingua(ru)da : gênero e discurso das mulieres plautinae / Lingulacae women : mulieres plautinae, their gender and discourse

Rocha, Carol Martins da, 1983- 29 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Isabella Tardin Cardoso / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-29T00:01:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rocha_CarolMartinsda_D.pdf: 1874552 bytes, checksum: 360bb454a762494c06207e13615d04ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: O presente estudo tem como assunto o discurso das mulheres e sobre as mulheres nas comédias de Plauto. Na esteira de pesquisas mais recentes sobre a fabula palliata, não se busca aqui de modo muito imediato um retrato ipsis litteris da mulher na sociedade grega ou romana antiga. Estudos modernos sobre gênero ("gender") apontam para a importância de se considerar a representação do feminino enquanto algo não determinado biologicamente, mas sim construído em suas relações (com o outro gênero, com o contexto) e reversível. A apreciação desses aspectos em Plauto ressalta os efeitos poéticos e dramáticos da construção do feminino no contexto do drama desse comediógrafo. Mais especificamente, serão analisadas em nosso estudo passagens de peças selecionadas (Aululária, Báquides, Cásina, Menecmos, O mercador e O soldado fanfarrão) sob dois modos de representar a relação entre os gêneros em Plauto: de um lado, a caracterização da mulher no quadro do casamento representado na palliata, e, de outro, o uso de imagens de animais para caracterizar o feminino ou masculino. Sob a ótica do casamento, apreciamos o tipo da uxor dotata, observando quer sua representação caricata, quer sutilezas de sua composição a cada comédia plautina avaliada. Além disso, nas peças selecionadas, evidencia-se um bestiário feminino, que se mostra, embora variado, coerente com aspectos que delineiam as mulheres (tanto matronas quanto meretrizes) em Plauto / Abstract: The present study has as its main focus the discourse by and about women in Plautus' comedies. In agreement with recent studies about fabula palliata, the goal is not an immediate portrait of women in Ancient Greek or Roman societies. Contemporary gender studies point to the importance of considering representations of the feminine as something that is not biologically determined, but constructed in its relations (with the other gender, with the context) and reversible. The appreciation of such aspects in Plautus highlights the poetic and dramatic effects in the construction of the feminine in the context of the playwright's drama. More specifically, passages of selected plays (Aulularia, Bacchides, Casina, Menaechmi, Mercator and Miles Gloriosus) will be analyzed in this study under two modes of the representation of the relation between genders in Plautus: on one hand, the characterization of women within the frame of marriage represented in the palliata; on the other hand, the use of images related to animals to characterize feminine or masculine. Under the point of view of marriage, the uxor dotata stock character-type is evaluated, observing both its representation as a caricature and the subtleties of composition in each Plautine comedy under scrutiny. Furthermore, within the selected plays, a feminine bestiary is put in evidence, which seems, albeit varied, coherent in the aspects through which it pictures women (both matrons and prostitutes) in Plautus / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutora em Linguística

Memoria, nación y pertenencia en la obra de Benedicto Chuaqui

Béland, Michelle 05 1900 (has links)
[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département de littératures et de langues modernes] / Le présent travail porte sur l’analyse de la reconstruction identitaire de l’auteur Benedicto Chuaqui dans son œuvre Memorias de un emigrante (1942). Autobiographique, l’œuvre raconte l’expérience migratoire au Chili de Chuaqui, d’origine syrienne, durant une période où le pays est marqué par de nombreux changements sociaux, politiques et économiques. L’analyse de la subjectivité de Chuaqui au sein du texte nous révèle une reconstruction identitaire qui s’effectue par son désir d’appartenir à la nation chilienne. En reconstruisant son passé, l’auteur défend son appartenance à la nation et, par ce fait, propose sa propre définition de l’identité chilienne. L’œuvre remet en question la définition essentialiste de l’identité tant au niveau individuel que collectif, puisque l’auteur la conçoit comme étant fracturée, multiple et reconstruite au fil du temps. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Benedicto Chuaqui’s identity reconstruction in his autobiographical work Memorias de un emigrante (1942). Born in Syria, Chuaqui recreates his migratory experience in Chili, at a time when the country is marked by many social, economic and political changes. The analysis of Chuaqui’s subjectivity within the text reveals an identity reconstruction propelled by his desire to belong to the Chilean nation. By reconstructing his past, the author defends his membership to the nation, and by doing so, offers his own definition of Chilean identity. The work calls into question the essentialist definition of identity both individually and collectively, as the author sees it as fractured, multiple and reconstructed over time. / El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el proceso de reconstrucción identitaria que el autor Benedicto Chuaqui lleva a cabo en su obra Memorias de un emigrante (1942). De carácter autobiográfico, la obra relata la experiencia de migración de Chuaqui, de origen sirio, en Chile durante un periodo bastante dinámico social, económica y políticamente. El análisis de la subjetividad de Chuaqui en el texto nos revela la reconstrucción identitaria que se lleva a cabo en función de su deseo de pertenecer a la nación chilena. A través de la reconstrucción de su pasado, el autor defiende su pertenencia a la nación, definiendo, al tiempo, lo que significa ser chileno. La obra cuestiona la definición esencialista de la identidad, tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, ya que el autor entiende que ésta puede ser fracturada y múltiple, así como reconstruida a través del tiempo.

Identidad, alteridad y espacios físicos en dos novelas sobre emigrantes colombianos

Arias Marín, David 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur des aspects reliés à la migration et la représentation, notamment à la façon dont l’émigration a été racontée dans la littérature colombienne et la manière dont les émigrants ont été représentés dans les romans Lucas Guevara (1914), de Alirio Díaz Guerra, et Paraíso travel (2002), de Jorge Franco, tous deux écrivains colombiens. Nous développerons à cette fin notre analyse à partir des trois concepts: identité, altérité et espaces physiques, qui sont au cœur de ce genre de récits. Ainsi, nous abordons ces notions séparément, et en même temps, nous identifions les relations existantes entre chacune d’elles. En fait, l’un des résultats de cette étude porte sur la façon dont ces romans sur l’émigration traitent le problème de l’identité en relation avec les représentations de l’altérité et des espaces physiques. Des aspects tels que la séparation de deux traditions culturels différentes (l’hispanique versus l’anglo), la confrontation des personnages provenant d’un contexte religieux et conservateur avec l’ambiance libérale et sécularisante de New York, les conséquences du contact des émigrants avec la société étrangère et leur transformation ultérieure, la marginalité des émigrants colombiens aux États-Unis, leur manque de communication, les représentations des hommes, femmes, immigrants et natifs, ainsi que la façon dont les romans glissent quelques indices sur la condition de l’individu moderne et postmoderne, font partie des sujets analysés dans notre étude. / This study addresses issues related to migration and representation, in particular it considers how emigration has been recounted in Colombian literature and how emigrants have been represented in Alirio Díaz Guerra’s Lucas Guevara (1914) and Jorge Franco’s Paraíso travel (2002). Our analysis of the novels is based in three main concepts: identity, alterity and physical spaces, which are instrumental in the articulation in the novels plot and characters. For the purposes of this study, we treat these three concepts separately while still considering the existing connections between them. Some of the findings of this work are related to how these novels about emigrants raise the problem of identity and how identity is tightly connected to alterity, as well as to individual othering and the representation of physical spaces. Some of the topics this study considers are the following: the standoff of two different cultural traditions (Hispanic versus Anglo), the confrontation of traditionally educated Latin American individuals with a liberal and secularizing environment as that of New York City, the consequence of migration and the ulterior transformation of the characters, the marginality of Colombian emigrants in the United States of America, the problem of communication, the representation of men, women, immigrants and natives, as well as the way both novels slip some clues about the condition of the modern and postmodern individuals. / Este trabajo trata sobre aspectos relacionados con la migración y la representación, particularmente sobre la forma en que la emigración ha sido narrada en la literatura colombiana y la manera en que los emigrantes son representados en dos novelas de escritores colombianos: Lucas Guevara (1914), de Alirio Díaz Guerra, y Paraíso travel (2002), de Jorge Franco. Para ello hacemos uso de tres conceptos que son la base de nuestro estudio: identidad, alteridad y espacios físicos. La elección de estas nociones como ejes de análisis se basa en que, efectivamente, se trata de tres problemáticas que están en el centro de las narraciones. Por tal motivo, tratamos los tres conceptos por separado, sin olvidar las conexiones que existen entre ellos. Algunos de los hallazgos de nuestro análisis se relacionan con la forma en que estas novelas plantean el problema de la identidad de los emigrantes, cómo la identidad se relaciona con la alteridad y cómo ambas cosas se articulan a su vez con las descripciones y representaciones de los espacios físicos. El enfrentamiento entre tradiciones culturales diferentes (lo hispano versus lo anglo), la confrontación de dos personajes venidos de un contexto religioso y conservador con un contexto liberal y secularizante como el de Nueva York, las consecuencias de ese encuentro y la posterior transformación de los protagonistas, la marginalidad de los emigrantes colombianos en los Estados Unidos, su incomunicación, las representaciones de hombres, mujeres, inmigrantes y nativos y, en fin, la manera en que ambas novelas arrojan pistas sobre la condición de los individuos moderno y posmoderno, forman parte de los tópicos analizados en nuestro estudio.

Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) with Latina/o Children Exhibiting School Behavior Problems: Comparative Effects of Delivery by Spanish-Speaking and English-Speaking Counselors

Barcenas Jaimez, Gustavo 12 1900 (has links)
The shortage of bilingual counselors is one barrier to young Latina/o children receiving mental health services. Child-centered play therapy (CCPT) is a developmentally responsive intervention based on the premise that play is children's natural means of communication across cultures. This randomized controlled study examined the effects of CCPT with young Spanish-speaking Latina/o children exhibiting clinical levels of school behavior problems. Participants were 57 pre-K to kindergarten Latina/o children (72% male; mean age = 4.0) randomly assigned to three treatment groups: CCPT with Spanish-speaking, bilingual counselors; CCPT with English-speaking, monolingual counselors; or active control (bilingual mentoring). Monolingual counselors participated in cultural competency training and supervision with bilingual counselors and supervisors. According to independent observers and teachers blinded to children's group assignment, both the bilingual CCPT group and the monolingual CCPT group demonstrated moderate treatment effects over bilingual mentoring, yet between-group differences were not statistically significant. Analysis of within-group change over time indicated that children in both CCPT interventions demonstrated statistically significant improvement, while the mentoring group did not. The percentage of children in each treatment group who improved from clinical to normal behavioral functioning suggests the clinical significance of the findings: 80% bilingual CCPT, 70% monolingual CCPT, 15% bilingual mentoring. Overall, findings indicate that CCPT, whether delivered by bilingual counselors or culturally-competent, monolingual counselors, is a promising intervention for young Latina/o children exhibiting behavior problems.

Forgotten victims: Understanding Latino/a Non-Offending Parents of Sexually Abused Children

Andrade, Alba Rocio January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ethnic Identity as a Moderator for Perceived Access to Healthcare Among LMSM

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) note that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (collectively referred to as MSM) face more barriers to accessing health care compared to other men. Such barriers include, lack of cultural- and sexual identity-appropriate medical and support services, concerns about confidentiality, and fear of discussing sexual practices or orientation in a medical setting. In comparison to other MSM populations, Latino MSM (LMSM) report having the least amount of access to health care (McKirnan et al., 2012). The purpose of the present study is to elucidate how individual- (i.e., age, education level, and income level), community- (i.e., social support and neighborhood collective efficacy), and sociocultural-level factors (i.e., immigration status, heterosexual self-presentation, sexual identity commitment, sexual identity exploration, and ethnic identity affirmation and belonging) may relate with perceived access to healthcare. It is hypothesized that ethnic identity affirmation and belonging will moderate relations between the aforementioned predictors and perceived access to health care based on increasing evidence that ethnic identity, or one’s sense of affirmation and belonging to one’s ethnic group, may be a health protective factor. Among a sample of 469 LMSM, this study found that there were several predictors across all three levels (i.e., individual, community, and sociocultural) of perceived access to healthcare. Additionally, data supported evidence that ethnic identity affirmation and belonging (Phinney, 2003) acts as a moderator of other predictors of perceived access to healthcare in this sample. These findings can inform outreach interventions of researchers and healthcare providers about psychosocial and cultural barriers and facilitators of access to healthcare. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Counseling Psychology 2020

A Cultural Perspective of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System with Latino Youth

Leacox, Erika J. 01 January 2022 (has links)
This study investigated the usefulness of administering the Adult Attachment Projective Picture system (AAP) through a cultural lens with two Latino youth receiving mental health treatment. The AAP is a measure developed from the Bowlby-Ainsworth developmental attachment theory that is used to assess an attachment state of mind for individuals. These case studies facilitated an understanding of how the attachment perspective may be combined with knowledge of cultural themes represented in the AAP results to inform mental health treatment. Each of the participants of this single-subject study design are youth who have experienced symptoms of trauma. We observe from this study how trauma, cultural traditions, and developmental attachment are related. Based on qualitative findings of coded defense process markers of the AAP and instances of traditional Latino cultural themes, the researcher discusses recommendations for future mental health interventions for these two youth. It was found that cultural influences were depicted in the responses from the AAP and could therapeutically integrate with attachment classification. Cultural orientation as an adaptive process is helpful in assessing attachment. When viewed as non-adaptive, acculturative differences may cause distress among families. Both cases from this study were moving toward secure attachment. Case 2 was able to maximize the cultural background to adapt and showed more cultural themes in the AAP which was consistent with the family traditions used in real life to support this youth’s mental health progress. Clinicians and families can address youths’ attachment needs and trauma by utilizing cultural influences to inform mental health treatment.

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