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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bisognin, Márcio Giovane Trentin 26 April 2006 (has links)
Traverses Adjustment in the surface of the ellipsoid with the objectives to guarantee the solution unicity in the transport of curvilinear geodesic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and in the azimuth transport and to get the estimates of quality. It deduces the coordinate transport and the azimuth transport by mean Legendre s series of the geodesic line. This series is based on the Taylor s series, where the argument is the length of the geodesic line. For the practical applications, it has the necessity to effect the truncation of the series and to calculate the function error for the latitude, the function error for the longitude and the function error for the azimuth. In this research, these series are truncated in the derivative third and calculates the express functions error in derivative fourth. It is described the adjustment models based on the least-squares method: combined model with weighted parameters, combined model or mixed model, parametric model or observations equations and correlates model or condition equations model. The practical application is the adjustment by mean parametric model of a traverse measured by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), constituted of 8 vertices and the 129.661 km length. The localization of errors in the observations is calculated by the Baarda s data snooping test in the last iteration of the adjustment that showed some observations with error. The estimates of quality are in the variance-covariance matrices and calculate the semiaxes of the error ellipse or standard ellipse of each point by means of the spectral decomposition (or Jordan s decomposition) of the submatrices of the variance-covariance matrix of the adjusted parameters (the coordinates). It is important to note that the application of the Legendre s series is satisfactory for short distances until 40km length. The convergence of the series is fast for the adjusted coordinates, where the stopped criterion of the iterations is four decimals in the sexagesimal second arc, where it is obtained from interation second of the adjustment. / Ajustamento de linhas poligonais na superfície do elipsóide com os objetivos de garantir a unicidade de solução no transporte de coordenadas geodésicas curvilíneas (latitude ϕ e longitude λ ) e no transporte de azimute e de obter as estimativas de qualidade. Deduz o transporte de coordenadas e o transporte de azimute pelas séries de Legendre da linha geodésica. Essa série se fundamenta na série de Taylor, em que o argumento é o comprimento da linha geodésica. Para as aplicações práticas, há a necessidade de efetuar o truncamento da série e calcular a função erro para a latitude, função erro para a longitude e função erro para o azimute. Nesta pesquisa, trunca-se a série na derivada terceira e calculam-se as funções erro expressas em derivada quarta. Expõe os modelos de ajustamento fundamentados no método dos mínimos quadrados (MMQ): modelo combinado com ponderação aos parâmetros, modelo combinado ou implícito, modelo paramétrico ou das equações de observação e modelo dos correlatos ou das equações de condição. A aplicação prática é o ajustamento pelo modelo paramétrico de uma linha poligonal medida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), constituída de 8 vértices e de comprimento igual a 129,661 km. A localização de erros nas observações é efetuada pelo teste data snooping de Baarda na última etapa do ajustamento que mostrou algumas observações com erro. As estimativas de qualidade estão nas matrizes variância-covariância (MVC) e calcula-se os semieixos da elipse dos erros (ou elipse padrão) de cada ponto mediante a decomposição espectral (ou decomposição de Jordan) das submatrizes da MVC dos parâmetros (as coordenadas) ajustados. Mostra-se que a aplicação das séries de Legendre é satisfatória para distâncias curtas até 40km. A convergência da série é rápida para as coordenadas ajustadas, onde o critério de parada das iterações seja quatro decimais do segundo de arco em que se atingiu na segunda etapa do ajustamento.

Variable Denudation in the Evolution of the Bolivian Andes: Controls and Uplift-Climate-Erosion Feedbacks

Barnes, Jason B. January 2002 (has links)
Controls on denudation in the eastern Bolivian Andes are evaluated by synthesis of new and existing denudation estimates from basin-morphometry, stream - powered fluvial incision, landslide mapping, sediment flux, erosion surfaces, thermochronology, foreland basin sediment volumes, and structural restorations. Centered at 17.5 °S, the northeastern Bolivian Andes exhibit high relief, a wet climate, and a narrow fold- thrust belt. In contrast, the southeastern Bolivian Andes have low relief, a semi-arid climate, and a wide fold-thrust belt. Basin -morphometry indicates a northward increase in relief and relative denudation. Stream-power along river profiles shows greater average incision rates in the north by a factor of 2 to 4. In the south, profile knickpoints with high incision rates are controlled by fold-thrust belt structures such as the surface expressions of basement megathrusts, faults, folds, and lithologic boundaries. Landslide and sediment-flux data are controlled by climate, elevation, basin morphology, and size and show a similar trend; short -term denudation-rate averages are greater in the north (1- 9 mm/yr) than the south (0.3-0.4 mm/yr). Long-term denudation-rate estimates including fission track, basin fill, erosion surfaces, and structural restorations also exhibit greater values in the north (0.2-0.8 mm/yr) compared to the south (0.04-0.3 mm/yr). Controls on long-term denudation rates include relief, orographic and global atmospheric circulation patterns of precipitation, climate change, glaciation, and fold-thrust belt geometry and kinematics. The denudation synthesis supports two conclusions: 1) denudation rates have increased towards the present 2) an along-strike disparity in denudation (greater in the north) has existed since at least the Miocene and has increased towards the present. Denudation rates and controls suggest that Bolivian mountain morphology is controlled by both its orientation at mid-latitude, and the feedbacks between uplift, kinematics, orographic effects on precipitation, glaciation, and the increased erosion that accompanies orogenesis.

Intensification rapide des cyclones tropicaux du sud-ouest de l’océan Indien (SWIO) : dynamique interne et influences externes / Tropical Cyclone rapid intensification in the southwest Indian ocean : internal processes and external influences

Leroux, Marie-Dominique 13 December 2012 (has links)
Dans un contexte international, la prévision d'intensité des cyclones tropicaux connaît encore de graves déficiences tandis que la prévision de trajectoire de ces phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes s'est grandement améliorée ces dernières décennies. Une source d'erreur pour la prévision d'intensité est le manque de connaissance des processus physiques qui régissent l'évolution de la structure et de l'intensité des cyclones. Cette thèse, proposée dans le cadre des responsabilités du Centre Météorologique Régional Spécialisé (CMRS) de la Réunion et des axes de recherche du LACy et du CNRM, a pour but d'améliorer la prévision numérique et la compréhension des mécanismes de changement de structure et d'intensité des cyclones dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien. On observe statistiquement dans le bassin de fréquents déferlements d'ondes de Rossby qui correspondent à une intrusion des talwegs d'altitude depuis les moyennes latitudes vers les régions où évoluent les cyclones. Ces déferlements advectent dans la troposphère tropicale de l'air d'origine stratosphérique à fort tourbillon potentiel (PV). Le cœur d'un cyclone tropical étant caractérisé par un vortex cyclonique de fort PV, il est donc légitime de se demander si de tels talwegs sont capables de « nourrir » un cyclone en déferlant jusqu'à lui, et l'intensifier par superposition de PV. D'un autre côté, l'approche d'un talweg est associée à d'autres facteurs pouvant jouer en défaveur d'une intensification, comme un fort cisaillement vertical de vent. L'étude de processus est réalisée sur le cyclone Dora (2007) avec le modèle opérationnel du CMRS sur le bassin, Aladin-Réunion. Ce modèle hydrostatique à aire limitée bénéficie d'une résolution horizontale de 8 km et de son propre schéma d'assimilation 3Dvar avec bogus de vent. Un tel bogus permet d'affiner la structure du cyclone à l'instant initial en ajoutant des observations de vent déduites d'un profil analytique et des paramètres de structure du cyclone estimés par les images satellites. Des diagnostiques sur les variables thermodynamiques en sortie de modèle montrent que la phase d'intensification rapide de Dora est bien associée à l'advection de tourbillon potentiel (PV) en provenance du talweg. Bien que fortement cisaillé, le système parvient à s'intensifier grâce à la forte inclinaison du talweg qui advecte du PV au cœur du cyclone en 2 temps et à 2 niveaux (haute et moyenne troposphère). Lorsque le talweg est au plus proche du cyclone, il force un processus dynamique interne appelé « cycle de remplacement du mur de l'œil ». On observe une inclinaison et un renforcement des vitesses verticales à l'extérieur du mur de l'œil principal, associé à une accélération de la circulation cyclonique tangentielle par advection de moment angulaire sur toute l'épaisseur de la troposphère dans cette zone annulaire (mis en évidence par les flux d'Eliassen-Palm). Un second maximum de vent relatif apparaît alors et une deuxième phase d'intensification rapide s'ensuit avec la contraction du mur secondaire. Le forçage de processus internes par une influence externe (un talweg) semble donc être le moteur de l'intensification rapide de Dora dans un environnement cisaillé, et potentiellement celui d'autres cyclones dans le bassin qui sont approchés par des talwegs d'altitude. Les prévisionnistes du CMRS sont invités à surveiller les champs de PV de tels systèmes, en attendant que de plus amples diagnostiques soient réalisés avec l'outil d'inversion du tourbillon potentiel développé sur le modèle global Arpège. / Despite significant improvements in Tropical Cyclone (TC) track forecasts over the past few decades, anticipating the sudden intensity changes of TCs remains a major operational issue. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze TC rapid intensification processes in relation with external forcing induced by upper-level troughs originating from the mid-latitudes. The impact of initial storm structure on storm evolution and prediction is also documented. An objective definition for rapid intensification in the southwest Indian Ocean is first proposed. The location and frequency of TC-trough interactions are identified, as well as TC-trough arrangements conducive to TC intensification. An interesting study case, TC Dora (2007), is chosen to run numerical simulations initialized with synthetic TC observations blended in a global analysis. The simulated TC-trough interaction is intricate with potential vorticity (PV) advection from the trough into the TC core at mid and upper levels. Vortex intensification first occurs inside the eyewall and results from PV superposition. Further intensification is associated with a subsequent secondary eyewall formation triggered by external forcing from the trough. The numerical model is able to reproduce the main features associated with outer eyewall spin-up, inner eyewall spin-down, and their effects on vortex intensity changes. Another numerical study examines typhoons in the northwest Pacific and demonstrates the critical role played by initial vortex structure in TC track and intensity prediction. Upgrading the initial specification of a TC inner-core structure in numerical models is recommended for future TC prediction improvements.

Interação trópicos-extratrópicos, relações com o oceano Austral e impactos no gelo marinho antártico / TROPICAL-EXTRATROPICAL INTERATION, RELATIONSHIP WITH AUSTRAL OCEAN AND IMPACTS ON ANTARCTIC SEA ICE

Lima, Fabio Ullmann Furtado de 23 August 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos prévios mostram que a variabilidade do gelo marinho antártico em diversas escalas temporais está intimamente relacionada a mecanismos de teleconexões trópicos-extratrópicos. Com base nesta hipótese, este trabalho pretende estabelecer a resposta da passagem dos trens de ondas em latitudes médias, associados a fenômenos de escala intrasazonal (20-100 dias) como a Oscilação de Madden-Julian (Madden-Julian Oscillation ou MJO), nas camadas superiores do Oceano Austral (OA) e impactos no gelo marinho antártico. O período investigado neste estudo é 19892007, com ênfase no inverno e sobre o mar de Ross, localizado no setor Pacífico austral (região diretamente afetada pela passagem dos trens de ondas de latitudes médias). Composições com defasagens (lag composites) de anomalias intrasazonais da tensão de cisalhamento do vento (zonal e meridional) mostram que correntes oceânicas são geradas em resposta a essa forçante atmosférica sobre o oceano no setor Pacífico austral. O transporte zonal e meridional de massa na camada de Ekman oceânica indica que divergência de massa nessa camada precede os eventos extremos intrasazonais de retração do gelo marinho em Ross (EIR). Em contraste, convergência precede períodos de eventos extremos intrasazonais de expansão do gelo marinho em Ross (EIE). A divergência (convergência) de massa na camada de Ekman associada com anomalias intrasazonais do bombeamento de Ekman resulta em ressurgência (subsidência) que precede a ocorrência de EIR (EIE). Alguns trabalhos mostram que águas intermediárias antárticas, que são relativamente mais quentes no inverno em relação às águas superficiais que estão próximas ao ponto de congelamento (ou congeladas), são dirigidas para a superfície do oceano pelo bombeamento de Ekman e ocasionam o derretimento do gelo marinho. Anomalias do transporte meridional de calor na camada de Ekman oceânica mostram que durante os EIR (EIE), calor é transportado para dentro (fora) do mar de Ross entre 15 e 8 dias (12 e 8 dias) precedentes aos EIR (EIE). Anomalias intrasazonais do fluxo de calor na interface ar-mar mostram que precedendo o dia de observação dos EIR (EIE) o fluxo de calor é direcionado da atmosfera para o oceano (do oceano para a atmosfera), sendo essa configuração associada a um ganho (perda) de calor no oceano superior em Ross. Em todas as composições, observa-se a mudança de fase das anomalias nos dias posteriores (lags positivos) ao dia dos EIG e são consistentes com a propagação do modo conhecido como Pacific-South-American (PSA), identificado nesse trabalho por meio de anomalias intrasazonais da altura geopotencial em 200 hPa. Além disso, uma diferença notada em alguns casos nas lag-composities é que em períodos de MJO ativa, as anomalias parecem estar mais deslocadas para o sul do que em períodos de MJO inativa. Em períodos de MJO inativa foram observados 15 (13) eventos de EIR (EIE), enquanto que, em períodos de MJO ativa observou-se 25 (24) eventos de EIR (EIE). Observa-se ainda que há uma maior quantidade de ciclones quando a MJO está presente. Por exemplo, o número de ciclones com duração a partir de 12 horas para períodos sem MJO foi igual a 146 para os EIR e 130 para os EIE. Já o número de ciclones para períodos com MJO foi igual a 311 para os EIR e 278 para os EIE. Com isso, observa-se claramente o papel da MJO na circulação de latitudes média e possíveis associações com o gelo marinho, pois é sabido que a atividade ciclônica está relacionada à advecção de massas de ar sobre o gelo marinho, além da advecção do próprio gelo marinho. Para investigar em detalhes a interação oceano-atmosfera-gelo marinho foram examinados casos persistentes de EIR e EIE. Os casos mais persistentes de EIR (EIE) tiveram durações de 34 e 30 (26 e 25) dias, sendo esses os casos analisados. Mostra-se que as anomalias intrasazonais da circulação atmosférica em baixos níveis (em 850 hPa) estão associadas a advecções quentes (frias) na proporção de aproximadamente 0,5 1 (0,1 1) m.s-1 em períodos precedentes aos EIR (EIE). No geral, anomalias em latitudes médias da circulação atmosférica ciclônicas (anti-ciclônicas) e divergência (convergência) das correntes oceânicas superficiais aparecem relacionadas à ressurgência (subsidência) da ordem de 0,1 0,3 m2.s-1 em algumas pêntadas anteriores a pêntada que corresponde ao início dos supercasos de EIR (EIE). Os padrões mudam de fase com o tempo, o que sugere a propagação de um padrão de onda em escala intrasazonal. Estas anomalias mostram-se abrangendo dimensões espaciais que compreendem grande parte do setor Pacífico austral, incluindo o mar de Ross. Impactos associados a estas anomalias podem ser verificados diretamente no mar de Ross através das análises da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross. Anomalias intrasazonais negativas (positivas) da concentração do gelo marinho predominam sobre o campo do gelo marinho do mar de Ross nas primeiras pêntadas a partir daquela que indica o início dos casos persistentes de EIR (EIE). Durante os períodos de EIR, as anomalias intrasazonais negativas da concentração do gelo mostram-se da ordem de aproximadamente 5% a 10% no interior do mar de Ross e entre 15% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho de Ross. Já durante os períodos de EIE, as anomalias intrasazonais positivas da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross mostram-se da ordem de 10% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho do mar de Ross. Esse resultado mostra que a resposta do gelo marinho aos padrões atmosféricos e oceânicos em escala intrasazonal possui uma defasagem entre 5 e 1 pêntada(s). No geral, este trabalho cumpriu o objetivo de verificar as respostas do oceano às anomalias da circulação atmosférica e impactos associados no gelo marinho, em escala intrasazonal. / Previous works show that antarctic sea ice variability on several time-scales is close related to tropics-extratropics teleconections mechanisms. Based on this hyphotesis, this work intend to verify the responses in oceanic upper layers of Austral Ocean on intraseasonal time-scale (20-100 days) phenomenom and impacts on sea ice due to anomalous atmospheric circulation associated to the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The period analysed in this study is from 1989 to 2007, with emphasis on winter season and on Ross Sea (located at austral Pacific sector). Lag composities of zonal and meridional intraseasonal wind stress anomalies show that oceanic currents are generated as a response of these atmospheric forcings on austral Pacific sector. Zonal and meridional mass transport on oceanic Ekman layer, which are perpendicular and to the left of wind stress at Southern Hemisphere (SH), indicate that Ekman mass divergence precedes intraseasonal Ross sea ice extreme retraction (EIR). In contrast, convergence precedes the periods of extreme intraseasonal Ross sea ice expantion (EIE). Divergence (convergence) on oceanic Ekman layer associated to intraseasonal Ekman pumping anomalies results in upwelling (downwelling) wich precedes the occurrence of EIR (EIE). Some works have already shown that intermediate antarctic waters, wich are relatively warmer in the wintertime when compared to superficial waters that are next to the freezing point (or freezed), are headed to ocean surface due to Ekman pumping, generating sea ice melt. Intraseasonal anomalies of sea-air heat flux show that days before EIR (EIE) occurrences, the flux is headed from atmosphere to the ocean (from ocean to the atmosphere), which configuration is associated to the earn (loss) of heat at Ross upper ocean. In all compositions, the change of anomalies phase on the days before EI occurrence (positive lags) is clearly noticed and is consistent to the propagations of the mode known as Pacific South American (PSA), revealed in intraseasonal anomalies of geopotencial height at 200 hPa. Furthermore, in some cases (as in the case of Ekman pumping and Sverdrup transport) the anomalies seem to be deplaced southward in active MJO periods than in inactive MJO periods. In inactive MJO periods were observed 15 (13) EIR (EIE) events, while in active MJO periods were observed 25 (24) EIR (EIE) events. Furthermore, the number of cyclones during EIR periods was bigger than during EIE periods. In addiction, more cyclones were observed when MJO is active. For example, the number of cyclones with duration of 6 (12) hours without MJO was equal to 174 (146) during EIR events and 169 (130) during EIE events. However, the number of cyclones with active MJO was equal to 393 (311) in EIR events and 364 (278) in EIE events. In order to investigate in details the interaction between ocean-atmosphere-sea ice, it was examinated persistents cases of EIR and EIE events. The cases more persistents of EIR (EIE) events had durations of 34 and 30 (26 and 25) days, which were the analised cases. It was observed that intraseasonal anomalies of atmospheric circulation at lower levels (in 850 hPa) and intraseasonal anomalies of superficial ocean currents were associates to hot (cold) advection during periods before EIR (EIR) events. In general, the medium latitude cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomalies of atmospheric circulation and divergence (convergence) of superficial ocean currents seem to be linked to upwelling (downwelling) in some pentads before the pentad which is correspondent to the beggining of EIR (EIE) supercases. The patterns observed change their phases along the time, suggesting the propagation of extratropical intraseasonal wave train pattern. Negatives (positives) intraseasonal anomalies of sea ice concentration were observed above Ross Sea in the first pentads after the beggining of EIR (EIE) persistents cases. This result shows that sea ice response to atmospheric and to oceanic patterns on intraseasonal time-scales has a lag between 5 and 1 pentad(s). In general, this work contributed to better understand the oceanic responses due to anomalies in atmospheric circulation and related impacts on sea ice, on intraseasonal time-scale.

Interação trópicos-extratrópicos, relações com o oceano Austral e impactos no gelo marinho antártico / TROPICAL-EXTRATROPICAL INTERATION, RELATIONSHIP WITH AUSTRAL OCEAN AND IMPACTS ON ANTARCTIC SEA ICE

Fabio Ullmann Furtado de Lima 23 August 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos prévios mostram que a variabilidade do gelo marinho antártico em diversas escalas temporais está intimamente relacionada a mecanismos de teleconexões trópicos-extratrópicos. Com base nesta hipótese, este trabalho pretende estabelecer a resposta da passagem dos trens de ondas em latitudes médias, associados a fenômenos de escala intrasazonal (20-100 dias) como a Oscilação de Madden-Julian (Madden-Julian Oscillation ou MJO), nas camadas superiores do Oceano Austral (OA) e impactos no gelo marinho antártico. O período investigado neste estudo é 19892007, com ênfase no inverno e sobre o mar de Ross, localizado no setor Pacífico austral (região diretamente afetada pela passagem dos trens de ondas de latitudes médias). Composições com defasagens (lag composites) de anomalias intrasazonais da tensão de cisalhamento do vento (zonal e meridional) mostram que correntes oceânicas são geradas em resposta a essa forçante atmosférica sobre o oceano no setor Pacífico austral. O transporte zonal e meridional de massa na camada de Ekman oceânica indica que divergência de massa nessa camada precede os eventos extremos intrasazonais de retração do gelo marinho em Ross (EIR). Em contraste, convergência precede períodos de eventos extremos intrasazonais de expansão do gelo marinho em Ross (EIE). A divergência (convergência) de massa na camada de Ekman associada com anomalias intrasazonais do bombeamento de Ekman resulta em ressurgência (subsidência) que precede a ocorrência de EIR (EIE). Alguns trabalhos mostram que águas intermediárias antárticas, que são relativamente mais quentes no inverno em relação às águas superficiais que estão próximas ao ponto de congelamento (ou congeladas), são dirigidas para a superfície do oceano pelo bombeamento de Ekman e ocasionam o derretimento do gelo marinho. Anomalias do transporte meridional de calor na camada de Ekman oceânica mostram que durante os EIR (EIE), calor é transportado para dentro (fora) do mar de Ross entre 15 e 8 dias (12 e 8 dias) precedentes aos EIR (EIE). Anomalias intrasazonais do fluxo de calor na interface ar-mar mostram que precedendo o dia de observação dos EIR (EIE) o fluxo de calor é direcionado da atmosfera para o oceano (do oceano para a atmosfera), sendo essa configuração associada a um ganho (perda) de calor no oceano superior em Ross. Em todas as composições, observa-se a mudança de fase das anomalias nos dias posteriores (lags positivos) ao dia dos EIG e são consistentes com a propagação do modo conhecido como Pacific-South-American (PSA), identificado nesse trabalho por meio de anomalias intrasazonais da altura geopotencial em 200 hPa. Além disso, uma diferença notada em alguns casos nas lag-composities é que em períodos de MJO ativa, as anomalias parecem estar mais deslocadas para o sul do que em períodos de MJO inativa. Em períodos de MJO inativa foram observados 15 (13) eventos de EIR (EIE), enquanto que, em períodos de MJO ativa observou-se 25 (24) eventos de EIR (EIE). Observa-se ainda que há uma maior quantidade de ciclones quando a MJO está presente. Por exemplo, o número de ciclones com duração a partir de 12 horas para períodos sem MJO foi igual a 146 para os EIR e 130 para os EIE. Já o número de ciclones para períodos com MJO foi igual a 311 para os EIR e 278 para os EIE. Com isso, observa-se claramente o papel da MJO na circulação de latitudes média e possíveis associações com o gelo marinho, pois é sabido que a atividade ciclônica está relacionada à advecção de massas de ar sobre o gelo marinho, além da advecção do próprio gelo marinho. Para investigar em detalhes a interação oceano-atmosfera-gelo marinho foram examinados casos persistentes de EIR e EIE. Os casos mais persistentes de EIR (EIE) tiveram durações de 34 e 30 (26 e 25) dias, sendo esses os casos analisados. Mostra-se que as anomalias intrasazonais da circulação atmosférica em baixos níveis (em 850 hPa) estão associadas a advecções quentes (frias) na proporção de aproximadamente 0,5 1 (0,1 1) m.s-1 em períodos precedentes aos EIR (EIE). No geral, anomalias em latitudes médias da circulação atmosférica ciclônicas (anti-ciclônicas) e divergência (convergência) das correntes oceânicas superficiais aparecem relacionadas à ressurgência (subsidência) da ordem de 0,1 0,3 m2.s-1 em algumas pêntadas anteriores a pêntada que corresponde ao início dos supercasos de EIR (EIE). Os padrões mudam de fase com o tempo, o que sugere a propagação de um padrão de onda em escala intrasazonal. Estas anomalias mostram-se abrangendo dimensões espaciais que compreendem grande parte do setor Pacífico austral, incluindo o mar de Ross. Impactos associados a estas anomalias podem ser verificados diretamente no mar de Ross através das análises da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross. Anomalias intrasazonais negativas (positivas) da concentração do gelo marinho predominam sobre o campo do gelo marinho do mar de Ross nas primeiras pêntadas a partir daquela que indica o início dos casos persistentes de EIR (EIE). Durante os períodos de EIR, as anomalias intrasazonais negativas da concentração do gelo mostram-se da ordem de aproximadamente 5% a 10% no interior do mar de Ross e entre 15% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho de Ross. Já durante os períodos de EIE, as anomalias intrasazonais positivas da concentração do gelo marinho em Ross mostram-se da ordem de 10% a 30% nas bordas do gelo marinho do mar de Ross. Esse resultado mostra que a resposta do gelo marinho aos padrões atmosféricos e oceânicos em escala intrasazonal possui uma defasagem entre 5 e 1 pêntada(s). No geral, este trabalho cumpriu o objetivo de verificar as respostas do oceano às anomalias da circulação atmosférica e impactos associados no gelo marinho, em escala intrasazonal. / Previous works show that antarctic sea ice variability on several time-scales is close related to tropics-extratropics teleconections mechanisms. Based on this hyphotesis, this work intend to verify the responses in oceanic upper layers of Austral Ocean on intraseasonal time-scale (20-100 days) phenomenom and impacts on sea ice due to anomalous atmospheric circulation associated to the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The period analysed in this study is from 1989 to 2007, with emphasis on winter season and on Ross Sea (located at austral Pacific sector). Lag composities of zonal and meridional intraseasonal wind stress anomalies show that oceanic currents are generated as a response of these atmospheric forcings on austral Pacific sector. Zonal and meridional mass transport on oceanic Ekman layer, which are perpendicular and to the left of wind stress at Southern Hemisphere (SH), indicate that Ekman mass divergence precedes intraseasonal Ross sea ice extreme retraction (EIR). In contrast, convergence precedes the periods of extreme intraseasonal Ross sea ice expantion (EIE). Divergence (convergence) on oceanic Ekman layer associated to intraseasonal Ekman pumping anomalies results in upwelling (downwelling) wich precedes the occurrence of EIR (EIE). Some works have already shown that intermediate antarctic waters, wich are relatively warmer in the wintertime when compared to superficial waters that are next to the freezing point (or freezed), are headed to ocean surface due to Ekman pumping, generating sea ice melt. Intraseasonal anomalies of sea-air heat flux show that days before EIR (EIE) occurrences, the flux is headed from atmosphere to the ocean (from ocean to the atmosphere), which configuration is associated to the earn (loss) of heat at Ross upper ocean. In all compositions, the change of anomalies phase on the days before EI occurrence (positive lags) is clearly noticed and is consistent to the propagations of the mode known as Pacific South American (PSA), revealed in intraseasonal anomalies of geopotencial height at 200 hPa. Furthermore, in some cases (as in the case of Ekman pumping and Sverdrup transport) the anomalies seem to be deplaced southward in active MJO periods than in inactive MJO periods. In inactive MJO periods were observed 15 (13) EIR (EIE) events, while in active MJO periods were observed 25 (24) EIR (EIE) events. Furthermore, the number of cyclones during EIR periods was bigger than during EIE periods. In addiction, more cyclones were observed when MJO is active. For example, the number of cyclones with duration of 6 (12) hours without MJO was equal to 174 (146) during EIR events and 169 (130) during EIE events. However, the number of cyclones with active MJO was equal to 393 (311) in EIR events and 364 (278) in EIE events. In order to investigate in details the interaction between ocean-atmosphere-sea ice, it was examinated persistents cases of EIR and EIE events. The cases more persistents of EIR (EIE) events had durations of 34 and 30 (26 and 25) days, which were the analised cases. It was observed that intraseasonal anomalies of atmospheric circulation at lower levels (in 850 hPa) and intraseasonal anomalies of superficial ocean currents were associates to hot (cold) advection during periods before EIR (EIR) events. In general, the medium latitude cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomalies of atmospheric circulation and divergence (convergence) of superficial ocean currents seem to be linked to upwelling (downwelling) in some pentads before the pentad which is correspondent to the beggining of EIR (EIE) supercases. The patterns observed change their phases along the time, suggesting the propagation of extratropical intraseasonal wave train pattern. Negatives (positives) intraseasonal anomalies of sea ice concentration were observed above Ross Sea in the first pentads after the beggining of EIR (EIE) persistents cases. This result shows that sea ice response to atmospheric and to oceanic patterns on intraseasonal time-scales has a lag between 5 and 1 pentad(s). In general, this work contributed to better understand the oceanic responses due to anomalies in atmospheric circulation and related impacts on sea ice, on intraseasonal time-scale.

HR-partnerns spelrum i verksamheten : Om tillhörighet, omgivning och krav på mätbarhet / The latitude of the HR-partner in the business

Eriksson, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Ofta hämtas forskning inom Human Resource (HR) och Human Resource Management (HRM) från företagsekonomiska institutioner. Begreppsbildningen präglas av management och organisationsteori med fokus hur funktionen skapar det bästa värdet för organisationen. Här finns som jag ser det en lucka att fylla. Det här är en uppsats i den praktiska kunskapens teori. Med utgångspunkt i främst hermeneutiken samt Dreyfus och Dreyfus inlärningssteg undersöker jag HR-partnerns yrkeskunnande och jag problematiserar handlingsutrymmets betydelse för detta yrkeskunnande. Jag har genomfört fyra djupintervjuer med två HR-partners, en HR-chef och en chef som är kund hos HR-avdelningen. Uppsatsen visar att i den kommun jag undersökt och givit det fingerade namnet Ärlanda, inte främst är de formella strukturerna som avgör hur HR-partnern handlar. Ju bättre förvaltningens förväntningar stämmer överens med HR-funktionens uppdrag och den enskilda HR-medarbetarens samlade kunskap och erfarenhet, desto större blir handlingsutrymmet. Det leder till att HR partnern kan handla och arbeta förebyggande och långsiktigt. Risken som jag ser är att HR-funktionen i sin strävan att utgöra ett professionellt HR-stöd med standardiserade rutiner som underlättar för organisationens chefer även låser fast sin egen yrkesutövning vid enklare rutinartade arbetsuppgifter. På sikt riskeras att förmågan att handla klokt i den enskilda situationen gå förlorad. / It is common, that research in the area of Human Resource (HR) and Human Resource Management (HRM),  is placed at schools of business and administration. The conceptualization is characterized by management and organization theory, focusing on how the function creates the best value for the organization. Here, as I see it, is a gap to fill. This essay, built on the theory of practical knowledge, is primarily based on hermeneutics and Dreyfus and Dreyfus's learning theory.  I investigate the professional skills of the HR-partner and I problematize about the importance of the latitude of the HR partner's professional skills. I have conducted four deep interviewers with; two HR-partners, one HR-manager, and one manager who is the customer of the services of the HR-department. The essay shows that in the municipality I have investigated, which I have given the fictive name Ärlanda, it is not primarily the formal structures that determine how the HR-partner is acting. The latitude for the HR-partner to act and use all his or her work skills is dependent upon a consistency between the expectations of the business, the mission of the HR-department and the individual HR employee's experiences. This will give a space to act in prevention and work with issues at the long range term. Otherwise, as I see it, there is a risk in the endeavor of the HR-department to provide professional HR support with standardized procedures that ease the work of the managers in the organization. This risk is that the professional skills of the HR-partner get occupied by the routine assignments. In the long run, this will be at the expense of the ability to act wisely in the specific situation.

Écophysiologie de l'épinette noire des pessières à mousses et à lichens nordiques

Dally-Bélanger, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Les changements climatiques sont susceptibles d’affecter la croissance, le développement et la régénération des pessières noires de la forêt boréale. Les échecs de régénération dans les pessières à mousses (PM) de l’ouest du Québec causent des trouées dans la mosaïque forestière dense et augmentent la proportion de pessières à lichens (PL) dans le paysage. Les objectifs de l’étude sont de déterminer si les caractéristiques contrastantes des PM et des PL engendrent différents taux de photosynthèse maximale (Amax) chez les épinettes noires sur un gradient latitudinal ou saisonnier. Ensuite, l’étude tentera de déterminer si le Amax des individus reflète leurs capacités physiologiques par leur taux de carboxylation maximal (Vcmax) et de transport des électrons maximal (Jmax) extraits de courbes de réponse au CO2. Les taux de Vcmax et Jmax sont différents entre les PM et les PL car l’acquisition de ces nutriments semble différente. La latitude influence les valeurs de Vcmax et Jmax, mais l’effet serait causé par les caractéristiques floristiques et la composition du sol des placettes plutôt que par la latitude. Les capacités physiologiques ne se reflètent pas dans les valeurs de Amax, autant pour le type de peuplement que la latitude, car Amax serait limité par la concentration en CO2 qui ne permet pas la saturation de l’enzyme rubisco. Malgré l’absence de différence entre le Amax des PM et des PL, l’augmentation de la concentration en CO2 et de la température risque de créer un écart de Amax entre les types de peuplement, considérant leurs capacités physiologiques différentes. / Climate change is likely to affect the growth, development and regeneration of black spruce stands across the boreal forest. Regeneration failures cause gaps in the dense black spruce-feathermoss (BSFM) mosaic increasing the landscape proportion of open lichen-woodland (LW). The aims of the study are to determine whether the contrasting characteristics of BSFM and LW induce different light-saturated maximum photosynthesis (Amax) in black spruce trees across a latitudinal or seasonal gradient. Then the study will attempt to determine if Amax is likely to reflect their physiological capacities based on their maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) and maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) derived from CO2 response curves. Vcmax and Jmax are different between BSFM and LW mainly because nutrient acquisition seems different between stand types. Latitude affects values of Vcmax and Jmax, but the effect could be explained by soil and vegetation composition between experimental plots rather than by latitude. Physiological capacities do not match Amax values for stand type and latitude because Amax would be limited by CO2 concentration which does not allow saturation of rubisco. Despite the lack of difference between the Amax of BSFM and LW stands, future increase in CO2 concentration and temperature could induce a gap between their respective photosynthesis rates because of their different physiological capacities.

Analýza přesnosti výsledků astronomického určení polohy / Accuracy Analysis of Astronomical Positioning Results

Jalovecký, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of results accuracy of astronomical positioning. It describes observation methods and the latest surveying systems used in geodetic astronomy. Further in the thesis there is the description of surveying system MAAS-1. Subject of the elaboration is the data obtained by measuring with this system. Testing is focused on digital camera. There is also an analysis of the results of geographical coordinates, depending on the accuracy of determining the angled pixel size and also on the accuracy of the input coordinates.

GIS-based Episode Reconstruction Using GPS Data for Activity Analysis and Route Choice Modeling / GIS-based Episode Reconstruction Using GPS Data

Dalumpines, Ron 26 September 2014 (has links)
Most transportation problems arise from individual travel decisions. In response, transportation researchers had been studying individual travel behavior – a growing trend that requires activity data at individual level. Global positioning systems (GPS) and geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to capture and process individual activity data, from determining activity locations to mapping routes to these locations. Potential applications of GPS data seem limitless but our tools and methods to make these data usable lags behind. In response to this need, this dissertation presents a GIS-based toolkit to automatically extract activity episodes from GPS data and derive information related to these episodes from additional data (e.g., road network, land use). The major emphasis of this dissertation is the development of a toolkit for extracting information associated with movements of individuals from GPS data. To be effective, the toolkit has been developed around three design principles: transferability, modularity, and scalability. Two substantive chapters focus on selected components of the toolkit (map-matching, mode detection); another for the entire toolkit. Final substantive chapter demonstrates the toolkit’s potential by comparing route choice models of work and shop trips using inputs generated by the toolkit. There are several tools and methods that capitalize on GPS data, developed within different problem domains. This dissertation contributes to that repository of tools and methods by presenting a suite of tools that can extract all possible information that can be derived from GPS data. Unlike existing tools cited in the transportation literature, the toolkit has been designed to be complete (covers preprocessing up to extracting route attributes), and can work with GPS data alone or in combination with additional data. Moreover, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of route choice decisions for work and shop trips by looking into the combined effects of route attributes and individual characteristics. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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